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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Funcionamento dos ecossistemas e conservação biológica: poluição por luz artificial, oferecimento de serviços ecossistêmicos e diversidade funcional / Ecosystem functioning and biological conservation: light pollution, ecosystem services provisioning and functional diversity.

Juliana Ribeirão de Freitas 02 September 2016 (has links)
O funcionamento dos ecossistemas é o fluxo de matéria e de energia ao longo dos seus componentes bióticos e abióticos. A manutenção de tal funcionamento é crucial para promover os serviços ecossistêmicos dos quais a humanidade depende. Atividades antrópicas, como a agricultura e a urbanização podem alterá-los significativamente e, por isso, o entendimento dos impactos positivos e negativos de tais alterações bem como o desenvolvimento de ferramentas de avaliação da biodiversidade são importantes para a conservação. A diversidade funcional é um componente da diversidade biológica que leva em conta o papel que cada espécie desempenha no ecossistema e, portanto, deve refletir o funcionamento do ecossistema de forma mais acurada. Esta tese teve por objetivos relacionar o funcionamento do ecossistema e os seus serviços a ações antrópicas, bem como propor a abordagem funcional como indicadora da biodiversidade de áreas naturais. No primeiro capítulo, avalio padrões espaciais e temporais da exposição dos tipos de vegetação que ocorrem no Brasil à luz artificial, um dos principais símbolos da urbanização e da vida moderna. Os resultados mostram que a maioria deles apresenta alguma porcentagem de sua área expostos à luz artificial. Em alguns deles, porém, ainda é possível encontrar o brilho natural do céu noturno, o que nos permite sugerir a elaboração de políticas de desenvolvimento de distribuição de luz com foco no mínimo impacto, ao contrário das políticas de mitigação adotadas por países onde a iluminação é excessivamente difundida. No segundo capítulo mapeio padrões espaciais e temporais da provisão de dois serviços ecossistêmicos (polinização e estoque de carbono) e um serviço ambiental (espaço para viver) e avalio os impactos da agricultura sobre estes serviços, na área coberta pelo cerrado, na região central do Brasil. Os serviços ecossistêmicos avaliados descaíram significativamente ao longo do tempo e a região conhecida como MATOPIBA (entre os estados do Maranhão, Tocantins, Piauí e Bahia) foi identificada como um importante remanescente. Por isso, recomendo a criação de unidades de conservação de proteção integral na área. Identifiquei também sobreposição da disponibilidade destes serviços com áreas indígenas, o que ressalta a importância da manutenção destas áreas para a disponibilidade dos serviços. No terceiro capítulo exploro, por meio de revisão bibliográfica, o status da diversidade funcional na literatura científica no campo da Conservação Biológica. Os resultados permitiram visualizar o paradigma da transferência de conhecimento e identificar o potencial desta abordagem para elaboração de indicadores da biodiversidade. Por fim, no quarto capítulo, estabeleço uma lista de espécies de plantas que podem ser indicadoras da diversidade funcional em áreas cobertas por cerradão no estado de São Paulo. Tais indicadores devem ser usados em conjunto para monitoramento e diagnóstico da biodiversidade quando o objetivo é manter o funcionamento do ecossistema. As conclusões do estudo contribuem para elucidar a interferência das atividades antrópicas nos ecossistemas naturais, para levantar formas de minimizá-los e para aprimorar as formas de avaliação da biodiversidade. / Ecosystem functioning is the flow of energy and matter through the biotic and abiotic ecosystems components. The maintenance of this functioning is essential to the ecosystem services provisioning upon which humans depend. Anthropogenic activities such as agriculture and urbanisation may change it. Thus, conservation strategies rely on the understanding of the positives and negatives impacts from this changes and on the development of measurements of biodiversity. Functional diversity is a biodiversity component which considers the role of each species in the ecosystem, and, as a consequence, may reflect the ecosystem functioning more accurately. This thesis aims the establishment of the relationships between ecosystem functioning, ecosystem services and anthrogenic activities as well as purpose functional approach as biodiversity indicator of natural areas. In the first chapter, I assessed spatial and temporal patterns of exposition of the Brazilian vegetation types to the artificial light which is one of the urbanisation symbols. The results show that most of them are affected by artificial light. However, in some of them it is still possible to find a natural sky background, which allow suggesting the formulation of light distribution policies focused on minimal impact instead of mitigation, as adopted by countries where light is excessively widespread. In the second chapter, I mapped spatial and temporal patterns of two ecosystem services provisioning (pollination and carbon stocks) and one environmental service (living space) and assessed the impacts of agriculture in these services in Cerrado area, in the central region of Brazil. The ecosystem services I assessed declined significatively over time and the MATOPIBA region (around Maranhão, Tocantins, Piaui, and Bahia States) was identified as an important remint. Thus I recommended the creation of strictly protected areas in that region. I also identify overlap of these services with indigenous land, highlighting its importance for the ecosystem services provisioning. In the third chapter I explored through literature survey, the status of functional diversity in the scientific literature related to the Biological Conservation field. The results allow visualise the paradigm of knowledge transfer and identify the potential use of this approach for developing indicators of biodiversity. Finally, in the fourth chapter, we established a list of plant species that are functional diversity indicators in cerradão areas in São Paulo State. These indicators should be use as a set for the monitoring and diagnosis of biodiversity when the goal is to maintaining ecosystem functioning. The conclusions of the study contribute to clarify some lack of knowledge concerned to the impacts of human activities on ecosystem functioning, to raise means to minimise them, and to improve means of ecological integrity assessment.

