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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Emergence prostorových geometrií z kvantového entanglementu / Emergence of space geometries from quantum entanglement

Lukeš, Petr January 2019 (has links)
MASTER THESIS Petr Lukeš Emergence of space geometries from quantum entanglement Institute of Theoretical Physics Supervisor of the master thesis: Mgr. Martin Scholtz, Ph.D. Study programme: Physics Study branch: Theoretical physics Prague 2019 Abstract: Connecting the field of Quantum Physics and General Relativity is one of the main interests of contemporary Theoretical Physics. This work attempts to find solution to simplified version of this problem. Firstly entropy is shown to be a good meeting point between the two different theories. Then some of entropy's less intuitive properties are shown, namely its dependence on area, not volume. This relation is studied from both Relativistic and Quantum viewpoint. After- wards there is a short description of a quantum model interpretable as geometry based on the information between its subsystems. Lastly, results of computations within this model are presented.

Critérios para seleção da arquitetura elétrica veicular em mercados emergentes. / Criteria for selection of vehicle electrical architectures for emerging markets.

Dal Poggetto, Gustavo 03 July 2009 (has links)
Este estudo tem por objetivo estabelecer os principais critérios de seleção de uma arquitetura elétrica adequada a mercados emergentes, considerando as necessidades de mercado, de legislação, de inovações e/ou novas funções a serem empregadas durante o ciclo de vida de um veículo. Para tanto, o resultado da pesquisa bibliográfica deste trabalho, apresentada na revisão teórica, primeiramente define o significado de arquitetura elétrica, e conta a sua evolução desde os primórdios da indústria automotiva até os dias de hoje, apontando quais são os principais sistemas elétricos existentes atualmente, deixando clara a fundamental importância da eletrônica embarcada na evolução do automóvel. Mostram, ainda, suas principais tendências tecnológicas, além de um descritivo sobre técnicas, critérios e metodologia de desenvolvimento de projetos de arquitetura elétrica empregados hoje na indústria. Na seqüência, o trabalho define os conceitos de mercado emergente e mercado desenvolvido, apontando suas particularidades, volumes de negócio (histórico e projetado), deixando evidente a importância dos mercados emergentes nos dias de hoje para a indústria automotiva mundial e a necessidade de se estabelecer estratégias específicas para estes mercados. Com base na própria pesquisa bibliográfica, somada à análise documental e a entrevistas não-estruturadas com membros ativos da indústria automotiva, foram concebidos os critérios para seleção de arquiteturas elétricas veiculares para mercados emergentes, assim como seus descritores e taxas de substituição (pesos). A definição de pesos e descritores é necessária para a utilização do método de agregação aditiva, método este de tomada de decisão empregado devido a sua capacidade de avaliar simultaneamente diversas alternativas, através de parâmetros qualitativos. Tal método, discutido na metodologia, mostrou-se muito eficiente por permitir uma avaliação dinâmica da análise proposta perante modificações em quaisquer parâmetros existentes. Por fim, o método e os critérios foram finalmente aplicados em dois estudos de caso, selecionados com base em casos reais vivenciados pela indústria automotiva no desenvolvimento de dois projetos: um veículo hatch popular e um veículo sedan médio de luxo, ambos destinados a mercados emergentes. Através do estudo de caso, foi possível confrontar soluções de arquiteturas adotadas no passado, no presente e para um futuro próximo, além de confrontar também soluções adotadas para mercados desenvolvidos e para mercados emergentes. O resultado deste estudo comprovou a necessidade da existência de critérios específicos para mercados emergentes, a coerência destes critérios e a robustez do modelo apresentado. Convém ressaltar que, para o tema em questão (ou estudos de caso), a robustez e consistência do modelo de avaliação obtido e a importância comprovada dos critérios selecionados são pertinentes e válidos, considerando-se o fato de que a definição dos pesos e notas atribuídas ao modelo serem feitas pelo avaliador, nas quais são diretamente dependentes do conhecimento adquirido pela empresa (seja ela montadora ou fornecedora) e vivência do responsável pela avaliação, sujeitando-as, desta forma, a seus próprios conceitos. / The aim of this study is to establish the criteria of election of an electrical architecture tailor-made for the emergent markets, considering the necessities of market, legislation, innovations and/or new functions to be applied during the whole vehicles life-cycle. Due to this, the result of the bibliographical research of this study, defines the meaning of electrical architecture, and shows its evolution since the beginning of the automotive industry up to now, also presenting the main electrical systems available today, making clear the huge importance of the embedded electronics for the evolution of the automobile. This study also presents the technological trends and a brief description of techniques, criteria and development methodology for electrical architecture projects available today in the industry. Here after, the study defines the concepts of emergent market and developed market, showing their characteristics, market share and production volumes (historical and forecast), showing the importance of the emergent markets for the world-wide automotive industry nowadays and the needs for development of specific strategies for these markets. Based on the bibliographical research, documentary analysis and the unstructured interviews with active members of the automotive industry, the criteria for election of electrical architectures for emergent markets was established, as well as their describers and swing-weights. The definition of weights and describers is necessary for the use of the additive aggregation method a decision taking method which has the capacity to evaluate several alternatives simultaneously, through qualitative parameters. Such method, presented in the methodology chapter, was very efficient for dynamic evaluation of the proposals even before changes in its parameters. Finally, the method and the criteria were finally applied in two studies of case, based on real cases of automotive industry when developing two projects: a low-cost hatch vehicle and a mid-size luxury sedan vehicle, both designed for emergent markets. By the study of cases, it was possible to compare solutions of architectures adopted in the past, in the present and for a near future, and also to compare solutions adopted for developed markets and emergent markets. The results of this study proved the necessity of specific criteria for emergent markets, the coherence of the established criteria and the robustness of the adopted model. Regarding the studies of cases, the robustness and consistency of the evaluation model and the proved importance of the criteria are relevant and valid, even considering that the definition of the weights values and grades are always made by the evaluators. It means that they directly depend on the companys know-how and best practices (from carmakers or suppliers) and the professional experience of the evaluator, resulting, someway, in their own values for different companies.

