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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Hemograma e teores séricos de Na, K, Mg, Ca e P de cães hígidos submetidos à administração de cisplatina /

Oliva, Carlos Alfredo Calpa. January 2007 (has links)
Orientador: Carlos Roberto Daleck / Banca: José Jurandir Fagliari / Banca: Duvaldo Eurides / Resumo: A cisplatina é um fármaco antineoplásico utilizado como adjuvante no tratamento de diversas neoplasias. Neste estudo foram avaliados o hemograma e os teores de sódio, potássio, magnésio, cálcio e fósforo do soro sanguíneo de cães submetidos à terapia com cisplatina. Foram utilizados oito cães, machos, sem raça definida, com 10 a 15 kg de peso, clinicamente sadios. Os cães foram distribuídos em dois grupos, contendo 4 animais cada, sendo que os animais do grupo 1 receberam cisplatina e aqueles do grupo 2 não receberam cisplatina. Os cães do grupo 1 receberam quimioterapia e protocolo de diurese para proteção renal, já o grupo controle 2 não recebeu a cisplatina, estando sujeito apenas aos fatores ambientais. Os animais do grupo 1 foram submetidos a quatro sessões de quimioterapia com cisplatina na dose de 70mg/mø, administrada por via intravenosa, durante 20 minutos, no intervalo de 21 dias. Antes da administração da cisplatina, realizou-se fluidoterapia com solução fisiológica a 0,9% na dose de 25mL/kg/hora, por via intravenosa, durante duas horas, e depois por mais uma hora. Todos os animais receberam metoclopramida na dose de 2mg/kg, por via intravenosa, 15 minutos antes da administração da cisplatina e furosemida na dose de 2 mg/kg, por via intravenosa, 5 minutos após administração de metoclopramida. As amostras foram processadas e analisadas antes de cada sessão de quimioterapia. Os resultados mostraram que não houve diferença significativa entre os grupos para as contagens de hemácias, concentração de hemoglobina, hematócrito e contagem de leucócitos, mesmo assim as concentrações séricas de eletrólitos mantiveram-se dentro dos padrões da normalidade. Os resultados obtidos podem ser indicativos de que o protocolo empregado para o grupo 1 se mostrou efetivo para manter as características do hemograma e a concentração sérica dos eletrólitos. / Abstract: The cisplatin is an antineoplasic drug used like adjunct treatment of various neoplasms. In this study, one evaluated the hemogram and sodium, potassium, magnesium, calcium and phosphorus levels in the dogs' blood under administration of cisplatin. One used 8 male dogs, with no definite race, weighing from 10 to 15 kilograms, and clinically healthy. The dogs were divided into two groups of 4 animals each, being group 1 treated with cisplatin and group 2 with no cisplatin. Group 1 received chemotherapy and the diurese protocol for kidney protection, group 2 did not receive cisplatin, being exposed only to the environmental factors. The animals from group 1 were submitted to four chemotherapy sessions with cisplatin 70mg/m2 administered intravenously for 20 minutes, in a 21 days interval before the cisplatin administration, one carried out a fluidotherapy with physiologic solution 0,9% on a dosage of 25mg/kg/hour intravenously during 2 hours, and posteriorly for one more hour. All the animals received methoclopramid intravenously on a dosage of 2mg/kg, 15 minutes before the cisplatin and furosemide administration on a 2mg/kg dosage, 5 minutes before the cisplatin infusion. The evaluation of the hemogram and the electrolytes levels above mentioned were done before each chemotherapy session. The results demonstrate that there were no significant differences among the groups for red blood cells counting, hemoglobin concentration, hematocrit and leucocytes counting, but still, the electrolytes seric concentration maintained itself in a normal standard. The results obtained may indicate that the protocol employed for group 1 showed efficiency to maintain the characteristics of the hemogram and the electrolytes seric concentration. / Mestre

Avaliação endoscópica das vias aéreas, perfil de gases sanguíneos, eletrólitos e do equilíbrio ácido-base em equinos submetidos ao treinamento de três tambores /

