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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

O l??dico no processo formativo de professores e no exerc??cio da doc??ncia

Santos, Camille Anjos de Oliveira 13 June 2016 (has links)
Submitted by Sara Ribeiro (sara.ribeiro@ucb.br) on 2017-07-13T18:49:27Z No. of bitstreams: 1 CamilleAnjosDissertacao2016.pdf: 1093173 bytes, checksum: 8ae404c119a9498adb807bd09db8731b (MD5) / Approved for entry into archive by Sara Ribeiro (sara.ribeiro@ucb.br) on 2017-07-13T18:49:44Z (GMT) No. of bitstreams: 1 CamilleAnjosDissertacao2016.pdf: 1093173 bytes, checksum: 8ae404c119a9498adb807bd09db8731b (MD5) / Made available in DSpace on 2017-07-13T18:49:44Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 CamilleAnjosDissertacao2016.pdf: 1093173 bytes, checksum: 8ae404c119a9498adb807bd09db8731b (MD5) Previous issue date: 2016-06-13 / This research, qualitative, aimed to verify the relevance of the playful in the formation of the pedagogue of Higher Education Institution (HEI) of the Distrito Federal and in the teaching profession in early childhood education and early years of elementary school to enhance the teaching process and full learning. To support theoretical way this research, we sought to understand the playful from its presence in culture, history and education over the years The playful was also regarded as objective activity, exposed in play and play and subjective, revealed as a state of wholeness. Turned up also the history of the formation of the pedagogue in Brazil, the playful presence in the teaching method of many educators and playful teacher training. As data collection instrument was used semi-structured interviews, document analysis and non-participant observation. Participated in the interviews 8 teachers, Faculty of Education graduates of HEI researched, the document analyzed were the Political and Educational Institutional Project, the Educational Project Course of Faculty of Education from the year 2008 and 2010. Three observations in classroom of teachers were made which also responded to the interview, two observations occurred in Early Childhood Education and a 3rd year in elementary school. Concludes that teachers consider important to work with the playful in their formative process, because in practice they need this element to make your student is interested in new knowledge and learn significantly, but the HEI has not considerable space so that the playfulness is a fundamental premise to be worked on teacher training. Indeed, in the teaching profession we determined the presence of playful teaching and the impact of this dimension in the process of teaching and learning. / Esta pesquisa, de natureza qualitativa, buscou verificar a relev??ncia do l??dico na forma????o do pedagogo de Institui????o de Ensino Superior (IES) do Distrito Federal e no exerc??cio da doc??ncia tanto na Educa????o Infantil quanto nos anos iniciais do Ensino Fundamental para potencializar o processo de ensino e aprendizagem integral. Para embasar de maneira te??rica esta pesquisa, buscou-se compreender o l??dico a partir de sua presen??a na cultura, na hist??ria e na educa????o ao longo dos anos. O l??dico tamb??m foi conceituado como atividade objetiva, exposta no jogar e no brincar e subjetiva, revelado como um estado de plenitude. Recorreu-se, ainda, ?? hist??ria da forma????o do pedagogo no Brasil, ?? presen??a do l??dico no m??todo de ensino de v??rios educadores e ao l??dico na forma????o de professores. Como instrumento de coleta de dados, foram utilizadas: entrevistas semiestruturadas, an??lises documentais e observa????es n??o participantes. Participaram das entrevistas oito professores egressos do curso de Pedagogia da IES pesquisada; os documentos analisados foram o Projeto Pol??tico-Pedag??gico Institucional (PPI) e o Projeto Pedag??gico de Curso (PPC), de 2008 e 2010, do curso de Pedagogia. Ademais, registraram-se tr??s observa????es em turmas de professoras que tamb??m responderam ?? entrevista ?????? duas na Educa????o Infantil e uma no 3?? ano do Ensino Fundamental. Constatou-se que os professores consideram importante o emprego do l??dico no processo formativo, pois, na pr??tica, eles necessitam deste elemento para despertar no estudante o interesse pelo novo saber, melhorando, assim, o aprendizado. No entanto, a despeito destas constata????es, a IES, muitas vezes, n??o abre espa??o para que o l??dico seja uma premissa fundamental para aprimorar a forma????o dos professores. Destarte, no exerc??cio da doc??ncia, foi poss??vel constatar a presen??a da did??tica l??dica e seu impacto positivo no processo de ensino e aprendizagem.

O Exame Nacional do Ensino M?dio (ENEM) e suas repercuss?es na avalia??o da aprendizagem de Geografia / The High School National Exam (ENEM) and its repercussion in the evaluation of Geography learning process

