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[pt] Esta dissertação tem como objetivo estudar as escalas
empregadas na sociologia
educacional como fatores importantes no desempenho
escolar. Inicialmente usamos a
Teoria da Resposta ao Item (TRI) não-paramétrica para
estudar as propriedades das
escalas unidimensionais obtidas para os construtos
teóricos, capital social, capital cultural
e capital econômico, dos estudantes peruanos, a partir de
itens do questionário PISA 2000.
Em seguida utilizamos a Análise Fatorial Confirmatória
(AFC) como uma metodologia
alternativa para análise de ajuste dos modelos e para a
verificação da dimensionalidade
das três escalas construídas. Uma vez obtidas as escalas
dos três construtos investigamos o
efeito escola através de um modelo de regressão de dois
níveis, ou seja, controlando pelas
três escalas de capital como medidas pelos modelos da TRI
e da AFC, no nível do aluno e
no nível da escola. Assim, investigamos a contribuição da
escola no desempenho escolar
do aluno. Os resultados revelaram que a escala obtida para
o construto capital econômico
apresenta um coeficiente de escalonabilidade (H) alto, o
que implica em uma escala forte,
com boa capacidade de ordenamento dos respondentes. O
construto capital social
apresentou escalonabilidade intermediária e o construto
capital cultural mostrou uma
escalonabilidade fraca. Por outro lado, a análise do
modelo de regressão multinível
revelou que existe um efeito escola significativo, mesmo
quando a proficiência dos alunos
é controlada pelo capital cultural e pelo capital
econômico no nível do aluno e pela capital
cultural médio no nível da escola. Entre os fatores
associados às diferenças no
desempenho entre as escolas encontramos como
significativos os recursos educativos, a
infraestrutura física da escola, a motivação dos
professores, e a escassez de
professores; sendo que, a variável recursos educativos é a
que explica a maior
diferença. / [en] This work is a study on scales used in the sociology of
education as important
factors in student and school performance. First, we
employ nonparametric item response
theory to analyze the properties of three one-dimensional
scales obtained from the PISA-
2000 data base, for the theoretical constructs, social
capital, cultural capital and economic
capital, of students from Peru. Then, we use confirmatory
factor analysis as a way to
examine construct dimensionality and to assess model fit.
Last we use these scales in a
two level model to investigate school effects: we use the
three scales of capital, as
measured by both methods, as controls at the student level
and at the school level to
investigate the school contribution to student
performance. Our results has shown that we
can obtain a fairly strong scale for economic capital,
with a high scalability coefficient
(H), which implies that the respondents can be well
ordered with respect to the latent trait.
The construct social capital presented an intermediate
scalability and the construct cultural
capital presented a low scalability. The multilevel
analysis has shown that there remains a
significant school effect, even after controlling students
achievement by economic capital
and cultural capital at student level and average cultural
capital at school level. Among the
factors related to the resulting differences in school
achievement we found a significant
effect due to the variables educational resources, school
infrastructure, teacher's
motivation and lack of teachers; and the first one
educational resources is the one that
accounts for the largest difference.
