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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Formação e alteridade : pesquisa na e com a escola / Education and alterity : research in and with a school

Chaluh, Laura Noemi 14 March 2008 (has links)
Orientador: Guilherme do Val Toledo Prado / Tese (doutorado) - Universidade Estadual de Campinas, Faculdade de Educação / Made available in DSpace on 2018-08-10T20:14:40Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 Chaluh_LauraNoemi_D.pdf: 1744393 bytes, checksum: 9848f8b4c989e27149116cef2f0920d4 (MD5) Previous issue date: 2008 / Resumo: Este estudo traz minha experiência formativa enquanto pesquisadora ao optar por desenvolver uma pesquisa em uma Escola Municipal de Ensino Fundamental, ¿Escola Padre Francisco Silva¿, em Campinas - SP, no período de 2003-2005. Nesse percurso, participei de dois espaçostempos de reflexão coletiva, o Trabalho Docente Coletivo (TDC) e o Grupo de Reflexão sobre Letramento e Alfabetização (GA), grupos constituídos pelas professoras das primeiras séries iniciais e pela equipe de gestão. A presença na escola tinha como objetivo compreender como as professoras recriavam a política pública de formação, na tentativa de entender quais os sentidos que essa assumia nesses espaçostempos, como se constituíam esses grupos e quais as possibilidades de desenvolver um trabalho coletivo a partir deles. A sala de aula também foi um lugar privilegiado de vivência visto que colaborei com o trabalho pedagógico de duas professoras junto aos seus alunos e alunas. Ao entrar na escola e viver a escola, no encontro com os outros, fui mobilizada a refletir a respeito da minha própria formação e minha constituição enquanto pesquisadora. Nesse sentido, fui levada não só a me questionar sobre meu lugar enunciativo, sobre minha subjetividade no processo de construção da pesquisa, como também problematizar a simultaneidade de lugares (não-lugares) ocupados, atribuindo sentidos outros à presença de uma pesquisadora na escola. Este trabalho apresenta acontecimentos e encontros com as professoras e leva a marca do pensamento bakhtiniano ¿ principalmente os conceitos de alteridade e diálogo ¿ instâncias fundamentais tanto para o processo de formação das professoras como para o meu enquanto pesquisadora. A formação é compreendida, neste estudo, como uma relação de provoca-ação, na qual o outro se apresenta como desencadeador de diferentes e diversos processos formativos. A perspectiva de pesquisa construída a partir deste trabalho, ¿pesquisa na e com a escola¿, está sustentada por uma trilogia ¿ pesquisa-alteridade-formação ¿ que diz da potencialidade da pesquisa quando relacionada ao processo formativo: o encontro escola e universidade, o diálogo e a colaboração. Minha experiência como pesquisadora que, enquanto pesquisa, forma e se forma com as professoras, é apresentada em forma de narrativa, evidenciando a importância da recuperação das histórias coletivas construídas na escola e sabendo que, além dos sentidos produzidos neste trabalho, novas e outras histórias serão criadas / Abstract: This study shows my experience of development as a researcher when I decided to carry out an inquiry in a Municipal Elementary School, "Escola Padre Francisco Silva¿, in Campinas-SP, in the period 2003-2005. During this period, I attended two spacetimes of collective thinking, the Collective Teacher Workshop (TDC) and the Literacy and Initial Reading Instruction Reflection Group (GA), formed by teachers of the first initial series and the School Board. My presence in the school had the objective to understand how teachers recreated the public policy of education, trying to understand the different senses that it assumed in those spacetimes and also how those groups were formed and the different possibilities of developing a collective work. The classroom was also a privileged place of experience since I collaborated with the pedagogical work of two professors with their students. Upon entering and living the school, in the encounter with the others, I was moved to think about my own education and constitution as a researcher. In that sense, I was led to inquire about my enunciative place and my subjectivity in the process of the research construction as well as to question the simultaneity of occupied places (no-places), granting other meanings to the presence of a researcher at the school. This work presents meetings and encounters with the teachers and carries the mark of the bakhtinian thought ¿ mainly the concepts of alterity and dialogue ¿ fundamental instances for process of development for both teachers, and for me as a researcher. Education is understood, in this study, as a relation of provoke-action in which the other seems to untie different and diverse formative processes. The prospect research built from this job, "research in and with the school" is underpinned by three aspects ¿ research-alterity-formation ¿ that tells about the potentiality of research in relation with the educational process: the encounter schooluniversity, the dialogue and the collaboration. My experience as a researcher, who at the same time investigates, learns and is constituted together with the teachers, is shown in narrative form, making clear the importance of the recovery of collective stories built at the school, and knowing that other new stories will be produced beyond the senses produced in this work / Doutorado / Ensino, Avaliação e Formação de Professores / Doutor em Educação