Oliveira J?nior, Roberto Jos? de 24 November 2017 (has links)
Submitted by Automa??o e Estat?stica (sst@bczm.ufrn.br) on 2018-03-13T14:08:07Z No. of bitstreams: 1 RobertoJoseDeOliveiraJunior_DISSERT.pdf: 4558013 bytes, checksum: ae1fd02e52749f7856f3376116d58668 (MD5) / Approved for entry into archive by Arlan Eloi Leite Silva (eloihistoriador@yahoo.com.br) on 2018-03-20T11:11:30Z (GMT) No. of bitstreams: 1 RobertoJoseDeOliveiraJunior_DISSERT.pdf: 4558013 bytes, checksum: ae1fd02e52749f7856f3376116d58668 (MD5) / Made available in DSpace on 2018-03-20T11:11:30Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 RobertoJoseDeOliveiraJunior_DISSERT.pdf: 4558013 bytes, checksum: ae1fd02e52749f7856f3376116d58668 (MD5) Previous issue date: 2017-11-24 / Pensar em avalia??o no ensino de Geografia tamb?m ? pensar a doc?ncia e seus contextos socioeducativos, o que inclui o espa?o e a cultura escolar, o tempo e os sujeitos envolvidos nessa tessitura. Ao considerar os estudos a respeito da pr?tica docente e avalia??o da aprendizagem, o presente trabalho tem como objetivo analisar a influ?ncia do Exame Nacional do Ensino M?dio (ENEM) nos procedimentos de avalia??o utilizados por professores de Geografia, em turmas concluintes do Ensino M?dio de escolas p?blicas de Natal-RN. Para isso, o trabalho se fundamenta teoricamente em autores que est?o na interface entre a Geografia, o ensino, e a educa??o, a exemplo de estudiosos como Santos (2006), Morin (2014), Cavalcanti (1998), Vesentini (2009/2013), Tardif (2002), Zabala (1998), Luckesi (2011) e Lib?neo (2013). O estudo foi desenvolvido a partir de pesquisa explorat?ria realizada em cinco escolas p?blicas de Natal-RN, com participa??o de 5 professores de Geografia e 218 estudantes concluintes do Ensino M?dio. Metodologicamente foi realizado levantamento de dados nos microdados do Instituto Nacional de Estudos e Pesquisas Educacionais An?sio Teixeira (INEP) e, com a finalidade de definir o recorte emp?rico, foi utilizada a t?cnica da amostragem probabil?stica para escolha das escolas pesquisadas. Utilizamos a abordagem qualitativa para a coleta e tratamento dos dados, obtidos por meio de observa??o participante; uso de di?rio de campo; question?rios aplicados com estudantes; entrevistas semiestruturadas com professores de Geografia; coleta e an?lise documental. O contato com o espa?o escolar e os resultados obtidos mostraram que, com embasamento nos direcionamentos propostos pelo Novo ENEM, ? poss?vel se pensar em procedimentos e estrat?gias de avalia??o mais contextualizadas com a realidade vivida nas escolas p?blicas. Todavia, constatou-se a exist?ncia de desafios consider?veis quando relacionamos a proposta de avalia??o preconizada no Novo ENEM e os registros verificados nas escolas p?blicas participantes da pesquisa, assim como nos relatos expostos pelos estudantes e docentes dessas institui??es: condi??es infraestruturais que n?o potencializam o ensino e a aprendizagem, aus?ncia de atividades de forma??o continuada para os docentes (principalmente relacionadas ? avalia??o da aprendizagem e sobre o ENEM), entre outros desafios. Portanto, a??es pedag?gicas e de pesquisas, as quais busquem investigar os processos de avalia??o no ensino e na aprendizagem de Geografia, s?o fundamentais, pois contribuem para reflex?o cr?tica e direcionam/sensibilizam um processo formativo mais significativo de constru??o do conhecimento geogr?fico nas escolas de Educa??o B?sica. / Thinking about evaluation in Geography teaching is also thinking about teaching and its socio-educational contexts, which includes school culture and space, the time and those who are involved in this process. Considering the studies regarding to teaching practice and learning evaluation, this work aims to analyze the influence of the High School National Exam (ENEM) in the procedures of evaluation used by Geography teachers in senior high school classes in public schools of Natal, RN. Therefore, this work is theoretically based on authors who are at the interface between Geography, Teaching and Education, such as Santos (2006), Morin (2014), Cavalcanti (1998), Vesentini (2009/2013), Tardif (2002), Zabala (1998), Luckesi (2011) and Lib?neo (2013). The study was developed from an exploratory survey conducted in five public schools of Natal, with the participation of 5 Geography teachers and 218 senior high school students. Methodologically, data collection was carried out in microdata of Instituto Nacional de Estudos e Pesquisas Educacionais An?sio Teixeira (INEP) and, for the purpose of defining empirical cut-off, it was used the probabilistic sampling technique for choosing the schools. Qualitative approach was used for the collection and processing of data, obtained through participant observation, field diary, questionnaires for the students, semi-structured interviews with the Geography teachers involved, collection and document analysis. The contact with school and the results obtained showed that, based on the guidelines proposed by the New ENEM, it is possible to think about evaluation procedures and strategies more contextualized with the reality lived in public schools. However, there were considerable challenges when we relate the proposal of the evaluation recommended by the New ENEM to the existent records in the participant public schools, as well as in the reports presented by the students and teachers of these institutions: infrastructure conditions that do not potentialize the teaching and learning process, absence of activities of continuing education courses for teachers (specially those related to learning evaluation and to ENEM), among other challenges. Thus, pedagogical and research actions, which seek to investigate the processes of evaluation in the teaching and learning of Geography, are fundamental, for they contribute to critical thinking and lead / sensitize to a more meaningful formative process of Geographical knowledge construction in Basic Education schools.

Forma??o docente continuada no projeto ?Trajet?rias Criativas? de uma escola no munic?pio de Alvorada, RS

