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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Clinical teaching by registered nurses

Mochaki, Nare William January 2001 (has links)
The purpose of this quantitative, descriptive study was to describe how registered nurses utilise teachable moments to enhance students' learning in the clinical setting. The research questions were: What are the problems faced by registered nurses when they teach students in the clinical setting? and How do registered nurses utilise teachable moments to teach students? A pilot study was conducted in the clinical setting involving the respondents who had similar characteristics than the population. The sample consisted of 45 registered nurses who provided direct patient care in the clinical setting. A self­ administered, structured questionnaire was used to collect data. Data analysis was done by using descriptive statistical tests. The findings brought to light strengths and weaknesses with regard to the utilisation of teachable moments by registered nurses, and problems faced by registered nurses with regard to clinical accompaniment in general. Recommendations to improve clinical accompaniment by registered nurses through effective utilisation of teachable moments were made. Further research was recommended to explore some problematic areas that emerged from this study. / Health Studies / M.A. (Nursing Science)

Perceptions of nurses in supervisory roles regarding competence of novice professional nurses in health education

Masango, Thembekile Purity 14 November 2014 (has links)
The main purpose of this quantitative, descriptive, non-experimental study was to explore the perceptions of nurses in supervisory roles (NSRs) regarding competence of novice professional nurses (NPNs) in health education. The study’s conceptual frameworks were the objectives of the Regulation R.425 programme and the scope of practice of professional nurses. The study sought to reveal whether the NPNs were competent in health education and in identifying barriers to health education, and to make recommendations. A structured questionnaire was used for data collection from the professional nurses in supervisory roles. The data was analysed using the Statistical Package for the Social Sciences (SPSS) version 21.0 program. The results revealed that NPNs were competent in health education, however, paid less attention to family involvement and patients’ level of education (a barrier to health education). The study recommended assessment of the level of education of patients and involvement of family members when giving health education / Health Studies / M.A. (Health Studies)