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Consolidating Multi-Factor Models of Systematic Risk with Regulatory Capital / Konsolidering av flerfaktormodeller för systematisk risk med reglerande kapitalRibom, Henrik January 2018 (has links)
To maintain solvency intimes of severe economic downturns banks and financialinstitutions keep capital cushions that reflect the risks in the balance sheet.Broadly,how much capital that is being held is a combination of external requirementsfromregulators and internal assessments of credit risk. We discuss alternatives totheBasel Pillar II capital add-on based on multi-factor models for held capitaland howthese can be applied so that only concentration (or sector) risk affects theoutcome,even in a portfolio with prominent idiosyncratic risk. Further, the stabilityandreliability of these models are evaluated. We found that this idiosyncraticrisk canefficiently be removed both on a sector and a portfolio level and that themulti-factormodels tested converge.We introduce two new indices based on Risk Weighted Assets (RI) and EconomicCapital (EI). Both show the desired effect of an intuitive dependence on the PDand LGD. Moreover, EI shows a dependence on the inter-sector correlation. Inthesample portfolio, we show that the high concentration in one sector could be(better)justified by these methods when the low average LGD and PD of this sector weretaken into consideration. / För att behålla solvens itider av svår lågkonjunktur håller banker och finansiellainstitutioner buffertar med kapital som reflekterar risken i balansräkningen. Istoradrag så är mängden kapital som hålls beroende av en kombination av externa kravfrån regulatorer och interna uppskattningar av kredit risken. Den häravhandlingendiskuterar alternativ till Basel pelare II kapital påslaget som är baserade påmulti-faktor modeller för kapital och hur dessa kan appliceras så att endastkoncentration(eller sektor) risk påverkar resultat, även i en portfölj med tydligidiosynkratiskrisk. Utöver detta behandlas stabilitet och reliabilitet hos dessa modeller.Genomdetta hittas att den idiosynkratisk risk kan effektivt tas bort på bådeportfölj- ochsektornivå och att de multifaktor modeller som testas konvergerar.Den här avhandlingen introducerar två nya index, baserat på Risk WeightedAssets(RI) och Economic Capital (EI). Båda visar på den önskade effekten av ettintuitivtberoende av PD och LGD. Dessutom visar EI ett beroende av inter-sektor korrela-tion. Med stickprovsportföljen som används var det tydligt att högkoncentrationi en sektor kunde (bättre) rättfärdigas av båda dessa metoder då LGD och PD försektorn i fråga har beaktats.
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Совершенствование методического инструментария для оценки экономического капитала коммерческого банка (на примере АО «Альфа-Банк» и ПАО «СКБ-Банк») : магистерская диссертация / Improving the methodological tools for assessing economic capital of a commercial bank (on the example of JSC Alfa-Bank and PJSC SKB-Bank)Габитова, А. И., Gabitova, A. I. January 2020 (has links)
The master's thesis is devoted to assessment and analysis of the economic capital of a commercial bank in conditions of increasing risk load. The purpose of the research is to develop a methodological approach to assessment of economic capital based on the account of typical banking risks. The paper concludes that the amount of economic capital, which includes all types of risks, may exceed the amount of regulatory capital. Proper assessment of "risk capital" directly affects the financial stability of a credit institution. / Магистерская диссертация посвящена вопросам оценки и анализа экономического капитала коммерческого банка в условиях повышения рисковой нагрузки. Целью исследования является разработка методического подхода к оценке экономического капитала на основе учета типичных банковских рисков. В работе сделан вывод о том, что величина экономического капитала, включающая все виды рисков, может превышать величину регулятивного капитала. Грамотная оценка «капитала под риск» напрямую влияет на финансовую устойчивость кредитной организации.
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Just DAO It : Analysing the Shifts in Types of Capital Prioritised by the Most Active Members of a Decentralised Autonomous Organisation (Dao) Within the First Year of Its CreationSalb, Sorrel January 2022 (has links)
The concept of Web3 is increasingly entering into mainstream discourses. With many terming 2021 the ‘year of NFTs’ (non-fungible tokens), 2022 has been labelled as the ‘year of DAOs’ within the Web3 ecosystem. Decentralised autonomous organisations (DAOs) are groups that come together as a result of a specific purpose or interest and pursue their collective goals through leveraging Web3 technologies and governing over a shared treasury. Curious about these trends, I joined a community with a music, creative expression, and culture focus which had plans to become a DAO. A few months into being a member of this community, I was hired to join the community’s Core Team. While there have been a few articles published on the topic of DAOs, none focus specifically on what members of these DAOs value and how these priorities change over time. Utilising my unique perspective of being deeply involved in a DAO as a Core Team member, this thesis addresses this gap through an autoethnographic analysis of the shifting priorities of the most active members over the course of ten months within the first year of the community/ DAO being established. Bourdieu’s lens of different types of capital, together with a more modern extension of e-capital, and field theory are applied. The analysis reveals trends in the types of capital that are most valued during different phases of development of the community/ DAO being examined and how these are linked to specific milestone events that occur.
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Lessons learnt from the deficiencies of the Basel Accords as they apply to Solvency II / Johann Rénier Gabriël JacobsJacobs, Johann Rénier Gabriël January 2013 (has links)
Solvency II is the new European Union (EU) legislation which will replace the capital adequacy regime
for the insurance industry. Considering that the banking sector has experienced a similar change
through the different Basel Accords (Basel), there is an opportunity for the insurance industry before The results indicate similar distortions between developing countries while the major driver behind
the cost of capital for developing countries is equity market volatility, and not credit risk as might
have been expected.