Prédire et influencer l'apparition des événements dans une séquence complexe / Predicting and influencing the appearance of events in a complex sequence

Fahed, Lina 27 October 2016 (has links)
Depuis plusieurs années, un nouveau phénomène lié aux données numériques émerge : des données de plus en plus volumineuses, variées et véloces, apparaissent et sont désormais disponibles, elles sont souvent qualifiées de données complexes. Dans cette thèse, nous focalisons sur un type particulier de données complexes : les séquences complexes d’événements, en posant la question suivante : “comment prédire au plus tôt et influencer l’apparition des événements futurs dans une séquence complexe d’événements ?”. Tout d’abord, nous traitons le problème de prédiction au plus tôt des événements. Nous proposons un algorithme de fouille de règles d’épisode DEER qui a l’originalité de maîtriser l’horizon d’apparition des événements futurs à travers d’une distance imposée au sein de règles extraites. Dans un deuxième temps, nous focalisons sur la détection de l’émergence dans un flux d’événements. Nous proposons l’algorithme EER pour la détection au plus tôt de l’émergence de nouvelles règles. Pour augmenter la fiabilité de nouvelles règles lorsque leur support est très faible, EER s’appuie sur la similarité entre ces règles et les règles déjà connues. Enfin, nous étudions l’impact porté par des événements sur d’autres dans une séquence d’événements. Nous proposons l’algorithme IE qui introduit la notion des “événements influenceurs” et étudie l’influence sur le support, la confiance et la distance à travers de trois mesures d’influence proposées. Ces travaux sont évalués et validés par une étude expérimentale menée sur un corpus de données réelles issues de blogs / For several years now, a new phenomenon related to digital data is emerging : data which are increasingly voluminous, varied and rapid, appears and becomes available, they are often referred to as complex data. In this dissertation, we focus on a particular type of data : complex sequence of events, by asking the following question : “how to predict as soon as possible and to influence the appearance of future events within a complex sequence of events?”. First of all, we focus on the problem of predicting events as soon as possible in a sequence of events. We propose DEER : an algorithm for mining episode rules, which has the originality of controlling the horizon of the appearance of future events by imposing a temporal distance within the extracted rules. In a second phase, we address the problem of emergence detection in an events stream. We propose EER : an algorithm for detecting new emergent rules as soon as possible. In order to increase the reliability of new rules, EER relies on the similarity between theses rules and previously extracted rules. At last, we study the impact carried by events on other events within a sequence of events. We propose IE : an algorithm that introduces the concept of “influencer events” and studies the influence on the support, on the confidence and on the distance through three proposed measures. Our work is evaluated and validated through an experimental study carried on a real data set of blogs messages