Gender differences in the publication productivity of South African scientists

Prozesky, H. E. (Heidi Eileen) 12 1900 (has links)
Dissertation (PhD)--University of Stellenbosch, 2006. / ENGLISH ABSTRACT: This dissertation is aimed at describing gender difference in publication productivity among South African academic authors, and to develop an understanding of possible reasons for these differences. It is argued that the lack of empirical knowledge of publication productivity of academics in South Africa needs to be addressed, as scientific communication through publication is one of the most central social processes in science. Moreover, one form of scientific publication, the peer-reviewed article, has become the single most important aspect according to which academics in South Africa and abroad are rewarded. The focus on gender differences is motivated by the fact that women have been strengthening their representation in South African HEIs, but not their proportional contribution to our country’s output of accredited research articles. A review of the past four decades of empirical and theoretical work on the gender gap in publication productivity leads the author to identify three sets of factors that may account for its existence: gender-socialised differences between women and men, women’s greater family responsibilities, and gender-related deficits in the academic workplace. However, none of these sets of variables by themselves satisfactorily account for gender differences in publication productivity, and they should not be considered independent from each other. The literature review is followed by a review of methodological considerations that need to be taken into account when studying gender differences in publication productivity. Against this background, the advantages and limitations associated with the first empirical project of the dissertation - a secondary analysis of SA Knowledgebase, an existing bibliometric database - are identified. This analysis is aimed at quantifying gender differences in the publication productivity of South African academic authors; at controlling for relevant variables (race, age, highest qualification, rank, institutional affiliation and scientific domain); and at investigating gender differences in the tendency towards joint authorship. The results show that South African male authors publish almost twice as many articles in accredited journals than women authors do, but that the latter’s contribution to the total scientific publication output of South Africa has increased from 16 percent in 1990 to 24 percent in 2001. Part of the gender gap in publication productivity can be explained by women’s younger age, lower qualification level and lower rank as a gender group, but not by any tendency among women to co-author less than men do. This project was complemented by the analysis of primary data collected from the CVs of and qualitative interviews with sixteen highly productive South African academics. This second project contributes to the development of a more in-depth understanding of the way in which men and women’s publication productivity is differentially affected, in a predominantly male milieu and across the span of their careers, by their family responsibilities, non-research academic roles, and gender-socialisation. The dissertation concludes with an integration of the literature review with the main findings of the two projects, on the basis of which recommendations are made for future research, and proposals are made towards rendering the measurement of publication productivity more sensitive to the gender differences highlighted by the dissertation. / AFRIKAANSE OPSOMMING: Hierdie proefskrif het ten doel om genderverskille in publikasieproduktiwiteit van Suid-Afrikaanse akademiese outeurs te beskryf, en om ʼn begrip te ontwikkel van moontlike redes vir dié verskille. Daar word aangevoer dat ʼn gebrek aan empiriese kennis oor die publikasieproduktiwiteit van akademici in Suid-Afrika aangespreek behoort te word, aangesien wetenskaplike kommunikasie deur middel van publikasie een van die mees sentrale proses in die wetenskap is. Daarbenewens het een vorm van wetenskaplike publikasie, die eweknie-beoordeelde artikel, die enkele belangrikste aspek geword waarvolgens akademici in Suid-Afrika en oorsee beloon word. Die fokus op genderverskille word gemotiveer deur die feit dat vroue hul verteenwoordiging in Suid-Afrikaanse hoër-onderwysinstellings versterk het, maar nie hul proporsionele bydrae tot ons land se uitset van geakkrediteerde navorsings-artikels nie. ʼn Oorsig van die afgelope vier dekades se empiriese en teoretiese werk oor die gender-gaping in publikasieproduktiwiteit lei tot die identifisering van drie stelle faktore wat die bestaan daarvan sou kon verklaar: gender-gesosialiseerde verskille tussen vroue en mans, vroue se swaarder gesinsverantwoordelikheidslas, en gender-verbandhoudende tekortkominge in die akademiese werkplek. Opsigself verklaar geen enkele van hierdie stelle veranderlikes egter gender-verskille in publikasieproduktiwiteit op ʼn bevredigende wyse nie, en hulle behoort nie onafhanklik van mekaar beskou te word nie. Die literatuur-oorsig word gevolg deur ’n oorsig van metodologiese oorwegings wat in ag geneem behoort te word ter bestudering van gender-verskille in publikasieproduktiwiteit. Teen hierdie agtergrond word die voordele en beperkinge verbonde aan die eerste empiriese projek van die proefskrif – ʼn sekondêre ontleding van SA Knowledgebase, ’n bestaande bibliometriese databasis - geïdentifiseer. Hierdie ontleding van is daarop gemik om gender-verskille in die publikasieproduktiwiteit van Suid-Afrikaanse akademiese outeurs te kwantifiseer; om vir relevante veranderlikes te kontroleer (ras, ouderdom, hoogste kwalifikasie, rang, institusionele affiliasie en wetenskaplike domein); en om gender-verskille in mede-outeurskap te ondersoek. Die resultate toon dat Suid-Afrikaanse man-outeurs bykans twee maal soveel artikels in geakkrediteerde vaktydskrifte as vroue-outeurs publiseer, maar dat laasgenoemde se bydrae tot die totale wetenskaplike publikasie-uitset van Suid-Afrika vanaf 16 persent in 1990 tot 24 persent in 2001 toegeneem het. Deel van die gender-gaping in publikasieproduktiwiteit kan verklaar word aan die hand van vroue se jonger ouderdom, laer kwalifikasievlak, en laer rang as ʼn gender-groep, maar nie aan die hand van enige neiging by vroue om minder as mans met andere te publiseer nie. Hierdie projek is aangevul deur die ontleding van primêre data wat ingesamel is vanuit die CV’s van, en kwalitatiewe onderhoude met sestien hoogs-produktiewe Suid-Afrikaanse akademici. Hierdie tweede projek dra by tot die ontwikkeling van ’n meer in-diepte begrip van die wyse waarop mans en vroue se gesinsverantwoordelikhede, hul nie-navorsingsverbandhoudende akademiese rolle, en hul gendersosialisering in ’n oorwegend manlike milieu en oor die bestek van hul loopbane heen differensieel op hul publikasieproduktiwiteit inwerk. Die proefskrif sluit af met ’n integrasie van die literatuur-oorsig met die hoofbevindinge van die twee projekte, op grond waarvan aanbevelings vir toekomstige navorsing gemaak word, en voorstelle aan die hand gedoen word vir die meting van publikasieproduktiwiteit wat sensitief sou wees vir die genderverskille wat in hierdie proefskrif uitgelig is.