Silva, K?tia Oliveira 09 January 2018 (has links)
Submitted by PPG Educa??o (educacao-pg@pucrs.br) on 2018-03-15T14:10:18Z No. of bitstreams: 1 K?tia Oliveira Silva.pdf: 1055941 bytes, checksum: d9fd8e2d88ade648ca728d489246fbe4 (MD5) / Approved for entry into archive by Tatiana Lopes (tatiana.lopes@pucrs.br) on 2018-03-23T14:01:36Z (GMT) No. of bitstreams: 1 K?tia Oliveira Silva.pdf: 1055941 bytes, checksum: d9fd8e2d88ade648ca728d489246fbe4 (MD5) / Made available in DSpace on 2018-03-23T14:07:23Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 K?tia Oliveira Silva.pdf: 1055941 bytes, checksum: d9fd8e2d88ade648ca728d489246fbe4 (MD5) Previous issue date: 2018-01-09 / Coordena??o de Aperfei?oamento de Pessoal de N?vel Superior - CAPES / This dissertation investigates the continuing formation of five teachers who are part of an educational action called "Creative Trajectories (TC)" at a public school in the city of Alvorada, Metropolitan Region of Porto Alegre / RS. Educational action that is based on the development of authorship, of creation, autonomy and protagonism of young people aged 15 to 17 who did not complete Primary School. The investigative question consisted in know is, how happens the continuous formation of the teachers of the Creative Trajectory Project. It was a qualitative study based on the Participant Research, which used participant observation with information in the field diary, conversation wheels (in the B.S. School and in the UFRGS) in the collection of information, questionnaires, interviews and reading and document analysis. According to the production of the information and, in a special way, the transcription of the subjects' speeches, I made the intersection of these with the theories and the discussion proposal. The conclusive analysis of the dissertation was that the continuous training of the professionals of the Creative Trajectory Project is basically based on the daily classroom and pedagogic activities, which are directly linked to the context of the students. Teachers also use the space of pedagogical meetings to exchange experiences and promote shared learning among peers. They expand their knowledge through online courses and presential classes of fewer hours and participate in the courses offered by the College of Application (UFRGS) in the socalled immersions. Faced with this situation, it is possible to affirm that continuing teacher education lacks more specific and characteristic themes about the realities of youth, and that these teachers struggle against the precariousness of the world in in teaching struggling to keep up to date. Each of these professionals presented an untiring search for the knowledge necessary to teach, especially with the youth of the TC, becoming, themselves, autonomous authors of their knowledge, protagonists in the pedagogical action of each new day, creators of situations and proposals involving both for them as well as for the students Exactly what the Creative Trajectory Project intends to accomplish with the youth that participate in it. / Essa disserta??o investiga a forma??o docente continuada de cinco docentes que fazem parte de uma a??o educativa chamada ?Trajet?rias Criativas (TC)?, numa escola da Rede P?blica no munic?pio de Alvorada, Regi?o Metropolitana de Porto Alegre/RS. Esta a??o educativa est? baseada no desenvolvimento da autoria, da cria??o, da autonomia e do protagonismo de jovens de 15 a 17 anos que n?o conclu?ram o Ensino Fundamental. A pergunta investigativa consistiu em saber como acontece a forma??o continuada dos docentes do Projeto Trajet?rias Criativas. Foi um estudo qualitativo a partir da Pesquisa Participante, que utilizou na coleta de informa??es a observa??o participante com registros no di?rio de campo, rodas de conversas (na Escola B.S. e na UFRGS), question?rios, entrevistas e leitura e an?lise de documentos. De acordo com a produ??o das informa??es e, de modo especial, a transcri??o das falas dos sujeitos, entrecruzei essas com as teorias e com a proposta de discuss?o. A an?lise conclusiva da disserta??o foi de que a forma??o continuada dos profissionais do Projeto Trajet?rias Criativas acontece, basicamente, a partir do cotidiano da sala de aula e do fazer pedag?gico, os quais est?o diretamente vinculados ao contexto dos estudantes. Os docentes tamb?m utilizam o espa?o das reuni?es pedag?gicas para a troca de experi?ncias e a promo??o de aprendizagens compartilhadas entre os pares. Ampliam seus conhecimentos atrav?s de cursos online e presenciais de menor carga hor?ria e participam das forma??es oferecidas pelo Col?gio de Aplica??o (UFRGS), nas chamadas imers?es. Diante desse quadro, ? poss?vel afirmar que forma??o docente continuada carece de temas mais espec?ficos e caracter?sticos sobre as realidades das juventudes e que esses docentes lutam contra as precariedades do mundo na doc?ncia teimando em manter-se atualizados. Cada um desses profissionais apresentou uma incans?vel busca pelo conhecimento necess?rio ? doc?ncia, sobretudo com as juventudes do TC, tornando-se, eles pr?prios, autores aut?nomos do seu conhecimento, protagonistas na a??o pedag?gica de cada novo dia, criadores de situa??es e propostas envolventes tanto para eles quanto para os alunos e alunas. Exatamente o que o Projeto Trajet?rias Criativas se prop?e a realizar com as juventudes que dele participam.

O papel da disciplina de Filosofia nos cursos superiores de administra??o / The role of the suject philosophy in the administration college courses

Vieira, S?rgio Eduardo Fazanaro 06 December 2007 (has links)
Made available in DSpace on 2016-04-04T18:32:41Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 Sergio Eduardo Fazanaro Vieira.pdf: 22108800 bytes, checksum: b920f3ff83f5858b657345c4c449e378 (MD5) Previous issue date: 2007-12-06 / This research aims to verify the contribution of Philosophy as a school subject to Administration college courses. The focus given to the study has as an object of analysis a College institution from the interior of the state of S?o Paulo, which propagates differed teaching quality, putting top professionals in the job market, according to the means of publishing of the institution itself. The project analyses the function that the subject Philosophy is given when inserted in the school curriculum of a course out of the plain universe of the epistemologic reflection, facing the challenges of practical and dynamic activity of the administrative quotidian. The methodology used consists of a qualitative investigation that gathers a bibliographical study on the theme, application of semistructured questionnaires pertinent to the teacher s performance and to the student s view before the pedagogic proposal of the institution. The present study is concentrated on the analysis of the collected data from the proposal of an excellence teaching, contextualizing the philosophical thinking in the conflicting and disparate realities of the market and policies ruling the administrative relationships. / Esta pesquisa tem por finalidade verificar a contribui??o da Disciplina de Filosofia nos cursos superiores de Administra??o. O recorte dado ao estudo tem como objeto de an?lise uma Institui??o de Ensino Superior no interior do Estado de S?o Paulo, que propaga qualidade de ensino diferenciada, formando, segundo os ve?culos de divulga??o da pr?pria Institui??o, a elite profissional para o mercado de trabalho. O projeto analisa a fun??o que a disciplina de Filosofia recebe ao ser inserida na grade curricular de um curso fora do universo puro da reflex?o epistemol?gica, enfrentando os desafios da atividade pr?tica e din?mica da administra??o. A metodologia utilizada constitui-se de uma pesquisa qualitativa reunindo um estudo bibliogr?fico sobre o tema, aplica??o de question?rios semi-estruturados pertinentes ? atua??o docente e ? vis?o discente frente ? proposta pedag?gica da institui??o. Tamb?m se estuda que contribui??o a disciplina em pauta d? ? forma??o do profissional esperado. O estudo est? focado na an?lise dos dados levantados a partir da proposta de um ensino de excel?ncia, contextualizando o pensar filos?fico, nas realidades contradit?rias e desiguais do mercado e das pol?ticas que regem as rela??es administrativas.

