Spelling suggestions: "subject:"electrical power lemsystems"" "subject:"electrical power atemsystems""
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Characterization and Design of Voltage-Mode Controlled Full-Bridge DC/DC Converter with Current LimitSmith, Nathaniel R. 08 June 2018 (has links)
No description available.
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Dynamic Modeling and Stability Analysis of Stochastic Multi-Physical Systems Applied to Electric Power SystemsGonzález Zumba, Jorge Andrés 10 January 2021 (has links)
[ES] La naturaleza aleatoria que caracteriza algunos fenómenos en sistemas físicos reales (e.g., ingeniería, biología, economía, finanzas, epidemiología y otros) nos ha planteado el desafío de un cambio de paradigma del modelado matemático y el análisis de sistemas dinámicos, y a tratar los fenómenos aleatorios como variables aleatorias o procesos estocásticos. Este enfoque novedoso ha traído como consecuencia nuevas especificidades que la teoría clásica del modelado y análisis de sistemas dinámicos deterministas no ha podido cubrir. Afortunadamente, maravillosas contribuciones, realizadas sobre todo en el último siglo, desde el campo de las matemáticas por científicos como Kolmogorov, Langevin, Lévy, Itô, Stratonovich, sólo por nombrar algunos; han abierto las puertas para un estudio bien fundamentado de la dinámica de sistemas físicos perturbados por ruido.
En la presente tesis se discute el uso de ecuaciones diferenciales algebraicas estocásticas (EDAEs) para el modelado de sistemas multifísicos en red afectados por perturbaciones estocásticas, así como la evaluación de su estabilidad asintótica a través de exponentes de Lyapunov (ELs). El estudio está enfocado en EDAEs d-index-1 y su reformulación como ecuaciones diferenciales estocásticas ordinarias (EDEs). Fundamentados en la teoría ergódica, es factible analizar los ELs a través de sistemas dinámicos aleatorios (SDAs) generados por EDEs subyacentes. Una vez garantizada la existencia de ELs bien definidas, hemos procedido al uso de técnicas de simulación numérica para determinar los ELs numéricamente. Hemos implementado métodos numéricos basados en descomposición QR discreta y continua para el cómputo de la matriz de solución fundamental y su uso en el cálculo de los ELs. Las características numéricas y computacionales más relevantes de ambos métodos se ilustran mediante pruebas numéricas. Toda esta investigación sobre el modelado de sistemas con EDAEs y evaluación de su estabilidad a través de ELs calculados numéricamente, tiene una interesante aplicación en ingeniería. Esta es la evaluación de la estabilidad dinámica de sistemas eléctricos de potencia. En el presente trabajo de investigación, implementamos nuestros métodos numéricos basados en descomposición QR para el test de estabilidad dinámica en dos modelos de sistemas eléctricos de potencia de una-máquina bus-infinito (OMBI) afectados por diferentes perturbaciones ruidosas. El análisis en pequeña-señal evidencia el potencial de las técnicas propuestas en aplicaciones de ingeniería. / [CA] La naturalesa aleatòria que caracteritza alguns fenòmens en sistemes físics reals (e.g., enginyeria, biologia, economia, finances, epidemiologia i uns altres) ens ha plantejat el desafiament d'un canvi de paradigma del modelatge matemàtic i l'anàlisi de sistemes dinàmics, i a tractar els fenòmens aleatoris com a variables aleatòries o processos estocàstics. Aquest enfocament nou ha portat com a conseqüència noves especificitats que la teoria clàssica del modelatge i anàlisi de sistemes dinàmics deterministes no ha pogut cobrir. Afortunadament, meravelloses contribucions, realitzades sobretot en l'últim segle, des del camp de les matemàtiques per científics com Kolmogorov, Langevin, Lévy, Itô, Stratonovich, només per nomenar alguns; han obert les portes per a un estudi ben
fonamentat de la dinàmica de sistemes físics pertorbats per soroll.