A teacher's story of personal and professional growth and development through the use of reflection / 'n Opvoeder se storie oor die gebruik van refleksie vir die bevordering van persoonlike en professionele groei.

April, Lynne Celeste 12 1900 (has links)
Thesis (MEdPsych)--Stellenbosch University, 2003. / ENGLISH ABSTRACT: The research question I wondered about was whether becoming a reflective practitioner/teacher could contribute to a sense of empowerment and greater effectiveness in practice. I am telling my own story in this study and have chosen to do this through the use of a variant of Life History Research called Narrative Inquiry. This is a qualitative approach to research and makes use of narratives. Field texts (journal entries, family stories, teacher stories) were produced through conversations, observation and journal writing. These field texts were then presented in narrative form. Analysis of the field texts, as well as the story was done throughout the research process. I used conceptual tools developed within Narrative Inquiry to analyse the narrated data in order to foreground the two main areas namely personal and professional growth. Based on this study of my personal experience of the use of reflection, it would seem that becoming a reflective practitioner could indeed contribute to a sense of empowerment and more effective classroom practice by supporting personal and professional growth and development. / AFRIKAANSE OPSOMMING: Die navorsingsprobleem waaroor ek wonder is of die gebruik van refleksie as reflektiewe praktisyn kan bydra tot 'n gevoel van bemagtiging en groter effektiwiteit binne die klaskamer. Aangesien ek my eie storie in hierdie studie wou vertel het ek besluit om gebruik te maak van 'n variant van lewensgeskiedenisnavorsing naamlik 'Narrative Inquiry'. 'Narrative Inquiry' is 'n kwalitatiewe benadering tot navorsing en maak gebruik van stories. Narratiewe data (dagboekinskrywings, familieen onderwyserstories) is geproduseer uit gesprekke, waarneming en die skryf van 'n dagboek en is in die vorm van 'n storie vertel. Analise van narratiewe data vind plaas regdeur die navorsingsproses. In die analise van die narratiewe data is gebruik gemaak van konseptueie terme wat binne 'Narrative Inquriry' ontwikkel is om die professionele en persoonlike ontwikkeling uit te lig. Uit hierdie studie van persoonlike ervaring van die gebruik van refleksie as 'n reflektiewe praktisyn wil dit blyk dat die gebruik van refleksie wel kan bydra tot gevoelens van bemagtiging en groter effektiwiteit binne die praktyk, aangesien dit professionele en persoonlike groei en ontwikkeling ondersteun.

Savoirs et connaissances mathématiques spécifiques du professeur pour l'enseignement du nombre à l'école maternelle / Specific mathematical knowledge of the teacher for teaching numbers in preschool

Malet, Agnès 09 December 2016 (has links)
La question de l’enseignement du nombre à l’école maternelle est abordée à travers les savoirs et les connaissances mathématiques spécifiques du professeur. Cette thèse s’inscrit dans le cadre de la théorie des situations didactiques. Une modélisation des savoirs mathématiques spécifiques pour l’enseignement du nombre à l’école maternelle est proposée afin d’étudier l’enseignement du nombre de dix enseignants. Le travail est complété par une micro formation relative à des savoirs spécifiques pour la quantité. La thèse étudie l’impact de nouveaux savoirs sur les connaissances mathématiques spécifiques de cinq professeurs. Enfin, les résultats de la recherche sont interprétés par rapport à la formation des enseignants / Teaching numbers in preschool is addressed though the specific mathematical knowledge of the teacher himself. This thesis work comes within theoretical didactical situations. A modeling system for specific mathematical knowledge is suggested in order to study the way ten teachers teach numbers. This work is completed by a short training course related to quantity knowledge. This thesis work analyses the impact of these new specific fields of knowledge for five amongst ten of these teachers. The final result of the research work is highlighted by teachers training.

