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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

State-Oriented Business Process Modeling : Principles, Theory and Practice

Bider, Ilia January 2002 (has links)
In the last 50 years, a considerable amount of research workhas been completed in the mathematical system theory and theoryof control. Implementation of the results from this researchinto practice has drastically decreased the production costs.Most production processes are highly automated, and the use ofrobots in industry is growing. As far as office, or businessprocesses are concerned, the situation is quite different.Though the office workers and sales personnel have obtainedmuch help from the modern computers, the office and salesprocesses are far behind the production processes on the levelof automation. The computers are used in the office mainly tohelp in performing various activities, e.g., to write a letter,to print an invoice, to complete a transaction, etc. Thecontrol of the business processes in the office remains, to alarge extent, manual. There is a lot to gain if the controlover business processes could be automated, at leastpartially. The material presented in this thesis is aimed to supportthe following hypothesis: "The ideas worked out in the Mathematical system theory formodeling and controlling physical processes can be successfullyused for modeling and controlling business processes." Oneof the main ideas of mathematical system theory is to considera process as a set of valid trajectories in a state space, andthis idea is the keystone for the thesis. The thesis startswith reformulating the state-oriented approach for the domainof business processes to show what kind of sate space can beused in this domain. First, the approach is introducedinformally by means of an example. Next, a possibleformalization adjusted to the properties of business processesis discussed. Then, experimental evidences that the methodsuggested in the thesis can be used in practice are presented.The suggested method is also compared with other methods ofbusiness process modeling to find out the areas where it hasadvantages over the other methods. In the conclusion, theresults are summarized, and plansfor the future are drawn. Most of the material included in the thesis has beenpublished and presented at international conferences. Thecontribution of this thesis consists in organizing the materialin support of the main hypothesis.

State-Oriented Business Process Modeling : Principles, Theory and Practice

Bider, Ilia January 2002 (has links)
<p>In the last 50 years, a considerable amount of research workhas been completed in the mathematical system theory and theoryof control. Implementation of the results from this researchinto practice has drastically decreased the production costs.Most production processes are highly automated, and the use ofrobots in industry is growing. As far as office, or businessprocesses are concerned, the situation is quite different.Though the office workers and sales personnel have obtainedmuch help from the modern computers, the office and salesprocesses are far behind the production processes on the levelof automation. The computers are used in the office mainly tohelp in performing various activities, e.g., to write a letter,to print an invoice, to complete a transaction, etc. Thecontrol of the business processes in the office remains, to alarge extent, manual. There is a lot to gain if the controlover business processes could be automated, at leastpartially.</p><p>The material presented in this thesis is aimed to supportthe following hypothesis: "<i>The ideas worked out in the Mathematical system theory formodeling and controlling physical processes can be successfullyused for modeling and controlling business processes</i>." Oneof the main ideas of mathematical system theory is to considera process as a set of valid trajectories in a state space, andthis idea is the keystone for the thesis. The thesis startswith reformulating the state-oriented approach for the domainof business processes to show what kind of sate space can beused in this domain. First, the approach is introducedinformally by means of an example. Next, a possibleformalization adjusted to the properties of business processesis discussed. Then, experimental evidences that the methodsuggested in the thesis can be used in practice are presented.The suggested method is also compared with other methods ofbusiness process modeling to find out the areas where it hasadvantages over the other methods. In the conclusion, theresults are summarized, and plansfor the future are drawn.</p><p>Most of the material included in the thesis has beenpublished and presented at international conferences. Thecontribution of this thesis consists in organizing the materialin support of the main hypothesis.</p>

