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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Mokykla - kaip bendruomenės kultūros centras / School as cultural community center

Trainienė, Angelė 17 June 2005 (has links)
At this master thesis author analyses functions and peculiarities of school as cultural community center. Thesis consists from theoretical and practical parts. Aim of the work - to ascertain functions and peculiarities of school as cultural community center. At a theoretical part of thesis there are analysis of scientific literature. There are analyzed conceptions of community. Concepts’ analysis highlighted elements of community, cognitive methods as well as functions. Their where analyzed and commented peculiarities of local Kuktiškės community. There are discussions about possibilities of school as an open community socialization system: action of village school in the microsocium also culture of basic school as a basis of socialization. Presumptions of school as a center of community center there are presented. At a practical part of thesis there are presented research analysis performed at February – January of 2004 – 2005 at the community of Kuktiškės. There was 300 respondents participated at this research. This research displayed that Kuktiškės basic school in Utena district performs education of pupils and parents as well as organizes leisure time, embosoms and transfers cultural values and traditions. But according research all the organized activities only partially satisfied all the need of pupils’ occupation as well as needs of village community. In a way to reach schools full – fledged role as a cultural center of village school, process of socialization of... [to full text]

Vaikų socializacijai palankių sąlygų sudarymas formalioje ir neformalioje ugdymo aplinkoje / Formation of favourable conditions for children socializations in the environment of formal and informal education

Čereškevičienė, Virginija 08 June 2006 (has links)
SUMMARY The relevance of the topic nowadays. The process of socialization is the key factor in shaping a person as a member of the community he belongs to. The integration of a person into the society is uninterrupted process which continuous life long. Though it is the most intensive in the chilhood when a child grows biologically and phsychologically and becomes more responsive to all influences coming from outside. The number of influences and their power is rising while a child is growing. One of the conditions that are necessary for a child in order to obtain good socialization is having good emotional, social and cultural relationships with other people because people get to know each other only by the means of communication and this is the way to reach social unity. The main factors of socialization in chilhood are contemporaries, school and family. Primary education is considered to be one of the key importance priorities of the policy of contemporary education as it is the basis of life-long learning. If this developmental and educational period of child���s life is successfully dealt with a person has an ability to develop and socialize in other stages of his life. The analysis of educational literature leads to the conclusion that the socialization of pupils is of great importance. The paper is an attempt to reveal the essence of pupil‘s socialization in both formal and informal education It also provides with beneficial conditions and factors how to gain in... [to full text]

Institucijų, dalyvaujančių specialiųjų poreikių mokinių ugdymo(si) procese, bendradarbiavimo plėtros galimybės / The Cooperation Development Opportunities in Institutions Participating in the Education Process of Pupils with Special Needs

Stanulienė, Edita 12 June 2006 (has links)
Summary The Cooperation Development Opportunities in Institutions Participating in the Education Process of Pupils with Special Needs In evaluating the powers and dificulties of a student and adjusting the contest of education to a student who has the learning difficulties, there meet two institutions – family, school and Pedagogical Psychological Office. The cooperation of these institutions in reality is a formal process, which begins with the recomandation of teachers to evaluate the demands of a student in the Office and ends with the submission of conclusions about student‘s capabilities. The communication which is based only on the necessity lacks the continuation and is not fully effective in the striving of individual progress of the students with special needs. These tendencies encourage to seek for the better cooperation ways of family, school and Pedagogical Psychological Office; at the same time involving the student to a process of cooperation, increasing his motivation and competence in solving problems, expanding permanent interaction between the institutions. The purpose of the paper is to ascertain the cooperation peculiarities of the present situation of family, school and Pedagogical Psychological Office; to analyse and evaluate the possibilities of coopearation expansion of these institutions. The research shows the quantitative and qualitative expression of cooperation, and presents the evaluatings of present situation of separate respondent groups:... [to full text]

Suaugusiųjų užsienio kalbų mokymosi motyvacija / Adults learning motivation for foreign languages

