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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Dimensões e massa dos órgãos internos de cães Pastores Alemães (Canis familiaris LINNAEUS, 1758) / The dimensions and mass of internal organs of Alsatian Wolf Dogs (Canis familiaris LINNAEUS, 1758)

Marcelo Domingues de Faria 13 November 2007 (has links)
Foram utilizados trinta cães do sexo masculino, da raça Pastor Alemão, adultos de diferentes idades. Os animais foram doados por Centros de Controle de Zoonoses, consultórios, clínicas e hospitais veterinários dos municípios de São Paulo (SP) e Petrolina (PE), sendo que os animais eram necropsiados no próprio local de coleta, onde eram previamente pesados e mensurados. Inicialmente, promovíamos uma incisão única, da região mentoniana ao períneo. As cavidades craniana, oral, torácica, abdominal e pélvica eram abertas, expondo seus respectivos órgãos, que tinham suas dimensões determinadas com o auxílio de paquímetro milimetrado e/ou fita métrica milimetrada, enquanto sua massa era aferida com o uso de balança analítica de precisão digital. Os resultados foram tabulados, os animais separados em três grupos, conforme as dimensões de altura e comprimento corporais, promoveu-se o teste de correlação linear de Pearson, sendo que com todas as variáveis que correlacionaram-se, efetuou-se as análises de variâncias para determinar a existência de diferença entre as médias. Foram cruzadas as variáveis dos órgãos com os parâmetros corporais e com a idade, além de confrontar dados referentes aos próprios órgãos e destes com órgãos homólogos ou com seus pares, como é o caso do globo ocular, dos lobos tireoideanos, dos rins, das glândulas adrenais, dos ureteres, dos testículos, dos ductos deferentes e dos lobos pancreáticos. Com relação aos dados corporais, obteve-se correlação significativa entre altura e comprimento corporais (resultado que demonstra padrão de longilinidade, onde seu esquadro corporal de perfil mostra-se retangular, sendo que quanto mais alto é o animal, mais longo ele será), altura corporal e altura do tórax, comprimento corporal e altura do tórax, altura corporal e altura abdominal, comprimento corporal e altura abdominal, largura do tórax e largura abdominal, altura corporal e altura da cabeça, comprimento corporal e altura da cabeça, largura do tórax e largura da cabeça, e altura abdominal com altura da cabeça. Com relação à organologia, foram obtidas as seguintes correlações: altura do globo ocular direito com altura do globo ocular esquerdo, comprimento do globo ocular direito com comprimento do globo ocular esquerdo, massa do globo ocular direito com massa do globo ocular esquerdo, altura com comprimento laríngeos, comprimento com largura laríngeos, comprimento com massa laríngeos, largura com massa laríngeos, altura com comprimento cardíacos, altura com massa cardíacas, comprimento com massa cardíacos, altura com largura da traquéia, comprimento com largura da traquéia, altura com massa da traquéia, largura com massa da traquéia, altura da traquéia com altura corporal, altura traqueal com comprimento corporal, comprimento da traquéia com altura corporal, largura traqueal com altura corporal, largura da traquéia com comprimento corporal, massa traqueal com comprimento corporal, altura com largura diafragmáticas, altura com massa diafragmáticas, largura com massa diafragmáticas, espessura com massa do fígado, comprimento com massa do duodeno descendente, massa do duodeno descendente com altura corporal, comprimento com massa do baço, espessura do lobo pancreático direito com espessura do lobo pancreático esquerdo, altura da glândula adrenal direita com altura da glândula adrenal esquerda, comprimento da glândula adrenal direita com altura da glândula adrenal esquerda, largura da glândula adrenal direita com largura da glândula adrenal esquerda, massa da glândula adrenal direita com massa da glândula adrenal esquerda, altura do rim direito com altura do rim esquerdo, comprimento do rim direito com comprimento do rim esquerdo, largura do rim direito com largura do rim esquerdo, massa do rim esquerdo com comprimento do