Poesia na sala de aula: um exerc?cio ?tico e est?tico / Poetry in the classroom: an ethical and esthetic exercise

Neves, Cynthia Agra de Brito 04 August 2008 (has links)
Made available in DSpace on 2016-04-04T18:32:46Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 Cynthia Agra de Brito Neves.pdf: 1079788 bytes, checksum: fd6d004c284c30a3c2d4488d3bb183fe (MD5) Previous issue date: 2008-08-04 / This study is part of the line of research of Pedagogical Practices and the Formation of the Educator. It shows how poetry has been worked into high school literature classes in public and private schools in the State of S?o Paulo and how contemporary student readers have accepted poetry texts. Interest in this research came from the teacher-researcher who, as a lover of poetry, shares poetic readings with her students and observes the surprise and enchantment that the poetic text can offer to dynamics in the classroom. Initially, theoretical references were sought that could justify the importance of ethics and esthetics for teaching art, poetry and erudite literature in the schools; this was followed by an historical reflection about the roots of poetry in the Greco-Latin tradition, as well as studying the nascent relation between poetry and education in ancient times until the arrival of this pedagogical tradition in national soil. Also, according to an historical perspective, certain moments were pointed out concerning significant changes in the history of reading, books, literature and the concept of poetry in education from ancient times to the modern era. Afterwards, empirical research was done using the methodology of taped oral interviews with teachers of Portuguese in both types of schools in the State. The purpose was to investigate what they understand as poetic and how to create teaching-learning of literature through poetry in the schools where they teach, which led to running into criticism and suggestions from the educators. The voice of the teachers was analyzed in dialogues with authors of educational theory and education. The conclusion was that poetry, reflection on language, non-submission and pleasure deserve privileged space in school discourse. / Esta disserta??o, inserida na linha de pesquisa Pr?ticas Pedag?gicas e Forma??o do Educador, mostra como a poesia tem sido trabalhada nas aulas de literatura do Ensino M?dio de escolas da rede p?blica e privada de ensino do estado de S?o Paulo e como os alunos-leitores contempor?neos t?m recepcionado o texto po?tico. O interesse por esta pesquisa nasceu da experi?ncia da professora-pesquisadora, que ? amante da poesia e, portanto, compartilha leituras po?ticas com os alunos, atentando para o estranhamento e para o encantamento que o texto po?tico ? capaz de proporcionar nas din?micas em sala de aula. Buscaram-se, inicialmente, referenciais te?ricos que justificassem a import?ncia ?tica e est?tica de se ensinar arte, poesia e literatura erudita na escola; em seguida, uma reflex?o hist?rica acerca das ra?zes da poesia na cultura ocidental greco-latina, bem como pesquisou-se o ber?o da rela??o poesia-educa??o na Antig?idade at? o ingresso dessa tradi??o pedag?gica em solo nacional. Ainda dentro de uma perspectiva hist?rica, foram assinalados momentos de ruptura que mudaram significativamente a hist?ria da leitura, do livro, da literatura e da concep??o de poesia na educa??o, da Antig?idade ? Idade Moderna. A partir de ent?o, chegou-se ? pesquisa emp?rica, cuja metodologia consistiu em entrevistas orais gravadas com docentes de l?ngua portuguesa de ambas as redes de ensino do estado, a fim de investigar o que entendem como po?tico e como se constr?i o ensino-aprendizagem da literatura atrav?s da poesia nas escolas onde lecionam, deparando-se, neste processo, com cr?ticas e sugest?es dos educadores. Analisou-se a voz dos professores em di?logo com autores da teoria liter?ria e da educa??o para se concluir que a poesia, linguagem de reflex?o, insubmiss?o e prazer, merece espa?o privilegiado dentre os discursos escolares.

O uso do e-mail como ferramenta did?tico-pedag?gica: uma an?lise sobre o discurso de professores de uma institui??o de ensino superior / Using e-mail as a didactic-pedagogical tool: an analysis of the discourse of professors in an Institution of higher learning

