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Raciocínio ecológico-moral : um estudo sobre a caça e a proteção a mamíferos através de dilemasOliveira, Letícia Nascimento January 2017 (has links)
A Educação Ambiental apresenta uma relação com o desenvolvimento moral no que se refere a valores ecológico-morais. Toda ação que é moral implica posicionar-se em relação aos valores e deveres, ou seja, o sujeito apropria-se de um valor, não sendo simplesmente obrigado a seguir uma norma externa, mas tomar para si mesmo esse valor, priorizando um comportamento e almejando um bem. Esse é o caso de valores associados à natureza. As ações morais podem remeter a modificações do ambiente que nos circunda e, por isso, é importante discutir e refletir sobre os valores que temos na relação homem-natureza. O espaço escolar parece ser o local adequado para o diálogo, a discussão e o debate que oportunizam a formação de valores associados à natureza. Esta pesquisa parte da necessidade de buscar relações entre a teoria do desenvolvimento moral de Piaget e a de Kohlberg com os valores ecológico-morais. Com isso, podemos iniciar uma compreensão do desenvolvimento da moral ecológica em adolescentes. Nos utilizamos de um aporte teórico no campo da Filosofia moral, fazendo uma leitura rápida pela história e como foi sendo concebido o que é moral. Depois nos centramos em Immanuel Kant com a noção de heteronomia e autonomia, sendo essa última a verdadeira moral. Este filósofo foi uma forte referência para os estudos de Piaget sobre a moral. A fim de aproximar a filosofia moral com os valores ecológicos, nos utilizamos do princípio de responsabilidade abordado por Hans Jonas que propõe uma ética de preservação e proteção diante de uma crise ecológica global No campo da psicologia moral, estudamos a teoria do desenvolvimento moral de Jean Piaget e de Lawrence Kohlberg para compreender como se desenvolvem os valores morais na criança e no adolescente. Em seguida, buscamos pesquisas atuais que procuram relacionar essas teorias com o desenvolvimento dos valores voltados à natureza biológica e físico-química. O método empregado foi baseado na teoria do desenvolvimento moral de Piaget e de Kohlberg, bem como estudos sobre o desenvolvimento moral que compreendem questões ambientais. A pesquisa, portanto, está imersa na área da psicologia moral com enfoque na relação homem-natureza. Foram entrevistados 15 sujeitos, entre 13 e 18 anos, estudantes da educação básica e do início da educação superior. Após revisão de literatura e a partir da análise dos dados produzidos nesta pesquisa, sugerimos que haveria um paralelismo entre as tendências de desenvolvimento moral (anomia, heteronomia, autonomia), descritas por Piaget, e os níveis de raciocínio ecológico-moral (antropocentrismo, biocentrismo e ecocentrismo), encontrados em recentes investigações. Em conclusão, elaboramos os níveis de desenvolvimento da moral ecológica de acordo com os raciocínios ecológico-morais compreendidos por meio das falas dos sujeitos: nível 1: raciocínio ecológico-moral antropocêntrico, nível 1.1: transição entre o raciocínio ecológico-moral antropocêntrico e biocêntrico; nível 2: raciocínio ecológico-moral biocêntrico; nível 2.1: transição entre o raciocínio ecológico-moral biocêntrico e ecocêntrico; nível 3: raciocínio ecológico-moral ecocêntrico. Ao final trazemos algumas reflexões acerca da área da Educação Ambiental como subsídios para o desenvolvimento de valores ecológicos-morais no ambiente escolar. / Environmental education holds a relationship with moral development where ecological-moral values are concerned. Every action deemed moral implies taking a stand regarding values and duties, that is, an individual appropriates a value and is not simply being obliged to follow an outside rule, but take on that value by prioritizing a certain behavior and aiming towards an asset. That is the case of values associated with nature. Moral actions may revert to changes to the environment surrounding us, and therefore, it is important to