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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Écophysiologie de l’adaptation à la baisse de salinité chez le loup (bar) Dicentrarchus labrax : de l’osmodétection à l’osmorégulation / Ecophysiology of adaptation to salinity decrease in the European sea bass Dicentrarchus labrax : From osmosensing to osmoregulation

Bossus, Maryline 14 December 2012 (has links)
Le loup Dicentrarchus labrax est un téléostéen euryhalin qui effectue des migrations saisonnières de la mer vers les lagunes et les estuaires où la salinité est très variable et peut changer rapidement. Les mécanismes d'osmorégulation sont bien connus chez les téléostéens, alors que le rôle de l'osmodétection dans leur mise en place reste actuellement largement méconnu. Le but de cette étude a été d'améliorer les connaissances sur l'osmodétection et sur la mise en place des mécanismes d'hyper-osmorégulation (à court et long terme).Tout d'abord, le canal calcique “Transient Receptor Potential Vanilloid 4” ou TRPV4, candidat osmodétecteur, a été étudié chez des loups adaptés à l'eau de mer (EM) ou exposés à l'eau douce (ED) durant des temps différents. Au niveau branchial, le TRPV4 ne semble pas impliqué dans l'osmodétection au niveau des ionocytes, mais plutôt dans l'absorption de Ca2+ par les chondrocytes, notamment en ED. Il pourrait avoir un rôle dans l'osmodétection systémique au niveau de l'hypophyse et dans l'absorption de Ca2+ dans le rein. Sa forte expression en EM dans les cellules rénales réabsorbant de l'eau suggère que le TRPV4 est impliqué dans la régulation de leur volume cellulaire.En second lieu, le canal à chlore ClC-3, candidat osmodétecteur et potentiellement impliqué dans les mécanismes de diminution régulatrice du volume cellulaire (RVD), a été étudié dans les mêmes conditions expérimentales que précédemment. Ce canal a été localisé dans la membrane basolatérale des ionocytes des branchies (EM et ED) et des tubes collecteurs du rein (en ED ; pas immunodétecté en EM). Il pourrait jouer un rôle dans la protection des cellules contre un choc hypotonique, et donc dans la RVD en EM dans ces deux organes. En ED, la localisation du ClC-3 suggère fortement sa participation dans l'hyper-osmorégulation au niveau des branchies et du rein.Enfin, un protocole d'isolement des ionocytes branchiaux a été mis au point ; il permettra de poursuivre et d'approfondir les travaux sur l'osmodétection cellulaire. L'évolution au cours du temps du volume cellulaire d'un ionocyte a pu être évaluée après un choc hypotonique. De futures expérimentations permettront d'évaluer le lien entre l'osmodétection, les osmodétecteurs et les effecteurs osmotiques. / The European sea bass Dicentrarchus labrax is a euryhaline teleost that migrates seasonally from the sea to lagoons and estuaries, where salinity is very variable and changes rapidly. Osmoregulatory mechanisms are well known in teleosts, while the role of osmosensing in their set-up is yet poorly understood. The objective of this study was to improve the understanding of osmosensing and of its relations with hyper-osmoregulatory mechanisms in sea bass over short- and long-term salinity exposures.First, the Transient Receptor Potential Vanilloid 4 (TRPV4) Ca2+-channel, a potential osmosensor, has been studied in fish adapted to sea water (SW) or exposed to fresh water (FW) for various times. The TRPV4 did not seem to be involved in osmosensing in mitochondrion-rich cells (MRC) in gills. It may be involved in systemic osmosensing and in Ca2+ uptake by branchial chondrocytes and by renal collecting ducts in FW. This channel may also have a role in cell volume regulation of kidney cells allowing water reabsorption.Secondly, the ClC-3 chloride channel, another potential osmosensor and potentially involved in regulatory volume decrease (RVD) mechanisms, has been studied in fish under similar conditions. This channel has been localized in the basolateral membrane of ionocytes in gills (SW and FW) and kidney (FW – in SW, expressed but not immunodetected). It might be involved in cell protection against hypotonic shock and thus in RVD in both organs in SW. In FW, its localization strongly suggests a role in hyper-osmoregulation in gills and kidney.Finally, a protocol to isolate MRCs has been developed; it has been used to study cell osmosensing and it will be used on future studies. The changes in cell volume following a hypotonic shock have been evaluated. Future experiments will allow a better understanding of the relations between cell osmosensing, osmosensors and effectors.

Diversité et évolution des arbres de forêt tropicale humide : exemple d'Eperua falcata en Guyane française / Diversity and Evolution in tropical rainforest trees : example of Eperua falcata in French Guiana