rim direito, massa do rim direito com massa do rim esquerdo, comprimento do ureter direito com altura corporal, comprimento do ureter direito com comprimento corporal, diâmetro do ureter direito com diâmetro do ureter esquerdo, massa do ureter direito com massa do ureter esquerdo, largura com massa prostáticas, espessura da glande com espessura da raiz e do corpo penianos, altura do testículo esquerdo com altura do testículo direito, comprimento do testículo direito com comprimento do testículo esquerdo, comprimento do ducto deferente direito com comprimento do ducto deferente esquerdo, diâmetro do ducto deferente direito com diâmetro do ducto deferente esquerdo, massa do ducto deferente direito com massa do ducto deferente esquerdo. / They made use of 30 dogs, male, breed: German Shepherd, adults from different ages. The donation of the animals were done by Zoonoses, clinics, offices and veterinarian hospitals in São Paulo(SP) and Petrolinea (PE), being necropsyed at the same place of their collect where they were previously weighted and listed. Inicially was done just one incision from mentoniana to perineum. The skull cavity, oral, chest, abdominal and pelvic were opened exposing their respectives organs, that had their dimensons detemined by the auxiliary of a paquimeter and/or a millimetered measuring tape, while its mass was compared by the use of corporal lenght was done a linear correlation test of Pearson, as with all of the changeablewhich were correlated, the analyses were done by variancies. To determine the existence between the médium average difference. It was crossed the changeable of the organ to the corporal parameters in relation to the age, besides confronting the data referent to the own organs and from these to homologo organs or with their pairs, as the use of eye bail tireoideans lobes, kidneys, adicional glands, ureters, testicles from different ductos and pancreatics lobes. Refering to the corporal data, they obtained significative correlation between corporal height and lenght. Results that shows pattern of longilinity, where its outline corporal square shows itself retangular, as taller the animal is as longer it will be,corporal height, chest height, corporal lenght and chest height, corporal height and abdominal height, chest and abdominal width, corporal and head height, chest and head width, abdominal and head height. Referent to organologic , they obtained the following correlations: right eye bail height with left eye bail height, right eye bail lenght with left eye bail lenght,right eye bail mass with left eye bail mass, laringean lenght, laringeans lenght and width, lenght with laringeans mass, width with laringeos mass, height with cardiac lenght, height with cardiac mass, windpipe width, lenght width windpipe, height with windpipe mass, width with windpipe mass, height windpipe with corporal height, windpipe width with corporal lenght, windpipe mass with corporal lenght, diafragmatics height and width, height abd diafragmatic mass, width with diafragmatic mass. Thickness with mass descendent duodeno with corporal height, spleen mass, right panceatic lobe, thickness with left pancreatic lobe thickness, right adrenal gland height with left adrenal gland height, right adrenal gland lenght with left adrenal gland lenght, right adrenal gland width with left adrenal gland width, right adrenal gland mass with left adrenal gland mass, right kidney height with left kidney height, right kidney lenght with left kidney lenght, right kidney width with left kidney width, left kidney mass with right lidney lenght, right kidney mass with with left kidneymass, rightureter lenght mass, prostatic width mass, thickness of the gland with thickness root of the penial body, with the right ureter lenght with corporal lenght, right ureter diameter with left ureter diameter, right ureter mass with left testicle height with right testicle height, right testicle lenght with left testicle lenght, right deferent duct lenght, diameter of the right deferent duct with diameter of the left deferent duct lenght, mass of the right deferent duct with mass of the deferent duct.

