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High Frequency Isolated Single-Stage Integrated Resonant AC-DC Converters for PMSG Based Wind Energy Conversion SystemsDu, Yimian 06 January 2014 (has links)
In this dissertation, two high-frequency (HF) transformer isolated single-stage
integrated ac-dc converters are proposed for a small scale permanent magnet
synchronous generator (PMSG) based wind energy conversion system (WECS).
These two types of single-stage integrated ac-dc converters include expected
functions of HF isolation, power factor correction (PFC), and output regulation in one single-stage. Fixed-frequency phase-shift control and soft-switching operation are
employed in both proposed ac-dc converters.
After reviewing the literature and discussing pros and cons of the existing
topologies, it is preferred that three identical single-phase single-stage integrated
converters with interleaved connection configuration are suitable for the PMSG. For
the single-phase converter, two new HF isolated single-stage integrated resonant
ac-dc converters with fixed-frequency phase-shift control are proposed. The first
proposed circuit is HF isolated single-stage integrated secondary-side controlled ac-dc
converter. The other proposed circuit is HF isolated single-stage dual-tank LCL-type
series resonant ac-dc converter, which brings better solutions compared to the first
converter, such as high power factor and low total harmonic distortion (THD) at the
ac input side. Approximate analysis approach and Fourier series methods are used to
analyze these two proposed converters. Design examples for each one are given and
designed converters are simulated using PSIM simulation package. Two experimental
circuits are also built to verify the analysis and simulation. The simulated and
experimental results reasonably match the theoretical analysis.
Then the proposed HF isolated dual-tank LCL-type series resonant ac-dc converter
is used for three-phase interleaved connection in order to satisfy requirements of
PMSG based WECS. A design example for this three-phase interleaved configuration
is given and simulated for validation under several operating conditions. / Graduate / 0544 / duyimian@uvic.ca
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Développement de structures hybrides électromécaniques pour micro-sources d'énergie : générateurs piézoélectriques linéaires et non linéaires / Development of electromechanical hybrid structures for energy microsourcesHuet, Florian 14 December 2016 (has links)
La mise en œuvre de réseaux de capteurs communicants dans des installations industrielles, dans les transports ou le bâtiment apparaît comme un axe de développement qui permettrait d'augmenter les performances globales de ces systèmes.Par une supervision et une exploitation adaptées des informations collectées (température, niveau vibratoire, humidité, etc.), la fiabilité et les performances énergétiques pourraient être optimisées.La diminution régulière de la consommation des nouvelles générations de capteurs sans fil engendre un fort intérêt scientifique pour l'alimentation de ceux-ci de manière autonome. Ainsi, une thématique de recherche spécifique est apparue il y a une dizaine d'années : la réalisation de micro-sources d'énergie pour l'alimentation de capteurs communicants.Ces travaux de recherche proposent l'exploration des performances d'une structure de micro-générateur originale pour la récupération de l'énergie des vibrations : l'"Hybrid Fluid Diaphragm" (HFD).Le concept de l'HFD consiste à encapsuler un fluide incompressible entre deux membranes.Le fluide se comporte comme une masse inertielle qui induit une fréquence de résonance compatible avec les vibrations ambiantes dont les fréquences sont généralement inférieures à quelques centaines de Hertz.Ces membranes en P(VDF-TrFE), un polymère piézoélectrique, ont été réalisées spécifiquement pour assurer la conversion optimale des sollicitations mécaniques (flexion/tension) en énergie électrique.Une modélisation multiphysique qui intègre les comportements fluidiques, mécaniques et électriques, la réalisation et la caractérisation de deux générateurs HFD sont détaillées.Le premier prototype met en œuvre des membranes piézoélectriques monomorphes (monocouche) tandis que le deuxième exploite des membranes piézoélectriques bimorphes (double couche) optimisées.Les puissances générées apparaissent suffisantes pour envisager l'alimentation de capteurs et leurs géométries permettent d'imaginer des scénarios potentiels d'intégration dans des applications réalistes. / The implementation of wireless sensor nodes in industrial installations, transport or building is a potential route to increase the performances of these systems.By a proper supervision and exploitation of the collected information (temperature, vibratory level, humidity, etc.) the reliability and the energy performances can be increased. With the regular reduction of the power requirements for new generations of wireless sensors nodes, a strong scientific interest to develop autonomous power supply has raised.In this framework, a specific research topic appeared about ten years ago: ambient energy harvesting.The present work investigates the performances of an original micro-generator architecture for vibration energy harvesting: the “Hybrid Fluid Diaphragm” (HFD).The concept of HFD consists in encapsulating an incompressible fluid between two flexible membranes. The fluid behaves as an inertial mass which leads to a resonant frequency suitable for ambient vibrations whose spectrum is usually lower than a few hundred Hertz.These membranes are made of P(VDF-TrFE), a piezoelectric polymer, and are designed to ensure the optimal conversion of the mechanical solicitations (flexion/stretch) into electrical energy.A multiphysic modeling which integrates the fluid, the mechanical and the electric coupled behaviors is proposed.The realization and the characterization of two HFD's generators are detailed.A first prototype implements single layer piezoelectric membranes, whereas a second one uses optimized double layer membranes.The generated power appears to be sufficient to consider the power supply of wireless sensor nodes operating in intermittent transmitting mode. The very simple geometry of the proposed generators is favorable to their integration in realistic applications.
