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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Acculturation institutionnelle du chercheur, de l’enseignant et des élèves de 1re secondaire présentant des difficultés d’apprentissage dans la conception et la gestion de situations-problèmes impliquant des nombres rationnels

Lessard, Geneviève 08 1900 (has links)
Notre recherche s’intéresse à la transformation des rapports aux nombres rationnels d’élèves de 1re secondaire présentant des difficultés d’apprentissage. Comme le montrent plusieurs recherches, le défi majeur auquel sont confrontés les enseignants, ainsi que les chercheurs, est de ne pas s’enliser dans le cercle vicieux d’une réduction des enjeux de l’apprentissage des nombres rationnels et des possibilités d’apprentissage de l’élève en difficultés d’apprentissage, cet élève n’ayant pas ainsi la chance de mettre à l’épreuve ses connaissances, d’oser s’engager dans une démarche de construction de connaissances et d’apprécier les effets de son engagement cognitif. Afin de relever ce défi, nous avons misé sur l’intégration harmonieuse de situations problèmes. Il nous a semblé que, dans une démarche d’acculturation, l’approche écologique soit tout indiquée pour penser une «dé-transposition/re-transposition didactique» (Antibi et Brousseau, 2000) et reconstruire une mémoire porteuse d’espoirs (Brousseau et Centeno, 1998). Notre recherche vise à: 1) caractériser la progression des démarches d’acculturation institutionnelle de l’enseignant, du chercheur et des élèves et leurs effets sur les processus d’élaboration et de gestion des situations d’enseignement; 2) préciser l’évolution des connaissances, des habitus et des rapports des élèves aux nombres rationnels. Notre intégration en classe, d’une durée de 6 mois, nous a permis d’apprécier les effets du processus d’acculturation. Nous avons noté des changements importants dans la topogénèse et la chronogénèse des savoirs (Mercier, 1995); alors qu’à notre entrée, l’enseignante adoptait la démarche suivante, soit effectuer un exposé des savoirs et des démarches que les élèves devaient consigner dans leurs notes de cours, afin de pouvoir par la suite s’y référer pour effectuer des exercices et résoudre des problèmes, elle modifiait progressivement cette démarche en proposant des problèmes qui pouvaient permettre aux élèves de coordonner diverses connaissances et de construire ainsi des savoirs auxquels ils pouvaient faire référence dans la construction de leurs notes de cours qu’ils pouvaient par la suite consulter pour effectuer divers exercices. Nous avons également pu apprécier les effets de l’intégration de diverses représentations des nombres rationnels sur l’avancée du temps didactique (Mercier, 1995) et la transformation des rapports et habitus des élèves aux nombres rationnels (Bourdieu, 1980). Ces changements se sont manifestés, entre autres, par : a) un investissement important lors de situations complexes; b) l’adoption de pratiques mathématiques plus attentives aux données numériques et aux relations entre ces données; c) l’apparition de conduites « inusitées » [ex. coordination de divers registres sémiotiques,exploitation de compositions additives/multiplicatives et d’écritures non conventionnelles]. De telles conduites sont similaires à celles observées dans plusieurs recherches effectuées auprès d’une population d’élèves qui ne présentent pas de difficultés d’apprentissage (Moss et Case, 1999). Les résultats de notre recherche soutiennent donc l’importance indéniable de considérer les élèves en difficultés comme étant mathématiquement compétents, comme le