Perceptions of nurses in supervisory roles regarding competence of novice professional nurses in health education

Masango, Thembekile Purity 14 November 2014 (has links)
The main purpose of this quantitative, descriptive, non-experimental study was to explore the perceptions of nurses in supervisory roles (NSRs) regarding competence of novice professional nurses (NPNs) in health education. The study’s conceptual frameworks were the objectives of the Regulation R.425 programme and the scope of practice of professional nurses. The study sought to reveal whether the NPNs were competent in health education and in identifying barriers to health education, and to make recommendations. A structured questionnaire was used for data collection from the professional nurses in supervisory roles. The data was analysed using the Statistical Package for the Social Sciences (SPSS) version 21.0 program. The results revealed that NPNs were competent in health education, however, paid less attention to family involvement and patients’ level of education (a barrier to health education). The study recommended assessment of the level of education of patients and involvement of family members when giving health education / Health Studies / M.A. (Health Studies)

"Formação do enfermeiro: buracos negros e pontos de luz" / TRAINING OF NURSES: BLACK HOLES AND POINTS OF LIGHT

Gabrielli, Joyce Maria Worschech 14 May 2004 (has links)
O presente estudo constituiu-se em uma pesquisa quantitativa, não experimental, do tipo survey, de natureza descritiva. Teve como objetivos analisar a avaliação que enfermeiros e enfermeiros chefes fazem em relação à formação conferida pelo curso de graduação em enfermagem, bem como identificar, segundo esses mesmos enfermeiros, os pontos fortes – pontos de luz - e os pontos fracos – buracos negros - dessa formação. Foram sujeitos deste estudo, 53 enfermeiros, atuantes profissionalmente em Instituições de Saúde de um município do interior paulista, que concluíram o curso de graduação em enfermagem nos anos de 2000, 2001, 2002 e 2003, e 31 enfermeiros, seus respectivos chefes. Para a coleta de dados construímos um instrumento, utilizando a escala analógica visual, contendo a descrição de 45 (quarenta e cinco) competências inerentes à atuação profissional do enfermeiro e uma questão sobre o estímulo fornecido, durante o curso de graduação, para a participação em entidades de classe. Após a validação (aparente e de conteúdo) do instrumento de coleta de dados e aprovação do projeto de pesquisa pelo Comitê de Ética, demos inicio ao presente estudo. A análise dos resultados foi feita utilizando-se o Programa SPSS (Statistical Package for Social Science), versão 11.5. De acordo com os resultados, o presente estudo nos possibilitou concluir que: o preparo conferido pela graduação ao enfermeiro para organizar e dirigir serviços de enfermagem e/ou de saúde, em especial, foi considerado pouco adequado pelos dois grupos estudados; para os enfermeiros chefes, o preparo para a liderança da equipe de enfermagem é inadequado, o que contradiz a percepção dos enfermeiros; o preparo para a pesquisa que tenha impacto e possa intervir na prática profissional do enfermeiro foi considerado pouco adequado pelos dois grupos; quanto às competências educativas, também foram consideradas pelos dois grupos, como pouco adequadas; em especial, para a questão de programas de capacitação, recrutamento e seleção de pessoal, o preparo foi praticamente considerado como inadequado; para todas as competências, de todas as 31 categorias utilizadas nesse estudo, os enfermeiros avaliam-se melhor preparados pela graduação do que avaliam os enfermeiros chefes; tanto para o grupo de enfermeiros chefes, como para o grupo de enfermeiros, os pontos altos – “pontos de luz" - da graduação se referem, principalmente, às competências assistenciais; sob a avaliação dos dois grupos - enfermeiros e enfermeiros chefes - os pontos fracos – “buracos negros" - se referem, majoritariamente, às competências políticas; o processo formativo ainda nos parece desvinculado da prática profissional, levando a um descompasso entre o que se aprende e o que se vivencia; o discurso de formarmos um profissional crítico, reflexivo, capaz de atuar e promover mudanças na realidade que os rodeia, continua apenas na retórica; as várias reformas curriculares dos cursos de enfermagem têm levado apenas a alterações de aspectos pontuais; a utilização da pesquisa como “norte" da formação do enfermeiro, ainda está muito distante; a graduação deixa a desejar também quanto ao preparo do enfermeiro para desempenhar a função de ensinar/educar. / The present work was made up of a quantitative, non experimental, survey type study of a descriptive nature. Its aims were to analyse what the nurses and their nursing chiefs do in relation to the preparation given by the graduate courses of nursing, as well as identify, according to these same nurses, the strong points – or points of light- and the weak points or black holes in this training. The study subjects were 53 nurses, professionally active in health institutions in a municipality in the interior of São Paulo State, that concluded their graduate nurses training in the years of 2000,2001,2002 and 2003, and 31 nurses who were their respective nurse managers. For data collection an instrument composed of the visual analogue scales containing 45 questions was used containing 45 inherent competencies to the professional activities of the nurse and a question about the stimulus given during the graduate course for participation in professionally linked entities, After the validation (appearance and content) of the data collecting instrument and the approval of the project by the ethics committee the present study began. For analysis of the results the SPSS (Statistical Package for Social Science) programme was used. According to the results, this study allowed us to conclude that: the preparation given to the nurses for organizing and managing nursing and/or health services by their graduate courses was considered somewhat inadequate by both the groups studied; for the head nurses the preparation for team leadership is inadequate, which contradicts the nurses perception; the preparation for research that would have an impact on and would alter professional practice was considered slightly inadequate by both groups; as far as educative competency is concerned, both groups indicated this to be a little inadequate also; in relation to the question of qualification programmes, selection and recruitment of personnel, the preparation was practically considered to be inadequate; for all competencies in all of the categories used in this study the nurses assessed themselves as better prepared by the 34 graduate course than did their counterparts, the head nurses; both the head nurses and the nurses indicated the high points - “points of light" in the graduate course refer principally to assistance competency; both groups also agreed that the weak points – “black holes" refer, in the majority, to political competence; the formative process to us, still seems to be separated from professional practice, leading to a huge difference between what you learn and what you experience; the discourse about training the critical, reflexive professional, capable of performing and promoting changes in reality what surrounds us, continues to be only rhetoric; the various curricular improvements of nurses' undergraduate courses has taken into account only the immediate aspects; the use of research as a guide to the training of nurses is still very distant; the graduate studies leave a lot to be desired as far as the preparation for the carrying out of teaching and educational functions.

