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Maser hunting in the galactic planeQuinn, Lyshia Jane January 2010 (has links)
The process of massive star formation greatly influences its surroundings through their outflows, vast UV output and shocks from their supernova death. They form at great distances from the Earth, enshrouded by dust and gas and have relatively short lifetimes. Astrophysical masers which form in these environments may act as locators of the star forming regions. The aim of this thesis is to study massive star formation using masers to probe these regions. The three main masers used in this thesis are the Class I and Class II methanol masers and the 6035 MHz ex-OH maser. The methanol masers are divided into two groups, Class I and Class II, based on their distance from a central source. The Class I masers are separated 1-2 pc from a central source, the central source is the star forming region. The Class II masers are associated close to a star forming source. They are often associated with a 6035 MHz ex-OH maser. The 6035 MHz ex-OH masers are less common than the 6668 MHz Class I methanol masers. They are often found at sites of the 6668 MHz Class I masers and 1665/7 MHz OH masers. This thesis presents two maser surveys, the Methanol Multibeam (MMB) survey and the Class I survey. The MMB survey is currently surveying the entire Galactic Plane for the 6668 MHz Class II methanol maser and the 6035 MHz ex-OH maser. Over 60\% of the survey in the Southern hemisphere is now complete using the Parkes telescope. Over 900 6668 MHz Class I methanol masers and 110 6035 MHz ex-OH masers have been detected, with all of these masers pinpoint the location of newly forming high mass stars. Follow up observations to determine the precise locations of the 6668 MHz methanol and 6035 MHz ex-OH masers are currently underway. The first ever unbiased Class I survey has observed 1 sq degree of the Galactic Plane for the 44 GHz Class I methanol masers using the Mopra telescope in Australia. The 44 GHz Class II methanol masers are hypothesised to be associated with the outflows of high mass stellar objects. The Class I survey has detected 25 44 GHz methanol masers, with 23 being new detections. A smaller survey for 36 GHz Class I masers was also conducted using the Mopra telescope centered on the region with the highest population of 44 GHz Class I masers.
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The pathways to offending and mental health needs of ex-armed forces personnel in prison : a mixed methods studyWainwright, Verity January 2017 (has links)
Background: Ex-armed forces personnel constitute 3.5% of the prison population in England and Wales but we know little about why some former service personnel end up in prison. Furthermore, understanding what the mental health needs of this group are and how to meet them will inform service delivery and offending prevention strategies. Therefore, this study aimed to assess the mental health needs, and explore the pathways to offending, of ex-armed forces personnel in prison. Methods: A mixed methods design was used. A researcher administered questionnaire collected demographic information; details of pre-service; military experience; circumstances post-armed forces; and a detailed assessment of mental health of 105 male ex-armed forces personnel in prison. Their healthcare and offending records were accessed to record any formal mental health diagnoses and details of previous offending. Two studies made up the qualitative arm of the study: study 1 used semi-structured interviews (n = 20) to explore the pathways to offending of ex-armed forces personnel in prison from their perspective and study 2 employed semi-structured interviews with prisoners (n = 10) and a focus group with professionals (n = 5) to explore the service needs and treatment barriers of former service personnel in prison. Results: Of 105 participants, 40 (38%) screened positively for a current common mental health (CCMH) problem (i.e. depression, anxiety or post-traumatic stress disorder [PTSD]) and a high prevalence of alcohol misuse was assessed (n = 59, 56%). Over half of the sample were serving their first custodial sentence (n = 58, 55%). Violent offences were the most common index offence (n = 34, 32%) and the majority of the sample had previous convictions recorded (n = 70, 71%). Participants considered their pathways to offending as complex and incorporating pre-service, military service and post-service factors. Perceived influences on offending included mental health and substance misuse problems, impulsivity and problem solving difficulties. Prison was considered an opportunity to access help and staff having military awareness was thought to encourage help-seeking. However, stigma and previous negative experiences were perceived to make asking for help difficult and the variability in support across the prison estate was considered a barrier to support by all. Discussion: The findings of this study add to the literature and our knowledge of ex-armed forces personnel in prison. The study found that the mental health needs of the group are largely similar to the general prison population but that potential nuances exist regarding alcohol misuse and PTSD. The pathways to offending of the group are complex and are influenced by a number of factors in veterans' lives. Based on the findings of the study implications and directions for future work are discussed.