Early Experience, Maternal Care and Behavioural Test Design : Effects on the Temperament of Military Working Dogs

Foyer, Pernilla January 2015 (has links)
Domestication has resulted in animals with broad variations between as well as within breeds, which allows for the selection and breeding of animals for preferred traits. This selection has affected both the genotypes and phenotypes of animals. In dogs, it has allowed for breeding for different purposes, such as companionship or the performance of specific tasks, e.g., herding, hunting, searching and protecting. Each of these types of working dogs has specific traits that are, in part, controlled by genes; however, genes are not solely responsible for the variations in the traits of an individual. The environment also plays a role, which has been studied in rodents and primates in recent decades. For instance, it has been shown that the amount of maternal care that a rat receives as a pup affects its temperament later in life; the more maternal care, i.e., licking, grooming and arched-back nursing (LG-ABN), that a rat receives, the more stress resistant, less reactive and more explorative it will be as an adult. However, the question is whether this is also true for dogs, and the investigation of how temperament in dogs is affected by environmental factors early in life is the main objective of this thesis. Three of the studies presented in this thesis focused on investigating the general parameters, particularly maternal care, that influences offspring behaviour to contribute to the understanding of temperament development in military working dogs. One of these studies concentrated on the environmental factors that influence dogs early in life, and the results indicated that some factors, such as parity, litter size and birth season, affect temperament later in life. Another study investigated how females take care of their young, and the results demonstrated that females consistently vary in their maternal style during the first three weeks postpartum and that this variation affects the temperament of the offspring. The third study focused on factors in the home environment, and the results showed that dogs approved through the evaluative temperament test were significantly associated with being hyperactive or restless and having difficulty settling down in the home environment. However, those dogs were also left home alone for more hours in a day than non-approved dogs. To be able to operate functionally, a military working dog needs to possess certain traits, or a certain temperament, and a vital characteristic is the way it responds to and copes with stress. This was investigated during an evaluative temperament test used to select dogs suitable for further training. Surprisingly, the results showed that the dogs approved for further training had significantly higher levels of salivary cortisol both before and after the test compared with the non-approved dogs. These findings may be of profound importance for understanding individual variations in behaviour and improving breeding schemes for working dogs. / För över 15 000 år sedan började våra anfäder avla på vargar och lade då grunden för den uppsjö av olika hundraser vi ser idag. Exakt hur den här processen såg ut, när eller vart den startade vet vi faktiskt inte med säkerhet, men att vargen/hunden var det första djur att påbörja en sådan förändring, det vet vi. Att aktivt välja ut och avla på önskvärda egenskaper påverkar och förändrar gradvis djuret. Den här förändringen styrs i hög grad av gener, vilket medför att ett djurs s.k. genotyp förändras. Den här förändringsprocessen, där ett djur gradvis anpassas till ett liv som tamdjur, kallas för domesticering och innebär inte bara att djuret förändras genetiskt, utan också att den ändrar utseende och beteende, dvs. djurets fenotyp ändras också. Det är därför vi bl. a. ser så många olika hundraser som vi gör idag, allt från en liten hårlös Chihuahua till en stor raggig St. Bernard. Alla är de hundar, men de ser väldigt olika ut och har delvis olika egenskaper eller temperament. Det medför att de passar till att göra olika saker och därför också kan vara till stor nytta i samhället i allt från sällskapshunden som kan lära sig leta kantareller, till olika typer av tjänstehundar. Bra ledarhundar åt synskadade, polishundar som söker försvunna människor och narkotika, och försvarsmaktens tjänstehundar som kan förhindra angrepp eller terrorverksamhet genom att leta efter t ex. bomber och vapen - alla kan i förlängningen innebära ökad livskvalité och räddade människoliv. Men för det krävs att hunden passar för jobbet. Det är både generna, arvet och olika miljöfaktorer i den tidiga uppväxten som avgör egenskaperna hos en individ. Det är något som har visat sig gälla till exempel för råttor och primater. Studier på råttor har exempelvis pekat på att mängden omvårdnad en råtta får som liten (t ex hur mycket mamman slickar sina barn) påverkar dess egenskaper som vuxen. Och att ju mer omvårdnad de fått, desto mer stresståliga, mindre nervösa och mer nyfikna blev de. Även i studier på människor pekar resultaten i samma riktning. Men gäller detta även för våra hundar? För att öka kunskapen om och förståelsen för hur tidiga erfarenheter påverkar temperament, stress och arbetsförmåga hos våra blivande tjänstehundar i försvarsmakten har därför en rad olika studier på området genomförts. Den här avhandlingen fokuserar således på att undersöka vilka generella tidiga erfarenheter och faktorer i den tidiga uppväxtmiljön som tycks kunna vara med och påverka temperamentet hos våra tjänstehundar. Specifikt undersöker den hur tikens omvårdnad påverkar vissa egenskaper. Avhandlingen undersöker vidare hur stresståliga våra hundar är och hur detta yttrar sig i samband med de lämplighets test som hundarna genomgår i syfte att bedöma vilka individer som bör gå vidare till fortsatt träning efter ett och ett halvt års ålder. Resultaten i en studie visar att de hundar som bedömts som lämpliga vid lämplighetstestet något oväntat uppvisade ett högre påslag av stresshormonet kortisol, och i en annan studie att lämpliga hundar bedömts vara hyperaktiva/rastlösa och ha vissa svårigheter att ta det lugnt i hemmiljö. Detta samtidigt som de uppvisade en önskvärd temperamentsprofil vid uttagningsprovet, vilket kan antyda att dessa hundar är mer flexibla och motståndskraftiga mot stress, vilket skulle kunna vara resultatet av en lyckad avel. Vidare visade resultaten att det finns generella faktorer i den tidiga uppväxtmiljön, såsom tikens tidigare erfarenhet av att vara mamma, kullstorlek och när på året kullen föds, som är med och påverkar olika egenskaper. Den visar också att tikarnas sätt att ta hand om sina valpar varierade men var konsekvent under den första omvårdnadstiden på tre veckor och att det finns en koppling mellan mammans omvårdnads-stil och hur deras valpar blir som vuxna. Sammantaget visar avhandlingen att det finns faktorer i den tidiga uppväxtmiljön som påverkar temperamentet senare i livet på våra tjänstehundar. / <p>The ISBN <strong>987</strong>-91-7685-945-2 in the thesis is incorrect. Correct ISBN is <strong>978</strong>-91-7685-945-2.</p>