Business model change as a dynamic capability

Juntunen, M. (Marko) 10 October 2017 (has links)
Abstract The purpose of this study is to explore the role of dynamic capability in business model change in Internet-based business start-ups and Internet-based business enterprises. This study reviews the literature on business models, business model change, and dynamic capability, and defines business model change as a dynamic capability that is expected to lead to increased speed of business change and competitive advantages over the long term. This empirical study of business model change is accomplished by the case study method. The study is based on field data of four case companies regarding entrepreneurs’, business developers’, and business leaders’ behavior and actions while they are utilizing the business model concept for the purpose of business change. This study approaches business model change as a dynamic capability from three dynamic capability cluster perspectives. It explores how businesses can use the concept of business model for business decisions as well as how they can use the concept of business model to improve the speed of business change after new business opportunities or threats are found. The analysis identifies the process of business model change and factors that affect business model change, and the outcomes are results from three dynamic capability clusters that Internet-based companies are able to follow in a fast-changing business environment. This study develops a posteriori model proposing that a dynamically capable business model change consists of sensing, seizing, and transforming activities to obtain successful business and competitive advantages over the long term. A posteriori model of business model change as a dynamic capability creates a framework to support a quick business model change, especially in a fast-changing business environment. This study adds a dynamic capability viewpoint to the business model literature pertaining to business modeling and business model change. Regarding the managerial implications, this study shows how entrepreneurs and business owners can utilize the concept of business model in order to support a quick business change and possibly gain a competitive advantage in the long term. The study results indicate that internal and external factors for business model change are company-specific and those vary between the start-up and enterprise. And thus, a successful business model change can be achieved through analyzing and further developing these company-specific factors. These factors can be seen as a micro foundation of dynamic capability, and development of these factors can improve competitive advantage. / Tiivistelmä Tässä tutkimuksessa tarkastellaan nuoreen Internet liiketoimintaan pohjautuvaan kasvuyritykseen ja kypsiin Internet liiketoimintaan pohjautuviin yrityksiin tehtyjä liiketoimintamallimuutoksia dynaamisten kyvykkyyksien näkökulmasta. Tutkimuksen aihetta lähestytään nuoren kasvuyrityksen sekä kypsien yritysten kannalta ja työn teoreettinen viitekehys rakennetaan liiketoimintamallin, liiketoimintamallimuutoksen sekä dynaamisen kyvykkyyden tutkimusjulkaisujen kautta. Työssä liiketoimintamallimuutos määritellään dynaamiseksi kyvykkyydeksi joka kehittyy eri toimintojen avulla. Tämä dynaaminen kyvykkyys voi mahdollistaa nopeamman liiketoimintamuutoksen ja pitkällä aikavälillä se voi vaikuttaa myös kilpailuedun saavuttamiseen. Työn empiirisessä osassa liiketoimintamallimuutosta tutkitaan tapaustutkimusmenetelmällä neljässä yrityksessä. Yrittäjien, liiketoimintakehittäjien, sekä johtajien käyttäytymistä ja toimenpiteitä tutkitaan liiketoimintamallikonseptin kautta muutostilanteessa. Yrittäjien, liiketoimintakehittäjien, sekä johtajien käyttäytymistä ja toimenpiteitä tutkitaan liiketoimintamallikonseptin kautta muutostilanteessa. Työssä dynaamista liiketoimintamallimuutosta lähestytään kolmen dynaamiselle kyvykkyydelle määritellyn klusterin kautta (havaitseminen, tarttuminen, sekä uhkien hallinta ja muuntautuminen). Nämä klusterit toimivat erityisesti silloin kun yritysten tulee tehdä nopeita liiketoimintapäätöksiä ja liiketoimintamuutoksia. Analyysissa tunnistetaan liiketoimintamallin muutosprosessi, sekä sisäiset ja ulkoiset tekijät joilla on vaikutusta liiketoimintamallimuutokseen. Lopputulokset ovat seuraus kolmesta dynaamisen ominaisuuden klusterista joita organisaatioiden tulisi huomioida nopeasti muuttuvassa ympäristössä. Tutkimuksessa kehitetään jälkikäteismalli jossa liiketoimintamallimuutos dynaamisena kyvykkyytenä synnytetään dynaamisen kyvykkyyden klustereissa esiintyvien toimenpiteiden kautta. Näiden toimenpiteiden avulla on mahdollista saavuttaa pitkällä aikavälillä menestystä ja mahdollisesti myös kilpailuetua. Jälkikäteismalli tukee dynaamista liiketoimintamallimuutosta nopeasti muuttuvassa liiketoimintaympäristössä. Työn teoreettinen kontribuutio on erityisesti dynaamisen kyvykkyyden näkökulma liiketoimintamallintamiseen ja liiketoimintamallimuutokseen. Työssä osoitetaan myös kuinka yrittäjät ja liiketoimintaomistajat voivat käytännössä hyödyntää liiketoimintamallikonseptia nopeasti tehtävään liiketoimintamuutokseen. Tutkimustulokset osoittavat, että sisäisillä ja ulkoisilla tekijöillä on vaikutusta liiketoimintamallimuutokseen. Nämä tekijät ovat yrityskohtaisia, ja nuoren kasvuyrityksen ja kypsien yritysten väliltä löytyy eroja. Sen vuoksi onnistunut liiketoimintamallimuutos voidaan tehdä näitä tekijöitä analysoimalla ja kehittämällä.