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Optimisation du dimensionnement et de la commande par cycle de fonctionnement d'un générateur à aimants permanents et à auto-commutation pour appications micro-éoliennes / Brushless DC permanent magnet micro-wind generator modeling and optimization over long-term wind-speed cycle operationLaczko, Andreea-Adriana 14 December 2016 (has links)
La conception d'un microsystème de conversion d'énergie éolienne représente le cœur de cette étude. L'attention est dérivée vers le générateur sans balais à aimant permanent et auto-commutation, avec la configuration de rotor externe et des tensions électromotrices de forme trapézoïdale. L'objectif global de la thèse est représentée par la tentative de déterminer les paramètres optimaux de conception géométriques et électriques du générateur qui donne les plus faibles pertes totales dans le système, en fonctionnant sous un cycle du vent à long terme et ainsi en augmentant l'efficacité globale du système. En avance à l'optimisation, un modèle de simulation adapté doit être développé en termes de précision des résultats et du temps de simulation. Cela se fait dans la première partie de la thèse en déterminant le niveau de modélisation, ainsi que les variables de conception de chacun des composants du système. Comme l'optimisation fait appel à un algorithme pour le processus de conception, la réduction du temps de simulation a été étudiée dans la troisième et la quatrième partie de la thèse, en développant une méthode appropriée qui permet l'intégration et l'exploitation des données provenant du profil de vitesse du vent lors la détermination de la totalité des pertes de puissance du système. Par la suite, la méthode d'optimisation est présentée, même les résultats optimaux obtenus, ainsi que la comparaison de plusieurs paramètres d'entrée / sortie. Enfin, des essais expérimentaux sont également effectués sur un générateur de référence afin de vérifier la technique de commutation et de contrôle électronique. / The design of a micro-wind energy conversion system represents the core of this study. The attention is derived towards the brushless DC permanent magnet generator with outer rotor configuration and trapezoidal induced back-EMF voltages. The global aim of the thesis is represented by the attempt of determining the optimal geometrical and electrical design parameters of the BLDCPM generator that give the minimum total power losses in the system, over long-term wind speed cycle operation and thereby increasing the efficiency of the overall system. In advance to the optimization, an adapted simulation model needs to be developed in terms of results accuracy and simulation time. This is done in the first part of the thesis by determining the modeling level, as well as the design variables of each component of the system. As the optimization appeals to an algorithm for the design process, the reduction of the simulation time has been investigated in the third and fourth part of the thesis by developing a suitable method that allows the integration and exploitation of the available data from the wind-speed profile when determining the totality of the power losses in the system. Afterwards, the optimization methodology is presented along with the optimum results obtained, as well as comparison of several input/output parameters. Finally, experimental tests are also carried out on a reference BLDCPM machine prototype in order to verify its electronic commutation and control technique
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Récupération d'énergie à partir des vibrations ambiantes : dispositif électromagnétique et circuit électronique d'extraction synchrone / Energy harvesting from ambient vibrations : electromagnetic generator and electronic synchronous energy extraction circuitArroyo, Emmanuelle 21 November 2012 (has links)
La récupération d’énergie vise à réaliser des dispositifs électromécaniques de taille centimétrique permettant d’alimenter des systèmes électroniques en puisant de manière opportuniste l’énergie du milieu environnant. Parmi les différentes sources disponibles (solaire,thermique etc.) les vibrations ambiantes sont susceptibles de fournir assez de puissance pour alimenter des microsystèmes autonomes tels que des noeuds de réseaux de capteurs communicants. L’enjeu consiste à concevoir des microgénérateurs effectuant la conversion de cette énergie mécanique ambiante en énergie électrique exploitable de manière optimale.Ces travaux de thèse proposent dans un premier temps un critère d’étude et de comparaison des performances des générateurs de types piézoélectriques ou électromagnétiques, à partir d’un modèle normalisé unifié. Dans un second temps, un circuit non linéaire d’extraction de l’énergie est étudié pour les générateurs