ANA LUIZA DE CASTRO MEIRELES 30 November 2012 (has links)
[pt] O objetivo do presente trabalho é analisar o desempenho da estratégia de investimento Dogs of Dow (DoD) nos mercados latinos americanos no período de 1995 a 2011 bem como determinar se tal desempenho é discrepante em momentos de crise e crescimento econômico. Foram analisados os seguintes mercados: Argentina, Brasil, Chile, Colômbia, México e Peru. Os resultados demonstram que a estratégia DoD possuiu um desempenho superior ao mercado, antes e após ajustar ao risco, em todos os países à exceção do México no período analisado. Os resultados são significativos do ponto de vista estatístico como econômico. Em geral, o desempenho nos sub-períodos apresentou-se em linha com o desempenho no período todo, indicando que, tanto em momentos de crise como de crescimento, as estratégias DoD tem retorno superior ao mercado. / [en] The goal of this study is to analyze the performance of the Dogs of Dow (DoD) investment strategy in Latin American stock markets from 1995 to 2011 and also determine if the performance varies on growth and recession periods. The following countries were analyzed: Argentina, Brazil, Chile, Colombia, Mexico and Peru. Our findings suggest that the DoD outperforms the market, on an absolute and on a risk-adjusted basis, in all Latin American countries except Mexico. The results are significant in both statistical and economic terms. In general, the performance of DoD in different sub-periods is in line with the overall period, indicating that the DoD has a superior performance in both growth and recession periods.

