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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
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A pesquisa escolar realizada na web por estudantes do ensino fundamental e médio.

Dantas, Cecília de Morais 18 July 2018 (has links)
Submitted by Biblioteca Central (biblioteca@unicap.br) on 2018-10-10T18:30:04Z No. of bitstreams: 2 cecilia_morais_dantas.pdf: 3101216 bytes, checksum: 6557a4f522478e7f98a09f32800ad963 (MD5) license_rdf: 0 bytes, checksum: d41d8cd98f00b204e9800998ecf8427e (MD5) / Made available in DSpace on 2018-10-10T18:30:04Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 2 cecilia_morais_dantas.pdf: 3101216 bytes, checksum: 6557a4f522478e7f98a09f32800ad963 (MD5) license_rdf: 0 bytes, checksum: d41d8cd98f00b204e9800998ecf8427e (MD5) Previous issue date: 2018-07-18 / The interest in the present work "school research conducted on the Web by primary and secondary school students" was driven by several concerns: What questions, purposes and guidelines do they have when using the Web for research? What paths do they travel on the Web? Do these paths aim at the construction or reproduction of knowledge? The general objective was to investigate how public school students research on the web, specifically, in the Portuguese Language subject. The research was a comparative study of cases to compare the intentional actions carried out by the subjects when they do content research on the web and their cognitive elaborations at different times of school years. For data collection, we used direct observation and semi-structured or unadjusted interview, when the researcher was guided by the observed actions. The research was on-site, where subjects made more use of the internet for school research. In the theoretical basis, precepts were used on school research as a process and everyday attitude with Demo (1994, 1996, 2000, 2001) and Padilha (2006); the purposes of reading with Solé (1998); reading on-line and browsing with Coscarelli (2014, 2016), and others. Through the observation and analysis of the two meetings with the GRAT participant, from the 9th year of elementary school, it was possible to reflect on how fragile and incomplete the understanding of the act of "researching" in the participant was inserted and the participant did not carry out a school search, but a query with literal reproduction. And, the RGSA participant, from the 3rd year of high school, showed a certain maturity and development, since it established initial questions, pursued research purposes and had autonomy for the daily attitude of the research. However, both GRAT and RGSA were not involved in school research as an ongoing, critical and constructive process to be mediated by the school in fulfillment of its role. This work is extremely important because its results will contribute significantly in the systematization of teaching practices for school research. / O interesse pelo presente trabalho “pesquisa escolar realizada na Web por estudantes do Ensino Fundamental e Médio” foi impulsionado por várias inquietações: Que questionamentos, propósitos e orientações eles possuem ao usar a Web para pesquisar? Que caminhos eles percorrem na Web? Esses caminhos visam à construção ou à reprodução do conhecimento? O objetivo geral foi investigar como estudantes de escolas públicas pesquisam na Web, especificamente, na disciplina de Língua Portuguesa. A pesquisa foi um estudo comparativo de casos para que pudessem ser observadas as ações intencionais realizadas pelos sujeitos, ao fazer uma pesquisa de conteúdos na Web, e as elaborações cognitivas deles em momentos diferentes de sua escolaridade. Para coleta de dados, utilizou-se da observação direta e da entrevista semiestruturada ou despadronizada, onde a pesquisadora se guiou pelas ações observadas. O local da pesquisa foi in loco, onde os sujeitos fizessem mais uso da Internet para pesquisas escolares. Na fundamentação teórica, foram usados preceitos sobre a pesquisa escolar como processo e atitude cotidiana com Demo (1994, 1996, 2000, 2001) e com Padilha (2006); os propósitos da leitura com Solé (1998); a leitura on-line e a navegação com Coscarelli (2014, 2016) e outros. Através da observação e análise dos dois encontros com a participante GRAT, do 9º ano do ensino fundamental, foi possível refletir sobre quão frágeis e lacunosos estavam as ações e o entendimento do ato de pesquisar em que a participante estava inserida, uma vez que, não houve, de fato, a realização de uma pesquisa escolar visando à construção do conhecimento, mas houve uma consulta com reprodução literal do que havia na Web. Diferentemente de GRAT, a participante RGSA, do 3º do ensino médio, estabeleceu questionamentos iniciais, perseguiu propósitos da pesquisa e possuiu autonomia para atitude cotidiana da pesquisa. Este trabalho foi de extrema importância, pois seus resultados colaborarão significativamente na sistematização de práticas de ensino para a pesquisa escolar.