soulignent Empson (2003) et Houssart (2002). Il nous semble enfin important de souligner que le travail sur la représentation des nombres rationnels a constitué une niche particulièrement fertile, pour un travail fondamental sur les nombres rationnels, travail qui puisse permettre aux élèves de poursuivre plus harmonieusement leurs apprentissages, les nombres rationnels étant des objets de savoir incontournables. / Our research looks at how grade seven students with learning disabilities deal with rational numbers. Several studies have shown the biggest hurdle facing teachers and researchers is to avoid getting into the vicious cycle of minimizing the issues related to learning rational numbers and learning opportunities of students with a learning disability, which results in students not having the chance to test their knowledge, not taking the risk of becoming involved in their knowledge construction process and not appreciating the impact of their cognitive engagements. In order to address this challenge, we integrated complex situations. Taking an acculturation approach, we found the ecological model to be a fitting tool to consider a “dé-transposition/ré-transportation didactique” (Antibi and Brousseau, 2000) and to rebuild a hope-filled memory (Brousseau et Centeno, 1998). The aim of our research was to: 1) characterize changes in the institutional acculturation processes of the teacher, the researcher and the students as well as their effects on developing and managing teaching situations and 2) identify changes in students’ knowledge of, habits related to and relationship with rational numbers. Our own six-month classroom integration allowed us to appreciate the effects of the acculturation process. We noted significant changes in the topogenesis and chronogenesis of knowledge (Mercier, 1995). Initially, the teacher used the following approach: she presented the material and the steps the students would need to do; the students took notes they would then refer to when doing exercises and solving problems. The teacher would subsequently modify this approach by presenting problems that would allow students to bring together the different knowledge they had acquired, thus reconstructing the knowledge they could refer to when making course notes. The students could refer to these notes when completing subsequent exercises. We were also able to observe the effects of integrating various representations of rational numbers on the advancement of didactical timelines (Mercier, 1995) as well as the changes in students’ relationship with and habits related to rational numbers (Bourdieu, 1980). These changes manifested themselves in several ways: a) a noticeable effort during complex situations; b) the use of mathematical methods that took into account the numerical data sets and the relationship between these sets of data; c) the appearance of “unusual” behaviours [e.g. coordination of different semiotic registers, using additive/multiplicative operations and non-conventional writing]. Similar behaviours have been observed in several studies conducted on students who did not show signs of learning disabilities (Moss et Case, 1999). Our findings support the obvious importance of considering students with learning disabilities as being mathematically competent, as highlighted by Empson (2003) and Houssart (2002). We feel it is important to note that work done on the representation of rational numbers provided a particularly fertile niche for work on rational numbers, an essential element of knowledge, that would allow students to experience a more harmonious learning process.