Barbosa, João Pedro Borges. January 2015 (has links)
Resumo:A competição de três tambores exige dos cavalos alto desempenho atlético. A raça mais utilizada nessa modalidade é o Quarto de Milha. Para ter sucesso, o animal deve ter agilidade e alta aceleração. Avaliações endoscópicas revelam uma elevada prevalência de doenças do sistema respiratório em cavalos atletas como a Hemorragia pulmonar induzida por exercício. Por permitir a avaliação das vias áreas posteriores dos equinos, a endoscopia propicia avaliar a quantidade de sangue depositado nas vias aéreas após exercícios. Associado ao exame endoscópico a hemogasometria arterial tem sido utilizada visando identificar o comportamento das trocas gasosas, além da compreensão do estado de equilíbrio hidroeletrolítico e ácido-base em que o animal se encontra, possuindo grande valor para o entendimento de distúrbios metabólicos. O objetivo do presente estudo foi avaliar as vias aéreas, o perfil de gases sanguíneos, eletrólitos e o equilíbrio ácido-base de equinos submetidos ao treinamento de três tambores. Dezesseis cavalos divididos em 2 grupos de 8 animais, Treino regular (TR - 5 vezes) e Treino esporádico (TE - 2 vezes por semana) foram utilizados no experimento. A endoscopia foi realizada antes e 90 min após o exercício. Foram realizadas 2 coletas de sangue por punção da Artéria facial transversa antes do aquecimento (M0) e imediatamente após o exercício (M1), e as leituras foram realizadas com o I-Stat®. Foram determinadas a PCO2, PO2, SO2, pH, BE, HCO3 e TCO2, Na+, K+, iCa, Glicose, Hg e Ht. Foi utilizado ANOVA com medidas repetidas no tempo para comparações dos grupos e momentos (p<0,05). A HFL acometeu em grau leve (1-2) os animais de ambos os grupos com 8/8 (100%) no TR e 5/8 (62,5%) para o TE. Presença de secreção serosa na traqueia em 4/8 (50%) para ambos os grupos. A HPIE acometeu em grau leve (1-2) os animais de ambos os grupos com 4/8 (50%)...(resumo completo, clicar acesso eletrônico abaixo) / Abstract:The Three barrel competition requires of high performance athletic horses. The race more used in this modality and the Quarter Horse usually begins training very young. To have success, the animals must have high speed and acceleration, requiring high performance athletic horses. Reviews endoscopic reveal a high prevalence of diseases of the System Respiratory as Exercise induced pulmonary hemorrhage in Athletes horses. For allow evaluation of post airways of horses, an endoscopy provides evaluate a blood amount deposited in the airways after exercises. Associated with endoscopic examination a blood gas analysis has been widely used in order to identify the behavior of gas exchange in high-performance horses, beyond for understanding of the balance electrolyte and acid-base in the animals find, possessing great value for understanding metabolic disorders. The present study goal was to assess how Airway, the profile of blood gases, electrolytes, acid-base balance of horses submitted the Three barrel training. Sixteen horses divided into two groups of 8 animals, regular training (RT - 5 times) and sporadic training (ET - 2 times a week) were used in the experiment. Endoscopy was performed before and 90 min after training. They were held two blood samples by puncturing the transverse facial artery before heating (M0) and immediately after training (M1), and the readings were performed with the I-Stat®. They were determined PCO2, PO2, SO2, pH, BE, HCO3 and TCO2, Na +, K +, iCa, Glucose, Hg e Ht. It was used ANOVA with repeated measures over time for comparisons of groups and time (p <0.05). The HFL befell was mild (1-2) the animals from both groups with 8/8 (100%) in the TR and 5/8 (62.5%) for the TE. Presence of serous trachea 4/8 (50%) for both groups. The EIPH befell was mild (1-2) the animals from both groups with 4/8 (50%) in the RT group and 3/8 (37.5%) for the TE group. Animals with grade 2 EIPH had mild hypoxemia and hypercapnia after exercise / Orientador:Luiz Cláudio Nogueira Mendes / Banca:Pedro Vicente Michelotto Júnior / Banca:Rafael Resende Faleiros / Mestre

