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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Analýza nestátních neziskových organizací v oblasti vzdělávání ve Středočeském kraji / Analysis of NGOs in the field of education in the Central Bohemia Region

Faltys, Miroslav January 2010 (has links)
The topic of this master thesis is focused on the analysis of NGOs in the field of education in the Central Bohemia Region. The thesis points out relationship and development of the private, public and non-profit sector in education. The goal is to capture the development of NGOs active in the field of education in the Central Bohemia Region, to identify their status, analyse the effectiveness of their activities and compare the current non-profit organization with a historic non-profit organization. The first part focuses on the historical development of NGOs in the field of education from 17. century. More specifically, it monitors development and changes in their institutional arrangements, legal environment and financing. Particularly is monitored Piarist college in Slany. Within the second part of work the current state of NGOs in the field of education in the Central Bohemia Region is analysed. It focuses on church schools and publicly beneficial organizations. This analysis is related to the performance of non-profit organizations, economic results and their justification in education. The last part compares historical non-profit organization with current ones.

Accès à la formation continue des enseignants du primaire au Burkina Faso et la contribution des universités : les déterminants de la démarche individuelle / The access to adult continuing education of primary schools teachers in burkina faso and the contribution of the universities : the motivations of the individual steps

Beogo, Joseph 17 November 2014 (has links)
Face à un retour en effectifs croissants des enseignants du primaire du Burkina Faso en formation continue à l’université, notre recherche visait à questionner cette démarche individuelle et à en dégager les fondements. En second point, il s’est agi d’interroger les dispositifs de formation continue en vigueur en général et, en ce qui concerne notamment les universités, de comprendre les mécanismes mis en place pour accompagner la demande des instituteurs. Au terme de nos investigations, nous retenons pour l’essentiel que les motivations des enquêtés sont multiples. Dans l’ensemble, des raisons de promotion professionnelle, de renforcement de compétences ainsi que des mobiles économiques sont à l’origine de cet engagement. S’il apparait un glissement entre les différents prétextes, il convient de mentionner toutefois la persistance du motif identitaire au travers des autres motifs laissant ainsi penser qu’aux côtés des raisons évoquées pour justifier le retour en formation continue universitaire, la reconnaissance sociale préside la démarche des enseignants du primaire concernés.En outre, si les universités burkinabè prévoient des dispositifs pour prendre en charge la formation continue, notre recherche révèle que ces dispositifs ne sont pas encore suffisamment outillés pour faire face à la demande des enseignants du primaire. / In view of a return to an increasing number of primary school teachers of Burkina Faso in permanent adult training at the university, our research was aiming at questioning this individual procedure and highlight its foundations. Secondly, it was to question the systems of permanent adult training generaly in force and as far as the universities are mainly concerned, to understand the mecanisms settled to accompany the request of the teachers.At the end at our investigations, we essentially understand that the motivations of those who have been questioned are many.In the whole, some reasons of professional promotion, of competence reinforcement as well as some economic motives are at the origine of this commitment. If a difference appears between the different excuses, we should however mention the persistance of the identitary motive through the others, which may lead us to think that next to the recalled reasons to justify the return in universitary permanent adult training, the social recorgnition presides over the approach of the concerned primary school teachers.In addition, if the univesities in Burkina Faso predict some systems to take in charge the permanent training, our research reveals that these systems are not yet suffisciently able to face the request of the primary school teachers.

Daňová a organizační aspekty vybraných vysokých škol ve vybraných zemích / Tax and Organizational Aspects of Selected Universities in Selected Countries

Fouknerová, Monika January 2014 (has links)
This diploma thesis compares organizational structures of selected universities in the Czech Republic, in the Slovak Republic and in France. The aim of this analysis is to determine whether the organizational structures of sampled universities are comparable or not, and whether there are inefficiencies in the management of these universities. The first part describes systems and funding of higher education in the selected countries. The second part is focused on comparison of the organizational structures using annual reports of the universities. The second part of this thesis also concludes and summarizes the outcomes of the analysis and determines the management effectiveness of selected universities.

