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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

O que quer uma mulher segundo o discurso da revista feminina / What a woman wants according to female magazines

Chiaretti, Paula 31 July 2008 (has links)
As revistas femininas surgem como um saber oficial que, de forma objetiva e imparcial, produz um efeito de transparência de sentido e de verdade sobre a mulher. Segundo a Análise do Discurso Pêcheutiana - AD (referencial teórico-metodológico adotado nesta pesquisa), este apagamento do processo de constituição do sentido faz com que o sujeito se reconheça e venha a ocupar o lugar ao qual é chamado no discurso. O sujeito é, nessa perspectiva, uma posição discursiva. Interpelado pela ideologia, o sujeito cria sentidos. Isto porque há uma necessidade de que os sentidos se sedimentem de modo a formar um universo logicamente estabilizado. Entretanto, Freud ao final da sua obra se pergunta o que quer a mulher?, enquanto que Lacan, no retorno à obra freudiana, propõe sua provocante fórmula A mulher não existe. Esta dissertação tem como objetivo analisar recortes de revistas femininas de diversas épocas (de 1917 a 2007) a fim de propor como estas revistas constroem sentidos sobre o que é e o que quer a mulher a partir das condições de produção do discurso. Como a AD se interessa pela determinação histórica dos processos de significação, torna-se importante retomar a história do feminismo e textos acadêmicos de feministas, ambos tomados aqui como um interdiscurso presente no discurso das revistas femininas. Enquanto a Psicanálise tenta investigar como A mulher se constitui, a preocupação das revistas femininas é descrever a mulher e suas condutas, sedimentando e naturalizando sentidos e dando origem a uma norma de identificação. A Psicanálise trata de A mulher como uma posição do sujeito diante do gozo e da submissão à norma fálica (não-toda), de forma que A mulher não formaria uma regra como o homem, elas somente poderiam ser contadas uma a uma. Na via contrária, as revistas femininas constroem sentidos por meio de genéricos discursivos (fórmulas encapsuladas que codificam valores e crenças), naturalizando os sentidos atribuídos à mulher e suas atividades. Concluímos que tanto o movimento feminista, a fim de que funcione promovendo mudanças e rupturas de toda ordem (moral, religiosa, jurídica), quanto as revistas femininas, ao contrário da Psicanálise, propõem uma positividade de um sujeito universal mulher / Female magazines emerge as an official knowledge that objectively and impartially produces an effect of transparency of meaning and truth about woman. According to the Discourse Analysis proposed by Pêcheux -DA (the theoretical-methodological referential adopted by this research), this erasing of the constitution process of the meaning leads the subject to the recognition of itself and to the occupation of the place where it belongs in the discourse. In this perspective, the subject is a discursive position. Interpellated by the ideology, the subject creates meaning. That occurs because there is a need of sedimentation of sense so that it originates a logically stable universe. However, Freud at the end of his work asks himself what does the woman want, while Lacan, in his return to the Freudian work, proposes his provocative formula the woman does not exist. This dissertation aims to analyze female magazines extracts from different periods (from 1917 to 2007) to propose how these magazines build meanings about what is a woman and what a woman wants, under the discourse production conditions. Because the DA concerns the historical determination of the signification processes, it is important to return to the feminism history and to academic feminists texts, both seen here as an interdiscourse present in the discourse of female magazines. While the Psychoanalysis tries to investigate how The woman is formed, female magazines are concerned with describing the woman and her behavior, sedimenting and naturalizing meanings and originating a norm of identification. The Psychoanalysis considers The woman as a subject position in front of the joy and the submission of the phallic logic (not-whole), so the woman would not form a rule as the man, they could only be counted one by one. On the other hand, the female magazines build these meanings by using discursive generics (encapsulated formulas that codify values and beliefs), naturalizing the meanings assigned to the woman and her activities. We concluded that both the feminist movement, in order to promote changes and brakages of all kinds (moral, religious, juridical), and the female magazines, different from the Psychoanalysis, propose a positivity of an universal subject named woman

Ethos da revista Exame e labirintos dos gêneros constituintes / Exame magazine\'s ethos and the particular mechanisms engendering meaning effects of textual genre

