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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

The Use Of A Phototherapy Intervention To Foster Empathy, Self-awareness, And Self-disclosure In Counselors-in-training Using The Personal Growth Group

Wilkes, Dallas 01 January 2012 (has links)
The researcher set out to investigate the effectiveness of a specific phototherapy intervention on counselor-in-training’s empathy, self-awareness, and self-disclosure development through participation in a personal growth group using Davis’ (1980) Interpersonal Reactivity Index (IRI) Govern and Marsch’s (2001) Situational Self-Awareness Scale, and behavioral observations. The study also explored the relationship between the three factors. The study looked to see if there was a difference in the change over time between the group receiving the phototherapy intervention and those participants who did not receive the intervention. The data was collected and measured through a (a) repeated measures MANOVA, (b) independent samples t-test, and (c) Pearson product correlation. The study used 41 participants who were currently enrolled in a group counseling course at a CACREP-accredited master’s program in the Southeast. The students were either on a marriage and family, mental health, or school track. Both the treatment and the comparison group consisted of four groups and met weekly for a total of 10 meetings. Each group used a manualized treatment developed by the researcher with the treatment group incorporating the use of images. The findings showed that the phototherapy intervention did not have a significant impact on affective empathy or selfawareness when compared to the comparison group. Cognitive empathy showed a significant difference between the two groups over the course of the study. There was no difference between the observations of self-disclosure for the treatment and comparison groups, and the factors of empathy, self-awareness, and self-disclosure were not correlated. The results did show a significant change for both groups when looking at self-awareness. As a whole the study iv attempted to fill a gap in the literature surrounding how the factors of empathy, self-awareness, and self-disclosure are taught in counselor training programs and proposed next steps for future studies.

Empatisk men opartisk : en kvalitativ studie om socialsekreterares hantering av empati och objektivitet i yrkesutövningen

Skagerud, Mattias, Wheeler, Matilda January 2023 (has links)
Syftet med studien var att undersöka hur socialsekreterare hanterar de yrkesmässiga kraven på att vara både empatiska och objektiva i klientnära arbete. Målet med uppsatsen var även att ge insikt i hur empati och objektivitet används i arbetet med klienter. Det empiriska materialet samlades in genom åtta intervjuer som genomfördes med socialsekreterare i två kommuner i Mellansverige. Empirin bearbetades genom en fenomenografisk analysmodell för att tematisera resultatet utifrån forskningsfrågorna. Resultatet analyserades med stöd i rollteori, kommunikationsteori och humanistisk praktik. I resultatet framkom det att empati är betydelsefullt för yrkesutövningen och att det främst används för att skapa och vidmakthålla relationer till klienterna. Dessutom visade resultatet att objektivitet används i beslutsfattandet och myndighetsutövningen och att den ofta påverkas och säkerställs av kollegorna på arbetsplatsen. Det framkom även i resultatet att det är möjligt att kombinera ett empatiskt förhållningssätt med att vara objektiv genom att ha en myndighetsdistans mellan socialarbetaren och klienten. Resultatdiskussionen fokuserades kring de centrala delarna i resultatet och hur vi tolkat dessa. Metoddiskussionen fördes kring för- och nackdelar gällande vald metod fram i syfte att stärka studiens trovärdighet och tillförlitlighet. En slutsats som framfördes var att empati används som verktyg för ett specifikt ändamål, nämligen byggandet av klientrelationer. En annan slutsats som framkom var att socialsekreterarna strävar efter att vara objektiva men att det inte alltid är möjligt. / The purpose of the studies was to investigate how social workers handle the professional demands of being both empathetic and objective in client-related work. The goal of the essay was to provide insight and a deeper understanding of the use and importance of empathy and objectivity in working with clients. The empirical material was collected through interviews conducted with social workers in two municipalities in Central Sweden. The empirical work was processed through a phenomenographic analysis model to thematize the results based on research questions. The result was analyzed with support in role theory, communication theory and humanistic practice. The results showed that empathy is important for professional practice and that it is primarily used to create and maintain relationships with clients. In addition, the result showed that objectivity is used in decision-making and exercise of public authority, and that it is often influenced and ensured by colleagues in the workplace. It also emerged in the results that it is possible to combine an empathic approach with being objective by having an authority distance between the social worker and the client. The results-discussion focuses on the central parts of the results and how we interpret them, and in the method discussion the pros and cons of the selected method were brought forward in order to strengthen the credibility and reliability of the study. One conclusion that was put forward was that empathy is used as a tool for a specific purpose, namely the building of client relationships. Another conclusion that emerged was that the social workers strive to be objective but that this is not always possible.

