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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

O papel das comorbidades no desempenho neuropsicológico de adultos com transtorno de déficit de atenção e hiperatividade (TDAH)

Silva, Katiane Lilian da January 2013 (has links)
Embora o Transtorno de Déficit de Atenção e Hiperatividade (TDAH) seja classicamente definido pela tríade sintomatológica de desatenção, hiperatividade e impulsividade, há uma variabilidade significativa na sua apresentação clínica relacionada a idade, gênero, intensidade dos sintomas e, ainda, presença de comorbidades. Estudos que possibilitem a identificação dos mecanismos neuropsicológicos envolvidos no TDAH, e sua relação com fatores específicos relacionados às comorbidades, podem representar uma importante estratégia para melhor compreensão da heterogeneidade desse transtorno. Nesse contexto, o objetivo principal deste trabalho foi analisar o papel das comorbidades no desempenho neuropsicológico de adultos com TDAH. Para tanto, foram realizados dois estudos a fim de identificar quais mecanismos neuropsicológicos estão associados diretamente ao TDAH e quais podem ser atribuídos às comorbidades. O primeiro estudo avaliou cognição, atenção e controle inibitório em pacientes adultos com TDAH, considerando a presença de transtornos associados. Os achados apontam para prejuízos neuropsicológicos que vão além da presença de comorbidades, ou seja, podem ser atribuídos diretamente ao TDAH, mesmo que alguns deles sejam parcialmente influenciados pelos transtornos associados. O segundo estudo avaliou especificamente o subgrupo de pacientes com TDAH com Transtorno de Humor Bipolar (THB), pela relevância clínica dessa comorbidade, a fim de esclarecer o papel de cada um dos transtornos no que diz respeito ao funcionamento executivo. Os resultados demonstram que os déficits encontrados no domínio de flexibilidade cognitiva, avaliados pelo Teste de Seleção de Cartas de Wisconsin, estão associados diretamente à presença da comorbidade com THB. Em conjunto, os achados dessa tese apontam para a hipótese de que déficits em atenção, quociente de inteligência estimado (QI) e controle inibitório estão associados ao TDAH em si, enquanto os prejuízos em funções executivas, mais especificamente em flexibilidade cognitiva, podem ser melhor explicados pela presença da comorbidade com o THB. Esses achados iniciais devem servir de base para estudos confirmatórios a fim de ampliar e solidificar essa área do conhecimento. A utilização da neuropsicologia no entendimento da fisiopatologia do TDAH, considerando sua heterogeneidade, tem extrema relevância e pode auxiliar no processo diagnóstico e no desenvolvimento de intervenções terapêuticas mais efetivas. / Although inattention, hyperactivity and impulsivity are the core symptoms that classically define Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD), there is a significant variability in its clinical presentation related to age, gender, symptom severity and also the presence of comorbidities. The identification of the neuropsychological mechanisms involved in ADHD, and its relation with specific factors related to comorbidities, might represent an important strategy for better understanding the heterogeneity of this disorder. In this context, the primary aim of this work was to analyze the role of comorbidities in the neuropsychological performance of adults with ADHD. Two studies have been performed to investigate neuropsychological mechanisms that are directly associated with ADHD or can be attributed to comorbidities. The first study evaluated cognition, attention and inhibitory control in adult patients with ADHD, considering the presence of associated disorders. The findings reveal neuropsychological impairments that go beyond the presence of comorbidities, i.e., they can be directly attributed to ADHD, even though some of them are partially influenced by some comorbidities. The second study specifically assessed the subgroup of patients with ADHD and Bipolar Disorder (BD), in order to evaluate the role of each disorder regarding executive functioning. Results show that the deficits found in the cognitive flexibility domain, assessed by the Wisconsin Card Sorting Test, are directly associated with the presence of comorbidity with BD. Together, the findings of this thesis point to the hypothesis that attention deficit, estimated intelligence quotient (IQ) and inhibitory control are associated with ADHD itself, while the damage in executive functions, more specifically in cognitive flexibility, can be better explained by the presence of comorbidity with BD. These initial findings could help future studies to enlarge and consolidate this area of knowledge. The use of neuropsychology for understanding ADHD pathophysiology, considering its heterogeneity, is extremely relevant and might help the diagnosis process and the development of more effective therapeutic interventions.