Rhythmic movement: The role of expectancy and skill in event and emergent timing / Movimentos rítmicos: o papel de expectativas e treino no controle temporal de movimentos contínuos e discretos

Janzen, Thenille Braun 26 May 2014 (has links)
Recent investigations suggest that rhythmic movements rely on two distinct timing systems: event and emergent timing. Event timing is based on an explicit internal representation of the temporal interval marked by clear perceptual detectible events whereas emergent timing is derived from the dynamics of smooth and continuous movements. However, crucial aspects of the distinction between these mechanisms remain unclear. This thesis investigates the role of expectancy and skill in the internal representation of time in event timing and emergent timing. Chapter 1 introduces the theoretical framework that supports the differentiation between event and emergent timing mechanisms and presents the hypotheses that were tested. Chapter 2 describes a series of five experiments that investigated the role of expectancy through examining the effect of a single unexpected perturbation of feedback content (e.g. pitch, timbre, intensity) on timing of finger tapping. Chapter 3 expands this question by investigating the effect of unexpected auditory perturbations on two types of timed movements: event and emergent timing. The role of expertise and training on motor timing is the subject of discussion of Chapters 4 to 6 where a total of 4 experiments tested the effect of expertise and music training on accuracy of finger tapping and circle drawing tasks. More specifically, Chapter 4 compares accuracy levels of experts in movement-based activities (music and sports) with non experts, whereas Chapters 5 and 6 focus on the effect of music training on event and emergent timing in students of 10 to 14 years of age. Finally, Chapter 7 reviews and discusses the main findings of this body of work with respect to current theories of timing and movement. Foremost, these data challenge current models of human movements controlled by event and emergent timing mechanisms demonstrating that expectancy and training are crucial in determining the timing strategy and the type of expectancy mechanisms adopted to perform distinct rhythmic movements / Estudos recentes sugerem que movimentos rítmicos dependem de dois sistemas distintos para controle do tempo, chamados tempo emergente e discreto. Sugere-se que tempo discreto baseia-se em uma representação interna do tempo intervalar que é marcada por eventos perceptuais evidentes, enquanto tempo emergente origina-se da própria dinâmica dos movimentos contínuous. No entanto, aspectos cruciais da diferença entre esses mecanismos ainda necessitam ser examinados. Esta tese investiga o papel de expectativas e treino no controle temporal de movimentos rítmicos contínuous e discretos. Capítulo 1 introduz as bases teóricas que subsidiam as hipóteses testadas no presente trabalho. Capítulo 2 descreve uma série de cinco experimentos que investigam a importância da retroalimentação auditiva e dos mecanismos de expectativa, e assim examina o efeito de uma perturbação inesperada e transitória no conteúdo do feedback (e.x. altura, timbre, intensidade) na precisão temporal de movimentos rítmicos discretos (i.e. finger tapping). Capítulo 3 expande essa investigação e analisa o efeito de perturbações inesperadas da retroalimentação auditivo em tarefas de movimentos contínuos, como desenhar círculos repetidamente. O papel do treinamento para o controle temporal é foco de discussão nos Capítulos 4 a 6, onde se descrevem um total de quatro experimentos que testam o efeito de expertise e treino na precisão de movimentos em tarefas de finger tapping e desenho de círculos. Mais especificamente, Capítulo 4 compara a performance de músicos e atletas com participantes sem nenhum treinamento nestas áreas a fim de examinar o papel do treinamento no controle motor, enquanto os Capítulo 5 e 6 focam no efeito do treino em música no controle temporal de movimentos rítmicos discretos e contínuous em estudantes de 10 a 14 anos de idade. Capítulo 7 revisa e conclui as discussões propostas com base nos principais resultados descritos neste trabalho. Em suma, os resultados apresentam novas e relevantes informações a respeito da importância de expectativas e do treinamento no controle temporal de movimentos rítmicos, cujas implicações podem contribuir significativamente para áreas relacionadas à pedagogia e reabilitação motora. Além disso, esta tese apresenta novas informações que ampliam modelos atuais sobre os mecanismos envolvidos no controle temporal de movimentos rítmicos demonstrando a importância do papel de expectativas, retroalimentação auditiva e do treinamento para determinar os diferentes mecanismos de expectativa adotados pelo sistema nervoso na execução de movimentos rítmicos