Miranda J?nior, Levi Pinto de 28 February 2005 (has links)
Made available in DSpace on 2016-04-04T18:32:58Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 Levi Pinto de Miranda Junior.pdf: 319498 bytes, checksum: 8633f7378b85061fdf577aa01b59f57a (MD5) Previous issue date: 2005-02-28 / This work follows the line of research University, Teaching and Formation of Teachers. Its principal objective is to analyze the discourse of professors in an Institution of Higher Learning in the State of S?o Paulo about the use of e-mail as a didactic-pedagogical resource. Afier signing a free consent agreement, 50 professors at the Institution answered a questionnaire containing questions about their professional profile and their knowledge about computers, Internet and e-mail. Results indicated that 48 (96.0%) professors have access to computers; 88.0% use them to send and receive e-mail; and 72.0% send didactic material to their students through this system. The participants agree that the computer is a good support for learning and that by means of it classes can be more interesting. Regarding the interactivity provided by using e-mail, 96.0% agree that it facilitates professor/student interaction as well as student/student interaction; furthermore, 90.0% agree that with the use of e-mail educational objectives are easier to reach. In the light of the results obtained, we recommend that professors of Higher Education be aware of the technological resources available in order to reflect on the use of these diverse tools, among which can be found e-mail, in the teaching-learning process. / Este trabalho se insere na linha de pesquisa Universidade, Doc?ncia e Forma??o de Professores e teve como objetivo principal analisar o discurso de professores de uma Institui??o de Ensino Superior do interior do Estado de S?o Paulo sobre o uso do e-mail como recurso did?tico-pedag?gico. Participaram da pesquisa 50 professores da referida Institui??o e a eles foi aplicado, ap?s a assinatura do Termo de Consentimento Livre e Esclarecido, um question?rio com perguntas referentes ao perfil dos participantes e a seus conhecimentos acerca de computadores, da Internet e do e-mail. Os resultados indicaram que 48 (96,0%) professores t?m acesso a computadores e que 88,0% o utilizam para o envio e recebimento de e-mail, enquanto 72,0% disseram enviar material did?tico para seus alunos atrav?s deste sistema. Os participantes concordam que o computador ? um bom suporte para a aprendizagem e que atrav?s dele as aulas podem se tornar mais interessantes. Quanto ? interatividade proporcionada pelo uso do e-mail, 96,0% concordam que ela facilita tanto a intera??o professor/aluno, quanto a intera??o aluno/aluno; al?m disso, 90,0% concordam que com o uso do e-mail os objetivos educacionais s?o alcan?ados mais facilmente. Em vista dos resultados obtidos, recomendamos que os professores de Ensino Superior estejam atentos aos recursos tecnol?gicos dispon?veis, de forma a refletirem sobre o uso de diversas ferramentas, entre elas o e-mail no processo de ensino-aprendizagem.

Representa????es sociais da doc??ncia no ensino m??dio: um olhar sobre g??nero

Paula, Stefany Langamer de 17 February 2016 (has links)
Submitted by Kelson Anthony de Menezes (kelson@ucb.br) on 2016-12-08T18:03:12Z No. of bitstreams: 1 StefanyLangamerdePaulaDissertacao2016.pdf: 2455936 bytes, checksum: 93e02a9afc0fe9b2c9b1f1e823af5e1d (MD5) / Made available in DSpace on 2016-12-08T18:03:12Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 StefanyLangamerdePaulaDissertacao2016.pdf: 2455936 bytes, checksum: 93e02a9afc0fe9b2c9b1f1e823af5e1d (MD5) Previous issue date: 2016-02-17 / The schooling in Brazil started basically in a segregated and masculinized manner. Along with the Jesuits departure from the school control and with the formal education opening for the whole population, the access to education has been allowed to women, under the justification of the need these women being prepared to take care of their children and also the home environment. In the period of Brazilian Republic, with the women's entrance into the workforce and followed by teaching for a living, men tended to go for other professions and started the process of feminization of teaching, creating then a representation for the one who dedicated to this profession. However, statistics show that the prevailing of female teaching in high school is not so discrepant, so that, it is supposed that the social representation over the high school educator is different from the fundamental school. From this panorama, this research had as a goal investigate and analyze the teaching Genre Social Representations among male and female high school teachers, focusing the discussion about the space destination reserved initially for each genre. The research subjects were 16 teachers who teach for high school in Brazilian Distrito Federal public education system, being 8 men and 8 women. To collect the data, it was used the software IRAMUTEQ R. The analysis happened under the light of Moscovici???s Social Representations Theory and genre theories, using Laurence Bardin???s content analysis. As an outcome, it has been noticed various social representation elements composing on elementary level teachers which are still present on high school teachers, such as, patience, flexibility, and affection, however, an strongly valued aspect was the use of authority in classroom, and this has been taken as the easier tool to be used by those teachers. The teaching also has been presented as a work opportunity and along with the vulnerability perception joined with the sense of a depreciated profession. Another finding of the research was the spotting the ambiguous identity which the teaching lives, whereas sometimes is marked by work and in other professions. Yet, it???s been noticed that from the search for continuous qualification and formation, those teachers long for getting closer to the professionals category. They seek so, contribute to the reflection for new ways to teaching representation, these ways which generate less inequalities and violence expressions that has been stricken us that much. / A escolariza????o no Brasil come??ou basicamente de forma classista e masculina. Com a retirada dos jesu??tas do controle da escola e com a abertura do ensino para toda a popula????o, permitiuse ??s mulheres o acesso ao ensino, sob a justificativa da necessidade dessas terem uma melhor prepara????o para cuidar dos filhos e da esfera dom??stica. No per??odo da Rep??blica, com a entrada das mulheres no mercado de trabalho e consequentemente no exerc??cio da doc??ncia, os homens tenderam a ir para outras profiss??es e houve o processo de feminiza????o do magist??rio, criando-se assim uma representa????o para o indiv??duo que a essa profiss??o se candidatasse. No entanto, as estat??sticas mostram que a preval??ncia de professoras no ensino m??dio n??o se apresenta de forma t??o discrepante, dessa forma, sup??e-se que a representa????o social sobre o docente do ensino m??dio ?? diferente da do ensino fundamental. A partir desse panorama, essa pesquisa teve por objetivo investigar e analisar as Representa????es Sociais de g??nero da doc??ncia junto a professores e professoras do ensino m??dio, com vistas a discuss??o sobre a destina????o de espa??os reservados a priori para cada sexo. Os sujeitos da pesquisa foram 16 docentes que lecionam para o ensino m??dio da escola p??blica no Distrito Federal, sendo 8 homens e 8 mulheres. Para a obten????o dos dados, utilizou-se de entrevista semi-estruturada e os dados foram tratados por meio do software IRAMUTEQ R. A an??lise ocorreu sob a luz da Teoria das Representa????es Sociais de Moscovici e teorias de g??nero, utilizando-se da an??lise de conte??do, de Laurence Bardin. Como resultado foi verificado que v??rios elementos constituintes da representa????o social do docente de ensino fundamental ainda est??o presentes nos docentes de ensino m??dio, tais como, paci??ncia, flexibilidade e afeto, contudo, um aspecto fortemente valorizado foi a utiliza????o da autoridade em sala de aula, sendo que esse foi julgado ser mais f??cil de ser utilizado pelos professores. A doc??ncia tamb??m se apresentou como uma oportunidade de trabalho para a subsist??ncia e juntamente com a percep????o de vulnerabilidade uniu-se a no????o de profiss??o desvalorizada. Outra constata????o da pesquisa foi a evidencia????o da ambiguidade de identidade a qual a doc??ncia vivencia, onde por vezes ?? caraterizada por trabalho e em outras por profiss??o. No entanto, percebe-se que a partir da busca pela qualifica????o e forma????o continuada, os docentes anseiam por se aproximar mais da categoria de profissionais. Busca-se com isso, contribuir para a reflex??o de novas formas de representar a doc??ncia, formas que gerem menos desigualdades e express??es de viol??ncia que tanto nos tem acometido.

