Spelling suggestions: "subject:"oon"" "subject:"soon""
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Cripple effects between discourse and event /Buczek, Joshua David. January 2006 (has links)
Thesis (M.A.)--State University of New York at Binghamton, Department of English, General Literature and Rhetoric, 2006. / Includes bibliographical references.
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Real estate and refuge an environmental history of San Francisco Bay's tidal wetlands, 1846-1972 /Booker, Matthew Morse. January 2005 (has links)
Thesis (Ph. D.)--Stanford University, 2005. / Includes bibliographical references (leaves 273-309).
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Forme e logiche di reciprocità in Erodoto e Tucidide / Formes et logiques de réciprocité chez Hérodote et Thucydide / Forms and logics of reciprocity in Herodotus and ThucydidesTrifirò, Maria Stella 25 February 2016 (has links)
Cette étude vise à analyser les différentes formes et fonctions de l’éthique de la réciprocité dans la culture grecque du Ve siècle avant J.-C., en particulier chez Hérodote et chez Thucydide. Le principe de réciprocité est lié à l’une des premières formes d’application de la justice dans les relations sociales; son rôle est examiné dans le contexte des relations interpersonnelles et aussi dans les relations interétatiques. Il s’agit d’une morale ancienne, enracinée dans le système de pensée grec, qui nous offre une clé d'accès privilégiée à la compréhension du jeu des reflets qui s’établit entre historiographie et société. Le code éthique de la réciprocité est fondé sur le devoir de rendre également le bien et le mal reçus. J'ai concentré mon attention sur la réciprocité constructive fondée sur la coopération pacifique, qui peut être établie par l'échange de dons, services, bienfaits et gestes d'amitié. Ces réseaux ont un système de rituels, institutions et normes sociales qui peuvent être analysés afin d'explorer la capacité créatrice des Grecs dans l'instauration de relations entre différents communautés et cultures. Enfin l'analyse parallèle menée sur Hérodote et sur Thucydide a offert la possibilité d'observer l'évolution de la pensée éthique grecque et de développer une comparaison entre les deux auteurs. L'analyse historique des sources littéraires a été conduite à la lumière de la perspective anthropologique et sociologique moderne qui, en ce qui concerne les thèmes du don et de la réciprocité, propose des lignes d'interprétation également utiles pour l'analyse des textes anciens. Je me réfère à M. Mauss et aux études qui ont suivi son Essai sur le don. / This study aims to analyze the different forms and functions of the ethic of reciprocity in the Greek culture of the fifth century BC, especially in Herodotus and Thucydides. The principle of reciprocity is related to one of the first forms of justice’s application in social relations; its role is examined in the context of interpersonal relationships and also in inter-state relations. This is an old moral code, deeply rooted in the Greek system of thought, which offers a privileged access key for the comprehension of the close link that exists between historiography and society. The ethic of reciprocity imposes a mutual exchange of good and evil. I focused my attention on the constructive reciprocity based on peaceful cooperation, which can be established by the exchange of gifts, services, benefits and friendly gestures. These networks have a system of rituals, institutions and social norms that can be analyzed to explore the creative capacity of the Greeks in building relations between different communities and cultures. Finally the parallel analysis conducted on Herodotus and Thucydides give the opportunity to observe the evolution of Greek ethical thought and to establish a comparison between the two authors. Historical analysis of literary sources was conducted according to the modern anthropological and sociological perspective that, regarding the themes of gift and reciprocity, also offers useful interpretive guidelines for the analysis of ancient texts. I refer to M. Mauss’ Essai sur le don and to the rich bibliography that followed this work. / Questo studio mira ad analizzare le differenti forme e funzioni che l’etica della reciprocità assume nella cultura greca del V secolo a.C., in particolare in Erodoto e Tucidide. La reciprocità è una componente essenziale delle relazioni umane su cui la cultura greca ha elaborato una riflessione attenta. Questo principio morale costituisce una delle primarie forme di applicazione della giustizia nelle relazioni sociali; il suo ruolo si può indagare nell'ambito dei rapporti interpersonali e parimenti nelle relazioni interstatali. Si tratta di un sistema etico che ha delle radici profonde nel pensiero e nel costume greco e rende particolarmente visibile il fitto intreccio che esiste tra storiografia e società. Il principio di reciprocità si basa essenzialmente sul dovere di ricambiare in egual modo sia il bene sia il male ricevuto. Ho concentrato l’attenzione sull’aspetto costruttivo della reciprocità che si attua in scambi di doni, benefici, favori e gesti amichevoli. Questi legami dispongono di un apparato di riti, istituzioni e norme sociali attraverso cui è possibile esplorare la capacità creativa dei Greci di instaurare relazioni tra comunità e culture diverse. Infine l’analisi parallela condotta su Erodoto e su Tucidide ha offerto la possibilità di osservare l’evoluzione del pensiero etico greco e di sviluppare un confronto tra i due autori. L’analisi storica delle fonti letterarie è stata condotta alla luce della moderna prospettiva antropologica e sociologica che, per quel che riguarda i temi del dono e della reciprocità, propone delle linee interpretative altresì utili per l’analisi dei testi antichi. Mi riferisco all’Essai sur le don di M. Mauss e alla ricca bibliografia che segue a quest’opera.