La présence en réalité virtuelle, une approche centrée utilisateur / Presence in virtual relaity, a user centred approach

Bouvier, Patrice 04 December 2009 (has links)
Nous présentons une refondation théorique de la réalité virtuelle. Celle-ci est marquée par la conviction profonde de définir la réalité virtuelle comme une expérience médiatisée capable de susciter un sentiment de présence. Ce dernier est défini comme le sentiment authentique d’exister dans un monde autre que le monde physique où le corps se trouve. Nous proposons un éclairage nouveau et global sur le sentiment de présence. Cet éclairage consiste en une approche unifiée de la présence prenant en compte des considérations technologiques, psychologiques et écologiques. Nous avons élaboré un modèle qui identifie les processus menant au sentiment de présence. Selon notre modèle, deux phases inconscientes de jugement conditionnent l’émergence de la présence. Le premier jugement concerne la crédibilité de l’environnement, celle-ci dépend de la satisfaction des attentes intellectuelles et perceptives de l’utilisateur. Le deuxième jugement vise la crédibilité de l’expérience. Nous considérons que ce jugement est positif si un maximum des affordances perçues dans l’environnement est assumé, c’est-à-dire réalisable par l’intermédiaire des schémas d’interaction proposés à l’utilisateur. Nous avons mené une phase d’expérimentations pour valider la pertinence et la cohérence de notre modèle. Notre modèle a de multiples implications. Nous considérons par exemple qu’il peut constituer une grille d’analyse intéressante pour les jeux vidéo. De plus, il incite les concepteurs d’applications en réalité virtuelle à penser en terme d’affordances. Ce dernier point implique donc de faire entrer l’utilisateur très tôt dans la boucle de conception de l’application. Notre vision globale de la réalité virtuelle et de la présence a été mise en pratique notamment lors de la conception de dispositifs de réalité virtuelle transportables et à bas coûts. Sur la base de ce cadre théorique nous présentons un framework de conception d’applications en réalité virtuelle. Puisque l’objectif est la crédibilité et non le réalisme, nous nous intéressons à la réalité perçue de l’environnement et non pas à sa réalité physique. C’est pourquoi, le point de départ de notre framework consiste en un socle de connaissances sur la cognition humaine. Cette base de connaissances sert de vivier d’idées pour les quatre piliers sur lesquels peut s’appuyer le concepteur d’applications en réalité virtuelle. Ces piliers sont l’immersion, l’interaction, les émotions et un quatrième regroupant la boucle sensori-motrice et la multimodalité. Concernant le pilier immersion nous proposons un nouvel algorithme pour le calcul de la réverbération sonore dans un environnement complexe et dynamique. Notre méthode repose sur l’algorithme existant du lancer de frustum mais propose deux optimisations. La première exploite le socle de connaissances sur la cognition humaine pour déterminer une sphère d’acuité sonore. Celle-ci nous sert de cadre pour lancer les frusta depuis l’auditeur et non depuis les sources sonores. Cette deuxième optimisation réduit le nombre de calculs / We present a new theoretical context for virtual reality: virtual reality is defined as a mediated experience which is able to generate a feeling of presence. The latter is delimited as the genuine feeling to exist in a different world than the physical world where the body is located. We propose a new and comprehensive light on the feeling of presence through a unified approach of presence with technological, psychological and ecological considerations. We have developed a model which explains the processes leading to presence. According to our model, two unconscious stages of judgment govern the emergence of presence. The first judgment refers to the credibility of the virtual environment. The latter depends on the satisfaction of intellectual and perceptual user’s expectation. The second judgment deals with the credibility of the experience and is positive if most affordances perceived in the virtual environment are taken up, that means achievable with the interaction schemes offered to the user. We have conducted a study to assess the relevance and the consistency of our model. This model has some interesting repercussions like to be an analytical grid for video games. Moreover, it suggests to virtual reality developers that they should think in terms of affordances. This last idea involves to take into consideration the user very early in the design loop of the virtual reality experience. Our whole conception of virtual reality and presence has been put in practice during the design of low-cost ans easily transportable virtual reality systems. Based on this theoretical content we introduce a virtual reality application framework. Since the objective is the credibility, and not the realism of the environment and of the experience, we take an interest in the perceptual reality and not in its physical reality. This is why the starting point of our framework is a knowledge base on human cognition. The latter act as an idea pool for the four inter-related technical and psychological pillars upon which virtual reality developers can lean on. These pillars are immersion, interaction, emotions and a fourth one including the sensori-motor loop and the multimodality. Concerning the immersion pillar we introduce a new algorithm to compute sound reverberation in complex and dynamic virtual environment. Our method relies on the existing algorithm called frustum tracing but we provide two optimizations. The first one makes the most of the knowledge base on human cognition in order to work out a sphere of sound acuity. This information acts as a template in order to shoot the frusta from the listener and not from sound sources. This second optimization reduces the number of computations

Miljöns roll i utvecklandet och bibehållandet av sydvästsvenska elitidrottares karriärer / The role of the environment in the development and maintenance of southwestern Swedish elite athletes’ careers