A autoridade docente e a sociedade da informa????o: educa????o, crise e liquidez

Soares, Leonardo Humberto 22 April 2016 (has links)
Submitted by Sara Ribeiro (sara.ribeiro@ucb.br) on 2017-04-07T12:23:52Z No. of bitstreams: 1 LeonardoHumbertoSoaresTese2016.pdf: 3372069 bytes, checksum: 169fca20a6185d87dade610d53ed8616 (MD5) / Approved for entry into archive by Sara Ribeiro (sara.ribeiro@ucb.br) on 2017-04-07T12:24:04Z (GMT) No. of bitstreams: 1 LeonardoHumbertoSoaresTese2016.pdf: 3372069 bytes, checksum: 169fca20a6185d87dade610d53ed8616 (MD5) / Made available in DSpace on 2017-04-07T12:24:04Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 LeonardoHumbertoSoaresTese2016.pdf: 3372069 bytes, checksum: 169fca20a6185d87dade610d53ed8616 (MD5) Previous issue date: 2016-04-22 / This research paper aims to identify how the new informational and communicational technologies, the large volume of information produced and the teaching practice across the "Information Society" reinforce and / or puts into question the teachers??? perception of their own authority in the classroom. The study assumed that the sense of "crisis of authority", which is verbalized repeatedly by teachers, might be directly linked to the new emerging social dynamics of technological and informational development seen in the past forty years and it has been increasingly inserted in social and educational context. In this sense, the survey revealed important aspects that might contribute to a better understanding of the educational act itself and on the phenomena that are part of the teacher???s daily routine in the classroom. Taking this scenario as a basis, the research is mainly grounded in the ideas presented by Bauman (2011), Bourdieu and Passeron (1975), Castells (1999), Hobsbawm (1995) in order to understand how contemporary is reacting to changing historical events in what has been called the information society. On this scenario, the plot of the discussion of this work and we had painted-Arendt (1964) as a guide to the concept of crisis in teaching authority and the education crisis. Durkheim (1978) and Furlani (1990) complemented the vision of Arendt???s authority (1964), with convergent and divergent points on the subject. N??voa (1995), Alarc??o (2001), Zabala (1998), Zabalza (2004) and Postic (1990) helped on the reflection about the concerns and the new roles of the teacher. Phenomenology was used as conducting scientific method to the procedures for generation and data analysis. The research is characterized as exploratory regarding the objective and field and as empirical research on the means. From the qualitative approach semi-strutucture interview and systematic observation as techniques for data generation were used, while the collective subject discourse (DSC) and interparticipant analysis were employed as instruments for its contextualization. As a result, three important phenomena have been identified and appear to be essential to this debate: a) the student has facility to interact with technology, but this feature does not extend to their use in the context of communication and entertainment; b) Students??? access to new information bases can generate a sense of loss of authority on a teacher who might not be prepared to deal with that reality; and c) that the strategies in which are based on the understanding of the other as part directly involved in the educational act seem to strengthen the teacher???s authority relations. In summary, the result points to the idea that it is not the domain of ICT by the teacher reinforcing or not your authority. / O presente trabalho de pesquisa teve como intuito identificar de que maneira as novas tecnologias informacionais e comunicacionais, o grande volume informacional produzido e a pr??tica docente frente a ???Sociedade da Informa????o??? refor??am e/ou p??em em xeque a percep????o do professor sobre a sua autoridade em sala de aula. A pesquisa partiu do princ??pio de que o sentimento de ???crise da autoridade??? que ?? verbalizado recorrentemente por parte dos docentes poderia estar diretamente vinculado ??s novas din??micas sociais emergentes do desenvolvimento tecnol??gico e informacional visto nos ??ltimos quarentas anos e que se apresenta cada vez mais inserido no contexto social e educacional. Nesse sentido, a pesquisa revelou aspectos importantes que podem contribuir para uma melhor compreens??o sobre o pr??prio ato educativo e sobre os fen??menos que fazem parte da rotina cotidiana do professor em sala de aula. Tendo esse cen??rio como base, a pesquisa se fundamentou principalmente nas reflex??es apresentadas por Bauman (2011), Bourdieu e Passeron (1975), Castells (1999) e Hobsbawm (1995) para compreender como a contemporaneidade est?? reagindo aos eventos hist??ricos de mudan??a no que vem sendo chamado de sociedade da informa????o. Sobre esse cen??rio, pintou-se o enredo da discuss??o desse trabalho e que teve Arendt (1964) como fio condutor para o conceito de crise da autoridade docente e crise da educa????o. Durkheim (1978) e Furlani (1990) complementaram a vis??o sobre autoridade de Arendt (1964), apresentando pontos convergentes e divergentes sobre o assunto. N??voa (1995), Alarc??o (2001), Zabala (1998), Zabalza (2004) e Postic (1990) auxiliaram na reflex??o sobre as inquieta????es e os novos papeis do professor. A fenomenologia foi utilizada enquanto m??todo cientifico condutor para os procedimentos de gera????o e an??lise dos dados. A pesquisa se caracterizou como explorat??ria quanto ao fim e pesquisa de campo e emp??rica quanto aos meios. A partir da abordagem qualitativa, foi utilizada a entrevista semiestrutura e a observa????o assistem??tica enquanto t??cnicas para gera????o de dados, enquanto o discurso do sujeito coletivo (DSC) e a an??lise interparticipante foram utilizados como instrumentais utilizados para a sua contextualiza????o. Como resultado, foram identificados tr??s importantes fen??menos que parecem ser essenciais para esse debate: a) que o aluno possui facilidade em interagir com a tecnologia, mas essa facilidade n??o ultrapassa o seu uso no contexto comunicacional e de entretenimento; b) que o acesso dos alunos ??s novas bases informacionais pode gerar um sentimento de perda da autoridade naquele professor que n??o est?? preparado para lidar com essa realidade; e c) que as estrat??gias que se pautam na compreens??o do outro como parte diretamente envolvida no ato educativo parecem fortalecer as rela????es de autoridade do professor. Em s??ntese, o resultado aponta a ideia de que n??o ?? o dom??nio da TIC pelo professor que refor??a ou n??o a sua autoridade.