A redução compensada do desmatamento no Mato Grosso: uma análise econômica-ecológica / Compensated reduction in Mato Grosso state: an Ecological economic analysis

Karin Teixeira Kaechele 09 August 2007 (has links)
Esta dissertação analisa o Instrumento de Comando e Controle da Política Ambiental do Estado do Mato Grosso - o SLAPR, através dos pilares da Economia Ecológica (escala, alocação e distribuição). O SLAPR: Sistema de Licenciamento Ambiental em Propriedades Rurais tem como um dos seus objetivos reduzir o desmatamento ilegal em propriedades particulares. Por meio de imagens de satélite e do uso de ferramenta do Sistema de Informação Geográfica (SIG), pôde-se concluir que este Instrumento não é eficaz. Este trabalho discute um instrumento Econômico - o Pagamento pelo Serviço Ecossistêmico (PSE) carbono, pelo desmatamento evitado dos biomas amazônicos no âmbito do Protocolo de Kyoto para os proprietários detentores de 80% ou mais de cobertura florestal em suas reservas legais. Ressalta-se que esta é uma política second best, visto que se propõe a tratar da problemática ambiental aliando Instrumentos de Comando e Controle (estimando-se a escala) com um Instrumento Econômico. O mecanismo de PSE para as reservas legais nos biomas amazônicos no estado do Mato Grosso tem como princípios: 1 -definição clara do serviço comercializado, 2-verificação da oferta e da demanda, 3-o desenvolvimento da valoração e pagamento deste serviço e 4- desenvolvimento de uma rede institucional onde haja uma instituição gestora, um seguro, uma agência reguladora e uma instituição certificadora e acreditadora. / The focus of this dissertation is the system adopted by the State of Mato Grosso [Brazil] for managing and taking command and control of its environmental policies through the pillars of Ecological Economics, i.e. scale, allocation and distribution. One of the goals of SLAPR [\"System for Environmental Licensing of Rural Properties\", for short] is to reduce illegal deforesting in private properties. However, the use of satellite images and the application of SIG - \"Geographic Information System\" have led to the conclusion that SLAPR is not an efficient tool. This essay therefore discusses a new economic tool: PSE -\"Payment for Eco-Systemic Service - Carbon\", in exchange for prevented deforesting of Amazonian Biomes, within the scope of the Kyoto Protocol. It should be emphasized that this is a \"second best\" policy, since its proposal is to deal with environmental issues by combining an \'Economic Instrument\' with \'Command-and-Control Instrument, in order to estimate the scale in question. The following are the principles of PSE mechanisms for legal forest reserves within the Amazonian Biomes of the State of Mato Grosso: 1) a clear definition of the ecosystem services rendered; 2) offer-and-demand verification; 3) development of improved value-and-payment procedures for rendered services; and 4) development of an institutional net that includes a managing agency, a regulating agency, a certifying agency and an accrediting agency.