électromagnétiques, et ses performances sont discutées en comparaison avec un circuit classique d’extraction de l’énergie. A partir de ces résultats, une nouvelle structure de générateur électromagnétique est conçue, optimisée puis validée expérimentalement. / Energy harvesting from ambient energy aims at realizing electromechanical miniaturized generators to supply electronic systems from energy of our local environment. Among the available sources (solar, thermal…), ambient vibrations show the requirements to supply autonomous microsystems like communication sensors nodes of sensors networks. The issue is to develop microgenerators doing the optimal conversion of the mechanical energy into usable electrical energy, and supplying the maximal power density. This works presents a criterium to compare piezoelectric systems and electromagnetic systems, based on a common normalized model. In a second part, a new nonlinear extraction circuit for electromagnetic generators is theoretically studied, and its practical advantages are highlighted in comparison with a classical extraction circuit. Based on these results, a new structure of electromagnetic generator is studied,optimized and experimentally validated.
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Efeito de dietas hiperlipídicas sobre mitocôndrias de fígado de camundongos: bioenergética, transporte de K+ e estudo redox / Effect of a high fat diet on mitochondria: bioenergetics, K+ transport and redox stateAriel Rodrigues Cardoso 16 April 2009 (has links)
A obesidade está relacionada com uma grande variedade de disfunções, tais como as dislipidemias, resistência à insulina e diabetes tipo II. Estas patologias estão relacionadas com alterações da fisiologia mitocondrial. As mitocôndrias são o principal sítio do metabolismo oxidativo e são importantes fontes de espécies reativas de oxigênio. Alberici et al. (2006) mostraram que a atividade de canais de potássio sensíveis a ATP mitocondriais (mitoKATP), via dissipativa branda, estava aumentada em fígados de animais hipertrigliceridêmicos transgênicos. Este dado sugere um papel adaptativo importante para o mitoKATP como regulador do metabolismo e da massa corpórea. O principal objetivo deste trabalho foi investigar o papel deste canal em fígados de camundongos submetidos a uma dieta hiperlipídica, obtida por meio de suplementação de óleo de soja à única fonte de água dos animais. Foram estabelecidas correlações entre a atividade do canal e parâmetros da fisiologia mitocondrial ou parâmetros sorológicos clássicos como colesterolemia e trigliceridemia. Sendo realizados experimentos de espalhamento de luz, quantificação de peróxido de hidrogênio, potencial de membrana e consumo de oxigênio em mitocôndrias. Nossos resultados mostram aumento de massa corpórea sem dislipidemias e aumento da atividade do mitoKATP, dependente do tempo da suplementação, diretamente correlacionada com a colesterolemia. Nossos resultados apontam aumento da geração de EROs e diminuição da eficiência de conversão energética no grupo suplementado. Como conclusão: manipulações de dieta são eficazes para a indução da atividade do mitoKATP, sendo este um novo e interessante sítio de regulação do metabolismo oxidativo e da massa corpórea. / Obesity is associated with multiple dysfunctions including dyslipidemia, insulin resistance and diabetes. These malfunctions are associated with modifications in mitochondrial physiology. Furthermore, mitochondria are the most important site of energy metabolism and reactive oxygen species production. Alberici et al. (2006) demonstrated that hypertriglyceridemic transgenic mice display increased expression ad activity of mitochondrial ATP sensitive potassium channels (mitoKATP), a mild uncoupling pathway, in liver. This suggests that mitoKATP is an important adaptation to regulate body mass and metabolism. The aim of this work is to investigate the role of mitoKATP in a high fat diet induced by soy oil supplementation, correlating changes in channel activity with metabolic and mitochondrial parameters. Mitochondria were isolated from mouse livers and serological parameters were measured for each animal. Light scattering (to estimate mitoKATP activity), hydrogen peroxide generation, membrane potentials and oxygen consumption were measured in the mitochondrial suspensions. Our results indicate an increase in body mass, without dyslipidemia; and increases in mitoKATP activity, in time-dependent manner, directly correlated to cholesterol levels. In addition, we found increases in ROS generation and decreased capacity of energy conversion (ADP/O) in the high fat diet group. In conclusion, our results indicate that the activity of mitoKATP could be induced by high fat diets and that this is an novel site for metabolic and body mass control.