Ramos, Cleonice Men da Silva 21 June 2006 (has links)
A revista EXAME, apesar de constituída por diversos gêneros, concretiza uma formação discursiva única e, como mídia impressa de temática que diz respeito à esfera de negócios, economia e administração, representa um suporte material do discurso jornalístico e é ponto de partida do olhar analítico. Considerando que no texto e no discurso sempre há indícios do ator da enunciação, tomam-se para análise, para depreender o perfil do sujeito enunciador da Revista, textos veiculados nesse meio de comunicação, dados como unidades integrais. Cada um desses textos materializa um gênero e, ao fazê-lo, viabiliza mecanismos que engendram efeitos de sentido que delineiam o modo de presença, o éthos e o estilo do enunciador da totalidade integral: a revista EXAME, éthos este que é a meta analítica ora estabelecida. Por meio do agrupamento dos textos que materializam o mesmo gênero textual e considerados os temas e as figuras recorrentes, procede-se à abstração das invariantes. Os textos constituintes da revista são, portanto, observados na medida em que criam o sentido numa relação de interdependência e de complementaridade com a totalidade integral e legitimam o discurso da revista EXAME. Por meio da constatação de certa homogeneidade discursiva, fundada na heterogeneidade constitutiva, emerge o sujeito, como efeito de identidade. Por conseguinte, será observado como e por quê o enunciador da revista EXAME, sujeito sempre pressuposto ao enunciado, produz o texto para o enunciatário (co-enunciador) e este, por sua vez, como imagem reflexiva daquele, torna-se igualmente construtor do discurso. Enunciador e co-enunciador, ambos sujeitos semióticos participantes do ato comunicativo, são \"incorporados\" na medida em que se instituem por meio de um corpo com voz e tom de voz próprios / EXAME magazine, although formed by distinct genres, materializes a unique discursive formation. As a printed medium engaged in the sphere of business, economy and administration, it represents a material support for the journalistic discourse and is the starting point of the analytical study. By considering that traces of the actor of enunciation are left in the text and in the discourse, EXAME\'s constituent texts, considered as integral units, are dismembered for examination so that the enunciator\'s presence manner can be observed in the totality text: EXAME magazine. Each of these texts materializes a textual genre with particular mechanisms engendering meaning effects to reveal the éthos and style, that is the final projected-image of the EXAME\'s enunciator: main purpose of this work. By means of grouping texts that materialize the same genre and taking into consideration the recurrences of themes and figures are the invariant abstractions captured. The constituent texts are then examined through their inherent peculiarities that engender meaning effects in interdependent and complementary ways that converge to EXAME\'s discursive voice. By means of certain discursive homogeneity founded on the constitutive heterogeneity the enunciator, as an effect of identity, emerges from the discourse. In this way, it is observed how and why the EXAME\'s enunciator, an instance always presupposed in the utterance, produces the text for the enunciatee (co- enunciator). The latter, as a reflexive image of the former, similarly becomes the producer of the discourse. Enunciator and co-enunciator, both semiotic subjects sharing the communicative act, are then \"incorporated\", since they are constituted in a corporeality in which prevails not only their own voice but also a unique tonality voice

A concepção de gestão escolar na grande mídia no Brasil: um estudo sobre a revista Veja, no período de 1997 a 2014 / The conception of school management in the mainstream media in Brazil: a study of Veja magazine, from 1997 to 2014