discuss about and reflect upon the values we hold towards the human-nature relationship. The school space seems to be the adequate place for a dialog, discussion and debate to bring about opportunities to form nature related values. This research stems from the need to seek the relations between Piaget's and Kohlberg's moral development theories about ecological-moral values. This will allows us to begin to comprehend the ecological moral development in adolescents. We have utilized a theoretical foundation in the field of Moral Philosophy through a glance of history and the way in which what is moral came into conception. We then centered on Immanuel Kant with the notion of heteronomy and autonomy, the latter being the true moral. That philosopher served as a strong reference to Piaget's studies on moral. In order to bring moral philosophy closer to ecological values, we utilized the principle of responsibility as approached by Hans Jonas, who proposes a preservation and protection ethics in the face of a global ecological crisis. In the field of moral psychology, we studied Jean Piaget's and Lawrence Kohlberg's moral development theory to gain an understanding of how moral values develop in children and adolescents. After that, we searched current research that seek to relate those theories with the development of values aimed towards the biological and physical-chemical nature. The method employed is based on Piaget's and Kohlberg's moral development theory, as well as studies on moral development that include environmental issues. The research is thus immersed in moral psychology focusing on the human-nature relationship. Fifteen basic education and early higher education students aged between 13 and 18 were interviewed. Upon reviewing the literature and from analyzing the data this research rendered, we suggest that there could be a parallel between the moral development trends (anomie, heteronomy, autonomy) as described by Piaget, and the levels of ecological-moral reasoning (anthropocentrism, biocentrism, and ecocentrism), found in recent investigations. In conclusion, we have elaborated the levels of ecological moral development according to the ecological-moral reasoning through the speech of the individuals: level 1: anthropocentric ecological-moral reasoning, level 1.1: transition between the anthropocentric and biocentric ecological-moral reasoning; level 2: biocentric ecological-moral reasoning, level 2.1: transition between the biocentric and ecocentric ecological-moral reasoning; level 3: ecocentric ecological-moral reasoning. Lastly, we present some reflections about the Environmental Education area as subsidies for the development of ecological-moral values in the school environment.
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Analýza změn územního systému ekologické stability komplexní pozemkovou úpravouBÍCOVÁ, Markéta January 2018 (has links)
This thesis deals with the analysis of the TSES changes by the complex landed adjustment. First of all, the terms of the landscape and the landscape ecology are defined in the literary survey by available literature. The greatest focus of the landscape ecology is connected with its functions and and its structure. TSES is described as well. This thesis analyzes elements of TSES biocentres, biocorridors within the chapter. Furthermore, this thesis describes some functions of the greenery in the landscape. The last part of the survey describes TSES in the landed adjustment and the definition of the landed adjustment on its own. The description of the territory was formulated this way: the basic characteristics of the territory, the natural characteristics of the territory and so on. Another chapter comes with the detailed methodology of the thesis. The results and the discussion are the last and the most important part of the thesis. Every element of the TSES in interest territory is described in a state of the draft, as the part of the complex landed adjustment and nowadays. Maps in attachment are enclosed to the results.