Andersson, Alice, Nygren, Moa January 2020 (has links)
Elite sport is tied to high demands and the sport milieus are on a constant quest to get new top results and produce new talented athletes to achieve them. According to Systems Theory, no phenomena is to be understood without understanding the context in which it exists. Former research within the Holistic Ecological Approach have relied on this perspective to study how the environment can be formed to develop talented athletes. What has not been studies is elite athletes’ own perceptions of how the characteristics of the environment has contributed to their athletic career, and what characteristics of the environment they find important to be able to continue their elite career. This purpose of this thesis was therefore to investigate this by interviewing 10 elite athletes who compete with the world top athletes in their sport. Each of the participants lived in the south-west of Sweden and represented traditionally individual sports. The thesis concluded that the values of the family and the competition friendly culture of the childhood sports club had been important environmental characteristics in developing the career, together with interactions of key persons and key events. To continue their careers, the participants expressed the importance of a holistic wellbeing through the understanding from all parts of their environment, together with the possibility of equal sparring as most important. / Elitidrott har många höga krav knutna till sig och idrottsmiljöer strävar ständigt efter nya toppresultat och att få fram nya talangfulla elitidrottare som kan utföra dem. Enligt systemteorin kan inget fenomen - så även elitidrott - förstås om man inte också förstår kontexten det befinner sig i, och tidigare forskning inom det holistiskt ekologiska perspektivet har utifrån detta undersökt miljöns betydelse ur ett Holistiskt Ekologiskt Perspektiv för att undersöka hur miljön kan utformas för att bidra till talangutveckling. Vad som inte undersökts är elitidrottares egen uppfattning om hur miljön har bidragit till deras idrottskarriär, och vilka egenskaper i miljön de ser som viktiga för att kunna fortsätta bedriva elitidrottskarriär. Syftet för uppsatsen var därför att undersöka detta genom att intervjua 10 elitidrottare som tävlar på internationell elitnivå inom respektive idrotter. Samtliga deltagare var bosatta i sydvästra Sverige och representerade traditionellt individuella idrotter. Det framkom att familjens värderingar och en positiv tävlingskultur i moderklubben varit viktiga för idrottskarriären, samt interaktionen med nyckelpersoner och nyckelhändelser. För att fortsätta utvecklas såg idrottarna ett holistiskt välmående genom förståelse från alla delar av sin miljö, och möjlighet till jämbördig sparring som de viktigaste miljöegenskaperna.

Acculturation institutionnelle du chercheur, de l’enseignant et des élèves de 1re secondaire présentant des difficultés d’apprentissage dans la conception et la gestion de situations-problèmes impliquant des nombres rationnels

Lessard, Geneviève 08 1900 (has links)
No description available.

Utilisation d’une approche écologique pour l’analyse des résultats d'évaluations standardisées : cas des performances en lecture aux tests PASEC2014-Cameroun