En la present tesi es discuteix l'ús d'equacions diferencials algebraiques estocàstiques (EDAEs) per al modelatge de sistemes multifísicos en xarxa afectats per pertorbacions estocàstiques, així com l'avaluació de la seua estabilitat asimptòtica a través d'exponents de Lyapunov (ELs). L'estudi està enfocat en EDAEs d-index-1 i la seua reformulació com a equacions diferencials estocàstiques ordinàries (EDEs). Fonamentats en la teoria ergòdica, és factible analitzar els ELs a través de sistemes dinàmics aleatoris (SDAs) generats per EDEs subjacents. Una vegada garantida l'existència d'ELs ben definides, hem procedit a l'ús de tècniques de simulació numèrica per a determinar els ELs numèricament. Hem implementat mètodes numèrics basats en descomposició QR discreta i contínua per al còmput de la matriu de solució fonamental i el seu ús en el càlcul dels ELs. Les característiques numèriques i computacionals més rellevants de tots dos mètodes s'illustren mitjançant proves numèriques. Tota aquesta investigació sobre el modelatge de sistemes amb EDAEs i avaluació de la seua estabilitat a través d'ELs calculats numèricament, té una interessant aplicació en enginyeria. Aquesta és l'avaluació de l'estabilitat dinàmica de sistemes elèctrics de potència. En el present treball de recerca, implementem els nostres mètodes numèrics basats en descomposició QR per al test d'estabilitat dinàmica en dos models de sistemes elèctrics de potència d'una-màquina bus-infinit (OMBI) afectats per diferents pertorbacions sorolloses. L'anàlisi en xicotet-senyal evidencia el potencial de les tècniques proposades en aplicacions d'enginyeria. / [EN] The random nature that characterizes some phenomena in the real-world physical systems (e.g., engineering, biology, economics, finance, epidemiology, and others) has posed the challenge of changing the modeling and analysis paradigm and treat these phenomena as random variables or stochastic processes. Consequently, this novel approach has brought new specificities that the classical theory of modeling and analysis for deterministic dynamical systems cannot cover. Fortunately, stunning contributions made overall in the last century from the mathematics field by scientists such as Kolmogorov, Langevin, Lévy, Itô, Stratonovich, to name a few; have opened avenues for a well-founded study of the dynamics in physical systems perturbed by noise.
In the present thesis, we discuss stochastic differential-algebraic equations (SDAEs) for modeling multi-physical network systems under stochastic disturbances, and their asymptotic stability assessment via Lyapunov exponents (LEs). We focus on d-index-1 SDAEs and their reformulation as ordinary stochastic differential equations (SDEs). Supported by the ergodic theory, it is feasible to analyze the LEs via the random dynamical system (RDSs) generated by the underlying SDEs. Once the existence of well-defined LEs is guaranteed, we proceed to the use of numerical simulation techniques to determine the LEs numerically. Discrete and continuous QR decomposition-based numerical methods are implemented to compute the fundamental solution matrix and use it in the computation of the LEs. Important numerical and computational features of both methods are illustrated through numerical tests. All this investigation concerning systems modeling through SDAEs and their stability assessment via computed LEs finds an appealing engineering application in the dynamic stability assessment of power systems. In this research work, we implement our QR-based numerical methods for testing the dynamic stability in two types of single-machine infinite-bus (SMIB) power system models perturbed by different noisy disturbances. The analysis in small-signal evidences the potential of the proposed techniques in engineering applications. / Mi agradecimiento al estado ecuatoriano que, a través del Programa de Becas para el Fortalecimiento y Desarrollo del Talento Humano en Ciencia y Tecnología 2012 de la Secretaría Nacional de Educación Superior, Ciencia y Tecnología (SENESCYT), han financiado mis estudios de doctorado. / González Zumba, JA. (2020). Dynamic Modeling and Stability Analysis of Stochastic Multi-Physical Systems Applied to Electric Power Systems [Tesis doctoral]. Universitat Politècnica de València. https://doi.org/10.4995/Thesis/10251/158558
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Identifikation und Quantifizierung korrelativer Zusammenhänge zwischen elektrischer sowie klimatischer Umgebung und Elektroenergiequalität / Systematic Analysis of Electrical and Climatic Environment and their Impact on Power Quality in Public LV NetworksDomagk, Max 25 October 2016 (has links) (PDF)
Eine angemessene Qualität der Elektroenergie ist Grundvoraussetzung für den störungsfreien Betrieb aller angeschlossenen Geräte und Anlagen und spielt in den Verteilungsnetzen moderner Industriegesellschaften wie Deutschland eine zentrale Rolle. Die Elektroenergiequalität (EEQ) wird in Strom- und Spannungsqualität unterteilt. Während die Stromqualität maßgeblich im Verantwortungsbereich der Hersteller von Geräten und Anlagen liegt, sind für die Sicherung einer angemessenen Spannungsqualität im Wesentlichen die Netzbetreiber verantwortlich.
