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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Étude comparative entre les cultures canadienne française, canadienne anglaise et mexicaine : l'utilisation de l'humour dans les publicités en fonction du type de produit annoncé

Gravel, Martin January 2006 (has links) (PDF)
La présente recherche avait pour but d'identifier, pour chacune des trois cultures sous étude (mexicaine, canadienne française et canadienne anglaise), le type de produit qui semble se prêter le mieux à l'utilisation de l'humour dans ses publicités magazines. Cela aura donc pour incidence de guider les entreprises exportatrices et désireuses de vouloir publiciser leurs produits en sol étranger de savoir si l'utilisation de l'humour en publicité pourrait aider ou nuire à l'image du produit à exporter. Quatre hypothèses ont servi de piliers à la recherche. Tout d'abord, nous croyons que le taux global de publicités humoristiques imprimées sera différent entre la culture canadienne française, canadienne anglaise et mexicaine. Ensuite, les cultures plus collectivistes utiliseraient davantage l'humour dans leurs publicités que les cultures plus individualistes. Aussi, plus l'indice d'aversion à l'incertitude d'une culture serait faible, plus elle aurait tendance à utiliser l'humour dans ses publicités pour annoncer un produit risqué. Et enfin, le taux de publicités humoristiques imprimées présentées pour chacun des quatre types de produits à l'intérieur de la grille établie par Spotts et al. (1997) (objectif du consommateur versus niveau de risque perçu) serait différent dans chacune des trois cultures étudiées. Pour ce faire, nous devions commencer par étudier ce qui se fait en publicité à l'intérieur des trois cultures en recueillant un échantillon représentatif des publicités parues dans les magazines d'intérêt général de chaque culture. Ensuite, nous avons catégorisé chaque produit annoncé dans la grille PCM de Spotts et al. (1997) et analysé le caractère humoristique de chaque publicité. Cela nous a permis d'identifier, pour chaque culture, les types de produits où l'on utilise le plus et le moins l'humour en publicité. Il est donc normal que nous supposions que l'échantillon de publicités choisi pour chaque culture est représentatif du seuil d'acceptabilité de l'humour pour les divers types de produits annoncés. Enfin, les résultats nous ont permis de constater que la culture canadienne française effectue près de deux fois plus de publicités humoristiques lorsque le produit annoncé est utile plutôt que lorsqu'il favorise l'expression du soi. Que dans la culture canadienne anglaise, on fait près de deux fois plus de publicités humoristiques lorsque le produit annoncé est risqué que lorsqu'il est peu risqué à l'achat. Et enfin, qu'en regardant ce qui se fait présentement au Mexique, il pourrait être assez audacieux d'utiliser quelque forme d'humour que ce soit pour annoncer un produit favorisant l'expression du soi dans la publicité imprimée parce qu'actuellement, il y a environ une publicité humoristique sur cinq qui annonce tels types de produits.

Omslagstrender - en studie av vad som höjer uppmärksamhetsvärdet hos tidskrifter

Joelsson, Hanna, Bajramovic, Denisa January 2009 (has links)
Through interviews, a questionnaire survey and an in­depth analysis of the Swedish magazines Veckorevyn and Magazine Café has a number of parameters been made visible. It was difficult to obtain an unambiguous result when the journal's target audience is crucial for the cover design. Nevertheless, we can generally say that the transparent varnish of covers, PMS colors and enclosing the journal in plastic do not increase the attention value, as this occurs in many magazines. Due to today's tough competition among journals, we believe that they will need to niche themselves much harder to survive. We also believe that the new, big trend is that more covers will become more plain and stylistically pure, with one big communicating image and fewer coverlines, as many covers were designed during the 1940s.