Understanding the collective dynamics of motile cilia in human airways

Feriani, Luigi January 2019 (has links)
Eukaryotic organisms rely on the coordinated beating of motile cilia for a multitude of fundamental reasons. In smaller organisms, such as Paramecium and the single cell alga Chlamydomonas reinhardtii, it is a matter of propulsion, to swim towards a higher concentration of nutrients or away from damaging environments. Larger organisms use instead the coordinated motion of cilia to push fluid along an epithelium: examples common to mammals are the circulation of cerebrospinal fluid in the brain, the transport of ovules in the fallopian tubes, and breaking the left/right symmetry in the embryo. Another notable example, and one that is central to this thesis, is mucociliary clearance in human airways: A carpet of motile cilia helps keeping the cell surface free from pathogens and foreign particles by constantly evacuating from lungs, bronchi, and trachea a barrier of mucus. The question of how motile cilia interact with one another to beat in a coordinated fashion is an open and pressing one, with immediate implications for the medical community. In order for the fluid propulsion to be effective, the motion of cilia needs to be phase-locked across significant distances, in the form of travelling waves (``metachronal waves''). It is still not known how this long-range coordination emerges from local rules, as there is no central node regulating the coordination among cilia. In the first part of this thesis I will focus on studying the coordination in carpets of cilia with a top-down approach, by proposing, implementing, and applying a new method of analysing microscope videos of ciliated epithelia. Chapter 1 provides the reader with an introduction on motile cilia and flagella, treating their structure and motion and reporting the different open questions currently tackled by the scientific community, with particular interest in the coordination mechanisms of cilia and the mucociliary clearance apparatus. Chapter 2 introduces Differential Dynamic Microscopy (DDM), a powerful and versatile image analysis tool that bridges the gap between spectroscopy and microscopy by allowing to perform scattering experiments on a microscope. The most interesting aspects of DDM for this work are that it can be applied to microscope videos where it is not possible to resolve individual objects in the field of view, and it requires no user input. These two characteristics make DDM a perfect candidate for analysing several hundred microscope videos of weakly scattering filaments such as cilia. In Chapter 3 I will present how it is possible to employ DDM to extract a wealth of often-overlooked information from videos of ciliated epithelia: DDM can successfully probe the ciliary beat frequency (CBF) in a sample, measure the direction of beating of the cilia, and detect metachronal waves and read their direction and wavelength. In vitro ciliated epithelia however often do not show perfect coordination or alignment among cilia. For the analysis of these samples, where the metachronal coordination might not be evident, we developed a new approach, called multiscale DDM (multiDDM), to measure a coordination length scale, a characteristic length of the system over which the coordination between cilia is lost. The new technique of multiDDM is employed in Chapter 4 to study how the coordination among cilia changes as a response to changes in the rheology of the mucous layer. In particular, we show that cilia beating under a thick, gel-like mucus layer show a larger coordination length scale, as if the mucus acted as an elastic raft effectively coupling cilia over long distances. This is corroborated by the coordination length scale being larger in samples from patients affected by Cystic Fibrosis than in healthy samples, and much shorter when the mucus layer is washed and cilia therefore beat in a near-Newtonian fluid. We then show how it is possible to employ multiDDM to measure the effectiveness of drugs in recovering, in CF samples, a coordination length scale typical of a healthy phenotype. In the second part I will focus instead on the single cilium scale, showing how we can attempt to link the beating pattern of cilia to numerical simulations studying synchronisation in a model system. In particular in Chapter 5 I will describe our approach to quantitatively describe the beating pattern of single cilia obtained from human airway cells of either healthy individuals or patients affected by Primary Ciliary Dyskinesia. Our description of the beating pattern, and the selection of a few meaningful, summary parameters, are then shown to be accurate enough to discriminate between different mutations within Primary Ciliary Dyskinesia. In Chapter 6 instead I report the results obtained by coarse-graining the ciliary beat pattern into a model system consisting of two ``rotors''. The rotors are simulated colloidal particles driven along closed trajectories while leaving their phase free. In my study, the trajectories followed by the rotors are analytical fits of experimental trajectories of the centre of drag of real cilia. The rotors, that are coupled only via hydrodynamics interactions, are seen to phase-lock, and the shape of the trajectory they are driven along is seen to influence the steady state of the system.