Rubienė, Jovita 16 August 2007 (has links)
Užsienio kalbų mokymasis – specifinis dalykas, reikalaująs pastovaus kalbos vartojimo, nuolatinio tobulinimo, todėl būtini gebėjimai mokytis savarankiškai bei išlaikyti įgytus mokėjimus. Šiuo metu suaugusiųjų mokymasis užsienio kalbų tampa tiesiog būtinybe, norint sėkmingai išlikti ir prisitaikyti prie nuolat kintančių socialinių ekonominių sąlygų, nes dabartinė situacija lemia greitus darbo rinkos pokyčius. Todėl suaugusiųjų užsienio kalbų mokymosi motyvacijos tyrimai yra itin aktualūs. Tyrimo objektas – suaugusiųjų užsienio kalbų mokymosi motyvacija. Tyrimo tikslas – išanalizuoti teorinius ir praktinius suaugusiųjų užsienio kalbų mokymosi motyvacijos ypatumus. Numatytam tikslui įgyvendinti keliami šie uždaviniai: o išanalizuoti mokymosi motyvacijos koncepciją; o atskleisti suaugusiųjų užsienio kalbų mokymosi motyvacijos teorinius ypatumus; o išsiaiškinti suaugusiųjų užsienio kalbų mokymosi motyvus. Užsienio kalbų mokymąsi lemia pažintiniai, socialiniai pareigos ir perspektyvos motyvai: karjera, galimybė vartoti užsienio kalbas praktiškai, įdomumas, akiračio plėtimo svarba. Šiame tyrime buvo patvirtintos hipotezės. Buvo naudojamasi lietuvių ir užsienio mokslininkų darbais, tyrimais. / Learning foreign languages is a specific subject that requires a permanent use of the language and constant development. Therefore, abilities to study self-suffiently and to conserve the acquired knowledge are essential. Nowadays adults‘ foreign language learning is becomming a necessity if willing to acclimatize in the unstable labour market. This is the reason why the surveys of adults‘ foreign language learning motivation are relevant. The object of this work is motivation of adults’ foreign language learning. As a consequence, the purpose of this work is to evaluate the theoretical and practical peculiarities of adults’ foreign language learning. The tasks of this paper have supposed the relevant structure of this work: initially, the reader is primed about the concept, essence and types of motivation; after that the analysis of motives to learn foreign languages is presented; furthermore the methodology for accomplishing a questionnaire survey is formed; at last the results of accomplished surveys are analyzed. The analysis of scientifical literature lets to make a statement that learning of foreign languages is determined by cognitive, social obligation and prospect motives, that include career, the ability to use language practically, interest, the importance of broadening attitude. Seeking to confirm scientifical decisions, a survey was accomplished. This survey has confirmed hypothesis. Various scientifical literature, information and sociological researches in... [to full text]

Nepilnamečių nusikalstamumo prevencijos pedagoginių rekomendacijų ekspertizė / The pedagogical recomendations of the juvenile crime prevention

Kandrotienė, Vida 07 June 2004 (has links)
Juvenile crime - it's a start of the common crime, its potential reserve and also a model of prediction for the future, and the earlier juvenile crimes will be intercepted - the bigger chance to prevent common crimes in the future will appear. Purpose of this work - to group and analyse pedagogical recommendations of juvenile crime prevention. Theory part of the work (1-3 parts) is intended to analyse the conception and characteristics of the juvenile crime in the aspect of pedagogy, psychology, criminology and other scientific views, the personality and its evolution of the crime committing juvenile and also the conception and the system of juvenile crime prevention. Appropriate conclusions are made based on the accomplished analysis. While practical part of the work (4th part) is meant to analyse, group and rate the pedagogical recommendations of the juvenile crime prevention. The approaches are made based on this analysis.

Penktos klasės bendruomenės formavimosi ypatumai rajono ir kaimo mokyklose / Characteristic of formation of the fifth form community in the country schools

Lengvinienė, Daiva 08 June 2004 (has links)
SUMMARY CHARACTERISTIC OF FORMATION OF THE FIFTH FORM COMMUNITY IN THE COUNTRY SCHOOLS School becomes an important part in the life of growing pupils. A class is the main link between child and society, it is the first source of social relationship which includes relationship between pupils, between pupils and teachers. J. Laužikas emphasized that preparation of people for communicative life is possible only in community. The growing child can feel constantly that community forms conditions for full development of a particular person. There is such community in the school – a class where teachers are ,,prompters of education process“, a quide of working community. The life of school in Lithuania was examined by J. Vabalas – Gudaitis, J. Laužikas, A. Šerkšnas, S. Šalkauskis, L. Jovaiša, V. Černius, V. Savickytė, R. Dobranskienė, M. Barkauskaitė and others. Recently V. Aramavičiūtė, E. Martišauskienė, S. Dapkienė, F. Ivanauskienė and others were interested in the work of a form tutor. When child comes from the primary school to the second level of comprehensive school a lot of changes occur in her/his life. One teacher is changed by many different teachers, a new school, atmosphere, friends, kuowledge is evaluated by marks, children move to different classrooms. Some of children can feel self – doubt, insecurity, fear or tension. It is possible to maintain that transit from primary school to comprehensive school is complicated period which is successful and easy not for... [to full text]

Pensionato gyventojų bendruomenės poreikių tenkinimo optimizavimas / Optimisation de la rèalisation des habitants ďun pensionnat

