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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Žingsninio variklio tyrimas / Stepper motor research

Gelgota, Vytenis 10 June 2004 (has links)
The most widely used variable reluctance and permanent magnet stepper motors of different design types are discussed in the theoretical part of this work. It also overviews a constructional diversity of these motors, the fundamentals of operating modes and characteristics. This part discuses features of stepper motors as a part of automation control system, presents the main counting equations and applications with stepper motors. The practical part includes the mathematical model of stepper motor and the Simulink model that was developed for software package “Matlab”. Those models formed the basis for analysis of stepper motor dynamic characteristics in various operating modes (wave drive, full step drive, half step drive, microstepping, reversing, braking).

Dvimasės elektromechaninės sistemos tyrimas / The research of two – mass electromechanical system

Juraitis, Sigitas 11 June 2004 (has links)
In the final dissertation you will find analyzed the two - mass electromechanical system, finite tightness shaft and non-linear mechanical link included. Explored system shaft has finite tightness, non-linear element - backlash between the parts of mechanical link. The researches of two - mass electromechanical system were made using Simulink program pack. In this paper I have made the structural system scheme, transmission functions and simulated process of two - mass dynamical system. Gained motor and outlet shaft angular rotation speed and motor's electromagnetic moment transitive process curves, by all tightness and backlash worth' s. Researched results give new information about the two - mass electromechanical system' s dynamical process.

Fazinių įtampų asimetriškumo įtakos asinchroninių variklių darbui tyrimas / Investigation of Influence of Asymmetric Voltage on Characteristics of Asynchronous Motors

Baltrimas, Linas 18 June 2010 (has links)
Asimetrinė fazinių įtampų sistema stipriai pablogina asinchroninių variklių darbą. Tyrimo tikslas – ištirti trifazio asinchroninio variklio darbą, esant įvairioms maitinimo įtampos fazorių modulių asimetrijoms. Asinchroninio variklio visi energetiniai rodikliai apskaičiuoti atlikus jų tuščiosios veikos ir apkrovos bandymus bei panaudojus atskirų galios nuostolių metodą. Įtampos asimetriškumo lygis gaunamas panaudojus simetrinių dedamųjų metodą. Atsiradus asimetrijai, asinchroninio variklio oro tarpe kuriamas elipsinis sukamasis magnetinis laukas, kuris sukelia variklyje ir sukimo, ir stabdymo momentus. Tik esant simetrinei fazinių įtampų sistemai (ka = 0 %), prie variklio nurodytosios apkrovos visi kiti dydžiai gaunami nurodytieji. Teoriškai ir eksperimentiškai ištyrus 1,1 kW galios asincroninį elektros variklį gauta, kad esant asimetrinei fazinių įtampų sistemai (ka = 11 %), prie nurodytosios apkrovos asinchroninio variklio iš tinklo vartojama galia P1 padidėjo 22,4 %, apsisukimai n sumažėjo, o slydimas s padidėjo 94,7 %, galios nuostoliai ΣP padidėjo 101 %, elektromagnetinis momentas Mem padidėjo 4,9 %, naudingumo koeficientas η sumažėjo 21,4 % ir galios koeficientas cos φ sumažėjo 0,9 %. / Asymmetrical phase system of voltages significantly degrades induction motors work. The study objective - to explore the three-phase asynchronous motor at different power supply modules vector asymmetry. All energetic indicators of the asynchronous motor winding were calculated after performing their no-load and load testing, and using the method of separate power loss. Asymmetry voltage level obtained by using the method of symmetrical components. The emergence of asymmetry in the induction motor air gap created elliptical rotary magnetic field, which caused an engine torque and braking points. Only a symmetrical phase voltage system (ka = 0%), the given load on the engine all the other values given are obtained. Theoretical and experimental study of 1,1 kW electric asynchronous motor revealed that in asymmetric phase voltage system (ka = 11%), at the given induction motor load from the mains power is used in P1 increased by 22,4%, n speed decreased and the slip increased by 94,7%, power ΣP loss has increased 101%, the electromagnetic torque Mem increased by 4,9%, the efficiency η decreased 21,4% and power factor cos φ decreased by 0,9%.