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Från medarbetare till chef : En studie av mellanchefers rollförändring och rollkonflikt. / From the employee to manager : A study of middle managers role change and role conflicts.Haracic, Amela, Agovic, Rejhan January 2021 (has links)
Tidigare studier visar att rollen som mellanchef är komplex. Vi vill med vår uppsats undersöka komplexiteten och komplettera med kunskap utifrån vår empiri och Goffmans dramaturgiska rollteori samt de fyra stegen i en rollförändring som Ebaugh talar om. Vårt fokus ligger endast på chefsroller vilket innebär att vi valt att inte lägga fokus på könsperspektivet utan endast förhålla oss till rollen som chef. Syftet med vår undersökning var att få en större förståelse för mellanchefens roll inom ett lärosäte. Vi vill med den här studien bidra till ökad kunskap och förståelse om processen att gå från medarbetare till chef, samt identifiera eventuella problem/svårigheter som upplevs under processen. Vi har valt att använda oss av ett kvalitativt tillvägagångssätt i vår undersökning i form av semistrukturerade intervjuer. Totalt har vi intervjuat åtta mellanchefer på ett lärosäte. I vår intervjuguide valde vi att utgå från fem olika teman som följer med i vår analys och som vi sedan kopplar samman med teori. Vi har under arbetet skapat oss förståelse för hur processen kan se ut stegvis från att ha varit medarbetare till att träda in i rollen som mellanchef på ett lärosäte. Det började med att man som medarbetare tog på sig ett större ledarskapsansvar, som då ledde till att man slutligen fick rollen som mellanchef. Det svåraste i processen har varit när man väl tagit sig an den rollen, har man då stött på en del problem. Vår empiriska undersökning om att mellanchefens roll är komplex stämmer väl överens med tidigare forskning och teori. Utifrån vår empiri har vi fått det bekräftat att mellanchefen ofta hamnar i kläm och en rollkonflikt kan uppstå då det ställs krav både uppifrån och nerifrån.
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Aktieprisfall på ex-dagen : en studie av Stockholmsbörsen ur ett beteendeekonomiskt perspektivAlmlöf, Jennifer, Geijer Persson, Sofie January 2020 (has links)
Vid aktieutdelning observeras det vanligen ett prisfall i aktiekursen under den första dagen då aktien handlas exklusive rätt till utdelning; ex-dagen. Tidigare studier har till största del förklarat ex-dagseffekten med klassiska ekonomiska teorier. I denna studie undersöks ex-dagseffekten från en beteendeekonomisk synvinkel. Syftet med studien är att undersöka ifall det prisfall som sker på ex-dagen kan förklaras med att investerare på marknaden är påverkade av en dispositionseffekt. Studien ämnar även att mäta i vilken grad aktiekursen sjunker i förhållande till utdelningen på Stockholmsbörsen under åren 2015-2019. En prisfallskvot togs fram för att mäta det genomsnittliga prisfallet för det totala urvalet på 1 094 observationer. För att kontrollera om dispositionseffekten kan förklara ex-dagseffekten jämfördes prisfallskvoterna för “vinnande” och “förlorande” aktier. Även en regressionsanalys gjordes för att kontrollera sambandet. Studien finner att den genomsnittliga prisfallskvoten på Stockholmsbörsen är 0,72, samt att denna ex-dagseffekt delvis kan förklaras av dispositionseffekten.