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Développement d'un cadre méthodologique pour l'évaluation de l'équivalence écologique : Application dans le contexte de la séquence "Éviter, Réduire, Compenser" en France / Development of a methodological framework to assess ecological equivalence : application in the context of the mitigation hierarchy in FranceBezombes, Lucie 07 December 2017 (has links)
Face à l’érosion mondiale de la biodiversité causée par les activités humaines, la compensation écologique, et plus largement la séquence « Eviter Réduire Compenser » (ERC), s’est développée depuis les années 1970, avec l’ambition de concilier développement au niveau des projets d’aménagement et préservation de la biodiversité. L’objectif de cette séquence est d’atteindre « zéro perte nette » (No net Loss, NNL) de biodiversité. Un des enjeux clé pour y arriver consiste à démontrer l’équivalence écologique entre les gains apportés par la compensation et les pertes occasionnées par les impacts. Malgré les avancées règlementaires, le cadre français n’inclut pas de méthode à suivre pour déterminer l’équivalence et aucune n’est unanimement reconnue. Cela amène à des pratiques hétérogènes et une difficulté d’atteindre le NNL. Dans ce contexte, ces travaux de thèse visent à développer un cadre méthodologique standardisé (CMS) d’évaluation de l’équivalence, combinant à la fois opérationnalité, bases scientifiques et exhaustivité (prise en compte des quatre dimensions de l’équivalence : écologique, spatiale, temporelle et les incertitudes). Dans un premier temps, 13 méthodes utilisées à l’étranger sont analysées afin d’identifier des éléments structurant pour le développement du CMS adapté au contexte français. La construction du CMS est décomposée en trois étapes. La première consiste à sélectionner un lot organisé d’indicateurs sur lesquels baser l’évaluation de l’équivalence, permettant de répondre aux exigences règlementaires et reflétant la complexité de la biodiversité : évaluation à deux échelles spatiales (sur le site et dans un périmètre élargi) et à trois niveaux d’enjeu (général, habitat ou espèce). La deuxième étape porte sur la prédiction de l’évolution dans le temps des valeurs initiales des indicateurs, sous l’effet des impacts et de la compensation, en prenant en compte les incertitudes associées. La troisième étape conduit à la détermination de règles de calcul des pertes et des gains aboutissant à l’évaluation globale de l’équivalence. Le CMS ainsi construit est ensuite testé sur deux sites d’étude afin d’en démontrer la plus-value et d’en éprouver les limites. Des perspectives d’amélioration du CMS, et plus largement de l’évaluation de l’équivalence sont dégagées. En dernier lieu, l’ensemble de ces éléments nous permettent de questionner l’efficacité de la compensation écologique pour lutter contre l’érosion de la biodiversité. / In light of the global erosion of biodiversity caused by human activities, biodiversity offsets and, more broadly the Mitigation Hierarchy, are increasingly used since the 1970s, with the ambition of reconciling economic development and biodiversity conservation. Its objective is to achieve "No Net Loss" (NNL) of biodiversity. One of the key issues to achieve this goal is to demonstrate ecological equivalence between the gains from offsets and the losses caused by impacts. Despite regulatory improvements, the French law does not include a method for assessing equivalence, and no method is unanimously recognized. This leads to heterogeneous practices and difficulties in reaching the NNL objective. In this context, this thesis aims to develop a standardized methodological framework (SMF) for assessing equivalence, which combines operationality, scientific basis and comprehensiveness (taking into account the four dimensions of equivalence: ecological, spatial, temporal and uncertainties). First, 13 methods used abroad are analysed in order to identify structural elements for the development of a SMF adapted to the French context. The construction is decomposed into three steps. The first consists in selecting an organized set of indicators, on which equivalence assessment should be based in order to meet legislative requirements and reflect the complexity of biodiversity. The assessment is to be done at two spatial scales (on-site and within an expanded perimeter) and at three levels reflecting general or specific issues (habitat or species). The second step regards the prediction of the values of the indicators over time, consequently to the impacts and offsets, taking into account the implied uncertainties. The third step leads us to establish rules for calculating losses and gains, as well as for the overall assessment of equivalence. Finally, this SMF is tested on two study sites in order to demonstrate the added value and to identify its limits. Prospects for improving the SMF, and more broadly the evaluation of equivalence, are then suggested. Finally, all these elements make it possible to question the effectiveness of offsets in order to tackle biodiversity erosion.
