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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Projektové řízení výstavby technologického celku / Project construction management technology unit

Šaroun, Josef January 2012 (has links)
The target of this master thesis is specify the requirements, which come up while summing the investment aim of a new 40MW energetic unit, and show the overall project management. Thesis is divided into two parts. First part deals with project management from the investors point of view. There is also detailed concept study, technological description of piston co-generation units and combined cycle, concept design of calculated variations and their economical analysis. Second part is taken from the point of view of the main supplier. There is defined the range of operations, documents and official permissions needed for successful finish of the civil part of the energetic unit project.

Návrh a posouzení investičního projektu / Proposal and Valuation of the Investment Project

Vodrážka, Vojtěch January 2016 (has links)
This diploma thesis analyses project of investment apartment building and aims to study feasibility of business intent. At the opening of theoretical part there are investment projects characterized and further defined single parts of feasibility study, which is extended by description of possible ways of financing. Content of practical part is already design of the investment project which includes its location and technical solution, following in further chapters are market analysis and related key outputs of marketing strategy, included is also financial analysis and assessment of economical effectiveness. At the ending of thesis the risk analysis is made and preventive measures explained.

Comparison of productivity and economic benefit of commercial Lohmann Brown Lite layer’s on free-range and conventional cage systems

Maboneng, Kgaditsi 06 1900 (has links)
Text in English / The study was conducted in two different types of natural ventilated housing systems; one featured with conventional laying cages while other had free-range system features. The aim was to analyse productivity and economic benefit or loss of the Lohmann Brown Lite on different housing (Free-range system and Conventional cage system) with an evaluation of production cost. The total of 49 700 point of lay Lohmann Brown Lite layers pullets were placed in four natural ventilation free-range houses each consist of three rows of two tier conventional laying cages. The other 40 000 point of lay Lohmann Brown Lite layers pullets were place in four free-range houses each with placement of 10 000 chickens. The Cobb Douglas production model was used to determine the productivity of two different housing system by factoring the fixed cost and variable cost of the entire production process. The breakeven point tool was used to analyse the point where the total revenue equals the total variable and fixed expenses and the cost volume profit by measuring the profitability of each housing system (Nabil et al. 2014). The results of the study revealed different productivity between conventional cage system (82.94%) and the free-range system (77.46%). These results led to the acceptance of hypothesis 1 that “the production of Lohmann Brown Lite is the same when they are kept on the free-range system or conventional cage system. The capital investment and operation on conventional cage system showed breakeven at 43 months while free-range system showed breakeven at 60 months. The economic benefit analysis shows that the free-range system has cost benefit of R0.29 and conventional cage system has a cost benefit of R0.26. It means for every rand spent, farmer may get R0.29 Rand as profit for free-range system and every rand spent for conventional cage system can get R0.26 Rand. The economic benefit to farmer is greater on free-range system that lead to acceptance of hypothesis 2 that the economic benefit of egg production is greater on the free-range system compared to conventional cage system. Free-range housing system remain the best alternative to replace the conventional cage housing system. / Agriculture and  Animal Health / M.Sc. (Agriculture)

Fenomén lidské práce v díle Vita Activa Hannah Arendtové: Role lidské práce v procesu akumulace kapitálu a její rozporný vztah k limitní povaze životního prostředí. / Phenomenon of human labor in the Hannah Arend's book Vita Activa: The role of labor in the process of capital accumulation and its ambivalent relation to the nature and environment.

Vála, David January 2016 (has links)
5 Tématem diplomové práce je fenomén lidské práce a její vztah k životnímu prost edí a p írod v rámci r stov orientovaného kapitalismu. První ást práce pomocí fenomenologické analýzy inných modalit, jak je nacházíme v díle Vita Activa Hannah Arendtové, odpovídá na otázky Co je to lidská práce? Jak se lidská práce liší od zhotovování? Jaký je vztah t chto inných modalit k p írod a životnímu prost edí? Druhá ást analýzy je zam ena na historické prom ny práce v období novov ku, jež se p ekrývá s nástupem pr myslového kapitalismu. Poslední ást pak analyzuje fenomén práce v soudobé environmentální sociologii - role práce v teorii b žícího pásu výroby (Allan Schnaiberg) a teorie akumulace kapitálu (J. B. Foster). Klí ová slova: práce, zhotovování, Hannah Arendtová, fenomenologie, kapitalismus, p íroda, b žící pás, ekonomický r st, akumulace, planetární meze, Alain Schnaiberg The aim of the thesis deals with the phenomenon of human work and its relationship to the environment and nature in the context of growth-oriented capitalism. The first part of the thesis includes phenomenological analysis of the two basic modalities: labor and work, which can be found in the Hannah Arendt's book The Human Condition. Second part of theses descirbe the crossing of those modalities during the modern times. In this part I try to...