Attachment Style and Social Fear in Dogs from Commercial Breeding Kennels

Allegra Kathryn Stahl (16647627) 26 July 2023 (has links)
<p>Much of the demand for purebred dogs in the USA is met by commercial breeding kennels (CBKs). In CBKs, adult dogs have been reported to exhibit signs of fear towards strangers. Social fear is a particular welfare concern as it may lead to acute and chronic stress in the kennel, and later, after dogs are retired and rehomed. Studies on pet and shelter dogs have shown that the type of attachment style dogs have with their caretakers is associated with their social behavior towards strangers. Thus, the aims of this study were to characterize the attachment styles of dogs from CBKs to their caretakers, and investigate relationships between the types of attachment styles observed and social fear behaviors in this population of dogs. Forty-eight adult dogs were tested from three CBKs in Indiana, USA. Each dog was subjected to a standard battery of tests, including a Secure Base test to classify attachment styles, a Stranger Arena test to measure the duration and frequency of key social behaviors toward a stranger, and a Paired-Effect test to measure the duration and frequency of social behaviors towards a stranger in the presence of a caretaker. Twenty (41.67%) dogs were classified as secure, 16 (33.33%) as insecure ambivalent, 9 (18.75%) as insecure avoidant, and 3 (6.25%) as insecure disorganized. ANOVA tests showed that secure and ambivalent dogs approached the stranger more frequently (F2,45 = 11.865, <em>p </em>< 0.001), spent more time in close proximity (F2,45 = 15.968, <em>p </em>< 0.001), and solicited contact more frequently (F2,45 = 4.58, <em>p </em>= 0.023) from them than did avoidant dogs. Wilcoxon Signed-Rank Tests showed that secure, ambivalent, and avoidant dogs all initially approached the stranger more quickly in the paired-effect test than in the stranger arena test (<em>p </em>< 0.05). Secure and ambivalent dogs also spent more time in proximity to (<em>p </em>< 0.001) and solicited more contact from (<em>p </em>< 0.01) the stranger in the paired-effect test than in the stranger arena test. These results suggest that there is an association between type of attachment style and fear behaviors towards a stranger in this sample of dogs. Understanding connections between attachment style and social fear, and their implications for stress and welfare in dogs from CBKs may help inform breeders’ selection criteria and breeding decisions. It may also inform breeders’ socialization, social interactions, and related management practices, which in turn may help to reduce dogs’ social fear and enhance their long- term welfare outcomes in the kennel. This understanding may also aid rehoming efforts. With this increased understanding, breeders could inform new owners about behaviors they can expect from their dogs which may help avoid a potential mismatch in expectations. This in turn may help keep dogs in their homes and improve their welfare in the long-term. </p>

Canine-assisted occupational therapy interventions : - a scoping study

Niiranen, Hanna-Leena January 2023 (has links)
Background: Animal Assisted Therapy has increased within occupational therapy.Occupational threapists may use animals within the profession, but the description of how these occupational therapy interventions are conducted is missing.Aim:This scoping study explored how canine assisted occupational therapy is described and conducted. Material and methods: A scoping review method was applied to explore, summarize and describe canine-assisted octupational therapy practice. Six databases and manual search of identified literature utilized search terms focusing on Animal Assisted Therapy and Occupational Therapy. Qualitative content analysis was used to identify emergent themes. Results: From 148 pappers, after duplicates removed, only four papers, representing two studies, met full inclusion/exclusion criteria, which focuced solely on autistic children. Two themes emerged: social interaction with a therapy dog, and description of activities, skills and goals in canine- assisted interventions. The second theme consisted of subthemes: social interaction and motor skills practice and practicing activities of daily living with therapy dog. Conclusion: Therapy dogs were described as acting agents to facilitate participant engagement and participating as a third member in the therapeutic process. Further research is needed to consider the extent to which CA-OT contributes to clientsachieving their therapeutic goals. Significance: This study highlights how canine- assisted therapy is described and used in occupational therapy.

Presterar lekfulla hundar bättre på nationella lydnadsprov? : Avser hundar i Sverige som genomfört Beteende- och personlighetsbeskrivning / Do playful dogs perform better on national obedience tests? : Regarding dogs in Sweden with completed Behaviour and Personality Assessment