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Métodos analíticos para o cálculo de desempenho de motores termomagnéticos do tipo tesla. / Analytical methods for the performance calculation of tesla type thermomagnetic motors.Carlos Vinicius Xavier Bessa 08 June 2018 (has links)
Motores termomagnéticos são dispositivos capazes de converter calor em energia mecânica através do efeito termomagnético, e são uma alternativa para a conversão de energia de rejeitos térmicos de baixa e baixíssima qualidade. Neste trabalho é proposta uma classificação dos motores termomagnéticos como sendo de dois tipos, os motores tipo Edison e os motores tipo Tesla. Feita a classificação, diferenciou-se o comportamento de operação e os ciclos termodinâmicos desenvolvidos pelos dois tipos de motores, mostrando que motores do tipo Tesla desenvolvem um ciclo termodinâmico que pode ser aproximado por um ciclo Brayton magnético, já motores do tipo Edison descrevem um ciclo mais complexo, não podendo ser aproximado por um ciclo Brayton. Compararam-se os parâmetros de interesse para ambos os motores através de análises termodinâmicas, onde se concluiu que motores do tipo Tesla apresentam melhores respostas de trabalho e eficiência que motores do tipo Edison, quando são consideradas as mesmas condições de operação. Além disso, identificou-se que a equação de força de Kelvin é a equação que corretamente descreve o comportamento da força magnética em um motor termomagnético, essa contribuição é importante, pois vários trabalhos publicados na literatura utilizam equações que não descrevem corretamente o comportamento da força magnética. Mostrou-se que o trabalho produzido em um motor termomagnético é igual ao trabalho produzido pela força magnética resultante no dispositivo. Foi desenvolvida e validada uma metodologia para o cálculo do trabalho específico produzido em um motor do tipo Tesla. Utilizando as metodologias validadas, verificou-se como a temperatura, o campo magnético aplicado, o fator de desmagnetização e o tipo de transição influenciam o comportamento dos motores termomagnéticos tipo Tesla, o que abre caminho para o desenvolvimento de dispositivos mais interessantes do ponto de vista termodinâmico. / Thermomagnetic motors are devices capable of converting heat into mechanical energy through the thermomagnetic effect. These devices are able to operate using low or very low quality thermal waste, being an alternative to avail that range of thermal energy. This work classifies the thermomagnetic motors in two types: The Tesla type and the Edison type thermomagnetic motors, differentiating the operational behavior and the thermodynamic cycles developed in each type. By using thermodynamic approaches, it is shown that the Tesla type thermomagnetic motors have best response in terms of work and efficiency than the Edison type thermomagnetic motors, when the same operating conditions are considered. In addition, an experimental approach is presented, proving that the Kelvin force equation describes the behavior of the force in thermomagnetic motors, and the work produced in a motor is the same that the work produced by the resultant magnetic force in the system. It was developed and validated a method to estimate the work produced by cycle in a Tesla type thermomagnetic motor, and using thermodynamic approaches, the relevance of the temperature, applied magnetic field, demagnetizing factor and transition type in the Tesla type thermomagnetic motor were verified.