Durch die technische Weiterentwicklung bspw. neuer Gerätetechnologien und die zunehmende Integration dezentraler Erzeugungsanlagen wie Photovoltaikanlagen ist zu erwarten, dass die EEQ auch künftig weiter an Bedeutung gewinnt. Die EEQ im Niederspannungsverteilungsnetz ist abhängig von Ort und Zeit und wird durch verschiedene Qualitätskenngrößen beschrieben. Die örtliche und zeitliche Abhängigkeit resultieren aus einer Vielzahl verschiedener Einflussfaktoren, welche sich entweder der elektrischen oder der nicht-elektrischen Umgebung des betrachteten Verteilungsnetzes zuordnen lassen. Die elektrische Umgebung wird durch die Art und Anzahl angeschlossener Verbraucher bzw. Erzeuger (Abnehmer- bzw. Erzeugerstruktur) sowie Struktur und technische Parameter des Verteilungsnetzes (Netzstruktur) bestimmt. Die nicht-elektrische Umgebung umfasst u.a. Einflüsse der klimatischen Umgebung wie bspw. Temperatur oder Globalstrahlung.
Ziel dieser Arbeit ist die systematische Identifikation korrelativer Zusammenhänge zwischen den genannten Umgebungseinflüssen und der EEQ sowie deren Quantifizierung auf Basis geeigneter Indizes und Kenngrößen. Die Ergebnisse der Arbeit helfen grundlegende Prinzipien der Ausprägung der Elektroenergiequalität im öffentlichen Verteilungsnetz besser zu verstehen sowie die Verteilungsnetze im Hinblick auf die Elektroenergiequalität zu charakterisieren und zu klassifizieren. Analog zu den Standard-Lastprofilen erfolgt die Definition von Standard-Qualitätsprofilen. / Power quality levels in public low voltage grids are influenced by many factors which can either be assigned to the electrical environment (connected consumers, connected genera-tion, network characteristics) or to the non-electrical environment (e.g. climatic conditions) at the measurement site. Type and amount of connected consumers (consumer topology) are expected to have a very high impact on power quality (PQ) levels. The generation topology is characterized by number and kind of equipment and generating installations like photovoltaic systems which are connected to the LV grid. The electrical parameters of the grid define the network topology. The parameters which are most suitable to describe each of the three topologies and the climatic environment will be identified.
Voltage and current quality in public low voltage (LV) grids vary depending on location and time. They are quantified by a set of different parameters which either belong to events (e.g. dips) or to variations (e.g. harmonics). This thesis exclusively addresses continuous parameters describing variations. Continuous phenomena like harmonics are closely linked to an one-day-cycle which implies a more or less periodic behavior of the continuous power quality parameters. Consumer topologies such as office buildings or residential areas differ in their use of equipment. Time series analysis is used to distinguish between different consumer topologies and to identify characteristic weeks. The clustering of one-day time series is applied to identify characteristic days within the weeks of certain topologies. Based on the results, emission profiles for certain current quality parameters of different consumer topologies will be defined. Due to the characteristic harmonic current emission of certain consumer topologies which represents the typical user behaviour a classification system is developed. It is used to automatically classify the emission profiles of harmonic currents for unknown measurements and to estimate a likely consumer topology. A classification measure is introduced in order to identify unusual or false classified emission profiles.