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L’axiomatique des réseaux : entre réalités sociales et impensés éthico-politiques / Network axiomatic : between social realities and lack of ethical and political thinkingBorel, Simon 04 December 2013 (has links)
Il est de plus en plus admis depuis une dizaine d’années, et notamment en raison du poids croissant d’Internet, que le monde se présente désormais sous la forme d’un gigantesque réseau. Le phénomène du réseau apparaît dès lors comme le fait social total contemporain par excellence, théorisé et investi par des chercheurs, essayistes, militants, prophètes dans des buts très différents. Certains chercheurs voient dans le réseau la forme même enfin trouvée de la société-monde en gestation. D’autres au contraire, voient dans l’émergence des réseaux le vecteur de la disparition du monde commun et de la décivilisation et de la désymbolisation en marche. Quant à eux, ceux qui se présentent comme les prophètes et les hérauts des réseaux, voient le salut du monde dans les vertus démocratiques, solidaristes et oblatives des multitudes connectées dans leur lutte commune contre la privatisation et la marchandisation du monde. Malgré leurs divergences, ces approches font le constat qu’est en train de naître ce que l’on pourrait appeler une très grande société-monde virtuelle où priment les rapports sociaux à distance et dans l’immédiateté communicationnelle. Mais les interprétations de cette socialité virtuelle sont à ce point diverses et contradictoires que l’on ne parvient pas à distinguer la part de réalité qu’elles révèlent, et ce qui relève de l’idéologique, du prophétique, ou du catastrophisme. Ainsi, le discours des réseaux est-il confronté à deux impensés fondamentaux qu’il s’agit d’explorer : le rapport de la socialité virtuelle avec le face à face et les médiations institutionnelles d’une part ; et d’autre part, l’exploration du caractère vertueux ou néfaste des liaisons numériques, non pas intrinsèquement, mais dans leurs rapports aux formes néo-libérale et « parcellitaire » (tendance à l’éclatement, à l’atomisation et à la parcellisation des sociétés) contemporaines. Dès lors, cette thèse interroge le degré de réalité de cette nouvelle socialité, et le statut de l’individualisme réticulaire ou, plus précisément, quelle forme revêt la figure de l’individu entre l’émancipation par les réseaux annoncée par certains (reconnaissance de l’authenticité et réalisation de soi), et l’aliénation dénoncée par d’autres (tyrannies de la visibilité et de la connexité permanente). Cette question de l’émancipation (subjective et collective) nous conduit à interroger la place du don dans les dynamiques de la socialité virtuelle actuelle entre persistance de l’esprit du don, régénérescence voir radicalisation, et, via sa généralisation dans la forme parcellitaire actuelle, déconstruction et dépotentialisation. / As a result mainly of the increasing weight of Internet, especially in the last decade, it has become more and more acknowledged that the world appears as a gigantic network. The network phenomenon becomes into view as the archetypal contemporary total social fact, theorized and surrounded by researchers, essayists, activists, prophets, each of them pursuing its own agenda. Some academics appreciate the network as the "world society" in gestation. Others, on the contrary, see the emergence of networks as a vector towards the disappearance of communal world, and also of progressive decivilization and desymbolization. Those who appear as the prophets and heralds of networks believe that the world’s salvation lays in the democratic, solidaristic and donatist virtues of the connected multitudes in their common struggle against the world privatization and merchandization.Despite their antagonisms, these approaches converge on the idea that a very large virtual global society, where remote social relationships and communication immediateness are the rule, is in the