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Desenvolvimento de conversor comutado em baixa frequencia para aplicação em sistemas de geração distribuida baseados em celulas a combustivel / Development of a low-frequency commutation converter for distributed generation system based on fuel cellsMartins, Geomar Machado 14 July 2006 (has links)
Orientador: Jose Antenor Pomilio / Tese (doutorado) - Universidade Estadual de Campinas, Faculdade de Engenharia Eletrica e de Computação / Made available in DSpace on 2018-08-07T10:48:39Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1
Martins_GeomarMachado_D.pdf: 4129472 bytes, checksum: 7290e97be14c6528a200531ef75ad6b8 (MD5)
Previous issue date: 2006 / Resumo: A conexão de fontes de geração distribuída com' a rede geralmente necessita de um conversor eletrônico para processar a energia gerada localmente e injetá-la na rede. Este trabalho apresenta um sistema de geração distribuída para baixas potências, composto por uma fonte primária em CC, como uma Célula a Combustível. Um conversor elevador boost conecta a fonte primária a um inversor trifásico comutado em baixa freqüência que injeta a energia na rede e garante a sua qualidade. Um circuito auxiliar é agregado à topologia do inversor com a finalidade de reduzir a distorção de sua tensão de saída, dessa forma melhorando a forma de onda da corrente. A estratégia de controle empregada permite um desempenho seguro mesmo com as flutuações na energia gerada. As principais vantagens desta proposta são a minimização das perdas de chaveamento (ou seja, alto rendimento) e a eliminação de IEM (o que evita o uso de filtros de altas freqüências comuns nos conversores chaveados em alta freqüência). Os procedimentos de projeto são estabelecidos com vistas à redução do volume dos elementos empregados no circuito, buscando uma densidade de potência mais alta. Um protótipo de 1300 V A é implementado e testado. Os resultados obtidos confirmam a análise teórica / Abstract: The connection of distributed power sources with the utility grid generally needs an electronic power converter for processing the locally generated power and injecting current into the system. This work presents a system intended to low-power distributed generation composed by a DC primary source, as a fuel cell. A boost converter connects the supply to an inverter, composed by a three-phase one using low-frequency commutation, which injects the power into the grid and guarantees the AC power quality. An auxiliary circuit is added to the inverter topology in order to reduce the output voltage distortion, thus improving the current waveform. The employed control strategy allows a secure performance even if there are fluctuations in the generated power. The main advantages of this approach are the minimization of the switching losses (i.e. high efficiency) and the elimination of the EMI (which avoids high-frequency filters necessary in high-frequency commutation inverters). Design procedures are established permiting to reduce the volume of the elements, seeking a high power density. A 1300 V A converter prototype is implemented and tested. The obtained results confirm the theoretical analysis / Doutorado / Energia Eletrica / Doutor em Engenharia Elétrica
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Estudo e desenvolvimento experimental de um sistema eÃlico interligado a rede elÃtrica / Study and experimental development of the a grid connected wind power systemCarlos Elmano de Alencar e Silva 07 February 2012 (has links)
CoordenaÃÃo de AperfeiÃoamento de Pessoal de NÃvel Superior / FundaÃÃo Cearense de Apoio ao Desenvolvimento Cientifico e TecnolÃgico / Este trabalho apresenta o estudo e desenvolvimento de um sistema eletrÃnico de aproveitamento de energia eÃlica a partir de um gerador sÃncrono de Ãmà permanente conectado a uma turbina de vento. O sistema opera com velocidade variÃvel, permitindo o mÃximo aproveitamento da energia cinÃtica incidente na turbina de vento. Essa energia cinÃtica à convertida em energia elÃtrica pelo gerador sÃncrono de Ãmà permanente e depois de totalmente condicionada, injetada na rede elÃtrica convencional. Esse condicionamento à feito por um sistema eletrÃnico objeto de estudo e desenvolvimento deste trabalho, o qual consiste em um retificador trifÃsico interligado a um inversor monofÃsico em ponte completa com saÃda em corrente. SÃo apresentadas a revisÃo bibliogrÃfica de sistemas de aproveitamento de energia eÃlica para geraÃÃo de energia elÃtrica pertinentes ao escopo do trabalho, a anÃlise do estÃgio retificador (potÃncia e controle), a anÃlise do estÃgio inversor (potÃncia e controle), uma comparaÃÃo teÃrica de rendimento entre o retificador trifÃsico proposto neste trabalho (bridgeless trifÃsico) e o retificador trifÃsico dois nÃveis, e os resultados experimentais de um protÃtipo de validaÃÃo de 5kW do sistema proposto. / This work presents the study and development of an electronic system for wind energy exploitation from a permanent magnet synchronous generator connected to a wind turbine. The system operates with variable speed, allowing maximum use of the kinetic energy incident on the wind turbine. This kinetic energy is converted into electrical energy by the permanent magnet synchronous generator and, after being fully conditioned, injected into the conventional power grid. This conditioning is done by an electronic system object of study and development of this work, which consists of a rectifier connected to a single-phase full-bridge inverter with current output. Are presented the literature review of the relevant wind energy conversion systems to the scope of work, the analysis of the rectifier stage (power and control), the analysis of the inverter stage (power and control), a efficiency theoretical comparison between the proposed rectifier (three-phase bridgeless) and the three-phase fullbridge rectifier, and the experimental results of an 5kW validation prototype of the proposed system.