Grönska som sköld mot klimatförändringar : En framställd grundläggande grönytefaktor-modell för att stärka städers resiliens

Bergh, Linnea, Bergkvist, Johanna January 2020 (has links)
Denna rapport tar avstamp i forskning om resiliens och ekosystemtjänster. Vidare syftar studien till att framställa en grundläggande grönytefaktor-modell för att främja resiliens genom att undersöka vilka grönytefaktorer som ska finnas med. För att besvara frågeställningen: Vilka grönytefaktorer ska finnas med i den grundläggande modellen för att främja högre resiliens i staden?tillämpas de kvalitativa metoderna innehållsanalys och fokusgrupp. Innehållsanalysen innefattar en tematisk analys över Stockholm, Göteborg och Malmös befintliga grönytefaktor-modeller och fokusgruppen består av tjänstemän från Norrköpings kommun. Det empiriska materialet kopplas till det teoretiska ramverket om resiliens och mynnar ut i en framställd grundläggande grönytefaktor-modell som utgår från de tre perspektiven: sociala värden, biologisk mångfald och klimatanpassning. De grönytefaktorer som resultatet av rapporten visat bidrar till högre resiliens och som integrerats i den framtagna grundläggande modellen är: genomsläppliga ytor, gröna markytor, träd, nya träd, bevarade träd, buskar, gröna tak, gröna väggar, dammar, vattendrag och diversitet i grönska. / This report aims to examine what a fundamental biotope area factor (BAF) should contain to support resilience in urban areas based on scientifical studies on resilience and ecosystem services. To be able to address this issue the qualitative methods content analysis and focus group have been used. The content analysis consists of three existing municipal BAF-models from Stockholm, Gothenburg and Malmö. The result of the focus group is based on the experience and knowledge of five officials at the municipality of Norrköping planning office. This study’s empirical material is linked to the theoretical framework of resilience and is the foundation for the BAF-model in the report which is based on the three perspectives: social values, biodiversity and climatization. The factors that this report has found increase resilience in urban areas are: permeable areas, green ground areas, trees, new trees, preserved trees, shrubbery, green roofs and walls, ponds, water courses and diversity in greenery.

Integrering av Ekosystemtjänster i svenska kommuners stadsplanering : Utmaningar & Drivkrafter

Lindstrand, Sophie, Isgren, Camilla January 2016 (has links)
Denna studie handlar om svenska kommuners arbete med att integrera ekosystemtjänster i stadsplanering. Fokus riktas mot drivkrafter och utmaningar i implementeringsarbetet. Semistrukturerade intervjuer har genomförts med Kristianstad, Umeå och Gävle kommun. En ekolog och en person inom fysisk planering intervjuades från respektive kommun för att ge en samlad bild av kommunens ekosystemtjänstarbete i stadsplanering. Drivkrafter som identifierats hos kommunerna är Egna mål och förutsättningar, Externa samarbeten och Nationella mål. Utmaningarna som identifierats är Ekosystemtjänster som begrepp, Kommunikation, Exploatering och Värdering. Kommunernas perspektiv på drivkrafter och utmaningar ställs mot tidigare forskning. Myndigheten Naturvårdsverkets perspektiv på kommunernas utmaningar redovisas också. Studiens slutsatser är att ekosystemtjänster kan fungera som ett potentiellt verktyg till en hållbar stadsutveckling. Det finns delade tankar om ansvarsfördelning mellan kommun och myndighet. För att stödja kommunernas integrering av ekosystemtjänster i stadsplanering bör framtida forskning lyfta fram praktiska exempel på hur kommuner kan applicera detta utefter sina lokala förutsättningar. Kommuner behöver arbeta utifrån sin lokala kontext med ett holistiskt synsätt. De behöver även fortsätta att kommunicera och samarbeta inom och utanför kommunen för att öka kunskap om ekosystemtjänster i stadsplanering. / This study is about the integration of ecosystem services in urban planning in Swedish municipalities. There is a focus on the driving forces and challenges in the process of implementation. Semi-structured interviews was performed with the municipalities of Kristianstad, Umeå and Gävle. An ecologist and a physical planner were interviewed from each municipality to present an overall picture of their work with ecosystem services. The identified driving forces within the municipalities is Own goals and conditions, External cooperation and National goals. The identified challenges is Ecosystem services as a concept, Communication, Exploitation and Valuation. The perspectives on the driving forces and challenges was compared to previous research. The perspectives from the authority Swedish Environmental Protection Agency on the challenges were also presented in this study. The conclusions from this study were that ecosystem services may work as a potential tool for sustainable urban development. There are different views on distribution of responsibility between the municipalities and the authority. To support the integration of ecosystem services in urban planning within the municipalities, future research should highlight practical examples on how the they can integrate ecosystem services according to their local conditions. The municipalities should work according to their local conditions and from a holistic point of view. A progressive work must take place in form of communication and cooperation within and outside the municipalities to increase the knowledge about ecosystem services in urban planning.