Sklendinės ir skysčio lygio valdymas / Gate position and liquid level control

Valiulis, Gediminas 19 June 2005 (has links)
This master thesis deals with the virtual gate position and liquid level control system. The main characteristics of automatic control systems, fuzzy logic systems, their properties and formation principles are reviewed. Conventional and advanced control methods are presented pointing out their benefits, drawbacks and problems to be solved. Physical modelling and simulation issues are also discussed. Physical, mathematical, simulation and animation models of the system are produced. Position and level controllers are designed. The simulation of gate position and liquid level control processes is performed. The simulation model is built up using MATLAB Simulink and Fuzzy Logic Toolbox. The simulation results prove that the proportional controller fits very well for controlling gate position. However, the results of liquid level control “upwards” using PI controller are only satisfactory. Unsatisfactory results are obtained using the same controller for liquid level control “downwards”. Substantially better results are achieved using fuzzy logic controller. The models produced can be useful for further investigations and learning purposes.

Elektromagnetinio žingsninio variklio tyrimas / Investigation of electromagnetic stepper motor

Kureckas, Tadas 20 June 2005 (has links)
Analysis of electromagnetic stepper motor at work have been performed. Types of stepper motors and its characteristics have been described generally. The programmes of modelling have been searching using internet and analysed. The programme QuickField 5.2 Studen‘s edition is in consort to demands and requests. Using QuickField 5.2 Student‘s edition the model of electromagnetic motor have been created and experimentations have been performed. Varying displacement of motor magnetic part the distribution of magnetic flux density and magnetic field lines have been analysed. The experimentations involving change of motors mechanical characteristics too (varying air gap between magnetic circuit and secondary part). Teoretical characteristics of distribution of magnetic field energy density, strenth and magnetic flux have been maked and compared. The conclusions and theoretical results specifying operating principle facility of electromagnetic motor. Characteristics of distribution of magnetic field and energy can be used for rating of influence to operation of motor.

Tiesiaeigių asinchroninių variklių nesimetrinių režimų tyrimas / Investigation Into Non-Symmetrical Modes Of Linear Induction Motors

Lisauskas, Saulius 11 January 2007 (has links)
Linear induction motors are applied in equipments with different requirements set up to the controlled motion parameters. Investigation of motoring and breaking modes remains the relevant problem nowadays. The scientific novelty is based on analysis of non-symmetrical operation modes of linear induction motor at supplying it by a voltage source, developing a generalized model of motoring and breaking dynamic modes and analyzing influence of linear motor windings connection way and control parameters on dynamic breaking characteristics. The coordinate transformations of linear induction motors dynamic models, based on rotational motor with assumptions valid for low speed motor and multi-pole motor, are considered. Mathematical and computer models to investigate symmetrical dynamic modes of linear induction drives are presented. Generalized model to investigate non-symmetrical dynamics modes is elaborated. The results of simulation are presented by dependences on the main variables in the time domain, and dependences on both constructional and control parameters that give possibility to optimize constructional parameters of motors.

Tiesiaeigių asinchroninių variklių nesimetrinių režimų tyrimas / Investigation Into Non-Symmetrical Modes Of Linear Induction Motors

Lisauskas, Saulius 17 January 2007 (has links)
Linear induction motors are applied in equipments with different requirements set up to the controlled motion parameters. Investigation of motoring and breaking modes remains the relevant problem nowadays. The scientific novelty is based on analysis of non-symmetrical operation modes of linear induction motor at supplying it by a voltage source, developing a generalized model of motoring and breaking dynamic modes and analyzing influence of linear motor windings connection way and control parameters on dynamic breaking characteristics. The coordinate transformations of linear induction motors dynamic models, based on rotational motor with assumptions valid for low speed motor and multi-pole motor, are considered. Mathematical and computer models to investigate symmetrical dynamic modes of linear induction drives are presented. Generalized model to investigate non-symmetrical dynamics modes is elaborated. The results of simulation are presented by dependences on the main variables in the time domain, and dependences on both constructional and control parameters that give possibility to optimize constructional parameters of motors.