Estratégias para minimizar os efeitos de um ambiente térmico adverso para frangos de corte / Patrícia Martiniano de Oliveira. -

Oliveira, Patrícia Martiniano de. January 2015 (has links)
Orientador:Marcelo Vasconcelos Meireles / Co-orientador:Max José de Araújo Faria Júnior / Co-orientador:Manoel Garcia Neto / Banca:Leda Gobbo de Freitas Bueno / Banca:Wilson Machado de Souza / Resumo:O calor limita a produção de frangos de corte. Este trabalho avaliou as interações entre termocondicionamento precoce (TCP) e o uso do equilíbrio eletrolítico (EE), sobre o desempenho e características da carcaça das aves. Assim, o balanço eletrolítico (BE = Na + K - Cl), foi ajustado em 350mEq/kg e a relação eletrolítica (K+Cl)/Na em 3:1, pelo programa PPFR. O experimento foi realizado no setor de Zootecnia da Faculdade de Medicina Veterinária de Araçatuba/UNESP. Alojaram-se 240 pintos machos de 1 dia de idade, linhagem Cobb-500®, em bateria metálica com 24 divisões e aquecimento elétrico automático. O delineamento experimental foi inteiramente ao acaso, em arranjo fatorial 2x2, totalizando 4 tratamentos com 6 repetições e 10 aves por parcela experimental. O TCP ocorreu no 5º dia de idade, por 24 horas a 36,5°C, em metade do lote. Posteriormente, as aves foram transferidas para um galpão climatizado e alojadas em boxes, da mesma forma que a outra parcela que não passou pelo TCP. Avaliaram-se os efeitos do estresse calórico crônico (6 horas a 32°C) aplicado do 35º ao 39º dia de idade. Foram monitorados a temperatura e umidade do ar, bem como a temperatura de globo negro. Alimentação e água foram fornecidas ad libitum. Calcularam-se os dados de desempenho zootécnico e a taxa de mortalidade das aves. Submeteram-se os resultados à análise de variância e comparação de médias pelo teste de Tukey. Não houve interação entre o TCP e o EE sobre o desempenho e características da carcaça das aves. As estratégias, TCP e EE mostraram-se ineficazes a fim de amenizar os efeitos do estresse calórico crônico em frangos de corte / Abstract:The heat limits the production of broilers. This study evaluated the interactions between early thermal conditioning (ETC) and the electrolyte balance (EB) on performance and characteristics of birds' carcass. Thus, the electrolyte balance (BE = Na+ + K+ - Cl- ), was set to 350mEq/kg and electrolyte ratio (K+ + Cl- )/ Na+ in 3:1 by PPFR program. The experiment was carried out at the Animal Science department of the Faculty of Veterinary Medicine of Araçatuba / UNESP. It was used 240 male chicks of 1 day old, Cobb-500®, lodged in metal batteries with 24 divisions and automatic electric heating. The experimental design was completely randomized in a factorial arrangement 2x2, totaling 4 treatments with 6 replicates and 10 birds per experimental plot. ETC occurred on the 5th day of age for 24 hours at 36.5 °C in half of the batch. Subsequently, these birds were transferred to an environmentally controlled shed and were grown in boxes, in the same way as the other half that not received ETC treatment. The effects of chronic heat stress (6 hours at 32 °C) applied from the 35th through the 39th day of age were evaluated. Temperature and air humidity, as well black-globe temperature were monitored electronically. Food and water were provided ad libitum. The growth performance data and the mortality rate of birds were measured. The results were subjected to analysis of variance and comparison of means was done by Tukey test. There were no interaction effects between ETC and EB on performance and characteristics of birds' carcass. The strategies ETC and EB proved to be ineffective in order to mitigate the effects of chronic heat stress in broilers / Mestre

Equilíbrio eletrolítico e condicionamento térmico precoce na criação de frangos de corte submetidos ao estresse térmico /Mayara Maia Rodrigues. -: Mayara Maia Rodrigues. -