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Raciocínio ecológico-moral : um estudo sobre a caça e a proteção a mamíferos através de dilemasOliveira, Letícia Nascimento January 2017 (has links)
A Educação Ambiental apresenta uma relação com o desenvolvimento moral no que se refere a valores ecológico-morais. Toda ação que é moral implica posicionar-se em relação aos valores e deveres, ou seja, o sujeito apropria-se de um valor, não sendo simplesmente obrigado a seguir uma norma externa, mas tomar para si mesmo esse valor, priorizando um comportamento e almejando um bem. Esse é o caso de valores associados à natureza. As ações morais podem remeter a modificações do ambiente que nos circunda e, por isso, é importante discutir e refletir sobre os valores que temos na relação homem-natureza. O espaço escolar parece ser o local adequado para o diálogo, a discussão e o debate que oportunizam a formação de valores associados à natureza. Esta pesquisa parte da necessidade de buscar relações entre a teoria do desenvolvimento moral de Piaget e a de Kohlberg com os valores ecológico-morais. Com isso, podemos iniciar uma compreensão do desenvolvimento da moral ecológica em adolescentes. Nos utilizamos de um aporte teórico no campo da Filosofia moral, fazendo uma leitura rápida pela história e como foi sendo concebido o que é moral. Depois nos centramos em Immanuel Kant com a noção de heteronomia e autonomia, sendo essa última a verdadeira moral. Este filósofo foi uma forte referência para os estudos de Piaget sobre a moral. A fim de aproximar a filosofia moral com os valores ecológicos, nos utilizamos do princípio de responsabilidade abordado por Hans Jonas que propõe uma ética de preservação e proteção diante de uma crise ecológica global No campo da psicologia moral, estudamos a teoria do desenvolvimento moral de Jean Piaget e de Lawrence Kohlberg para compreender como se desenvolvem os valores morais na criança e no adolescente. Em seguida, buscamos pesquisas atuais que procuram relacionar essas teorias com o desenvolvimento dos valores voltados à natureza biológica e físico-química. O método empregado foi baseado na teoria do desenvolvimento moral de Piaget e de Kohlberg, bem como estudos sobre o desenvolvimento moral que compreendem questões ambientais. A pesquisa, portanto, está imersa na área da psicologia moral com enfoque na relação homem-natureza. Foram entrevistados 15 sujeitos, entre 13 e 18 anos, estudantes da educação básica e do início da educação superior. Após revisão de literatura e a partir da análise dos dados produzidos nesta pesquisa, sugerimos que haveria um paralelismo entre as tendências de desenvolvimento moral (anomia, heteronomia, autonomia), descritas por Piaget, e os níveis de raciocínio ecológico-moral (antropocentrismo, biocentrismo e ecocentrismo), encontrados em recentes investigações. Em conclusão, elaboramos os níveis de desenvolvimento da moral ecológica de acordo com os raciocínios ecológico-morais compreendidos por meio das falas dos sujeitos: nível 1: raciocínio ecológico-moral antropocêntrico, nível 1.1: transição entre o raciocínio ecológico-moral antropocêntrico e biocêntrico; nível 2: raciocínio ecológico-moral biocêntrico; nível 2.1: transição entre o raciocínio ecológico-moral biocêntrico e ecocêntrico; nível 3: raciocínio ecológico-moral ecocêntrico. Ao final trazemos algumas reflexões acerca da área da Educação Ambiental como subsídios para o desenvolvimento de valores ecológicos-morais no ambiente escolar. / Environmental education holds a relationship with moral development where ecological-moral values are concerned. Every action deemed moral implies taking a stand regarding values and duties, that is, an individual appropriates a value and is not simply being obliged to follow an outside rule, but take on that value by prioritizing a certain behavior and aiming towards an asset. That is the case of values associated with nature. Moral actions may revert to changes to the environment surrounding us, and therefore, it is important to discuss about and reflect upon the values we hold towards the human-nature relationship. The school space seems to be the adequate place for a dialog, discussion and debate to bring about opportunities to form nature related values. This research stems from the need to seek the relations between Piaget's and Kohlberg's moral development theories about ecological-moral values. This will allows us to begin to comprehend the ecological moral development in adolescents. We have utilized a theoretical foundation in the field of Moral Philosophy through a glance of history and the way in which what is moral came into conception. We then centered on Immanuel Kant with the notion of heteronomy and autonomy, the latter being the true moral. That philosopher served