Finally, the fourth research problem relates to another objective of financial regulations: to reflect the
risks that financial institutions face. The risk sensitivities of economic and regulatory capital for credit
risk are investigated empirically using a dynamic optimisation model in one of the first studies of its
kind. Results show that economic capital is a superior risk measure to regulatory capital from a systemic-
and institution-specific risk perspective. This, along with calls to strengthen Pillar 2 disciplines
following the financial crisis, leads to a suggestion that economic capital could be considered as a Pillar
1 capital requirement, replacing the current forms of Pillar 1 regulatory capital.
the implementation of Solvency II to learn from the weaknesses and shortcomings in Basel to ensure
that the design of Solvency II will, as far as possible, compensate for these.
The financial crisis of 2007 to 2010 highlighted certain weaknesses and shortcomings of Basel and
there is accordingly an opportunity for the insurance industry to learn from these deficiencies and to
strengthen Solvency II to help prevent similar events in the insurance industry. This thesis investigates
these weaknesses in Basel in an attempt to determine the extent to which these are inherently included
in Solvency II.
The first research problem of this thesis examines these weaknesses in Basel and relates them back to
Solvency II to determine which, and to what extent, some of them may have been included in Solvency
The second research problem leads from the first and critically explores an objective of financial regulations,
namely to provide financial institutions with equal competitive conditions (the so-called ‘level
playing field’) from a regulatory perspective. To achieve this objective, there is an implicit assumption
that the cost of capital between countries is equal. Investigation into the cost of capital between
both developed and developing countries using a modified weighted average cost of capital model
indicates that the cost of capital between developed and developing countries differs and that regulations
based on capital requirements tend to favour developed countries. This means that current financial
regulations cannot achieve this objective as intended.
The third research problem investigates the cost of capital between various developing countries to
determine firstly whether similar competitive distortions exist among such countries, while secondly
exploring the drivers behind the cost of capital in such countries through linear regression analyses. / PhD (Risk Management), North-West University, Potchefstroom Campus, 2013
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Lessons learnt from the deficiencies of the Basel Accords as they apply to Solvency II / Johann Rénier Gabriël JacobsJacobs, Johann Rénier Gabriël January 2013 (has links)
Solvency II is the new European Union (EU) legislation which will replace the capital adequacy regime
for the insurance industry. Considering that the banking sector has experienced a similar change
through the different Basel Accords (Basel), there is an opportunity for the insurance industry before The results indicate similar distortions between developing countries while the major driver behind
the cost of capital for developing countries is equity market volatility, and not credit risk as might
have been expected.
Finally, the fourth research problem relates to another objective of financial regulations: to reflect the
risks that financial institutions face. The risk sensitivities of economic and regulatory capital for credit
risk are investigated empirically using a dynamic optimisation model in one of the first studies of its
kind. Results show that economic capital is a superior risk measure to regulatory capital from a systemic-
and institution-specific risk perspective. This, along with calls to strengthen Pillar 2 disciplines
following the financial crisis, leads to a suggestion that economic capital could be considered as a Pillar
1 capital requirement, replacing the current forms of Pillar 1 regulatory capital.
the implementation of Solvency II to learn from the weaknesses and shortcomings in Basel to ensure
that the design of Solvency II will, as far as possible, compensate for these.
The financial crisis of 2007 to 2010 highlighted certain weaknesses and shortcomings of Basel and
there is accordingly an opportunity for the insurance industry to learn from these deficiencies and to
strengthen Solvency II to help prevent similar events in the insurance industry. This thesis investigates
these weaknesses in Basel in an attempt to determine the extent to which these are inherently included
in Solvency II.