A Alfabetização Emergente na Educação Infantil e no 1º Ciclo do Ensino Básico em Moçambique

Inruma, Juvenal Maricane M. 25 July 2006 (has links)
Made available in DSpace on 2016-04-27T14:31:50Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 Juvenal Maricane M Inruma.pdf: 820642 bytes, checksum: afaffbf6bd6a8014142bb38bb59ad358 (MD5) Previous issue date: 2006-07-25 / This study results from the learning difficulties in reading and writing at school, its relationship with the oral language acquisition process in families. The object of this study, therefore, is Emergent Literacy (EL) and its relationship between oral language and the learning of reading and writing. Thus, the aim was to reflect on the Emergent Literacy process in the Nursery School Educatio n (NSE) and in the first cycle of the Lower Primary School in Mozambique. The study will give awareness to curriculum planners and teachers to develop oral language as a useful ability for reading and writing. Theoretically, the work will contribute to ana lyze and propose the forms of oral language as an invaluable tool to effectively and efficiently foster reading and writing in the first stages of schooling. Refer to PIAGET (1982); TEALE and SULZBY (1992); VYGOTSKY (1999); FERREIRO (2001) and TEBEROSKY and COLOMER (2003). This research is qualitative with a phenomenal character which was carried out in two stages: 1) first, an exploratory micro-study was done based on the interview and observation. This stage gave evidence on the existence of oral resources in the Lower Primary School Children s families; 2) the second stage involved a documental study consisting of analyzing Syllabi and Handbooks of the Nursery School Education and Monolingual Handbooks of the Lower Primary School. This dissertation concludes that in the Nursery School Education, both the Syllabi and the handbooks do not lead children to develop specific oral activities bearing in mind the different developmental stages of the child. The Lower Primary School Syllabi (1st and 2nd grades) are unrelated to the handbooks as regards the oral resource for learning reading and writing. This dissertation is in three chapters anticipated by an introduction and at the end are the conclusion, suggestions, appendices, annexes and references. Chapter 1 is about the exploratory micro-study; Chapter 2 reviews the theoretical framework of emergent literacy and Chapter 3 describes and analyzes EL and the 1st Cycle of the Lower Primary School / A génese deste estudo parte das dificuldades de aprendizagem da leitura e escrita na escola, a sua relação com as formas de aquisição da linguagem oral nas famílias. Portanto, o objecto deste estudo é a Alfabetização Emergente (AE) e a sua relação entre a linguagem oral e a aprendizagem da leitura e escrita. Sendo assim, o objectivo geral consistiu em reflectir sobre o processo da AE na Educação Infantil (EI) e no 1º ciclo do Ensino Básico (EB) em Moçambique. O estudo poderá contribuir para alertar os planificadores curriculares e os professores para a necessidade de incentivarem o desenvolvimento da oralidade para que esta constitua uma habilidade, efectivamente, útil da leitura e da escrita. Teoricamente o trabalho poderá contribuir para a análise e proposta de formas do uso da linguagem oral como recurso valioso para desenvolver eficazmente, a leitura e a escrita nas fases iniciais da escolarização. Para tal foram base da nossa revisão teórica, autores como, PIAGET (1982); TEALE /SULZBY (1992); VYGOTSKY (1999); FERREIRO (2001) e TEBEROSKY & COLOMER (2003). Trata-se de uma investigação qualitativa de carácter fenomenológico cuja pesquisa de campo ocorreu em dois momentos: 1) no primeiro momento efectuou-se um micro-estudo exploratório, conduzido através das técnicas de entrevista e da observação. Este momento enfatizou a existência de recursos orais nas famílias das crianças do 1º ciclo do EB; 2) o segundo momento consistiu num estudo documental, através da análise dos Programas e Manuais da Educação Infantil e do ensino monolíngue do 1º ciclo do Ensino Básico. Na presente dissertação concluímos que na Educação Infantil os Programas e os Manuais não orientam para o desenvolvimento de actividades específicas da oralidade, tendo em conta as diferentes áreas de desenvolvimento da criança. Os Programas do 1º ciclo do EB (1ª e 2ª classes) encontram-se desarticulados em relação aos Manuais no que concerne ao recurso da oralidade para a aprendizagem da leitura e da escrita. A dissertação estrutura-se em três capítulos, antecedidos por uma introdução e por fim, estão a conclusão e sugestões, os apêndices, os anexos e a referência bibliográfica. O 1º capítulo trata do micro-estudo-exploratório; o 2º capítulo faz uma revisão teórica sobre a alfabetização emergente e o 3º capítulo faz uma descrição e análise sobre a EI e o 1º ciclo do EB.