The usage behaviour of equipment by customers usually varies over the year. Subsequently, the levels of PQ parameters like harmonics may show seasonal variations which are identified by using newly defined parameters. The introduction of new device technologies on a large scale like the transition from incandescent to LED lamps might result in long-term changes to the levels of PQ parameters (e.g. harmonics). The analysis of the long-term behavior (trend) will be applied in order to quantify global trends (looking on the measurement duration as a whole) and local trends (looking on individual segments of the whole time series).
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Uma proposta de integração da geração distribuída, por meio das usinas virtuais, ao sistema elétrico do Estado de São Paulo / A proposal for the integration of distributed generation, through virtual power plant, to São Paulo State Electrical System.Hernández, Tannia Karina Vindel 26 March 2015 (has links)
Esta dissertação apresenta uma contribuição aos estudos de planejamento do sistema elétrico do Estado de São Paulo, ressaltando os benefícios que se obteria, com uma maior integração das fontes renováveis à matriz elétrica desse estado (notadamente as fontes de energia solar fotovoltaica, eólica, aproveitamento dos resíduos sólidos urbano RSU e vinhaça), visando o aumento da segurança e independência energética, redução de perdas, e benefícios ambientais. Para tanto, apresenta-se o conceito das usinas virtuais, cujo propósito é obter um melhor e maior aproveitamento dos recursos energéticos normalmente dispersos espacialmente - incluindo nesse rol a microgeração distribuída, a autoprodução e cogeração, e mesmo as fontes não renováveis que se encontram perto dos centros de consumo - com o objetivo de coordenar o seu funcionamento conjunto para satisfazer os requisitos da demanda de energia, por meio do uso da Tecnologia da Informação e Telecomunicações ou das Redes Inteligentes (Smart Grid), e, além disso, configurando a usina virtual de maneira que ela atue , no que diz respeito ao sistema interconectado de energia elétrica, rede de transmissão ou distribuição, como se fosse uma planta de geração de grande porte. Apresenta-se uma análise e projeções da operação e do suprimento do subsistema Sudeste/Centro Oeste (SE/CO), com foco especial no Sistema Elétrico do Estado de São Paulo, com suas interações com o SIN. / This Thesis presents contributions for the planning of the electrical system of São Paulo State Brazil, emphasizing benefits obtained with a better integration of renewables (mainly solar photovoltaics, wind energy, from municipal solid waste and sugarcane vinasse) aiming energy security and independence, loss reduction and environmental benefits. For this, the concept of VPP Virtual Power Plant is introduced, in which a better and broader use of energetic resources, geographically dispersed, including distributed microgeneration, autoproduction, cogeneration, and even nonrenewable sources, is facilitated. Those disperse energy resources, in general located near the consumer, are grouped and jointly managed, in order of to satisfy the demand requirements, using Smart Grid and Information and Telecommunication Technologies, and making the VPP to act, for the transmission or distribution system point of view, as a conventional large electrical power plant. An analysis and forecasts of the operation of the Brazilian Southeast/Center West (SE/CO) subsystem, with special focus on São Paulo State electrical system, and its interactions with the Brazilian Interconnected Electrical System (SIN), is presented.
