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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

A Bio-Inspired Multi-Agent System Framework for Real-Time Load Management in All-Electric Ship Power Systems

Feng, Xianyong 2012 May 1900 (has links)
All-electric ship power systems have limited generation capacity and finite rotating inertia compared with large power systems. Moreover, all-electric ship power systems include large portions of nonlinear loads and dynamic loads relative to the total power capacity, which may significantly reduce the stability margin. Pulse loads and other high-energy weapon loads in the system draw a large amount of power intermittently, which may cause significant frequency and voltage oscillations in the system. Thus, an effective real-time load management technique is needed to dynamically balance the load and generation to operate the system normally. Multi-agent systems, inspired by biological phenomena, aim to cooperatively achieve system objectives that are difficult to reach by a single agent or centralized controller. Since power systems include various electrical components with different dynamical systems, conventional homogeneous multi-agent system cooperative controllers have difficulties solving the real-time load management problem with heterogeneous agents. In this dissertation, a novel heterogeneous multi-agent system cooperative control methodology is presented based on artificial potential functions and reduced-order agent models to cooperatively achieve real-time load management for all-electric ship power systems. The technique integrates high-order system dynamics and various kinds of operational constraints into the multi-agent system, which improves the accuracy of the cooperative controller. The multi-agent system includes a MVAC multiagent system and a DC zone multi-agent, which are coordinated by an AC-DC communication agent. The developed multi-agent system framework and the notional all-electric ship power system model were simulated in PSCAD software. Case studies and performance analysis of the MVAC multi-agent system and the DC zone multi-agent system were performed. The simulation results indicated that propulsion loads and pulse loads can be successfully coordinated to reduce the impact of pulse loads on the power quality of all-electric ship power systems. Further, the switch status or power set-point of loads in DC zones can be optimally determined to dynamically balance the generation and load while satisfying the operational constraints of the system and considering load priorities. The method has great potential to be extended to other isolated power systems, such as microgrids.

Inkludering och integrering ur ett lärarperspektiv : Hur några lärare ser på inkludering och integrering och hur det fungerar i verksamheten

Engwall, Sofie January 2009 (has links)
This work is a study, conducted by interviews, of how teachers evaluate the concepts of inclusion and integration. The aim of this work is to obtain views on the possible differences between teachers' own definitions and the previous research definitions. The earlier published research which was read during this work, together with the three interviews which were conducted is the basis for the study. I've done three interviews in which two of the people interviewed are active teachers and the third who works as an assistant headmaster at a school located in a suburb of Stockholm. The interviewed teachers have been working for different periods in the school which gave me the opportunity to highlight differences between teachers definitions depending upon the experience they had. The results of this study highlight that the school is aware of the importance the concepts of inclusion and integration have and also the importance of putting them into practice. The study also concludes that the definitions teachers have of inclusion and integration is not the same as described within the literature. In addition, some teachers feel uncomfortable with the subject and hence are not actively working with inclusion and integration