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Cross talk between the glucocorticoid receptor and the progesterone receptor in modulation of progestin responses and HIV-1 infectionBick, Alexis J 30 August 2018 (has links)
Current epidemiological data showing that the use of the injectable contraceptive progestin Depotmedroxyprogesterone acetate (DMPA) is associated with increased HIV-1 acquisition is controversial. However, animal and ex vivo data reveal plausible biological mechanisms whereby MPA may increase HIV-1 acquisition. Relatively high levels of endogenous progesterone (P4) found in the luteal phase of the menstrual cycle have also been linked to increased HIV-1 acquisition in animal, clinical and ex vivo models. One of the central hypotheses of the present study was that the mechanism of MPA-induced increase in HIV-1 infection occurs via a different mechanism to that of the luteal phase. Furthermore, MPA has been shown to activate both the glucocorticoid receptor (GR) and its target, the progesterone receptor (PR) isoform B (PR-B), which are both transcription factors and regulate genes involved in immune function. Both the GR and PR are expressed in the cervix, the primary site of heterosexual HIV-1 infection. PR is regulated by endogenous estrogen (E2), of which the concentrations fluctuate throughout the menstrual cycle, and GR expression also varies in response to stress hormones, leading to conditions of varied relative levels of GR/PR. The immune-related consequences of changing the relative levels of GR and PR-B are not well understood. Therefore another hypothesis of this study was that changing the relative levels of GR/PR-B modulates HIV-1 infection and immunomodulatory gene expression in response to the GR/PR agonist, MPA. Since GR and PR-B recognize similar DNA target sequences and may regulate the same genes at the same time, the final hypothesis of the present study was that GR and PR-B reciprocally modulate each other’s activity, through possible association. To investigate the effects of exogenous hormones on HIV-1 infection and mechanisms thereof, peripheral blood mononuclear cells (PBMCs) and TZM-bl cervical cells were used as model systems for HIV-1 infection. These cells were stimulated with P4 and E2 at concentrations mimicking the menstrual cycle phases or with levels of MPA at the upper range of peak serum levels detected in DMPA users. Cells were infected with the R-tropic HIV-1 infectious molecular clone, HIV-1Bal_Renilla and luciferase assays were used to measure HIV-1 infection. Levels of HIV-1 CD4 receptor and CCR5 co-receptor protein or mRNA were measured by flow cytometry or qPCR, respectively, while activation of CD4+ T cells using the activation marker CD69 was measured by flow cytometry in PBMCs. To investigate the effects of changing GR/PR-B levels on HIV-1 infection and immune gene regulation, GR/PR levels were altered in End1/E6E7 immortalized endocervical and HeLa/TZM-bl cervical carcinoma cells by GR siRNA knockdown with or without the simultaneous over-expression of PR-B, and cells were stimulated with MPA or the GR agonist Dexamethasone. mRNA expression iii of key immunomodulatory genes in End1/E6E7 and HeLa cells was measured by qPCR. The modulation of GR activity by PR-B was assessed by promoter-reporter assay in COS1 and U2OS cells over-expressing GR and PR and stimulated with GR- and/or PR-specific ligands. Association of GR and PR-B was measured by co-immunoprecipitation in COS1 and MCF-7 cells, while co-localization of GR and PR-B was measured by confocal microscopy and super-resolution structured illumination microscopy in COS1 cells. MPA significantly increased HIV-1 infection in both PBMCs and TZM-bl cells, while luteal phase hormones did so to a lesser extent. However, MPA but not luteal phase hormones increased the ratio of CD4+/CD8+ T cells in PBMCs. MPA but not luteal phase hormones also increased CCR5 protein expression on CD4+ T cells in PBMCs and total CCR5 mRNA expression in TZM-bl cells. In addition, MPA but not luteal phase hormones increased activation of CD4+ T cells in PBMCs. Using a GR antagonist or GR siRNA, it was shown that the GR but not PR-B is required for MPA-, but not luteal phase hormone-induced increased HIV-1 infection in PBMCs and TZM-bls. The presence of PR-B altered the anti-inflammatory, GR-mediated regulation of some key immunomodulatory genes, including GILZ and IL-6, in End1/E6E7 and HeLa cells in response to MPA. In general, basal (unliganded) expression of immunomodulatory genes exhibited a pro-inflammatory profile in the presence of PR-B. Co-immunoprecipitation assays showed that GR and PR-B appeared to associate. Confocal microscopy suggested GR and PR co-localized in the nucleus in response to GR- and/or PRspecific ligands, while super-resolution microscopy showed that co-localization occurred in select regions within the nucleus. Taken together, MPA increases HIV-1 infection in a manner different from that of luteal phase hormones, most likely involving increased CD4+ T cell frequency (CD4+/CD8+ ratio), activation and increased expression of CCR5 on CD4+ T cells, and requiring the GR. Furthermore, PR-B modulates GR-mediated immune function gene regulation, via potential association and region-specific nuclear co-localization. This suggests that the relative levels of GR/PR may play an important role in determining the inflammatory and immune responses and HIV-1 infection in HIV-1 target cells, both in DMPA users and women not using hormonal contraception.