Análise do atual sistema de custos nos restaurantes universitários e estudo das diretrizes para seu aperfeiçoamento na Universidade Federal do Rio Grande do Sul (UFRGS)

Martins, Gustavo Leal January 2018 (has links)
O presente trabalho analisou a conjuntura que nos deparamos para obtenção de dados nos sistemas de informação disponíveis que estimam o valor da refeição dos Restaurantes Universitários (RUs) da Universidade Federal do Rio Grande do Sul (UFRGS). Revendo a missão institucional de desenvolver educação superior com excelência e compromisso social, num período de agravamento da crise financeira, surgiu a necessidade de implantar as novas normas de contabilidade aplicada ao setor público, junto aos avanços tecnológicos na geração de dados computacionais para aferir o grau de eficiência e economicidade nas ações desenvolvidas pelos gestores públicos da Universidade. A metodologia utilizada foi a revisão literária que embasa as avaliações e análise da conjuntura dos RUs da UFRGS. Como resultado, identificamos a necessidade indispensável do aperfeiçoamento das diretrizes do sistema de informação de custos na UFRGS. / The present work analyzed the conjuncture that we face to obtain data in the available information systems that estimate the value of the meal served in University Restaurants (URs) of the Federal University of Rio Grande do Sul (UFRGS). Reviewing the institutional mission of developing college education with excellence and social commitment, in a period of worsening financial crisis, emerged the need to implement new rules of accounting applied to the public sector, along with technological advances in generation of computational data to assess the degree of efficiency and economy in actions developed by the public managers of the University. The methodology used was the review of the literature that bases the evaluations and analysis of the conjuncture of URs. As a result, we identified the indispensable need to improve the guidelines of the cost information system at UFRGS.

Cuidar e educar: um olhar da psicologia ?s produ??es de pesquisas e pol?ticas p?blicas sobre educa??o infantil