Brousseau, Louise 10 December 2013 (has links)
En forêt tropicale humide Amazonienne, les facteurs gouvernant l'évolution des espèces d'arbres restent peu connus et continuellement débattus. En particulier, les micro-variations environnementales attirent beaucoup d'attention car elles induisent de profondes modifications de structure et composition des communautés. Les variations micro-environnementales associées à la topographie ont couramment été évoquées comme facteur de radiations adaptatives chez les espèces d'arbres. Cependant, l'hypothèse de l'adaptation locale n'a jamais été testée au niveau intra-spécifique chez les arbres de forêt amazonienne alors que l'on sait que la diversité génétique des arbres tropicaux est couramment structurée à faibles échelles spatiales par des processus neutres (en particulier du fait de restrictions de flux de gènes). Dans cette étude, j'ai étudié le processus de différentiation génétique d'une espèce d'arbre (Eperua falcata, Fabaceae) dans les paysages forestiers de Guyane française grâce à la combinaison d'une approche phénotypique (génétique quantitative) et d'une approche moléculaire (génétique des populations). Je me suis attachée à répondre à trois questions principales : 1) Comment se distribue la diversité génétique dans les paysages forestiers de Guyane française ? 2) Quelles forces évolutives sont impliquées dans le processus de différentiation génétique à faible échelle spatiale ? 3) Est-ce que le processus d'adaptation locale contribue à structurer la diversité génétique à faible échelle spatiale ? / In the tropical rainforest of Amazonia, the factors driving the evolution of tree species remain poorly understood, and the relative influence of neutral and adaptive processes is continuously debated. In particular, local habitat patchiness draws much attention, as profound changes in the structure and composition of forest communities occur among micro-habitats. Thus, micro-environmental variations related to topography have frequently been invoked as drivers of adaptive radiation leading to sympatric speciation in Neotropical trees. On one hand, the hypothesis of local adaptation has never been investigated at the intra-specific level, i.e. within species currently undergoing population differentiation; on the other hand, many tree species are genetically structured over local scales due to neutral processes, mainly limited gene flow (caused by restricted pollen and seed dispersal). In this study, I used populations of a common tree species of the Guiana Shield - Eperua falcata (Fabaceae) - to study how neutral and adaptive processes shape the distribution of genetic diversity across forest landscapes characterized by local micro-habitat patchiness. I asked three main questions by combining both phenotypic (quantitative genetics) and molecular (population genetics) approaches: 1) How is the genetic diversity structured in forest landscapes of French Guiana? 2) Which evolutionary drivers are relevant to explain the structure of genetic diversity at local scale? 3) Does local adaptation contribute to structure genetic diversity within continuous populations?

Crescimento e eficiência no uso da água por clones de eucalipto sob doses de potássio / Growth and efficiency in water use by eucalyptus clones beneath potassium doses

Momentel, Luana Trevine 22 August 2016 (has links)
Nas últimas décadas, o aumento da demanda por produtos provenientes de plantios florestais resultou na expansão das áreas de plantio, principalmente para as regiões do Cerrado, onde as terras são mais baratas e extensas. Nessas regiões fronteiriças, as condições edafoclimáticas são diferentes das atuais regiões de plantio, apresentando regime pluviométrico irregular e escasso associado à altas temperaturas e elevada evaporação e diferentes tipos de solo, o que pode restringir o uso de genótipos de eucalipto nesses locais. Tal fato exige pesquisa acerca do efeito do estresse hídrico e da adubação potássica no comportamento morfofisiológico dos clones, uma vez que plantas bem nutridas com potássio resistem melhor ao estresse hídrico devido à maior retenção de água. Assim, o objetivo do presente trabalho foi avaliar o efeito da omissão do potássio e, conseguintemente, do déficit hídrico nas respostas fisiológicas e de crescimento de seis clones de eucalipto. Desse modo, foi instalado em dezembro de 2011 um experimento na Estação Experimental de Ciências Florestais de Itatinga (EECFI) pertencente à ESALQ/USP. O solo onde o experimento foi implantado é classificado como Latossolo Vermelho-Amarelo distrófico típico A moderado textura média. O delineamento experimental utilizado foi em blocos casualizados, com seis repetições, cada uma composta por doze tratamentos em um arranjo fatorial 6x2, sendo seis clones de eucalipto (COP 1404, COP 1407, AEC 042, AEC 224, AEC 144 e AEC 1528) e duas doses de potássio (0 kg.ha-1 e 140 kg.ha-1). As parcelas são retangulares, formadas por 25 árvores (5 linhas de 5 plantas) em espaçamento 3m x 2m. A área útil da parcela (onde efetivamente foram realizadas as avaliações) é composta pelas 9 plantas centrais. Foram realizadas avaliações das variáveis: DAP (cm), altura total (m), comprimento da copa (m), índice de área foliar (IAF) (m2/m2), área foliar específica (AFE) (m2/kg), deposição de folhedo (kg/ha), área foliar (cm2), densidade estomática (estômatos/mm2), dimensão dos estômatos (μm), volume total (m3/ha), análise nutricional do folhedo, incremento diamétrico através de cintas dendrométricas e dendrômetros de ponto eletrônicos. O efeito da omissão de potássio foi verificado para todos os clones, mas a resposta morfofisiológica dos clones foi diferente entre eles. Altura, comprimento de copa, área do limbo foliar, densidade estomática, diâmetro polar (DP) e diâmetro equatorial (DE) dos estômatos e variação cambial foram as variáveis que apresentaram efeito da interação clone-potássio. A variável DP mostrou resultados mais correlacionados com a produtividade dos clones que a variável densidade estomática, indicando que o DP influencia diretamente na eficiência de uso de água pela planta. A análise do incremento diamétrico mostrou que a atividade cambial é sazonal e que indivíduos dentro de um mesmo tratamento tem um ritmo de crescimento e responde de forma diferenciada às variações ambientais. Por fim, as variáveis morfofisiológicas que melhor explicam o maior grau de sucesso de alguns clones para resistir ao estresse hídrico são: comprimento de copa, IAF, deposição de folhedo e DP. / In the last few decades, the increased demand for products from forest plantations hás resulted in the expansion of plantation áreas, mainly for the Cerrado region, where land is cheaper and extensive. In these border regions, soil and climatic conditions are different from current planting areas, with irregular and scarce rainfall associated with high temperatures and high evaporation and different soil types, which may restrict the use of eucalyptus genotypes at these sites. This fact requires research about the effect of water stress and the potassic fertilization on the morphophysiological behavior of the clones, as well-nourished plants with potassium have stronger resistance to water stress due to the better water retention. The objective of this study was to evaluate the effect of potassium omission and consequently, of the water deficit on physiological responses and growth of six eucalyptus clones, Thus, it was installed in December 2011 an experiment in the Experimental Forest Sciences Station of Itatinga (EECFI) belonging to the ESALQ/USP. The soil where the experiment was carried out is classified as Oxisol Hapludox tipic A moderate medium texture. The experimental design was randomized blocks with six repetitions, each one consisting of twelve treatments in a factorial arrangement 6x2, with six eucalyptus clones (COP 1404, COP 1407, AEC 042, AEC 224, AEC 144 and AEC 1528) and two doses of potassium (0 kg ha-1 and 140 kg ha-1). The plots are rectangular, formed by 25 trees (5 rows of 5 plants) in 3m x 2m spacing. Each plot useful area (which were actually conducted evaluations) is composed of the 9 central plants. The variables were: DAP (cm), total height (m), canopy height (m), leaf area index (LAI) (m2/m2), specific leaf area (SLA) (m2/kg), litterfall (kg/ha), leaf area (cm2), stomatal density (stomata/mm2), size of stomata (uM), total volume (m3/ha), nutritional analysis of leaf litter, diameter increment through dendrometer bands and electronic point dendrometers. The effect of potassium omission was observed for all the clones, but the morphophysiological response were different Height, crown length, leaf area, stomatal density, stomata polar diameter (PD) and equatorial diameter (ED) and cambial variations were the variables that showed the effect of clone-potassium interaction. The variable DP showed results more correlated with the productivity of the clones than the variable stomatal density, indicating that the DP directly influences the water use efficiency of the plant.The dendrometric increment analysis showed that the cambial activity is seasonal and individuals within the same treatment has a growth rate and responds differently to environmental variations. Finally, the morphological and physiological variables that best explain the higher degree of success of some clones to resist to water stress are: length canopy, LAI, leaf litter deposition and DP.