Business modeling for predictive services in the process industry : A case study with a systems thinking approach / Affärsmodellering för prediktiva tjänster inom processindustrin : En fallstudie med ett systemtänk perspektiv

Huppert, Nathalia, Stenholm, Viggo January 2018 (has links)
This study aims to identify business opportunities created by digitalization. The purpose is to evaluate how these opportunities could be utilized, by identifying areas of improvements in the service portfolio. This study is a qualitative case study with an abductive approach, mainly using semi-structured interviews to collect data. The case study was conducted at ABB Industrial Automation Services, where the new Collaborative Operations Center was studied. The data was analyzed from a systems thinking perspective, using a Rich Business Framing sessions as an evaluation platform. The results illustrate how difficult the transition towards a more digitalized industry is. This stems from how different customers have reached different levels of automation in their plants. Therefore, the service portfolio must be flexible and agile, in order to cater to the different customer segments. This case study identified three customer segments, one focusing on internal activities, while the other two consist of customers that have reached different levels of maturity within digitalization. Different value potentials were identified, leading to a proposal of a service portfolio. The systems thinking approach was then evaluated, leading to the conclusion that it is a useful tool, but a time-consuming process. / Denna studie går ut på att identifiera affärsmöjligheter skapade av digitalisering. Syftet är att utvärdera hur dessa möjligheter kan utnyttjas, genom att identifiera förbättringsområden i serviceportföljen. Denna studie är en kvalitativ fallstudie med en abduktiv karaktär, där huvudsakligen semistrukturerade intervjuer användes för att samla data. Fallstudien genomfördes på ABB Industrial Automation Services, där det nya Collaborative Operations Center studerades. Den samlade informationen analyserades från ett systemtänk perspektiv, där en Rich Business Framing session användes som utvärderingsverktyg. Resultatet illustrerar hur svår övergången mot en mer digitaliserad industri är. Denna svårighet har sin grund i hur olika kunder har nått olika nivåer av automationsgrad i deras anläggningar. Detta leder till att serviceportföljen måste uppfylla vissa krav, som att vara flexibel och anpassningsbar, för att nå de olika kundsegmenten. Denna fallstudie identifierade tre kundsegment, där en fokuserar på interna aktiviteter och de andra två består av kunder som kommit olika långt inom digitalisering. Olika värdepotentialer har identifierats, vilket ledde till ett förslag av en serviceportfölj. Systemtänk synsättet har sedan utvärderats, vilket resulterade i slutsatsen att det är ett användbart verktyg, även om processen är tidskrävande.

eHealth development in Sweden : A study of prominent aspects and benefits from a multi-user perspective / eHälsa-utveckling i Sverige : En studie om framträdande aspekter och fördelar utifrån ett fleranvändarperspektiv