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Compostos de coordenação de Ir(III), Re(I) e Ru(II) para aplicações em dispositivos moleculares / Ir(III), Re(I) and Ru(II) coordination compounds towards application in molecular devicesKassio Papi da Silva Zanoni 01 April 2016 (has links)
Esta tese focou em três tópicos principais: caracterização de filmes compactos de TiO2 e seu comportamento em células solares sensibilizadas por corante; estudo das propriedades fotoquímicas e fotofísicas de um complexo fotoisomerizável de rênio(I); elucidação das propriedades fotofísicas e eletrônicas de complexos de irídio(III) e suas aplicações em dispositivos emissores de luz. Filmes compactos foram automontados nos fotoanodos de células solares sensibilizadas por corante (DSCs), sob o filme mesoporoso de TiO2/corante, utilizando sols de TiO2 ácidos e básicos como cátions e ânions, respectivamente. A obtenção dos sols foi realizada sob controle absoluto para resultar em propriedades morfológicas e ópticas apropriadas para filmes compactos de alta qualidade, como indicado por perfilometria e microscopia eletrônica de transmissão e varredura. As DSCs com bicamadas de TiO2 melhoraram as eficiências de conversão em até 62%. Uma investigação detalhada por parâmetros fotoeletroquímicos, IPCE, tempo de vida do elétron e espectroscopia de impedância eletroquímica demonstrou que o contato entre o vidro condutor (FTO) e o TiO2 é melhorado e que a recombinação de carga no FTO/I3- é diminuída. O novo complexo fac-[Re(CO)3(Ph2phen)(trans-stpyCN)]+ foi sintetizado para apresentar o intercâmbio entre as configurações trans e cis do ligante coordenado por meio de fotoisomerizações eficientes e reversíveis. As fotólises em 313, 334, 365 e404 nm resultam em mudanças espectrais no UV-Vis e RMN atribuídas à fotoisomerização trans-cis do ligante stpyCN coordenado. O processo reverso cis-trans também foi observado com irradiação em 255 nm, com um notável rendimento quântico (Φ = 0,16), de mesma magnitude que para o processo trans-cis (Φ = 0,38). A caracterização fotofísica e os espectros de absorção do transiente corroboraram na atribuição de um comportamento incomum para os estados excitados quasedegenerados 3ILstpyCN e 3MLCTRe→Ph2phen. Complexos heterolépticos de Ir(III) foram sintetizados e suas propriedades fotofísicas avaliadas, como rendimentos quânticos e tempos de vida de emissão, constantes radiativas e não-radiativas e coordenadas CIE. Os parâmetros fotofísicos variaram sistematicamente com variações nos substituintes retiradores ou doares de elétrons, como corroborado por cálculos TD-DFT, que mostraram uma mistura de estados excitados IL-MLCT. Três desses complexos foram utilizados na camada ativa de dispositivos emissores de luz e caracterizados optoeletronicamente por curvas de corrente-brilho-potencial e espectros eletroluminescentes. / Three main topics are discussed in this thesis: characterization of TiO2 compact films towards high-performance dye-sensitized solar cells; investigations of photophysical and photochemical processes of a Re(I) complex; photophysical elucidation of Ir(III) complexes and their application in light emitting devices. All-nano-TiO2 compact films were auto-assembled in the photoanodes of dyesensitized solar cells (DSCs), beneath the TiO2 mesoporous film, employing acid and basic nano-TiO2 sols as cations and anions, respectively. TiO2 syntheses were performed under absolute control to lead to appropriate morphological and optical properties to yield high quality compact films, as indicated by profilometry, tunning and scanning electron microscopy. DSCs with TiO2 bilayers on top of the conducting glass (FTO) improved the conversion efficiency up to 62%. A detailed study by photoelectrochemical parameters, IPCE, electron lifetime and electrochemical impedance spectroscopy demonstrates that the contact between FTO and TiO2 was improved and that the FTO/I3- charge recombination was prevented. The novel fac-[Re(CO)3(Ph2phen)(trans-stpyCN)]+ complex was synthesized to show switchable trans-cis configurations of the coordinated stpyCN ligand through efficient and reversible photoassisted isomerizations. Photolyses at 313, 334, 365 and 404 nm led to UV-Vis and NMR