Vliv zavedení odloženého školného na kvalitu vysokoškolského systému v ČR / The effect of an implementation of tuition on a quality of university education system in the Czech Republic

Dvořáček, Alexandr January 2013 (has links)
This diploma thesis examines the impact and consequences of the implementation of deferred tuition in the Czech Republic on an quality and a system of financing of universities. The aim is to determine the real impact of tuition fees on improving the quality of university education and make recommendations for an implementation or a rejection of this form of financial participation. The first part of my thesis contains theoretical views on education and its role in the modern economy, it defines the term "education" as a kind of an economic good and describes the current system of university education in the Czech Republic. The empirical research will be comparing the current situation of university education system in the Czech Republic with the situation in the EU and OECD countries. The analysis will be based on statistical data on the number of people with university education, the volume of investment into this kind of education, the ratio of public and private funding system, the number of students enrolling on universities, total expenditures per student, applying of university student and other labor market indicators. Based on this comparison,the strengths and the weaknesses of the Czech university education will be established and its trend in the last 5 years. Within the scope of a planned introduction of direct financial participation of university students, the principle of deferred tuition will be considered as a potential tool not only to increase private funding in the system, but also to achieve a better standards of university education. The possible effects of the introduction of tuition fees in the country will be estimated based on the experience with the implementation of this system abroad (UK and Australia) and meta-analysis of expert opinion on financing university education system. The conclusion of the thesis includes a summary of the extent to which the inflow of private funds into the system changes the strengths and weaknesses of the university education in the Czech Republic and making recommendations for its implementation.

First Teachers, Then Students: Media Education in the Czech Republic.

Kunzik, Nicole January 2010 (has links)
1 As more media continues to become available, there is an ever-growing need to consider how certain technologies and media messages affect users and society overall. The aim of this dissertation is to develop an understanding of media literacy in the Czech Republic and to investigate its significance within education, particularly teacher education. The research methods adopted for this study include an in-depth review of relevant media literacy literature, coupled with interviews from Czech Pedagogical Faculty members, and analyses of Czech national policy and university curricular documents. The findings from this work show that the main benefit of media literacy in primary and secondary schools is a non-hierarchical learning environment that encourages discussion, interaction, and critical thinking amongst students. Additionally, current media education policy in the Czech Republic is found to be ineffective. The main conclusion is that with more required media literacy courses or even a national standard for media literacy in teacher education programmes, the Czech Republic could improve teaching methods and present policy.

La construction des inégalités sociales dans le système éducatif au Liban : étude de cas d'un groupe de boursiers dans une université d'élite. / Construction of social inequalities in the Lebanese education system : Case study of a group of scholarship students in an elite university.

Nimer, Maissam 07 July 2016 (has links)
Cette thèse porte sur le processus de construction des inégalités sociales à travers le système éducatif dans le contexte libanais. Elle met en évidence la place occupée par différents types d'appartenances et de contextes sociaux dans l'accès à l’école et certains enjeux spécifiques à la société libanaise.À partir de l’étude d'un dispositif de bourses, financé par une agence internationale d’aide au développement, qui sélectionne des étudiants de milieu modeste et leur permet de les inscrire dans une université privée, cette recherche s’intéresse à la construction des dispositions à la « réussite » à travers diverses instances de socialisation à l'école et à l'université, qui déterminent la manière dont les étudiants boursiers se saisissent de la chance qui leur est offerte pour s'élever sur l'échelle sociale. Des entretiens semi-directifs auprès des étudiants, enseignants et responsables, des analyses de documents et des observations participantes ont été réalisées pendant quatre années au sein de l'université d'accueil.Nos résultats montrent que les dispositions construites avant l’accès à l’université sont le produit des trajectoires différenciées par le volume de capital scolaire ou culturel détenu par la famille, la stabilité financière de la famille, le rapport aux valeurs traditionnelles ou religieuses et l'origine géographique. Les pratiques et les dispositions familiales, socialement et culturellement situées, transmises à l’individu, sont confrontées à l’université à d’autres modes de socialisation. Une fois à l'université, ces dispositions se transforment en inégalités dans la manière dont les individus répondent aux attentes normatives du dispositif de bourses. Il ressort de ces vagues consécutives de socialisations, différents profils de boursiers mettant en lien le contexte dans lequel l'individu a grandi et été socialisé et la manière de vivre le parcours universitaire et de se construire des projets d'avenir.L’intérêt du cas étudié est de mettre en lumière certains enjeux spécifiques à la société libanaise, tout en déconstruisant quelques idées préconçues sur les déterminismes religieux ou communautaires entre autres. / This thesis explores the construction process of social inequalities through Lebanese education system and demonstrates the role of different social affiliations or contexts in access to education within the Lebanese society. Through the case study of a scholarship program, financed by an international development agency which selects students from underprivileged backgrounds and gives them access to a private university, it looks into the ways in which individuals construct dispositions to "success" through several instances of socialization at school and at university which in turn determines the way they seize this opportunity to climb the social ladder. The results of this study are based on data obtained through semi-structured interviews with students, teachers and supervisors, student files and participant observations within the host university over four academic years.My results show that dispositions constructed before entering university are the product of trajectories differentiated by volume of family’s cultural capital, its financial stability, its relation to traditional or religious values and its geographical origin. The practices and dispositions of families appear to be socially and culturally centered, transmitted to the individual, and followed by other types of socializations at university. Once at university, these dispositions were transformed into inequalities through individuals’ reactions to normative expectations of the scholarship program. Different profiles of students emerge from these consecutive waves of socializations, linking the context in which an individual was socialized to the way he/she experiences university and constructs future plans.The key contribution of this study is to shed light on certain challenges specific to the Lebanese society, whilst deconstructing preconceived ideas on determinisms based on religious and confessional belonging among others.

