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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Assessing community capacity for ecosystem management : Clayoquot Sound and Redberry Lake biosphere reserves

Mendis, Sharmalene Ruwanthi 29 October 2004 (has links)
Biosphere reserves are regions that are internationally recognized for their ecological significance and work towards ecosystem management. The concept of community capacity, as developed in the resource management and health promotion literatures, was applied to two such regions that were designated in 2000: Clayoquot Sound and Redberry Lake. The purpose of this comparative research was to better understand what constitutes the collective ability, or community capacity, these places have for fulfilling their functions as biosphere reserves. Community capacity is the collective mobilization of resources (ecological, economic/built, human and social capitals) for a specified goal. A mixed methods approach was taken. Self-assessments, both qualitative and quantitative, were used to determine community capacity in focus groups with biosphere reserve management, residents, and youth (grades 9-12). The results were compared to a statistics-based assessment of socioeconomic well-being. Semi-structured interviews for a related research project provided further insight. This comparative research made theoretical advancements by identifying key constituents of community capacity, including dimensions of the capitals and mobilizers, or factors that motivate people to work for communal benefit. Mobilizers were found to be key drivers of the process of using and building community capacity. Four mobilizer categories were identified: the existence of, and changes to capital resources; individual traits; community consciousness; and, commitment. The practical implications of applying both qualitative and quantitative assessment methods were examined. It was found that there are several ways to conduct the socioeconomic assessment, and that adaptive methodological application is advised in research that attempts to be truly community-basednot just about, but for and with communities. It was found that, while it does not ensure a biosphere reserves success, economic capital plays a key role in activating other resources beyond a time frame of three years, where social capital can be the primary driver for activity. Despite substantial differences politically, socially, and economically, both regions experienced similar challenges that can be largely attributed to a general lack of understanding of the biosphere reserve concept, and a lack of consistent, core funding.

Vinkultur som finkultur : Det kulturella och ekonomiska kapitalet, samt globaliseringens effekter på dryckesmönstret i Sverige

Sandberg, Markus, Brohede Tellström, Monica January 2008 (has links)