Estudo sobre a pesquisa acadêmica brasileira acerca da avaliação no ensino de ciências / Study about the Brazilian academic research on evaluation in Science teaching

Mello, Abenilde Silmara de 30 July 2014 (has links)
Submitted by Edineia Teixeira (edineia.teixeira@unioeste.br) on 2018-02-05T13:10:15Z No. of bitstreams: 2 Abenilde_mello2014.pdf: 1973922 bytes, checksum: f2da34672059371d5547490fbb7cfec8 (MD5) license_rdf: 0 bytes, checksum: d41d8cd98f00b204e9800998ecf8427e (MD5) / Made available in DSpace on 2018-02-05T13:10:15Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 2 Abenilde_mello2014.pdf: 1973922 bytes, checksum: f2da34672059371d5547490fbb7cfec8 (MD5) license_rdf: 0 bytes, checksum: d41d8cd98f00b204e9800998ecf8427e (MD5) Previous issue date: 2014-07-30 / Regarding the evaluation process in Science teaching, the little research existing in this field shows up as a problem to be faced. Teaching, learning and evaluation processes are inextricably linked to the effectiveness of Science Education in the school context. The objective of this research is to present and discuss the results of an investigation concerning the Brazilian academic production in the form of master dissertations and doctoral theses which include studies about the evaluation process in Science Education defended in Post-graduation Programs in Brazil, in the teaching area, concerning the period from 2001 to 2012. The aim is to reflect about the trajectory of educational evaluation in the Brazilian academic setting. The study done is related to the state of the art, with a survey that includes the works available in the database of Theses of Higher Education Personnel Training Coordination (CAPES/Brazil). 42 works were found: 33 dissertations and 9 theses. These works were analyzed taking in account the educational level; disciplines; promotion; thematic focus; sort of research; and indicative for researching and/or evaluation practice. It was evident that educational levels covered in these works were: early childhood education, primary education, secondary education, higher education and the general one. Regarding the disciplines, Science and Biology are presented in most of the works, followed by Physics, Chemistry and others. Concerning the thematic focus investigated there are works about the "Learning evaluation", "institutional evaluation" or "System evaluation". About indicatives for researching, one of the mentioned topics is the need for researching about the dichotomy between the discourse proclaimed and the practiced one mentioned by those ones involved with evaluation practice. In the matter of teaching practice, it is highlighted the need for a more formative way of evaluation, surpassing the mere formality of specific instruments for the simple purpose of measurement / No que se refere à avaliação no ensino de ciências, a pouca pesquisa existente configura-se como um problema a ser enfrentado. Ensino, aprendizagem e avaliação são processos indissociáveis para a efetivação da educação científica no contexto escolar. O objetivo deste trabalho é apresentar e discutir os resultados de uma investigação acerca da produção acadêmica brasileira – na forma de dissertações de mestrado e teses de doutorado – que contemplam estudos acerca da avaliação no ensino de ciências, defendidas em programas de pós-graduação no Brasil, na área de ensino, no período de 2001 a 2012. Busca-se refletir sobre a trajetória da avaliação educacional no cenário acadêmico brasileiro. O estudo é do tipo estado da arte, com o levantamento das obras disponíveis no Banco de Teses da Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES/Brasil). Foram encontrados 42 trabalhos: 33 dissertações e 9 teses. Estes trabalhos foram analisados quanto ao nível de ensino; disciplinas; fomento; foco temático; gênero da pesquisa e indicativos para a pesquisa e/ou para a prática avaliativa. Evidenciou-se que os níveis de ensino contemplados foram a educação infantil, o ensino fundamental, o ensino médio, o ensino superior e o geral. No que tange às disciplinas, ciências e biologia estão presente na maioria dos trabalhos, seguidas por física, química e outras. Quanto ao foco temático investigado, obtivemos trabalhos acerca da “Avaliação da aprendizagem”, “Avaliação institucional” ou “Avaliação de sistemas”. Quanto aos indicativos para a pesquisa, um dos citados foi a necessidade de investigações acerca das dicotomias entre o discurso proclamado e o praticado pelos envolvidos na prática avaliativa. Na questão da prática de ensino, salienta-se a necessidade de uma avaliação mais formativa, ultrapassando a mera formalidade de instrumentos pontuais com o único objetivo de medida.