spectral changes ascribed to the trans-to-cis photoisomerization of the coordinated ligand. The reverse cis-to-trans process was alsoobserved at 255 nm irradiation, with a remarkable quantum yield (Φ = 0.16), in the same magnitude to the one for trans-to-cis photoprocess (Φ = 0.38). Photophysical characterization and transient absorption spectra provided insights on the light-driven trans ? cis pathways and indicated an unusual behavior for the 3ILstpyCN excited state, induced by an interplay with the quasi-degenerated 3MLCTRePh2phen state. Heteroleptic Ir(III) complexes were synthesized and phophysical properties evaluated, such as emission quantum yields and lifetimes, radiative and non-radiative constants and CIE coordinates. The photophysical parameters varied systematically with variations in electron-donating or -withdrawing substituents on the ligands, as corroborated by TD-DFT calculations that showed an IL-MLCT mixing in their emissive excited state. Three complexes were employed in the active layer of light emitting devices and had their optoeletronic properties characterized by current-brightness-voltage curves and electroluminescent spectra.
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Supports de Catalyseur Nanostructurés pour Pile à Combustible à Membrane Échangeuse de Protons / Novel Structured Catalyst Supports for PEM Fuel CellsNabil, Yannick 18 December 2015 (has links)
La durabilité des piles à combustible à membrane échangeuse de proton (PEMFC) est un des verrous technologiques majeurs qui freinent leurs implantations sur le marché. Ces travaux de thèse s’inscrivent dans ce contexte en proposant l’élaboration de matériaux en carbure de niobium comme support de catalyseur pour remplacer les supports carbonés actuellement utilisés dans les cathodes de PEMFC. Notre démarche est d’associer cette composition à différentes morphologies contrôlées pour développer des matériaux conducteurs, présentant une porosité adaptée et chimiquement plus stable que le carbone qui se corrode dans les conditions de fonctionnement des PEMFC. Ainsi trois voies de synthèse basées sur des techniques variées (filage électrostatique, synthèse hydrothermal avec agent structurant) ont été étudiées aboutissant à trois types de morphologie : des poudres nanostructurées, des tissus nanofibreux et des nanotubes aux parois poreuses. Après leurs caractérisations structurales et morphologiques approfondies, ces supports ont été catalysés avec des nanoparticules de platine synthétisées par une méthode polyol assisté par micro-onde. La finalité de ce projet est d’évaluer les performances électrochimiques relatives à la réaction de réduction de l’oxygène de ces supports catalysés pour mettre en avant leurs exceptionnelles stabilités comparées à un support catalysé de référence (Pt/C) sans perte significative d’activité catalytique. / One pivotal issue to be overcome for the widespread adoption of Proton exchange membrane fuel cells (PEMFC) is the stability overtime. In this context, This PhD project focuses on the elaboration of niobium carbide based electrocatalyst supports for the PEMFC cathode to replace the conventional carbon based supports that notoriously suffer from corrosion in fuel cell operating conditions. The approach is to associate this alternative chemical composition with controlled morphologies in order to design electronically conductive and chemically stable materials with the appropriate porosity. Three different syntheses involving hydrothermal template synthesis or electrospinning have been developed leading to three different morphologies: nanostructured powders with high surface area, self-standing nanofibrous mats, and nanotubes with porous walls. These various supports have been catalysed by deposition of platinum nanoparticles synthesised by a microwave-assisted polyol method, and they have been characterised for their chemical and structural composition, morphology, and electrochemical properties. This work demonstrates that the Pt loaded NbC supports feature a greater electrochemical stability than a commercial Pt/C reference and similar electrocatalytic activities towards the oxygen reduction reaction.
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