Analyse spatiale à Saqqâra des origines à la fin de l'Ancien Empire : les exemples des complexes funéraires de Netjerikhet et de Sekhemkhet / Spatial analysis occupation at Saqqara from the origins to the end of the Ancient Kingdom : examples of the Funerary Complexes of Netjerikhet and Sekhemkhet

Noc, Eloïse 14 November 2015 (has links)
Cette étude est une analyse spatiale des vestiges archéologiques datant des origines à la fin de l'Ancien Empire des complexes funéraires de Netjerikhet et de Sekhemkhet à Saqqâra. L'objectif de ce travail est de comprendre l'occupation spatiale, l'enjeu étant de pouvoir traiter la quantité très importante d'informations issues des publications. Pour cerner l'ensemble de la documentation à examiner, une base de données et un système d'information géographique (SIG) ont été créés. Grâce à ces outils informatiques, tous les artefacts ont ainsi pu être enregistrés et une analyse des relations qu'entretiennent les différentes entités recensées a pu être menée pour tenter de comprendre comment s'organise l'espace. Des cartes imprimées permettent de visualiser les résultats de requêtes, d'ailleurs imaginées au préalable pour construire les outils. Cet examen des données, par le biais d'une géodatabase, permet également d'évaluer tout l'intérêt des outils informatiques pour la recherche. / This study is a spatial analysis of the archaeological remains dating from the origins to the end of the Old Kingdom of the funerary complexes of Netjerikhet and Sekhemkhet at Saqqara. The aim of this work is to understand the spatial occupation, the challenge is to process the very large amount of information from publications. To include all of the documentation to be processed, a database and a geographic information system (GIS) have been created. With these software tools, all artefacts were thus recorded and an analysis of the relationships between the different entities listed has been conducted to try to understand how the space is organized. Printed maps allow visualizing query results, queries moreover imagined beforehand to build the tools. This examination of the data through a geodatabase also assesses the interest of these tools for research.

The Major Challenges in DDDM Implementation: A Single-Case Study : What are the Main Challenges for Business-to-Business MNCs to Implement a Data-Driven Decision-Making Strategy?

Varvne, Matilda, Cederholm, Simon, Medbo, Anton January 2020 (has links)
Over the past years, the value of data and DDDM have increased significantly as technological advancements have made it possible to store and analyze large amounts of data at a reasonable cost. This has resulted in completely new business models that has disrupt whole industries. DDDM allows businesses to rely their decisions on data, as opposed to on gut feeling. Up until this point, literature is eligible to provide a general view of what are the major challenges corporations encounter when implementing a DDDM strategy. However, as the field is still rather new, the challenges identified are yet very general and many corporations, especially B2B MNCs selling consumer goods, seem to struggle with this implementation. Hence, a single-case study on such a corporation, named Alpha, was carried out with the purpose to explore what are their major challenges in this process. Semi-structured interviews revealed evidence of four major findings, whereas, execution and organizational culture were supported in existing literature, however, two additional findings associated with organizational structure and consumer behavior data were discovered in the case of Alpha. Based on this, the conclusions drawn were that B2B MNCs selling consumer goods encounter the challenges of identifying local markets as frontrunners for strategies such as the one to become more data-driven, as well as the need to find a way to retrieve consumer behavior data. With these two main challenges identified, it can provide a starting point for managers when implementing DDDM strategies in B2B MNCs selling consumer goods in the future.

Evaluation and performance comparison between two commercial multiplex gastroenteritis diagnostic systems in a routine laboratory setting

Rabe, Nasim Estelle January 2021 (has links)
Abstract Background: Gastroenteritis is a common infection and the leading cause of morbidity worldwide and is mostly caused by viruses. Outbreaks appear in both developed and developing countries and result in large economic costs. Rapid detection is important for appropriate treatment, control and to prevent the spread of infection.  Objective: Evaluation and performance comparison between the BioFire®FilmArray® Torch System gastrointestinal panel and the Molecular BD MAXTMenteric viral panel to indicate a multiplex method for viral gastroenteritis diagnostic in a routine laboratory setting.  Material and methods: In this study, 58 different samples were used which consisted of selected stool specimens from patients who were tested and treated for gastroenteritis infection at Uppsala Academic Hospital and Norrlands University Hospital in Umeå during 2018-2021, samples from Quality control for molecular diagnostics viral gastroenteritis EQA pilot study during 2018-2019 and cultivated strains of different adenovirus species from 2018. All samples were analyzed with both systems for comparison of detected pathogens.  Results: Sensitivity and specificity values were 95% and 100% respectively for the BioFire®FilmArray®Torch System and 100% and 93.3% for the BD MAXTMSystem.   Conclusions: Bothsystems are rapid and adequate diagnostic tools. The BioFire®FilmArray®Torch System with greater coverage has the ability of detecting more pathogens and is more promising particularly in the occasional infection circumstance. The BD MAXTMSystem demonstrated almost the same results and seems to be a better option in times of an outbreak when the numbers of patients are significantly higher.