Rodrigues, Mayara Maia [UNESP] 24 April 2015 (has links) (PDF)
Made available in DSpace on 2016-05-17T16:51:07Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 0 Previous issue date: 2015-04-24. Added 1 bitstream(s) on 2016-05-17T16:54:39Z : No. of bitstreams: 1 000863695.pdf: 2962016 bytes, checksum: e7765cdd7792e076f8961457482671f8 (MD5) / In tropical climates, the heat is the major factor limiting the production of broiler chickens, and is responsible for inducing a high mortality, especially in the finishing phase. The electrolyte balance (EB) and early thermal conditioning (ETC) are two techniques to alleviate the negative effects of heat stress. Thus, this study aimed to evaluate the possible interactions and the effects of dietary electrolyte balance and application of early thermal conditioning of the feed intake (kg), body weight (kg), feed conversion (kg), mortality (%), energy bio-economic conversion index (Mcal/kg), moisture faeces (%), carcass weight (kg), body cavity fat (g) and breast color (L*a *b*) in cuts of chicken chronic heat stress conditions. Thus, the electrolyte balance (EB = K+Na-Cl) was set to 300 mEq / kg and electrolyte ratio (ER = [(K+Cl)/Na]) 3: 1 by non-linear PPFR program. They were housed 640 male chicks a day old, distributed in a factorial arrangement 2x2 (with and without ETC and with and without EB) in a completely randomizeddesign in 32 boxes (8 replicates per treatment). The thermal conditioning was applied on the fifth day old birds for 24 hours at 36 °C and only half of the batch (320 birds). After this period, all the birds were transferred to boxes (20 birds/box), with the bed waste acerola. Chronic heat stress (6 hours at 32 °C) was applied to all the birds of 35 after 39 days of age, being electronically monitored temperature and humidity of the warehouse, in relation to the microclimate of the area / height of the birds. The results indicated that: a) there was no interaction between the two techniques, EB and ETC; b) diets with EB resulted in more expensive ration besides increasing the moisture of faeces, but there was lower mortality; c) ETC resulted in a pale staining in breast samples. Thus, it can be concluded that both the EB and ETC are not effective for minimizing the negative effects of chronic heat stress in broilers

Avaliação endoscópica das vias aéreas, perfil de gases sanguíneos, eletrólitos e do equilíbrio ácido-base em equinos submetidos ao treinamento de três tambores: João Pedro Borges Barbosa. -

Barbosa, João Pedro Borges [UNESP] 07 August 2015 (has links) (PDF)
Made available in DSpace on 2016-05-17T16:51:18Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 0 Previous issue date: 2015-08-07. Added 1 bitstream(s) on 2016-05-17T16:54:53Z : No. of bitstreams: 1 000863870.pdf: 1531300 bytes, checksum: a86cccb40bec9374840bbe5fa8ddde18 (MD5) / Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP) / Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES) / The Three barrel competition requires of high performance athletic horses. The race more used in this modality and the Quarter Horse usually begins training very young. To have success, the animals must have high speed and acceleration, requiring high performance athletic horses. Reviews endoscopic reveal a high prevalence of diseases of the System Respiratory as Exercise induced pulmonary hemorrhage in Athletes horses. For allow evaluation of post airways of horses, an endoscopy provides evaluate a blood amount deposited in the airways after exercises. Associated with endoscopic examination a blood gas analysis has been widely used in order to identify the behavior of gas exchange in high-performance horses, beyond for understanding of the balance electrolyte and acid-base in the animals find, possessing great value for understanding metabolic disorders. The present study goal was to assess how Airway, the profile of blood gases, electrolytes, acid-base balance of horses submitted the Three barrel training. Sixteen horses divided into two groups of 8 animals, regular training (RT - 5 times) and sporadic training (ET - 2 times a week) were used in the experiment. Endoscopy was performed before and 90 min after training. They were held two blood samples by puncturing the transverse facial artery before heating (M0) and immediately after training (M1), and the readings were performed with the I-Stat®. They were determined PCO2, PO2, SO2, pH, BE, HCO3 and TCO2, Na +, K +, iCa, Glucose, Hg e Ht. It was used ANOVA with repeated measures over time for comparisons of groups and time (p <0.05). The HFL befell was mild (1-2) the animals from both groups with 8/8 (100%) in the TR and 5/8 (62.5%) for the TE. Presence of serous trachea 4/8 (50%) for both groups. The EIPH befell was mild (1-2) the animals from both groups with 4/8 (50%) in the RT group and 3/8 (37.5%) for the TE group. Animals with grade 2 EIPH had mild hypoxemia and hypercapnia after exercise / FAPESP: 2014/23012-7