Integration genom fysisk planering : Ungdomars inflytande i byggprocessen

Ardalan, Jamshid, Bickaj, Labeat, Khalil, Tjener January 2011 (has links)
We live in a time where the influence of citizens is taking a larger role in the spatial  planning. The Swedish laws, such as PBL, deals with matters of citizen participation  which advocates that the youth should be included in the consultation circuit, but there is  no directive given.   The report's purpose is to demonstrate methods for how to get the young people's  influence included in the spatial planning, with a main focus on the ages between 13 and  21. On the base of literature and two case studies, the goal is to illustrate how to integrate  young people through a meeting place in Jonkoping, Sweden.  The report is structured along with an analysis based on the literature, two case studies  from previous projects and discussions/interviews with young people from four selected  areas in Jonkoping.   The case studies from Malmo and Gothenburg show how the cooperation between  different participants can be organized during the planning and how to give the users a  greater involvement.  Based on literature and case studies, we carried out a field analysis of the four most  segregated areas of Jonkoping; Osterangen, Oxnehaga, Ekhagen and Raslatt. Young  people in these areas were interviewed, as a basis for a proposal for a new all-activity  center at the expended location of Kungsang School.  During this project, the following three issues were investigated:   In what need are young people of a meeting place in Jonkoping?   Our research has proved that there is no greater connection between the young people in  Jönköping, because the young people appear generally in their own neighborhoods.  Therefore, segregation patterns are created and there is a need for a common meeting  place, a place in the municipality of Jönköping would be of great value to promote  integration between young people.  What can an all-activity house contribute to in Jonkoping?  An all-activity house which is available for everyone would contribute to what young  people are missing, by being a meeting place for everyone in the municipality of  Jonkoping.  Based on literature studies we believe that an all-activity house will break the segregation  pattern and reduce the distinction between "us" and "them", which will result in a more  integrated environment. By involving young people from the beginning until the end of  the projects, their influence will increase and it will give a wider understanding of their  neighborhoods and needs. This should be done through meetings and open dialogues  between users and planners. To assessment the degree of influence, Arnstein’s step  model can be used. An all-activity house with a wide range of activities benefits the  participants’ health by making them active and enabling conditions for movement.  School activities are not sufficient for young people to fully develop competencies, such  as sport accomplishments, playing instruments and artistic abilities. To have an activity  benefiting a person's health, the requirements is to gradually develop the person's abilities  based on active learning, engage in various types of exercises and have clear goals. The  school's activities do not have this kind of structure and it is therefore important that  young people have the opportunity outside of school and in the very neighborhood.    How can you precede the work of involving the youth in the spatial planning?  