Los servicios ecosistémicos culturales reconocidos por los visitantes de las Áreas Naturales Protegidas de la costa central del Perú y su influencia en la experiencia turística / Cultural ecosystem services recognized by visitors to the protected natural areas of the central coast of Peru and their influence the tourist experience

Bravo Soto, Yaniree Geraldine, Padilla Aspajo, Milagros Isabel 30 June 2021 (has links)
Los servicios ecosistémicos son los beneficios económicos, sociales y ambientales que las personas obtienen de los ecosistemas; están divididos en cuatro categorías: servicios de suministro, de regulación, de base y culturales. Los servicios ecosistémicos culturales (SEC) son beneficios inmateriales que las personas obtienen de la naturaleza. En el Perú, hay pocos estudios relacionados con los SEC, debido a que la mayoría están vinculados a los de regulación y de aprovisionamiento, por lo que el presente estudio aporta las valoraciones sociales en áreas naturales protegidas vinculadas al turismo. Este estudio analiza las subcategorías de SEC que los visitantes reconocen en dos Áreas Naturales Protegidas de la costa central del Perú: la Reserva Nacional de Paracas y la Reserva Nacional Sistemas de Islas Islotes y Puntas Guaneras – Sector Ballestas de manera que sirvan para el diseño de experiencias turísticas. Se trata de una investigación cualitativa basada en entrevistas a profundidad que recoge las percepciones y valoración de los SEC de visitantes nacionales, que fueron contrastadas con la oferta turística actual de ambas áreas protegidas. A partir del análisis, se identifica que en ambas áreas naturales protegidas las subcategorías más importantes son estética y recreativa. / Ecosystem services are the economic, social, and environmental benefits that people obtain from ecosystems; they are divided into four categories: provisioning, regulating, grounding and cultural services. Cultural ecosystem services (CES) are intangible benefits that people obtain from nature. In Peru, there are few studies related to CES, because most are linked to those of regulation and provisioning, so the present study provides social valuations in natural protected areas linked to tourism. This study analyzes the subcategories of CES that visitors recognize in two natural protected areas on the central coast of Peru: the Paracas National Reserve and the National Reserve of the Islotes and Puntas Guaneras Island Systems - Ballestas Sector, to design tourism experiences. This is a qualitative research based on in-depth interviews that gather the perceptions and evaluations of the CESs of national visitors, which were contrasted with the current tourism offer of both protected areas. From the analysis, it was identified that in both natural protected areas the most important subcategories are aesthetics and recreation. / Tesis

Integrering av vertikala växtväggar i stadsmiljö : En studie för att stärka stadens ekosystemtjänster / Integration of vertical vegetation in an urban environment : A study to strengthen the city´s ecosystem services