Relação entre crescimento e respostas ecofisiológicas em clones híbridos de Eucalyptus grandis x Eucalyptus urophylla submetidos à diferentes doses de adubação potássica / Relationship between growth and ecophysiological responses in clones of Eucalyptus grandis x Eucalyptus urophylla hybrids submitted to different potassium fertilization

Muianga, Maria Rosa Daniel 30 September 2013 (has links)
A necessidade de expansão da eucaliptocultura em áreas com déficit hídrico, leva à necessidade de entender os processos fisiológicos relacionados ao crescimento fundamentais para possibilitar a alta produtividade das florestas nessas áreas. Este estudo teve como objetivo avaliar o efeito da adubação potássica no crescimento, respostas ecofisiológicas e nutricionais em clones de Eucalyptus grandis x Eucalyptus urophylla, para tal, instalou-se na Estação Experimental de Ciências Florestais da ESALQ/USP em Itatinga-SP, em Latossolo Vermelho-Amarelo distrófico um experimento em blocos ao acaso em arranjo fatorial 6 X 2 (seis clones e duas diferentes doses de adubação potássica) e parcelas retangulares de 25 plantas, nas quais as 9 centrais constituíram a parcela útil. A adubação de base foi uniforme em todo experimento, e aos três e oito meses de idade adubou-se as parcelas sem omissão de potássio com 50 e 78 Kg ha-1 de KCl respectivamente totalizando 140 kg ha-1 de potássio aplicados ao longo do experimento. A avaliação da absorção dos macronutrientes foi feita aos seis e quinze meses pós-plantio, em três indivíduos amostrados aleatoriamente de cada parcela. As avaliações de crescimento foram realizadas trimestralmente em todos os indivíduos da parcela, com início da medição da altura aos dois meses, área da copa aos quatro meses e DAP aos doze meses pós-plantio. A avaliação da eficiência e uso de água foi feita aos quinze meses com base na área foliar e nas características estomáticas dos clones, em quatro blocos, dos quais três árvores foram amostradas aleatoriamente. O folhedo foi coletado mensalmente em todas as parcelas, com início aos quinze meses de idade. Maiores crescimentos em altura, DAP e área da copa, foram apresentados pelos clones 2 e 6 caracterizados por apresentarem resistência ao estresse hídrico, e pelos clones 1 e 4 de moderada resistência. Sob omissão de potássio, os clones apresentam maiores densidades estomáticas acompanhadas pela redução no diâmetro dos estômatos. Houve variação do estado nutricional dos clones em função do material genético. A variação nas respostas dos clones à adubação potássica teve início aos doze meses para as variáveis de crescimento. Sob adubação potássica, os clones mostraram-se eficientes no uso da água, por apresentarem estômatos maiores em densidades menores, o que proporcionou maior crescimento. / The need for expansion of eucalyptus plantations in areas with water deficit, leads to the need to understand the physiological processes related to growth important to enable high forests productivity in these areas. In order to evaluate the effect of potassium fertilization on growth, nutritional and ecophysiological responses in Eucalyptus grandis x Eucalyptus urophylla clones an experiment was settled at the Experimental Station of Forest Sciences ESALQ/USP in Itatinga-SP in red-yellow latossols dystrophic, in a randomized block design in a factorial 2 X 6 (six clones and two different potassium fertilization doses) and rectangular plots of 25 plants, of which the 9 central plants were the useful plot. The basic fertilization was uniform throughout the experiment, and at 3 and 8 months, the plots without omission of potassium were fertilized with 50 and 78 kg ha-1 of KCl respectively, totalizing 140 kg ha-1 applied throughout the experiment. The macronutrients absorption evaluation was made at six and fifteen months after planting, in three random plants in each plot. Quarterly, growth evaluations were performed in all subjects, starting measuring heights at two months, crown area at four months and DBH at twelve months after planting. At fifteen months in four blocks, of which three trees were selected randomly, water use efficiency was evaluated, based on clone´s leaf characteristics and stomata. The litter was collected monthly in all plots, starting at 15 months. Highest increases in height, DBH and crown area were presented by clones 2 and 6 which are characterized by their resistance to water stress, and the clones 1 and 4 which are characterized by moderate resistance. Under potassium omission, the clones showed higher stomata densities accompanied by stomata diameter reduction. There was variation in the nutritional status of clones as a function of genetic material. The variation in the clone´s responses to potassium fertilization for the growth variables begin at twelve months. The clones were efficient in water use, because they have larger stomata in lower densities, which provided greater growth.