Objekto geometrijos įvertinimas pagal kameros su papildomais jutikliais vaizdus / Reconstruction of Object Geometry using Camera with Additional Sensors

Venckus, Arūnas 29 September 2008 (has links)
Registruojant (fotografuojant) objektus, dėl netinkamos vaizdo kameros padėties ar nepakankamos judėjimo erdvės gaunami vaizdo iškraipymai. Tokie vaizdų iškraipymai vadinami sukimosi ir perspektyvos iškraipymais. Šio darbo tikslas – ištirti kaip tiksliai, panaudojant vaizdo kameros posvyrio kampų reikšmes ir atstumą iki registruojamo objekto, galima atstatyti iškreiptą vaizdą. Vaizdo kameros posvyrio kampų (krypavimo ir nuolydžio) matavimui, pritaikomas trijų ašių analoginis akcelerometras, o atstumui matuoti – ultragarsinis atstumo jutiklis. Pasuktų vaizdų atstatymui naudojami sukonstruoto vaizdo kameros posvyrio kampų matuoklio duomenys. Kaip alternatyvi priemonė, vaizdo pasukimo kampui nustatyti, naudojama „radon“ transformacija. Tyrimai parodė, kad vaizdų atstatymui geriau naudoti vaizdo kameros posvyrio kampų matuokliu išmatuotus krypavimo kampus, nes „radon“ transformacija negalima nustatyti sudėtingų vaizdų pasukimo kampo. Vaizdo perspektyvos iškraipymų atstatymui, pagal “pinhole” (mažos skylutės) kameros modelį, kuris dažniausiai naudojamas robotų regoje, buvo sudarytas matematinis modelis. Šis modelis, lyginant su vaizdų atstatymo pagal keturis objekto kampus metodu, tinka įvairesnių formų iškreiptiems vaizdams atstatyti. Vaizdų atstatymui pasitelktas MathWorks, Image Processing paketas. Atstatytų vaizdų palyginimui su originaliu, skaičuojamas dvimatis koreliacijos koeficientas tarp dviejų to paties dydžio vaizdo matricų. / Image distortions may appear because of inappropriate position of the camera or because of an insufficient space movement while taking pictures of objects. These kinds of image distortions are called rotation and perspective distortions. The aim of the work is to investigate how the camera tilt meanings and distance to the object could help to restore the image distortions. To measure camera tilt angles (roll and pitch angles) the three axis analogical accelerometer is used, and to measure the distance - ultrasonic range finder. The measurements of designed camera tilt angles device data is used in order to restore rotated images. As an alternative method for setting roll angle, the “radon” transformation is used. The researches have showed that it is more useful to use the measurements of camera roll angles, because “radon” transformation is not capable to identify rotation angles of elaborate images. To set image perspective distortion rectification according to “pinhole” camera model, which is used in robot vision, the mathematical model was made. This model compared with image restoration according to four object corners method is more suitable for various forms of image distortions. To restore image MathWorks, Image Processing batch was used. The comparison between original and restorted image was found computing the two-dimensional correlation coefficient between image matrices of the same size.

Research of Electronic Devices for Monitoring of Small Strains / Mažų deformacijų stebėsenos elektroninių įrenginių tyrimas

Masiulionis, Ričardas 11 February 2013 (has links)
This thesis analyzes and solves the problems of monitoring of constructions strains (small resistance changes) in a number of points of the structure. The essence of investigated systems is test of the strain gauges small resistance changes proportional to displacement or strain and reaching only thousandths of parts of percent. The main objects of research is strain detection circuits working under automatic multipoint balanced Wheatstone bridge and the current balancing methods. The introduction reveals the importance of investigated problem, formulates the aim and tasks, introduces publications and presentations of the author’s and the structure of the dissertation. The first chapter is a review of literature. It analyzes practical use of strain measurement methods, their advantages and disadvantages, opportunities to use these methods in automated systems. The chapter ends with formulated conclusions. The second section presents balanced methods of the strain monitoring. Analysis of balanced Wheatstone bridge device is made. New strain monitoring device by balancing currents are proposed and investigated. There are two possible ways: with two current sources and one current source. The third and fourth sections provide results of computer simulation and experimental models. The proposed devices of balancing currents has been modeled and tested in practice. Stability of the devices was tested and their work simulating in real conditions. Conclusions, references and the... [to full text] / Disertacijoje nagrinėjamos ir sprendžiamos konstrukcijų deformacijų (varžų mažų pokyčių) nustatymo daugelyje konstrukcijos taškų problemos. Tiriamų sistemų funkcionavimo esmė yra įtempių jutiklių varžos mažų pokyčių proporcingų poslinkiui ar deformacijai ir siekiančių tik tūkstantąsias procento dalis nustatymas. Pagrindiniai tyrimo objektai yra automatinių daugiataškių balansuojamo Vitstono tiltelio ir srovių balansavimo metodais veikiantys deformacijų nustatymo grandynai. Įvadiniame skyriuje nagrinėjamas problemos aktualumas, formuluojamas darbo tikslas ir uždaviniai, pristatomi autoriaus pranešimai ir publikacijos, pateikiama disertacijos struktūra. Pirmajame skyriuje pateikta literatūros apžvalga. Jame analizuojami praktikoje naudojami deformacijų nustatymo metodai, pateikiami jų privalumai ir trūkumai, galimybės naudoti šiuos metodus automatizuotose sistemose. Antrajame skyriuje pateikti konstrukcijų deformacijų balansuojami nustatymo būdai. Yra atlikta balansuojamo Vitstono tiltelio metodo analizė. Pateiktas naujas deformacijų stebėjimo balansuojant sroves metodas ir atlikta jo analizė. Jame išskiriami du galimi būdai: su dviem srovės šaltiniais ir su vienu srovės šaltiniu. Trečiajame ir ketvirtajame skyriuose pateikti kompiuterinio modeliavimo ir eksperimentinių tyrimų rezultatai. Buvo sumodeliuotas ir praktiškai patikrintas pasiūlyto srovės balansavimo metodo praktinis veikimas. Patikrintas įrenginių stabilumas ir jų darbas imituojant realias sąlygas. Disertacijos... [toliau žr. visą tekstą]