Análise da produção científica dos programas de pós-graduação em educação da Universidade Pedagógica e Tecnológica da Colômbia (1980-2005) / Analysis about the scientific production of postgraduate programs in education at Pedagogical and Technological University of Colombia (1980-2005)

Sanchez Torres, Reina del Pilar, 1961- 20 August 2018 (has links)
Orientador: Silvio Ancízar Sanchez Gamboa / Tese (doutorado) - Universidade Estadual de Campinas, Faculdade de Educação / Made available in DSpace on 2018-08-20T04:08:07Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 SanchezTorres_ReinadelPilar_D.pdf: 1376816 bytes, checksum: f586a940a89faec36b443e5affa745bc (MD5) Previous issue date: 2011 / Resumo: Esta pesquisa estuda a trajetória da produção cientifica da pós-graduação em educação na Universidade Pedagógica y Tecnológica de Colômbia (UPTC) durante o período de 1980- 2005, e a sua importância no desenvolvimento da região. A pesquisa identificou e caracterizou as tendências teóricas metodológicas, classificadas em três grandes abordagens segundo J. Habermas: Empírico-Analítica (Positivismo), Histórico-Hermenêutica - (Fenomenologia) e Crítico-Dialética (Materialismo histórico). Foram utilizados como fontes, os registros de documentos oficiais, teses defendidas no doutorado em Ciências da Educação e nos cinco cursos de mestrado existentes na época, assim como registros do Departamento Administrativo de Ciencia Tecnologia e Innovación - COLCIENCIAS. Também, foi considerado o debate contemporâneo das tendências epistemológicas e as teorias do conhecimento. Foi utilizada a técnica de análise de conteúdos, aplicando uma matriz epistemológica que permitiu identificar a lógica interna das pesquisas (método lógico) e a recuperação das condições e dos contextos da produção (método histórico). Os resultados identificaram a tendência, histórico-hermenêutica como a predominante na amostra analisada. Na sequência, a tendência empírico-analítica, considerada uma das mais desenvolvidas na tradição de pesquisa em educação no país e, em terceiro lugar, a tendência Crítico-dialética que começa a ser utilizada em algumas dissertações. De forma semelhante concluiu-se que o desenvolvimento da pós-graduação na Instituição se encontrava em uma fase inicial, embora sua trajetória tivesse mais de vinte e cinco anos. Tal conclusão se sustenta, dentre outros indicadores na falta de professores doutores como orientadores das dissertações e da implantação de políticas nacionais que garantam condições institucionais para o desenvolvimento da pesquisa na universidade. A amostra aqui analisada poderá ser significativa da problemática da pesquisa em educação no país, e na maioria dos países de América Latina e o Caribe. / Abstract: The thesis studies the path of the scientific production of advanced degrees in the educational area at Pedagogical and Technological University of Colombia (UPTC) from 1980 to 2005, and the importance within the scientific and technological development of the country. The research identified and characterized the theoretical and methodological trends classified in three great approaches according to J. Habermas: Empirical Analytic (positivism), Historical-hermeneutic (phenomenological) and Critical Dialectic (Historical Materialism). Records of official documents, doctoral thesis in Educational Sciences and five master courses at the time were used as the sources, as well as, records of the Colombian Institute for the Development of Science and Technology: "Francisco José de Caldas COLCIENCIAS." Besides, it was considered the