Mise à jour d’une base de données d’occupation du sol à grande échelle en milieux naturels à partir d’une image satellite THR / Updating large-scale land-use database on natural environments from a VHR satellite image

Gressin, Adrien 12 December 2014 (has links)
Les base de données (BD) d'Occupation du Sol (OCS) sont d'une grande utilité, dans divers domaines. Les utilisateurs recherchent des niveaux de détails tant géométriques que sémantiques très fins. Ainsi, une telle BD d'OCS à Grande Échelle (OCS-GE) est en cours de constitution à l'IGN. Cependant, pour répondre aux besoins des utilisateurs, cette BD doit être mise à jour le plus régulièrement possible, avec une notion de millésime. Ainsi, des méthodes automatiques de mise à jour doivent être mises en place, afin de traiter rapidement des zones étendues. Par ailleurs, les satellites d'observation de la terre ont fait leurs preuves dans l'aide à la constitution de BD d'OCS à des échelles comparables à celle de CLC. Avec l'arrivée de nouveaux capteurs THR, comme celle du satellite Pléiades, la question de la pertinence de ces images pour la mise à jour de BD d'OCS-GE se pose naturellement. Ainsi, l'objet de cette thèse est de développer une méthode automatique de mise à jour de BDs d'OCS-GE, à partir d'une image satellite THR monoscopique (afin de réduire les coûts d'acquisition), tout en garantissant la robustesse des changements détectés. Le cœur de la méthode est un algorithme d'apprentissage supervisés multi-niveaux appelé MLMOL, qui permet de prendre en compte au mieux les apparences, éventuellement multiples, de chaque thème de la BD. Cet algorithme, complètement indépendant du choix du classifieur et des attributs extraits de l'image, peut être appliqué sur des jeux de données très variés. De plus, la multiplication de classifications permet d'améliorer la robustesse de la méthode, en particulier sur des thèmes ayant des apparences multiples (e,g,. champs labourés ou non, bâtiments de type maison ou hangar industriel, ...). De plus, l'algorithme d'apprentissage est intégré dans une chaîne de traitements (LUPIN) capable, d'une part de s'adapter automatiquement aux différents thèmes de la BD pouvant exister et, d'autre part, d'être robuste à l'existence de thèmes in-homogènes. Par suite, la méthode est appliquée avec succès à une image Pléiades, sur une zone à proximité de Tarbes (65) couverte par la BD OCS-GE constituée par IGN. Les résultats obtenus montrent l'apport des images Pléiades tant en terme de résolution sub-métrique que de dynamique spectrale. D'autre part, la méthode proposée permet de fournir des indicateurs pertinents de changements sur la zone. Nous montrons par ailleurs que notre méthode peut fournir une aide précieuse à la constitution de BD d'OCS issues de la fusion de différentes BDs. En effet, notre méthode a la capacité de prise de décisions lorsque la fusion de BDs génère des zones de recouvrement, phénomène courant notamment lorsque les données proviennent de différentes sources, avec leur propre spécification. De plus, notre méthode permet également de compléter d'éventuels lacunes dans la zone de couverture de la BD générée, mais aussi d'étendre cette couverture sur l'emprise d'une image couvrant une étendue plus large. Enfin, la chaîne de traitements LUPIN est appliquée à différents jeux de données de télédétection afin de valider sa polyvalence et de juger de la pertinence de ces données. Les résultats montrent sa capacité d'adaptation aux données de différentes résolutions utilisées (Pléiades à 0,5m, SPOT 6 à 1,5m et RapidEye à 5m), ainsi que sa capacité à utiliser les points forts des différents capteurs, comme par exemple le canal red-edge de RapidEye pour la discrimination du thème forêts, le bon compromis de résolution que fournit SPOT 6 pour le thème zones bâties et l'apport de la THR de Pléiades pour discriminer des thèmes précis comme les routes ou les haies. / Land-Cover geospatial databases (LC-BDs) are mandatory inputs for various purposes such as for natural resources monitoring land planning, and public policies management. To improve this monitoring, users look for both better geometric, and better semantic levels of detail. To fulfill such requirements, a large-scale LC-DB is being established at the French National Mapping Agency (IGN). However, to meet the users needs, this DB must be updated as regularly as possible while keeping the initial accuracies. Consequently, automatic updating methods should be set up in order to allow such large-scale computation. Furthermore, Earth observation satellites have been successfully used to the constitution of LC-DB at various scales such as Corine Land Cover (CLC). Nowadays, very high resolution (VHR) sensors, such as Pléiades satellite, allow to product large-scale LC-DB. Consequently, the purpose of this thesis is to propose an automatic updating method of such large-scale LC-DB from VHR monoscopic satellite image (to limit acquisition costs) while ensuring the robustness of the detected changes. Our proposed method is based on a multilevel supervised learning algorithm MLMOL, which allows to best take into account the possibly multiple appearances of each DB classes. This algorithm can be applied to various images and DB data sets, independently of the classifier, and the attributes extracted from the input image. Moreover, the classifications stacking improves the robustness of the method, especially on classes having multiple appearances (e.g., plowed or not plowed fields, stand-alone houses or industrial warehouse buildings, ...). In addition, the learning algorithm is integrated into a processing chain (LUPIN) allowing, first to automatically fit to the different existing DB themes and, secondly, to be robust to in-homogeneous areas. As a result, the method is successfully applied to a Pleiades image on an area near Tarbes (southern France) covered by the IGN large-scale LC-DB. Results show the contribution of Pleiades images (in terms of sub-meter resolution and spectral dynamics). Indeed, thanks to the texture and shape attributes (morphological profiles, SFS, ...), VHR satellite images give good classification results, even on classes such as roads, and buildings that usually require specific methods. Moreover, the proposed method provides relevant change indicators in the area. In addition, our method provides a significant support for the creation of LC-DB obtain by merging several existing DBs. Indeed, our method allows to take a decision when the fusion of initials DBs generates overlapping areas, particularly when such DBs come from different sources with their own specification. In addition, our method allows to fill potential gaps in the coverage of such generating DB, but also to extend the data to the coverage of a larger image. Finally, the proposed workflow is applied to different remote sensing data sets in order to assess its versatility and the relevance of such data. Results show that our method is able to deal with such different spatial resolutions data sets (Pléiades at 0.5 m, SPOT 6 at 1.5 m and RapidEye at 5 m), and to take into account the strengths of each sensor, e.g., the RapidEye red-edge channel for discrimination theme forest, the good balance of the SPOT~6 resolution for built-up areas classes and the capability of VHR of Pléiades images to discriminate objects of small spatial extent such as roads or hedge.