The effects on student knowledge and engagement when using a culturally responsive framework to teach ASTR 101

Lee, Annette January 2020 (has links)
Philosophiae Doctor - PhD / The U.S. has a problem: it is not effectively utilizing all the bright young minds available to its science & engineering workforce. In 2012 the President’s Council of Advisors on Science and Technology (PCAST) reported that a million more STEM professionals in the U.S. workforce were needed over the next decade. PCAST reported that the situation is far worse for underrepresented students, who make up 70% of undergraduate students but only 45% of the STEM degrees. Recent reports suggest women in science and engineering have made small gains, while historically underrepresented ethnic groups (Blacks, Hispanics, American Indians) continue to be significantly underrepresented. The lack of diversity in the U.S. workforce is not reflected in the USA population nor is it reflected in the undergraduate student population. As the U.S. aspires to retain a leadership role in research and development in an increasingly diverse and globally interconnected society, this disparity is unsustainable. What if having more culturally interesting, more culturally responsive STEM classes is a way of increasing the diversity of the science and engineering workforce in the U.S.? This study focuses on a topic that has been generally overlooked by the STEM educational community, but one that is directly relevant to student engagement and learning outcomes: the role of culture as a variable in student learning. This study examines how different pedagogical approaches shape student outcomes in Astronomy 101 courses. In a comparative study two different pedagogical approaches were analyzed using both quantitative and qualitative methods in a semiexperimental nonequivalent group research design. The theories of culturally responsive pedagogy (CRP), active learning theory in STEM, and Indigenous knowledge systems (IKS) ground this approach. The findings of this study show important gains for all students. Underrepresented minority students (URM) in the course with increased culturally responsive pedagogy were exceptionally engaged and learning gains soared. By measure of the concept inventory, the URM students in the course with increased culturally responsive pedagogy outperformed all other students in the study. As the U.S. will have a non-white majority by the year 2045 and diversity in STEM faculty lags there is a need for tangible, evidence-based, culture-based curriculum and pedagogy. There is a problem and based on the evidence found in this study, there is a way to fix it. / The U.S. has a problem: it is not effectively utilizing all the bright young minds available to its science & engineering workforce. In 2012 the President’s Council of Advisors on Science and Technology (PCAST) reported that a million more STEM professionals in the U.S. workforce were needed over the next decade. PCAST reported that the situation is far worse for underrepresented students, who make up 70% of undergraduate students but only 45% of the STEM degrees. Recent reports suggest women in science and engineering have made small gains, while historically underrepresented ethnic groups (Blacks, Hispanics, American Indians) continue to be significantly underrepresented. The lack of diversity in the U.S. workforce is not reflected in the USA population nor is it reflected in the undergraduate student population. As the U.S. aspires to retain a leadership role in research and development in an increasingly diverse and globally interconnected society, this disparity is unsustainable. What if having more culturally interesting, more culturally responsive STEM classes is a way of increasing the diversity of the science and engineering workforce in the U.S.? This study focuses on a topic that has been generally overlooked by the STEM educational community, but one that is directly relevant to student engagement and learning outcomes: the role of culture as a variable in student learning. This study examines how different pedagogical approaches shape student outcomes in Astronomy 101 courses. In a comparative study two different pedagogical approaches were analyzed using both quantitative and qualitative methods in a semiexperimental nonequivalent group research design. The theories of culturally responsive pedagogy (CRP), active learning theory in STEM, and Indigenous knowledge systems (IKS) ground this approach. The findings of this study show important gains for all students. Underrepresented minority students (URM) in the course with increased culturally responsive pedagogy were exceptionally engaged and learning gains soared. By measure of the concept inventory, the URM students in the course with increased culturally responsive pedagogy outperformed all other students in the study. As the U.S. will have a non-white majority by the year 2045 and diversity in STEM faculty lags there is a need for tangible, evidence-based, culture-based curriculum and pedagogy. There is a problem and based on the evidence found in this study, there is a way to fix it.