contemporary debate related to the epistemological trends and theories of knowledge. The method used was the content analysis, applying an epistemological matrix which allowed to identify the internal logic of the research (logical method), further, it permitted to recovery the conditions and contexts of production (historical method). The findings identified the trend. First, historicalhermeneutic trend was the most prevalent in the analyzed sample. Second, the empiricalanalytic trend was considered as one of the most developed in the educative tradition in the country, third, Critical-dialectic trend that begins to be used in some master assignments. Likewise, it was concluded that the development of postgraduate studies in the institution were in an early stage, even if these were created around twenty-five years ago. This conclusion emerged because there are not enough professors with PhD degree guiding thesis in masters programs and because of the implementation of public policies that guarantee institutional conditions for the development of research at the university. The analyzed sample may be an evidence of the research problems that the country has to face within the educative file and it might be generalized in most of Latin America and Caribbean countries. / Resumen: La tesis estudia la trayectoria de la producción científica de los post grados en el área de educación de la Universidad Pedagógica y Tecnológica de Colombia (UPTC) durante El periodo de 1980-2005, y la importancia en el marco del desarrollo científico y tecnológico del país. La investigación identifico y caracterizo las tendencias teórico - metodológicas, clasificadas en tres grandes abordajes según J. Habermas: Empírico Analítica (Positivismo), Histórico-hermenéutica (fenomenología) e Crítico Dialéctica (Materialismo Histórico). Se utilizaron como fuentes, los registros de documentos oficiales, las tesis de doctorado em Ciencias de la Educación y de los cinco cursos de maestría de la época, así como registros del Instituto Colombiano para el desarrollo de la ciencia y la tecnología Francisco José de Caldas COLCIENCIAS. También fue considerado, el debate contemporáneo de lãs tendencias epistemológicas y las teorías del conocimiento. Fue utilizada la técnica Del análisis de contenido, aplicando una matriz epistemológica que permitió identificar La lógica interna de las investigaciones (método lógico) y la recuperación de las condiciones y de los contextos de la producción (método histórico). Los resultados identificaron La tendencia, histórico-hermenéutica como la de mayor predominio en la muestra analizada. En la secuencia, la empírico-analítica, considerada como una de las más desarrolladas en La tradición educativa en el país e, en tercer lugar, la tendencia Critico-dialéctica que comienza a ser utilizada en algunos trabajos de maestría. De igual forma se concluyó que el desarrollo de los post grados en la Institución se encontraba en una fase inicial, aunque su trayectoria tuviese más de veinticinco años. Esta conclusión se basa entre otros indicadores en la falta de profesores doctores como directores de los trabajos de grado em las maestría y de la implantación de políticas públicas que garanticen condiciones institucionales para el desarrollo de la investigación en la universidad. La muestra aqui analizada puede ser representativa de la problemática en la investigación en el área educativa en el país, y puede generalizarse en la mayoría de los países de América Latina y el Caribe. / Doutorado / Filosofia e História da Educação / Doutor em Educação