O trabalho docente na sociedade da informa????o: possibilidades e desencantos

Silva Neto, Urbano Gomes da 16 March 2017 (has links)
Submitted by Sara Ribeiro (sara.ribeiro@ucb.br) on 2017-05-24T13:48:15Z No. of bitstreams: 1 UrbanoGomesdaSilvaNetoDissertacao2017.pdf: 1222664 bytes, checksum: 302ad480e80763fdff9722752b914699 (MD5) / Approved for entry into archive by Sara Ribeiro (sara.ribeiro@ucb.br) on 2017-05-24T13:48:27Z (GMT) No. of bitstreams: 1 UrbanoGomesdaSilvaNetoDissertacao2017.pdf: 1222664 bytes, checksum: 302ad480e80763fdff9722752b914699 (MD5) / Made available in DSpace on 2017-05-24T13:48:27Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 UrbanoGomesdaSilvaNetoDissertacao2017.pdf: 1222664 bytes, checksum: 302ad480e80763fdff9722752b914699 (MD5) Previous issue date: 2017-03-16 / This paper proposes an analysis of how information occupies central space in contemporary society and the consequences for the exercise of teaching. At first one could expect a valuation of the workers in education. However, what is perceived is an increase in pressure under these professionals affecting them in the emotional field, causing stress, depression, shame and professional exhaustion - Burnout Syndrome. The worker in the area of education is in search of the construction of identity and physical and psychic integrity. However, in many situations they are faced with suffering due to lack of communication at work, with poor social relations at work, lack of professional achievement, among other factors. Thus, the present research points to the importance of understanding the physical, psychic and social consequences generated by the information society in teachers and their educational practices. / Este trabalho prop??e uma an??lise de como a informa????o ocupa espa??o central na sociedade contempor??nea e as decorr??ncias para o exerc??cio da doc??ncia. Num primeiro momento poderia esperar uma valoriza????o dos trabalhadores em educa????o.Todavia, o que se percebe ?? um aumento da press??o sob esses profissionais afetando-os no campo emocional, causando estresse, depress??o, vergonha e esgotamento profissional ??? S??ndrome de Burnout. O trabalhador na ??rea da educa????o est?? em busca de constru????o de identidade e integridade f??sica e ps??quica. Entretanto, em muitas situa????es se deparam com o sofrimento por falta de comunica????o no trabalho, com as p??ssimas condi????es de relacionamento social no trabalho, falta de realiza????o profissional, entre outros fatores. Assim, a presente pesquisa aponta para import??ncia da compreens??o das consequ??ncias f??sicas, ps??quicas e sociais geradas pela sociedade da informa????o nos docentes e suas pr??ticas educativas.

?Saber ser, saber conhecer, saber saber?: compreendendo as viv?ncias, saberes e as pr?ticas pedag?gicas de preceptores em um Programa de Resid?ncia Multiprofissional em Sa?de da Fam?lia