Alioum 09 1900 (has links)
L’objectif de la présente étude est de soutenir l’utilisation d’une approche écologique pour l’analyse des données d’une évaluation standardisée. Nous implémentons cette approche en utilisant une Analyse de Classes Latentes (ACL) avec covariables sur les données du test de lecture du Programme d’Analyse des Systèmes Éducatifs de la CONFEMEN (PASEC) des élèves francophones de 6e année du primaire au Cameroun (N=617) et montrons comment une telle approche peut susciter un regard nouveau sur les résultats de cette évaluation. En effet, les programmes d’Évaluations standardisées à Larges Échelles (ELE) visent à évaluer les apprentissages et les compétences des individus et fournissent des données d’aide à la décision dans beaucoup de pays (Hogan, 2017 ; Loye, 2011 ; Wagemaker, 2014). Dans le cadre de ces ELE, les performances sont estimées uniquement sur la base des réponses que fournissent les candidats et donc de leurs capacités cognitives (Zumbo et al, 2015). Pourtant, de plus en plus de recherches suggèrent de considérer la performance à un test comme un phénomène qui se réalise dans un réseau interconnecté de connaissances, de caractéristiques individuelles et de contextes particuliers (McNamara, 2007 ; McNamara et Roever, 2006 ; Mislevy, 2018 ; Zumbo et al, 2015). L’approche écologique, qui s’inscrit dans cette perspective, s’intéresse aux hypothèses contextuelles, sociales et culturelles lors de l’estimation des performances à un test (McNamara, 2007 ; McNamara et Roever, 2006 ; Zumbo et al, 2015). Nos résultats mettent en évidence des écologies de performances en lecture qui varient en fonction des régions. Dans chacune de ces écologies, les profils de performances en lecture qui s’y dégagent dépendent des caractéristiques des élèves et des caractéristiques des milieux scolaires et extrascolaires dans lesquels ils évoluent. Nous mettons ainsi l’emphase sur le caractère situé des performances à un test permettant une lecture plus équitable des performances des différents candidats. Ce faisant, nous formulons des recommandations qui tiennent compte des réalités contextuelles des candidats contrairement aux recommandations uniformes souvent formulées à la suite des résultats aux ELE. / The purpose of this study is to support the use of an ecological approach for the analysis of standardized data assessment. This study is implimented by Latent Classes Analysis (ACL) with covariables on the test reading data of the « Programme d’Analyse des Systèmes Éducatifs de la CONFEMEN » (PASEC) french-speaking students of 6th grade primary school in Cameroon (N = 617) and shows how this approach can change the way we interpret the results of this study. Indeed, Standardized Large Scale Assessments (ELE) programs aim to appraise the learning and skills of individuals and provide decision support data in many countries (Hogan, 2017 ; Loye, 2011; Wagemaker, 2014). In the context of these ELEs, performance is estimated solely based on the responses provided by the candidates and therefore of their cognitive abilities (Zumbo et al, 2015). Yet a growing body of research suggests viewing test performance as a phenomenon that occurs in an interconnected network of knowledge, individual characteristics, and particular contexts (McNamara, 2007 ; McNamara and Roever, 2006 ; Mislevy, 2018 ; Zumbo et al. , 2015). The ecological approach, which is part of this perspective, is interested in the contextual, social and cultural hypotheses when estimating the performance of a test (McNamara and Roever, 2006 ; McNamara, 2007 ; Zumbo et al, 2015). Our results highlight reading performance ecologies that vary by region. In each of these ecologies, the reading performance profiles that emerge depend on the characteristics of the students and the characteristics of the school and out-of-school environments in which they operate. We therefore put the emphasis on the situated character of the performances on a test allowing a fairer reading of the performances of the different candidates. In doing so, we formulate recommendations that take into account the contextual realities of applicants, unlike the standard recommendations often made following ELE results.

Karnola Krnov – potenciál rozvoje území / Karnola Krnov – potential developments of complex

Wolfová, Pavla January 2012 (has links)
What to do with the area of the former textile company in Krnov named Karnola? The fundamental part of this work is an architectural study and proposal of transforamtion of this brownfield area for the needs of owner or developer. The study is connecting the currently isolated area and the city center to create a symbiotic relationship. The large area of the former Karnola textile company is divided into zones which are further splitted into smaller sections, which will be easier to manage. The study encourages the industrial production and traditional crafts which were always present in Krnov. It also adverts the trend of ecological approach towards industry production, which is essential for sustainable development of the area. The orginaly closely specialised buildings are becoming multi-functional centers. Important factors are both the use of renewable energy and environmental waste management. The land is owned by a limited liability company and managed by proxy. The proposed transformation corresponds with land use according to ground plan and strategic plan of Krnov. Because of the transformated area location - in the suburbs and also close to the city center - the whole project can very well served as an interconnection between the public and private sectors and also for various kinds of new utilazation of the area. The transformation study calculates with the rehabilitation of aboveground old water race and extension of currently existing recreation area along the Opava River to the area.

Les conditions liées à l’intégration de l’approche écologique dans la programmation de prévention-promotion offerte à la clientèle aînée par des CSSS du Québec : une étude de cas