Educação para a paz : um estudo psicogenetico sobre a tolerancia

Freire, Nadia Maria Badue 31 August 2004 (has links)
Orientador: Orly Zucatto Mantovani de Assis / Tese (doutorado) - Universidade Estadual de Campinas, Faculdade de Educação / Made available in DSpace on 2018-08-04T03:41:58Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 Freire_NadiaMariaBadue_D.pdf: 1573794 bytes, checksum: 9329862de94dfc67be764357593e0628 (MD5) Previous issue date: 2004 / Resumo: A tolerância é um dos fatores fundamentais para uma verdadeira Educação para a Paz, no sentido de aceitar o diferente sem, entretanto, abandonar sua própria identidade, seja ela cultural ou pessoal. Ou no sentido de se tomar atitudes não-violentas na defesa dos princípios, entre pares. Esta segunda opção foi recortada como conceito a ser trabalhado na presente tese: tolerância necessária entre pares, diante de princípios violados. O conceito de tolerância deve permitir clarear o problema norteador dessa pesquisa: quando a criança se torna capaz de exercer a tolerância como sentimento moral ¿ e de como educar para a tolerância e para a paz. A falta de um conceito compartilhado de tolerância constitui uma das maiores dificuldades deste estudo. A abordagem teórico-metodológica cognitivo-evolutiva piagetiana, por meio de conflitos morais, permite estudar como evolui a tolerância, relacionando-a ao desenvolvimento da reciprocidade, justiça, respeito, heteronomia/autonomia, centração/descentração. A partir das análises dos argumentos fornecidos pelos sujeitos (de 6, 9, 12 e 15 anos), são apresentadas reflexões educacionais que inspirem relações mais harmoniosas, principalmente, na escola / Abstract: Education for Peace: a psycogenetic study on Tolerance. Tolerance is one of the fundamental factors for a true Education for Peace, in the sense of accepting what is different without letting go of your own identity though, whether it is cultural or personal. It can also be perceived in the sense of adopting non-violent attitudes in defense of principles among peers. This second sense was singled out as the concept to be worked on in the present paper: the necessary tolerance among peers in face of violated principles. The concept of tolerance is expected to clarify the guiding issue of this research: when children become able to exercise tolerance as a moral sentiment and how to educate towards tolerance and peace. The lack of a shared concept of tolerance constitutes one of the greatest difficulties of this study. The Piaget cognitive-evolutive theoretical-methodological approach through moral conflicts allows the study of how tolerance evolues, relating it to the development of reciprocity, justice, respect, heteronomy, autonomy, centering/decentering. From the analyses of the arguments provided by the subjects (of 6, 9, 12 e 15 years) educational reflexions, which inspire more harmonious relationships mainly in school, are put forward / Doutorado / Psicologia, Desenvolvimento Humano e Educação / Doutor em Educação

Do learners experience spatial and social presence in interactive environments based on 360-degree panoramas?: A pilot study and future research agenda

Dyrna, Jonathan, Stöhr, Kjell, Pippig, Michelle 31 May 2023 (has links)
The unforeseeable outbreak and progression of the covid-19-pandemic accompanied by crucial measures of both social and spatial distancing has emphasized digital technologies’ role within the spotlight of educational research and practice. A major challenge of technology-enhanced education is the preservation of the spatio-social character of learning despite distance. Virtual learning spaces hold the potential to spatially situate learning and make learners feel like actually being in a real physical learning environment (e. g., Hartmann & Bannert, 2022; Eiris et al., 2020, Makransky & Mayer, 2022). Compared to highly immersive virtual realities that are, for instance, accessed through a head-mounted display, interactive virtual learning environments based on 360-degree panoramas are less expensive to produce while seeming to enable comparable experiences of presence (Eiris et al., 2020; Ritter & Chambers, 2021). However, this rather novel learning format has not yet been empirically investigated in depth, neither in terms of its foundation nor regarding learners’ experience of presence during its use. The subsequently described study aims to provide a first in-depth insight into learners’ spatial and social presence experience in interactive 360-degree panoramas. Therefore, we first summarize the current theoretical and mpirical state of research. We then present the methodological approach and results of the study conducted, discuss them critically, and derive a comprehensive agenda for follow-up research. [Aus: Introduction]

A Field of Veiled Continuities : Studies in the Methodology and Theory of Educational Research