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Uma abordagem fuzzy para a estabilização de uma classe de sistemas não-lineares com saltos Markovianos / A fuzzy stabilization approach for a class of Markovian jump nonlinear systemsArrifano, Natache do Socorro Dias 30 April 2004 (has links)
Neste trabalho é apresentada uma abordagem fuzzy para a estabilização de uma classe de sistemas não-lineares com parâmetros descritos por saltos Markovianos. Uma nova modelagem fuzzy de sistemas é formulada para representar esta classe de sistemas na vizinhança de pontos de operação escolhidos. A estrutura deste sistema fuzzy é composta de dois níveis, um para descrição dos saltos Markovianos e outro para descrição das não-linearidades no estado do sistema. Condições suficientes para a estabilização estocástica do sistema fuzzy considerado são derivadas usando uma função de Lyapunov acoplada. O projeto de controle fuzzy é então formulado a partir de um conjunto de desigualdades matriciais lineares. Em adição, um exemplo de aplicação, envolvendo a representação da operação de um sistema elétrico de potência em esquema de co-geração por um sistema com saltos Markovianos, é construído para validação dos resultados. / This work deals with the fuzzy-model-based control design for a class of Markovian jump nonlinear systems. A new fuzzy system modeling is proposed to approximate the dynamics of this class of systems. The structure of the new fuzzy system is composed of two levels, a crisp level which describes the Markovian jumps and a fuzzy level which describes the system nonlinearities. A sufficient condition on the existence of a stochastically stabilizing controller using a Lyapunov function approach is presented. The fuzzy-model-based control design is formulated in terms of a set of linear matrix inequalities. In addition, simulation results for a single-machine infinite-bus power system in cogeneration scheme, whose operation is modeled as an Markovian jump nonlinear system, are presented to illustrate the applicability of the technique.
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Descoberta de causa-raiz em ocorrências de sistemas elétricos. / Root cause discovery in occurrences of electrical systems.PIRES, Stéfani Silva. 16 August 2018 (has links)
Submitted by Johnny Rodrigues (johnnyrodrigues@ufcg.edu.br) on 2018-08-16T13:58:48Z
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STEFANI SILVA PIRES - DISSERTAÇÃO PGCC 2010..pdf: 819684 bytes, checksum: 625f468cb174d699bf5b98131d1adf61 (MD5) / Made available in DSpace on 2018-08-16T13:58:48Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1
STEFANI SILVA PIRES - DISSERTAÇÃO PGCC 2010..pdf: 819684 bytes, checksum: 625f468cb174d699bf5b98131d1adf61 (MD5)
Previous issue date: 2010-08-19 / Este trabalho apresenta uma técnica de análise de causa-raiz para sistemas elétricos de
potência. A análise de causa-raiz é uma forma de auxiliar o operador na compreensão da
rede. A técnica proposta utiliza o raciocínio baseado em regras, onde regras parametrizadas constroem um modelo de propagação com os diagnósticos de uma ocorrência de falha. A técnica permite apontar o elemento causador da ocorrência, e detalhar a sua propagação para os demais elementos em um modelo de causa-efeito. A utilização de regras parametrizadas traz grandes vantagens ao processo, permitindo que a técnica seja adaptável a alterações na topologia do sistema, e contribuindo para sua escalabilidade. Um estudo de caso foi elaborado para sua avaliação, no contexto da Companhia Hidro Elétrica do São Francisco (CHESF), onde foi desenvolvido um protótipo que implementa a técnica, e levantados um conjunto de regras parametrizadas e um conjunto de cenários de falha utilizando uma ferramenta de simulação de um ambiente real, o Simulop. Utilizamos também na avaliação, um conjunto de regressões, que são dados históricos armazenados pela CHESF. As regressões
foi de 74%. Para o conjunto de cenários levantados com oSimulop, a técnica proposta
conseguiu realizar com sucesso o processo de análise de causa-raiz, identificando a causaraiz da ocorrência em 100% dos cenários de falha, e detalhando sua propagação para todos os outros elementos da rede envolvidos em 89% dos cenários, onde a margem de erro é composta de cenários cuja propagação foi identificada apenas parcialmente, devido à falta de regras que contemplassem os cenários. Dessa forma, a técnica proposta se mostrou uma abordagem viável para a análise de causa-raiz em sistemas elétricos. A margem de acerto reduzida nas regressões, indica que, para ser aplicada em um ambiente operacional real, faz-se necessária a elaboração de um conjunto de regras mais abrangente e que possa contornar esses problemas. / This paper presents a root cause analysis technique for electric power systems. The root