In real practice, the young people’s influence is not included during the whole planning  stage, only in the very beginning. This is considered as manipulation. To fulfill the co-  degree of influence, it requires that young people are involved and enthused through the  implementing-, planning- and management stage. The best way to capture young people's  thoughts, ideas and experiences is to use methods such as recreational centers, mental-  maps, walking trips or internet communication. / Vi lever i en tid då medborgarnas inflytande börjar ha en större betydelse under  projekteringsskedet. De svenska lagarna som exempelvis PBL, behandlar frågor kring  medborgarinflytande genom att förespråka att barn och ungdomar skall ingå i  samrådskretsen, men de anvisar ingen särskild metod.  Rapportens syfte är att visa på arbetsmetoder för hur man kan öka ungdomars inflytande  i planeringsprocessen, med fokus på åldersgrupperna 13-21 år. Målet är att utifrån  litteraturstudier och två fallstudier, belysa hur man integrerar ungdomar för att sedan ge  förslag om en mötesplats i form av ett all-aktivitetshus i Jönköpings kommun.   Rapporten består av en litteraturstudie, två fallstudier av genomförda projekt, samt  samtal och intervjuer med ungdomar från fyra utvalda områden i Jönköping.  Två fallstudier från Malmö och Göteborg visar hur samarbetet kan organiseras mellan de  olika aktörerna i planeringsprocessen och hur man kan ge brukarna ett större  medbestämmande.   Baserat på litteratur- och fallstudier genomfördes en områdesanalys över de fyra mest  segregerade områdena i Jönköping: Österängen, Öxnehaga, Ekhagen och Råslätt.  Ungdomar i dessa områden intervjuades, som underlag för ett förslag till ett nytt all-  aktivitetshus på den nedlagda Kungsängsskolans område.  Under arbetets gång har följande frågeställningar utreds:     Vilket behov har ungdomar av en mötesplats i Jönköpings kommun?   Vår forskning har visat att det inte existerar något större samband mellan ungdomarna i  Jönköpings kommun, utan dem flesta ungdomarna uppehåller sig inom sina egna  områden. Vi kan se hur ett segregationsmönster har skapats och att det finns ett behov  av en gemensam mötesplats, en mötesplats i Jönköpings kommun skulle därför ha ett  stort värde för att främja integrationen mellan ungdomarna.   Vad kan ett all-aktivitetshus bidra med/leda till i Jönköping ?   Ett all-aktivitetshus som framför allt är kostnadsfri och öppen för alla skulle fylla ut det  som ungdomarna saknar genom att vara en mötesplats för alla inom Jönköpings  kommun. Baserat på litteraturstudierna menar vi att ett all-aktivitetshus kan bryta  segregations mönstret och minska gränsdragningen mellan ”vi” och ”de”, vilket kan leda  till en mer integrerad miljö. Genom att involvera ungdomar i de tre olika  projekteringsskedena ökar deras inflytande och man får större förståelse kring deras  område och behov. Detta bör göras genom möten och öppna dialoger mellan brukare  och planerare. Bedömning av inflytandegraden kan göras utifrån Arnsteins stegmodell.  Ett all-aktiviteshus med ett stort utbud av aktiviteter hade gynnat de delaktigas hälsa  genom att göra de aktiva och möjliggöra förutsättningar för rörelse. Skolans aktiviteter,  som exempelvis idrott, är inte tillräckliga för att ungdomar skall utveckla kompetenser  fullt ut, inom t.ex. sportliga prestationer, instrumentspelning och konstnärliga förmågor.  Då en aktivitet ska gynna en persons hälsa så krävs det att aktiviteten gradvis utvecklar  personens förmågor, bygger på en aktiv inlärning, bedriver olika typer av övningar och  har tydliga mål. Skolans aktiviteter saknar denna aktivitetsstruktur och det är därför  viktigt att ungdomar har denna möjlighet utanför skolan och i självaste bostadsområdet.   Hur kan man gå tillväga för att öka ungdomars inflytande i planeringen?  Vid verkliga projekt är det vanligt att man involverar ungdomar endast under  planeringsskedet, detta anses som manipulation. För att uppfylla kravet på verkligt  medbestämmande krävs att ungdomarna ska vara med under genomförandes-,  planerings- och förvaltningsskedet. För att på bästa möjliga sätt fånga upp ungdomars  tankar, idéer och upplevelser kan man använda sig av metoder som fritidsverkstäder,  mental-maps, gå-tur och ungdomskanaler på internet.