Cost Evaluation of Seismic Load Resistant Structures Based on the Ductility Classes in Eurocode 8 / Kostnadsbedömning av konstruktioner påverkade av jordbävningslaster utifrån duktilitetsklasserna i Eurokod 8

Drivas, Georgios Valdemar January 2014 (has links)
Most people do not associate Scandinavia with seismic activity and earthquakes; however, there is in fact seismic activity in the region. Although in comparison with southern Europe the return periods of earthquakes with large magnitudes are quite long, itis critical to consider earthquake impact when designing structures. Earthquake impact is difficult to predict, but building standards provide guidance to safely designstructures based on statistical and empirical data specific to regional conditions andcircumstances. Crucial for the final impact and response of a structure is not only theground acceleration, but also the ground type, which can amplify seismic vibrationsand ultimately cause unfortunate damage to the structural elements. Since 2010 Eurocode 8, the European standards for seismic design has been in effectfor building structures in Norway. The main difference with the application of thestandards in Norway compared to Southern Europe is the choice between elastic andductile design in some cases. Presumably, the same design regulations are applicablefor design of structures in Sweden, because parts of Sweden share similar conditionsas in Norway. This master thesis examines the results of selecting between elastic andductile design based on an arbitrary finite element model, and ultimately, presentsthe differences in cost efficiency in both quantitative and qualitative measures. In the arbitrary structure that is analyzed, the lateral bearing system contains a concrete wall shaft. In order to evaluate profitability, the cost development of reinforcement in the walls, is analyzed based on ground acceleration and ductility class. Thestudy ultimately implies a breaking point when structures in ductility class mediumare more cost efficient than structures in ductility class low and vice versa, with thecondition that the governing lateral force is the seismic vibration and that the normalized axial force is less than 15% / Skandinavien förknippas inte i första hand med seismisk aktivitet och jordbävningar.I regionen förekommer seismisk aktivitet, dock är returperioderna för jordbävningarmed stor magnitud förhållandevis lång i relation till södra Europa. Jordbävningslasterär svåra att förutse, men byggnormerna vägleder till säkert utformande och dimensionering mot dess påverkan, baserat på statistiska och empiriska data för regionala förutsättningar och omständigheter. En avgörande faktor för konstruktioners inverkan och respons är inte endast markaccelerationen utan även marktypen som kanförstärka de seismiska vibrationerna och eventuellt orsaka skada på byggnader. I Norge används sedan 2010 de europeiska normerna för jordbävningsdimensionering, Eurokod 8. Den väsentliga skillnaden jämfört med utförandet av konstruktioneri södra Europa är att valet mellan elastiska och duktila utformanden ges i vissa fall.Hypotetiskt kan samma normer användas för dimensionering av byggnader i Sverige,eftersom vissa regioner i Sverige har samma förutsättningar som i Norge. I detta examensarbete undersöks valet mellan elastisk och duktil dimensionering medhjälp av finita element modellering av en godtycklig konstruktion samt en jämförelseav de två fallen som slutligen leder till en analys av kostnadseffektiviteten, både kvantitativt och kvalitativt. Det horisontella bärsystemet i den använda modellen är ett schakt bestående av betongväggar. För att kunna uppskatta lönsamheten analyseras kostnadsutvecklingenav armeringsinnehållet, beroende av markacceleration och duktilitetsklass. Studienhar resulterat i definitionen av en brytpunkt som anger när dimensionering enligtduktilitetsklass medium är effektivare än dimensionering enligt duktilitetsklass lågoch vice versa, under förutsättning att jordbävningslasten är dimensionerande ochden normaliserade axialkraften är lägre än 15%.