as a strong reference to Piaget's studies on moral. In order to bring moral philosophy closer to ecological values, we utilized the principle of responsibility as approached by Hans Jonas, who proposes a preservation and protection ethics in the face of a global ecological crisis. In the field of moral psychology, we studied Jean Piaget's and Lawrence Kohlberg's moral development theory to gain an understanding of how moral values develop in children and adolescents. After that, we searched current research that seek to relate those theories with the development of values aimed towards the biological and physical-chemical nature. The method employed is based on Piaget's and Kohlberg's moral development theory, as well as studies on moral development that include environmental issues. The research is thus immersed in moral psychology focusing on the human-nature relationship. Fifteen basic education and early higher education students aged between 13 and 18 were interviewed. Upon reviewing the literature and from analyzing the data this research rendered, we suggest that there could be a parallel between the moral development trends (anomie, heteronomy, autonomy) as described by Piaget, and the levels of ecological-moral reasoning (anthropocentrism, biocentrism, and ecocentrism), found in recent investigations. In conclusion, we have elaborated the levels of ecological moral development according to the ecological-moral reasoning through the speech of the individuals: level 1: anthropocentric ecological-moral reasoning, level 1.1: transition between the anthropocentric and biocentric ecological-moral reasoning; level 2: biocentric ecological-moral reasoning, level 2.1: transition between the biocentric and ecocentric ecological-moral reasoning; level 3: ecocentric ecological-moral reasoning. Lastly, we present some reflections about the Environmental Education area as subsidies for the development of ecological-moral values in the school environment.
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Direct and indirect ecological consequences of human activities in urban and native ecosystemsJanuary 2014 (has links)
abstract: Though cities occupy only a small percentage of Earth's terrestrial surface, humans concentrated in urban areas impact ecosystems at local, regional and global scales. I examined the direct and indirect ecological outcomes of human activities on both managed landscapes and protected native ecosystems in and around cities. First, I used highly managed residential yards, which compose nearly half of the heterogeneous urban land area, as a model system to examine the ecological effects of people's management choices and the social drivers of those decisions. I found that a complex set of individual and institutional social characteristics drives people's decisions, which in turn affect ecological structure and function across scales from yards to cities. This work demonstrates the link between individuals' decision-making and ecosystem service provisioning in highly managed urban ecosystems.
Second, I examined the distribution of urban-generated air pollutants and their complex ecological outcomes in protected native ecosystems. Atmospheric carbon dioxide (CO<sub>2</sub>), reactive nitrogen (N), and ozone (O<sub>3</sub>) are elevated near human activities and act as both resources and stressors to primary producers, but little is known about their co-occurring distribution or combined impacts on ecosystems. I investigated the urban "ecological airshed," including the spatial and temporal extent of N deposition, as well as CO<sub>2</sub> and O<sub>3</sub> concentrations in native preserves in Phoenix, Arizona and the outlying Sonoran Desert. I found elevated concentrations of ecologically relevant pollutants co-occur in both urban and remote native lands at levels that are likely to affect ecosystem structure and function. Finally, I tested the combined effects of CO<sub>2</sub>, N, and O<sub>3</sub> on the dominant native and non-native herbaceous desert species in a multi-factor dose-response greenhouse experiment. Under current and predicted future air quality conditions, the non-native species (<italic>Schismus arabicus</italic>) had net positive growth despite physiological stress under high O<sub>3</sub> concentrations. In contrast, the native species (<italic>Pectocarya recurvata</italic>) was more sensitive to O<sub>3</sub> and, unlike the non-native species, did not benefit from the protective role of CO<sub>2</sub>. These results highlight the vulnerability of native ecosystems to current and future air pollution over the long term. Together, my research provides empirical evidence for future policies addressing multiple stressors in urban managed and native landscapes. / Dissertation/Thesis / Doctoral Dissertation Plant Biology 2014