Design and Analysis of an All-optical Free-space Communication Link

Levander, Fredrik, Sakari, Per January 2002 (has links)
Free Space Optics (FSO) has received a great deal of attention lately both in the military and civilian information society due to its potentially high capacity, rapid deployment, portability and high security from deception and jamming. The main issue is that severe weather can have a detrimental impact on the performance, which may result in an inadequate availability. This report contains a feasibility study for an all-optical free-space link intended for short-range communication (200-500 m). Laboratory tests have been performed to evaluate the link design. Field tests were made to investigate availability and error performance under the influence of different weather conditions. Atmospheric impact due to turbulence related effects have been studied in detail. The most crucial part of the link design turned out to be the receiver optics and several design solutions were investigated. The main advantage of an all-optical design, compared to commercially available electrooptical FSO-systems, is the potentially lower cost.

Design of a DCO for an All Digital PLL for the 60 GHz Band : Design of a DCO for an All Digital PLL for the 60 GHz Band

Balasubramanian, Manikandan, Vijayanathan, Saravana Prabhu January 2013 (has links)
The work was based on digitally controlled oscillator for an all-digital PLL in 65nm process. Phase locked loop’s were used in most of the application for clock generation and recovery as well. As the technology grows faster in the existinggeneration, there has to be quick development with the technique. In such case ananalog PLL which was used earlier gradually getting converted to digital circuit.All-digital PLL blocks does the same work as an analog PLL blocks, but thecircuits and other control circuitry designed were completely in digital form, becausedigital circuit has many advantages over analog counterpart when they arecompared with each other. Digital circuit could be scaled down or scaled up evenafter the circuits were designed. It could be designed for low power supply voltageand easy to construct in a 65 nm process. The digital circuit was widely chosento make life easier. In most of the application PLL’s were used for clock and data recovery purpose,from that perspective jitter will stand as a huge problem for the designers. Themain aim of this thesis was to design a DCO that should bring down the jitter asdown as possible which was designed as standalone, the designed DCO would belater placed in an all-digital PLL. To understand the concept and problem aboutjitter at the early stage of the project, an analog PLL was designed in block leveland tested for different types of jitter and then design of a DCO was started. This document was about the design of a digitally controlled oscillator whichoperates with the center frequency of 2.145 GHz. In the first stage of the projectthe LC tank with NMOS structure was built and tested. In the latter stage the LCtank was optimized by using PMOS structure as negative resistance and eventuallyended up with NMOS and PMOS cross coupled structure. Tuning banks were oneof the main design in this project which plays a key role in locking the system ifthe DCO is placed in an all-digital PLL system. So, three types of tuning bankswere introduced to make the system lock more precisely. The control circuits andthe varactors built were all digital and hence it is called as digitally controlledoscillator. Digital control circuits, other sub-blocks like differential to single endedand simple buffers were also designed to optimize the signal and the results wereshown.DCO and tuning banks were tested using different types of simulation and were tested for different jitter qualities and analysis. The simulation results are shownin the final chapter simulation and results.

Industrial Design And The Mass Customization Of Electronic Consumer Goods

Kaygin Sel, Sultan 01 January 2013 (has links) (PDF)
Mass customization is promoted in manufacturing industry as a way to satisfy individual customer requirements in a flexible, efficient and cost effective way. However, mass customization within the specific sector of &lsquo / electronic consumer goods&rsquo / is relatively underdeveloped, whilst the contributions of industrial designers to mass customization remain quite unclear. This research redresses both of these issues, elaborating on the possibilities of mass-customization in the electronic consumer goods sector, and explaining how industrial designers can take a central role in implementation. Chapter 2 contains a literature review on key terms related to mass customization. A portfolio of mass customization case studies, from both within and outside electronic consumer goods, are presented and analyzed in Chapter 3, which also reports on a new classification system to define six discrete customization types. User needs research methods, including IDEO methods, are reviewed in Chapter 4 to determine those methods most applicable for use in the pilot (Chapter 5) and main (Chapter 7) &lsquo / research through design&rsquo / customization projects. The pilot project, conducted with METU industrial design undergraduates, explored opportunities and barriers for mass customization of electronic consumer goods / the main project, carried out by the Vestel ID Team under the SAN-TEZ scheme, resulted in a new mass customized all-in-one (AIO) PC for Vestel Electronics. In Chapter 6, results of interviews with Vestel staff are presented, uncovering the current situation within Vestel Electronics for implementing mass customization. Chapter 8 contains the research conclusions, including discussion of a proposed design-based mass customization design and development procedure.

Industrial Design And The Mass Customization Of Electronic Consumer Goods

Kaygin Sel, Sultan 01 January 2013 (has links) (PDF)
Mass customization is promoted in manufacturing industry as a way to satisfy individual customer requirements in a flexible, efficient and cost effective way. However, mass customization within the specific sector of &lsquo / electronic consumer goods&rsquo / is relatively underdeveloped, whilst the contributions of industrial designers to mass customization remain quite unclear. This research redresses both of these issues, elaborating on the possibilities of mass-customization in the electronic consumer goods sector, and explaining how industrial designers can take a central role in implementation. Chapter 2 contains a literature review on key terms related to mass customization. A portfolio of mass customization case studies, from both within and outside electronic consumer goods, are presented and analyzed in Chapter 3, which also reports on a new classification system to define six discrete customization types. User needs research methods, including IDEO methods, are reviewed in Chapter 4 to determine those methods most applicable for use in the pilot (Chapter 5) and main (Chapter 7) &lsquo / research through design&rsquo / customization projects. The pilot project, conducted with METU industrial design undergraduates, explored opportunities and barriers for mass customization of electronic consumer goods / the main project, carried out by the Vestel ID Team under the SAN-TEZ scheme, resulted in a new mass customized all-in-one (AIO) PC for Vestel Electronics. In Chapter 6, results of interviews with Vestel staff are presented, uncovering the current situation within Vestel Electronics for implementing mass customization. Chapter 8 contains the research conclusions, including discussion of a proposed design-based mass customization design and development procedure.