making. Nevertheless, the interpretations of this digital sociality are too diverse and contradictory to help us distinguishing the part of reality they encompass, and what actually derives from ideology, prophecy and/or catastrophism. In this respect, the networks' axiomatic is confronted to two fundamental lacks, which need to be further explored: the relationship between virtual sociality and face-to-face relations and institutional mediations on the one hand; and the exploration of virtuous or harmful digital relations characteristic, not intrinsically speaking, but in the relationships it maintains with contemporary neo-liberal and “parcellitarian” (propensity towards explosion, atomization and fragmentation of societies) shapes in the other hand. This thesis therefore questions the degree of reality of this new sociality, and the status of reticular individualism or, more specifically, the shape which the figure of the individual take between emancipation through networks as proclaimed by some observers (recognition of authenticity and self-realization), and the alienation to them as decried by others (tyrannies of visibility and permanent connectivity). The question of emancipation (subjective and collective) drives us to question the place of giving in the dynamics of the current virtual sociality between subsistence of the spirit of giving, revitalization or even radicalization, and, via its generalization in the current “parcellitairian” shape, demolition and “depotentialization”.
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L’ambigüité des relations amoureuses entre occidentaux et autochtones en Asie du sud-est : approche comparative des cas malaisien et thaïlandais / The ambiguity of love relationships between occidental and native people in South East Asia : comparative approach of malaysian and thai casesBottero, Marion 14 June 2013 (has links)
Avec le développement des échanges mondialisés, les interactions sexuelles et/ou amoureuses entre Occident et pays en développement deviennent de plus en plus fréquentes. A travers l’étude comparative des relations entre Occidentaux et Thaïlandais ou Malaisiens nous verrons comment, par le biais des hiérarchies de genre, de classe et de « race », les acteurs occidentaux et orientaux tentent de revaloriser leur capital économique, culturel, social et symbolique. Si en Thaïlande les femmes issues d’une classe défavorisée peuvent espérer une certaine assurance financière, dans le pays voisin les femmes d’un milieu aisé souhaitent accéder à davantage de liberté face à l’emprise de la culture et de la religion locales. Ce désir de l’autre cache souvent chez les Occidentaux un rejet des dites « valeurs occidentales », notamment l’égalité des sexes, et une volonté de retour vers des valeurs considérées plus « stables », « traditionnelles » et « hiérarchisées ». Nous verrons ainsi comment les interactions amoureuses mondialisées sont un instrument de valorisation du capital bourdieusien et un moyen de redéfinir les hiérarchies sociales. / With the development of globalized exchanges, sexual and/or sentimental relationships between Occident and developping countries become more and more frequent. Through the comparative study of occidental people and thai or malay people relationships we will see how, with hierarchies of gender, class and race, occidental and oriental actors try to valorise their economic, cultural, social and symbolic capital. If in Thailand lower class women can acceed to financial stability, in the neighbour country upper class women can aspire to freedom from local culture and religion. This desire of the other often hide among occidental men a reject of « occidental values », especially sexual egality, and a return to values considered more « stable », « traditional », and « hierarchized ». Thereby we will see how globalized love interactions are an instrument to valorise Bourdieu’s capital and a way to redefine social hierarchies.
