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Emotion by Design : An exploration of evoking ‘relief’ through a mobile appBirgersson, Fredric January 2022 (has links)
Kurr is a foodtech startup developing a mobile app with the purpose of answering the question “what to eat?”. The company has built a brand identity in order to stand out among the more than 5,7 apps available in the biggest mobile app markets. As a part of the brand identity, the company aims to implement the emotion of ‘relief’ in the interactions between the app and its users. A unique attribute of ‘relief’ is that it must always appear immediately after some other aroused emotion. The objective of this study was to examine if it is possible to evoke ‘relief’ through a mobile app. Design thinking was the method applied in this study. The method has a big focus on the human, the users of the app in this case, by conducting interviews and user testing throughout the whole process. Phases of generating a big amount of ideas have alternated with phases of filtering out the best ones. To trigger the emotion of ‘relief’, the user flow was split into the following steps; 1. make it easy to get started, 2. motivate to keep on and charge up ‘joy’, 3. generate a climax of the preceding emotion, and 4. evoke the feeling of ‘relief. These steps were then implemented in a prototype. The prototype was later tested and the test results did not show evidence of how the emotion of ‘relief’ can be evoked through a mobile app, but it suggested that the result could differ if the tests were conducted in a real-life situation instead of a test environment. The research showed a significant result that the emotion of ‘joy’ was evoked when interacting with the prototype. The validity of the result should be further investigated though, with new user tests in a real-life environment and with a higher number of participants.
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Development of digital sales processes with help of the See-Think-Do-Care modelYlitalo, Frida January 2021 (has links)
Digital commerce is a natural part of our everyday life. To fast and easily be able to make purchases from our home without stress has become a matter of course for us. But the new way to make purchases places new demands on the sales, not least at the important customer meeting. The interaction between customer and seller disappears completely and known marketing methods must be adapted to the new conditions. How does the customer journey change when the step from discovering a product to buying it is just a few clicks away? The study aims to investigate and develop a digital sales process for a mobile game aimed for children. The process is based on the marketing framework See-Think-Do-Care and tries to answer questions like which components are needed in a sales flow? How can a product be adapted to different types of users and can UX design be used to get interested customers to buy the product? The method is divided into two different sections. One section for evaluating the chosen marketing framework and another for the development of the sales process. The development of the sales process was made stepwise by prototypes in different degrees of fidelity. The first part of the result ended up in the implementation of the marketing framework, a developed customer journey, and a compilation of ten guidelines to adhere to for increasing the conversion of new customers. The sales flow was then developed step by step from only showing the routing to be a clickable solution similar to the intended end product. The di↵erent prototypes were evaluated by user testing and it was shown that the largest problem was not to make users understand the sales flow, it was to make them understand the actual product. The hope is that the result of the study will be able to be tested in production and be used in the real sales of the product.
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Exploring relations between Interaction attributes and Pleasures in multisensory interactive artStrindlund, Nathalie January 2019 (has links)
The interest in designing interactive systems is going beyond their functionality and more towards their aesthetics. Often, research fails to address how qualities of the interaction as a medium can actually create pleasurable experiences. However, it points out the importance of understanding temporal aspects of interactions to understand their aesthetics. The aim for this thesis is to address this by the creation and evaluation of an interactive artwork working as a platform to explore relations between Interaction attributes and Pleasures, as well as how temporal aspects in interactions can affect these Pleasures. This to help interaction designers think more clearly around and make better design choices regarding interactions within interactive systems. The results of this showed that there can be many such relations, but also that they are complex. Additionally, it is discussed that Pleasures might also partly be experienced before or after the interaction with the artwork.