Leblanc, Marie-Eve 03 1900 (has links)
L’objectif de cette étude de cas multiples est d’identifier les facteurs associés à l’intégration de l’approche écologique dans la programmation de prévention-promotion (PP) offerte aux aînés par des organisations locales de santé du Québec. Le modèle de Scheirer a guidé l’étude réalisée dans cinq CSSS choisis en fonction de la dimension écologique de leur programmation PP. Une analyse documentaire et des entretiens semi-dirigés auprès de 38 professionnels et gestionnaires ont constitué la stratégie de collecte de données. Trois catégories de facteurs ont été examinées : les facteurs professionnels, organisationnels et environnementaux. Les résultats suggèrent que les normes organisationnelles, les priorités concurrentes, la structure des équipes, les partenariats avec l’environnement externe, les préjugés, de même que la formation et l’intérêt du personnel influencent le degré d’intégration de l’approche écologique au sein des programmations. Ces résultats permettront de dégager des leviers d'action en vue d’optimiser l’offre de services en prévention-promotion destinée aux aînés. / This multiple case study investigates conditions that influence the integration of an ecological approach in disease prevention and health promotion (DPHP) programs offered to older adults by local health organizations in Quebec. Scheirer’s implementation model guided the study in five CSSS that were selected to portray differing degrees of ecological character in their DPHP programs. Data collection proceeded through content analysis of thirty-eight semi-structured interviews conducted with professionals and managers as well as document analysis. Professional, organizational and environmental factors were explored. Results indicate that the ecological character of programs is influenced by organizational norms, competing priorities, team structure, external partnerships, preconceived ideas regarding DPHP for older adults as well as professional interest and training. These results suggest avenues for action to optimize the impact of services offered to an ageing population through disease prevention and health promotion programs.

Viol?ncia dom?stica e rede de prote??o: dificuldades, responsabilidades e compromissos / Domestic violence and protection network: difficulties, responsibilities and commitments

Weber, Mara Aparecida Lissarassa 06 June 2005 (has links)
Made available in DSpace on 2016-04-04T18:27:25Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 Mara Weber.pdf: 507096 bytes, checksum: 67f983de01cc632835cd2bba1f38e3e5 (MD5) Previous issue date: 2005-06-06 / This study had, as a general objective, the understanding of how the relation between a Children s Education public school and the Tutelary Council happens, in cases of domestic violence. In a more specific way, it intended to understand how the school s management and the school s supervisor from a municipal instance of support for the educational unit work on domestic violence notifications against their students; to perceive how the domestic violence cases are analysed by the Tutelary Council and know the perception of the school s psychologist s role in this process for the school, the school s supervisor and the Tutelary Council, besides having the view of an area s professional. Semi-structured interviews were had and a protocol of promptuary analysis in the Tutelary Council was composed by using a qualitative methodology. Considering the thematic one of the domestic violence in the understanding of the relations between different systems, we use the Urie Bronfenbrenner s ecological approach as well as the Children s Rights, as one legal apparatus that guides and supports action in this area. The results showed the difficulties in the relations among the many agencies and also indicated that the procedures not always guarantee the child s protection against the domestic violence. There is little intermeshing of the school and the Tutelary Council. Therefore there is not a preventive and integrated work marked by aids after the establishment of certain situations. The school adopts internal registration procedures without denouncing to the Tutelary Council due to the fact that it does not believe that the accusation will protect the child or the accuser. The Tutelary Council seeks for support in other agencies when there is domestic sexual violence suspicion and in confirmed cases, it immediately aims for protecting the child from his or her aggressor. Failures of the psychologist s formation in working on domestic violence, in addition to difficulties in placing this professional in the public institutions, specially the school, were noticed. / O presente estudo teve como objetivo geral compreender como acontece a rela??o entre uma escola p?blica de educa??o infantil e o Conselho Tutelar em casos de viol?ncia dom?stica. De maneira mais espec?fica pretendeu-se entender como a dire??o da escola e a supervisora escolar, lotada em uma inst?ncia municipal de suporte ? unidade educacional, trabalham com as notifica??es de viol?ncia dom?stica contra seus alunos; compreender como casos de viol?ncia dom?stica s?o analisados pelo Conselho Tutelar e conhecer a percep??o do papel do psic?logo escolar, ao longo deste processo, para a escola, para a supervisora escolar e para o Conselho Tutelar, al?m de termos uma vis?o de uma profissional da ?rea. Utilizamos uma metodologia qualitativa, na qual realizamos entrevistas semi-estruturadas e compusemos um protocolo de an?lise dos prontu?rios no Conselho Tutelar. Considerando a tem?tica da viol?ncia dom?stica na compreens?o das rela??es entre diferentes sistemas, utilizamos a abordagem ecol?gica de Urie Bronfenbrenner, al?m do Estatuto da Crian?a e do Adolescente, como um dispositivo legal que orienta e sustenta a??es nesta ?rea. Os resultados indicaram que existem dificuldades nas rela??es entre os diferentes ?rg?os e os procedimentos nem sempre garantem a prote??o ? crian?a v?tima de viol?ncia dom?stica. H? pouco entrosamento entre a escola e o CT, n?o existindo um trabalho preventivo e integrado, marcado por aux?lios ap?s a instaura??o de certas situa??es. A escola adota procedimentos internos de registro, sem denunciar ao CT por n?o confiar que a den?ncia ir? proteger ? crian?a ou o denunciante. O CT busca apoio em outros ?rg?os quando existe a suspeita de viol?ncia sexual dom?stica e nos casos confirmados procura imediatamente proteger a crian?a do agressor. Foram apontadas falhas na forma??o do psic?logo para trabalhar com a viol?ncia dom?stica e dificuldades da inser??o deste profissional nos equipamentos p?blicos, em especial, a escola.