The first research problem of this thesis examines these weaknesses in Basel and relates them back to
Solvency II to determine which, and to what extent, some of them may have been included in Solvency
The second research problem leads from the first and critically explores an objective of financial regulations,
namely to provide financial institutions with equal competitive conditions (the so-called ‘level
playing field’) from a regulatory perspective. To achieve this objective, there is an implicit assumption
that the cost of capital between countries is equal. Investigation into the cost of capital between
both developed and developing countries using a modified weighted average cost of capital model
indicates that the cost of capital between developed and developing countries differs and that regulations
based on capital requirements tend to favour developed countries. This means that current financial
regulations cannot achieve this objective as intended.
The third research problem investigates the cost of capital between various developing countries to
determine firstly whether similar competitive distortions exist among such countries, while secondly
exploring the drivers behind the cost of capital in such countries through linear regression analyses. / PhD (Risk Management), North-West University, Potchefstroom Campus, 2013
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Ekonomický kapitál a cena rizika penzijního fondu / The economic capital and the price of risk in a pension fundČupák, Matúš January 2011 (has links)
In the present work we study the economic capital of pension funds and their possible extension into the new concept of Solvency II. The main task is to examine the risks that are characteristic for pension fund activity. We use several modified stress simulations, which we model using a virtual model of pension fund. Primarily we focus on changes in net asset value (NAV) which is used in standard formula for calculation of the solvency capital requirement (SCR). In conclusion, we evaluate the possible impact of applications Solvency II to pension funds, the resulting economic capital and solvency of modeled pension fund.
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Classes sociais e desempenho educacional no BrasilCaprara, Bernardo Mattes January 2017 (has links)
La présente thèse de doctorat analyse les rapports entre les classes sociales et l'éducation de base formelle au Brésil. Afin d'examiner les effets de la classe sociale dans les résultats scolaires des jeunes Brésiliens, nous avons opté pour une méthodologie quantitative, en utilisant la base de données d'évaluation du système d'éducation de base (SAEB), tenue en 2013. Le Saeb évalue les compétences des élèves en les mathématiques et les Portugais, tous les deux ans, en plus de produire des questionnaires contextuels sur les conditions de vie des étudiants, sur les conditions de scolarisation et le travail des enseignants. Les statistiques descriptives utilisées, l'analyse de la correspondance, l'analyse de la variance (ANOVA) et la régression linéaire multiple, ce dernier étant l'axe majeur de ces analyses avec les modèles de tout le Brésil et pour chaque région spécifique. A titre d'hypothèse, nous considérons que la reproduction des inégalités de classe sociale passe par l'éducation formelle, dans la mesure où la classe sociale influe sur la performance scolaire. En sociologie, les classes sociales peuvent être définis et étudiés de différentes manières. En général, il s´agit d´une catégorie utilisée pour décrire des groupes sociaux avec une contribution similaire des ressources économiques, que ce soit dans le domaine des revenus, la consommation ou la position dans les rapports de matériel de production (Suite)Ces perspectives économiques est poursuivie par d'autres interprétations. les classes sociales peuvent être considérés aussi comme des positions relatives dans l'espace social, marqué par la possession de différents types de capitaux, dont la médiation avec les pratiques et les modes de la vie culturelle réside dans des dispositions intégrées depuis l'enfance. Ainsi, opérationnaliser le concept de classe de deux façons: d'abord, de la construction des strates de bureaux de biens de consommation, une approche économique, le classement des couches de la plus haute (“A”) aux plus vulnérables (“D/E”); puis on sélectionne des différents indicateurs de possession du capital économique et le capital culturel, les deux principaux capitaux dans les sociétés modernes, selon la théorie de Pierre Bourdieu. Les résultats empiriques ont montré la persistance des effets de la classe sociale dans l'élaboration de la performance scolaire, bien que coexistant avec les effets des variables de scolarité, carrière individuelle et caractère éducatif. Enfin, nous réfléchissons sur les possibilités théoriques de la recherche pour comprendre comment l'école fonctionne entre la reproduction des inégalités de classe et de la