Kriaučiūnienė, Judita 08 June 2004 (has links)
RESUMÉ de la thèse de magistère „Optimisation de la rèalisation des habitants ďun pensionnat“ faite par Judita Kriauciuniene, étudiante en magistère de spécialité de la gestion des institutions sociales, chaire de Pédagogie sociale, Faculté de Pédagogie et de Psychologie de ľUniversité Pédagogique de Vilnius. La thèse est faite sous la direction du docteur Romas Prakapas en 2004. La plupart des personnes ayant ľinvalidité psychique sont envoyées aux pensionnats, institutions stationnaires de tutelle. Le personnel du domaine social a une charge la plus importante dans la réalisation des besoins des pensionnaires. Comme dans notre pays il n’y a pas de grande expérience et de méthodes expérimentés concernant le travail avec des personnes ayant l’invalidité psychique, les employés sociaux agissent en utilisant l’expérience des pays étrangers. On sent la manque de la littérature des experts lituaniens sur les questions de réalisation des besoins des pensionnaires. On peut trouver encore des personnes dans des institutions stationnaires de tutelle qui y travaillent sans qualification requise et suffisante. Outre cela, l’expérience professionnelle de l’auteur de cette thèse permet à affirmer que les pensionnaires ne se sentent pas comme les citoyens pleinement appréciés de notre société et que leurs besoins ne sont pas suffisamment réalisés. Cette thèse vise à analyser les besoins des personnes ayant l’invalidité psychique et présenter l’optimisation de la... [to full text]

Vadovų ir pedagogų bendradarbiavimas ikimokyklinio ugdymo įstaigoje / The co-operation of heads and teachers in pre-school educational institution

Vilimavičienė, Kristina 08 June 2004 (has links)
Co-operation is one of the main factors which form warm intercommunication, conditioning partnership. Like all social systems, the system of education is based on the co-ordination of actions and on trying to achieve common goals. In the whole educational process the main things are communication and co-operation of the people who organise it. The first condition for cherishing democracy and for optimum education of a child is respect, sincerity and frankness of the staff of a pre-school educational institution. The aim of this paper is to investigate the standpoint on the co-operation of the head and the teachers of a pre-school educational institution and to consider the level of mastering their teleological competence and their psychological and professional readiness to communicate on the whole. The historical evolution of co-operational the opportunities of all the members of the educational process for co-operational, the domination of the theories of management, the microclimate of the institution and the models of behaviour in different institutions are described here. The paper consists of three parts. In the first part the scientific interpretation of co-operation is analysed the following topics: co-operation and communication of the members of educational process, co-operation from the viewpoint of the theory of management, the climate of the educational institution as a body: possible models of educational behaviour and the styles of leadership in a... [to full text]

Pagalba mokytojui sprendžiant socialinius pedagoginius konfliktus / Help for teachers solving social pedagogical conflicts in primary school

Kudulytė, Daiva 08 June 2004 (has links)
SUMMARY Conflicts are those of the most important social occurrences, happening among groups of people. That is a natural and inevitable phenomenon. They can develop in a constructive or destructive form. What is more, conflicts are an everyday part of teacher’s life. They arise due to the fact, that people are individuals and their interests, needs, values collide. Children often experience conflicts with their parents, teachers or friends and can’t solve them constructively, that’s why they are often tense. Such pupils start behaving badly very often. Conflicts are analysed by famous educators and psychologists in our country and abroad. They are Leliūgienė (2002), Želvys (1995), Žukauskiene (1999), Gučas (1998), Fiurst (1998), Ebneris (1979). The purpose of this work is to analyse social pedagogical conflicts happening in junior forms. Most often it’s intended to analyse the participation of pupils, their parents and educators, participation in solving them and comming to the effective ways of removal of conflicts. The causes and psychological features of social pedagogical conflicts arising between educators and children are being analysed here. They are defined through the features of the situations of conflicts between pupils and parents. Moreover, the urgency and frequency of those conflicts are defined by the teachers educators in the list provided to them. The schoolmasters had been interviewed and they had defined their help to the teachers, parents and... [to full text]

Pilietinis ugdymas: lyginamasis aspektas / Civic education: comparing aspects

Širvinskaitė, Rūta 08 June 2004 (has links)
SUMMARY Life in world–wide society defies different states and their citizens so that‘s why recently a great attention has been paid to civic education in many countries Lithuania included. Every nation has its own understanding of the concept of homeland. In 1988, the education for democratic citizenship was declared to be one of the most important aims of the reformed Lithuanian school. At the beginning of the educational reform the integrated curriculum of the civic education was created. The standards of civic development summarize the whole democratic education at comprehensive school. The aspects of democratic education have to pierce the whole school life; they are integrated into all subjects. The problem of education for democratic citizenship is very relevant in Lithuania for understanding democracy, democratic citizenship determines the practical activity of young person. It is necessary to help pupils develop their sense of democratic citizenship and to understand its significance for the political life of nation. When citizenship become the deliberate ideal, then it becomes an integral part of their morality and inner disposition as well as a motive of their practical activity. The aim of this work is to compare the efficiency of Lithuanian and other countries models of democratic education. The author seeks to relevant the theoretical background of democratic education, show the signification of the projects methods of democratic education, define the models of... [to full text]

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