Sobin, Jonathan, Jakobsson, Ludvig January 2014 (has links)
The European health care is facing challenges with an increasing ageing population, with a higher frequency of chronic diseases, which have resulted in rising health care costs. Meanwhile, the trend shows how patients and citizens are becoming more active in their personal health care, with the number of existing doctors and nurses subsiding furthermore entailing problems. The area of eHealth, which involves information and communication technologies with health care, is hence seen as a partial long-term solution and is considered being a rapidly growing market both in Sweden, but also in Europe. eHealth services further consider to promote increased access, mobility and interoperability in the health care, but the lack of wholehearted commitment, financial support and complex EHR-systems in Sweden's municipalities and county councils might partially impeding down the development. The purpose of this report is therefore targeting to explore, identify and analyze prominent aspects for the continued development of the Swedish health care and eHealth services. The study also examines what subsequent benefits an implementation of an eHealth service entails, which also has been related to the identified prominent aspects. This master thesis is based on a thorough literature review extracted from a theoretical framework including an interoperability-, security-, mobility- and business-modeling perspective, which are used as a foundation for the building of a set of hypotheses, which are subsequently verified with the aid of gathered empirics. The empirics are obtained from 10 semi-structured qualitative interviews, as well as two case studies, which together resulted in key-findings and conclusions. Firstly, in relation to the interoperability perspective, it became clear how there should exist both a technical and social interoperability that communicate with each other. The EHR-systems of today are often considered difficult to learn, non-intuitive and lacking interfaces that are user-friendly designed for the end-user. Increased interoperability was also seen as enabling and simplifying the access to the patient’s medical history, which the EHR-system TakeCare evidently demonstrated. Furthermore, it was acknowledged how there is no correlation between the increased time spent by health care professionals with administrative tasks and documentation with an increased interoperability. It also emerged that patients and the dominant part of the population had either no or very limited knowledge regarding the underlying security and overall management of personal health information in health care. Patients instead often blindly trust the Swedish health care system being secure, and prioritizing other things during medical appointments. The knowledge of security issues in the health care is predicted to increase among patients if they in the future would obtain full access to their own medical records. There is also a general opinion among health care professionals and related instances how new security risks will arise alongside the eHealth wave, with a particular concern for the increasing involvement of mobile devices. Relationships between an increased interoperability also seem to favor increased mobility in health care, but security aspects often prevent the mobility development. Finally, it was unanimously espoused how non-financial values must not be ignored, where the on-going debate argues whether what real impact these non-financial values have, where inter alia strict budgets and large gaps between the decision-makers and end-users appeared as issues. Similar arguments were encountered regarding the actual impact of the opinions of patients in relation to business modeling, where a tripartite-problem and the patients’ limited access to their medical records was partly seen as a primary issue. Secondly, the case studies demonstrated how a transition to the EHR-system TakeCare generally did result in cost- and resource savings in terms of local servers, IT-maintenance and inventory management. The TakeCare implementation also led to an increased visibility among health care centers by enabling and simplifying the access to patient medical history. Increased communication, awareness, and more effective internal processes due to integrated modules and direct connections to ePrescriptions could also be accessed from the TakeCare transition. Finally, it emerged that relations existed between simplified access to the patient’s medical history and how it subsequently resulted in an increased interoperability. A correlation was also seen as the health care become generally more mobile due to increased interoperability. / Hälso- och sjukvården i Europa står inför utmaningar i och med en stigande åldersgrupp med en större andel kroniska sjukdomar, vilket resulterat i stegrande sjukvårdskostnader. Samtidigt ses en trend i hur patienter och medborgare börjar bli mer aktiva i sin egen vård och efterfrågan på sjukvårdspersonal ökar, med ökande utmaningar som följd. eHälsa-området, vilket involverar informations- och kommunikationsteknik inom sjukvården, ses därför som en potentiell långsiktig del-lösning och anses samtidigt vara ett starkt växande område i Sverige, men också på den övriga europeiska marknaden. eHälsa betraktas vidare främja en ökad åtkomst, mobilitet och interoperabilitet inom sjukvården, men bristen på helhjärtat engagemang, finansiellt stöd och det stora antal komplexa journalsystem i Sveriges olika kommuner och landsting ses delvis ligga till grund för en bromsad utveckling. Syftet med denna rapport är därför att undersöka, kartlägga och analysera de mest centrala aspekterna för den fortsatta utvecklingen av svensk sjukvård och eHälso-tjänster. Studien undersöker även vad implement av en eHälso-tjänst praktiskt har medfört, med ett fokus på journalsystem där de enskilda förändringarna även har relaterats till de identifierade centrala aspekterna. Examensarbetet är baserat på en gedigen litteraturstudie som utifrån ett teoretiskt ramverk inkluderande ett interoperabilitets-, säkerhets-, mobilitets- och affärsmoduleringsperspektiv ligger till grund för framtagandet av hypoteser som sedan verifierats med hjälp av empiriskt insamlad information. Empirin är erhållen från tio semi-strukturerande kvalitativa intervjuer, samt två fallstudier, vilka tillsammans har resulterat i ett flertal slutsatser. Utifrån ett interoperabilitetsperspektiv framgick det hur det bör finnas både en teknisk och social interoperabilitet som kommunicerar med varandra, då journalsystem idag anses vara svåra att lära sig, icke intuitiva och ej användarvänligt utformade för slutanvändaren. Ökad interoperabilitet ses även möjliggöra och förenkla åtkomsten av patienthistorik, vilket journalsystemet TakeCare tydligt påvisat. Vidare kunde det konstateras att det inte finns en korrelation mellan den progressivt ökande avsatta tiden som sjukvårdspersonal idag tillbringar med administrativa uppgifter och dokumentation med en förhöjd interoperabilitet. Det framkom även att patienter har väldigt liten eller obefintlig kunskap rörande den underliggande säkerheten och hanteringen av personlig information i sjukvården, då de ofta blint litar på att svensk sjukvård anses vara säker samt att patienter prioriterar annat vid läkarbesök. Kunskaper om säkerheten i sjukvården bland patienterna anses dock öka ifall de i framtiden får tillgång till sin journal. Det finns även en allmän oro bland sjukvårdspersonal och närbesläktade instanser för att nya säkerhetsrisker kommer att uppstå i och med eHälsa-vågen, med ett särskilt orosmoln för den ökande användningen av mobila enheter. Relationer mellan hur ökad interoperabilitet även gynnar förhöjd mobilitet sågs även förekomma, men att det ofta samtidigt är säkerhetsaspekter som hindrar den mobila utvecklingen. Avslutningsvis förespråkades det hur icke-finansiella värden inte får bli ignorerade, men problemet kring hur verkningsfull dess faktiska påverkan är, relateras bland annat till strikta budgetar samt stora avstånd mellan beslutstagare och slutanvändare. Liknande argument påträffades angående den faktiska inverkan av åsikter från patienter vid affärsmodulering, där ett trepartsproblem och patienternas begränsade åtkomst till sina journaler delvis sågs ligga till grund. Fallstudierna påvisade hur övergången till journalsystemet TakeCare generellt har lett till resursbesparingar i form av lokala servrars underhåll och lageranvändning, samt en ökad synlighet i vården med förbättrad tillgång till patienthistorik jämfört med tidigare journalsystem. En ökad kommunikation och medvetenhet samt effektivare interna processer på grund av integrerade moduler och direktkoppling till eRecept kunde även påvisas. Slutligen framgick det att relationer förekom mellan den ökande åtkomsten av patienthistorik och andra journaler, och hur förhöjd interoperabilitet medfört detta. Samband kunde även ses hur ökad interoperabilitet positivt gynnar mobiliteten i sjukvården.