O Balanced Scorecard como instrumento de aprendizagem estratégica

Carvalho, Luís Eduardo de 05 December 2006 (has links)
Made available in DSpace on 2016-04-25T16:44:52Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 Luis Eduardo de Carvalho.pdf: 2316076 bytes, checksum: 8d16018d7c3c4d5f7439b9305aadb29f (MD5) Previous issue date: 2006-12-05 / The overall purpose of this research is to verify if the implementation of the managerial practice balanced scorecard stimulates the occurrence of strategic learning. The reasons for this study were the importance of strategic learning for company s survival and the emergent adoption of balanced scorecard by companies inside and outside Brazil. The methodology was literature review, hypothesis test trough a survey with companies which implemented balanced scorecard and case studies with two companies. The survey results confirmed the strong contribution of balanced scorecard for strategic learning, but an ambiguous contribution for emergent strategies, where it was observed the least growth and the single answers where there were intensity reduction for 9% of the interviewees. The case studies increased the understanding about what happens with new strategies emergence, once that the initial hypothesis was that balanced scorecard would make the strategy more rigid, it was clear that balanced scorecard has some interference in the moment of possible new strategies are evaluated by its owners. As a final concern, it is possible conclude that balanced scorecard implementation can simultaneously stimulate and do not stimulate the occurrence of strategic learning / O objetivo geral desta pesquisa é verificar se implantação da prática de gestão balanced scorecard favorece a ocorrência da aprendizagem estratégica. As causas que motivaram o estudo foram a relevância da aprendizagem estratégica para a sobrevivência das empresas e a crescente adoção do balanced scorecard por empresas dentro e fora do Brasil. A metodologia utilizada no trabalho foi a revisão bibliográfica; construção e teste da hipótese, através de sondagem com empresas que implementaram a prática de gestão, e estudo de casos com duas empresas. Os resultados da sondagem mostraram forte contribuição do balanced scorecard para a aprendizagem estratégica, mas uma contribuição ambígua na ocorrência de estratégias emergentes, onde se observou o menor crescimento dentre todos os analisados, sendo também o único com respostas individuais de redução de intensidade para 9% dos entrevistados. Os estudos de caso aumentaram a compreensão sobre o que ocorre com a abertura a emersão de novas estratégias, uma vez que a hipótese inicial de que o balanced scorecard tornaria a estratégia rígida , mas houve indícios que o balanced scorecard interfira negativamente em uma etapa anterior, no momento em que as possíveis estratégias emergentes são avaliadas pelos proponentes. Como uma consideração final, conclui-se que a implantação do balanced scorecard pode simultaneamente favorecer e desfavorecer a ocorrência da aprendizagem estratégica

The interplay of local cluster development and global inter-cluster brain circulation : a governance perspective in emergent economies