Úspory v materiálových tocích v návaznosti na EMS výrobních podniků / SAVINGS IN MATERIAL FLOWS IN CONNECTION WITH EMS IN PRODUCTION COMPANIES

Šimák, Marek January 2009 (has links)
The subject of this dissertation thesis is „Savings in material flows in connection with EMS in production companies“. The topic of this dissertation thesis is the saving in material flows in connection with EMS in production companies. Sound ecological management in industrial companies is important due to the fact it enhances environment protection and provides the companies concerned with competitive advantage. In many cases it provides for better organization of labor and decrease of wastage and allows for other preventive measures. The aim of this paper is to study the relation between the economical and environmental protection interests of companies operating in selected business sector, the paper examines whether environment protection activities practiced by the companies provide also economical benefit for them. The paper uses literature to analyze relations between EMS, logistics and areas in which savings can be found thus contributing to better results in the fields of environment protection and economy. The gained information together with conducted empirical research is the base used in order to determine the area in which savings could be found. Emphasis is laid on material flows which are studied in selected company active in the field of automotive industry. The analysis is based on the current organizational structure and logistic chain, the analyses focuses mainly on warehousing activities. In the studied company there is charted disconnection point which is located in the reception area in the warehouse. Narrow place was found in the dispatch area of the warehouse, the results of the analyses are the base to be used to express the amount of possible savings. Within the process evaluation, measurements and analysis of working time for each shift have been conducted, since the working load of the concerned shifts presents a risk factor from the perspective of ensuring the in time delivery of materials to the production. Proposal to improve the process is based on the synthesis of acquired facts, it allows for better utilization of working time of warehouse employees and provides extra space for manipulation with materials. When there is extra working load to be handled (extra order from customer) it also provides for the elimination of unnecessary or extra actions connected with operations. The application of the improvement proposal will abolish one of the reasons for non operation time in production, which leads to savings in energy consumption and decreases the amount of emissions. In the final part of the dissertation thesis a summary of solutions to the encountered problems is presented and the possible contribution of this thesis to theory and praxis is described.

Utmaningar att beakta vid implementering av hållbar utveckling i verksamheter : En kvalitativ studie som beaktar integrationen av hållbar utveckling i verksamheter och informationssystemets bidragande roll i utförandet

Kjellén, Elin, Jakobsson, Fredrik January 2022 (has links)
Hållbar utveckling är i dagens samhälle ett omdiskuterat ämne med stor påverkan på hur verksamheter bedrivs och utvecklas. Digitaliseringen frambringar stor potential samt förståelse för vad verksamheter och samhälle gemensamt kan göra för att uppnå hållbar utveckling. Trots de möjligheter digitaliseringen frambringar vid arbete med hållbar utveckling upplever verksamheter svårigheter i tillämpningen, hur hållbara strategier och metoder kan integreras i affärsverksamheter. Studien avser att öka kompetensen kring integrering av hållbar utveckling i verksamheter genom att identifiera de utmaningar som kan uppkomma i genomförandet samt hur dessa kan hanteras och beaktas. Studien belyser även den bidragande roll som informationssystem har vid integrering av hållbara strategier och metoder i verksamheter. En kvalitativ undersökning ligger tillsammans med relaterad litteratur, till grund för besvarandet av studiens forskningsfråga. Studiens slutsats presenter den avgörande roll som informationsteknologi och informationssystem bär vid integrering av hållbar utveckling i verksamheter. Resultatet påvisar att det finns svårigheter i integrationen mellan olika systemstöd vilket måste förenklas för möjligheten att främja arbete med hållbar utveckling. Studien har identifierat interna och externa utmaningar som påverkar integreringen av hållbar utveckling i verksamheter. De interna utmaningar som identifierats är: förändringsbenägenhet, förstudie och analys samt kompetens. De externa utmaningarna som identifierats är: samhällsomställning och lagstiftning. / Sustainable development is a controversial topic in today's society that has a great impact on how businesses are conducted and developed. Digitization brings great potential and understanding of what businesses and society can cooperatively achieve sustainable development. Despite the opportunities digitalization brings when working with sustainable development, businesses experience difficulties in their implementation, how sustainable strategies and methods can be integrated to business operations. The study aims to increase competence in the integration of sustainable development into operations by identifying the challenges that may arise in the implementation and how these can be managed and considered. The study also highlights the contributing role that information systems have when integrating sustainable strategies and methods into operations. A qualitative study, together with related literature, forms the basis for answering the study's research question. The study's conclusion presents the crucial role that information technology and information systems carry in integrating sustainable development into operations. The result shows that there are difficulties in the integration between different support systems, which must be simplified for the opportunity to promote work with sustainable development. The study has identified internal and external challenges that affect the integration of sustainable development into operations. The internal challenges identified are: propensity to change, feasibility study and analysis and competence. The external challenges identified are: societal transition and legislation.

