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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

The Perspectives of Preschool Teachers on Instructional Coaching

Clough, Melanie Smith 01 January 2015 (has links)
The purpose of this study was to examine how teachers describe instructional coaching. Instructional coaching has become a leading form of professional development in educational settings, yet there is a lack of empirical evidence that explains and clarifies it. One aspect of instructional coaching that is not known is how teachers perceive it. In order to gain understanding about instructional coaching, the perspectives of the teachers could provide valuable insight to benefit those involved in the practice. Instructional coaching and the schools where coaching takes place are complex in nature. Through the use of one-on-one interviews, an in-depth look at teachers’ perspectives provided insight into some of these complexities. Fifteen teachers in six child care centers participated in this study. Two qualitative strategies—inductive analysis (Hatch, 2002) and educational criticism (Eisner, 1998)—were used to analyze interview data from which three themes were formed: (a) instructional coaching is a means of building instructional capacity, (b) instructional coaching requires a supportive environment, and (c) instructional coaching increases children’s learning opportunities. The themes are perspectives from which to view and understand instructional coaching in preschool classrooms. One conclusion in this study was that all three themes were substantially supported by extant literature and empirical research. The implication for policy and practice is that instructional coaching is contingent upon change and change is difficult due to resistance by teachers and systemic issues. Five recommendations are highlighted in this study: (a) instructional coaches should demonstrate a high level of proficiency in educational knowledge and practice, (b) coaches should be involved in on-going professional development that includes communication training, (c) teacher supervisors should be involved in instructional coaching as instructional leaders, (d) instructional coaching should be intentional, and (e) instructional coaching should have child learning as its primary focus. Further research is needed to better understand the perspective of teachers in the field of early childhood education; the perspectives of instructional coaches in the field of early childhood education; and how to effectively involve teacher supervisors in the coaching process to develop teacher leaders and support them to assume the duties and responsibilities of highly effective instructional leaders who influence deep, sustained learning facilitated by problem-solving- and creativity-focused instruction

Klíčové kompetence pro udržitelné jednání v kurikulu preprimárního vzdělávání / Key competencies for sustainable action in early education curriculum

Vošahlíková, Tereza January 2012 (has links)
Univerzita Karlova v Praze Pedagogická fakulta ABSTRACT KEY COMPETENCIES FOR SUSTAINABLE ACTION IN EARLY EDUCATION CURRICULUM PhDr. Tereza Vošahlíková Vedoucí práce Doc. RNDr. Vasilis Teodoridis, Ph.D. Katedra biologie a environmentálních studií Pedf UK Doktorský studijní program pedagogika Externí konzultantka Prof. dr. Ute Stoltenberg Institut für integrative Studien, Leuphana Universität Lüneburg Praha 2012 The thesis introduces environmentally oriented concepts in early education curriculum with one leading point of view: key competences for sustainable action. Key competences represent new, open ended form of educational goals. Early education curriculum defined broadly as all educational content (planned, realized and hidden) presents a field of study of this thesis. In this field, a new concept, education for sustainable development, should be implemented worldwide. The question is, how far and how successfully can this concept be introduced in the early education curriculum on the level of educational goals. There are many general strategies and models of curriculum revision. In order to structure the empirical study, a hierarchical model of macro-, meso- and micro level of curriculum was established. This model allows examination of two ways of education for sustainable development implementation,...

De l’évaluation des capacités langagières à la participation sociale d’enfants d’âge préscolaire : étude d’une population clinique et des écrits scientifiques