Richter, Cristiano January 2016 (has links)
Clusters de alta tecnologia são vistos como importantes centros de inovação e produção em uma economia atual global e interconectada. Observa-se um maior interesse da comunidade acadêmica pela relação entre o desenvolvimento de clusters de alta tecnologia em economias emergentes e suas conexões globais através da ‘circulação de talentos entre os clusters’ (em inglês, IBC). IBC representa, tipicamente, a difusão e transferência de tecnologias, conhecimentos e práticas através de redes individuais entre clusters emergentes e clusters já estabelecidos, os quais estão globalmente interconectados através dos laços destas redes. O foco deste estudo está no papel controverso da IBC no estímulo ao crescimento e melhoria de clusters maiores/em crescimento versus clusters menores/nascentes. Este estudo tem como objetivo propor formas de governança da IBC para conduzir estes processos nos seus diferentes estágios de desenvolvimento. O contexto empírico investigado está baseado em (a) dois casos consolidados da literatura: as conexões de Bangalore (IN) - Vale do Silício e Hsinchu (TW) - Vale do Silício; e, (b) dois casos originais: as conexões de Daedeok Innopolis (KR) – EUA e Vale dos Sinos (BR) – Coreia. O método de pesquisa utilizado é qualitativo com a aplicação de 26 entrevistas em profundidade como fonte principal de evidência. Com base nos casos estudados, é possível argumentar que os clusters maiores/em crescimento se beneficiam de uma IBC orgânica, estimulada pelas dinâmicas e forças do mercado, enquanto os clusters menores/nascentes dependem de um esforço coordenado devido à falta de atratividade inicial para empresas e indivíduos. Além disto, com vistas à eficácia da IBC no estimulo ao crescimento e melhoria de clusters, também se pode argumentar que a intervenção nas dinâmicas da IBC se reduz ao longo da evolução dos clusters, passando de um esforço coordenado nos estágios iniciais de desenvolvimento do cluster para um processo orgânico da IBC guiado pelo mercado em estágios mais avançados de desenvolvimento. Este estudo tem implicações importantes no entendimento da conectividade de clusters, do papel da governança para o crescimento e melhoria de clusters e das estratégias efetivas de catch-up para economias emergentes. / High-tech clusters are important hubs of innovation and production in an increasingly interconnected global economy. There has been an increasing interest from scholars in the embeddedness of local cluster development, in particular of high-tech industries in emergent economies, and global connectivity, in particular in the dynamics and role of inter-cluster brain circulation (IBC). IBC denotes knowledge, technology and practice diffusion and translation through individual networks between emergent and typically more established clusters that are globally interconnected through these network ties. Of particular interest to this study is the controversial role of IBC in stimulating the growth and upgrading of larger/growing versus smaller/nascent clusters. Using the lens of network governance, this study aims to propose forms of IBC governance for steering these processes. The empirical context of investigation is composed of (a) two prior studies of IBC in the cases of Bangalore (IN) - Silicon Valley and Hsinchu (TW) - Silicon Valley connections and (b) two original empirical cases examining the Sinos Valley (BR) - Korea connection and Daedeok Innopolis (KR) - US connection. A qualitative research method strategy is employed in these two original cases using 26 in-depth interviews across both cases as a source of evidence. Based on the studied cases, it is possible to argue that for larger-scale growing clusters, IBC-growth dynamics may unfold as an ‘organic process’ through self-reinforcing market forces, whereas small-scale embryonic clusters depend on a ‘coordinated effort’ of this process because they lack initial market attractiveness for both individuals and firms. Further, focusing on the effectiveness of IBC in steering the growth and upgrading of clusters, it can also be argued that IBC governance changes through a gradual decreasing in the intervention to stimulate IBC, from a ‘coordinated effort’ in the early stage to a spontaneous increase in the marketdriven process of IBC as an ‘organic process’ in the mature stage of cluster development. This study has important implications for understanding cluster connectivity, the role of governance in cluster growth and upgrading, and the effective catch-up strategies of emerging economies.

A contribuição das habilidades de letramento emergente para as competências iniciais de leitura e escrita / The contribution of emergent literacy skills to early reading and writing performance