Denna uppsats syftar till att undersöka vilken eller vilka faktorer som påverkar alkoholförsäljningens fördelning mellan olika alkoholvarugrupper och vilken av faktorerna som är mest betydelsefull, samt om det skett någon förändring av dessa faktorers påverkan mellan åren 1998 och 2007. Detta har skett genom regressionsanalyser där vi har använt oss av statistik om Sveriges kommuner och använt dessa som analysenheter. Vi har valt att analysera resultaten med hjälp av Pierre Bourdieus begrepp ekonomiskt och kulturellt kapital, samt Anthony Giddens teori om globaliseringen och världsstäder. Vi har använt oss av medianinkomst som indikator på ekonomiskt kapital. För kulturellt kapital har vi använt utbildningsnivå som indikator och för världsstäderna som globaliseringens nav, har vi undersökt närheten till världsstäderna Stockholm och Köpenhamn. Vår undersökning visar att andelen sålt vin ökar och andelen såld sprit minskar, ju högre utbildningsnivån i kommunen är. Vi fann även att sambandet mellan andelen sålt vin och sprit i förhållande till utbildningsnivån minskade mellan åren 1998 och 2007. Vidare kunde vi även finna att kommuner som ligger nära världsstäderna Stockholm och Köpenhamn, har högre andel vinkonsumtion. Detta visar att på att globaliseringen påverkar dryckesmönstren och även denna faktor hade större betydelse 1998 än 2007. Vi fann också att kommunernas medianinkomst påverkar vilken alkoholtyp som det säljs mest av i kommunen, men när vi jämförde den med andra faktorer förlorade den sin betydelse.Nyckelord: Sociologi, dryckesmönster, alkoholförsäljning, kulturellt kapital, ekonomiskt kapital, globalisering / The aim of this study is to examine which variable or variables that affect the division of alcoholic beverage selling in different types of alcoholic beverage, which variable that is the most important and if there have been any changes during the time between 1998 and 2007. We used regression analysis of statistics and used the Swedish municipalities as units. Furthermore we used Pierre Bourdieu’s concepts economic capital and cultural capital to analyse our data. We also used Anthony Gidden’s theory about the globalization and global cities. We used median income as an indicator for economic capital and level of education as an indicator for cultural capital. We also viewed how close the municipalities are located to Stockholm and Copenhagen as indicators for the importance of global cities. Our study shows that the proportion of sold wine increases and the proportion of sold spirits decreases the higher the mean education level in the municipalities is. The connection between the alcoholic beverage types and education level were stronger 1998 than 2007. We can also see a connection between how close to the global cites Stockholm and Copenhagen the municipalities are located. The wine selling is higher in the municipalities that are located close to the global cities than other municipalities. This shows the importance of the globalization as a factor that affects the alcoholic beverage selling. We also discovered a connection between median income and which alcoholic beverage type that is the most popular in a municipality. The importance of median income disappeared when we compared it to other variables.Keywords: Sociology, drinking pattern, alcoholic beverage selling, cultural capital, economic capital, globalization / VG