Ståhl, Isabella, Ståhl, Rebecka January 2021 (has links)
Syfte: För att skapa väl fungerade städer som främjar mångfaldigt liv påstår C/O City (2017) att ekosystemtjänster måste implementeras. En ökad befolkning och förtätning har lett till bristande grönstruktur i urbana miljöer. Detta påverkar miljön och social-ekologin negativt. För att skapa hållbara, resilienta och attraktiva städer måste mångfunktionella gröna lösningar skapas och bidra med ekosystemtjänster. Målet med arbetet är därför att tillföra mer kunskap om stadens ekosystemtjänster och hur vertikala växtväggar kan förbättrar stadsmiljön. Metod: Den kvalitativa datan som analyseras i denna undersökning utgörs av intervjuer, enkäter, en dokument- och litteraturstudie. Intervjuerna används för att ge en djupgående förståelse för kommuners och byggherrars arbete med vertikala växtväggar samt ekosystemtjänster. Enkätundersökningen används för att översiktligt kartlägga kommuners arbete med vertikala växtväggar. I dokument- och litteraturstudien studeras verkliga exempel och hur de har utförts. Resultat: Vertikala växtväggar har möjligheten att stärka den urbana miljön i staden. Dessa gröna väggar kan bidra med stödjande-, reglerande-, kulturella- och försörjande ekosystemtjänster. I nuläget kan vertikala växtväggar påverka och förbättra mikroklimatet, besmycka hårda miljöer och till viss del stärka den biologiska mångfalden. För att motivera en storskalig etablering måste priset för levande väggar minskas och först då skulle en förbättring av stadsmiljön kunna ske. Konsekvenser: I många fall överskrider kostnaden incitamentet för etablering av levande väggar. Det presenteras en större vilja att stärka stadens horisontella grönstruktur och befintlig parkmark. I dagsläget ger växtväggarna främst ekosystemtjänster i ett mikroperspektiv.  Det behövs en storskalig etablering för att påverka staden och befolkningen i sin helhet. I framtiden kan arbetsprocessen förbättras genom att öka kommunikationen mellan aktörer, ställa krav på grönytefaktorn samt motivera både byggherrar och individen att prioritera ekosystemtjänster högre. Rapporten ska sprida ljus över problemet och främja förbättring. Med rapporten som underlag kan förbättring av kommuners arbetsprocess ske. Begränsningar: Studien utreder inte hur vertikala växtväggar är konstruerade, tekniken bakom dem, ekonomiska faktorer eller växtväggar konstruerade inomhus. Den insamlade empirin tyder däremot på att ekonomi har en betydelse i frågan. Urvalet för enkätundersökningen har begränsats till Sveriges 50 största kommuner, utifrån invånare. Trots att urvalet begränsats geografiskt anses resultatet vara generellt. Den insamlade empirin tyder på att åsikterna kring ämnet är samstämmiga, och kan därav spegla de generella åsikterna om vertikal växtlighet i Sverige. / Purpose: To create well-functioning cities that promote diversity of life C/O City (2017) claims that ecosystem services must be implemented. An increased population and urbanization have led to a lack of green areas in urban environments. This has a negative effect on the environment and social ecology. To create sustainable, resilient and attractive cities, multifunctional green solutions must be implemented and contribute to ecosystem services. The aim of the thesis is therefore to give more knowledge about the city's ecosystem services and how vertical vegetation can improve the urban environment.  Method: The qualitative data analyzed in this thesis consists of interviews, survey, a document- and literature study. The interviews are used to provide an in-depth understanding of municipalities and developers work with vertical vegetation as well ecosystem services. The survey is used to map municipalities work with vertical vegetation. The document- and literature study analyzes real examples and how they have been executed. Findings: Vertical vegetation have the potential to strengthen the urban environment in the city. These green walls can provide supporting, regulatory, cultural and provisoning ecosystem services. At present, vertical vegetation can influence and improve the microclimate, embellish harsh environments and to some extent strengthen biodiversity. To justify a large-scale establishment, the price of living walls must be reduced and only then could an improvement of the urban environment take place. Implications: In many cases, the cost exceeds the incentive for establishing living walls. A greater willingness is presented to strengthen the city's horizontal green structure and existing parks. At present, vertical vegetation mainly provide ecosystem services in a micro perspective. A large-scale establishment is needed to influence the city and the population as a whole. In the future, the work process can be improved by increasing communication between actors, establish requirements for the green space factor and motivating both developers and the individual to give higher priority to ecosystem services. The thesis should shed light on the problem and promote improvement. With the thesis as a basis, the municipalities work process can be improved. Limitations: The thesis doesn’t investigate how vertical vegetation are constructed, the technology, economic factors or vertical vegetation constructed indoors. The collected empirical evidence, on the other hand, indicates that economics has a significance in the matter. The sample for the survey has been limited to Sweden's 50 largest municipalities, based on inhabitants. Although the selection is limited geographically, the result is considered to be general. The collected empirical evidence indicates that the views on the subject are consistent and may therefore reflect the general views on vertical vegetation in Sweden.

The potential role of payment for ecosystem services in protected area management in Rwanda: A case study from Gishwati-Mukura national park

Gakunde, Yves P. 21 August 2020 (has links)
No description available.