production culturelle ou la transmission des connaissances. / A presente tese de doutorado analisa as relações entre as classes sociais e a educação formal básica no Brasil. Com o objetivo de examinar os efeitos da classe social no desempenho educacional dos jovens brasileiros, optamos pela metodologia quantitativa, através da base de dados do Sistema de Avaliação da Educação Básica (Saeb), realizado em 2013. O Saeb avalia as proficiências dos estudantes em Matemática e Língua Portuguesa, de dois em dois anos, além de produzir questionários contextuais sobre as condições de vida dos alunos, sobre as condições da escolarização e de trabalho dos professores. Utilizamos a estatística descritiva, a análise de correspondência, a análise de variância (ANOVA) e a regressão linear múltipla, sendo essa última o eixo principal das análises, com modelos para todo o Brasil e para cada região específica. Como hipótese, consideramos que a reprodução das desigualdades de classe passa pela educação formal, na medida em que a classe social afeta o desempenho escolar. Na Sociologia, classes sociais podem ser definidas e pesquisadas de diferentes maneiras. Em linhas gerais, trata-se de uma categoria empregada para designar grupos sociais dotados de um aporte semelhante de recursos econômicos, seja na esfera da renda, do consumo ou da posição nas relações de produção material Essa perspectiva econômica é perseguida por interpretações alternativas. Classes sociais podem ser pensadas, também, enquanto posições relativas no espaço social, marcadas pela posse de diferentes tipos de capital, cuja mediação com as práticas culturais e os estilos de vida reside em disposições incorporadas desde a infância. Dessa forma, operacionalizamos o conceito de classe de duas maneiras distintas: primeiro, a partir da construção de estratos de posse de bens de consumo, numa abordagem econômica, hierarquizando os estratos do mais alto (“A”) ao mais vulnerável (“D/E”); depois, selecionamos diferentes indicadores da posse de capital econômico e de capital cultural, os dois principais capitais nas sociedades modernas, conforme a teoria de Pierre Bourdieu. Os resultados empíricos demonstraram a persistência dos efeitos da classe social na conformação dos rendimentos acadêmicos, ainda que coexistindo com os impactos das variáveis de escolarização, de trajetória individual e de caráter pedagógico. Por fim, refletimos sobre as possibilidades teóricas na busca por compreender como a escola atua entre a reprodução das desigualdades de classe e a produção cultural ou a transmissão de saberes. / The present doctoral thesis analyzes the relations between social classes and formal basic education in Brazil. In order to examine the effects of social class on the educational performance of young Brazilians, we opted for the quantitative methodology through the database of the Basic Education Assessment System (Saeb), carried out in 2013. Saeb assesses the students' proficiency in Mathematics and Portuguese Language every two years, and also produces contextual questionnaires about their living conditions, besides the conditions of schooling and teachers' work. We used descriptive statistics, correspondence analysis, analysis of variance (ANOVA) and multiple linear regression, which is the main axis of the analysis, bringing models for the whole country and for each specific region. As a hypothesis, we consider that the reproduction of class inequalities reaches the formal education, as the social class affects school performance. In Sociology, social classes can be defined and researched in different ways. In general terms, it is a category used to designate social groups endowed with a similar provision of economic resources, either in the sphere of income, consumption or position in the relations of material production. The economic perspective is pursued by alternative interpretations Social classes can also be thought of as relative positions in social space, marked by the possession of different types of capital, whose mediation with cultural practices and lifestyles resides in dispositions embodied since childhood. Thus, we operationalize the concept of class in two different ways: first, from the construction of strata of consumer goods, in an economic approach, hierarchizing the strata from the highest ("A") to the most vulnerable ("D/E"); we then selected different indicators of the possession of economic capital and cultural capital, the two main capitals in modern societies, according to Pierre Bourdieu's theory. The empirical results showed the persistence of the social class's effects on the conformation of academic performance, although it coexists with the impacts of variables of schooling, individual pathway and pedagogical character. Finally, we reflect on the theoretical possibilities in the search for understanding how the school acts in a space between the reproduction of class inequalities and cultural production or knowledge transmission.