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La primera edición del Quijote en Chile (1863): reescritura, recepción crítica y reinterpretación en Chile desde 1863 a 1947Villalobos Lara, Raquel January 2013 (has links)
Tesis para optar al grado de Doctora en Literatura, mención Literatura Chilena e Hispanoamericana / No autorizada su publicación a texto completo, según petición de su autor. / En términos generales, esta investigación propone, en primera instancia, interpretar
y revelar analíticamente los aspectos culturales, literarios y sociales que rodearon la
publicación de la primera edición del Quijote publicada en Chile, además de entregar los
datos materiales y prácticos de ésta; y, en segunda instancia, se pretende analizar la
recepción e interpretación del Quijote de Miguel de Cervantes en Chile entre los años 1863
y 1947. Se hará especial hincapié en el análisis de los textos críticos que tienen a la obra
cervantina como el motivo principal de análisis. Sin embargo, no se dejará de mencionar
algunos textos, escritos, poemas y publicaciones varias que abordan tanto al escritor,
Cervantes, y al personaje, don Quijote.
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Dom Quixote, literatura e religiosidade : uma experiência pedagógica na educação de jovens e adultosMarielle de Souza Vianna 16 December 2008 (has links)
Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior / Esta pesquisa investiga as relações entre literatura e religiosidade elaboradas a
partir da experiência vivida por um grupo de estudantes idosos de diferentes
credos religiosos, tendo como base a leitura e a interpretação da obra Dom
Quixote de la Mancha de Miguel de Cervantes. O que impulsionou os
movimentos desta investigação foram as discussões acerca da interculturalidade
religiosa, que aconteceram durante a realização de saraus literários nos quais
foram lidas e interpretadas passagens selecionadas (que abordavam a questão
do analfabetismo na fase adulta, o desejo de saber e a interculturalidade
religiosa) da obra cervantina com uma turma de alfabetização de idosos, cuja
idade variava entre 60 e 83 anos, numa escola municipal de Porto Alegre, em
2006. Articulam-se aqui três âmbitos de ação nos quais os idosos
compreenderam a construção de sua identidade e seu papel no processo de
inclusão social. O primeiro âmbito é constituído pelo espaço da educação formal
representado pela escola. O segundo âmbito é constituído pelo espaço público
representado pela praça. O terceiro âmbito de ação, elemento central dessa
dissertação, é a esfera da religião, representada pelas diferentes formas de
religiosidade em seus múltiplos modos de manifestação. Esses três âmbitos
conjugam-se através de uma proposta pedagógica centrada na leitura e
interpretação do livro de Cervantes. Esta investigação permitiu descobrir a
relevância da religiosidade na vida dos sujeitos da pesquisa e a importância do
compartilhar experiências e narrativas entre aqueles que se propõem a sentar à
mesa do diálogo com a mediação de textos literários nos quais é tematizada a
interculturalidade religiosa. / This research has investigated the relations between literature and religiosity
elaborated from the living experience of an elderly students group with different
religious beliefs, having as basis the reading and interpretation of the work Don
Quixote de la Mancha by Miguel de Cervantes. What motivated this investigation
movements were the discussions on the religious interculturality, that occurred
during the realization of literary saraus, in which selected passages from
Cervantian work were read and interpreted (that approached the illiteracy issue
in adulthood, the desire of knowing and the religious interculturality) by the
elderly literacy group, whose age ranged between 60 and 83 years old, in a
municipal school in Porto Alegre, in 2006. Here, three action scopes were
articulated so that the elderly were able to understand the construction of their
identity and their role in the social inclusion process. The first scope has been
constituted through a formal educational space represented by the school. The
second scope has been constituted through a public space represented by the
square. The third action scope, central element of this dissertation, has been the
religion sphere, represented by different forms of religiosity in their multiple ways
of manifestation. These three scopes have been conjugated through a
pedagogical proposal, centered in the reading and interpretation of Cervantes
book. This investigation allowed us to ascertain the relevance of religiosity in
