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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Mokyklos vadovų komunikacijos ypatumai / Comunication of school leader

Bulovienė, Miglė 17 June 2005 (has links)
In the last decades of the 20th century and the beginning of the 21st century more and more attention has been paid to the notion of leadership competence. Leadership refers to a specific type of human activity, during which a group of people starts working effectively and resultatively. This is achieved by the intensive exchange of information, mutual understanding, and constant cooperation of a leader with his/her team. However, it is still unclear what the communicative competence of a school leader should look like to make one‘s leadership as productive and resultatative as possible. Therefore, the current reasearch aims at analysing the peculiarities of the school leader‘s communicative competence. According to the scientific sources, communicative competence of a school leader is of primary importance. Moreover, the communicative competence helps to create a student-friendly atmosphere. As a result, students will feel equal members of a school community, what eventually will make a positive impact to their study results, as well as their self-esteem and motivation. Nevertheless, the research findings show that the matter-of-fact and businesslike communication predominates at school. According to the school teachers and students, school leaders do not pay enough attention to their personal needs. The research respondents claim that a closer contact with a school leader would not only improve their relationship, but also make teachers distribute home assignments more... [to full text]

Suaugusiųjų savišvieta kaip priemonė asmenybei tobulinti (-is) neformalaus švietimo sistemoje / Adults' self-education as a mean for personal improvement in the system of informal education

Būgaitė, Dovilė 17 June 2005 (has links)
Modern man must be able not only to learn but also to look actively for knowledge, information by himself, to determine his position in changing society. Self-education comes to help here. Self-education can be perceived as individual work (reading books, magazines, newspapers) that can be coordinated with collective forms of work (courses, seminars, lectures). Therefore, it can be asserted that self-education is mostly individualized activity of cognition helping to develop versatile and harmonious personality interested not only in the field of professional activities but in politics, aesthetics, moral as well. Research aim is to analyze adults’ self-education as a mean for personal improvement by giving recommendations how self-education could be made more efficient. The research was carried out from December 2004 to February 2005 seeking to disclose the needs of self-education of adult residents of Utena region as well as possibilities for their satisfaction. The method of random selection was applied in the research. Over 300 respondents were questioned by the means of questionnaires. The research was carried out in Utena A. ir M Miškinių Public Library and in libraries of Užpaliai and Vyžuonos rural districts. The residents of Utena town and region have broad possibilities for self-education. The sources of self-education of adults of Utena region are public library in the town, its branches in the town and countryside, school libraries, bookshops, concert... [to full text]

Gamtosauginės paskirties renginiai kaip ekologinio dorinio ugdymo forma / Environmental events as form ecological moral education

Mincevičiūtė, Nijolė 22 June 2005 (has links)
Nature preservation directly depends on the environmental education of the society. Compared to the other member states of the European Union the ecological culture in Lithuania is still low. Morals is of utmost importance in achieving ecological culture. Environmental events is one of the forms for developing a modern personality, who understands and is able to solve the issues of nature preservation. Environmental evens (presentations, actions, excursions, etc.) should be intended not only to promote interest in environment but also participation in preserving it. This paper reviews the results of a survey carried out among the schoolchildren (5 – 8) of Vilnius Fabijoniškės and Vilnius Žemyna secondary schools. The aim of the survey was to analyse the importance of environmental events as a means of ecological and moral education. Concluding the results of the survey it may be said that the indifference of schoolchildren to nature is related to lack of environmental education in the family. Accordind to the data of the survey even 76.3 percent of respondents consider enviromental events effective. The school system developing a modern personality, who is able to live in the rapidly changing world and solve the issues that arise in it, including enviromental ones, should develop and implement environmental programs and take part more in the different programs supported by international funds.