Breault, Chantale 04 1900 (has links)
Cette thèse veut optimiser l’évaluation d’enfants de 2 à 5 ans vivant avec un trouble développemental du langage (TDL), en se centrant moins sur leurs déficits et davantage sur leur participation sociale. Premièrement, la stabilité des atteintes langagières documentées par l’orthophoniste à l’âge préscolaire est vérifiée dans un échantillon d’enfants référés en clinique spécialisée. Deuxièmement, les méthodes d’évaluation de la participation pertinentes à cet âge, particulièrement dans le domaine de la socialisation, sont recensées. Troisièmement, l’applicabilité d’un modèle d’évaluation hiérarchique de la compétence sociale en collaboration avec le personnel éducateur et enseignant est testée dans une population clinique. Deux études de cohorte ont été menées avec des données extraites des dossiers médicaux d’enfants ayant consulté dans une clinique psychiatrique en petite enfance sur une période de dix ans (N = 466), et les écrits scientifiques ont été synthétisés par une revue de la portée. Selon la première étude, la présence ou l’absence de difficultés langagières demeure très stable (94%) entre deux conclusions orthophoniques, chez des enfants référés en clinique spécialisée durant la petite enfance (n = 149). Au terme de la revue de littérature, les 480 publications retenues font état de 186 méthodes différentes visant à évaluer la participation d’enfants de 2 à 5 ans, notamment dans le domaine de la socialisation. Cette revue confirme aussi que le Profil socio-affectif de l’enfant (PSA; LaFreniere et al., 1997) est une mesure de la compétence sociale répandue dans le monde. La dernière étude permet d’identifier dans l’échelle de compétence sociale du PSA deux facteurs distincts, proposés selon le modèle théorique d’Ashton (2018). En contrôlant plusieurs caractéristiques d’enfants consultant en clinique avec TDL (n = 217) et sans TDL (n = 99), un modèle d’équation structurelle supporte la pertinence d’évaluer d’abord l’adaptation sociale (liée à la satisfaction des enfants, des pairs et des adultes dans l’interaction) puis, seulement si des difficultés d’adaptation sont observées, le fonctionnement social (lié aux comportements que l’enfant actualise). Les retombées de cette thèse sont importantes. D’abord, elle démontre que des enfants référés en bas âge vers des services spécialisés ont un profil langagier extrêmement stable au préscolaire, par opposition à ce qui avait été documenté dans la population générale. L’identification précoce du risque de persistance peut influencer les services offerts à ces enfants durant une période critique de leur développement. Ensuite, l’évaluation des impacts fonctionnels, désormais requise pour conclure à un TDL, peut être facilitée par la recension interdisciplinaire de mesures d’évaluation de la participation, notamment dans le domaine de la socialisation. Finalement, l’applicabilité d’un modèle hiérarchique d’évaluation de la compétence sociale, testé dans une population clinique en utilisant un outil déjà utilisé au Québec, pourrait favoriser la concertation de l’orthophoniste, du personnel éducateur et des partenaires d’autres disciplines, afin de favoriser l’inclusion de l’enfant dans les contextes éducatifs en petite enfance. En somme, les trois études offrent des ressources supplémentaires à l’orthophoniste et à toutes les personnes intéressées par un paradigme d’évaluation plus social que médical, dans le cadre de pratiques collaboratives et centrées sur la famille. / This thesis aims to optimize the assessment of children aged 2 to 5 years with a developmental language disorder (DLD), focusing less on their deficits and more on their social participation. First, the stability of language impairments documented by the speech-language pathologist (SLP) at preschool age is verified in a sample of children referred to a specialized clinic. Second, participation assessment methods relevant to children aged 2 to 5 years, particularly in the area of socialization, are identified. Third, the applicability of a hierarchical assessment model of social competence in collaboration with educators and teachers is tested in a clinical population. Two cohort studies were conducted using data extracted from the medical records of children seen in an early childhood psychiatric clinic over a ten-year period (N = 466), and the scientific literature was synthesized by a scoping review. The first study’s results documented that the presence or absence of language difficulties remained very stable (94%) in children referred to a specialized clinic during early childhood (n = 149) when two SLP assessments were compared. The 480 publications retained at the end of the literature review report 186 different methods for assessing the participation of children aged 2 to 5 years, particularly in the area of socialization. This review also confirms that the Social Competence and Behavior Evaluation (SCBE; LaFreniere & Dumas, 1995) is a widely used measure of social competence in the world. The last study identifies two distinct factors in the SCBE social competence scale, based on Ashton's (2018) theoretical model. Controlling for several characteristics of children consulting in clinic with DLD (n = 217) and without DLD (n = 99), a structural equation model supports the appropriateness of first assessing social adjustment (related to child, peer, and adult satisfaction with interaction) and then, only if adjustment difficulties are observed, social functioning (related to the behaviors the child actualizes). The implications of this thesis are significant. First, it demonstrates that children referred to specialized services at an early age have an extremely stable language profile in the preschool period, in contrast to what has been documented in the general population. Early identification of persistence risk may influence the services provided to the child during a critical period of development. Second, the assessment of functional impacts, now required to conclude that a child has DLD, can be facilitated by the interdisciplinary review of measures of participation, particularly in the area of socialization. Finally, the applicability of a hierarchical model of social competence assessment, tested in a clinical population using a standardized tool already in use in Quebec, could foster collaboration among SLPs, preschool educators and teachers, and partners from other disciplines, to promote child inclusion in early childhood and preschool settings. In sum, all three studies provide additional resources for the SLP and all those interested in a more social than medical assessment paradigm, within collaborative, family-centered practices.