Fenologia e ecofisiologia das macroalgas Porphyra spp. (Bangiales, Rhodophyta) e Lessonia spp. (Laminariales, Phaeophyceae) na costa norte e central do Chile: variações latitudinais e sazonais / Phenology and ecophysiology of macroalgae Porphyra spp. (Bangiales, Rhodophyta) and Lessonia spp. (Laminariales, Phaeophyceae) in north-central Chile: latitudinal and seasonal variations.

Tala, Fadia 05 December 2013 (has links)
O propósito dos estudos fenológicos é descrever e compreender como o desenvolvimento dos organismos ocorre em resposta às variações ambientais que mudam ciclicamente e como certos fatores estimulam a geração de uma cascata de sinais e reações que abrangem desde mudanças moleculares, bioquímicas e fisiológicas, os que acabam se manifestando como padrões anuais de abundância e reprodução. As mudanças ambientais ocorrem em escalas temporais (diárias, sazonais, interanuais) e espaciais (latitudinal, em profundidade, em altitude) e têm um forte impacto no crescimento e desenvolvimento das espécies, em especial de aquelas com características sésseis. O objetivo deste estudo foi caracterizar os padrões fenológicos (sazonais e latitudinais) de abundância, reprodução, fotossíntese e capacidade antioxidante de dois gêneros de macroalgas de importância ecológica e econômica, Porphyra spp. (rodofícea) e Lessonia spp. (feofícea), distribuídas ao longo da costa norte e centro (25° - 34°S) do Chile. Os resultados mostram que variações sazonais de radiação e latitudinais de temperatura influenciam significativamente as respostas fenológicas e ecofisiológicas das espécies estudadas. No caso de Porphyra spp., o ajuste temporal mais notório envolve um desenvolvimento fenológico anual para a população do norte e perene para as do centro e sul. As características fisiológicas mostraram diminuição na eficiência fotossintetizante, pigmentos (clorofila α, carotenoides e ficobiliproteínas) e proteínas solúveis em primavera-verão, acompanhados por aumento da capacidade antioxidante. No caso de Lessonia e embora a abundância não tenha mostrado uma mudança sazonal nas populações, o ajuste temporal mais notório aconteceu nas características fisiológicas, com diminuição na eficiência fotossintetizante, pigmentos (clorofilas α e c, carotenoides), fenois e capacidade antioxidante durante o verão, acompanhado por aumento na absorptância do talo, ETRmax e NPQ. Estudos sobre as identidades taxonômicas das populações de Porphyra são necessários para distinguir entre possíveis padrões devido à caraterísticas da espécie de possíveis variações morfológicas ou ecotípicas. Estudos das espécies de Lessonia próximas aos seus limites de distribuição biogeográfica poderiam elucidar se as diferenças fenológicas e fisiológicas são devido a padrões dependentes das espécies ou são mascaradas por características ambientais locais. Os estudos fenológicos e as mudanças em nível bioquímico/fisiológico podem subsidiar novos destinos da biomassa produzida ou da matéria prima proveniente de organismos de importância econômica. Além disso, alterações nos padrões fenológicos e ecofisiológicos típicos podem direcionar a compreensão sobre os impactos de câmbios ambientais tais como os câmbios climáticos globais, contaminação e poluição, sobrexploração e as interações e dinâmica entre as populações / The purpose of phenological studies is to describe and understand how the development of the organisms occurs in response to environmental variations which change cyclically and how certain factors stimulate the generation of signals and a cascade of reactions from molecular, biochemical and physiological levels, which at the end manifests annual patterns of abundance and reproduction. Environmental changes occur in time scale (daily, seasonal, interannual) and spatial scale (latitudinal, depth, altitude) and have a strong impact on growth and development of the species, especially those with sessile characteristics. The purpose of this study was to characterize the phenology (seasonal and latitudinal) of abundance, reproduction, photosynthesis and antioxidant capacity of two macroalgae with ecological and economic importance, Porphyra spp. (Rhodophyta) and Lessonia spp. (Phaeophyceae), distributed along the coast north and center (25° - 34°S) in Chile. The results show that seasonal changes in radiation and latitudinal temperature significantly influence the phenological and ecophysiological responses of the species studied. For Porphyra spp., the most notorious temporal adjustment involves an annual phenological development from north population in contrast to perennial populations from central and south. The physiological characteristics showed decrease in photosynthetic efficiency, pigments (chlorophyll a, carotenoids and phycobiliproteins) and soluble proteins in spring-summer, accompanied by increasing in antioxidant capacity. For Lessonia spp., although the abundance showed no seasonal changes between the populations, the most notoriously temporal adjustment occurs in physiological characteristics with decrease in photosynthetic efficiency, pigments (chlorophylls a and c, carotenoids), phenols and antioxidant capacity during the summer, followed by increase in thallus absorptance, ETRmax and NPQ. Studies on the taxonomic identity of Porphyra populations are required to distinguish between possible characteristics due to species-specific patterns from morphological or ecotypes variations. Studies in the species Lessonia near their limits of biogeographical distribution could elucidate whether the phenological and physiological differences are due to patterns species-specific or are masked by local environmental characteristics. The phenological studies and changes in the biochemical/physiological levels can subsidize new destination of biomass production and raw material from organisms economically important. Moreover, changes in typical phenological and ecophysiological patterns can give a light about environmental impacts of alterations such as global climate changes, contamination and pollution, overexploitation and interactions and dynamics between populations.