Resetrender : En studie om skapandet av resetrender ur företagsperspektiv / Att skapa resetrender

Rofail, Mira, Clavijo Retamales, Jessica January 2012 (has links)
Undersökningens resultat visar att trender omfattar ett stort antal olika processer där många aktörer är inblandade. De intervjuade företagen anser sig ha en viss roll i skapandet av resetrender. De avgörande faktorerna är destinationen, företagen, världsekonomin, media samt kunden i skapandet av resetrender. Efterfrågan från kunder ger möjligheten att införa nya resmål samt produkter och på så sätt skapa trender. Kundernas åsikter om destinationer och produkter medverkar till skapandet av trender, eftersom de kan påverka sin omgivnings uppfattning. Viktiga faktorer som kan leda till en destinations fall är till exempel politisk instabilitet, terrorism och krig vilket påverkar resenärers destinationsval. Destinationerna måste uppfylla ett antal krav för att de ska kunna lanseras av researrangörerna och därefter ha möjligheten att bli trendiga. Faktorerna som möjliggör en destinations uppkomst är desamma som kan leda till dess fall. / The result shows that the creation of trends covers a wide variety of processes in which many stakeholders are involved. The interviewed companies feel that they have a role in the creation of travel trends. The most crucial factors are, however, the destination, the companies, world economy, media and the customer which is the key factor. The customers’ demands make it possible to introduce new destinations and products and thus create trends. Customers' opinions on destinations and products can also assist in creating trends because they can influence their environments perception. The world economy is also a crucial due to trend creation. Important factors that can lead to a destinations fall is political instability, terrorism and war which affects travelers’ destinationchoice. The destinations must fulfill certain requirements to be launched by the tour operators which can give them the possibility to become trendy. The factors which enable destinations rise are the same that can lead to its fall.

Competition within the English Language Learning Market: A Niche Analysis

Li, Chan-Chuan 22 August 2006 (has links)
In light of the niche theory, the study aims to understand the competition between the print magazine and the e-learning industries within the English language learning market in Taiwan. A niche analysis which compares the gratification niches of the two media was conducted in order to measure the patterns of resource use and to assess the superiorities. The findings suggest that there is strong competition between the two media. The e-learning meets a wider spectrum of needs and has a competitive displacement effect on the print magazine; the results indicate the e-learning¡¦s superiority over print magazine on the ¡§socialize,¡¨ ¡§economic,¡¨ and ¡§interaction¡¨ dimensions, whereas neither medium is superior on the ¡§choices¡¨ dimension. Significantly, the superiority in convenience of the e-learning may contribute to decreasing magazine use. Therefore, a medium should endeavor to better serve the needs for convenience, and to provide a wider choice of teaching materials.

A Survey On Photographic Representation In Architectural Magazine Covers: Covers Of Arredamento-mimarlik

Sert, Gul Berrak 01 December 2006 (has links) (PDF)
This study has an aim of exploring how a Turkish architectural magazine, Arredamento Mimarlik, communicates itself to the reader by its cover designs. Since, representation is a tool for architects to transmit ideas and express positions in the discipline of architecture, usage of representation in architectural media has a critical role to promote the communication in architecture. The theoretical framework of the research based on the photographic image investigation of Roland Barthes. In the light of this investigation, the study cites that photographic images with accompaniment of texts transmit messages which construct the communicative role of magazine covers in architectural media. In the realm of predefined identity of a magazine, the interpretation of cover concept confronts with a critical position which identifies magazine&rsquo / s approach to both architecture and its mediatic character. Since Arredamento-Mimarlik is a significant magazine which has a discursive approach on cover concept, the publication history and critical position of the magazine is investigated elaborately in the light of B&uuml / lent Erkmen&rsquo / s, the designer of the covers, and Ugur Tanyeli&rsquo / s, the managing editor, citations. Through this survey on Arredamento Mimarlik covers, the representation of architecture in media through a significant representative tool-magazine cover- is studied in terms of signification character of image and text. In this sense, the critical role of magazine which orients the comprehension of architecture in society is emphasized as a discursive value in addition to magazine&rsquo / s informative character.