Aplicação do termocondicionamento e da relação eletrolítica na criação de frangos de corte: Maria clara da Silva Minello. -

Minello, Maria Clara da Silva [UNESP] 31 August 2015 (has links) (PDF)
Made available in DSpace on 2016-05-17T16:51:30Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 0 Previous issue date: 2015-08-31. Added 1 bitstream(s) on 2016-05-17T16:55:10Z : No. of bitstreams: 1 000864203.pdf: 1440896 bytes, checksum: 5f504b1cd2419b7601fde59b319f55d4 (MD5) / Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES) / In tropical climates, heat is one of the most important limiting factor for the production of broiler chickens, being responsible for high mortality, especially in the final period of the raising. This study evaluated the effects of thermoconditioning (TC) and feed considering electrolyte balance (EE) as a way to reduce this effect. 300 male chicks Cobb 500 were randomly assigned for six repetitions of four treatments in a 2 x 2 factorial scheme: (T1) feed without EE without TC, (2) feed without EE with TC, (3) feed with EE without TC and (4) feed with EE with TC. The thermoconditioning was held on the 5th day totaling 24 hours at 36 oC. After this period, the birds were transferred to boxes with wood shavings bed, where they remained until the end of the experiment. Acute thermal stress was applied at the 36º day, for 6 hours, in all treatments. Feed and water were provided ad libitum during the full experiment period, even during the thermal stress. The performance parameters investigated were weight gain (WG), feed conversion (FC), body weight (BW), guts weight (GW) and mortality (%M). The results showed that both TC and EE were effective in reducing the mortality without altering the performance of the birds and suggested a potentiation effect when they were used simultaneously. At the treatment in which none of these strategies was adopted, the mortality rate was 83% higher, compared to the treatment in which both were applied. Therefore, both techniques were considered suitable for reducing the damage caused by heat in the raising of broiler chicken

Equilíbrio eletrolítico e condicionamento térmico precoce na criação de frangos de corte submetidos ao estresse térmico /Mayara Maia Rodrigues. - Mayara Maia Rodrigues. -