Covid-19 pandemins effekt på fragmenteringen inom byggprojekt : En studie med fokus på ekonomiska konsekvenser / The Effect of the Covid-19 Pandemic on the Fragmentation in Construction Projects

Aleksic, Slobodan, Papari Sabet, Kasra January 2022 (has links)
På grund av utbrottet av Covid-19 pandemin har det skett drastiska förändringar i byggbranschen närdet kommer till sättet att arbeta på då regeringen gick ut med rekommendationer att arbeta på distans.Då byggbranschen redan kännetecknas av att vara fragmenterad och där avståndet mellan projekteringenoch produktionen redan är ifrågasatt, krävdes därför en undersökning för att kunna identifierakommunikationen och integrationen av dem olika aktörerna i byggprojekten före och efter pandeminoch identifiera ifall detta avstånd har bidragit till några ekonomiska konsekvenser på grund av pandemin.Studien syftade på att undersöka hur leveransen av slutprodukten påverkats av fragmenteringen mellanproduktionen och projektering på grund av pandemin. Detta granskades ur ett byggekonomsiktperspektiv där fokusen låg på den systematiska ekonomistyrningen i projekt. För att kunna uppnå syftet med studien utfördes först en kvalitativ metod i form av semistruktureradeintervjuer med flertal nyckelpersoner inom branschen som upplevt avståndet före och efter pandeminmellan projekteringen och produktionen. Därefter utfördes en kvantitativ metod i form avdatainsamlingar av olika prognoser från tidigare avslutade projekt. Denna kvantitativa metod ageradesom ett komplement för den kvalitativa metoden i syfte att styrka validiteten av denna studie. Genom intervjuerna är det tydligt att det råder en fragmentering på projektnivå för olika delar avprojektorganisationen. Vidare visade intervjustudien att brister vilket grundas i problematik gällandekommunikation medför ekonomiska konsekvenser. Denna problematik har med intervjuer ochinsamlade data visat att det finns starka indikationer för att covid-19 pandemin har påverkatprojektekonomin samt det strukturella arbetet på projektnivå. Förslag för att bemöta problematikenpresenteras genom att arbeta i en tätare projektorganisation med större närvaro på byggprojekt samtgenom att forma en tydlighet mellan beställare och entreprenör. Med detta skapas möjligheter för attpresentera projekteringskostnader i samband med en högre mängd platsbesök av projekteringsgruppen,vilket motiveras med att en högre projektnärvaro sänker produktionskostnader och därmedförhoppningsvis även den totala slutkostnaden. Efter en sammanvägning av teori, litteraturstudien, intervjuerna och datainsamlingen kan slutsatsen drasatt de arbetssätt som har förändrats under pandemin har bemötts med lösningar vilket ska bidra till enökad involvering av projekteringsgruppen i syfte för att minska fragmenteringen men har även visat sigmedföra ekonomiska konsekvenser på projekteringskostnader. Genom att motivera syftet för en tätareprojekteringsorganisation kan därmed en lägre total slutkostnadsprognos motivera en förhöjdprojekteringskostnad. Vidare visar studiens resultat att stora förhoppningar kring framtidaeffektiviseringar i byggsektorn med verktyg och arbetssätt där flera aktörer iprojekteringsorganisationen arbetar närmre varandra och att investeringar görs för att förverkliga detta.Projektörer involverade i studien beskriver ett intresse för att arbeta mer ute på platskontor näraproduktionen. För att möjliggöra dessa rutiner krävs ändringar i avtal samt projektorganisationer som ärvilliga att arbeta på detta sätt. Problematiken ligger i budgeteringen som inte möjliggör denna typ avnärvaro för framställning av dessa rutiner. Genom att bemöta utmaningarna med fragmentering mellanbeställare och entreprenör kan därmed en möjlighet för framgång och transparens ske för byggprojekteni framtiden. / Due to the outbreak of the Covid-19 pandemic, there have been drastic changes in the constructionindustry when it comes to the way we work when the government issued recommendations to workremotely. The construction industry is already characterized by being fragmented and where the distancebetween design and production is already questioned. A study was thereby required to be able to identifythe communication and integration of the various actors in construction projects before and after thepandemic and identify whether this distance has contributed to any economic consequences due to thepandemic. The study aimed to investigate how the delivery of the final product was affected by thefragmentation between production and design due to the pandemic. This was examined from aconstruction economical perspective where the focus was on the systematic financial management ofthe projects. In order to achieve the purpose of the study, a qualitative method was first performed in the form ofsemi-structured interviews with several key people in the industry who experienced the distance beforeand after the pandemic between the design and production. Subsequently, a quantitative method wasperformed in the form of data collections of various forecasts from previously completed projects. Thisquantitative method acted as a complement to the qualitative method in order to prove the validity ofthis study. Through the interviews, there is a clear indication of fragmentation at project level for different parts ofthe project organization. Furthermore, the interview study showed that shortcomings which are basedon problems regarding communication have financial consequences. Through interviews and collecteddata, this problem has shown that there are strong indications that the covid-19 pandemic has affectedthe project economy as well as the structural work at project level. Proposals to address the problem arepresented by working in a denser project organization with a greater presence on construction projectsand by forming a clarity between client and contractor. This creates opportunities to present design costsin connection with a higher number of site visits by the design group, which is justified by the fact thata higher project presence reduces production costs and thus hopefully also the total final cost. After weighing the theory, literature study, interviews and the data collection, it can be concluded thatthe working methods that have changed during the pandemic have been met with solutions which willcontribute to an increased involvement of the design team to reduce the fragmentation. This solution hasalso proved to have financial consequences on the design costs. By justifying the purpose of a denserdesign organization, a lower total final cost forecast can thus justify an increased design cost.Furthermore, the result of the study shows that great hopes for future efficiencies in the constructionindustry with tools and working methods where several actors in the design organization work more infield offices close to the production. To enable these routines, changes are required to be made in theagreements as well as an increased willing to work in this way from the project organizationsperspective. The problem lies in the budgeting that doesn’t allow this type of presence for the planningof these kinds of routines. By meeting the challenges of fragmentation between client and contractors,an opportunity for success and transparency can thus be created for construction projects in the future.