Machado, Eduardo Villela 30 May 2017 (has links)
Este trabalho apresenta dados de pesquisa acerca da temática gestão escolar presentes em um veículo de comunicação de massa. Trata-se da revista Veja. A pesquisa coletou e analisou dados referentes ao tema gestão escolar/educacional presente nos conteúdos da revista Veja ao longo de 18 anos de publicações (1997-2014). O critério utilizado para escolha da revista Veja como objeto de análise foi por se tratar de um veículo de massa que tem abrangência nacional e ser o mais lido no segmento de revistas semanais. O objetivo central deste trabalho foi o de caracterizar, compreender e analisar o conteúdo sobre gestão escolar presente na revista. Os procedimentos para alcançar os objetivos visaram selecionar os conteúdos que abordavam o tema educação e depois separar aqueles que especificamente tratavam da gestão escolar. Além disso, este trabalho faz inferências sobre a concepção de gestão escolar encontrada na revista Veja ao longo desses 18 anos (1997-2014). Para levantamento dos dados recorreu-se as orientações teórico-metodológicas da análise de conteúdo na perspectiva de Laurence Bardin. Para análise, foram verificadas todas as edições da revista Veja do ano de 1997 até de 2014. Como o objeto deste trabalho são as veiculações acerca do tema gestão escolar/educacional, a primeira movimentação foi levantar quais publicações eram sobre educação. Posteriormente, foi aprofundada a análise, caracterizando quais dessas publicações sobre educação abordavam a temática gestão escolar/educacional. Acerca das inferências sobre a concepção de gestão presente na revista, é importante destacar a defesa que a Revista Veja faz do setor privado e de conceitos presentes na administração tipicamente capitalista como modelo genérico que pode ser transplantado para a educação pública como ideal de qualidade na educação. Modelo esse que vai de encontro com a natureza e especificidade do caráter pedagógico desenvolvido no processo de trabalho no interior da escola. Para aporte teórico da análise sobre a natureza especifica do processo pedagógico foi-se utilizado especialmente o autor Vitor Paro. / This paper presents research data on the subject of school management present in a mass communication vehicle. This is Veja magazine. The research collected and analyzed data referring to the subject school / educational management present in the contents of Veja magazine over 18 years of publications (1997-2014). The criterion used to choose Veja magazine as the object of analysis was because it is a mass vehicle that has national coverage and is the most read in the segment of weekly magazines. The main objective of this work was to characterize, understand and analyze the content on school management present in the journal. The procedures for achieving the objectives were to select the content that addressed the theme of education and then separate those that specifically deal with school management. In addition, this paper draws inferences about the conception of school management found in Veja magazine over the course of these 18 years (1997-2014). For data collection we used the theoretical-methodological guidelines of content analysis from Laurence Bardin\'s perspective. For the analysis, all editions of Veja magazine from 1997 to 2014 were verified. As the object of this work is the publications about the topic school / educational management, the first move was to find out which publications were about education. Subsequently, the analysis was deepened, characterizing which of these publications on education addressed the issue of school / educational management. Regarding the inferences about the management conception present in the magazine, it is important to highlight Veja\'s defense of the private sector and concepts present in typically capitalist administration as a generic model that can be transplanted into public education as an ideal of quality in education. This model of the private sector confronts the nature and specificity of the pedagogical character developed in the work process inside the school. For the theoretical contribution of the analysis on the specific nature of the pedagogic process, the author Vitor Paro was especially used.

Forging the Bubikopf nation: a feminist political-economic analysis of Ženski list, interwar Croatia's women's magazine, for the construction of an alternative vision of modernity

Vujnović, Marina 01 January 2008 (has links)
This thesis is an examination of enski list, arguably the first magazine published exclusively for women between the wars in Croatia, and Yugoslavia. To fully understand the place, meaning and the impact of this magazine on everyday lives of its readers, with the study of the content I also include examination of the role of its editor and the first Croatian woman journalist Marija Jurić Zagorka. Finally, this thesis examines readers' responses to the content, their opinions, interactions between the readers and the editor, as well as interactions between the readers themselves for the overall assessment of the significance of enski list in the history of popular women's press in Croatia, and Yugoslavia. This thesis is a historical project which uses two theoretical approaches to study of media: feminist political economic approach, and the feminist critique of the public sphere. By combining these two theoretical standpoints I illuminated some of the ways in which media participate in everyday lives of people, specifically marginalized groups, in this case women. Situating the study within the historical context of the interwar Yugoslavia, and interwar Europe was important for understanding of this project, and its research questions. In this study I used multiple methods: (a) textual; (b) historical and biographical and, (c) audience study. In the larger part of this study which is a narrative discourse analysis of the content of enski list, I was also inspired by the interpretive ethnography of texts. I connected ethnography to feminist theory and political economy, to circumstances of gendered everyday practices and to circumstances of media culture production, all within the specific historical context. In this study I found that women in the changing socio-political and economic context expressed their relation to capitalism and modernity in different ways, sometimes exerting their critiques and the refusal of the existing patriarchal structures and sometimes seeking inclusion within the structures, with the intent to practice primarily gender equality by direct participation. Finally, the analysis of enski list has told an important story of the place of media, and the women's press in particular, in initiating, carrying, and challenging traditional and emerging discourses in the hope that they would contribute to the ways in which society can be imagined differently.