A dinâmica do campo das políticas culturais no município do Rio Grande

Kupski, Larisse January 2012 (has links)
O campo das políticas culturais do município do Rio Grande era bastante incipiente até recentemente, existindo basicamente em função de eventos, porém durante a década de 10 novas políticas surgiram no campo, impulsionando novas ações e práticas. Em parte, as novas ações são influenciadas pelas políticas culturais federais, que a partir da posse do presidente Luis Inácio Lula da Silva, e à ascensão do Partido dos Trabalhadores ao governo federal, sofreu profundas mudanças na forma como são entendidas, desenvolvidas e implementadas, com a intenção de atender a diversidade existente no país e democratizar a gestão das políticas públicas. Além das políticas governamentais, as políticas culturais também são orientadas por grupos e organizações que não pertencem ao poder público, e que muitas vezes vão de encontro com as políticas definidas por este. Estudos que analisem como e quais são as políticas culturais que estão sendo materializadas nos municípios, também problematizando como se deu a implementação dos novos programas federais nesses, são necessários. Esse estudo busca compreender qual foi a dinâmica do campo das políticas culturais no município do Rio Grande entre os anos de 2000 e 2010. Para a realização do estudo foi utilizado os conceitos teórico-metodológicos de Pierre Bourdieu. A partir dos conceitos de campo, capital, habitus e estratégia, identificaram-se no campo os agentes envolvidos com as políticas culturais no município, suas relações, disputas e estratégias. O estudo é de cunho qualitativo e os elementos para análise foram obtidos através de pesquisa documental, observação direta, diário de campo e entrevistas feitas com diferentes agentes do campo e das instituições que o compõe. Foram identificados três períodos principais no campo: década de 90 e início do anos 2000, como um período de esfriamento e quase estagnação no campo; 2004 a 2008, período de retomada de políticas no campo, com a criação de um ponto de cultura e adesão ao Sistema Nacional de Cultura e; 2010, ano que configura novas ações no campo e indica a situação atual das políticas culturais no município. Foi possível perceber a influência das políticas culturais nacionais no campo do município, por detrás da retomada de políticas no segundo período destacado, o que levou a novas disputas no campo, impulsionando a presença de alguns agentes. Mesmo com uma maior abertura no período final do estudo, as práticas elitistas do campo das políticas culturais do município do Rio Grande configuram o habitus legitimado do campo. A posse e o volume dos capitais econômico, social e cultural comandam a distribuição dos agentes e instituições pelo campo. A principal forma de perceber o poder dos capitais presentes está na capacidade do agente/instituição incentivar ou ser o propulsor de ações e políticas culturais. / The field of cultural policies of the city of Rio Grande was incipient until recently, existing primarily as a result of events. However during the decade of the 10 new policies emerged in the field, driving new initiatives and practices. Partially, the new actions are influenced by federal cultural policies which, since the election of President Luis Inacio Lula da Silva, and the rise of the Partido dos Trabalhadores to the federal government, has undergone profound changes in how they are understood, developed and implemented, with the intention to meet the diversity of the country and to democratize the management of public policies. In addition to government policies, cultural policies are also oriented by groups and organizations that do not belong to the government, and often run counter with the policies established by this. Studies that examine how and which are the cultural policies being materialized in the cities, also questioning how the implementation of these new federal programs was performed, are required. This study seeks to understand what was the dynamic of the cultural policies field in the city of Rio Grande between the years 2000 and 2010. For the study it was used the theoretical and methodological concepts of Pierre Bourdieu. The concepts of field, capital, habitus and strategy, made possible to identify the agents involved with the cultural policies field of the city, their relationships, disputes and strategies. The study is of qualitative nature and the elements for analysis were obtained through documentary research, direct observation, field diary and interviews with different agents and institutions that compose the field. It was identified three main periods in the field: the 90s and early 2000s as a period of cooling and near stagnation in the field; from 2004 to 2008, a period of renewal of policies in the field, the creation of a point of culture and adherence to Sistema Nacional de Cultura; 2010, the year that sets new actions in the field and indicates the current situation of cultural policies in the city. It was possible to see the influence of national cultural policies in the field of the city, behind the return of policies in the second period highlighted, which led to new disputes in the field, boosting the presence of some agents. Despite a greater openness in the final period of the study, the elitist practices of the cultural policies field of the city, shapes the legitimized habitus of the field. The possession and the volume of the economic, social and cultural capitals commands the distribution of agents and institutions in the field. The main way to realize the power of capital present in the field is the ability of the agent/institution to encourage or be the driver of cultural policy actions.