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IKEA flytt[AR] inKornblad, Moa January 2018 (has links)
Digitaliseringens framfart tillsammans människors allt högre förväntningar på teknisk utveckling, kvalitet och effektivitet ställer större krav på företag att skapa tillfredsställande användarupplevelser av produkter och tjänster. Applikationen IKEA Place är framtagen för att möta konsumenterna på deras villkor och genom tillfredsställande användarupplevelser påverka deras köpbeslut. För att ta reda på om och hur användarupplevelsen av IKEA Place påverkar användarnas intentioner att köpa produkter från IKEA har en enkätundersökning och två fokusgruppsdiskussioner genomförts. Som en del av fokusgruppmetoden genomfördes användartester där de nio deltagarna fick interagera med applikationen på ett ändamålsenligt sätt. För att en applikation ska accepteras och användas krävs det att olika kvaliteter tillfredsställer användaren och hjälper denne att nå sitt mål med användandet. Enkätundersökningen, fokusgruppdiskussionerna och användartesterna tyder på att användarupplevelsen av IKEA Place är otillfredsställande och att den i nästan obetydligt liten utsträckning påverkar användarnas köpintentioner. / The expansion of digitalization and people’s increased expectations for technical development, qualities and efficiency puts higher demand on companies to create satisfying user experiences of products and services. The application IKEA Place is produced to meet the consumers on their terms and assist with good user experience to affect their intentions to buy. To find out if and how the user experience of IKEA Place affects users' intentions to buy products from IKEA, one survey and two focus groups were conducted. User tests, where all of the nine participants interacted with the application in an appropriate way, were executed as a part of the focus group method. For an application to be accepted and used, several different qualities needs to satisfy the user and help him or her to reach the goal of the usage. The survey, the focus group discussions and the user tests indicates that the user experience of IKEA Place is unsatisfying. Additionally, the application barley affects the users’ intentions to buy at all.
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Designing User Interfaces for Interaction with Machine Learning Models / Designandet av användargränssnitt för interaktion med maskininlärningsmodellerSundberg, Nils January 2021 (has links)
Antagning.se and universityadmissions.se are two websites that enables people to apply for higher education. These websites are developed and maintained by ITS, which is a department at Umeå University. Antagning.se and universityadmissions.se allows applicants to add documents such as grades through a document upload function. Recently, There has been some experimentation with machine learning as a way to read documents that are uploaded. This study explores the possibility to use machine-learning in the user interface of the document upload function in a way that assists the users to upload the documents correctly. The objective is to determine whether doing this affects the users confidence that they uploaded a document successfully. The Double diamond method was used to design a lo-fi, a mid-fi and a hi-fi prototype. The lo-fi prototype were developed during an innovation sprint at ITS, with the purpose to develop a user interface for a Swedish folk high school validation system. The mid-fi prototype were tested using a qualitative user test to find issues that had to be addressed in the hi-fi prototype. A quantitative user test were conducted in order to determine if it affected the users confidence that they completed a task successfully versus if the same task were performed on the current system in use by Antagning and University Admissions. The results from the user testing of the hi-fi prototype were analyzed. Using hypothesis testing, it could not be determined that there were a significant difference in user confidence between the hi-fi prototype and the current system. / Antagning.se och universityadmissions.se är två webbplatser vars syften är att möjliggöra ansökan till högre utbildning i Sverige. ITS, som är en del av Umeå Universitet, är ansvariga för att driva och utveckla dessa webbplatser. Som en del av ansökningsprocessen så krävs det i vissa fall kompletterande information, exempelvis betyg eller andra typer av dokument. Personen som söker kan då scanna in dessa dokument och ladda upp den genom antagning.se eller universityadmissions.se. ITS har experimenterat med maskinlärning för att läsa in dessa inscannade dokument. Detta arbete utforskar möjligheten att använda maskinlärning i användargränssnittet till denna dokumentuppladdningsfunktion. Detta som ett sätt att assistera användaren i att se till att dokumenten laddas upp korrekt. Syftet med detta avgöra om detta har någon inverkan på hur säker användaren är att hen har genomfört uppladningen av dokumentet på ett korrekt sätt. Double diamond-metoden användes för att utveckla en lo-fi, en mid-fi och en hi-fi-prototyp. Lo-fi-prototypen togs fram under en innovationssprint på ITS, där syftet var att utveckla ett användargränssnitt till ett valideringssystem för folkhögskoledokument som maskinlärning. Mid-fi-prototypen testades med en kvalitativ metod för att hitta problem med gränssnittets design. Dessa problem togs i åtanke när hi-fi-prototypen togs fram. En kvantitativ användarstudie genomfördes för att avgöra om användaren upplevde någon skillnad i hur säkra de var att de laddat upp ett dokument korrekt. Detta jämfört med det befintliga systemet som antagning.se idag använder för att ladda upp dokument. Resultatet av studien var att det inte gick att påvisa någon skillnad mellan det befintliga systemet och hi-fi-prototypen gällande hur säker användaren var att dokumentet laddats upp korrekt.