Rodrigues, Mayara Maia. January 2015 (has links)
Orientador:Silvia Helena Venturoli Perri / Co-orientador:Manoel Garcia Neto / Banca:Antonio Carlos de Laurentiz / Banca:Elisa Helena Giglio Ponsano / Resumo:Em países de clima tropical, o calor é um dos principais limitantes à produção de frangos de corte, sendo ainda responsável por induzir uma elevada mortalidade, especialmente na fase de terminação. O equilíbrio eletrolítico (EE) e o condicionamento térmico precoce (CTP) são duas técnicas que visam aliviar os efeitos negativos do estresse pelo calor. Assim, esse estudo teve como propósito avaliar as possíveis interações e os efeitos do equilíbrio eletrolítico na dieta e da aplicação do condicionamento térmico precoce sobre o consumo de ração (kg), peso vivo (kg), conversão alimentar (kg), mortalidade (%), índice de conversão bioeconômico energética (Mcal/kg), umidade de fezes (%), peso de carcaça (kg), gordura cavitária (g) e coloração de peito (L*a*b*) em frangos de cortes em condições de estresse térmico crônico. Para tanto, o balanço eletrolítico (BE = K+Na-Cl) foi ajustado em 300 mEq/kg e a relação eletrolítica (RE = [(K+Cl)/Na]) em 3:1 pelo programa PPFR não linear. Foram alojados 640 pintos machos de um dia de idade, distribuídos em arranjo fatorial 2x2 (com e sem CTP e com e sem o EE), num delineamento inteiramente casualizado, em 32 boxes (8 repetições por tratamento). O condicionamento térmico foi realizado no quinto dia de idade das aves, por 24 horas a 36 °C, e somente na metade do lote (320 aves). Após este período, todas as aves foram transferidas para boxes (20 aves/box), tendo como cama resíduos de acerola. O estresse térmico crônico (6 horas a 32°C) foi aplicado em todas as aves do 35º ao 39º dias de idade, sendo monitorado eletronicamente a temperatura e a umidade do galpão, em relação ao microclima da região/altura das aves. Os resultados indicaram que: a) não houve interação entre as duas técnicas, EE e CTP; b) dietas com EE resultaram no encarecer da ração além de aumentarem a umidade das fezes, porém...(resumo completo, clicar acesso eletrônico abaixo) / Abstract:In tropical climates, the heat is the major factor limiting the production of broiler chickens, and is responsible for inducing a high mortality, especially in the finishing phase. The electrolyte balance (EB) and early thermal conditioning (ETC) are two techniques to alleviate the negative effects of heat stress. Thus, this study aimed to evaluate the possible interactions and the effects of dietary electrolyte balance and application of early thermal conditioning of the feed intake (kg), body weight (kg), feed conversion (kg), mortality (%), energy bio-economic conversion index (Mcal/kg), moisture faeces (%), carcass weight (kg), body cavity fat (g) and breast color (L*a *b*) in cuts of chicken chronic heat stress conditions. Thus, the electrolyte balance (EB = K+Na-Cl) was set to 300 mEq / kg and electrolyte ratio (ER = [(K+Cl)/Na]) 3: 1 by non-linear PPFR program. They were housed 640 male chicks a day old, distributed in a factorial arrangement 2x2 (with and without ETC and with and without EB) in a completely randomizeddesign in 32 boxes (8 replicates per treatment). The thermal conditioning was applied on the fifth day old birds for 24 hours at 36 °C and only half of the batch (320 birds). After this period, all the birds were transferred to boxes (20 birds/box), with the bed waste acerola. Chronic heat stress (6 hours at 32 °C) was applied to all the birds of 35 after 39 days of age, being electronically monitored temperature and humidity of the warehouse, in relation to the microclimate of the area / height of the birds. The results indicated that: a) there was no interaction between the two techniques, EB and ETC; b) diets with EB resulted in more expensive ration besides increasing the moisture of faeces, but there was lower mortality; c) ETC resulted in a pale staining in breast samples. Thus, it can be concluded that both the EB and ETC are not effective for minimizing the negative effects of chronic heat stress in broilers / Mestre

Estratégias para minimizar os efeitos de um ambiente térmico adverso para frangos de corte: Patrícia Martiniano de Oliveira. -

Oliveira, Patrícia Martiniano de [UNESP] 06 August 2015 (has links) (PDF)
Made available in DSpace on 2016-06-07T17:12:20Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 0 Previous issue date: 2015-08-06. Added 1 bitstream(s) on 2016-06-07T17:16:58Z : No. of bitstreams: 1 000864744.pdf: 2407312 bytes, checksum: 10fe8efab5b26398740fcfe1df7ac526 (MD5) / Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES) / The heat limits the production of broilers. This study evaluated the interactions between early thermal conditioning (ETC) and the electrolyte balance (EB) on performance and characteristics of birds' carcass. Thus, the electrolyte balance (BE = Na+ + K+ - Cl- ), was set to 350mEq/kg and electrolyte ratio (K+ + Cl- )/ Na+ in 3:1 by PPFR program. The experiment was carried out at the Animal Science department of the Faculty of Veterinary Medicine of Araçatuba / UNESP. It was used 240 male chicks of 1 day old, Cobb-500®, lodged in metal batteries with 24 divisions and automatic electric heating. The experimental design was completely randomized in a factorial arrangement 2x2, totaling 4 treatments with 6 replicates and 10 birds per experimental plot. ETC occurred on the 5th day of age for 24 hours at 36.5 °C in half of the batch. Subsequently, these birds were transferred to an environmentally controlled shed and were grown in boxes, in the same way as the other half that not received ETC treatment. The effects of chronic heat stress (6 hours at 32 °C) applied from the 35th through the 39th day of age were evaluated. Temperature and air humidity, as well black-globe temperature were monitored electronically. Food and water were provided ad libitum. The growth performance data and the mortality rate of birds were measured. The results were subjected to analysis of variance and comparison of means was done by Tukey test. There were no interaction effects between ETC and EB on performance and characteristics of birds' carcass. The strategies ETC and EB proved to be ineffective in order to mitigate the effects of chronic heat stress in broilers

