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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Viešųjų pirkimų vykdymas elektroninėmis priemonėmis / Performance of public procurement by electronic means

Jakimavičius, Dangiras 26 June 2013 (has links)
Sumažintos viešųjų pirkimų išlaidos, konkurencijos tarp tiekėjų padidėjimas, pagreitinti viešųjų pirkimų procesai, skatinimas naudoti įvairesnius pirkimų būdus, perkančiųjų organizacijų žmogiškųjų išteklių optimizavimas, pagerintos viešųjų pirkimų apskaitos ir kontrolės galimybės ir padidintas viešųjų pirkimų skaidrumas – tai pagrindiniai siekiniai, kuriuos užsibrėžė teisėkūros institucijos, inicijavusios viešųjų pirkimų perkėlimą į elektroninę erdvę. Tačiau ar iš tiesų teisėkūros organų siekiamybės atitinka realius rezultatus? Itin retai suteikiama galimybė tiesiogiai su viešaisiais pirkimais dirbantiems specialistams - praktikams pareikšti išankstines pastabas ar pasiūlymus, tokiu būdu užkertant kelią nenumatytų praktinių probleminių situacijų atsiradimui. Atsižvelgiant į tai ir buvo suformuluotas šio darbo tikslas - išanalizuoti viešųjų pirkimų vykdymo elektroninėmis priemonėmis teisinį ir praktinį reglamentavimą bei nustatyti, ar problemas, su kuriomis susiduria viešųjų pirkimų specialistai – praktikai, organizuodami viešuosius pirkimus elektroninėmis priemonėmis, galima išspręsti tik tikslinant (tobulinant) teisinį ir praktinį reglamentavimą. Darbe išanalizuotas esamas viešųjų pirkimų vykdymo elektroninėmis priemonėmis teisinis ir praktinis reglamentavimas, išskirti keturi elektroninių viešųjų pirkimų vykdymo etapai bei tyrimo metu, panaudojus interviu metodą ir apklausus viešųjų pirkimų srityje dirbančius praktikus, identifikuoti teisinio bei praktinio reglamentavimo... [toliau žr. visą tekstą] / Reduced public procurement costs, increased competition among suppliers, quicker processes of the procurement, promotion of the use of diverse methods of public procurement, optimization of human resources, improved public procurement accounting and control options and increased transparency in public procurement – these are the main objectives set out by the legislative institutions, initiating public procurement transference into the electronic space. But are these strivings of the legislative institutions meets the actual results? Very rarely opportunities to make preliminary comments or suggestions are given to specialists – practitioners working directly with public procurement, thus preventing unintended practical problem situations from occurring. Taking this into consideration was formulated the goal of this paper work – to analyze legal an practical regulation of the performance of public procurement by electronic means and to determine whether the problems faced by public procurement professionals – practitioners, organizing public procurement procedures by electronic means, can be solved only by revising (improving) the legal and practical regulation. Paper work analyze the existing legal and practical regulation of public procurement performance by electronic means, identifies four phases of public procurement performed by electronic means, and by interviewing public procurement practitioners using interview method identifies problematic factors of the legal and... [to full text]

Taikomųjų uždavinių kokybės modeliavimas saugioje elektroninių paslaugų sistemoje / Modeling of application quality parameters in a secured electronic service system

Šunokas, Robertas 01 June 2004 (has links)
While modeling electronic service systems application quality parameters are always relevant. Future system must be reliable in operating, flexible enough in different situations and to have good efficiency. Price is important for system builder. Integrated quality parameter is defined for measuring and evaluation of all other quality parameters. In this work Petri nets architecture is picked as projecting methodology. electronic service information system - E-Government, is created and modeled theoretically. While studying information security methods in every projecting and modeling step we try to valuate these parameters: a) flexibility b) reliability c) performance d) price. While analyzing Petri nets it is required to make and describe information system theoretically. It is analyzed how to find the best way to reach optimal information security features. Application quality parameters are used for that.