Bremberger, Maria Eufr?sia de Faria 27 February 2009 (has links)
Made available in DSpace on 2016-04-04T18:27:46Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 Maria Eufrasia de Faria Bremberger.pdf: 1255453 bytes, checksum: 8af5b6af20428726caf548a8c87245af (MD5) Previous issue date: 2009-02-27 / This bibliographical research aims to investigate the concept of care and educate ( educare ) in the education of children and its relation with the psychological health dissertations and thesis of post graduation programs for psychology from the public and private universities in Brazil. The objects of analysis are the productions of the Post Graduation Programs in Psychology in the period from 1999 to 2006 registered on the data base of CAPES. Our objective is to analyze the researches developed in this Programs which handle the matter of educare in the education of children in the period short after the RCNEI (Referencial Curricular Nacional para a Educa??o Infantil) was published, so as to discuss the implications of the ideas that sustain the concept of educare and the psychological health from the children also the public policies for this segment and the quality of the education for small children. The utilized method, bibliographical qualitative-quantitative characteristics is related with studies type state of art compounded by a research of studies about this matter in a determinated period. The categories for analysis where constructed by the researcher after studying the selected productions. In relation to the theoretical concepts we have started with Henri Wallon in relation to the human development and Gonzalez Rey in relation to the psychological health in order to reflect about the public policies of children education and analyze the principal focuses of the investigated productions. At the end of the research we have found out that psychology has very low interest in relation to children education, principally when we consider educare. We rose up the hypothesis that the absence of the scholar psychology in the field of children education, mostly in day nursery, could be one of the reasons for no production of this matter. On other hand, the education are leading the scientific production in this matter, propitiating significant theoretical and practical concepts in context to the children education. The area of health, represented by the nurses, also has an important presence in these productions, with contributions that have affected public policies. Most of the analyzed researches condition the promotion of psychological health of children, in those contexts, with better skilled teachers, giving too much responsibility to those professionals, not considering the complexity that characterize the spaces to attend the small children. / Esta pesquisa de natureza bibliogr?fica investiga o conceito de cuidar e de educar na educa??o infantil e sua rela??o com a sa?de psicol?gica, em disserta??es e teses dos programas de p?s-gradua??o em psicologia das universidades p?blicas e privadas do Brasil. Constituem-se como objetos de an?lise as produ??es dos Programas de P?s-gradua??o em Psicologia do per?odo de 1999 a 2006, constantes do banco de dados da CAPES. Nosso objetivo ? analisar as pesquisas desenvolvidas nesses Programas que tratam da quest?o do cuidar-educar na educa??o infantil, no per?odo p?s-divulga??o do RCNEI (Referencial Curricular Nacional para a Educa??o Infantil), bem como discutir as implica??es das id?ias que sustentam a concep??o de cuidar e educar da sa?de psicol?gica da crian?a, al?m de abordar as pol?ticas p?blicas para a ?rea, dentre elas, o oferecimento de vagas para o segmento e a qualidade da educa??o das crian?as pequenas. O m?todo utilizado de cunho bibliogr?fico com caracter?stica qualitativo-quantitativa circunscreve-se em estudos do tipo estado da arte , composto de um levantamento das produ??es sobre o tema dentro do per?odo demarcado. As categorias de an?lise foram constru?das a partir da rela??o da pesquisadora com as produ??es acessadas. Em rela??o ao enfoque te?rico, partimos dos conceitos de Henri Wallon sobre o desenvolvimento humano e de Gonzalez Rey sobre sa?de psicol?gica para refletir sobre as pol?ticas p?blicas de educa??o infantil e para analisar os principais enfoques das produ??es investigadas. Constatamos, ao final da pesquisa, que a psicologia tem se interessado pouco pelas tem?ticas da educa??o infantil, sobretudo o cuidar e educar, e levantamos a hip?tese de que a aus?ncia da psicologia escolar no campo da educa??o infantil, principalmente nas creches, poderia ser uma das raz?es da escassez de produ??o da ?rea sobre o tema. Em contrapartida, a ?rea da educa??o lidera a produ??o em pesquisas sobre essa tem?tica, propiciando avan?os te?rico-conceituais e pr?ticos significativos para o contexto educacional infantil. A ?rea da sa?de, representada pela enfermagem, cujas contribui??es t?m afetado as pol?ticas p?blicas, tamb?m tem tido presen?a marcante nessa produ??o. A maioria das pesquisas analisadas condiciona a promo??o da sa?de psicol?gica das crian?as, nesses contextos, a uma melhor forma??o dos professores, o que lhes confere excessiva responsabilidade e desconsidera a complexidade que caracteriza os espa?os de atendimento ? crian?a pequena.