Castro, Danielle Andrade Silva de 03 August 2017 (has links)
A análise da literatura científica evidencia intenso esforço para se obter melhor entendimento de como ocorre a aprendizagem da leitura e da escrita e como é possível colaborar para essa aprendizagem, a partir da identificação das habilidades cognitivas e linguísticas subjacentes a ela. A perspectiva do letramento emergente considera a importância de um conjunto de habilidades linguísticas e de conhecimentos sobre a língua escrita, adquiridos pela criança no período compreendido entre o nascimento e o início do processo formal de alfabetização, os quais seriam precursores da aprendizagem da leitura e da escrita, destacando o papel da Educação Infantil no desenvolvimento destas habilidades e conhecimentos. Diante disto, o presente trabalho teve como objetivo principal investigar se e quais habilidades de letramento emergente, apresentadas pelas crianças ao final da Ed. Infantil, contribuem significativamente e de modo independente para a aquisição da leitura e escrita durante o primeiro ano escolar. A metodologia utilizada seguiu um delineamento correlacional de caráter longitudinal. Para tanto, na primeira etapa da pesquisa, foram avaliadas as habilidades de letramento emergente de uma amostra de 41 crianças de duas turmas do último ano da Ed. Infantil (idade média de 5,84 anos). Os instrumentos utilizados foram testes padronizados de consciência fonológica, nomeação (vocabulário) e compreensão oral, além de uma prova de conhecimento de letras. Ao final do primeiro ano do Ensino Fundamental, foram reavaliadas 34 crianças da amostra anterior (idade média de 6,68 anos), através de testes padronizados de leitura de palavras e pseudopalavras, escrita de palavras e compreensão em leitura. Os dados foram analisados através de técnicas correlacionais e de análise de regressão, visando identificar a relação entre as variáveis estudadas e a contribuição das habilidades de letramento emergente para as habilidades de leitura, escrita e compreensão da amostra estudada. Os resultados obtidos indicaram que todas as habilidades de letramento emergente (consciência fonológica, conhecimento de letras, nomeação e compreensão oral) estavam correlacionadas e que estas também estavam correlacionadas com as variáveis dependentes (escrita, leitura de palavras e compreensão em leitura). As análises de regressão mostraram maior contribuição da consciência fonológica e conhecimento de letras para o desempenho em escrita e da consciência fonológica para o desempenho em leitura de palavras e para a compreensão em leitura. Conclui-se que os resultados obtidos permitem dar suporte à hipótese da importância do desenvolvimento das habilidades de letramento emergente na Ed. Infantil, a fim de favorecer a aprendizagem da leitura e da escrita no Ensino Fundamental. / The analysis of the scientific literature shows intense effort to obtain a better understanding of how reading and writing learning occurs and how it is possible to collaborate for this learning by identification of the cognitive and linguistic abilities underlying it. The emergent literacy perspective considers the importance of a set of linguistic skills and knowledges about press acquired by the child in the period between birth and the beginning of the formal literacy process, whose could promote literacy, highlighting the role of Early Childhood Education in the development of these skills and knowledges. In view of this, the main objective of this study was to investigate whether and what emergent literacy skills presented by the children at the end of the kindergarten contribute significantly and independently to the acquisition of reading and writing during the 1st grade of elementary school. The methodology used followed a correlational design of longitudinal features. To do so, in the first stage of the research, the emergent literacy skills were evaluated in a sample of 41 kindergarteners (mean age 5.84 years). The instruments used were standardized tests of phonological awareness, naming (vocabulary) and oral comprehension, as well as a proof of letter knowledge. At the end of the first year of elementary school, 34 children from the previous sample (mean age 6.68 years) were reassessed, through standardized tests of reading of words and pseudowords, writing of words and comprehension in reading. Data were analyzed using correlation and regression analysis techniques to identify the relationship between the variables studied and the contribution of emergent literacy skills to the reading, writing and comprehension performance of the sample studied. The results indicated that all emergent literacy skills (phonological awareness, letter knowledge, naming and oral comprehension) were correlated and that these were also correlated with the dependent variables (writing, reading of words and comprehension in reading). The results of the regression analysis showed a greater contribution of phonological awareness and letter knowledge to the performance of writing. Phonological awareness was also the most important predictor for the performance of reading words and reading comprehension. The obtained results allow us to support the hypothesis of the importance of the development of emergent literacy skills in kindergarten, in order to benefit the reading and writing learning in 1st grade of Elementary School.

Fenomén emergencie v komplexných informačných systémoch / Phenomenon of Emergence in Complex Information Systems

Rajnoha, Martin January 2011 (has links)
The aim of this diplomma thesis is to build a platform of the phenomenon of emergence in complex information systems. To our best knowledge, there has not been provided any similar concept in either internetional or domestic academic literature. The necessity to create a concept of the phenomenon of emergence in the enviroment of information systems stems from the observation of the fragmented knowledge about the emergence concept in the pool of scientific papers where the link between emergence and information systems is missing. As a result, the platform created in this work is the reaction to the lack of the above mentioned link, while the ambition is to provide a cornerstone for potential emergence's utilization in information systems. In this work, we provide a construct that describes and analyzes the characteristics, technics and methodologies in connection with the phenomenon of emergence, placing a great deal on the specifics of the emergence in complex information sytems. Special attention is paid to eNetworks that we consider to be the best enviroment for examining the characteristics of emergent behavior in regards to the concept of complexity. This enviroment shows suitable conditions for the analysis of information spreading and dynamic interactions, which is primarily connected with generating of emergent characteristic. In order to understand the causality of specific emergence's demonstrations, we take a closer look at two approaches: Holonistic multi-agemt systems and iterative simulation process.

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