Matta, Corrado January 2017 (has links)
Empirical educational research enjoys a methodological and theoretical debate that is characterized by a number of unresolved and lively debated controversies. This compilation thesis is an attempt to contribute to this debate using the toolbox of philosophy of science. The thesis consists of an introductory chapter and four essays. In the introductory chapter I identify three methodological and theoretical controversies that are discussed within the field of educational research. These are: 1) the controversy concerning the scientific status of educational research; 2) the controversy between cognitive and sociocultural theories of learning; and, 3) the controversy between realist and constructionist interpretations of theories of learning. I provide in the essays a critical assessment of the claims behind each of these controversies, and argue for an alternative reconstruction of these issues. In Essay I, I criticize a view about the interpretation of human action, labeled in the text as interpretivism. This view posits a sharp separation between the natural and social sciences, to the effect that the methods of the latter cannot be applied to the former. The first controversy seems to rest on this position. As I argue, the arguments in support of interpretivism are contradicted by actual research practice. I conclude that the interpretivistic claims lack support and that the general separation claim appears as problematic. A further debate has fueled the first controversy, that is, the supposed distinction between qualitative and quantitative methods. In Essay II, I argue against this distinction. More specifically, I discuss the concept of empirical support in the context of qualitative methods (for short, qualitative support). I provide arguments that although there are two specific and non-trivial properties of qualitative support, there is no methodological separation between quantitative and qualitative methods concerning empirical support. Considered together, the first two essays indicate two points of methodological continuity between educational research and other scientific practices (such as the natural sciences). I therefore conclude that the controversy concerning the scientific status of educational research rests in large part on unjustified claims. Essay III focuses on the second controversy. In this article I argue that Suárez’ inferential approach to the concept of scientific representation can be used as an account of scientific representation in learning, regardless of whether learning is understood as a cognitive or social phenomenon. The third controversy is discussed in Essay IV. Here, I discuss some ontological aspects of the framework of the actor-network theory. Reflecting on the use of this framework in the research field of Networked Learning, I argue that the assumption of an ontology of relations provides the solution for two puzzles about the ontology of networks. The relevance of my argument for the third controversy is that it suggests a point of connection between constructionist and realist interpretations of the ontology of learning. The last two essays suggest two points of continuities between theoretical frameworks that have been and still are argued to be incompatible. / <p>At the time of the doctoral defense, the following paper was unpublished and had a status as follows: Paper 2: Manuscript.</p>

Žákovská pojetí vědy a vědců a možnosti jejich ovlivnění / Pupils' conceptions of science and scientists and possibilities of influencing them

Šmídová, Petra January 2011 (has links)
The aim of the diploma thesis was to describe pupils' conceptions of science and scientists and also to suggest some possibilities to influence them. In the theoretical part of the thesis common knowledge of pupils' conceptions of science and scientists is described. It also summarises researches following up these issues, and conceptions of science education at primary school in the Czech Republic and other chosen states. In the empirical part a research focused on getting information about pupils' knowledge of science and scientists and their approach is presented. The results show, that pupils' conceptions of science and scientists are heterogeneous and the role of out-of-school activities of chosen pupils was more significant than influence of school. In the final part of the thesis there are appropriate ways how to influence pupils' conceptions of the area of science at school are outlined

Lernen und das Andere / Hochschuldidaktische Erkenntnisse zur Anwendung des Konzeptes der Alterität auf Lehr- und Lernprozesse im akademischen Kontext / Learning and otherness / Findings on why and how to use the concept of alterity when approaching academic teaching and learning settings

Thielsch, Angelika 07 June 2019 (has links)
No description available.

O Centro Regional de Pesquisas Educacionais de São Paulo (1956-1961).