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A tributação ambiental como instrumento de proteção ambiental: um estudo de caso da experiência do ICMS ecológico no Estado do Paraná / The environmental taxation as an instrument of environmental protection: a case study of the experience of ecological ICMS in the State of Paraná.Zachow, Pamera Emanuele Riegel 22 February 2017 (has links)
Submitted by Marilene Donadel (marilene.donadel@unioeste.br) on 2017-09-22T21:46:33Z
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Pamera_E_R_Zachow_2017.pdf: 3126426 bytes, checksum: 58ff042198ad4df8794c791a29d88900 (MD5) / Made available in DSpace on 2017-09-22T21:46:33Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1
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Previous issue date: 2017-02-22 / Environmental taxation is a extrafiscal function instrument being used to encourage behaviors that are consistent with the preservation of the environment. In turn, the Ecological ICMS is an environmental protection tool and has shown effective results in the induction of the municipalities to adopt environmental protection policies. The Federal Constitution of Brazil states that it is the duty of the community, municipalities, states and the EU find ways to address environmental problems and adhere to mechanisms that allow an improvement in the environment, thus ensuring an ecologically balanced environment for future generations. In this sense, the general objective of this research was to present, through a bibliographical and documentary research, the evolution of the Ecological ICMS in the State of Paraná, demonstrating the relevance of environmental taxation as an environmental preservation mechanism. To achieve the general objective, the following specific objectives were outlined: a) Analyze the importance of environmental tax legislation; B) Verify that the Ecological ICMS law contributes to the protection of the environment; C) Examine the growth of municipalities benefiting from the Ecological ICMS; D) Examine whether the areas of environmental protection have grown. To do so, the bibliographic survey led this study to the following assumptions: a) Ecological ICMS can be considered as an incentive element for the preservation of the environment. The state governments, through specific legislation, have allowed the emergence of new areas of preservation, as well as maintaining and strengthening the protection of existing areas and b) Considering the importance of the maintenance of native areas, as well as the importance of the existence of Conservation Units, it is perceived that the Ecological ICMS has a fundamental role when it comes to financial compensation to municipalities that maintains environmental conservation areas. / A tributação ambiental é um instrumento de função extrafiscal, sendo utilizada para estimular comportamentos que sejam compatíveis com a preservação do ambiente. Por sua vez, o ICMS Ecológico é um mecanismo de proteção ambiental e tem apresentado resultados eficientes na indução dos Municípios a adotarem políticas de proteção ao meio ambiente. A Constituição Federal do Brasil determina que é dever da coletividade, municípios, estados e a União buscar meios para solucionar problemas ambientais e aderir a mecanismos que possibilitem uma melhora no meio ambiente, garantindo assim, um ambiente ecologicamente equilibrado para as futuras gerações. Para responder a questão norteadora da pesquisa, objetivo geral desta pesquisa foi apresentar, por meio de uma pesquisa bibliográfica e documental, a evolução do ICMS Ecológico no Estado do Paraná, demonstrando a relevância da tributação ambiental como mecanismo de preservação ambiental. Para atingir o objetivo geral, delinearam-se os seguintes objetivos específicos: a) Analisar a importância da legislação tributária ambiental; b) Verificar se a lei do ICMS Ecológico contribui para a proteção ao meio ambiente; c) Examinar se houve o crescimento dos municípios beneficiados pelo ICMS Ecológico; d) Examinar se houve o crescimento das áreas de proteção ambiental. Para tanto, o levantamento bibliográfico levou este estudo aos seguintes pressupostos a) O ICMS ecológico pode ser considerado um elemento de incentivo para a preservação do meio ambiente. Os governos estaduais, através de legislação específica, tem possibilitado o surgimento de novas áreas de preservação, bem como a manutenção e o fortalecimento da proteção das áreas já existentes e b) Considerando a importância da manutenção das áreas nativas, bem como a importância da existência de Unidades de Conservação, percebe-se que o ICMS Ecológico tem papel fundamental quando se trata da compensação financeira aos municípios que mantém áreas de conservação ambiental.