Enterprise Business Alignment Using Quality Function Deployment, Multivariate Data Analysis And Business Modeling Tools

Gammoh, Diala 01 January 2010 (has links)
This dissertation proposes two novel ideas to enhance the business strategy alignment to customer needs. The proposed business alignment clock is a new illustration to the relationships between customer requirements, business strategies, capabilities and processes. To line up the clock and reach the needed alignment for the enterprise, a proposed clock mechanism is introduced. The mechanism integrates the Enterprise Business Architecture (EBA) with the House of Quality (HoQ). The relationship matrix inside the body of the house is defined using multivariate data analysis techniques to accurately measure the strength of the relationships rather than defining them subjectively. A statistical tool, multivariate data analysis, can be used to overcome the ambiguity in quantifying the relationships in the house of quality matrix. The framework is proposed in the basic conceptual model context of the EBA showing different levels of the enterprise architecture; the goals, the capabilities and the value stream architecture components. In the proposed framework, the goals and the capabilities are inputs to two houses of quality, in which the alignment between customer needs and business goals, and the alignment between business goals and capabilities are checked in the first house and the second house, respectively. The alignment between the business capabilities and the architecture components (workflows, events and environment) is checked in a third HoQ using the performance indicators of the value stream architecture components, which may result in infrastructure expansion, software development or process improvement to reach the needed alignment by the enterprise. The value of the model was demonstrated using the Accreditation Board of Engineering and Technology (ABET) process at the Industrial Engineering and Management Systems department at the University of Central Florida. The assessment of ABET criteria involves an evaluation of the extent to which the program outcomes are being achieved and results in decisions and actions to improve the Industrial Engineering program at the University of Central Florida. The proposed framework increases the accuracy of measuring the extent to which the program learning outcomes have been achieved at the department. The process of continuous alignment between the educational objectives and customer needs becomes more vital by the rapid change of customer requirements that are obtained from both internal and external constituents (students, faculty, alumni, and employers in the first place).

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