Lietuvos didelio meistriškumo plaukikų rengimo XXVIII Atėnų olimpinėms žaidynėms analizė / High Master Swimmers Training into XXVIII Olympic Games in Athens Analysis

Keraminienė, Valentina 25 May 2006 (has links)
High master sportsman training is versatile educological procees wich possesse over improvement of spostsmans ability‘s, physical and psychical characteristics, harmonius personality training, strengthen of health, achievement of good sporting rezults and et. Sports pedagogics study sporting training methods and applying of technology in specificall situations, couch, sportsmans and scientists reciprocity, reversionary information, rating of sports training. Sports training process is step by step shift in sportsmas preparation state, close connection with changing development stages, wich creates continuous and solid movement. Olimpical cycle is four-year sporting training period between two olimpic games. Such prespective sporting training structure alow properly plan training course, adjust physical loads, guarantee sportsmans increase in mastership. Each four year olimpic cycle year structure must repeat, but each rerun must mach higher function load of the organism. Four-year olimpic cycle is main organisms stuctures training form, wich purport, organization and terms intend of changeable organisms adaptive reserve realization, wich require ever increasing maximal sportsmans organisms functional exertion. There for it must be noticed that adaptive process in streched muscles work conditions cannot last for ever. Always exist objective genetic factor chance wich limits reaction to training. If these loads are less that objective necessary values, than variable organisms... [to full text]

Kauno kolegijos studentų savęs vertinimo ir profesinio tinkamumo tyrimas / The research of Professional suitability and self-knowledge of students in Kaunas College

Garbauskienė, Rita 01 June 2006 (has links)
The profession’s pick is the most significance task during adolescence and juvenescence. This profession’s pick has a strong influence for all person‘s life. According to professor L.Jovaisa (1999) the profession’s pick is multifold act and permanent process. The social economical status depends from the profession’s pick too. According to the profession a lot of people qualify theirs conditions and signification in the society. Occupation gives a financial security, high self-esteem, social acceptance, guaranties good social conditions and public‘s respect. Occupation also enables to develop social contacts and to reach personnel’s life‘s quality. The profession needs good knowledge, competences and skills. The profession’s pick depends on many factors such as physicomental maturity, social force, economical situation, cultural degree and psychic income. Person‘s orientation has an influence in the profession‘s pick. The person‘s orientation affords for better understanding of tendency in personage‘s career, the process of employable action, satisfaction of job, aspiration and strides. John Holland, a career specialist, developed a theory that people and careers can be characterized by six basic „types“.These „types“, or Holland Codes, are commonly referred to as RIASEC to reflect the first letter in each of the themes (R – Realistic, I – Investigative, A – Artistic, S – Social, E – Enterprising, C – Conventional).

Laisvės ir atsakomybės sampratos formavimas pradinėse klasėse / Freedom and responsibility formation in primary education

Stasytytė, Indrė 02 June 2006 (has links)
Development of independence and responsibility in primary education constitutes an important issue both in respect of a maturing person, and from the State point of view. Only people who are capable of independent thinking, have a free soul, but are aware of responsibility and its significance, can create wellbeing not only for themselves, but for society as well. In this process a special role must be granted to pedagogue, school, family, and other factors of educational process. The analysis has showed that many pupils fail to understand the close link between independence and responsibility, and the pedagogues lack motivation to form the concept of independence and responsibility in primary education. Public spirit means that society educates and strengthens the spirit of freedom and responsibility. Only conscious and free citizens with responsibility for the fate of their country and entire world can jointly create the common good. Therefore, the formation of freedom and responsibility should be emphasised in primary education.

Pedagogų požiūris į edukacines novacijas ir jų diegimą / Teachers' attitude to educative innovations and their implementation

Kazakevičius, Rimvydas 03 June 2006 (has links)
Lithuania experiences cultural, economical, social and moral change, then it is necessary to create miscellaneous and differentiated system of education institutions, with the right conditions for every child to choose the individual method of education according to his capabilities, likes, interests, - motivation. Therefore innovations, implementation and researches become critically important. The research object is innovations in education and its implementation. The research subject is innovative activities of the schoolteachers. The pedagogues resist innovations - that is the problem in this research, hypothesis - the pedagogues resist to innovations and changes. When the research was finished and the data analyzed, the following results were obtained: the conservative attitude of pedagogues, incomprehension of innovation significance, lack of information and reluctance for perfection stop innovations form coming to educational institutions. Therefore the education of pedagogue is very important. The communication among headmasters and teachers and solution of the problems, connected with innovations, is equally important, in order to avoid resistance while implementing it.