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Effects of Cocaine on Monoamine Uptake as Measured Ex VivoWang, Zhixia, Ordway, Gregory A., Woolverton, William 21 February 2007 (has links)
The increase in extracellular dopamine (DA) following cocaine administration plays a major role in cocaine abuse. In vitro, cocaine binds to DA transporters (DAT) and blocks DA uptake. Moreover, cocaine can increase extracellular DA concentration as measured by in vivo neurochemical methods. The present study examined the effects of cocaine and other drugs on DA, NE and 5-HT uptake using an ex vivo assay. Rats were injected i.v. with saline or drug and sacrificed at various time points after injections. Brains were dissected for regional monoamine uptake studies ex vivo. In most brain regions, cocaine given in vivo blocked monoamine uptake as expected. [ H]DA uptake in nucleus accumbens was inhibited with an ED = 22.3 μmol/kg. Cocaine fully inhibited [ H]NE uptake (ED = 4.58 μmol/kg) in the occipital cortex and partially inhibited [ H]5-HT uptake (33% at 30 μmol/kg) in the midbrain. However, under the same conditions [ H]DA uptake in the striatum was not inhibited after injections of cocaine up to 56 μmol/kg. Although the mechanism for this discrepancy is unclear, DA binding and uptake sites may be distinct and/or there may be regional differences in DA transporters.
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Före detta kriminellas vägar tillbaka till arbetslivetLiljendahl, Moa, Frödin, Hanna January 2021 (has links)
Tidigare forskning har visat att arbete är en viktig del för att före detta kriminella ska kunna bryta med sitt gamla kriminella liv och återintegreras i samhället (Visher, 2005). I denna studie undersöktes vilka eventuella hinder och avgörande faktorer som påverkade före detta kriminellas arbetssökande. Semistrukturerade intervjuer genomfördes med åtta respondenter som alla haft erfarenheter av arbetssökande efter avtjänat straff. Det insamlade materialet analyserades med hjälp av tematisk innehållsanalys. Resultaten visade att hinder på vägen ut i arbetslivet var fördomar, otillräckligt stöd från samhället samt belastningsregistrets påverkan. Avgörande faktorer för att lyckas var egen motivation samt socialt stöd från exempelvis andra före detta kriminella och närstående. Resultatet överensstämde till stor del med tidigare forskning men Kriminalvårdens brister var något nytt som kom fram i denna studie och en praktiskt slutsats är att Kriminalvården bör utveckla sitt stöd för att bättre förbereda och stödja de intagna mot arbete efter avtjänat straff.