Tingström, Amelie January 2022 (has links)
Hundar anses vara det första domesticerade husdjuret men behoven för hundraser med specifika arbetsuppgifter har kraftigt förändrats. Oavsett tidigare ursprung hålls de flesta hundar idag som sällskapshundar och egenskaper som exempelvis vakt- och vallhundar uppvisar går inte alltid hand i hand med kraven på den moderna sällskapshunden. För att möta samhällets krav behöver hundarna i första hand vara trygga, lätthanterliga och lätta att träna men trots detta ligger fokus inom aveln ofta på exteriör och de ursprungliga egenskaperna kvarstår. För att möta de nya behoven blir det istället intressant att titta på andra genetiskt betingade egenskaper och i den här studien avser frågeställningen lekbeteenden och dess eventuella samband med hur väl hundar presterar på nationella lydnadsprov. Frågan undersöktes genom tre hypoteser som avser hundar som uppvisar högre poäng på Beteende- och personlighetsbeskrivning H1 ) för lek med egen leksak presterar i genomsnitt högre poäng på nationella lydnadsprov än hundar som uppvisar lägre poäng för lek med egen leksak på Beteende- och personlighetsbeskrivning, H2 ) för lek med ny leksak presterar i genomsnitt högre poäng på nationella lydnadsprov än hundar som uppvisar lägre poäng för lek med ny leksak på Beteende- och personlighetsbeskrivning och H3 ) för dragkampsintresse presterar i genomsnitt högre poäng på nationella lydnadsprov än hundar som uppvisar lägre poäng för dragkampsintresse på Beteende- och personlighetsbeskrivning. Genom datainsamling för fyra raser; rhodesian ridgeback, dvärgschnauzer, mellanpudel och cocker spaniel avseende enskilda poäng för tre olika typer av lekbeenden under standardiserad beteende- och personlighetsbeskrivning samt medelpoäng för nationella lydnadsprov har frågan undersökts med Pearson´s korrelationstest. Resultatet visar positivt samband för H2 ) med en signifikans på 0,04 (P&lt;0,05) och en korrelationskoefficient där r = 0,21. Resultaten i den här studien stödjer delvis tidigare studier som visar att lekfullhet ger en bättre förutsättning för inlärningsförmåga och tävlingsprestation, så även på nationella lydnadsprov. Verktygen för att möta de nya behoven av en modern sällskapshund finns tillgängliga genom beteendebeskrivningar men prioriteringar i aveln måste ses över och nyttan med verktygen måste synliggöras ännu mer. Lekfullhet bör vara en parameter att ta hänsyn till i tilltänkta avelskombinationer både för att gynna populationen i stort men också för att stärka djurvälfärden på individnivå. / Dogs are considered the first domesticated animal but the need for dog breeds with specific working traits has changed dramatically. Regardless of their previous origins, most dogs today are kept as pure companion dogs and hereditary characteristics such as for guarding or herding do not always match with the requirements of the modern companion dog. In order to meet society's demands, the dogs should be safe, easy to handle and easy to train. Despite this, the focus in breeding is often on the appearance and the original behavioural characteristics have remained. In order to meet the new requirements, we need to look at other genetically determined characteristics such as play behavioural and personality. In this study the question concerns specifically play behavior and whether there is a positive correlation between playfulness and how well dogs perform in national obedience tests. The question is investigated through three hypotheses concerning dogs that exhibit higher scores for 1 ) play with their own toy 2 ) play with a new toy 3) tug of war interest. Data was collected from a national database for four breeds, rhodesian ridgebacks, miniature schnauzers, medium sized poodles and cocker spaniels. Individual scores for three different types of play behaviour under standardized Behaviour and Personality Assessment were correlated with average scores for national obedience tests, using Pearson's correlation tests. The result showed there was a significant positive correlation (r=0,21, P&lt;0,05) between playing with a new toy and obedience. Playing with their own toy and tug-of-war was not significantly correlated with obedience. The results of this study thus partially support previous studies that characteristics such as playfulness provide better conditions for learning ability and performance on national obedience tests. The tools to meet the new requirements of a modern companion dog are available through Behaviour and Personality Assessment but priorities in breeding must be reviewed and the utility of the tools must be made even more visible. Playfulness should be a characteristic to take into account when considering a breeding combination, both to benefit the population and the society at large but also to strengthen animal welfare on an individual level.