A dinâmica do campo das políticas culturais no município do Rio Grande

Kupski, Larisse January 2012 (has links)
O campo das políticas culturais do município do Rio Grande era bastante incipiente até recentemente, existindo basicamente em função de eventos, porém durante a década de 10 novas políticas surgiram no campo, impulsionando novas ações e práticas. Em parte, as novas ações são influenciadas pelas políticas culturais federais, que a partir da posse do presidente Luis Inácio Lula da Silva, e à ascensão do Partido dos Trabalhadores ao governo federal, sofreu profundas mudanças na forma como são entendidas, desenvolvidas e implementadas, com a intenção de atender a diversidade existente no país e democratizar a gestão das políticas públicas. Além das políticas governamentais, as políticas culturais também são orientadas por grupos e organizações que não pertencem ao poder público, e que muitas vezes vão de encontro com as políticas definidas por este. Estudos que analisem como e quais são as políticas culturais que estão sendo materializadas nos municípios, também problematizando como se deu a implementação dos novos programas federais nesses, são necessários. Esse estudo busca compreender qual foi a dinâmica do campo das políticas culturais no município do Rio Grande entre os anos de 2000 e 2010. Para a realização do estudo foi utilizado os conceitos teórico-metodológicos de Pierre Bourdieu. A partir dos conceitos de campo, capital, habitus e estratégia, identificaram-se no campo os agentes envolvidos com as políticas culturais no município, suas relações, disputas e estratégias. O estudo é de cunho qualitativo e os elementos para análise foram obtidos através de pesquisa documental, observação direta, diário de campo e entrevistas feitas com diferentes agentes do campo e das instituições que o compõe. Foram identificados três períodos principais no campo: década de 90 e início do anos 2000, como um período de esfriamento e quase estagnação no campo; 2004 a 2008, período de retomada de políticas no campo, com a criação de um ponto de cultura e adesão ao Sistema Nacional de Cultura e; 2010, ano que configura novas ações no campo e indica a situação atual das políticas culturais no município. Foi possível perceber a influência das políticas culturais nacionais no campo do município, por detrás da retomada de políticas no segundo período destacado, o que levou a novas disputas no campo, impulsionando a presença de alguns agentes. Mesmo com uma maior abertura no período final do estudo, as práticas elitistas do campo das políticas culturais do município do Rio Grande configuram o habitus legitimado do campo. A posse e o volume dos capitais econômico, social e cultural comandam a distribuição dos agentes e instituições pelo campo. A principal forma de perceber o poder dos capitais presentes está na capacidade do agente/instituição incentivar ou ser o propulsor de ações e políticas culturais. / The field of cultural policies of the city of Rio Grande was incipient until recently, existing primarily as a result of events. However during the decade of the 10 new policies emerged in the field, driving new initiatives and practices. Partially, the new actions are influenced by federal cultural policies which, since the election of President Luis Inacio Lula da Silva, and the rise of the Partido dos Trabalhadores to the federal government, has undergone profound changes in how they are understood, developed and implemented, with the intention to meet the diversity of the country and to democratize the management of public policies. In addition to government policies, cultural policies are also oriented by groups and organizations that do not belong to the government, and often run counter with the policies established by this. Studies that examine how and which are the cultural policies being materialized in the cities, also questioning how the implementation of these new federal programs was performed, are required. This study seeks to understand what was the dynamic of the cultural policies field in the city of Rio Grande between the years 2000 and 2010. For the study it was used the theoretical and methodological concepts of Pierre Bourdieu. The concepts of field, capital, habitus and strategy, made possible to identify the agents involved with the cultural policies field of the city, their relationships, disputes and strategies. The study is of qualitative nature and the elements for analysis were obtained through documentary research, direct observation, field diary and interviews with different agents and institutions that compose the field. It was identified three main periods in the field: the 90s and early 2000s as a period of cooling and near stagnation in the field; from 2004 to 2008, a period of renewal of policies in the field, the creation of a point of culture and adherence to Sistema Nacional de Cultura; 2010, the year that sets new actions in the field and indicates the current situation of cultural policies in the city. It was possible to see the influence of national cultural policies in the field of the city, behind the return of policies in the second period highlighted, which led to new disputes in the field, boosting the presence of some agents. Despite a greater openness in the final period of the study, the elitist practices of the cultural policies field of the city, shapes the legitimized habitus of the field. The possession and the volume of the economic, social and cultural capitals commands the distribution of agents and institutions in the field. The main way to realize the power of capital present in the field is the ability of the agent/institution to encourage or be the driver of cultural policy actions.