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Classes sociais e desempenho educacional no BrasilCaprara, Bernardo Mattes January 2017 (has links)
La présente thèse de doctorat analyse les rapports entre les classes sociales et l'éducation de base formelle au Brésil. Afin d'examiner les effets de la classe sociale dans les résultats scolaires des jeunes Brésiliens, nous avons opté pour une méthodologie quantitative, en utilisant la base de données d'évaluation du système d'éducation de base (SAEB), tenue en 2013. Le Saeb évalue les compétences des élèves en les mathématiques et les Portugais, tous les deux ans, en plus de produire des questionnaires contextuels sur les conditions de vie des étudiants, sur les conditions de scolarisation et le travail des enseignants. Les statistiques descriptives utilisées, l'analyse de la correspondance, l'analyse de la variance (ANOVA) et la régression linéaire multiple, ce dernier étant l'axe majeur de ces analyses avec les modèles de tout le Brésil et pour chaque région spécifique. A titre d'hypothèse, nous considérons que la reproduction des inégalités de classe sociale passe par l'éducation formelle, dans la mesure où la classe sociale influe sur la performance scolaire. En sociologie, les classes sociales peuvent être définis et étudiés de différentes manières. En général, il s´agit d´une catégorie utilisée pour décrire des groupes sociaux avec une contribution similaire des ressources économiques, que ce soit dans le domaine des revenus, la consommation ou la position dans les rapports de matériel de production (Suite)Ces perspectives économiques est poursuivie par d'autres interprétations. les classes sociales peuvent être considérés aussi comme des positions relatives dans l'espace social, marqué par la possession de différents types de capitaux, dont la médiation avec les pratiques et les modes de la vie culturelle réside dans des dispositions intégrées depuis l'enfance. Ainsi, opérationnaliser le concept de classe de deux façons: d'abord, de la construction des strates de bureaux de biens de consommation, une approche économique, le classement des couches de la plus haute (“A”) aux plus vulnérables (“D/E”); puis on sélectionne des différents indicateurs de possession du capital économique et le capital culturel, les deux principaux capitaux dans les sociétés modernes, selon la théorie de Pierre Bourdieu. Les résultats empiriques ont montré la persistance des effets de la classe sociale dans l'élaboration de la performance scolaire, bien que coexistant avec les effets des variables de scolarité, carrière individuelle et caractère éducatif. Enfin, nous réfléchissons sur les possibilités théoriques de la recherche pour comprendre comment l'école fonctionne entre la reproduction des inégalités de classe et de la production culturelle ou la transmission des connaissances. / A presente tese de doutorado analisa as relações entre as classes sociais e a educação formal básica no Brasil. Com o objetivo de examinar os efeitos da classe social no desempenho educacional dos jovens brasileiros, optamos pela metodologia quantitativa, através da base de dados do Sistema de Avaliação da Educação Básica (Saeb), realizado em 2013. O Saeb avalia as proficiências dos estudantes em Matemática e Língua Portuguesa, de dois em dois anos, além de produzir questionários contextuais sobre as condições de vida dos alunos, sobre as condições da escolarização e de trabalho dos professores. Utilizamos a estatística descritiva, a análise de correspondência, a análise de variância (ANOVA) e a regressão linear múltipla, sendo essa última o eixo principal das análises, com modelos para todo o Brasil e para cada região específica. Como hipótese, consideramos que a reprodução das desigualdades de classe passa pela educação formal, na medida em que a classe social afeta o desempenho escolar. Na Sociologia, classes sociais podem ser definidas e pesquisadas de diferentes maneiras. Em linhas gerais, trata-se de uma categoria empregada para designar grupos sociais dotados de um aporte semelhante de recursos econômicos, seja na esfera da renda, do consumo ou da posição nas relações de produção material Essa perspectiva econômica é perseguida por interpretações alternativas. Classes sociais podem ser pensadas, também, enquanto posições relativas no espaço social, marcadas pela posse de diferentes tipos de capital, cuja mediação com as práticas culturais e os estilos de vida reside em disposições incorporadas desde a infância. Dessa forma, operacionalizamos o conceito de classe de duas maneiras distintas: primeiro, a partir da construção de estratos de posse de bens de consumo, numa abordagem econômica, hierarquizando os estratos do mais alto (“A”) ao mais vulnerável (“D/E”); depois, selecionamos diferentes indicadores da posse de capital econômico e de capital cultural, os dois principais capitais nas sociedades modernas, conforme a teoria de Pierre Bourdieu. Os resultados empíricos demonstraram a persistência dos efeitos da classe social na conformação dos rendimentos acadêmicos, ainda que coexistindo com os impactos das variáveis de escolarização, de trajetória individual e de caráter pedagógico. Por fim, refletimos