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Avaliação ecológica e da percepção de proprietários rurais do processo de restauração de matas ciliares em Jaú e Saltinho - SP / Ecological assessment and of the perception of landowners in the of riparian forests restoration process in Jau and Saltinho - SPBianca Campedelli Moreira Rocco 10 June 2013 (has links)
O Estado de São Paulo passou por um longo processo de degradação e fragmentação, fruto de um modelo de desenvolvimento que baseou sua ampliação agrícola e urbana na derrubada de ecossistemas florestais nativos. A necessidade de aumento na cobertura florestal do estado é reconhecida há muito tempo, principalmente em razão da relação intrínseca entre água e matas, especialmente no caso das matas ciliares. Essa questão gerou ao logo dos anos o aprimoramento do conhecimento técnico na área de restauração, mas este avanço não foi acompanhado de reflexões a respeito de questões sociais, econômicas e políticas. As diversas políticas públicas e instrumentos agrícolas e florestais vigentes não trazem em seu escopo a preocupação com a realidade socioeconômica ou com o desenvolvimento rural. O presente trabalho procurou analisar, através do estudo de caso em duas microbacias hidrográficas do estado de São Paulo, Ribeirão Campestre no município de Saltinho e Córrego Santo Antônio em Jaú, o desenvolvimento áreas de mata ciliar implantadas por quatro instrumentos e políticas públicas de restauração ecológica de matas ciliares em pequenas e médias propriedades. Buscou-se compreender o contexto em que os diferentes instrumentos e políticas de restauração de matas ciliares ocorreram procurando correlacionar indicadores ecológicos de desenvolvimento de áreas de mata ciliar em restauração, com a percepção e o envolvimento dos proprietários rurais nos diversos processos de restauração de matas ciliares estudados. Desta maneira, a partir dos resultados, foi possível demonstrar que conhecer o perfil e a percepção dos proprietários rurais envolvidos em políticas públicas de restauração de matas ciliares é essencial para a para produção de conhecimentos relacionados à restauração de matas ciliares e de políticas públicas relacionadas. / The State of São Paulo has gone through a long process of deterioration and fragmentation, due to the model of development of agricultural and urban expansion based on the destruction of native forest ecosystem. The need to increase the forest covering in the state has been clear for quite some time, especially due to the intrinsic relationship between water and forests, most notably in riparian forests. With time, this issue gave rise to the refinement of technical knowledge in the area of restoration. However, this progress was not accompanied by discussions on social, economic and political issues. The various public policies, laws and regulations in the agricultural and forest area now in place fail to express any concern with socioeconomic reality or with rural development. This text represents an attempt to analyze a case study in two micro-river basins in the State of São Paulo, Brazil, namely, Ribeirão Campestre, in the municipality of Saltinho and Córrego Santo Antônio, in the municipality of Jaú. Specifically, the development of riparian forest areas implemented by four legal instruments and public policies of ecological restoration of riparian forests in small and medium-sized landholdings were investigated. Searched was made to understand the context in which different legal instruments and policies for restoring riparian forests occurred, and ecological indicators of the development of riparian forest areas in restoration were correlated with the perception and involvement of rural landowners in several different processes of restoration of riparian forests. Thus, based on the results, it was possible to demonstrate that understand the profile and perception of landowners involved in riparian forests restoration public policy is essential to the production of knowledge related to riparian forests restoration of and related public policies.