A dinâmica do campo das políticas culturais no município do Rio Grande

Kupski, Larisse January 2012 (has links)
O campo das políticas culturais do município do Rio Grande era bastante incipiente até recentemente, existindo basicamente em função de eventos, porém durante a década de 10 novas políticas surgiram no campo, impulsionando novas ações e práticas. Em parte, as novas ações são influenciadas pelas políticas culturais federais, que a partir da posse do presidente Luis Inácio Lula da Silva, e à ascensão do Partido dos Trabalhadores ao governo federal, sofreu profundas mudanças na forma como são entendidas, desenvolvidas e implementadas, com a intenção de atender a diversidade existente no país e democratizar a gestão das políticas públicas. Além das políticas governamentais, as políticas culturais também são orientadas por grupos e organizações que não pertencem ao poder público, e que muitas vezes vão de encontro com as políticas definidas por este. Estudos que analisem como e quais são as políticas culturais que estão sendo materializadas nos municípios, também problematizando como se deu a implementação dos novos programas federais nesses, são necessários. Esse estudo busca compreender qual foi a dinâmica do campo das políticas culturais no município do Rio Grande entre os anos de 2000 e 2010. Para a realização do estudo foi utilizado os conceitos teórico-metodológicos de Pierre Bourdieu. A partir dos conceitos de campo, capital, habitus e estratégia, identificaram-se no campo os agentes envolvidos com as políticas culturais no município, suas relações, disputas e estratégias. O estudo é de cunho qualitativo e os elementos para análise foram obtidos através de pesquisa documental, observação direta, diário de campo e entrevistas feitas com diferentes agentes do campo e das instituições que o compõe. Foram identificados três períodos principais no campo: década de 90 e início do anos 2000, como um período de esfriamento e quase estagnação no campo; 2004 a 2008, período de retomada de políticas no campo, com a criação de um ponto de cultura e adesão ao Sistema Nacional de Cultura e; 2010, ano que configura novas ações no campo e indica a situação atual das políticas culturais no município. Foi possível perceber a influência das políticas culturais nacionais no campo do município, por detrás da retomada de políticas no segundo período destacado, o que levou a novas disputas no campo, impulsionando a presença de alguns agentes. Mesmo com uma maior abertura no período final do estudo, as práticas elitistas do campo das políticas culturais do município do Rio Grande configuram o habitus legitimado do campo. A posse e o volume dos capitais econômico, social e cultural comandam a distribuição dos agentes e instituições pelo campo. A principal forma de perceber o poder dos capitais presentes está na capacidade do agente/instituição incentivar ou ser o propulsor de ações e políticas culturais. / The field of cultural policies of the city of Rio Grande was incipient until recently, existing primarily as a result of events. However during the decade of the 10 new policies emerged in the field, driving new initiatives and practices. Partially, the new actions are influenced by federal cultural policies which, since the election of President Luis Inacio Lula da Silva, and the rise of the Partido dos Trabalhadores to the federal government, has undergone profound changes in how they are understood, developed and implemented, with the intention to meet the diversity of the country and to democratize the management of public policies. In addition to government policies, cultural policies are also oriented by groups and organizations that do not belong to the government, and often run counter with the policies established by this. Studies that examine how and which are the cultural policies being materialized in the cities, also questioning how the implementation of these new federal programs was performed, are required. This study seeks to understand what was the dynamic of the cultural policies field in the city of Rio Grande between the years 2000 and 2010. For the study it was used the theoretical and methodological concepts of Pierre Bourdieu. The concepts of field, capital, habitus and strategy, made possible to identify the agents involved with the cultural policies field of the city, their relationships, disputes and strategies. The study is of qualitative nature and the elements for analysis were obtained through documentary research, direct observation, field diary and interviews with different agents and institutions that compose the field. It was identified three main periods in the field: the 90s and early 2000s as a period of cooling and near stagnation in the field; from 2004 to 2008, a period of renewal of policies in the field, the creation of a point of culture and adherence to Sistema Nacional de Cultura; 2010, the year that sets new actions in the field and indicates the current situation of cultural policies in the city. It was possible to see the influence of national cultural policies in the field of the city, behind the return of policies in the second period highlighted, which led to new disputes in the field, boosting the presence of some agents. Despite a greater openness in the final period of the study, the elitist practices of the cultural policies field of the city, shapes the legitimized habitus of the field. The possession and the volume of the economic, social and cultural capitals commands the distribution of agents and institutions in the field. The main way to realize the power of capital present in the field is the ability of the agent/institution to encourage or be the driver of cultural policy actions.