sobre as possibilidades teóricas na busca por compreender como a escola atua entre a reprodução das desigualdades de classe e a produção cultural ou a transmissão de saberes. / The present doctoral thesis analyzes the relations between social classes and formal basic education in Brazil. In order to examine the effects of social class on the educational performance of young Brazilians, we opted for the quantitative methodology through the database of the Basic Education Assessment System (Saeb), carried out in 2013. Saeb assesses the students' proficiency in Mathematics and Portuguese Language every two years, and also produces contextual questionnaires about their living conditions, besides the conditions of schooling and teachers' work. We used descriptive statistics, correspondence analysis, analysis of variance (ANOVA) and multiple linear regression, which is the main axis of the analysis, bringing models for the whole country and for each specific region. As a hypothesis, we consider that the reproduction of class inequalities reaches the formal education, as the social class affects school performance. In Sociology, social classes can be defined and researched in different ways. In general terms, it is a category used to designate social groups endowed with a similar provision of economic resources, either in the sphere of income, consumption or position in the relations of material production. The economic perspective is pursued by alternative interpretations Social classes can also be thought of as relative positions in social space, marked by the possession of different types of capital, whose mediation with cultural practices and lifestyles resides in dispositions embodied since childhood. Thus, we operationalize the concept of class in two different ways: first, from the construction of strata of consumer goods, in an economic approach, hierarchizing the strata from the highest ("A") to the most vulnerable ("D/E"); we then selected different indicators of the possession of economic capital and cultural capital, the two main capitals in modern societies, according to Pierre Bourdieu's theory. The empirical results showed the persistence of the social class's effects on the conformation of academic performance, although it coexists with the impacts of variables of schooling, individual pathway and pedagogical character. Finally, we reflect on the theoretical possibilities in the search for understanding how the school acts in a space between the reproduction of class inequalities and cultural production or knowledge transmission.
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Classes sociais e desempenho educacional no BrasilCaprara, Bernardo Mattes January 2017 (has links)
La présente thèse de doctorat analyse les rapports entre les classes sociales et l'éducation de base formelle au Brésil. Afin d'examiner les effets de la classe sociale dans les résultats scolaires des jeunes Brésiliens, nous avons opté pour une méthodologie quantitative, en utilisant la base de données d'évaluation du système d'éducation de base (SAEB), tenue en 2013. Le Saeb évalue les compétences des élèves en les mathématiques et les Portugais, tous les deux ans, en plus de produire des questionnaires contextuels sur les conditions de vie des étudiants, sur les conditions de scolarisation et le travail des enseignants. Les statistiques descriptives utilisées, l'analyse de la correspondance, l'analyse de la variance (ANOVA) et la régression linéaire multiple, ce dernier étant l'axe majeur de ces analyses avec les modèles de tout le Brésil et pour chaque région spécifique. A titre d'hypothèse, nous considérons que la reproduction des inégalités de classe sociale passe par l'éducation formelle, dans la mesure où la classe sociale influe sur la performance scolaire. En sociologie, les classes sociales peuvent être définis et étudiés de différentes manières. En général, il s´agit d´une catégorie utilisée pour décrire des groupes sociaux avec une contribution similaire des ressources économiques, que ce soit dans le domaine des revenus, la consommation ou la position dans les rapports de matériel de production (Suite)Ces perspectives économiques est poursuivie par d'autres interprétations. les classes sociales peuvent être considérés aussi comme des positions relatives dans l'espace social, marqué par la possession de différents types de capitaux, dont la médiation avec les pratiques et les modes de la vie culturelle réside dans des dispositions intégrées depuis l'enfance. Ainsi, opérationnaliser le concept de classe de deux façons: d'abord, de la construction des strates de bureaux de biens de consommation, une approche économique, le classement des couches de la plus haute (“A”) aux plus vulnérables (“D/E”); puis on sélectionne des différents indicateurs de possession du capital économique et le capital culturel, les deux principaux capitaux dans les sociétés modernes, selon la théorie de Pierre Bourdieu. Les résultats empiriques ont montré la persistance des effets de la classe sociale dans l'élaboration de la performance scolaire, bien que coexistant avec les effets des variables de scolarité, carrière individuelle et caractère éducatif. Enfin, nous