Brian D Tedeschi (15306241) 19 April 2023 (has links)
<p>  </p> <p>Informal learning environments are critical to supplemental student learning outside the formal classroom space. The problem the research addressed is the lack of informal STEM learning programs for underrepresented minority, female, urban, and rural students. The purpose of this research was to demonstrate the effect informal STEM learning has on the population’s self-efficacy and interest in STEM. The intervention for this research study was a seven-day informal learning summer camp involving five STEM projects from around the field and aligned with relevant fields offered by the Purdue University Polytechnic Institute. The participants worked in large and small group sessions with program volunteers to gain foundational learning outcomes. The outcome was measured using the STEM-CIS survey instrument in a pre-and post-testing format. The data was coded from the Likert scale and then used to calculate statistics and effect size for Likert-style data. The intervention was performed during the summer of 2021 and yielded results showing that students felt the effect of having role models and professionals involved in the STEM field. </p>

The Molecular Genetics Learning Progressions: Revisions and Refinements Based on Empirical Testing in Three 10th Grade Classrooms

Todd, Amber Nicole January 2013 (has links)
No description available.

Effect of Learning Modality on Academic Performance in a Physician Assistant Gross Anatomy Course

Rahawi, Anthony Habib 23 May 2022 (has links)
No description available.

Transmission des connaissances et professionnalisation de l'enseignement : déconstruction des traductions à l’œuvre dans la revue Vie pédagogique

Schwimmer, Marina 05 1900 (has links)
Depuis plus de trente ans, le Québec a pris position en faveur d’un mouvement de professionnalisation de l’enseignement. Ce choix se fonde principalement sur la volonté de moderniser les systèmes d’éducation grâce à la consolidation d’une expertise du travail enseignant. Elle a donc engendré toute une série de réformes visant à formaliser les pratiques des enseignants, à les appuyer sur les résultats de la recherche et à développer un code de pratiques responsables. Cependant, dans une perspective critique, ce processus de professionnalisation entre également dans le cadre plus large d’un processus de rationalisation étatique. Il exige de plus en plus des enseignants de faire preuve d’efficacité à tout prix, mais cette exigence ne tient pas compte de l’incertitude de l’action et des valeurs en jeu. Cette thèse vise à analyser, à partir d’une perspective critique, la conception de l’articulation entre la recherche et la pratique sous-jacente au mouvement de professionnalisation en vue de proposer une conception plus adéquate en regard de la réalité pratique: la traduction. Ce faisant, la thèse propose une réflexion sur le rôle transformateur du langage dans tout processus de transmission des connaissances. L’approche de la traduction s'inspire à la fois de la tradition herméneutique et de la critique poststructuraliste, et remet en question la conception du langage comme véhicule transparent de la pensée et des connaissances. À la lumière de ce cadre, je propose une analyse empirique (analyses discursive et sémiotique) des mécanismes de traduction qui assurent le passage du monde de la recherche vers le monde de l'enseignement. Cette partie repose sur une analyse comparative d’articles provenant de la revue Vie pédagogique, analyse qui se concentre sur les processus de traductions à l’œuvre dans trois concepts centraux du mouvement de professionnalisation : la pratique réflexive, la compétence et la collaboration. Elle met en lumière la manière dont le cadre actuel de la professionnalisation est réducteur, totalisant, et nie le caractère traductif du langage et de l’activité humaine. Je conclus avec une reconceptualisation de l'enseignement en tant que traduction et acte de profession de foi. / For over thirty years, Quebec has taken a stance in favour of a movement for the professionalization of teaching. This position is based primarily on the desire to modernize the educational system by reinforcing teaching skills, and it has spawned a whole series of reforms whose aim is to formalize teaching practices, to strengthen them on the basis of research results and to develop a code of responsible practices. Viewed from a critical perspective, this process of professionalization can be understood as being part of a wider process of state rationalization. Thus, the state increasingly demands that actors prove effective at all cost. This demand, however, does not take into account the reality of teaching, which is based in a large part on the uncertainty of action and of the values at stake. This dissertation attempts to analyze, from a critical view point, the conception of the relationship between research and practice underlying the professionalization movement, in order to offer an alternative conception - translation - that seems more appropriate in view of practical reality. In doing so, it reflects on the transformative role of language in processes of knowledge transfer. The "translation approach", which is the theoretical framework of our critical analysis, is informed by both the hermeneutic tradition and poststructuralist critique, and calls into question the notion that language is a transparent means for conveying thought and knowledge. In light of this framework, the thesis presents an empirical analysis (semiotic and discourse analysis) of the translation mechanisms that ensure the passage from the world of research to the world of teaching. Towards this end, various articles from the journal Vie pédagogique are submitted to a comparative analysis that focuses on the processes of translation at work in three central concepts of the professionalization movement – reflective practice, competence and collaboration – in order to highlight how the current framework of professionalization is reductive, totalizing, and how it denies the translational nature of language and of human activity. To conclude, the thesis offers a reconceptualization of teaching as translation and as an act of profession of faith.