Tempo, experiência e trabalho docente:crítica da atividade do professor no Ensino Fundamental

Martinez, Domenica 29 January 2014 (has links)
Made available in DSpace on 2016-04-27T16:32:52Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 Domenica Martinez.pdf: 1520773 bytes, checksum: baf0738c849b0b72936153d6d1c7f095 (MD5) Previous issue date: 2014-01-29 / Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico / This research, of the exploratory kind, has as a study object the time and the experience of the teachers of the Primary. Considering there are historical evidences regarding changes of the meanings of time in the contemporary society and that the teaching work, eventhough, as all work done in the administered society, is determined by the means of the material production and social conventions, the objectives of the study are: analyze the objectivication of time related to the formation and to the teaching work through the identification of working tools and the pedagogical practices that promote them by pointing, specially, the expressions that manifest the destinies of the vital pulses and the language, means that actualize the accomplishment of the experience and rely on reflection, that by itself requires time. To achieve the objectives, it was used as empirical data a sample of 14 master and doctorate researches, chosen from the Banco de Teses do Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior CAPES, that had as a study object the time of the teaching work of the Primary; the chosen sample has investigations defended between 1997 and 2011. The results point out the impossibilities of the teacher's formation experience both on the objective determinations of the school about controlling the working time of the professional, and it's attitudes. In the same way, it is identified on the chosen researches tendencies of interventions on the time of the teaching work in the view of adapting and situating it and inculcating in the teacher a subjective appropriation of time, so that the control over him, done until then done explicitly through clocks and calendars,, tended to be replaced by self control, mainly with the justifications of doing services aimed at the community through technological means. Eventhough the justifications that sustain those interventions manifest appropriations of the progressive ideals advocated by bourgeois revolutions, it is observed what is effected by it through the spreading of the ideology of the technological rationality, by doing the use of the reflexive intelligence as the basis of the intellectual work on which the teacher is inserted to, an instrument of domination that tends do abnegate the social contradictions. The theoretical referential that gives ground to this research is the Critical Theory, specially the elaborations of Max Horkheimer, Theodor Wiesengrund-Adorno, Herbert Marcuse and Walter Benjamin, highlighting the concepts of society, work, experience and ideology of the technological ideology. It is also called upon other philosophers to elaborate the research such as Karl Marx, Friedrich Engels, Sigmund Freud and George Herbert Mead / Esta pesquisa, de tipo exploratório, tem por objeto de estudo o tempo e a experiência do professor do Ensino Fundamental. Considerando que há indícios históricos a respeito de alterações da acepção do tempo na sociedade contemporânea e que o trabalho docente, embora, como todo trabalho realizado na sociedade administrada, é determinado pelo modo de produção material e convenções sociais, os objetivos do estudo são: analisar a objetivação do tempo relacionada à formação e ao trabalho docente, mediante a identificação dos instrumentos de trabalho e as práticas pedagógicas que a promovem indicando, especialmente, as expressões que manifestam os destinos das pulsões vitais e a linguagem, meios que efetivam a realização da experiência e dependem da reflexão, o que por sua vez exige tempo. Para atingir aos objetivos, tomou-se como material empírico uma amostra de 14 pesquisas, de mestrado e doutorado, selecionadas do Banco de Teses da Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior - CAPES, que tiveram por objeto de estudo o tempo do trabalho docente do Ensino Fundamental; a amostra selecionada contém investigações defendidas entre 1997 e 2011. Os resultados assinalam para as impossibilidades da experiência formativa do professor tanto no que diz respeito às determinações objetivas da escola sobre o controle do tempo do trabalho desse profissional, como às atitudes dele. No mesmo sentido, são identificadas nas pesquisas selecionadas tendências de intervenções sobre o tempo do trabalho docente com vistas a adaptá-lo e situá-lo inculcando no professor uma apropriação subjetiva do tempo, de modo que o controle sobre ele, até então efetivado explicitamente por meio dos relógios e calendários, tende a ser substituído pelo autocontrole, sobretudo, com justificativas para realizar trabalhos voltados à comunidade por meio do uso de aparatos tecnológicos. Embora as justificativas que sustentam essas intervenções manifestem apropriações do ideário progressista propugnado pelas revoluções burguesas, observa-se o que se efetiva dele pelo alastramento da ideologia da racionalidade tecnológica, fazendo do uso da inteligência reflexiva, base do trabalho intelectual em que o professor está inserido, um instrumento de dominação que tende a abnegar as contradições sociais. O referencial teórico que fundamenta a presente pesquisa é a Teoria Crítica da Sociedade, sobretudo, as elaborações de Max Horkheimer, Theodor Wiesengrund-Adorno, Herbert Marcuse e Walter Benjamin, destacando principalmente os conceitos de sociedade, trabalho, experiência, ideologia da racionalidade tecnológica. Também recorre-se a outros pensadores para elaborar a pesquisa, entre os quais destacam-se Karl Marx, Friedrich Engels, Sigmund Freud e George Herbert Mead

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