Inkludering av elever i behov av särskilt stöd i helklassundervisning i svenska

Lonnakko, Teresia January 2013 (has links)
Abstract   The purpose of this study was to examine how teachers in regular classrooms include pupils with special educational needs. I also wanted to find out what support teachers get of special education teachers, and the teaching perspective the teachers have when they work whit pupils. The teachers that have been interviewed and observed in this study work in regular classes.   This report is a qualitative study based on interviews and observations whit four teachers. The results indicate that the teachers are conscious of how they teach and their teaching strategies. The teachers agree that all students should be included in regular education, because learning occurs in the interaction between individuals. No one should be excluded from their regular classroom. But for students with special needs to receive an equal education, there should be more resources in the classroom. Special educators should be more involved in the regular teaching, to create conditions to a school for all pupils.     Keywords: Inclusion, pupils whit special educational needs, regular classroom teaching, special education, teaching strategies, a school for all.

Cellular Neural Networks with Switching Connections

Devoe, Malcom, Devoe, Malcom W, Jr. 06 May 2012 (has links)
Artificial neural networks are widely used for parallel processing of data analysis and visual information. The most prominent example of artificial neural networks is a cellular neural network (CNN), composed from two-dimensional arrays of simple first-order dynamical systems (“cells”) that are interconnected by wires. The information, to be processed by a CNN, represents the initial state of the network, and the parallel information processing is performed by converging to one of the stable spatial equilibrium states of the multi-stable CNN. This thesis studies a specific type of CNNs designed to perform the winner-take-all function of finding the largest among the n numbers, using the network dynamics. In a wider context, this amounts to automatically detecting a target spot in the given visual picture. The research, reported in this thesis, demonstrates that the addition of fast on-off switching (blinking) connections significantly improves the functionality of winner-take-all CNNs. Numerical calculations are performed to reveal the dependence of the probability, that the CNN correctly classifies the largest number, on the switching frequency.

Prevalensen av katarakt i Bolivia

Berntsson, Joel January 2012 (has links)
Syfte: Syftet var att undersöka prevalensen av katarakt i Bolivia under en resa med den svenska hjälporganisationen Vision For All. Metod: Undersökningarna utfördes med hjälp av handhållet oftalmoskop av modellen Heine Beta 200S. Undersökningen genomfördes i genomfallande ljus på ca 30 cm avstånd mellan patient och undersökare. De eventuella opaciteterna i linsen graderades efter hur omfattande de var där grad 0 var inga opaciteter och grad 4 var helt opak lins och grad 5 visade att linsen inte kunde undersökas på grund av oklar hornhinna eller dylikt. Patienterna sökte själva upp undersökningsplatserna som var belägna i städerna Santa Cruz de la Sierra och San José de Chiquitos. Eftersom det fanns begränsat med plats i bagageutrymmet på resan till Bolivia, valdes en väldigt enkel metod som inte krävde avancerad utrustning. Resultat: Totalt medverkade 453 personer i studien, det vill säga 906 ögon. Medelåldern var 50,19 ±15,51 år. 62, 91% av personerna som undersöktes var kvinnor. Det totala antalet ögon som hade någon grad av katarakt var 241 stycken, vilket motsvarar 26,60%. Vid jämförelse av de olika städerna, Santa Cruz de la Sierra och San José de Chiquitos, visade det att framförallt prevalensen av katarakt grad 3 var högre i San José de Chiquitos. Slutsats: I båda städerna, Santa Cruz de la Sierra och San José de Chiquitos finns stora problem med katarakt. Förutom att försöka öka tillgängligheten på operationer, borde det läggas resurser på att tillgängliggöra information gällande vikten av att skydda sina ögon vid stark UV- strålning.

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