Silva Junior, Ren? Ferreira da 31 January 2018 (has links)
Submitted by Jos? Henrique Henrique (jose.neves@ufvjm.edu.br) on 2018-07-20T20:01:53Z No. of bitstreams: 2 license_rdf: 0 bytes, checksum: d41d8cd98f00b204e9800998ecf8427e (MD5) rene_ferreira_silva_junior.pdf: 1067909 bytes, checksum: 33d48bb20947b79d3412504f05f8b61f (MD5) / Approved for entry into archive by Rodrigo Martins Cruz (rodrigo.cruz@ufvjm.edu.br) on 2018-10-01T17:06:56Z (GMT) No. of bitstreams: 2 license_rdf: 0 bytes, checksum: d41d8cd98f00b204e9800998ecf8427e (MD5) rene_ferreira_silva_junior.pdf: 1067909 bytes, checksum: 33d48bb20947b79d3412504f05f8b61f (MD5) / Made available in DSpace on 2018-10-01T17:06:56Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 2 license_rdf: 0 bytes, checksum: d41d8cd98f00b204e9800998ecf8427e (MD5) rene_ferreira_silva_junior.pdf: 1067909 bytes, checksum: 33d48bb20947b79d3412504f05f8b61f (MD5) Previous issue date: 2018 / A resid?ncia em sa?de surge como padr?o ouro para forma??o em servi?o, caracterizada pela educa??o no trabalho, relaciona teoria e pr?tica, o ensino e o servi?o, sendo importante para a forma??o dos profissionais para o Sistema ?nico de Sa?de. Nesse contexto, destaca-se o papel do preceptor, essencial para a forma??o do residente. Assim, esse estudo tem como objetivo principal compreender a atua??o docente de preceptores enfermeiros em um programa de resid?ncia multiprofissional em sa?de da fam?lia da Universidade Estadual de Montes Claros e como objetivos espec?ficos: descrever a constru??o das pol?ticas e organiza??o da sa?de no Brasil e a Reforma Sanit?ria Brasileira; compreender as principais pol?ticas p?blicas e programas interministeriais de forma??o em sa?de no Brasil; descrever a resid?ncia em sa?de; compreender o ser professor; conhecer o significado de ser preceptor e descrever seus processos formativos. Nortearam o estudo os seguintes problemas: Como ocorre ? atua??o docente dos preceptores? Qual sua identidade? E quais experi?ncias docentes formam essa identidade? O estudo foi explorat?rio, descritivo, qualitativo e os procedimentos metodol?gicos articulam entrevistas orais tem?ticas, desenvolvido durante o ano de 2017, al?m de busca bibliogr?fica e documental para embasamento do corpus da disserta??o. Para o processo de an?lise de dados foi utilizado ? an?lise de conte?do de Bardin. Os participantes foram preceptores enfermeiros atuantes no programa de resid?ncia em sa?de da fam?lia, a amostra foi por conveni?ncia, sendo selecionadas tr?s preceptoras de acordo com a disponibilidade para participar da pesquisa e o maior e menor tempo de atua??o. Utilizou-se um roteiro semi-estruturado para coleta de dados, que ocorreu nos p?los de atua??o dos preceptores, durante o turno vespertino, nos meses de novembro e dezembro de 2017, os depoimentos foram gravados e transcritos na ?ntegra. O projeto de pesquisa foi aprovado com parecer 2.425.790/2017. O estudo est? organizado em cinco cap?tulos, na qual buscou-se tra?ar a linha hist?rica da sa?de no Brasil, em especial, o movimento de reforma sanit?ria, a constru??o do Sistema ?nico de Sa?de e o desenvolvimento e implementa??o das principais pol?ticas e programas direcionados ? forma??o em sa?de no pa?s. Nessa perspectiva, deu se ?nfase nas Resid?ncias Multiprofissionais em Sa?de e o papel docente, finalizando com as vozes dos preceptores. Conclui-se que o estudo possibilitou a compreens?o da evolu??o da sa?de no Brasil, o que resultou no Sistema ?nico de Sa?de, sendo criadas por meio dele estrat?gias de forma??o voltadas ao atendimento e aos seus princ?pios, assim, a resid?ncia multiprofissional em sa?de ? um espa?o privilegiado de produ??o de ensino e sa?de. Ressalta-se que o papel do preceptor ? essencial para a forma??o de profissionais cr?ticos e reflexivos, com mudan?as na vis?o do residente sobre si e quais caminhos ele quer seguir. Percebe-se tamb?m fragilidades acerca da forma??o em doc?ncia dos preceptores e aus?ncia de preparo espec?fico pr?vio para desenvolvimento desse papel, no qual foi desempenhado inicialmente por oportunidade/convite de exercer o of?cio docente. Evidenciou-se por fim que o papel docente do preceptor ? secundarizado em detrimento as fun??es administrativas e/ou assistenciais, e a sua identidade enquanto educador ? perdida. / Disserta??o (Mestrado) ? Programa de P?s-gradua??o em Ensino em Sa?de, Universidade Federal dos Vales do Jequitinhonha e Mucuri, 2018. / The residence in health is gold standard for in-service training, characterized by education at work, relating theory and practice, teaching and service, and it is important for the training of professionals to the single Health System. In this context, we highlight the role of the tutor, essential for the formation of the resident. Thus, this study aims to understand the teaching performance of main tutors nurses in a program of multidisciplinary residency in family health at the State University of Montes Claros and as specific objectives: describe the construction of the policies and organization of health in Brazil and the Brazilian health reform; understand the main public policies and Interministerial programmes of training in health in Brazil; describe the residence in health; understand the teaching; know the meaning of being tutor and describe their formation processes. Guided the study the following issues: How does the teaching performance of the tutors? What is your identity? And what experiences teachers form this identity? The study was exploratory, descriptive, qualitative and methodological procedures articulate thematic oral interviews, developed during the year 2017, in addition to bibliographical and documental search for basement of the corpus of the dissertation. For the data analysis process was used to analysis the content of Bardin. The subjects were tutors nurses operating in residency program in family health, the sample was for convenience, being selected three governesses according to availability to participate in the research and the larger and shorter acting. We used a semi-structured data collection script, which occurred at the poles of expertise of tutors, during the evening shift, in the months of November and December 2017, the interviews were recorded and transcribed in full. The research project was approved with 2,425,790 opinion/2017. The study is organized into five chapters, in which he sought to trace the historical line of health in Brazil, in particular, the health reform movement, the construction of the health system and the development and implementation of key policies and programs targeted to health training in the country. In this perspective, gave emphasis on Multiprofessional Health Residences and the teaching role, ending with the voices of tutors. It is concluded that the study allowed understanding the evolution of health in Brazil, which resulted in the unified Health System, being created through training strategies geared to the service and to their principles, so the multi-professional residence in health is a space privileged education and health production. It should be noted that the role of the tutor is essential to the formation of critical and reflective professionals, with changes in resident's vision about you and what ways he wants to follow. You can see also weaknesses concerning the teaching training of tutors and the absence of specific preparation prior to development of this paper, which was played initially by chance/invitation to pursue the craft. It was finally the teaching role of the tutor is secundarizado over administrative functions and/or assistance, and your identity as an educator is lost.

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