Formation of click-wrap and browse-wrap contracts / Sutarčių sudarymas spragtelėjimu ir naršymu

Kamantauskas, Povilas 17 June 2014 (has links)
In a time of rapid development of technologies, new forms of contracting online emerge. Two of these are analyzed in this thesis: click-wrap agreements (where an offer is accepted by way of clicking on an icon “I agree”) and browse-wrap agreements (where the offeree supposedly accepts the offer by browsing on a website, while the terms to the contract are accessible through an inconspicuous hyperlink). Click-wrap agreements are formed, they are accepted in a manner recognized as binding and the offeree knows the terms she assents to. Browse-wrap agreements are generally not formed. Even though the action of browsing on a website could indicate assent, the offeree must know that the act of browsing will be construed as acceptance. But the offeree is generally not made aware of the terms to the contract and thus cannot assent to what she is not aware of. However, if the offeree is in fact aware of the terms to the contract and still knowingly performs the action of browsing, a contract is formed and the offeree is bound. There are some doctrinal problems with an element of an offer – intent to be bound. E-contracting involves a great deal or recklessness by the offerors as well as offerees, leading to the conclusion that the action of clicking “I agree” does not really indicate the intent of the party who performs the act, to actually agree. There is no adequate answer to this problem presently. To sum up, the enforceability of click-wrap contracts is settled in courts, it is a... [to full text] / Besivystant technologijoms keičiasi ir sutarčių sudarymo būdai: dėl mažesnių kaštų ir patogumo populiarėja sutartys elektroninėje erdvėje. Prie to turi prisitaikyti ir teisinė aplinka, todėl šiame magistro darbe yra aptariamos dvi sąlyginai naujos sutarčių sudarymo formos. Viena jų – spragtelėjimu sudaroma sutartis (angl. – click-wrap agreement). Čia oferentas akceptuoja sutarties sąlygas, paspausdamas monitoriaus ekrane ikoną „Sutinku“ ar pan. O situacija, kai sutartis turėtų būti sudaroma naršymu (angl. – browse-wrap agreement) – kiek sudėtingesnė, čia oferentas turėtų išreikšti savo sutikimą vien naršydamas internetinėje svetainėje, tačiau informacija, apie tai, jog naršymas bus laikomas sutikimu galima rasti spragtelėjus ant saito (angl. – hyperlink), kuris neretai būna pateikiamas puslapio apačioje, bet apie nuorodą su sutarties sąlygomis ir akceptavimo būdu oferentas nėra informuojamas, dažnai apie ją net nežino. Šiame darbe spragtelėjimu ir naršymu sudaromos sutartys analizuojamos kaip abstrakčios teisės koncepcijos, aptariamas jų pagrįstumas, tinkamumas. Lietuvos ir Jungtinių Amerikos Valstijų nacionalinės teisės sprendimai darbe aptariami lyginamuoju aspektu. Pirmiausia privalu išsiaiškinti ar galima sudaryti sandorius elektroninėmis (ne tik ryšio) priemonėmis. Nors elektroninėmis ryšio priemonėmis perduodama informacija prilyginama rašytiniams dokumentams (taigi, taip sudaromos sutartys tikrai galioja), spragtelėjimu ar naršymu sudaromų sutarčių atveju, ši teisinė... [toliau žr. visą tekstą]

Elektroninių sandorių teisinis reglamentavimas / Legal reglamentation of electronic contracts

Noreika, Mindaugas 17 March 2006 (has links)
Substantial problems of electronic contract reglamentation are being discussed in this study. This work consists of two parts. Definition of electronic contract and the main legal acts are being discussed in the first part of the work. And in the second part different agreements are examined and their adoption to laws. The aim of this work is to analyze different legal sources of Electronics contracts and to reveal how those laws are put into practice in different online banking service and online auction service agreements. We are trying not only to analyze International and Lithuanian legal sources but also to reveal the main reglamentation problems.

Lietuvos valstybės institucijų privatumo politika internete / The Policy of Privacy of Lithuanian State Institutions in the Internet

Gedgaudas, Andrius 19 December 2006 (has links)
In work are discussed the state‘s institutions privacy policy in internet. Also in the work is analyzed court practice in cases related with the violations of personnel data security in the state‘s institutions; disputed new project of Personnel data law and given suggestions how to solve problems related with personnel data security in the state‘s institutions. The regulation of personal data is one most important nowadays social phenomenon. Majority of state’s institutions personnel uses, plans to create and administer computerized personal data accumulation, transmission and etc. systems. Hospitals and other health supervision institutions accumulate and regulate personnel data of patients. Tax administration institutions accumulates information about inhabitant income and govern a huge personnel data bases, which systematizes information not only about resident income but also about their work place, family status and etc. Last year practice display that personnel data are related with personal life of a resident becomes a service, which helps commercial structures to increase profit. Understanding the value of such personal information majority of commercial subjects is inclined to neglect demands to honor the individual right to privacy. That is why state’s institutions, regulating personnel databases must ensure the security of it. The work consists of preface, three chapters, which are divided into smaller sections, and conclusions, the list of literature and... [to full text]