cause analysis is a way to assist the operator in understanding the occurrence of failure, interpreting the events cascade occurrences. The proposed technique uses a rule based reasoning, where parameterized rules construct a propagation model with diagnosis of an occurrence of failure. The technique allows to point out the element that causes the occurrence, and detailing its propagation to other elements in a cause and effect model. The use of parameterized rules brings major benefits to the process, allowing the technique to be adaptable to changes in system topology, and contributing to its scalability A case study was prepared for evaluation in the context of the Companhia Hidro Elétrica do São Francisco (CHESF). We developed a prototype that implements the technique, and raised a set of parameterized rules and a set of failure scenarios using a tool to simulate a real environment, the Simulop. We also used in the evaluation process, a set of regressions, which are historical data stored by CHESF. The regressions were important in the first phase of the technique, but they have problems such as lack of data, and unexpected behavior of the system, where the accuracy of the technique was 74%. For the set of scenarios created with Simulop, the proposed technique has achieved success in the root cause analysis process, identifying the root cause of the occurrence in 100% of failure scenarios, and detailing their propagation to all other equipments involved in 89% of scenarios, where the margin of error is composed of scenarios whose propagation has been identified only in part due to the lack of rules that contemplate these scenarios. Thus, the proposed technique proved to be a viable approach to root cause analysis in electrical systems. The reduced margin of success in the regressions , indicates that, to be applied to an operational environment, it is necessary to elaborate a comprehensive set of rules that can deal these problems.
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Uma proposta de integração da geração distribuída, por meio das usinas virtuais, ao sistema elétrico do Estado de São Paulo / A proposal for the integration of distributed generation, through virtual power plant, to São Paulo State Electrical System.Tannia Karina Vindel Hernández 26 March 2015 (has links)
Esta dissertação apresenta uma contribuição aos estudos de planejamento do sistema elétrico do Estado de São Paulo, ressaltando os benefícios que se obteria, com uma maior integração das fontes renováveis à matriz elétrica desse estado (notadamente as fontes de energia solar fotovoltaica, eólica, aproveitamento dos resíduos sólidos urbano RSU e vinhaça), visando o aumento da segurança e independência energética, redução de perdas, e benefícios ambientais. Para tanto, apresenta-se o conceito das usinas virtuais, cujo propósito é obter um melhor e maior aproveitamento dos recursos energéticos normalmente dispersos espacialmente - incluindo nesse rol a microgeração distribuída, a autoprodução e cogeração, e mesmo as fontes não renováveis que se encontram perto dos centros de consumo - com o objetivo de coordenar o seu funcionamento conjunto para satisfazer os requisitos da demanda de energia, por meio do uso da Tecnologia da Informação e Telecomunicações ou das Redes Inteligentes (Smart Grid), e, além disso, configurando a usina virtual de maneira que ela atue , no que diz respeito ao sistema interconectado de energia elétrica, rede de transmissão ou distribuição, como se fosse uma planta de geração de grande porte. Apresenta-se uma análise e projeções da operação e do suprimento do subsistema Sudeste/Centro Oeste (SE/CO), com foco especial no Sistema Elétrico do Estado de São Paulo, com suas interações com o SIN. / This Thesis presents contributions for the planning of the electrical system of São Paulo State Brazil, emphasizing benefits obtained with a better integration of renewables (mainly solar photovoltaics, wind energy, from municipal solid waste and sugarcane vinasse) aiming energy security and independence, loss reduction and environmental benefits. For this, the concept of VPP Virtual Power Plant is introduced, in which a better and broader use of energetic resources, geographically dispersed, including distributed microgeneration, autoproduction, cogeneration, and even nonrenewable sources, is facilitated. Those disperse energy resources, in general located near the consumer, are grouped and jointly managed, in order of to satisfy the demand requirements, using Smart Grid and Information and Telecommunication Technologies, and making the VPP to act, for the transmission or distribution system point of view, as a conventional large electrical power plant. An analysis and forecasts of the operation of the Brazilian Southeast/Center West (SE/CO) subsystem, with special focus on São Paulo State electrical system, and its interactions with the Brazilian Interconnected Electrical System (SIN), is presented.