Modelos computacionais e probabilísticos em riscos de crédito

Barboza, Flavio Luiz de Moraes 06 February 2015 (has links)
Made available in DSpace on 2016-03-15T19:31:11Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 Flavio Luiz de Moares Barboza_ Portuguesprot.pdf: 2812858 bytes, checksum: f2dcc3e0b9d4f798fd0a10c4a4b79844 (MD5) Previous issue date: 2015-02-06 / Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior / This dissertation studies credit risk to promove a discussion about the breadth of scientific literature and two highlighted topics: regulatory capital and bankruptcy prediction modelling. These issues are divided among three essays. The first one is a review of literature in nature. The main studies on credit risk were classified and coded, and a citation-based approach was used to determine its relevance and contributions. Interesting omissions of knowledge are found in this work, which give us motivation to develop two subjects. The second essay discusses the influence of the desirefor higher rating positions for financial instituitons strategies when aiming to minimize economic capital, considering the borrower s credit rating and target rating itself. Using a probabilistic distribution model to simulate loss-given default (LGD), our results show that the use of credit ratings in the guidance for calculating minimum capital requirements can be an alternative to the banks. Yet, we find it possible to get better rankings to lend to some small intervals of LGD. The third study shows a comparative analysis in the performance of computational models, which are widely used to solve classification problems, and traditional methods applied to predict failures one year before the event. The models are formulated by machine learning techniques (support vector machines, bagging, boosting and random forest). Applying data from U.S. companies from 1985 to 2013, we compare the results of these innovative methods with neural networks, logistic regression, and discriminant analysis. The major result of this part of the study is a substantial improvement in predictive power by using machine learning techniques, when, besides the original variable Z-Score from Altman (1968), six metrics (or constructs) selected from Carton e Hofer (2006) are included as explanatory variables. The analysis shows that the bagging and the random forest models outperform other techniques; all predictions are improved when the suggested constructs are included in the survey. / Esta tese estuda risco de crédito com o intuito de promover uma discussão sobre a amplitude da literatura científica e dois destacados temas: capital regulatório e modelagem de previsão de falências. Para tanto divididiu-se o material em três ensaios. O primeiro é, na sua essência, uma revisão de literatura. Os principais estudos sobre risco de crédito foram classificados e codificados, e uma abordagem baseada em citação foi utilizada para determinar a sua relevância e contribuições. Lacunas interessantes do conhecimento são encontradas neste trabalho, o que nos dá motivação para desenvolver dois assuntos. O segundo discute a influência da busca por posições de rating mais elevadas para as estratégias das instituições financeiras quando visam minimizar o capital econômico, considerando rating de crédito do tomador e de seu rating objetivo em si. Usando um modelo de distribuição probabilística para simular a perda dada a inadimplência (mais conhecida por loss given default, LGD), os resultados encontrados mostram que o uso de notações de crédito nas orientações para o cálculo dos requisitos mínimos de capital pode ser uma alternativa para os bancos. No entanto, achou-se possível obter uma melhor classificação dentro de alguns pequenos intervalos de LGD. O terceiro mostra uma análise comparativa do desempenho de modelos computacionais, que são amplamente utilizados para resolver problemas de classificação e métodos tradicionais aplicados para prever falhas um ano antes do evento. Os modelos são formulados por meio de técnicas de aprendizagem de máquinas (máquinas de vetores de suporte, bagging, boosting e random forest). Aplicando dados de empresas norte-americanas 1985-2013, comparamos os resultados destes métodos inovadores com redes neurais, regressão logística e análise discriminante. O principal resultado desta parte do estudo é uma melhoria substancial no poder de previsão usando técnicas de aprendizado de máquina, quando, além das variáveis do Z-Score original de Altman (1968), seis métricas (ou constructos) selecionadas a partir de Carton e Hofer (2006) são incluídas como variáveis explicativas. A análise mostra que os modelos bagging e random forest tem desempenho superior as outras técnicas; todas as previsões são melhoradas quando os constructos sugeridos são incluídos na pesquisa.