Les conditions liées à l’intégration de l’approche écologique dans la programmation de prévention-promotion offerte à la clientèle aînée par des CSSS du Québec : une étude de cas

Leblanc, Marie-Eve 03 1900 (has links)
L’objectif de cette étude de cas multiples est d’identifier les facteurs associés à l’intégration de l’approche écologique dans la programmation de prévention-promotion (PP) offerte aux aînés par des organisations locales de santé du Québec. Le modèle de Scheirer a guidé l’étude réalisée dans cinq CSSS choisis en fonction de la dimension écologique de leur programmation PP. Une analyse documentaire et des entretiens semi-dirigés auprès de 38 professionnels et gestionnaires ont constitué la stratégie de collecte de données. Trois catégories de facteurs ont été examinées : les facteurs professionnels, organisationnels et environnementaux. Les résultats suggèrent que les normes organisationnelles, les priorités concurrentes, la structure des équipes, les partenariats avec l’environnement externe, les préjugés, de même que la formation et l’intérêt du personnel influencent le degré d’intégration de l’approche écologique au sein des programmations. Ces résultats permettront de dégager des leviers d'action en vue d’optimiser l’offre de services en prévention-promotion destinée aux aînés. / This multiple case study investigates conditions that influence the integration of an ecological approach in disease prevention and health promotion (DPHP) programs offered to older adults by local health organizations in Quebec. Scheirer’s implementation model guided the study in five CSSS that were selected to portray differing degrees of ecological character in their DPHP programs. Data collection proceeded through content analysis of thirty-eight semi-structured interviews conducted with professionals and managers as well as document analysis. Professional, organizational and environmental factors were explored. Results indicate that the ecological character of programs is influenced by organizational norms, competing priorities, team structure, external partnerships, preconceived ideas regarding DPHP for older adults as well as professional interest and training. These results suggest avenues for action to optimize the impact of services offered to an ageing population through disease prevention and health promotion programs.

Utilização de contos de fadas e atividades simbólicas na compreensão de crianças vítimas de violência / The utilization of fairy-tales and symbolic activities for the understanding of children victims of violence