Hästhållningens roll i det föränderliga peri-urbana landskapet : En kvalitativ fallstudie av Österåkers kommun

Malmborg, Pernilla January 2019 (has links)
The rural landscape surrounding the bigger cities are becoming increasingly fragmented due to pressures from urbanization and higher demands on conflicting usages of available buildable land. This has resulted in the natural and cultural landscapes in peri-urban areas being threatened. One usage of this land by equine sport is expanding where the horses need access to land and nature. A great majority of the horses in Sweden are kept in peri-urban areas, but horse keeping is also a factor that increases the risk for land use conflicts. The aim of this study is to better understand the role of horse keeping in the peri-urban landscape, by investigating these activities through the lens of ecosystem services. This study looked into the challenges and potential of horse keeping in physical planning, and how it is currently included by the local government of Österåker municipality in Stockholm county. This was achieved as a qualitative case study, consisting of interviews with local horse keepers, a web based survey for municipal residents and an analysis of available local government planning policies, reports and strategic documents. Horse keeping was found to be primarily associated with cultural ecosystem services, by its contribution to the equine sport sector and the preservation of the rural cultural and natural landscape with high recreational values. By preserving farmland and grazing pastures for horses, horse keeping can also be linked to supporting, regulating and provisioning ecosystem services. In addition, horse keeping in peri-urban areas was found to end in the periphery of the local physical planning. However, there is a need to integrate a long-term strategy and holistic perspective to achieve the full potential of the horse keeping, considering the contribution to the ecosystem services. There is a need for a more creative planning if horses should reach the potential as a resource and a planning tool for a sustainable development in the dynamic peri-urban landscape.

Ecnomic value of water for Agriculture, Hydropower and Domestic Use : A case study of the Lunsemfwa catchment, Zambia

Phiri, Daniel January 2020 (has links)
The Lunsemfwa river catchment is of paramount importance to the Zambian economy, particularly with regards to energy, agricultural and water for domestic, as well as wildlife. Water shortages during dry spells in the area present a huge problem for the various stakeholders in the basin. As the impact of climate variability increases in the basin, water resources managers in the basin are increasing challenged to efficiently allocate decreasing reserves of water resources against increasing levels of demand. This paper attempts to highlight the value of water resources to the earlier mentioned sectors; hydropower, agriculture and households, in order to inform allocation decisions in the Lunsemfwa catchment area of Zambia. The paper uses the SDDP method to investigate the average cost of electricity production, coupled with market electricity prices to ascertain the value of a unit of electricity given reservoir outflow levels. The PF method was used to evaluate the marginal value of water is agriculture, while the value of water for domestic consumers was evaluated using the Contingent Valuation method, particularly the willingness to pay, which essentially uses market prices to represent the consumers’ willingness to pay. A value of US$93/MWh is attached to hydropower produced here, while the marginal value of water in agriculture is estimated to be US$0.068/m3. The willingness to pay for connection to piped water is approximately US$34.13, while the monthly value is US$6.9. The Gross Financial Value (GFV) generated from hydropower, agriculture and domestic water supply is US$24,174,000, US$ 262,083,045.91 and $7,140,000.00 respectively.

Services écosystémiques rendus par les prairies de marais et les prairies mésophiles : diversité floristique, qualité fourragère et stock de carbone. / Ecosystem services provided by wet and mesophilic grasslands : floristic diversity, forage quality and carbon stocks