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Uma abordagem fuzzy para a estabilização de uma classe de sistemas não-lineares com saltos Markovianos / A fuzzy stabilization approach for a class of Markovian jump nonlinear systemsNatache do Socorro Dias Arrifano 30 April 2004 (has links)
Neste trabalho é apresentada uma abordagem fuzzy para a estabilização de uma classe de sistemas não-lineares com parâmetros descritos por saltos Markovianos. Uma nova modelagem fuzzy de sistemas é formulada para representar esta classe de sistemas na vizinhança de pontos de operação escolhidos. A estrutura deste sistema fuzzy é composta de dois níveis, um para descrição dos saltos Markovianos e outro para descrição das não-linearidades no estado do sistema. Condições suficientes para a estabilização estocástica do sistema fuzzy considerado são derivadas usando uma função de Lyapunov acoplada. O projeto de controle fuzzy é então formulado a partir de um conjunto de desigualdades matriciais lineares. Em adição, um exemplo de aplicação, envolvendo a representação da operação de um sistema elétrico de potência em esquema de co-geração por um sistema com saltos Markovianos, é construído para validação dos resultados. / This work deals with the fuzzy-model-based control design for a class of Markovian jump nonlinear systems. A new fuzzy system modeling is proposed to approximate the dynamics of this class of systems. The structure of the new fuzzy system is composed of two levels, a crisp level which describes the Markovian jumps and a fuzzy level which describes the system nonlinearities. A sufficient condition on the existence of a stochastically stabilizing controller using a Lyapunov function approach is presented. The fuzzy-model-based control design is formulated in terms of a set of linear matrix inequalities. In addition, simulation results for a single-machine infinite-bus power system in cogeneration scheme, whose operation is modeled as an Markovian jump nonlinear system, are presented to illustrate the applicability of the technique.
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Identifikation und Quantifizierung korrelativer Zusammenhänge zwischen elektrischer sowie klimatischer Umgebung und ElektroenergiequalitätDomagk, Max 19 October 2015 (has links)
Eine angemessene Qualität der Elektroenergie ist Grundvoraussetzung für den störungsfreien Betrieb aller angeschlossenen Geräte und Anlagen und spielt in den Verteilungsnetzen moderner Industriegesellschaften wie Deutschland eine zentrale Rolle. Die Elektroenergiequalität (EEQ) wird in Strom- und Spannungsqualität unterteilt. Während die Stromqualität maßgeblich im Verantwortungsbereich der Hersteller von Geräten und Anlagen liegt, sind für die Sicherung einer angemessenen Spannungsqualität im Wesentlichen die Netzbetreiber verantwortlich.
Durch die technische Weiterentwicklung bspw. neuer Gerätetechnologien und die zunehmende Integration dezentraler Erzeugungsanlagen wie Photovoltaikanlagen ist zu erwarten, dass die EEQ auch künftig weiter an Bedeutung gewinnt. Die EEQ im Niederspannungsverteilungsnetz ist abhängig von Ort und Zeit und wird durch verschiedene Qualitätskenngrößen beschrieben. Die örtliche und zeitliche Abhängigkeit resultieren aus einer Vielzahl verschiedener Einflussfaktoren, welche sich entweder der elektrischen oder der nicht-elektrischen Umgebung des betrachteten Verteilungsnetzes zuordnen lassen. Die elektrische Umgebung wird durch die Art und Anzahl angeschlossener Verbraucher bzw. Erzeuger (Abnehmer- bzw. Erzeugerstruktur) sowie Struktur und technische Parameter des Verteilungsnetzes (Netzstruktur) bestimmt. Die nicht-elektrische Umgebung umfasst u.a. Einflüsse der klimatischen Umgebung wie bspw. Temperatur oder Globalstrahlung.