Relating the Big Five Personality Factors and the Method of Dog Obtainment in Female Dog Owners

Rifenberg, Julia 01 January 2021 (has links)
Dog ownership is highly common in the United States and has a large impact on the U.S. economy due to dogs' required expenses. Thus, it is important to assess dog owners' method of dog obtainment, as it is the first step to canine companionship. Dog owner personality traits and their relationship with where dogs are obtained has not yet been studied. To assess this relationship, we reached current dog owners through an online survey containing the Donnellan et al. (2006) Mini-International Personality Item Pool (IPIP) scale and asked participants where they obtained their dog. Results indicated 90% of participants were female (N = 411); consequently, we limited our analysis to only female dog owners. Female dog owners' personality scores were related to their dog obtainment location (i.e., Breeder, Pet Store or Online, Rescue or Shelter, and Informal). Female dog owners who obtained their dog from a Rescue or Shelter had significantly higher scores of Agreeableness than female dog owners who obtained their dog from a Breeder. Female dog owners who obtained their dog from a Breeder had significantly higher scores of Conscientiousness than those who obtained their dog Informally or from a Rescue or Shelter. Additional exploratory Likert scale questions were posed to participants, asking why they chose their obtainment location and why they chose their dog specifically. Our study revealed there is a relationship between dog owner personality and method of dog obtainment. This information is useful for rescues and shelters looking to increase adoption because they can develop methods to attract less Agreeable and highly Conscientious women. We hope our findings can make future and current dog owners aware of how their personality relates to their choice of dog obtainment location and that they will take all methods of dog obtainment into consideration.

The health-related benefits of dog-ownership in Hong Kong

Chow, Lok-yan., 周樂欣. January 2012 (has links)
Background: Numerous studies have found that there are many health-related benefits to owning a dog, however, this has not been investigated in a high dense Asian environment where the culture is very different to Western countries. Objectives: This study aimed at investigating 1) if dog-owners are more active than those who do not own a dog; 2) if dog-owners have higher perceived physical and mental health status compared to a sample of the population who do not own a dog; 3) are there social/environmental factors measured by the Dogs-and-Physical Activity (DAPA) tool that are associated with the perceived physical and mental health as well as physical activity (PA) habits of dog owners. Methods: A total of 102 Chinese dog-owners resident in Hong Kong were recruited to examine what factors might affect dog-owners to walk their dog regularly and hence likely to take part in more daily PA. All of these dog-owners were invited to complete a questionnaire that combined the DAPA-tool, Short-Form-12 health survey (SF-12), and the International-Physical-Activity-Questionnaire – short (IPAQ-short) and to wear an accelerometer for a week. Of the 102 recruited dog-owners, 52 had analysable SF-12 and accelerometry data that could be compared with similar data from 47 HK Chinese who did not own dogs. Linear regression was used to analyse differences between dog-owners and non-dog-owners and to examine social/environmental factors that contributed to physical component score (PCS) and mental component score (MCS) and accrued PA of the dog-owners; their living status, gender, age, Body Mass Index (BMI), income, education level and work status were adjusted during the analysis. Result: Compared to those without dogs, dog-owners were found to have higher PCS scores (P<0.001), involved in more moderate to vigorous PA (MVPA, P=0.02) and overall PA (OVPA, P<0.001) as measured by objective accelerometry; while no significant differences were seen in MCS, nor MVPA or OVPA as measured by the self-reported IPAQ. “Owning a dog adds to my happiness” was associated with having higher PCS (P=0.04); whilst “Trees and shrubs for dogs to sniff” (P=0.02), “Sitting areas with benches” (P=0.06) and “My enjoyment of being outdoors” (P=0.01) were positively related to MVPA as measured by IPAQ, whilst “My dog would be unfriendly or difficult to control” (P=0.02) was negatively related to IPAQ MVPA. Furthermore, “Signs to say if dogs are permitted” (P=0.03), “Trees and shrubs for dogs to sniff” (P=0.02), “The fact that I feel safe when walking with my dog” (P=0.02) and “It would keep my dog healthy” (P=0.04) were found to be positively related to OVPA as measure by IPAQ, whilst “My family commitments” (P=0.03) and “It would stop me feeling guilty” (P=0.03) were found to be negative related to IPAQ OVPA. No variables were significantly related to MCS among the dog-owners. Conclusion: Dog-ownership is associated with Hong Kong owners having a more active lifestyle and is related to higher perceived physical, but not mental health. A small number of social and physical factors appear important in providing a supportive environment that can help enhance the health benefits of dog-ownership. / published_or_final_version / Human Performance / Master / Master of Philosophy