Ein betriebliches Frühaufklärungssystem zum Schutz vor gesundheitsbedingtem Ausscheiden aus dem Berufsleben / Eine explorative Studie zur Ermittlung von adäquaten Unterstützungsleistungen im Betrieblichen Eingliederungsmanagement am Beispiel der Eisenbahn und Verkehrsbranche

Burmeister, Doreen 17 November 2022 (has links)
Die vorliegende qualitative Forschungsarbeit leistet mittels zweier empirischer Untersu-chungen einen Beitrag im Forschungsfeld von betrieblichem Gesundheitsmanagement (BGM) vor dem Hintergrund eines verbesserten Schutzes vor gesundheitsbedingtem Aus-scheiden von Arbeitnehmern. Zielstellung ist zum einen die Entwicklung eines betrieblichen Frühaufklärungssystems, das wie ein wissensbasiertes lernendes System fortlaufend Informa-tionen und Trends zur Verbesserung des Arbeits- und Gesundheitsschutzes (AUG), der Be-trieblichen Gesundheitsförderung (BGF) und des Betrieblichen Eingliederungsmanagements (BEM) durch interne und externe Beobachtungsbereiche erfasst, auswertet und Vorschläge für notwendige Anpassungen oder inkrementelle Innovationen bereitstellt. Zum anderen wird das „(integrative) Coaching“ in einer vergleichenden Fallstudie auf seine Wirkfaktoren hin analysiert; beim integrativen Coaching handelt es sich um ein Beratungsangebot, das auf Grundlage der regulären Beratung im Betrieblichen Eingliederungsmanagement entwickelt wurde. / With the help of two empirical studies, the present study contributes in the research field of occupational health management (BGM) against the background of improved protection against health-related retirement of employees. The objective is, on the one hand, the devel-opment of a company early education system that, like a knowledge-based learning system, continuously provides information and trends to improve occupational safety (AUG), com-pany health promotion (BGF) and company integration management (BEM) through internal and external monitoring areas records, evaluates and provides suggestions for necessary ad-justments or incremental innovations. On the other hand, the “integrative coaching” as a consulting offer based on the “standardized help planning in the BEM” is analyzed in a com-parative case study against the background of the effective factors of coaching.

Управление оппортунизмом трудового персонала в дошкольной образовательной организации : магистерская диссертация / Management of opportunism displayed by staff members in pre-school educational organizations

Прошлецова, С. В., Proshletsova, S. V. January 2020 (has links)
Рассматриваются факторы и специфические формы проявлений трудового оппортунизма персонала дошкольной организации, дана характеристика особенностей рынка дошкольного образования, проведен анализ рынка труда педагогических кадров Свердловской области, выявлены проблемы управления в ДОО, которые могут стать основаниями для возникновения оппортунистического поведения персонала, определены механизмы преодоления. Теоретические выводы, содержащиеся в работе, могут служить обоснованием принципов построения программы мероприятий по управлению оппортунистическим поведением персонала дошкольной организации. / The article considers the factors and specific forms of labor opportunism of staff in pre-school organization, describes the features of the pre-school education market, analyzes the labor market of pedagogical personnel in the Sverdlovsk region, identifies management problems in pre-school organizations that can become the basis for the emergence of opportunistic behavior of staff, identifies the causes of their occurrence, and develops measures to overcome them.

Love and Learn: Creating Space for Authentic Caring in Family Child Care

Meehan, Katherine Kelly Hart 07 July 2022 (has links)
No description available.

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