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Extraction and retention of teeth in the line of mandibular fracture: A study of a Western Cape sampleHendricks, Mogamat Rushdi January 1986 (has links)
Magister Chirurgiae Dentium (MChD) / Anecdotal and controversial discussion has.always been prompted by the bias of the clinician in relation to whether teeth in the line of fracture should be extracted or retained. In recent years, it became evident to clinicians serving the Maxi 11ofaci aland Oral Surgery Clinic at Groote Schuur Hospital, Cape Town, that a tendency towards reta ining teeth in the 1ine of fractu re did not seem to increase the possi bility of infecti on, providing that circumspection was used. A retrospective analysis of these cases was conducted in order to determine the outcome of our treatment. An independent sample of the 151 patients were investigated in relation to age, sex predilection, the effect timing has on the outcome of treatment and the incidence of infection when teeth in the line of mandibular fracture were extracted or retained. The results of this study has shown that most of our patients were young (aged 20-29yrs) and therefore a tendency to retain teeth was found. In older patients, (aged 30-49yrs), the tendency was to extract teeth. Males presented more than females in a 3:1 ratio. Patients treated early « 24hrs) had most of their teeth retained while others treated after 7 days had their teeth extracted. The infecti on rate was 2 percent if teeth were retained and 5 percent if teeth were extracted. A1though the difference was not statistically significant, it appeared that the retenti on of teeth in the 1ine of fracture presented more advantages to both patient and clinician.
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"Jag vill inte att de ska minnas mig så", en kvalitativ studie om vägen ut ur kriminalitetMehrabani, Bita, Axelsson, Linnea, Mravac, Anesa January 2020 (has links)
Ett växande intresse för uppkomsten av kriminalitet i samhället har i vissa fall bidragit till en negligering av före-detta kriminellas återanpassning i samhället. Studien fokuserar på individer som kallar sig för ex-kriminella där studiens syfte är att undersöka vilka faktorer som är viktiga för ex-kriminella att ta sig ur en kriminell livsstil. Studiens frågeställning lyder vilka faktorer har betydelse för övergången från kriminell till icke-kriminell? Studien är baserad på fem intervjuer utförda på män som är medlemmar i kamratföreningen KRIS (Kriminellas Revansch i Samhället). Alla deltagare oavsett tidigare brottslighet, lever just nu ett liv utan kriminalitet. I studien används en kvalitativ metod som utformats av en tvärsnittsdesign, som innefattar semi-strukturerade intervjuer. Respondenternas berättelser analyserades samt diskuterades utifrån Sampson och Laub’s åldersgraderande teori, likaså utifrån tidigare forskning som behandlar ämnet. Studiens resultat visar att det är individuellt vad som anses vara en viktig faktor för att ta sig ur en kriminell livsstil. Det som har kunnat igenkännas under intervjuerna är att det oftast är en eller flera faktorer som samspelar med varandra för att bidra till ett avståndstagande i kriminalitet. Tre faktorer har identifierats som betydelsefulla för att lämna en kriminell livsstil bakom sig; egen vilja, relationer samt stöd från samhället. Dessa behandlar centrala delar såsom motivation, relationer till familj, vänner och partner samt betydelsen av behandling, studier samt identitetsförändring. De centrala delarna utformades på grund av att dessa har genomgående i studien visat sig vara de mest ackurata för intervjudeltagarna. En försvagad anknytning till någon av dessa faktorer har visat sig öka risken för att individen återfaller i kriminalitet. Tidigare forskning samt åldersgraderande teorin stöds genomgående i studien då de vändpunkter som ansetts betydelsefulla för ex-kriminella att ta sig ur brottsligheten är de som varit av betydelse för deltagarna i studien. / A growing interest for the occurrence of criminality in society has in some cases contributed to a neglection of former-criminal’s reintegration in the society. The study focuses on individuals that call themselves ex-criminals where the purpose of the study is to investigate which factors that are of an importance meaning for ex-criminals to get out of a criminal lifestyle. The question formulation of the study is which factors have a meaning for the transformation from a criminal to an ex-criminal? The study is based on five interviews performed on men who are members of the Swedish association KRIS (Criminals Return Into Society). All participant’s regardless previous delinquency, are living currently a life without criminality. The study uses qualitative method that is shaped by a cross-section design, that comprises semi-structured interviews. The respondent’s stories were analysed and discussed from Sampson and Laub’s age-graded theory, as well as previous research dealing with the topic. The result of the study shows that it is individually to what is considered as an important factor to leave a criminal lifestyle. What has been recognized during the interviews is that there are usually one or more factors that interact with each other to contribute to a desistance in crime. Three factors have been identified as important to leave a criminal lifestyle behind; self-will, relations and community support. These address central parts as motivation, relationship to family, friends and partner but also the meaning of treatment, studies and identity change. These central sections were formulated because they throughout the study proved to be the most accurate for the interview participants. A weakened association to any of these factors has shown to increase the risk for the individual to relapse into criminality. Previous research as well as the age-graded theory are supported throughout the study because the turning points that are considered important for ex-criminals to get out of crime are those that have been of significance to the study participants.