Commodifying counterculture: William Gaines, EC Comics, Mad magazine, and the rise of the corporate anti-establishment

Yanes, Nicholas Adam 01 May 2014 (has links)
Founded as Educational Comics in 1944 and rebranding itself as Entertaining Comics a few years later, EC Comics would publish several comic book titles, such as Tales from the Crypt, and the magazine, Mad. While the success of these publications can be measured by a legacy of directors, writers, comedians, and others in the entertainment industry who describe EC's properties as an early inspiration for them, the company itself cannot be seen as equally successful in the business world. Though its publications have left permanent fingerprints on American popular culture, the company represents an interesting example of a company that never became 'big.' In short, EC provides an interesting contrast to standard narratives about entertainment companies and properties. With scholarship in this field typically analyzing how a company started off small and grew into a larger corporation, EC is an example of a company that started small and remained small as a subsidiary of a larger corporation. In addition to this dissertation functioning as a critical corporate biography of EC's evolution, it also examines how U.S. entertainment has changed as mass audiences have become increasingly fractured as new forms of entertainment technologies have emerged. Overall, this dissertation aims to show how standard humanities approaches to analyzing popular culture can be augmented by also investigating the business practices and work cultures that shaped an entertainment property.

Standing at the crossroads of progress and pessimism: HIV/AIDS coverage in African American magazines and its relevance for female readers

Peterson, Ashley Shiels 01 May 2009 (has links)
African American women's HIV incidence rates are disproportionately higher than other population groups in the United States. Social cognitive theory concepts were used to perform a quantitative content analysis of the magazines Essence, Ebony, and Jet, which are sources of health information and vicarious learning, to evaluate the quality of the HIV/AIDS prevention messages for 2000 to 2006. The data reveal some positive reflection of health messages, but many articles focus more on dramatic risk factors and less on providing useful information and proposed behaviors for African American women. Environmental risks and gender-specific risks are not emphasized. The public health community should use the media messages that are already present to build a media advocacy campaign that provides more comprehensive information and bring about social change.

A revived life in a reviving culture: the Chinese reception of Byron in the short story magazine in 1924

He, Zheng 01 May 2012 (has links)
No description available.

媒體建構的中產階級形象之研究:以《天下》雜誌為例(1981-1994) / The Image of The Middle Classes Constructed by the Media

王菲菲, Wang, Fei Fei Unknown Date (has links)

Manligt och Kvinnligt – En studie av livsstilsmagasinens omslag

Ring, Jenny January 2010 (has links)
<p>I denna uppsats analyseras de två tidningarna Glamour och King Magazine för att se till hurgenusrepresentationen syns på dess omslag och om det finns några eventuella likheter ochskillnader mellan en tidning riktad till kvinnor (Glamour) och en tidning riktad till män(King).Syftet med analysen är att se till de olika budskapen för genusrepresentation samtidigt somsyftet är att undersöka de olika stereotyper som finns kring män och kvinnor i dagenssamhälle och jämföra dessa mot omslagen för tidningarna.Studien innehåller teorier från bland annat R.W Connell och hans föreställningar kring blandannat den hegemoniska maskuliniteten, men också övriga teorier kring genusrepresentationfrån personer som bland annat Gunilla Jarlbro, Eva-Lena Hedvall och David Gauntlett.Studien bygger i sin analys på en retorisk modell med fokus på omslagens kompositionmellan bland annat text och bild.Resultatet visar på en stereotypifiering av män och kvinnor för tidningsomslagen, där kvinnorförefaller som underordnade i sin representation medan männen besitter stor makt vilket visarsig i form av en jämförelse. Detta överensstämmer med teorierna kring de olika ideal somförekommer kring män och kvinnor.</p>

Metalheads och Moralpanik : En undersökning kring Hårdrockens självpresentation, värde och kulturella etablering genom Close-Up Magazine

Fried, Therese January 2007 (has links)
<p>Uppsatsen granskar det spänningsförhållande som existerar mellan Hårdrockens uttryck och den oinvigda allmänhetens moralpanik. Genom självpresentation och smakdistinktioner undersöker den också hur Hårdrocken idag har positionerat sig som en etablerad kultur med ursprung och tradition. På så sätt behandlar uppsatsen vad och vem som definierar Hårdrockens kulturella värde och position. Undersökningen görs genom en textanalys av den svenska hårdrockstidningen Close-Up Magazine. Uppsatsen granskar även hur tidningen positionerar och presenterar sig som betydande aktör inom Hårdrockens verksamhetsfält.</p>

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