Ferreira, Márcia dos Santos 20 June 2001 (has links)
Trata-se de um levantamento documental e bibliográfico realizado com a finalidade de elaboração de um quadro descritivo das atividades realizadas no Centro Regional de Pesquisas Educacionais de São Paulo (CRPE/SP), durante os anos de 1956 a 1961, período em que Fernando de Azevedo foi seu Diretor Geral. Através do levantamento das pesquisas, cursos e demais atividades desenvolvidas pelo CRPE/SP no período correspondente à sua instalação e primeiros anos de funcionamento, destaca-se a importância de Anísio Teixeira na criação desta instituição que tinha como objetivo central a reconstrução educacional brasileira através da utilização dos conhecimentos provenientes das ciências sociais. No entender de Anísio Teixeira e do grupo de intelectuais que se reuniu em função das atividades que se desenvolveram no Centro ? Fernando de Azevedo, Florestan Fernandes, Dante Moreira Leite, entre outros ? as práticas educacionais alcançariam condições científicas na medida em que se utilizassem do instrumental teórico e metodológico próprio das ciências sociais para a investigação e reflexão a respeito de seus problemas. O trabalho de descrição das atividades desenvolvidas no Centro permitiu a seleção de quatro temas que se mostraram recorrentes nos trabalhos produzidos pelos intelectuais vinculados à essa instituição. São eles: Educação e Ciências Sociais; Desenvolvimento Sócio-Econômico, Mudança Cultural e Educação; Pesquisa Cientifica e Planejamento Educacional; e, Tramitação da Lei de Diretrizes e Bases da Educação Nacional. Acrescenta-se ao trabalho descritivo e à apresentação dos temas mais discutidos algumas considerações a respeito do contexto ideológico da época, abordando o desenvolvimentismo do governo Juscelino Kubitschek, a ideologia do desenvolvimento do ISEB e o posicionamento do Centro em relação às discussões que aconteciam. Em decorrência disso, também são destacadas as divergências entre os intelectuais paulistas e isebianos, assim como o vínculo existente entre o Centro e a Faculdade de Filosofia, Ciências e Letras da USP. Além da utilização da bibliografia existente a respeito do Centro, o levantamento documental realizou-se através da consulta ao Arquivo CRPE/SP do Centro de Memória da Educação da USP; ao Arquivo Fernando de Azevedo do Instituto de Estudos Brasileiros da USP; ao Arquivo Anísio Teixeira do Centro de Pesquisa e Documentação de História Contemporânea do Brasil/CPDOC da Fundação Getúlio Vargas; aos Relatórios Anuais de Atividades do Centro, pertencentes ao Arquivo Histórico do INEP; aos números da revista Pesquisa e Planejamento (boletim do CRPE/SP) e Educação e Ciências Sociais (boletim do CBPE) referentes ao período estudado; e, à série Estudos e Documentos (publicada pelo CRPE/SP). A descrição das atividades do Centro e o estudo do vínculo existente entre esta instituição e a Faculdade de Filosofia da USP possibilitou a avaliação do seu sucesso no cumprimento dos objetivos estabelecidos no início de suas atividades, assim como permitiu avaliar o seu papel no processo de formação de pesquisadores que se dedicariam ao estudos dos problemas educacionais brasileiros a partir de então. / A survey of documents and bibliography was made, for the purpose of elaborating a descriptive overview of the activities occurring in the Centro Regional de Pesquisas Educacionais de São Paulo (CRPE/SP) ? Regional Center for Education Researches of São Paulo ? during the years from 1956 to 1961, the period when Fernando de Azevedo was the General Director. By a survey of the researches, courses and other activities developed by the CRPE/SP, in the period corresponding to its establishment and first years of operation, it is presented the importance of Anísio Teixeira in the creation of this institution that had as its main objective the reconstruction of Brazilian education through the use of knowledge obtained from the social sciences. The concepts of Anísio Teixeira and the group of scholars gathered for the activities taking place at the Center ? Fernando de Azevedo, Florestan Fernandes, Dante Moreira Leite, among others ? were that educational practices would reach scientific status as they used theoretical and methodological means, typical of the social sciences, to investigate and ponder about its problems. The work of description of the activities developed at the Center allowed the selection of four themes that have showed up repeatedly in the work produced by the scholars associated with the institution. They are: Education and Social Sciences; Socioeconomic Development, Cultural Changes and Education; Scientific Research and Educational Planning; and Procedural Steps of the Law of Policies and Basis of Nationwide Education (LDBEN). Added to the descriptive work and presentation of the themes under discussion, there are also considerations about the ideological context of these times, taking into account the drive for development of the Juscelino Kubitschek presidency, the ideology of development of the ISEB and the position of the Center relative to the debates then underway. As a consequence of that, the divergences between \"paulistas\" and \"ISEBian\" scholars are also presented, as well as the bonds existing between the Center and the Faculdade de Filosofia, Ciências e Letras da USP. Besides using the available bibliography about the Center, the survey of documents was made by access to the Archives of the CRPE/SP in the Centro de Memória da Educação (Center for the Preservation of the Memories of Education) of USP; the Fernando Azevedo Archives in the Institute Brazilian Studies of USP; the Anísio Teixeira Archives of the Center for Research and Documentation of the Recent History of Brazil (CPDOC) of the Getulio Vargas Foundation; the Annual Reports on the Activities of the Center, in the Historic Files of INEP; to issues of the Pesquisa e Planejamento (Research & Planning) magazine (bulletin of the 10 CRPE/SP) and the Educação e Ciências Sociais (Education & Social Sciences) magazine (bulletin of the CBPE) published in the period being studied; and the Estudos e Documentos (Studies & Documents) series (published by the CRPE/SP). The description of the activities of the Center and the study of the bond present between the institution and the Faculdade de Filosofia da USP enabled us to evaluate its success in the achievement of the objectives set at the beginning of its activities, and also allowed an assessment of its role in the process of formation of researchers who dedicated themselves to the study of Brazilian educational problems from that time onwards.