research subjects life, as well as the importance of sharing experiences and
narratives among those who have proposed to sit at the table of dialogue, with
the mediation of literary texts, in which the religious interculturality has been
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O cavaleiro do sonho: uma releitura do mito de Dom Quixote na literatura brasileira infantojuvenil / The dream knight: a retelling of the myth of Don Quixote in Brazilian children's literatureRibeiro, Alessandra Silva 05 February 2018 (has links)
Submitted by ALESSANDRA SILVA RIBEIRO null (alesilribeiro10@hotmail.com) on 2018-03-26T18:14:04Z
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DISSERTAÇÃO ALESSANDRA SILVA RIBEIRO.pdf: 1647793 bytes, checksum: d6773ca68f24ffc457864e610cc111ef (MD5) / Approved for entry into archive by Laura Akie Saito Inafuko (linafuko@assis.unesp.br) on 2018-03-26T18:28:27Z (GMT) No. of bitstreams: 1
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Previous issue date: 2018-02-05 / O livro Dom Quixote de La Mancha, do escritor espanhol Miguel de Cervantes Saavedra (1547-1616), publicado nos anos de 1605 (Primeiro Livro) e 1615 (Segundo Livro), é considerado por muitos como a obra que marcou o início do romance moderno e tem sua história conhecida mundialmente. O sucesso de Dom Quixote foi preconizado pelo próprio escritor, registrado no prólogo de seu Segundo Livro. Sua interpretação ao longo de quatro séculos de existência revela leituras variadas, sendo que dentre elas acentua-se a de viés romântico. Neste estudo abordamos um breve panorama da história de divulgação da obra e de Cervantes e de sua expansão pelo mundo, tornando-o um dos livros mais conhecidos pela humanidade. Sua divulgação se expande por fronteiras além-literárias, como adaptações presentes nos diferentes campos artísticos: teatro, cinema, música, pintura, entre outros. Enfocamos uma de suas adaptações literárias infantojuvenis, realizada pela escritora brasileira Ana Maria Machado, intitulada O Cavaleiro do Sonho: as aventuras e desventuras de Dom Quixote de La Mancha (2005), que dialoga interartisticamente com a pintura, pois é ilustrada pela série Dom Quixote (1956), de Candido Portinari. O contato com a história também ocorre pela esfera da oralidade, constituindo-se no mito de Dom Quixote, ou seja, a história desprende-se do papel para habitar o campo do imaginário coletivo. Averiguamos a perspectiva adotada pela escritora Ana Maria Machado em relação a sua releitura da história de Cervantes pela via do mito. Para isso adotamos uma perspectiva analítica que se vale da mitocrítica, dos estudos cervantistas, da teoria literária e dos estudos da linguagem para a análise do componente interdisciplinar ressaltado pela autora. / The novel Don Quixote de La Mancha, by the Spanish writer Miguel de Cervantes Saavedra (1547-1616), first published in 1605 (Volume 1) and 1615 (Volume 2), is acknowledged by many literary critics as the milestone of the modern novel, and its plot is known worldwide. The success of Don Quixote was foreboded by the own author, reported in the prologue of Volume 2. The interpretation of Don Quixote’s narrative over its four centuries of existence unveils multiple analysis, of which, among them, the romantic bias one is emphasized. In this dissertation we have approached a brief overview on the trajectory of the dissemination of the aforementioned novel, also regarding the novelist himself, as well as its diffusion throughout the world, growing into one of the most famous books in mankind. Its diffusion goes beyond literary boundaries, such as existing adaptations in several artistic fields like drama, cinema, music, painting, among others. We have emphasized one of its adaptations to children’s literature, made by the Brazilian authoress Ana Maria Machado, entitled O Cavaleiro do Sonho: as aventuras e desventuras de Dom Quixote de La Mancha (2005), which dialogues interartistically with painting, since its illustrations were taken from the series of paintings Dom Quixote (1956), by the Brazilian painter Candido Portinari. The bonding with the narrative also takes place via the field of orality, forming the Myth of Don Quixote. We have investigated Ana Maria Machado’s point of view concerning her adaptation of Cervantes’ diegesis by means of the myth. To this end, we have utilized an analytical perspective that makes use of Myth Criticism, Cervantic studies, Theory of Literature and Language Studies in order to substantiate the interdisciplinary element stressed by the authoress.