Collective Housing From a Sustainable Perspective : An Investigative Work Within Architecture / Kollektivboende ur ett hållbart perspektiv : Ett utredande gestaltningsarbete inom arkitektur

Joel, Sörman, Stjerngren, Jacob January 2020 (has links)
The purpose of this work has been to investigate how housing can be designed to be more sustainable and to design a sustainable collective housing based on the information obtained through this work. The concept of sustainability in this report has been divided into two main aspects: ecological and social sustainability. Based on literature studies, our own surveys as well as observations of other collective housing projects and sketch work, a housing has been designed that meets some of our predetermined goals. These goals mainly revolve around the design being: sustainable based on certain chosen aspects, practical to live in, and appealing to people by offering some comfort and respecting the residents’ need for privacy. The literature study includes information about collective housing, the history of collective housing in Sweden, existing implementations of collective housing, surveys, and requirements in BBR (Boverkets byggnadsregler). Subsequently, observations of other collective housing projects have been made to serve as a starting point of the design. The method includes the approach used to achieve the results. This includes the survey and the sketch work that led to the final design. The survey was sent out to and answered by one hundred people and the data received from the seventeen questions have served as a basis for the design of this project. The suggestions for functions that were received by the respondents have been of particular importance to inspire the choice of functions in the final design. Among other things, these led to the choice to include an outdoor gym. Two prototypes of collective housing were profiled during the sketch work, which were then abandoned in the process of designing something that better lived up to the goals of the project. The final design resulted in a building divided in three floors that includes six collective apartments with additional common rooms that are shared between the apartments. The site plan shows two of the designed collective housing buildings sharing a courtyard. In addition to the fact that it has been possible to establish that collective housing has certain implicit positive advantages, certain specific attributes which make a collective more sustainable. The basic benefits of collective housing include that it can reduce social isolation and bring benefits for the environment by reducing our collective consumption and use of space. Specific design choices that have proved to be more sustainable and have been included in this design are: Minimized living space per person and a high number of shared spaces, as well as features in the accommodation that encourage sharing. In order for the accommodation to also take into account people's preferences, the bathrooms have for example been made private. Some compromises have been made in the design of the accommodation in order to appeal to more people, who can hopefully become more open to this form of housing. / Syftet med detta arbete har varit att undersöka hur boenden kan utformas för att bli mer hållbara, samt baserat därpå gestalta ett hållbart kollektivboende. Begreppet hållbarhet i denna rapport har delats in i två huvudaspekter: ekologisk och social hållbarhet. Utifrån litteraturstudier, egna enkätundersökningar, observationer av andra befintliga kollektiv och skissarbete, har ett boende gestaltats som uppfyller några av våra förutbestämda mål. Dessa mål är att boendet ska utformas för att bli mer hållbart utifrån de valda aspekterna och praktiskt att bo i, samt tilltalande för människor genom att erbjuda viss bekvämlighet och respektera de boendes behov av privatliv. I litteraturstudien omfattar information om kollektivbostäder, kollektivhusens historia i Sverige, existerande implementeringar av kollektiv och enkätundersökningar samt krav i BBR. Därefter har observationer av andra kollektivhus gjorts. Dessa har sedan fungerat som en utgångspunkt för gestaltningen i detta projekt. Vår metod innefattar en