Aerobikos pratimų poveikis 18 – 23 metų merginų koordinaciniams gebėjimams / The efficiency of aerobic training for the women's aged 18 - 23 coordinational abilities

Jasaitytė, Odeta 05 June 2006 (has links)
Aerobics-one of the popular and favorite body culture forms between the girls and women of different age. Popularity of this type of sport is determined by the simplicity, the emotional feelings and efficiency. Different types of the effect of aerobic training were analyzed by: D. Vizbaraitė (2000), R. Kviklienė (2001), S. Poteliūnienė (2000), R. Baublienė (1998). The peculiarities of inner and outer Aerobic motivation were analyzed by: R. Malinauskas, O. Batutis, D. Jetkevičius (2005). However, the deeper influence of aerobic for the women of the age 18 – 23 was not widely analyzed.. Aim: to discover the efficiency of aerobic training for the women`s aged 18 – 23 coordinational abilities. 25 women were participating in the pedagogical experiment. Experiment was done in 2005 september 19th – 2005 december 5th in Olympic Gym sports club. Aerobic exercises took place two times a week for 45 minutes. We formulated the complexes of aerobical training. They were used from September 26th ,2005 until December 2nd, 2005. We have tested the ability level of some physical features and separate coordinational faculties in the beginning of the test and in the end as well. The complexes of exercises were structured by emphasizing the variety of exercises, plenty of steps, the consistency and the level of complication of separate parts of the body during exercising. 50% of participants stated that aerobic exercises positively influenced the development of their physical features. 84%... [to full text]

Pradinės matematikos užduočių sistematika ir uždavinių sprendimo optimizavimas 3-4 klasėse / The Systematic and Optimization of Exercises Solution Of Primary Mathematics Exercises in 3-4 Classes

Medeikis, Algirdas 05 June 2006 (has links)
The purpose of my job “The Systematic and Optimization of Exercises Solution Of Primary Mathematics Exercises in 3-4 Classes” was to overlook newly and to value mathematic exercises, which was given in mathematic textbooks. To reach this purpose, I chose and analyzed B. Balchychio, A. Kiseliovo ir D. Kiseliovos bei D. Shalnienes ir L. Hoshteterienės mathematic textbooks of 3-4 classes. I made three problems for this job: to detect peculiarities of mathematics exercises systematic; to analyze mathematic textbooks of different authors of 3-4 classes; to analyze derivation ways of 3-4 mathematic exercises in different ways. When I was writing my job I used these methods: the analyze of different literature derivations, questionnaire poll, the analyze of mathematic textbooks and mathematic statistics. I ascertained which exercises authors render a lot in their textbooks, which sort is textual and geometric exercises, which are most arithmetic operations. I made the questionnaire poll of nine exercises of chosen textbooks too, I gave three geometric, three arithmetic and three textual exercises in this questionnaire poll. There was chosen one by one from all kinds of exercises from different textbooks. The poll was given to pupils of 4 classes on purpose to see are the pupils able to solve exercises of different authors, do the authors give not difficult or not easy exercises. In this investigation pupils were from 12 schools: main school of Pryshmanchiai, secondary school of... [to full text]

Utenos kūno kultūros ir sporto centro (KKSC) organizacijos ugdymo problematika: darbuotojų vaidmenys ir jų elgsena bendraujant grupėje / The problem of developing organization of Utena physical culture and sport centre (PCSC): the roles of workers and their behavior communicating in group

Trinskienė, Lina 08 June 2006 (has links)
When people are communicating, working together it is necessary to coordinate constantly intercommunication and understanding. It is very important to know that every person is individuality besides the situation can provoke one or other way of behavior. Knowledge of roles in the group can help to reach the more effective communication also the cooperation in groups. The purpose of work. To survey the roles of workers of Utena physical culture and sport center and their behavior in groups and in the different contact situations. 100 workers of Utena physical culture and sport centre were questioned. Conclusions. 1. After setting the dominant roles of Utena PCSC workers in the season and in other time it can be seen that dominated the roles of Company worker (20,48 and 21,48 percent), of Team worker (20,82 and 19,11 percent). The distinct were the roles of Performer/Finishing person (18,77 and 17,75 percent), Resources investigator (11,43 and 12,63 percent). Not very distinct were the roles of Observer – assessor (10,24 and 9,9 percent), Former (8,53 and 7,68 percent), Inspirer (5,12 and 6,14 percent), President (4,61 and 4,95 percent). During the season and not mostly dominated the roles of Company worker and Team worker. The people playing these roles working together encourage the harmony of group and were the team motivators (Everard and Morris, 1997). 2. We established that for Utena PCSC workers in season were mostly acceptable the Fifth and Fourth alternatives –... [to full text]

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