Kuraitė, Aura 05 March 2014 (has links)
Tikslas: išanalizuoti įvairių veiksnių įtaką šunų babeziozės pasireiškimui, plitimui, atsižvelgiant į šuns lytį, amžių ir veislę, naudojant literatūros šaltinius bei asmeninius tyrimus. Duomenys buvo surinkti iš " Jakovo veterinarijos centras", smulkių gyvūnų klinikos "Pas Filą " ir kraujo tyrimai buvo renkami ir atliekami Veterinarijos ir diagnostikos centre. Iš viso surinkome 1195 ligos atvejų, atsižvelgiant į lytį, amžių bei veislę. Anamnezė buvo surinkta iš 117 šunų, kraujo mėginiai buvo imami iš 31 sergančio šuns, kraujo morfologiniams tyrimams. Išanalizavus esamus duomenis, pastebėjome, kad dažniausiai babezioze serga tam tikros šunų veislės: mišrūnai, vokiečių aviganiai, labradoro retriveriai ir sibiro haskiai. Atsižvelgiant į lytį, tai daugiausiai babezioze sirgo patinai ir žymiai rečiau patelės. Babezeliozė dažniausiai buvo diagnozuojama jauniems šunims, 1 iki 2 metų, bet sunkiausia klinika buvo pasireiškusi šuniukams iki 1 metų. Dažniausiai pasireiškianti klinikinė simptomatika: apatija, anoreksija, kliniškai išreikšta anemija, pakitusi kūno temperatūra, tamsus šlapimas, vėmimas, NS sutrikimai, viduriavimas, kliniškai išreikšta gelta. Analizuojant morfologinius kraujo rodiklių pokyčius, nustatėmė, kad visais atvejais buvo pasireiškusi trombocitopenija, sumažėjęs trombokrito kiekis. Pastebėjome, kad ligai būdingas sezoniškumas. Stipriausias babeziozės bumas pasireiškia pavasarį – balandžio, gegužės, birželio mėnesiais ir kiek silpnesnis – rudenį (rugsėjį, spalį). ... [toliau žr. visą tekstą] / Goal: to find out a variety of factors influence the occurrence of canine babesiosis, development, according to dog sex, age and breed, using known literature and personal research. The data were collected from „Jakovo veterinary center“, small animal clinic „pas Filą“ and the blood tests were collected and conducted at Veterinaty and Diagnostic center. We collected 1195 disease cases according to sex, age and breed. Anamnesis were collected from 117 dogs, morphological studies of blood – 31. According to the studies, we found out, that there are certain breeds are more susceptible to babesiosis: mongrels, german shepherds, labrador retrievers and siberian huskies. Also found, that babesiosis more prone males than females. Dog babesiosis were usually diagnosed in young dogs, 1 to 2 years, but the hardest clinic gets puppies up to 1 year. The most frequent clinical manifestations in patients with babesiosis : apathy, anorexia, symptomatic anemia, change in body temperature, dark urine, vomiting, NS disorders, diarrhea, clinical jaundice. Morphological characteristics of the blood we found that in all cases, is characterized by thrombocytopenia, a decrease thrombocyte. The seasonal variation in the number of cases has been reported at all Veterinary clinics, with a higher incidence in the spring months (April, May) and peaking in autumn (September, November).

Zoorehabilitace: Canisterapie, terapeutický pes, zkoušky, vliv psa na klima třídy a využití v základních a speciálních školách. / Animal Assisted Therapy (AAT): Therapy Dog, Exams, the Dog's influence on the classroom climate and the Employment of AAT in Primary and Special Schools.

PHAN, Kim January 2016 (has links)
The purpose of this diploma work is to introduce zootherapy and therapy dog and to determine the possibilities of employing therapy dogs in education of children in elementary and special schools. The theoretical part of the thesis deals with the description of zootherapy, its forms and methods. It also deals with preparation and exams for therapists. Lastly there is a section on therapy dogs, their personality and preparation for this field of work. You can also find some information on how to choose the best puppy using the puppy aptitude test. The practical part of this thesis deals with the employment of animal assisted therapy at normal and speial schools. The results had been achieved through interviews that I had made with therapists who use dogs at schools and also through obseration during those classes.

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