Singing Their Stories: A Musical Narrative of Teaching and Testing

Richter, Desi 20 December 2018 (has links)
This musical, arts-based educational research describes the lived experiences of four K-12 New Orleans educators who believe that end-of-year standardized tests hinder their ability to teach in ways they believe are best. Using songwriting as a form of data elicitation and narrative restorying, this study documents the lived experiences of teachers who have experienced test-related cognitive dissonance. While curricular narrowing and other test-related practices have been studied in many contexts, the perspectives of New Orleans teachers are barely documented. Thus, this study fills a content gap in the testing literature. Musically restorying the data contributes to the accountability literature in three main ways. First, restorying the data as song renders the findings evocatively — that is, in ways that capture the emotion with which the data was originally imbued. Second, because this study is performative (the results were sung live in the community), the opportunity exists to ignite a local conversation aimed at helping teachers navigate testing/teaching conundrums. Finally, as music is one of the least utilized forms of art-based research, this study fills a methodological gap in the arts-based research repository.

教育学研究における知的生産としての授業分析の可能性 : 重松鷹泰・日比裕の授業分析の方法を手がかりに

柴田, 好章, SHIBATA, Yoshiaki 06 1900 (has links)
(<特集>教育現場の多様化と教育学の課題) (<Special Issue>Diversification of Research Field in Educational Studies)

教育と情報テクノロジーに関する検討 : ハイデッガーの『技術への問い』をてがかりとして

大谷, 尚, OTANI, Takashi 06 1900 (has links)
(<特集>情報化時代における教育学の課題) (<Special Issue>Educational Research in the Age of Information Society: Themes and Concerns)

Developing and Assessing Professional Competencies: a Pipe Dream? : Experiences from an Open-Ended Group Project Learning Environment

Daniels, Mats January 2011 (has links)
Professional competencies are explicitly identified in the primary learning outcomes for science and engineering degrees at many tertiary institutions.  Fulfillment of the requirements to equip our students with these skills, while formally acknowledged as important by all stakeholders, can be hard to demonstrate in practice.  Most degree awarding institutions would have difficulties if asked to document where in degree programs such competencies are developed. The work in this thesis addresses the issue of professional competencies from several angles.  The Open-Ended Group Project (OEGP) concept is introduced and proposed as an approach to constructing learning environments in which students’ development of professional competencies can be stimulated and assessed.  Scholarly, research-based development of the IT in Society course unit (ITiS) is described and analyzed in order to present ideas for tailoring OEGP-based course units towards meeting learning objectives related to professional competence.  Work in this thesis includes an examination of both the meanings attributed to the term professional competencies, and methods which can be used to assess the competencies once they are agreed on. The empirical work on developing ITiS is based on a framework for educational research, which has been both refined and extended as an integral part of my research.  The action research methodology is presented and concrete examples of implementations of different pedagogical interventions, based on the methodology, are given.  The framework provides support for relating a theoretical foundation to studies, or development, of learning environments.  The particular theoretical foundation for the examples in this thesis includes, apart from the action research methodology, constructivism, conceptual change, threshold concepts, communities of practice, ill-structured problem solving, the reflective practicum, and problem based learning. The key finding in this thesis is that development and assessment of professional competencies is not a pipe dream.  Assessment can be accomplished, and the OEGP concept provides a flexible base for creating an appropriate learning environment for this purpose. / <p>Felaktigt tryckt som Digital Comprehensive Summaries of Uppsala Dissertations from the Faculty of Science and Technology 738</p>

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