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The Need for and Meaning of Social Ecological EconomicsSpash, Clive L. 03 1900 (has links) (PDF)
Ecological economics has arisen over a period of three decades with a strong emphasis on the
essential need to recognise the embeddedness of the economy in the biophysical. However,
that element of realism is not matched by an equally well informed social theory. Indeed the
tendency has been to adopt mainstream economic concepts, theories and models formulated
of the basis of a formal mathematical deductivist approach that pays little or no attention to
social reality. Similarly mainstream economic methods are employed as pragmatic devices
for communication. As a result ecological economics has failed to develop its own consistent
and coherent theory and failed to make the link between the social and the economic. In
order to reverse this situation the social and political economy must be put to the fore and that
is the aim of social ecological economics. This paper provides a brief overview of the
arguments for such a development. The prospect is of unifying a range of critical thought on
the social and environmental crises with the aim of informing the necessary social ecological
transformation of the economy. / Series: SRE - Discussion Papers
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Remedios de mi tierra: An Oral History Project on the Changes and Continuity of the Traditional Healing Knowledge and Practices of a Mexican Immigrant Mother from Guanajuato, MexicoSaldana Perez, Joel Angel, Saldana Perez, Joel Angel January 2017 (has links)
This thesis looks at the impact of migration and place on the traditional healing knowledge and practices of a Mexican immigrant mother from Guanajuato, Mexico: Sofia Perez. Through the use of oral history methodology and the application of the Traditional Ecological Knowledge and Wisdom (TEKW) model and the Social Ecological Model (SEM) to analyze the narratives, this study looks at the origin of Sofia's healing knowledge and practices and at how she has managed to keep these traditions alive despite migrating to the United States and living in a society that may not believe in the efficacy of these healing traditions. The application of the Traditional Ecological Knowledge and Wisdom (TEKW) model provided insight into the healing traditions of Sofia's home community and the ways in which these were learned, practiced, and preserved and proved useful in looking at how this was done by Sofia before and after migrating. Next, the Social Ecological Model (SEM) proved useful in looking at how place and its various social, cultural, and ecological aspects have influenced Sofia's use of traditional medicine since she migrated. Overall, Sofia's knowledge and practices have been impacted by migration and place; however, she continues to practice these traditions as best as she can.
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Evaluating and Predicting Ecosystem ServicesKadykalo, Andrew January 2013 (has links)
The valuation of ecosystem services requires first and foremost, that the current level or stock of a service first be estimated. Here, I investigate the relationship between the fields of environmental science and ecological economics in their research effort of ecosystem services and the implications this may have on the ecosystem valuation research program. I investigate two ecological functions described as ecosystem services within specific ecosystem types: the flood control provisioning services of wetlands and pollination service provisioning by pollinator populations in agroecosystems. I examined the environmental literature to provide quantitative estimates of a) the distribution of the level of service delivered as well as b) the ability of environmental scientists to predict this level of service. The results presented here suggest a moderately strong correlation between research efforts in environmental science and ecological economics at the pooled level of ecosystem types and services. I suggest however, an integrated research enterprise between social and environmental scientists may provide greater efficiency by means of a global ecosystem service research network and repository.
I found that, on average, consistent with conventional wisdom, wetlands do indeed have a positive effect by reducing the frequency and magnitude of floods, increasing low flows, and increasing water storage. In the same vein, I found on average and consistent with conventional wisdom, there is a consistent and comparatively strong association between pollinator abundance and agroecosystem productivity as inferred from measures of plant fertilization success. In both investigations however, metaregression analysis indicated that our current ability to predict either pollination or flood control services is poor to modest at best.
The low predictive power combined with the observed heterogeneity in effect size in both investigations suggest that flood control service delivered by wetlands or pollination services delivered by natural pollinator populations in agroecosystems and the expected changes in the level of services delivered under a candidate management scenario, will have a large uncertainty. Such uncertainty should be explicitly incorporated into estimates of both the current economic value of ecosystem services, as well as estimates of how these values are likely to change under alternative management scenarios.
Given these, I suggest that the implications for the development of Market-based instruments (MBIs) or any payment of ecosystem services to conserve ecosystem services: that the associated ecological function(s) must be few and well characterized, and we must agree on what endpoints ought to properly be used to characterize these functions. If this condition is not met, an ordinal ranking is the best we can do and in the absence of obvious enthusiasm for more detailed scientific research which leads to the conclusion that perhaps alternate strategies like command and control may be the better alternative to protect ecosystem services.
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