Lianas da floresta estacional semidecidual: ecofisiologia e uso em restauração ecológica / Lianas of Seasonally Dry Forest: Ecophysiology and Use in Restoration Ecology

Le Bourlegat, Jeanne Marie Garcia 18 March 2010 (has links)
As lianas são componentes característicos da Floresta Estacional Semidecidual, importantes para a estrutura e dinâmica deste ecossistema. Entretanto, são escassos os estudos sobre sua ecofisiologia, bem como sua utilização em programas de restauração ecológica. O objetivo deste estudo foi avaliar a ecofisiologia de sementes e juvenis de espécies de liana em relação às preferências ambientais para a regeneração e às variáveis envolvidas no uso dessas espécies na restauração ecológica via semeadura direta. Para isto, sementes de 11 espécies de lianas foram submetidas a quatro tratamentos: com e sem luz e com e sem alternância de temperatura, com 4 repetições de 25 sementes. O experimento sobre o crescimento de mudas foi realizado usando-se oito espécies de lianas submetidas a dois tratamentos: à pleno sol e sob sombra, com 12 repetições. Ao fim do experimento, o número de folhas foi contado. Posteriormente as folhas, o caule e a raiz de cada planta foram cortados, embalados, secos e pesados para obtenção da massa seca destes. Para o estudo da semeadura direta, 400 sementes de três espécies de lianas foram semeadas sob a copa de 48 indivíduos de quatro espécies arbóreas do dossel situadas em uma de floresta em restauração na margem da represa de abastecimento público do Município de Iracemápolis SP. Foi realizada avaliação mensal da emergência de plântulas por 210 dias. As espécies de lianas Bauhinia sp, Pithecoctenium echinatum e Urvillea laevis não necessitaram de luz e alternância de temperatura para germinar. Macfadyena unguiscati, Mucuna sp 1, Temnadenia violacea, Adenocalymma bracteatum e Hippocratea volubilis apresentaram fotoblastismo positivo, entretanto as duas últimas tiveram a porcentagem de germinação modificada pela alternância de temperatura. Peltastes peltatus, Aristolochia galeata e Cardiospermum grandiflorum apresentaram dependência de alternância de temperatura. Com relação à ecofisiologia de mudas, todas sobreviveram na sombra, sendo por isso consideradas como tolerantes ao sombreamento. Adenocalymma bracteatum, Cardiospermum grandiflorum e Macfadyena unguis-cati apresentaram maior crescimento à pleno sol para a maioria das variáveis analisadas, o que lhes confere vantagem competitiva em alta irradiância, como clareiras. Aristolochia galeata, Cissus sicyoides e Mucuna sp 2 apresentaram aumento de valor para poucas variáveis à pleno sol. Enquanto Mucuna sp 1 e Urvillea laevis não apresentam diferença de crescimento entre ambiente sombreado e à pleno sol, ou seja, a abertura de clareira não interfere na taxa de crescimento destas espécies. Com relação à semeadura direta, apenas duas espécies germinaram. Bauhinia sp apresentou emergência de plântulas muito baixa e Macfadyena unguis-cati ao contrário, apresentou germinação maior que a esperada nesta condição. Não houve diferença na emergência de plântulas entre os tratamentos. Assim, as lianas estudadas apresentaram diferentes respostas às condições ambientais típicas de clareiras, já que algumas espécies foram dependentes de luz/alternância de temperatura para germinar ou pleno sol para crescer melhor, e outros foram indiferentes a essas condições. Estes resultados indicam que as características ecofisiológicas de lianas devem ser considerados no planejamento de sua introdução em projetos de ecologia da restauração. / Lianas are important components of the structure and dynamics in seasonally dry forests, but there are few studies on their ecophysiology and use in restoration ecology. The objective of this study was to evaluate the ecophysiology of seeds and juveniles of species of liana in the preferences for environmental regeneration and the variables involved in using these species in direct seeding in restoration ecology. Seeds of 11 liana species were submitted to germination test in a combination of light and dark conditions with constant and alternating temperatures, with 4 replicates of 25 seeds per treatment. Seedlings growth was evaluated for eight liana species in conditions of full sun light and shading, with 12 repetitions per treatment. The plants were evaluated according to the dry mass of leaves, stem and root , as well to the number of leaves per plant. For the study of direct seeding, 400 seeds of three liana species were sowed under the canopy of four tree species present in a 20-year-old restored forest in Iracemápolis - SP. Evaluation was performed monthly and for a period of 210 days by accounting seedling emergence. The species Bauhinia sp, Pithecoctenium echinatum and Urvillea laevis did not require light and alternating temperature to germinate, but the species Macfadyena unguis-cati, Mucuna sp 1, Temnadenia violacea, Adenocalymma bracteatum and Hippocratea volubilis showed positive photoblastism and the species Peltastes peltatus, Aristolochia galeata and Cardiospermum grandiflorum required alternating temperatures. All seedlings survived to shading, but most of then grew better under full sun light. Only the species Bauhinia sp Macfadyena unguis-cati produced seedlings in the direct sowing, but at low emergence percentage and rate, which did not differ among tree species canopy. Thus, the studied lianas can have different responses to environmental conditions typical of forest gaps, as some species required light/alternating temperature to germinate and full sun light to grow better, and others were indifferent to such conditions. These results indicate that the ecophysiological characteristics of lianas should be considered when planning their introduction in restoration ecology projects.