Raconter sa biculture pour dénoncer: le pouvoir transformateur de l'Art dans "Le Piano Oriental" et "Coquelicots d'Irak"

Scally, Lina 21 June 2023 (has links)
No description available.

Modèles d'atmosphères hors-ETL avec métaux : applications aux étoiles sous-naines chaudes

Latour, Marilyn 04 1900 (has links)
No description available.

The Eigenvalue Problem of the 1-Laplace Operator: Local Perturbation Results and Investigation of Related Vectorial Questions

Littig, Samuel 23 January 2015 (has links)
As a first aspect the thesis treats existence results of the perturbed eigenvalue problem of the 1-Laplace operator. This is done with the aid of a quite general critical point theory results with the genus as topological index. Moreover we show that the eigenvalues of the perturbed 1-Laplace operator converge to the eigenvalues of the unperturebed 1-Laplace operator when the perturbation goes to zero. As a second aspect we treat the eigenvalue problems of the vectorial 1-Laplace operator and the symmetrized 1-Laplace operator. And as a third aspect certain related parabolic problems are considered.

Sistema de gerenciamento da informação: alterações neurológicas em chagásicos crônicos não-cardíacos / Information Management System: neurological disorders in non-cardiac chronics chagasic.

Carmo, Samuel Sullivan 27 April 2010 (has links)
O presente trabalho ocupa-se no desenvolvimento de um sistema computacional de gerenciamento da informação para auxiliar os estudos científicos sobre o sistema nervoso de chagásicos crônicos não-cardíacos. O objetivo é desenvolver o sistema requerido, pelo pressuposto de praticidade nas análises decorrentes da investigação. O método utilizado para desenvolver este sistema computacional, dedicado ao gerenciamento das informações da pesquisa sobre as alterações neurológicas de seus sujeitos, foi; compor o arquétipo de metas e a matriz de levantamento de requisitos das variantes do sistema; listar os atributos, domínios e qualificações das suas variáveis; elaborar o quadro de escolha de equipamentos e aplicativos necessários para sua implantação física e lógica e; implantá-lo mediante uma modelagem de base de dados, e uma programação lógica de algoritmos. Como resultado o sistema foi desenvolvido. A discussão de análise é; a saber, que a informatização pode tornar mais eficaz as operações de cadastro, consulta e validação de campo, além da formatação e exportação de tabelas pré-tratadas para análises estatísticas, atuando assim como uma ferramenta do método científico. Ora, a argumentação lógica é que a confiabilidade das informações computacionalmente registradas é aumentada porque o erro humano é diminuído na maioria dos processamentos. Como discussão de cerramento, estudos dotados de razoável volume de variáveis e sujeitos de pesquisa são mais bem geridos caso possuam um sistema dedicado ao gerenciamento de suas informações. / This is the development of a computer information management system to support scientific studies about the nervous system of non-cardiac chronic chagasic patients. The goal is to develop the required system, by assumption of the convenience in the analysis of research results. The method used to develop this computer system, dedicated to information management of research about the neurological disorders of their human subject research, were; compose the archetypal matrix of targets and requirements elicitation of the system variants; list the attributes, qualifications and domains of its variables; draw up the choice framework of equipment and required applications for its physical and logic implementation, and; deploying it through a data modeling, an adapted entity-relationship diagram and programmable logic algorithms. As a result the required system was developed. The analytical discussion is that the computerization makes the data processing faster and safer. The more practical information management processes are: the operations of registration, queries and fields\' validations, as well as the advanced and basic queries of records, in addition to table formatting and exporting of pre-treated for statistical analysis. The logical argument is that the reliability of the recorded computationally information is increased because is insured that bias of human error is absent from most of the steps, including several the data processing operations. As end discussion, scientific studies with reasonable amount of variables and research subjects are better managed if they have a dedicated system to managing their information.

Entendendo as fronteiras e a comorbidade entre o transtorno de humor bipolar e o transtorno de déficit de atenção e hiperatividade em crianças e adolescentes