Dees, Werner 12 January 2015 (has links)
Das Forschungsfeld der Bildungsforschung befindet sich seit der ersten PISA-Studie in einer starken Expansionsphase. Bisherige Analysen dieses Feldes beschränken sich allerdings auf allgemeine Übersichten zu verschiedenen Aspekten, etwa zum Personal, zur Finanzierung, zu Forschungsprojekten oder zu Publikationen. Das Ziel der Dissertation ist es dagegen, speziell die kognitiven Strukturen der Bildungsforschung in Deutschland, und hier insbesondere die in diesem Feld behandelten Forschungsthemen sowie seine Wissensbasis, mittels der bibliometrischen Methoden der Kowort- und der Referenzanalyse zu untersuchen. Die Datengrundlage bildeten zum einen die Schlagwörter zu 23389 Publikationen des Zeitraums 2000 bis 2009, die durch eine schlagwortbasierte Suche in der FIS Bildung Literaturdatenbank ermittelt wurden. Zum anderen die in den Beiträgen der dritten Auflage des Handbuchs Bildungsforschung zitierten 3921 Referenzen. Die Ergebnisse der Referenzanalysen zeigen eine nach wie vor sehr große Bedeutung der Publikationstypen Monographie und Sammelband und einen relativ starken nationalen Fokus im Zitationsverhalten, aber auch große Unterschiede in den Zitationsmustern zwischen den einzelnen Beiträgen. Zudem zeigt sich, dass die Schulleistungsstudien und die Bildungsberichte die einflussreichsten Publikationen der aktuellen Bildungsforschung darstellen und die Pädagogik, die Soziologie, die Psychologie sowie die Wirtschaftswissenschaften die wichtigsten Bezugsdisziplinen. In der Analyse der thematischen Schwerpunkte bestätigt sich die zentrale Rolle des Themenbereichs Schülerleistung und ist ein Bedeutungszuwachs der Forschung zum Thema Lernen zu erkennen. Aus den Analysen lässt sich folgern, dass Handbücher eine informative, aber noch wenig genutzte, Datenquelle der Wissenschaftsforschung darstellen. Ferner sind mit der Methode der Kowortanalyse auch differenziertere Untersuchungen von Forschungsfeldern, die nicht gut in Zitationsdatenbanken abgedeckt sind, möglich. / Since the first PISA study the field of educational research is going through a phase of strong expansion. Previous analyses of the field are largely confined to general overviews of various aspects like scientific staff, funding, research projects or publications. The aim of the thesis, in contrast, is to study the cognitive structures of educational research in Germany, in particular the research topics and the knowledge base of the field, using the bibliometric methods of co-word analysis and reference analysis. Two data sources were used: the keywords of 23389 publications from the period 2000 to 2009. These publications were identified by a keyword-based search in the German Education Index. And the 3921 references cited in the articles of the third edition of the Handbuch Bildungsforschung. The results of the reference analysis show a high relevance of the document types monograph and edited book and a relatively strong national focus but also considerable differences in the citation patterns of the individual articles. Furthermore, student assessment studies and education reports are the most influential publications of current educational research and pedagogy, socioloy, psychology and economics the main reference disciplines. The analysis of the thematic priorities reaffirms the central role of the topic student achievement and shows a growing importance of the issue of learning. It can be concluded that handbooks are an informative but still largely unexplored data source in science studies. Moreover, the method of co-word analysis facilitates more detailed investigations of research fields that are not well covered in citation indexes.

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