Caracterização da capacidade fotossintética e da condutância estomática em sete clones comerciais de Eucalyptus e seus padrões de resposta ao déficit de pressão de vapor / Photosynthetic capacity and stomatal conductance characterization for seven commercial Eucalyptus clones and their variation due to vapor pressure deficit

Marrichi, Ana Heloisa Carnaval 30 March 2009 (has links)
O estudo caracterizou as variáveis fisiológicas da fotossíntese, em 7 clones de Eucalyptus de alta produtividade, determinando-se as capacidades fotossintéticas máximas (Amax), e o comportamento da fotossíntese (A), condutância (gs) e transpiração (E) em relação ao Déficit de Pressão de Vapor (DPV). Para isso, um ensaio foi instalado em 2004, na ESALQ/USP, contendo os clones do Projeto BEPP (Brasil Eucalyptus Produtividade Potencial), sendo cada parcela composta de 49 plantas (7x7) no espaçamento de 3,0m x 2,7m. Mediram-se as alturas ou DAPs e selecionaram-se 3 árvores médias para as mensurações fisiológicas, aos 16 e 36 meses. A amostragem para Amax foi composta de duas posições superiores da copa (2 e 3), dois galhos por posição e duas folhas por galho. As medições foram feitas das 8 às 10 horas (baixo DPV). Para o comportamento de A e gs frente ao DPV, as medições continuaram, de hora em hora, das 11 às 15 horas, nas folhas do primeiro galho da posição 2. Ao final as folhas foram coletadas para determinação da área foliar específica (AFE) e do nitrogênio (N). Aos 16 meses, foram feitas curvas A/Ci, para posterior cálculo de Vcmax (taxa máxima de carboxilação), Jmax (taxa máxima de transporte de elétrons) e VTPU (utilização da triose fosfato), pelo programa Photosyn Assistant. As curvas foram feitas em 2 árvores por clone, nas posições superiores e inferiores da copa. Todas mensurações foram realizadas com o aparelho LiCor-6400. Os resultados mostraram que Amax foi similar para as posições 2 e 3. Entre os clones, houve variação, porém não consistente entre idades, e todos mostraram altos valores de Amax na idade de 16 meses (entre 26 e 31, com média de 29 µmol m-2s-1), reduzindo-se aos 36 meses (entre 19 e 26, com média de 22 µmol m-2s-1). A AFE e o N também foram similares entre as posições 2 e 3 e maiores na idade mais jovem (11 versus 8 m²kg-1, 29 versus 21 gN kg-1), podendo estar associados à queda de Amax. A, gs e E também apresentaram menores valores aos 36 meses, para todos os clones (23 versus 18 µmol m-2s-1; 0,41 versus 0,26 mol m-2s-1; 9,2 versus 6,1 mmol m-2s-1). Os clones mostraram sensibilidade ao DPV, reduzindo os valores de gs e A ao longo do dia, sendo a sensibilidade menor aos 36 meses. As sensibilidades foram distintas, evidenciando potencial de seleção de materiais mais aptos a tolerarem estresse hídrico. Em geral, maiores valores de fotossíntese estão relacionados a maiores valores de transpiração, evidenciando a necessidade de se conhecer a disponibilidade hídrica local quando do uso de clones de alta produtividade. Vcmax, Jmax e VTPU foram maiores para as posições superiores da copa, e não diferiram entre os clones. Devido à semelhança fisiológica entre as posições 2 e 3, pode-se sugerir que não haja distinção entre elas em futuras medições de fotossíntese, essenciais para a parametrização de modelos. Não houve relação direta entre crescimento do tronco e fotossíntese, evidenciando a necessidade de integração com estudos relacionados à alocação do carbono dentro da planta. / This study aimed to characterize the physiological variables related to photosynthesis, in seven commercial Eucalyptus clones with high productivity, by evaluating maximum photosynthetic capacity (Amax), and the response of photosynthesis (A), stomatal conductance (gs) and transpiration (E) to Vapor Pressure Deficit (VPD). A trial was installed in 2004, at ESALQ/USP, with the clones that were part of BEPP Project (Brazil Eucalyptus Potential Productivity), and each plot had 49 plants (7x7) in a 3 m x 2.7m spacing. We measured tree height or DBHs and three average trees were selected for measurements, at 16 and 36 months. The sample to estimate Amax was: two crown positions (2 and 3), two branches per tree and two leaves per branch. The measurements which were taken from 8 to 10 am (low VPD). To get the response of A and gs to VPD measurements continued hourly, from 11 am to 3 pm, on the leaves from the first branch and position 2. At the end of the measurements leaves were collected for specific leaf area (SLA) and nitrogen (N) determination. Additionally, at 16 months, A/Ci curves were established, and parameters Vcmax, Jmax and VTPU were estimated through the program Photosyn Assistant. The curves were done for 2 trees per clone, at superior crown positions (2 and 3) and inferior ones (4 and 5). The physiological measurements and A/Ci curves were made using LiCor-6400. The results showed that Amax was similar for positions 2 and 3. There was variation among clones, but not consistent between ages, and all the clones had high Amax at 16 months (between 26 and 31 µmol m-2s-1, with an average of 29 µmol m-2s-1), decreasing at 36 months (between 19 and 26 µmol m-2s-1, with an average of 22 µmol m-2s-1). SLA and N were also similar between positions 2 and 3 and higher at younger age (11,1 versus 8,3 m²kg-1, 29,6 versus 21,1 gN kg-1;), what may be associate with Amax decrease. A, gs and E also showed lower values at age 36, for all the clones (23 versus 18 µmol m-2s-1; 0,41 versus 0,26 mol m-2s-1; 9,2 versus 6,1 mmol m-2s-1). All clones showed sensitivity to VPD, reducing gs and A with increasing VPD. However, the clones showed different sensitivities and all of them were less sensitive to VPD at age 36, highlighting a selection potential of genetic materials for water stress. In general, higher photosynthesis values were associated with higher transpiration, showing the necessity to know the water conditions of sites when planting genetic materials with high productivity. Vcmax, Jmax and VTPU were greater for superior positions compared to inferior ones, and were not different among clones. Due to a similarity in SLA, N and physiological and biochemical traits between positions 2 and 3, no distinction on future photosynthesis measurements between these positions is needed. Finally, there was not a direct relation between stem growth and photosynthesis, at both ages, showing that photosynthesis at crown level by itself can not capture all the ecophysiological processes related to wood productivity, being necessary the integration with studies related to carbon allocation inside the plant.