Ziel dieser Arbeit ist die systematische Identifikation korrelativer Zusammenhänge zwischen den genannten Umgebungseinflüssen und der EEQ sowie deren Quantifizierung auf Basis geeigneter Indizes und Kenngrößen. Die Ergebnisse der Arbeit helfen grundlegende Prinzipien der Ausprägung der Elektroenergiequalität im öffentlichen Verteilungsnetz besser zu verstehen sowie die Verteilungsnetze im Hinblick auf die Elektroenergiequalität zu charakterisieren und zu klassifizieren. Analog zu den Standard-Lastprofilen erfolgt die Definition von Standard-Qualitätsprofilen. / Power quality levels in public low voltage grids are influenced by many factors which can either be assigned to the electrical environment (connected consumers, connected genera-tion, network characteristics) or to the non-electrical environment (e.g. climatic conditions) at the measurement site. Type and amount of connected consumers (consumer topology) are expected to have a very high impact on power quality (PQ) levels. The generation topology is characterized by number and kind of equipment and generating installations like photovoltaic systems which are connected to the LV grid. The electrical parameters of the grid define the network topology. The parameters which are most suitable to describe each of the three topologies and the climatic environment will be identified.
Voltage and current quality in public low voltage (LV) grids vary depending on location and time. They are quantified by a set of different parameters which either belong to events (e.g. dips) or to variations (e.g. harmonics). This thesis exclusively addresses continuous parameters describing variations. Continuous phenomena like harmonics are closely linked to an one-day-cycle which implies a more or less periodic behavior of the continuous power quality parameters. Consumer topologies such as office buildings or residential areas differ in their use of equipment. Time series analysis is used to distinguish between different consumer topologies and to identify characteristic weeks. The clustering of one-day time series is applied to identify characteristic days within the weeks of certain topologies. Based on the results, emission profiles for certain current quality parameters of different consumer topologies will be defined. Due to the characteristic harmonic current emission of certain consumer topologies which represents the typical user behaviour a classification system is developed. It is used to automatically classify the emission profiles of harmonic currents for unknown measurements and to estimate a likely consumer topology. A classification measure is introduced in order to identify unusual or false classified emission profiles.
The usage behaviour of equipment by customers usually varies over the year. Subsequently, the levels of PQ parameters like harmonics may show seasonal variations which are identified by using newly defined parameters. The introduction of new device technologies on a large scale like the transition from incandescent to LED lamps might result in long-term changes to the levels of PQ parameters (e.g. harmonics). The analysis of the long-term behavior (trend) will be applied in order to quantify global trends (looking on the measurement duration as a whole) and local trends (looking on individual segments of the whole time series).
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Smart charging of an electric bus fleetFärm, Emil January 2021 (has links)
Controlling the balance of production and consumption of electricity will become increasingly challenging as the transport sector gradually converts to electric vehicles along with a growing share of wind power in the Swedish electric power system. This puts greater demand on resources that maintain the balance to ensure stable grid operation. The balancing act is called frequency regulation which historically has been performed almost entirely by hydropower. As the power production becomes more intermittent with renewable energy sources, frequency regulation will need to be performed in higher volumes on the demand side by having a more flexible consumption. In this report, the electrification of 17 buses Svealandstrafiken bus depot in Västerås has been studied. The aim has been to assess different charging strategies to efficiently utilize the available time and power but also to investigate if Svealandstrafiken can participate in frequency regulation. A smart charging model was created that demonstrated how smart charging can be implemented to optimize the charging in four different cases. The simulated cases were: charging with load balancing, reduced charging power, frequency regulation, and electrifying more buses. The results show that the power capacity limit will be exceeded if the buses are being charged directly as they arrive at the depot and without scheduling the charging session. By implementing smart charging, Svealandstrafiken can fully charge the 17 buses within the power capacity limit of the depot with 82 minutes to spare. By utilizing this 82-minute margin in the four different charging strategies, it was found that Svealandstrafiken can save 88 200SEK per year by load balancing, save 30 000 SEK per year by reducing the charging power by 10 %, earn 111 900 SEK per year by frequency regulation or electrify five more buses. Reducing the charging power may also increase the lifetime of the batteries but quantifying this needs further studies. Conclusively, there is economic potential for Svealandstrafiken for implementing smart charging.
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