Participação da excreção renal de cálcio, fósforo, sódio e potássio na homeostase em cães sadios e doentes renais crônicos /

Martinez Padua, Pedro Pablo. January 2009 (has links)
Orientadora: Marileda Bonafim Carvalho / Banca: Flávio Ruas de Moraes / Banca: Sandra Regina Ribeiro da Silva / Resumo: Os rins desempenham papel fundamental no balanço de água e eletrólitos. Na doença renal crônica (DRC) a manutenção da homeostase de água e sódio é o primeiro problema a ser contornado pelo organismo e com o agravamento das lesões renais surgem outros problemas graves relacionados à homeostase de cálcio e fósforo. O presente estudo tem por escopo avaliar a excreção renal de cálcio, fósforo, sódio e potássio, e o perfil sérico destes eletrólitos em cães normais e em cães com DRC naturalmente adquirida. Foram avaliados três grupos de cães adultos, machos ou fêmeas, de raças variadas. Animais normais compuseram o grupo controle (G1) e os cães com DRC foram distribuídos em dois grupos de acordo com os estágios de comprometimento da função renal (G2 e G3, respectivamente, estágios 1-2 e estágios 3-4, descritos pela IRIS 2006 staging CKD). Os cães do G3 apresentaram aumento das concentrações séricas de cálcio ionizado e fósforo, além de diminuição da concentração sérica de sódio. Quanto à excreção renal dos eletrólitos analisados, os animais dos grupos G1 e G2 apresentaram diminuição de carga filtrada e aumento de excreção fracionada, mas as excreções urinárias não variaram significativamente. Os resultados são indicativos de que os rins de cães com DRC podem manter a excreção urinária dos eletrólitos em valores semelhantes aos dos normais. O mecanismo envolve aumento da excreção fracionada à medida em que haja diminuição da filtração glomerular. Esse processo de compensação, entretanto, pode perder a eficiência nos estágios mais avançados da enfermidade no que se refere à manutenção das concentrações séricas de fósforo e sódio. / Abstract: The kidneys play a fundamental role in the balance of water and electrolytes. In chronic kidney disease (CKD), the first problem to be solved by the organism is to maintain water and sodium homeostasis and, with the worsening of the renal injuries, other severe problems related to the calcium and phosphorus homeostasis emerge. The present study has as a purpose to evaluate the renal excretion and serum profile of calcium, phosphorus, sodium and potassium in healthy dogs and in dogs with naturally acquired CKD. Three groups of adult male and female dogs of varied breeds were evaluated. Normal animals were in the control group (G1) and the CKD dogs were distributed in two groups in accordance with the stage of renal function impairment (G2 e G3, respectively, stages 1-2 and stages 3-4, proposed by IRIS 2006 staging CKD). The G3 dogs showed increased serum levels of ionized calcium and phosphorus, in addition to the reduction of sodium level. Regarding the renal excretion of the analyzed electrolytes, G1 and G2 groups of animals showed a decrease of filtered load and increase of fractional excretion, yet there were no significant variations on the urinary excretions. The results suggest that the kidneys of the CKD dogs can maintain similar values of electrolytes urinary excretion as the normal dogs do. The mechanism involves an increase of fractional excretion while glomerular filtration decreases. This compensation process, however, can lose its efficiency in the later stages of the disease, in relation to the maintenance of phosphorus and sodium serum levels. / Mestre