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“YOUR OWN CONTRACT, A RESIDENCE, A HOME…THAT IS ALL VERY IMPORTANT FOR A PERSON”Carty Linnér, Sandra, Abdul-Razek, Bisan, Jonasson, Anna January 2020 (has links)
Ett stabilt boende är en grundläggande nödvändighet och en viktig förutsättning för att stärka individers välmående. En bostad är inte bara en plats för förvaring av ägodelar, utan är även nära sammankopplat med ett antal grundläggande “förmågor” som ger individer möjlighet att sköta sin hälsa och hygien, tillgodose sitt sömnbehov och upprätthålla ett socialt nätverk. På detta sätt är en stabil bostad en av de avgörande faktorerna för att en individ skall nå framgångsrik återanpassning i samhället efter avtjänat fängelsestraff. Den kriminologiska forskning som undersöker individers liv efter avtjänat fängelsestraff behandlar nästan uteslutande generella samhällskonsekvenser efter frigivning utan vidare fokus på bostadssituationen specifikt. Detta leder till en kunskapslucka på området. Mot bakgrund av denna kunskapslucka syftar vår studie till att undersöka hur bostadssituationen ser ut för individer som tidigare avtjänat ett fängelsestraff. Detta genomfördes med hjälp av semistrukturerade intervjuer med individer som tidigare avtjänat ett fängelsestraff. Vidare syftade studien till att undersöka respondenternas upplevelser av den hjälp de fått av myndigheter och organisationer gällande bostad. Resultatet visar att dessa respondenter har haft stora svårigheter att finna ett stabilt boende efter avtjänat fängelsestraff, där hög grad av mobilitet varit förekommande. Bristfälliga ekonomiska förutsättningar i form av betalningsanmärkningar och skulder var en avgörande faktor till detta. Upplevelserna kring myndigheter och organisationers hjälp har varierat bland respondenterna där både negativa och positiva erfarenheter har skildrats. / Stable housing is a necessity and an essential prerequisite for strengthening the well-being of individuals. A residence is not only a place for storing property but is also closely linked to several basic "capabilities" that allow individuals to manage their health and hygiene, meet their sleep needs and maintain a social network. In this way, a stable home is one of the decisive factors for an individual to achieve successful re-adjustment in society after serving a prison sentence. The criminological research that examines the lives of individuals after serving prison sentences deals almost exclusively with general social consequences after release without further focus on the housing situation specifically. This leads to a knowledge gap in the area. Considering this knowledge gap, our study aims to investigate what the housing situation looks like for individuals who have previously served a prison sentence. This was done with the help of semi-structured interviews with individuals who previously served a prison sentence. Furthermore, the study aimed to investigate the respondents' experiences of the assistance they received from authorities and organizations regarding housing. The results show that these respondents have had great difficulties in finding stable housing after serving prison sentences, where a high degree of mobility has occurred. Poor financial conditions in the form of payment notes and debts were a decisive factor for this. The experiences of authorities and organizations have varied among the respondents, where both negative and positive experiences have been depicted.
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