Alves, Heliana Castro 28 February 2007 (has links)
Made available in DSpace on 2016-06-02T19:45:58Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 1639.pdf: 2779077 bytes, checksum: 0cf128ae893e5fa234bb36b6ce01c64b (MD5) Previous issue date: 2007-02-28 / Universidade Federal de Sao Carlos / Based on an ecological perspective from a multifactorial analysis of the domestic violence phenomenon and on theories that consider the importance of the Fairy-Tales in the infantile emotional development, this research was proposed with a group of children who were victims of domestic violence. The main objectives of this study were: describing the impact of Fairy-Tales narratives at the emergence of latent emotional contents from the playful sequential actions and from the verbalizations of the participants; setting considerations on the context in which the child grows up from an ecological view about the phenomenon and identifying elements that offer evidences of contributions of a storytelling program and of playful activities for the emotional development of children in a violence context. The research had a qualitative character, being itself as a case study. Semi-structured interviews were done with the people who took care of the children and with people legally in charge of them and interventions with the group such as sessions of storytelling and symbolic activities took place. To collect the data, the sessions were recorded on video and, as a complementary form of register, a Field Diary was made. The interviews with the adults legally in charge of the children were recorded on audio. To analyze and treat the data, a content and thematic analysis system was used, being the texts and images dismembered in register units. As theoretical basis, the researcher used the ecological theory of human development by Urie Bronfenbrenner, taking into consideration the process of exchange that occur inside and between the systems built by the individuals, and the psychoanalysis of the understanding of the oral narratives impact at the emotional development of each child. The results of the research pointed to the familiar microsystem (intergenerational transmission), exosystem, mesosystem and macrosystem as risk factors to the development of children and to the domestic violence installation. In relation to the storytelling activities, the imaginary world was structured around the elements offered by the tales, and, at the same time, it condensed some aspects of the child s life story. The compiled data suggest that the oral narratives can act as a support, mixing in themselves the elements repertory that awakes in children the contents related to the personal experiences. These elements build the imaginary world and the playful actions, providing, occasionally, the expression of the experienced violence / Baseando-se numa perspectiva ecológica a partir de uma análise multifatorial do fenômeno da violência doméstica e em teorias que consideram a importância dos Contos de fadas no desenvolvimento emocional infantil, foi proposta esta pesquisa com um grupo de crianças vítimas de violência doméstica. Os principais objetivos deste estudo foram: descrever o impacto das narrativas dos Contos de fadas na emergência de conteúdos emocionais latentes a partir das ações lúdicas seqüenciais e das verbalizações das participantes; traçar considerações a respeito do contexto em que a criança se desenvolve a partir de uma visão ecológica sobre o fenômeno e identificar elementos que ofereçam indícios de contribuições de um programa de contação de histórias e de atividades lúdicas para o desenvolvimento emocional de crianças num contexto de violência. A pesquisa teve caráter qualitativo, caracterizando-se como um estudo de caso. Foram realizadas entrevistas semi-estruturadas com os cuidadores e responsáveis legais das crianças e intervenções junto ao grupo a partir de sessões de contação de histórias e atividades simbólicas. Para a coleta de dados as sessões foram gravadas em vídeo, e, como forma complementar de registro, foi realizado um Diário de Campo. As entrevistas com os responsáveis legais foram gravadas em áudio. Para análise e tratamento de dados utilizou-se o sistema de análise de conteúdo e análise temática, sendo que os textos e imagens foram desmembrados em unidades de registro. Enquanto marco teórico a pesquisadora utilizou a teoria ecológica de desenvolvimento humano de Urie Bronfenbrenner, levando-se em conta os processos de troca que ocorrem dentro e entre os sistemas constituídos pelos indivíduos, e a psicanálise na compreensão do impacto das narrativas orais no desenvolvimento emocional de cada criança. Os resultados da pesquisa apontaram para o microssistema familiar (transmissão intergeracional); exossitema, mesossitema e macrossitema enquanto fatores de risco para o desenvolvimento das crianças e para a instalação da violência doméstica. Em relação às atividades de contação de histórias, o faz-de-conta se estruturou em torno dos elementos oferecidos pelo conto, ao mesmo tempo em que condensou alguns aspectos da história de vida da criança. Os dados obtidos sugerem que as narrativas orais podem servir como um suporte reunindo em si um repertório de elementos que despertam na criança conteúdos relacionados às suas vivências pessoais. Estes elementos estruturam o faz-de-conta e ações lúdicas, propiciando, ocasionalmente, a expressão da vivência da violência sofrida

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