Mažų deformacijų stebėsenos elektroninių įrenginių tyrimas / Research of Electronic Devices for Monitoring of Small Strains

Masiulionis, Ričardas 11 February 2013 (has links)
Disertacijoje nagrinėjamos ir sprendžiamos konstrukcijų deformacijų (varžų mažų pokyčių) nustatymo daugelyje konstrukcijos taškų problemos. Tiriamų sistemų funkcionavimo esmė yra įtempių jutiklių varžos mažų pokyčių proporcingų poslinkiui ar deformacijai ir siekiančių tik tūkstantąsias procento dalis nustatymas. Pagrindiniai tyrimo objektai yra automatinių daugiataškių balansuojamo Vitstono tiltelio ir srovių balansavimo metodais veikiantys deformacijų nustatymo grandynai. Įvadiniame skyriuje nagrinėjamas problemos aktualumas, formuluojamas darbo tikslas ir uždaviniai, pristatomi autoriaus pranešimai ir publikacijos, pateikiama disertacijos struktūra. Pirmajame skyriuje pateikta literatūros apžvalga. Jame analizuojami praktikoje naudojami deformacijų nustatymo metodai, pateikiami jų privalumai ir trūkumai, galimybės naudoti šiuos metodus automatizuotose sistemose. Antrajame skyriuje pateikti konstrukcijų deformacijų balansuojami nustatymo būdai. Yra atlikta balansuojamo Vitstono tiltelio metodo analizė. Pateiktas naujas deformacijų stebėjimo balansuojant sroves metodas ir atlikta jo analizė. Jame išskiriami du galimi būdai: su dviem srovės šaltiniais ir su vienu srovės šaltiniu. Trečiajame ir ketvirtajame skyriuose pateikti kompiuterinio modeliavimo ir eksperimentinių tyrimų rezultatai. Buvo sumodeliuotas ir praktiškai patikrintas pasiūlyto srovės balansavimo metodo praktinis veikimas. Patikrintas įrenginių stabilumas ir jų darbas imituojant realias sąlygas. Disertacijos... [toliau žr. visą tekstą] / This thesis analyzes and solves the problems of monitoring of constructions strains (small resistance changes) in a number of points of the structure. The essence of investigated systems is test of the strain gauges small resistance changes proportional to displacement or strain and reaching only thousandths of parts of percent. The main objects of research is strain detection circuits working under automatic multipoint balanced Wheatstone bridge and the current balancing methods. The introduction reveals the importance of investigated problem, formulates the aim and tasks, introduces publications and presentations of the author’s and the structure of the dissertation. The first chapter is a review of literature. It analyzes practical use of strain measurement methods, their advantages and disadvantages, opportunities to use these methods in automated systems. The chapter ends with formulated conclusions. The second section presents balanced methods of the strain monitoring. Analysis of balanced Wheatstone bridge device is made. New strain monitoring device by balancing currents are proposed and investigated. There are two possible ways: with two current sources and one current source. The third and fourth sections provide results of computer simulation and experimental models. The proposed devices of balancing currents has been modeled and tested in practice. Stability of the devices was tested and their work simulating in real conditions. Conclusions, references and the... [to full text]

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