réfléchissons sur les possibilités théoriques de la recherche pour comprendre comment l'école fonctionne entre la reproduction des inégalités de classe et de la production culturelle ou la transmission des connaissances. / A presente tese de doutorado analisa as relações entre as classes sociais e a educação formal básica no Brasil. Com o objetivo de examinar os efeitos da classe social no desempenho educacional dos jovens brasileiros, optamos pela metodologia quantitativa, através da base de dados do Sistema de Avaliação da Educação Básica (Saeb), realizado em 2013. O Saeb avalia as proficiências dos estudantes em Matemática e Língua Portuguesa, de dois em dois anos, além de produzir questionários contextuais sobre as condições de vida dos alunos, sobre as condições da escolarização e de trabalho dos professores. Utilizamos a estatística descritiva, a análise de correspondência, a análise de variância (ANOVA) e a regressão linear múltipla, sendo essa última o eixo principal das análises, com modelos para todo o Brasil e para cada região específica. Como hipótese, consideramos que a reprodução das desigualdades de classe passa pela educação formal, na medida em que a classe social afeta o desempenho escolar. Na Sociologia, classes sociais podem ser definidas e pesquisadas de diferentes maneiras. Em linhas gerais, trata-se de uma categoria empregada para designar grupos sociais dotados de um aporte semelhante de recursos econômicos, seja na esfera da renda, do consumo ou da posição nas relações de produção material Essa perspectiva econômica é perseguida por interpretações alternativas. Classes sociais podem ser pensadas, também, enquanto posições relativas no espaço social, marcadas pela posse de diferentes tipos de capital, cuja mediação com as práticas culturais e os estilos de vida reside em disposições incorporadas desde a infância. Dessa forma, operacionalizamos o conceito de classe de duas maneiras distintas: primeiro, a partir da construção de estratos de posse de bens de consumo, numa abordagem econômica, hierarquizando os estratos do mais alto (“A”) ao mais vulnerável (“D/E”); depois, selecionamos diferentes indicadores da posse de capital econômico e de capital cultural, os dois principais capitais nas sociedades modernas, conforme a teoria de Pierre Bourdieu. Os resultados empíricos demonstraram a persistência dos efeitos da classe social na conformação dos rendimentos acadêmicos, ainda que coexistindo com os impactos das variáveis de escolarização, de trajetória individual e de caráter pedagógico. Por fim, refletimos sobre as possibilidades teóricas na busca por compreender como a escola atua entre a reprodução das desigualdades de classe e a produção cultural ou a transmissão de saberes. / The present doctoral thesis analyzes the relations between social classes and formal basic education in Brazil. In order to examine the effects of social class on the educational performance of young Brazilians, we opted for the quantitative methodology through the database of the Basic Education Assessment System (Saeb), carried out in 2013. Saeb assesses the students' proficiency in Mathematics and Portuguese Language every two years, and also produces contextual questionnaires about their living conditions, besides the conditions of schooling and teachers' work. We used descriptive statistics, correspondence analysis, analysis of variance (ANOVA) and multiple linear regression, which is the main axis of the analysis, bringing models for the whole country and for each specific region. As a hypothesis, we consider that the reproduction of class inequalities reaches the formal education, as the social class affects school performance. In Sociology, social classes can be defined and researched in different ways. In general terms, it is a category used to designate social groups endowed with a similar provision of economic resources, either in the sphere of income, consumption or position in the relations of material production. The economic perspective is pursued by alternative interpretations Social classes can also be thought of as relative positions in social space, marked by the possession of different types of capital, whose mediation with cultural practices and lifestyles resides in dispositions embodied since childhood. Thus, we operationalize the concept of class in two different ways: first, from the construction of strata of consumer goods, in an economic approach, hierarchizing the strata from the highest ("A") to the most vulnerable ("D/E"); we then selected different indicators of the possession of economic capital and cultural capital, the two main capitals in modern societies, according to Pierre Bourdieu's theory. The empirical results showed the persistence of the social class's effects on the conformation of academic performance, although it coexists with the impacts of variables of schooling, individual pathway and pedagogical character. Finally, we reflect on the theoretical possibilities in the search for understanding how the school acts in a space between the reproduction of class inequalities and cultural production or knowledge transmission.
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