Coping with salinity and temperature changes : a focus on the gill response in European sea bass Dicentrarchus labrax / S'acclimater à des salinités et températures changeantes : un focus sur la branchie chez le loup européen Dicentrarchus labrax

Masroor, Waliullah 26 April 2019 (has links)
Le loup ou bar européen effectue une partie de son cycle de vie dans les lagunes et estuaires, des eaux de transitions caractérisées par des fluctuations environnementales plus marquées qu’en milieu marin. Les mécanismes d’acclimatation à la salinité à des températures plus élevées qu’en milieu marin sont encore relativement inexplorés. Dans cette étude, des juvéniles de loup ont été préacclimatés pendant deux semaines à l’eau de mer (EM) à 18 °C (eau tempérée) ou à 24 °C (eau chaude) puis transférés soit dans l’eau douce (ED) soit dans l’EM aux deux températures testées. À 24 °C, les loups parviennent à maintenir leur pression osmotique sanguine relativement constante, quelle que soit la salinité testée. En revanche, la hausse de température affecte significativement différents traits physiologiques liés à l’osmorégulation, la régulation acido- basique, l’excrétion azotée et la production de mucus. Cette étude a notamment montré qu’une acclimatation thermique à 24 °C modifie la structure morphologique de la branchie et induit un déséquilibre de la balance ionique sanguine. Ce déséquilibre concerne particulièrement les ions Na+ et a pour conséquence une diminution du ratio Na+/Cl- plasmatique, pouvant être symptomatique d’une acidose sanguine. Après transfert en douce, une augmentation moins importante de la densité des ionocytes branchiaux et de l’activité de la pompe Na+/K+ ATPase a été observée à 24 °C comparé à 18 °C. De plus, certains transporteurs ioniques jouant un rôle clé dans l’absorption ionique en eau douce n’ont pas été induits au niveau transcriptionnel à 24 °C. Cela suggère une capacité réduite des poissons de passer d’un épithélium branchial hypo-osmorégulateur vers un épithélium hyper-osmorégulateur lors d’un transfert en eau douce à 24 °C vs 18 °C. Au niveau moléculaire, la hausse de température a affecté l’expression de plusieurs transporteurs ioniques branchiaux, notamment en EM. À 24 °C, la surexpression de transporteurs liés au transport de proton H+ pourrait être le signe d’un déséquilibre acido- basique. De plus, l’induction de transporteurs d’ammonium pourrait indiquer un besoin accru d’excréter de l’azote par voie branchiale, potentiellement lié à un métabolisme plus élevé en eau chaude. L’expression des gènes codant pour la protéine chaperonne HSP90 a été fortement affectée par la hausse de température et dans une moindre mesure par la dessalure. Pour finir, l’analyse des mucocytes suggère que la production de mucus pourrait être induite en réponse au stress thermique. Ce type d’étude fonctionnelle sur l’acclimatation à différents régimes de température permet d’apporter des éléments de compréhension pour pouvoir prédire les réponses des téléostéens face aux conséquences du changement global. / The European sea bass Dicentrarchus labrax undertakes seasonal migrations to estuaries and lagoons that are characterized by fluctuations in environmental conditions. It is unclear to what extent salinity acclimation mechanisms are affected at temperatures higher than in the sea, as usually encountered in transitional waters in spring and summer. In this study, juvenile sea bass were pre-acclimated to seawater (SW) at 18 °C (temperate) or 24 °C (warm) for two weeks and then transferred to either fresh water (FW) or SW at the considered temperatures. We have shown that sea bass are able to efficiently maintain blood osmolality at 24 °C at both salinities. However, temperature increase induced significant changes regarding several physiological traits related to osmoregulation, acid-base regulation, ammonia excretion and mucus production. This study showed that thermal acclimation at 24 °C affects gill morphology through gill remodeling and whole-organism ion balance. Plasma Na+ levels seemed to be particularly affected leading to decreased plasma Na+/Cl- ratio in warm conditions, suggesting a blood acidosis. Following FW transfer, the major effects observed were a lower increase in the density of branchial ionocytes and in Na+/K+-ATPase activity at 24 °C compared to 18 °C. Moreover, several key ion transporters involved in ion uptake were not transcriptionally induced following FW transfer at 24 °C. These data suggest a less effective capacity to switch from hypo-to hyper-osmoregulation after FW transfer when fish are exposed to higher temperature. At the molecular level, the temperature increase affected the expression of several branchial transporters, notably in SW. At 24 °C, higher expression of transporters linked to H+ transport might be linked to an acid-base imbalance. Moreover, the induction of ammonia-transporting channels might also indicate increased need for nitrogen excretion, potentially due to enhanced metabolism in warm conditions. Molecular chaperones HSP90 expression was strongly affected by temperature increase and to a lesser extent by salinity decrease. Finally, gill goblet cells analysis suggested that mucus production is increased in response to thermal stress. This study and additional functional studies investigating different temperature regimes provide insights on the effect of increased temperatures on fish responses and may help to predict how teleost will face the consequences of global change.