Elektroninės komercijos saugumas / ECommerce security

Budrionis, Andrius 09 July 2011 (has links)
Darbe nagrinėjami šiuo metu rinkoje naudojami elektroninių atsiskaitymų modeliai ir jų saugumo problemos. Kadangi elektroninių transakcijų metu operuojama svarbiais ir konfidencialiais duomenimis, aukštesnio saugumo lygio užtikrinimo problema visada išlieka itin aktuali. Darbe išnagrinėtos dažniausiai sutinkamos elektroninių atsiskaitymų schemos (tiesioginis atsiskaitymas ir atsiskaitymas per Paypal sistemą), jų saugumo užtikrinimo principai, technikos ir spragos. Atsižvelgiant į dabartinius rinkos poreikius ir informacijos saugumo spragas šiuo metu naudojamuose modeliuose, suprojektuotas aukštesnio saugumo lygio elektroninių atsiskaitymų modelis ir realizuotas šio sprendimo prototipas. Šio prototipo projektas ir realizacija gali būti naudojamos kaip rekomendacijos kūrėjams, tobulinantiems elektroninių atsiskaitymų modelių saugumą. / The work deals with electronic payment models used in the market and their security problems. As electronic transactions operate with important and confidential data, ensuring higher level of security is always an actual issue. The study generally concerns the main electronic payment schemes (direct payment and payment through Paypal), their safety principles, technical decisions and security ensuring gaps. Considering the current market needs and information security gaps in current eCommerce models, a new, ensuring higher level of security in electronic payments, model was designed and a prototype of this decision was implemented. The prototype design and implementation may be used as recommendations for developers, improving electronic payment security models.

MS SQL Server 2005 ir Reporting Services galimybių tyrimas bei pritaikymas šilumos tiekimo įmonės gamybos rodiklių apdorojimo veiklos automatizavime / MS SQL Server 2005 and Reporting Services analysis and adaptation for processing activity automatization of heat supplying company manufacture rates

Mockus, Ričardas, Būdas, Mindaugas 04 March 2009 (has links)
Į baigiamojo darbo sudėtį įeina SQL Server 2005, Reporting Services, bei kitų numatomų instrumentinių priemonių ir technologijų analizė, reikalavimų sistemai išgavimas, taip pat sistemos modulių projektavimas bei apjungimas ir realizacija. Sistema supruojektuota ir realizuota remiantis sudaryta specifikacija. Sistemos realizacijai naudojami Microsoft SQL Server 2005 bei Microsoft Visual Studio 2005 programavimo paketai. Taip pat pateikiama, jau realizuotos sistemos testavimo rezultatai ir išvados. / This final work includes SQL Server 2005, Reporting Services and other instrumental tools or technology analysis, requirement for the system extraction and also modules of the system projection, integration to one unit and realization. The system was designed and implemented in accordance with specification. To implement the system was used Microsoft SQL Server 2005 and Microsoft Visual Studio 2005 programming packages. Also there are the testing results of the system and final conclusions.

Elektroninės valdžios įtaka visuomenei / Influence of E-governance upon Society

Grigaravičienė, Regina 17 March 2006 (has links)
Theses deal with opportunities of e-government, possible changes in the society after implementation of e-government projects, provision of high level electronic public services (EPS) which are recommended by the EU program documents. They also analyse supply and demand of e-government services in the society, level of society satisfaction by e-government services, influence of e-government to the sphere of rapidly developing and improving technologies. Theses present and analyse samples of e-government services of foreign countries which enable to assess shortcomings of services, future perspectives of other countries. Theses analyse e-government situation in Lithuania.

Elektroninių paslaugų plėtra akademinių bibliotekų tinkle / Development of e-Services in the Network of Academic Libraries

Cimbolaitienė, Egidija 17 March 2006 (has links)
Offering of electronic public services has become one of the principal parts of strategy of many governments all over the world. One of the 20 public services envisaged in program documents of the European Union is a service designated for citizens “Public libraries (availability of catalogues, search tools)”, that has to ensure open access to regional and global information resources. However taking into account the tasks that emerge when academic libraries start to create knowledge society it is very important to evaluate the spectrum of electronic public services provided exactly by academic libraries, possibilities of their quality and effectiveness improvement, and perspectives of their development.

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