Zeni, Cristian Patrick January 2011 (has links)
Introdução: Em crianças e adolescentes, o Transtorno de Humor Bipolar (THB) é associado a danos devastadores no desenvolvimento. O Transtorno de Déficit de Atenção/Hiperatividade (TDAH), caracterizado por sintomas de desatenção, hiperatividade e impulsividade também causa prejuízo funcional significativo. O diagnóstico diferencial entre os dois transtornos é puramente clínico e, até o momento, há poucos estudos avaliando diferenças neurobiológicas. Diversas pesquisas sugerem a participação do Fator Neurotrófico Derivado do Cérebro (BDNF), cujo papel não foi elucidado em crianças e adolescentes com THB e com TDAH. Apesar das altas taxas de comorbidade entre o THB e o TDAH, de uma pior resposta ao tratamento e de um pior funcionamento psicossocial quando da comorbidade, apenas dois estudos avaliaram a resposta ao tratamento especificamente neste grupo de pacientes. Objetivos: O objetivo principal deste trabalho é avançar no entendimento do papel do BDNF na psicopatologia do THB e do TDAH, visando sua diferenciação. O tratamento da comorbidade com estimulantes tambem foi estudado. Métodos: A transmissão do alelo Val66 do BDNF foi avaliada em famílias de crianças e adolescentes com THB e TDAH, assim como o efeito do gene no nível sérico da proteína do BDNF entre os grupos. Foi realizada a comparação dos níveis séricos entre pacientes com THB em comorbidade com TDAH e TDAH isolado. Um estudo clínico cruzado com estimulantes foi realizado em crianças e adolescentes com THB e TDAH em comorbidade que tinham apresentado remissão dos sintomas de humor com o uso de aripiprazol, mas persistência dos sintomas de TDAH. Os sintomas de mania, depressão, desatenção e hiperatividade foram acompanhados ao longo de quatro semanas de tratamento, duas com placebo ou metilfenidato e duas com o tratamento inverso. Resultados: Na investigação da transmissão do gene do BDNF em crianças e adolescentes não foi detectada diferença significativa na transmissão do alelo Val66. Tampouco foi observada diferença significativa nos níveis séricos da proteína do BDNF entre os pacientes com THB em comorbidade com TDAH, quando comparados aos pacientes com TDAH e controles. No estudo cruzado com crianças e adolescentes com THB em comorbidade com TDAH, não houve diferenças entre os grupos com placebo ou estimulantes na resposta ao tratamento nos sintomas de TDAH. Os sintomas de humor mantiveram-se estáveis a despeito do uso de metilfenidato. Conclusões: Os achados quanto ao gene do BDNF não sugerem sua participação na neurobiologia do THB ou no TDAH, ou que devido à herança poligênica característica dos transtornos mentais, sua participação seja pequena. O achado de diferença significativa entre os níveis séricos do BDNF de crianças e adolescentes com THB+TDAH e TDAH indica que esse tema deve ser mais estudado, e, caso seja também encontrado de forma consistente por outros grupos, possa vir a ser utilizado como marcador biológico na diferenciação diagnóstica entre essas condições. No estudo de tratamento da comorbidade entre THB e TDAH, a ausência de resposta ao metilfenidato nos sintomas de TDAH em pacientes que apresentam a comorbidade reforça a evidência de que há pior resposta ao tratamento neste grupo, dado o elevado tamanho de efeito do metilfenidato no tratamento do TDAH em isolado O estudo de fatores biológicos para um melhor entendimento da psicopatologia e conseqüente diferenciação dos transtornos mentais tem extrema relevância porque a identificação destes fatores pode auxiliar na elaboração de tratamentos mais precisos, urgentemente necessários devido às graves conseqüências do THB e do TDAH nas vidas dos pacientes e de suas famílias. A criação de um programa específico para Crianças e Adolescentes com Transtorno Bipolar (ProCAB) e