„Wie die Zinnsoldaten“

Märker, Almuth 19 April 2010 (has links) (PDF)
Die UB Leipzig verstärkt mit einer mehrere Monate dauernden Magazinumstellung den Bestandsschutz. Sie hat in den vergangenen Jahren die Bücher, die vor 1600 erschienen sind, in ein Sondersammlungsmagazin umgestellt. Die danach erschienenen Bücher (bis 1940) werden in den nächsten Monaten in sachlichen Gruppen zusammengefasst. Die Kapselschriften werden in neue, säurefreie Kartons gelagert.

The making of famous and glamorous artists : the role of FILE megazine in the work of General Idea

Lamensdorf, Jennie Kathlene 16 February 2012 (has links)
From 1972 until 1989, the artist trio General Idea produced FILE Megazine. The first eight issues of FILE, published from 1972 – 1975, are the focus of this thesis. They stand apart from the later issues because their covers hijacked the look and iconic logo of Life magazine. The red rectangle with white block letters attracted the attention of Time Inc. and resulted in a lawsuit. Rather than fight the corporate giant, General Idea changed their logo after the autumn 1975 issue. FILE, like many artists’ magazines, is typically discussed in idealistic language that privileges the subversive or democratic intentions of the publication while neglecting its significance as a device for the promotion of community and collaboration. I argue that General Idea envisioned FILE as a utopian project intended to produce the world they sought to live in. Authors frequently employ FILE as a tool to discuss General Idea’s work, focusing on it as a mirror or archive of a larger project and emphasizing FILE’s humorous, bawdy, and irreverent aspects. In this thesis, I situate FILE in terms of its historical, art historical, and theoretical frameworks. I pay particular attention to General Idea’s early involvement in the mail art network, FILE’s relationship to 1960s and 1970s artists’ magazines and magazine art, the contemporaneous social and political climate in Canada, and General Idea’s investigation and employment of theoretical frameworks culled from Marshall McLuhan’s text The Medium is the Message and Roland Barthes’ book Mythologies. / text

Advertising to female runners : a comparative evaluation of Nike and Brooks Running, Inc. in Runner's world magazine

Martin, Elizabeth Jane 26 September 2012 (has links)
This research report aims to examine and evaluate the ways in which two leading running product companies, Nike and Brooks Running, Inc., target female runners in the context of Runner’s World magazine (the world’s leading running-related magazine). It presents relevant past research, theories and methodologies and applies them to the analysis. From the analysis and comparisons, a collection of best practice recommendations are determined in order to inform and advise any company’s future advertising efforts directed at female runners. / text

Färg på tidskriftsomslag : En studie om färgers betydelse på Cosmopolitans omslag / The usage of color in magazine cover design : A study on colors’ importance on Cosmopolitan magazine covers