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Religião e política: construção da memória de Dom Adriano Hypólito / Religion and politics: the construction of memory of Don Adriano HypólitoAlexander de Souza Gomes 31 August 2012 (has links)
Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior / O presente trabalho discute a interdependência entre religião e política no âmbito da ação pastoral da Diocese de Nova Iguaçu no bispado de Dom Adriano Hypólito, que foi nomeado em 1966 bispo diocesano. No discurso e práticas sociais realizados por Dom Adriano Hypólito observa-se a base dessa interdependência. Por isso, a pesquisa procura analisar os discursos proferidos pelo bispo em documentos como A Folha e o Boletim Diocesano para mensurar seu posicionamento em relação à fé e política. Através das entrevistas concedidas por padres e leigos engajados busca-se regatar a memória do Bispo de Nova Iguaçu, que em decorrência de sua postura e opção preferencial pelos pobres sofre perseguições e é torturado no âmbito da Ditadura Civil-Militar no Brasil. Para corroborar tais elementos, procura-se fazer uma análise antropológica do memorial, construído um ano após de seu falecimento. Salienta-se que os objetos que se encontram nesse memorial se materializam como lugar-memória, e que se traduzem numa linguagem político-religiosa. Dessa forma, procura-se localizar nesse espaço como a memória de Dom Adriano está sendo transmitida e de que forma seu trabalho pastoral é recuperado nessa construção. A pesquisa também procura recuperar os discursos do Bispo Dom Adriano e a contribuição dos mesmos para a formação do laicato que através da conscientização e formação nas bases da Igreja engajar-se-ão em movimentos sociais, em partidos políticos e em sindicatos. / In this thesis I discuss the interdependence between religion and politics in the context of the pastoral action of Nova Iguacu Diocese in the bishopric of Don Adriano Hypólito. In 1966 he was chosen diocesan bishop. In the discourse and social practices performed by Don Adriano Hypólito we observes the basis of this interdependence. The aim of this research is to analyze the speeches given by the bishop in documents as "A Folha" and "Boletim Diocesano" to measure its position in relation to faith and politics. Through interviews with priests and engaged laity we seek to rescue the memory of the Bishop of Nova Iguaçu, which in function to their posture and "preferential option for the poor, suffers persecution and was tortured under the Civil-Military Dictatorship in Brazil. To corroborate these elements, we try to make an anthropological analysis of the memorial, which was built a year after his death. Note that the objects that are on this memorial, materialize as a place-memory, is translated into a politico-religious language. Thus, we try to find that space as Don Adriano memorial is being transmitted and how his pastoral work is recovered. The research also seeks to recover the speeches of Bishop Adriano and contribution thereof to the formation of the laity that through awareness and training bases in the Church will engagein social movements, political parties and trade unions
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O pós-moderno e a relação entre literatura e história em Running dog, de Don DelilloRibeiro, Rejane de Almeida [UNESP] 23 May 2006 (has links) (PDF)
Made available in DSpace on 2014-06-11T19:29:49Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 0
Previous issue date: 2006-05-23Bitstream added on 2014-06-13T21:00:15Z : No. of bitstreams: 1
ribeiro_ra_me_sjrp.pdf: 445246 bytes, checksum: 62f8cef13de473ce4ad941026749cfc4 (MD5) / A partir de teorias sobre o pós-moderno e sobre as relações entre Literatura e História, realiza-se a análise da obra Running Dog (1978), do autor norte-americano Don DeLillo, a fim de verificar quais elementos históricos, culturais, sociais e políticos estão presentes na narrativa. Aborda-se também como esses aspectos são estruturados de maneira estética, ou seja, qual é o projeto ficcional do autor. O romance traz uma busca por um filme supostamente pornográfico que teria Hitler como uma de suas personagens. Na verdade, quando o filme é encontrado, vemos o líder nazista frágil, debilitado, imitando Charlie Chaplin em O Grande Ditador (1940), revelando, assim, uma outra imagem do Führer. O trabalho apresenta uma discussão sobre a postura crítica do autor frente à História oficial, bem como à cultura contemporânea. / This thesis presents an analysis of the novel Running Dog (1978), by Don DeLillo, based on theories that focus on postmodern issues, Literature and History, in order to verify which historical, social and political elements are aproached in the book. It is discussed how these aspects are aesthetically structured, that is, what the author's fictional project is. The narrative shows the search for an alleged pornographic film that would have Hitler as one of its characters. In fact, when the film is found, we see a debilitated, fragile Nazi leader, imitating Charles Chaplin in The Great Dictator (1940). Thus, the author discloses another image of the Führer. This study also addresses DeLillo's criticism towards official History and contemporary culture.
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