egen enkätundersökning samt det skissarbete som ledde till den slutgiltiga gestaltningen. Enkäten har skickats ut till och besvarats av 100 personer. Svaren vi erhöll på de 17 frågorna har fungerat som underlag för resonemang bakom våra beslut i gestaltningsarbetet. De egna förslagen på rum som respondenterna angivit har varit av särskild betydelse som inspiration för valen av rum i bostaden. Bland annat så medförde de valet att inkludera ett utegym. Två prototyper av kollektiv profilerades under skissarbetet vilka senare övergavs för att komma fram till något som bättre levde upp till målen med arbetet. Det slutliga resultatet gav ett kollektivboende i tre våningar som omfattar sex kollektivlägenheter med ytterligare gemensamma rum som delas mellan kollektivlägenheterna i byggnaden. Situationsplanen visar två av det gestaltade kollektivboenden på en delad innergård. Förutom att ha kunnat fastställa att den kollektiva boendeformen har vissa grundläggande positiva fördelar har vi kunnat bestämma vissa specifika attribut som gör ett kollektiv mer hållbart. De grundläggande fördelarna med kollektivt boende innefattar att boendeformen skapar relationer och minskar den sociala isoleringen i samhället och att den ger fördelar för miljön genom att minska människors konsumtion och ytanvändning. Specifika fördelar som har visat sig vara hållbara och som har inkluderats i denna gestaltning innefattar: Minimerad boyta per person och högt antal delade utrymmen samt funktioner i boendet som uppmuntrar till delande. För att boendet även ska ta hänsyn till människors preferenser så har till badrummen exempelvis gjorts privata. Vissa kompromisser har gjorts i boendets gestaltning för att tilltala fler människor, som förhoppningsvis kan bli mer öppna till boendeformen.

Towards a Positive Energy District : Analyzing Key Performance Indicators in Urban Planning for a Sustainable District: A Case Study / Mot ett positivt energidistrikt : Analysera nyckelprestandaindikatorer i stadsplanering för ett hållbart distrikt: en fallstudie

Singh, Kritika January 2022 (has links)
Urban neighborhoods that work toward carbon-free, climate-neutral goals, attain apositive energy balance, and aspire for excess renewable energy production aredefined as Positive Energy Districts (PEDs). PEDs are designed to contribute tosustainable urban growth, and it is also true that sustainable urban growth can leadto the creation of PEDs. Essentially, PEDs can be achieved by developing andfollowing sustainable infrastructure and urban planning practices including spatial,transportation, and social planning. As per JPI Urban Europe, the key aspects ofPEDs along with the funding include implementation strategies, stakeholders,climate transition, governance, legal frameworks, as well as technological andsystem innovation. As the name suggests, PED mainly comprises positive energy (energy management)and district (neighborhood) elements. The district aspect encompasses urbanplanning that constitutes strategic planning for sustainability implicationsconsisting of environmental, social, economical, mobility, andtransportation-related factors, all of which involve the users and its people. Thepositive energy aspect of a PED enables local energy production resulting in energyefficiency and potential cost savings for its residents. The thesis examines the performance of urban planning factors with the potential todevelop an existing neighborhood toward a PED. This research study explores theoverall sustainability of a neighborhood in terms of mobility, social, economic, andenvironmental factors. The performance of these factors is measured through KeyPerformance Indicators (KPIs), which measure the attributes of sustainability. Thesecontributing KPIs have been studied on a scale through a case study of HammarbySjöstad (HS) in Stockholm. The perception of stakeholders is collected for evaluatingKPIs. These KPIs have been thoroughly analyzed as designed during the planningstage and post-implementation to evaluate their success. The findings of this thesiscan be employed as guidelines for setting benchmarks and goals for the developmentof PEDs in cities throughout the world.

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