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Strategic Service Innovation: A Human-Centered Mixed-Methods ApproachKrüger, Nicolai 12 January 2022 (has links)
Increasing socio-technological complexity and ongoing environmental and social changes make it difficult to choose suitable approaches in today's innovation endeavors. Explorative and agile methods are increasingly used to reach out for disruptive innovations under uncertainty. However, feasibility of pioneering projects in business-critical contexts faces limitations in regulated branches. This doctoral thesis aims at contributing to service innovation research using a mixed-methods approach, being applied to several domains. Strategic Service Innovation (SSI) aspires to create novel digital service concepts ranging from radical technical innovations to business model pivoting.
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How Visual Framing and Specificity Framing Influence Buying Decisionsin Fashion E-commerceEmami, Kimia, Makarová, Andrea January 2023 (has links)
Companies face several challenges when it comes to promoting green consumption and designing effective communication strategies for sustainable products.The framing effect, which refers to the presentation of messages, can significantly influence customer perceptions and purchasing intentions. This researchexplores the impact of information framing through visuals and terms specificityon consumers’ purchasing decisions for sustainable fashion products in the online context. The method of data collection was a survey (online experiment) andinterviews were also conducted for supporting the data. The findings reveal asignificant relationship between sustainable choices and visual framing, indicating that the visual presentation of information positively influences sustainabilitydecisions. However, no significant relationship was found between the specificityof terms and sustainability. Future research is needed to examine the correlationbetween the importance of sustainability and the desirability of visual framing inproducts, as well as the relationship between the specificity of terms and sustainability since our study could only answer the relationship between visual framing and sustainability.
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Double Hexagon: A Human-Centred Design Framework for InnovationMotamer, Vajiheh Aida January 2021 (has links)
Healthcare systems need to adjust services and methods to accommodate the needs, desires, and capabilities of people. Experience-Based Co-Design (EBCD) is the state of the art in participatory service design within the UK National Health Service (NHS), that draws upon design tools and ways of thinking in order to bring healthcare staff and patients together to improve the quality of care. The Co-design process that is integral to the EBCD approach is powerful but also challenging, as it requires active collaboration among multidisciplinary teams, including organizational stakeholders (e.g., investors, managers, advocates, etc.), end-users (e.g., staff, patients, carers, etc.), designers/researchers, and developers. Over the last decade, given the evaluation of the EBCD approach, there has been a gap between theory and practice resulting in limited outcomes in healthcare service improvements. Systematic reviews suggest this low success results from the lack of a systematic elaboration of Co-Design methods, limited tools and insufficient guidance on the ideation process, the tendency to develop a solution without enough divergent thinking, and a poor structure of participation. In order to improve health care services and address the gaps mentioned, we propose a methodology called Double Hexagon, that includes principles of Co-Design, Human-Centred Design, and Design Thinking. This framework is a Human-Centred Design framework that seeks to assist designers and non-designers in moving from designing “product” categories to designing for “people” by providing a concrete and step-by-step realization for “Designing for People”. / Thesis / Master of Science (MSc)
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A Bite of Odd : Innovation for exchange cultural values of Chinese offalRuan, Yuchen January 2022 (has links)
Cultures are constantly interacting in the globalized world, and concerns of misunderstanding and prejudice against different cultural values have surfaced. People's perceptions of food are influenced by their cultural values. Offal is undoubtedly controversial in different cultures, they are viewed with distrust, disgust, or enjoyment. Unlike common operations, Chinese offal dishes do not attempt to transform offal into something different by using thick sauces or preparation skills. Instead, offal, like chicken feet, duck tongues, and fish heads, are served almost in their original appearances. This has led to the perception that it is strangely exotic and even associated with backward, uncivilized, and barbaric. Therefore, examining the cultural values behind offal and bringing cross-cultural awareness to deal with the misunderstanding of the status quo is the core of the event. The project is a cross-cultural communication design project. By establishing a literature review framework for comparing Eastern and Western cultural values behind offal dishes, and applying Hofstede's cultural dimensions theory to country-specific contextual analysis the experience prototype, a website platform called A Bite of Odd to provide services and guidelines for conducting Chinese offal experience events all over the world was proposed.
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Female User Experience in Industrial Design– Redesigning Medical Personal Protective Equipment (PPE) SuitsWang, Yukun 22 August 2022 (has links)
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