Relação entre o excesso de bases do alimento e o PH urinário de gatos /

Jeremias, Juliana Toloi. January 2009 (has links)
Orientador: Aulus Cavalieri Carciofi / Banca: José Jurandir Fagliari / Banca: Arquivaldo Reche Júnior / Resumo: A composição mineral da dieta influencia as características da urina de gatos, estando envolvida no desenvolvimento e prevenção de urolitíases. O excesso de bases (EB) do alimento possui alta correlação com o pH urinário de gatos. Este pode ser calculado a partir da determinação da composição de macroelementos ou de aminoácidos sulfurados contidos na dieta. Em um primeiro estudo comparou-se fórmulas publicadas para estimar o EB do alimento e o pH urinário de gatos, avaliando a influência do enxofre e dos aminoácidos sulfurados sobre os cálculos, e verificou a relação entre o EB do alimento e parâmetros hemogasométricos. Em outro estudo foram avaliados os efeitos da adição de sais aniônicos acidificantes e de sais catiônicos alcalinizantes em dietas para felinos, com o objetivo de se validar as equações de estimação do pH urinário desenvolvidas no estudo anterior, demonstrar a eficácia desses sais, bem como verificar possíveis perturbações no equilíbrio ácido-básico dos animais decorrentes destas modificações na composição da dieta. Os gatos permaneceram em gaiolas metabólicas durante sete dias de adaptação à dieta, seguidos por três dias de coleta total de urina. Durante a coleta, a urina produzida em cada período de 24 horas teve aferida seu volume, densidade e pH. O equilíbrio ácido-básico foi estudado pela hemogasometria de sangue venoso. Amostras de sangue foram coletadas às 8:00hs (antes do fornecimento do alimento) e 6 horas depois do fornecimento, após 10 dias de adaptação ao alimento. No primeiro estudo o pH urinário variou entre 5,83±0,09 e 7,74±0,13. O EBS entre -185 e 309 mEq/kg MS e EBaa entre -49 e 377 mEq/kg MS. A diferença média de -115 mEq/kg entre EBS e EBaa foi observada. O pH urinário apresentou alta correlação com o EBS (r=0,95; p<0.0001) e EBaa (r=0,86; p<0.0001)... (Resumo completo, clicar acesso eletrônico abaixo) / Abstract: Food mineral composition influences the characteristics of cat's urine and is involved in the development and prevention of urolithiasis. Food base excess (BE) has a high correlation with cat urinary pH. BE can be calculated utilizing only macroelements or using sulfur amino acids (methionine and cistine) instead of total sulfur. In the first chapter compared published formulas to estimate food BE and urinary pH of cats, evaluated the influence of total sulfur and sulfur amino acids on BE calculations, and verified the relationship between food BE with cat blood gases analysis. In other chapter, effects of acidifying and alkalizing additives on cats food were evaluated, so that: 1. the urinary pH prediction equations developed on chapter 2 could be validated, 2. mineral salt efficacy could be demonstrated, 3. potential acid base alterations caused by the additives used on the cat's food could be verified. Cats were housed in metabolic cages and fed during a seven days adaptation phase followed by three days of total urine collection. Urine was collected in plastic bottles conserved in ice under the cage funnel. Each 24-h of produced urine were pooled by cat and analyzed for density, volume and pH. Cat's acidbasic status was studied by blood gas analysis of venous blood. Blood samples were collected at 8:00h (pre feeding) and 6 hours after meal, after 10-days of food adaptation. In the first chapter pH of cats varied in the interval of 5.83±0.13 (mean±SD) and 7.74±0.12. Food BEs varied between -185 and 309 mmol/kg DM, and food BEaa between -49 and 377 mmol/kg DM. A mean difference of -115 mmol/kg between EB1 and EB2 was observed Urine pH has high correlations with food BEs (r=0.95; p<0.0001) and BEaa (r=0.86; p<0.0001). In the second chapter Alkalizing additives: urinary pH of cats varied in the interval of 5,60±0,07 a 6,15±0,06 (p<0,0005)... (Complete abstract click electronic access below) / Mestre

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