Tasset, Elise 10 December 2018 (has links)
Les prairies permanentes sont reconnues pour les nombreux services agronomiques et environnementaux qu’elles fournissent. Cependant, elles sont aujourd’hui encore retournées ou menacées de l’être au profit de productions plus rentables, ou abandonnées dans le cas des prairies humides où les conditions d’exploitation sont soumises à de nombreuses contraintes. Concilier objectifs de production et environnementaux afin de maintenir une activité agricole extensive au sein des prairies temporaires s’avère alors indispensable. Dans ce contexte, des études multi-services ont été réalisées au sein des prairies humides du Parc Naturel Régional (PNR) des marais du Cotentin et du Bessin (Normandie) ainsi que dans des prairies mésophilesaux conditions pédoclimatiques contrastées situées en Normandie, en Lorraine et en Auvergne. L’étude s’est focalisée sur 3 catégories de services écosystémiques (SE) telles que définis par le Millenium Ecosystem Assessment: la diversité floristique et fonctionnelle comme services de support, la qualité et la production du fourrage comme services d’approvisionnement et les stocks de carbone organique et les teneurs en carbone soluble du sol comme services de régulation. Afin de mettre en évidence la part du fonctionnement des communautés végétales dans le déterminisme des SE, la mesure de traits fonctionnels foliaires a été réalisée à l’échelle de l’espèce et/ou de la communauté végétale. Une partie de ces travaux se focalise sur les relations entre le fonctionnement des communautés végétales et la qualité du fourrage ainsi que l’impact des conditions hydriques du solsur les teneurs en micronutriments des espèces dans les prairies humides.Les résultats ont mis en évidence, qu’en fonction du groupe fonctionnel considéré, le SLA ou le LDMC étaient de bons proxies de la digestibilité des fourrages des prairieshumides. Les dicotylédones ont des teneurs en micronutriments plus élevées que les monocotylédones. Nos résultats montrent que l’inondation influence plus la composition élémentaire des espèces intolérantes aux inondations que les espèces adaptées et qu’elle n’a pas incidence sur la production de biomasse. De manière générale, le fonctionnement des communautés végétales n’explique pas à lui seul les relations entre les SE. La qualité du fourrage est liée au fonctionnement des communautés végétales ainsi qu’à la diversité floristique et fonctionnelle mais seulement en prairies humides. En prairies mésophiles, l’historique de la gestion ou la structure du paysage pourrait être déterminants. Par ailleurs, nos résultats montrent que les stocks de C organique dans le sol des prairies mésophiles et humides sont étroitement liés à sa nature.Les indicateurs des SE combinent les prairies humides en 4 groupes distincts en selon la nature du sol et la gestion (fauche ou pâturage). Globalement, les bouquets de services rendus par les prairies humides sont mieux équilibrés que ceux rendus par les prairies mésophiles, ces derniers ne se distinguant pas les uns des autres selon la localisation géographique des prairies mésophiles. Les prairies gérées de manière extensive fournissent de meilleurs services environnementaux que des prairies gérées de manière intensive et une qualité fourragère équivalente. / Permanent grasslands are recognized for the many agronomic and environmental services they provide. However, they are still plowed or threatened to be in favor of more productive cultures, or abandoned in the case of wet grasslands, where the conditions of exploitation are subjected to many constraints. Reconciling production and environmental objectives in order to maintain extensive agricultural activities is therefore essential in permanent grasslands. In this context, multi-service studies have been carried out in the wet grasslands of the Regional Natural Park (PNR) of the Cotentin and Bessin marshes (Normandy, France) as well as in a set of mesophilous grasslandsofcontrasting pedoclimatic conditions located in Normandy, Lorraine and Auvergne. The study focused on 3 categories of Ecosystem Services (ES) as defined by the Millennium Ecosystem Assessment: floristic and functional diversity as support services, quality and forage production as supply services and stocks of organic carbon and soluble carbon soil contents as regulatory services. In order to analyzethe role of plant community functioning in the ES determinism, the measurement of leaf functional traits was carried out at the species and/or the plant community scales. Part of this work focuses particularly on the relationships between plant communities functioning and forage quality, and soil moisture conditions impact on micronutrient contents of species in wet grasslands. The results showed that, depending on the functional group, SLA or LDMC were good proxies for the digestibility of wet grassland forages. Dicots have higher micronutrient contents than Monocots. Our results show that flooding influences the elemental composition of flood-intolerant species more than adapted species and does not affect biomass production. In general, the plant community functioning does not explain all the relationship between ESs. Forage quality is linked to the plant community functioning as well as thefloristic and functional diversity but only forwet grasslands. In mesophilic grasslands, the history of management or the landscape structure could be important drivers. In addition, our results show that organic C stocks in the soil of wet and mesophilic grasslands are closely related to soil nature. ESs indicators have brought together 4 distinct groups of wet grasslands according to soil nature and management practices (mowing or grazing). Overall, the ESs packages offered by wet grasslands are better balanced than those provided by mesophilic grasslands, the latter being indistinguishable from another according to the geographical location. Extensively managed grasslands provide better environmental services than intensively managed grasslands and equivalent forage quality.

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