The effect of sea level rise on Juncus Roemerianus in a high nutrient environment

Unknown Date (has links)
As sea levels continue to rise, the projected damage that will ensue presents a great challenge for conservation and management of coastal ecosystems in Florida. Since Juncus roemerianus is a common marsh plant throughout Florida with unique growing characteristics that make it a popular restoration plant, this study implemented a 20 week greenhouse split plot experiment to examine the effects of sea level rise on J. roemerianus and ultimately determine its tolerance ranges to salinity and inundation in a high nutrient environment. Overall, salinity level and the interaction effect of salinity level and water level had the greatest effects on measured growth parameters including average mature height, maximum height, density, basal area, root length, and biomass. An inverse relationship between increasing salinity and the measured growth variables was observed with the greatest growth and survivability in 0 ppt water, survivability and reduced growth in 20 ppt water, survivability and little growth in 30 ppt water, and nearly complete senesce in 40 ppt water. This was the first laboratory study to determine the effect of 40 ppt water on J. roemerianus. Elevated water levels resulted in higher growth variables in the 20 ppt, 30 ppt, and 40 ppt treatments while inundated water levels produced higher growth variables in the 0 ppt treatment despite previous research finding inundation to have completely adverse effects on J. roemerianus. It is likely that the high nutrient environment provided for this study is the cause for this anomaly. The results of this study have major implications for the future of coastal ecosystems that are dominated by stands of J. roemerianus in South Florida and can be used in conjunction with studies on bordering marsh plants to predict shifts in the ecosystems of Florida that are responding to sea level rise scenarios. / Includes bibliography. / Thesis(M.S.)--Florida Atlantic University, 2015 / FAU Electronic Theses and Dissertations Collection

Neuroprotection during anoxic-stress in Drosophila melanogaster: the role of PKG pathway on protection of function and survival

Unknown Date (has links)
Anoxia is characterized by an absence of oxygen supply to a tissue (Dawson- Scully et al., 2010). Unlike humans, Drosophila melanogaster is an organism that can survive low oxygen levels for hours without showing any pathology (Lutz et al., 2003) Under anoxia, the fruit fly loses locomotive activity, resulting in an anoxic coma (Haddad et al., 1997). In this study we investigate the influence of five variables for anoxic tolerance in adult Drosophila: 1) anoxic environment (gas vs. drowning), 2) anoxia duration, 3) temperature (cold [3ÀC] or room temperature [21ÀC]), 4) age (young 2-9 days and old 35-39 days), and 5) PKG variation. Tolerance to anoxia is measured by the time of recovery and survival of the fruit fly from the anoxic coma. The results from this study show that short stress, low temperature, young age, and low PKG activity increased anoxic tolerance. Our findings will lay the foundation to investigate different variables, genes or pharmacological compounds that can modulate neuronal anoxic tolerance. / by Raquel Benasayag Meszaros. / Thesis (M.S.)--Florida Atlantic University, 2013. / Includes bibliography. / Mode of access: World Wide Web. / System requirements: Adobe Reader.

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