de uma linha de pesquisa com foco na etiologia e tratamento possibilitam uma constante geração de conhecimento nesta área, onde poucos estudos estão disponíveis. / Introduction: Bipolar Disorder (BD) in children and adolescents is associated to devastating developmental deficits. Attention-Deficit/Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD), characterized by inattention, hyperactivity, and impulsivity, also promotes significant impairment. Differential diagnosis between both conditions is purely clinical – currently, there are scarce investigations on neurobiological differences. Several studies suggest the participation of the Brain-Derived Neurotrophic Factor (BDNF) in these disorders, whose role has not been elucidated in BD and ADHD in children and adolescents. Despite high comorbidity rates between BD and ADHD, worse psychosocial functioning, and worse response to treatment, only two studies addressed treatment response specifically in this group of patients. Objectives: promote advances in understanding the role of BDNF in the psychopathology of BD and ADHD. The treatment of the comorbidity was also studied. Methods: Transmission of the Val66 allele at the BDNF was assessed in children and adolescents with BD and ADHD, as well as the effect of the gene on the serum levels of BDNF protein in both conditions. BDNF serum levels were compared between patients with BD comorbid with ADHD, and ADHD. A crossover clinical trial with stimulants and placebo was performed with children and adolescents preseting BD and comorbid ADHD. Manic, depressive, inatention and hyperactivity symptoms were assessed along a 4-week treatment, 2 weeks in each treatment arm (placebo or stimulants). Results: There was no significant transmission of the Val66 allele at the BDNF gene in children and adolescents with BD or ADHD. A significant difference in BDNF protein serum levels between BD+ADHD when compared to ADHD alone and controls. In the crossover trial with children and adolescents with BD and comorbid ADHD, we did not observe differences between the placebo and stimulant treatment groups in the response of ADHD symptoms. Mood symptoms remained stable despite the use of methylphenidate. Conclusions: our results regarding the BDNF gene do not suggest its participation in the neurobiology of BD or ADHD, or that due to the polygenic characteristic of mental disorders, that this gene confers a only a small risk, undetectable in our sample. The finding of a significant difference in BDNF serum levels between BD comorbid with ADHD, and ADHD alone warrants further investigation, and in case replication studies with larger samples from other groups are positive, BDNF serum levels might be used as a biological marker in the diagnostic difference between these conditions. In the investigation of the treatment of the comorbidity between BD and ADHD, the absence of different responses between placebo and methylphenidate in ADHD symptoms strengthens the evidence that there is a worse response to treatment in this group, given the large effect size of methylphenidate response in the treatment of ADHD alone. The quest for biological markers for a better understanding of the psychopathology and subsequent differentiation of mental disorders is extremely relevant. The identification of these factors may facilitate the creation of more accurate treatment regimens, urgently needed due to the severe developmental consequences of BD and ADHD in the patients’ and families’ lives. In this sense, the creation of a specific outpatient program for children and adolescent BD (ProCAB), a research line with focus on risk factors and treatment, will enable a Constant generation of knowledge in this área, where scarce data is available.

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