Vad hände med musikbranschen? : En studie om musikbranschens utveckling i och med digitaliseringen

Gabrielsson, Tommy, Ney, Kristina January 2017 (has links)
Under början av 2000-talet stod musikbranschen inför några svåra år när fildelning blev allt vanligare och försäljningen av CD-skivor sjönk kraftigt. Denna uppsats undersöker vad som hände med musikbranschen efter denna kris och hur musikbranschen som fält ser ut idag. Detta undersöks utifrån Pierre Bourdieus teorier om det kulturella fältet och olika former av kapital samt Emma Stenströms teori om att vi rör oss i en ny kulturekonomi. Genom att lyssna på podcastserier från Sveriges Radio och DMG Education med fokus på musikbranschen utfördes en innehållsanalys som genererade fyra teman; krisen, musikbranschens demokratisering, image och pengar. Krisen uppkom som en konsekvens av digitaliseringen av musikindustrin. Denna digitalisering har ändrat förutsättningarna och strukturen för musikbranschen som fält. Skivbolagens maktposition är inte längre lika stor och streamingföretaget Spotify har snabbt stigit till att bli en av de dominerande aktörerna inom fältet. Artistens maktposition har även förstärkts, något som inom fältet beskrivs som demokratiseringen av musikbranschen. Krisen har även lett till att det blivit allt mer accepterat för artisterna att tjäna pengar och samarbeta med den kommersiella sektorn vilket tidigare inte vara lika accepterat. / In the beginning of the 20th century the music industry went into a crisis when file sharing became more common and at the same time the sale of the CD dropped. This thesis tries to examine what happened with the music industry in Sweden after this crisis and tries to identify the key actors in the field today. This will be illustrated through Pierre Bourdieu’s theory of the cultural field and different forms of capital as well as Emma Stenströms theory of the culture economy. A content analysis was made by listening to podcast series from Sveriges Radio and DMG Education covering the music industry, which generated four themes; the crisis, the democratisation of the music industry, image and money. The crisis emerged as a consequence of the digitalization of the music industry. This digitization has changed the structure and qualifications that constructs the field. The record companies power position is no longer as great and the streaming company Spotify have rapidly risen to become a dominating actor within the field. Even the artists power position has become greater, something that within the field has been described as the democratization of the music industry. It has become more acceptable for the artist to earn money after the crisis and cooperation with the commercial industry are at large more approved of. This goes against the previous position of the field where economic success was secondary to cultural values.

Měření ziskovosti korporátních zákazníků v bankovnictví / Measurement of customers´ profitability in corporate banking

Vacek, Petr January 2011 (has links)
The dissertation thesis aims to establish a complex theoretical basis for a measurement of customer's profitability which can be easily used in the practice. The main reason for that is the absence of such publication in the current academic sphere. A combination of management accounting and knowledge of banking enables to achieve the aim. The thesis itself is closely linked to the banking practice. There are derived customer's profitability indicators as modifications of the popular RAROC in which a customer margin is used instead of net profit. There is designed a simplified way of operational cost allocation. Questionnaires and interviews with senior representatives of seven Czech banks helped to identify the most significant labor-intensity factors of corporate customers. The description of principal features of risk costs and derivation of formulas for profitability variances are also the part of the thesis. The theoretical part is followed by the practical one where a contemporary banking practice of corporate customer's profitability measurement on the Czech market is explored. It identified three weak points -- cost allocation, profitability variances and one-year horizon of a calculation. At the end, the theoretical basis is applied on an existing customer portfolio and the result is compared with a currently used customer's profitability measurement.

Systém služeb a protislužeb v období tzv. normalizace - podpultové zboží a bezhotovostní trh / Economic and social interaction during Normalization era - system of return services and barter exchange in non-cash market

Kříž, Štěpán January 2013 (has links)
The diploma thesis Economic and social interaction during Normalization era is is based on qualitative research. It deals with issues of system of return services and barter exchange in non - cash market in 1970's and 1980's in Czechoslovakia. The centrally planned economy was not able to produce enough consumer goods and meet the demand of the population. Employees, who worked in department stores, took easier approach to consumer goods than others. They excercised power over distribution and they traded some commodities for another services. As a research method applied is oral history. The primary sources used are narrative interview and secondary history literature.

The Species of Capital and the Cultural Production of Hip-Hop

Meeker, James Kenneth, Jr. 26 April 2019 (has links)
No description available.

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