En komparation mellan Sverige och Finland : En jämförelseanalys mellan grannländernas utbildningssystem, läroplan för gymnasieskolan och lärarens yrkesstatus i skolans verksamhet

Sagner, Johanna January 2020 (has links)
The aim of this study is to compare Sweden and Finland with regards to the education systems in each country. The comparison is made based on three factors that can explain the different outcomes in the Swedish and Finnish schools. The three factors are: the education system, the curricula in upper secondary school, and the teacher's professional status. Inherent from these factors, the following three questions will be answered: 1. What are the similarities and differences between the Swedish and Finnish education systems? 2. What are the similarities and differences between the Swedish and Finnish school curricula in upper secondary school? 3. Is there any difference between the teacher's professional status in Swedish and Finnish schools? In the analysis, applies the theories: Freidson's three logicians and the pedagogical reform movement Global Education Reform Movement, GERM. Research and analysis are based on articles from Swedish and Finnish researchers, debate articles and teacher magazines. By applying a comparative analysis approach, the factors were used to compare the similarities and differences between both countries. The main difference between Sweden and Finland is that they have two different educational systems. The Finnish education system has achieved a success because of their own structured system. They do not follow the Global Education Reform Movement that the Swedish education system does. Another difference between Sweden and Finland is about the teacher's professional status. The professional position for the Swedish teachers has failed. The explanation why is that the bureaucracy but more importantly the market has taken over the role of teacher and affected their professional status. Finland, instead, has a high professionalism when it comes to the teacher’s professional status. An example of similarity between Sweden and Finland is that the school curricula in upper secondary school have the same values and the purpose of the education. In conclusion, Finland has a better approach in their educational system that differentiates itself from GERM.

Učitelé primární školy v Sedlčanech v období 1948-1989 / Primary teacher'in Sedlcany during 1948-1989

Oubrechtová, Kamila January 2020 (has links)
This diploma thesis deals with the issue of the teaching profession in the period of totalitarianism on a particular territory of the Czech Republic. It deals with the period of 1948-1989 from the point of view of teachers and the school system. The theoretical part will give insight into the school structure, legislation, management and the position of primary school teachers in the given period, in the context of Sedlčany. The research part is based on the testimonies of teachers-witnesses of the time. Data acquisition methods are based on characteristic oral history tools. KEYWORDS Teacher profession, teacher, primary Education, totalitarian regime, Education system, Sedlcany, unified Education.

Křesťanská výchova v předškolním vzdělávání ve Španělském království / Christian education in pre-primary education in the Kingdom of Spain

Ďorďovičová, Mariana January 2021 (has links)
The aim of this diploma thesis was to investigate the position of Christian education in preschool education in Spain and how it is practically applied in preschool facilities. Theoretical part deals with Spanish education system, education of religion in European context, educational legislation with an emphasis on religion and its connection with Spanish state, the specifics of teaching of religion and teacher qualification requirements. The practical part aimed to translate and analyse the content of the Curriculum for the religious area and catholic morality in preschool education. This analysis found out that teaching of religion is a unique way to naturally connect several different educational areas. The second part of the research consisted of case studies of four preschools, two catholic and two public. The characteristics of the visited schools, observations of lessons of religion and three teaching materials were analysed and compared. There were observable similarities and differences between visited catholic and public schools, for example in the way the school presented itself or in the ratio of the number of students attending Religion lessons to Ethics lessons. During the observations of religious classes, Christian education implementation and contribution of the activities in the...

Provide pupils with a personal laptop or tablet? : An examination of one-to-one computing programs effect on pupils’ academic performance in primary school, grade 3

Ottosson Bixo, Elin January 2021 (has links)
More and more schools worldwide provide their students with an individual digital tool, investments called 1:1 programs. However, there is still limited knowledge about the causal effects of such programs on students’ education outcomes, especially for high-income countries. This paper examines how the implementation of 1:1 programs affects pupils’ average academic performance in primary school (grade 3) in Sweden between 2014/2015-2018/2019. The data is collected from the Swedish National Agency for Education and the Institute for evaluation of labour market and education policy (IFAU) on school level. I use a difference-in-difference design to estimate the effect of 1:1 programs on pupils’ academic performances. The main results in this study indicate that 1:1 initiatives have a small positive effect on student's academic performances in Swedish and mathematics on average, although the effect varies depending on the subtests investigated.

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