Åkesson, Malin, Partti, Eliin January 2012 (has links)
En konsument blir ständigt påverkad av olika intryck i en butik där produkter slåss om uppmärksamhet och försöker att särskilja sig från konkurrenter. En produkt som trängs med flera andra på butikshyllan är tidskrifter, där antal titlar på den svenska marknaden har ökat med 40 procent de senaste tio åren.  Det har tidigare forskats kring vilka färger som sägs påverka människor i köpsituationer, så som att rött är en bra färg för att intressera en konsument, men detta betyder inte nödvändigtvis att det leder till ett köp. Vad är det då som intresserar konsumenten när det gäller färg? Vilka färger på ett tidskriftsomslag är det som intresserar en målgrupp mest respektive minst och varför är det så? Finns det ett samband mellan vilka färger som intresserar målgruppen och de färger som faktiskt leder till köp? Den här studien undersöker hur färg på tidskriftsomslag påverkar en konsument, både gällande associationer, känslor och köpbehov. Den tidskrift som varit i fokus för studien är Cosmopolitan, som befinner sig inom genren Livsstil för kvinnor, med målgruppen kvinnor mellan 20-30 år. Studien innefattar en litteraturöversikt för att få veta mer om hur färg påverkar en konsument och vilket uppmärksamhetsvärde en viss färg har. Vidare har skisser skapats som har varit grunden för diskussioner i de fokusgrupper som sattes ihop.Den analys som gjordes visar att målgruppen tyckte mest om följande färg och färgkombinationer på ett Cosmopolitanomslag: blå, gul, samt kalla och ljusa färger. De omslag som gjorde målgruppen mest intresserade av ett köp var följande färg och färgkombinationer: blå, blågula, gul, samt kalla och ljusa färger. Detta visar att studien fann ett samband mellan de färger som målgruppen tyckte bäst om och de färger som målgruppen även kunna tänka sig att köpa.De färger som målgruppen inte tyckte om var följande färg och färgkombinationer: röd, rödgrön, rödblå, grön, gulgrön och varma färger. De omslag som målgruppen var minst intresserade av att köpa var följande färg och färgkombinationer: röd, grön, rödblå, rödgrön och gulgrön. De omslag som målgruppen fann mest intressanta var följande färg och färgkombinationer: röd, rödblå, grön, gulgrön, samt varma och mörka omslaget. Vad som framgår är att användningen av rött på tidskriftsomslag fångar konsumentens intresse men att det inte skulle leda till köp, enligt fokusgrupperna för den här studien. Det är även tydligt att de färger som anses som mest intressanta inte är det målgruppen tycker om eller väljer att köpa. Likaså framgick det att målgruppen väljer det som känns bekant sedan innan. / A consumer is constantly influenced by the different impressions in a store where products compete for attention and try to differentiate themselves from competitors. A product that is crowded with several others on store shelves is magazines, and number of titles on the Swedish market have increased by 40 per cent over the past ten years.  Previous studies show how colors are said to influence people in different situations, that red, for example, is a good color to attract a consumer. This does not necessarily mean that it leads to a purchase. What is it that interests the consumer in terms of color? What colors on a magazine cover is of interest to an audience, most and least, and why is it so? Is there a connection between the colors that interest the target audience and the colors that actually lead to purchases?This study examines how the color of the magazine cover affects a consumer, both in terms of associations, emotions and buying needs. The magazine that has been in focus of the study is Cosmopolitan, targeting women aged 20-30 years, which is within the genre of Lifestyle for women. The study includes a literature review to learn more about how color affects a consumer’s attention and what value a certain color has. Furthermore, sketches had been created that has been the foundation of the focus groups who were assembled.The analysis made shows that the audience liked the following colors and color combinations on a Cosmopolitan cover: blue, yellow, cold and bright colors. The covers that made the audience most interested in a purchase had the following color and color combinations: blue, yellow, blue-yellow, cold and bright colors. This shows that the study found a correlation between the colors that audience liked best with the colors that the target group also could consider buying.The colors that audience did not like was the following colors and color combinations: black, red-green, blue-red, green, green-yellow and warm colors. The covers that the target group found least interesting to buy were the following colors and color combinations: red, green, blue-red, red-green and green-yellow. The covers that the target group found most interesting was the following colors and color combinations: red, blue-red, green, green-yellow, and warm and dark covers. What appears in the study is that the use of red on the magazine cover captures the consumer’s interest but it would not lead to purchase, according to the focus groups for this study. It is also clear that the colors that are considered to be most interesting is not in the target audience like or choose to buy. Another finding was that the target audience often choose what was most familiar to them.

An exploration of how the content and advertising in "Seventeen" magazine influences the lives of teenage girls : a Pietermaritzburg classroom case study.

Shelver, Donna-Jade. January 2010 (has links)
This study explores the role that Seventeen magazine plays in the lives of its readers. More specifically, it investigates how the content and advertising in Seventeen influences the behaviour and identity development of Black, South African, teenage girls. This research focuses on three primary areas of study: • The role of the reader in message interpretation • The media’s role in identity development and behaviour • The socio-cultural influence of readers’ backgrounds on message interpretation and acceptance The research methodology of this study is primarily of a qualitative nature, using different methods of qualitative research to gather information. The data collected as part of the ethnographic research was linked to existing theoretical research regarding Reception Theories – including the ‘Hypodermic Needle’ model; ‘Uses and Gratifications’; and the ‘Active Audience’. / Thesis (M.A.)-University of KwaZulu-Natal, Pietermaritzburg, 2010.

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