Self-assessment in jazz improvisation: an instrumental case study of professional jazz musicians in a jazz combo setting

Davis, Troy E. 27 September 2020 (has links)
The purpose of this instrumental case study was to be able to define and describe ways in which professional musicians self-assess their own jazz improvisations in a jazz combo setting. Participants included four experienced jazz musicians who performed together regularly and had developed deep social and musical connections with one another prior to the study. Data were collected in five phases: 1) a rehearsal observation, 2) a group interview, 3) a second rehearsal observation, 4) a journaling session, and 5) a focus group. Five themes were developed from the data—“Empathy,” “Self-Doubt,” “Transcendence,” “Prior Knowledge,” and “Self-Awareness.” Self-Awareness served as a meta-theme to which the other four themes were connected. Further analysis of the themes indicated that the participants utilized self-assessment through non-verbal communication, deep listening, connecting to their past experiences, incorporating musical constraints such as form and harmony, using Norgaard’s (2008) tools of evaluative monitoring and sketch planning, and through empathetic attunement (Seddon, 2005). The participants actively tried not to be consciously self-aware while they were improvising, because they felt that it hampered their creativity. Finally, the musicians integrated self-assessment practices specifically to help them release their self-doubt, with the intention of practicing empathy to connect with one another and achieve a transcendent state while performing.

Enculturating empathy: the ethical representation of institutional review boards

McCarthy, Catherine 23 November 2021 (has links)
As part of a preliminary literature review of research concerning the relationship between medical anthropology and bioethics committees, it became clear that Institutional Review Boards, a foundational component of research, had never been evaluated as a population with a characterizable identity. Some examples of contextual critiques and policy analysis with the goal of procedural efficiency were accessible (Gunsalus 2006; Fitzgerald 2009; Lederman 2006; Ozdemir 2009; Sontag 2012), but qualitative data on the local knowledge of IRBs as a population do not exist. A synthesis of theoretical orientations and methodological planning have been integrated to inform these novel research questions to learn more about the ethical decision-making process of an Institutional Review Board within a research university and hospital. Bioethical reasoning grounded in Western morals creates enough opportunity for cognitive dissonance because of the potential misapplication of ethics, but when decision-making authority is deemed objectively scientific, it can cause a power dynamic by being taken as self-evident. Considering these biomedical frameworks, research with human subjects is grounded in morality, making IRBs a relevant site of praxis for philosophical and scientific research. The overall purpose of this project is to identify the ethical values that define Institutional Review Boards as a population, evaluate the moral implications of biomedical governmentality in clinical research, and define common phenomenological understandings of moral praxis within positions of relative power.

Reaching and Teaching the Whole Person: Investigating the Relationships Between Empathy, Attitude Towards Trauma Informed Care, and Level of Teacher Self-Efficacy Related to Classroom Management

Ray, Amanda 01 January 2023 (has links) (PDF)
This study utilized a correlational research design to investigate the relationships that may exist between teacher empathy, attitudes, and levels of self-efficacy. In particular, the study was designed to (a) determine whether attitudes towards trauma-informed care mediated the relationship between teacher empathy and teacher self-efficacy related to classroom management and (b) uncover what teachers find most challenging in their efforts to support students experiencing trauma. An online survey, completed by 146 American teachers, included items from three established measures: the Empathy Scale for Teachers (Wang et al., 2022); the Underlying Causes of Problem Behaviors and Symptoms subscale of the Attitudes Related to Trauma- Informed Care (ARTIC-35) (Baker et al., 2016); and the Classroom Management subscale of the Teacher Sense of Self-Efficacy scale (Tschannen-Moran & Woolfolk Hoy, 2001). Multiple regression was used to analyze the quantitative data and thematic analysis was used to uncover themes from responses to an open-ended item on the survey. The following six themes emerged from the thematic analysis of descriptions provided by teachers of the biggest challenge they face in their efforts to support students experiencing trauma: The most common response involved difficulty recognizing and responding to trauma. This study found higher levels of teacher empathy to be associated with more positiveteacher attitude towards trauma informed care, as measured by the underlying causes of problem behaviors and symptoms subscale of the ARTIC-35. Additionally, these positive attitudes (consistent with trauma-informed care) were associated with more efficacious feelings in teachers regarding their classroom management. The results indicate that attitude towards trauma-informed care serves as an indirect-only mediator to explain the impact of empathy on level of teacher self-efficacy related to classroom management. Although caution is urged when drawing causal conclusions from correlational studies, the results highlight the potential importance of cultivating teacher empathy so trauma-informed practices can flourish in creating positive, safe classroom environments that increase learning opportunities for all students while possibly reducing departures from the teaching profession.

Faktorer bakom empatitröttheten hos sjuksköterskor : En litteraturstudie / Factors behind compassion fatigue in nurses : A literature study

Johansson, Frida, Kasem, Leah January 2024 (has links)
Background: Compassion fatigue is a phenomenon described as emotional exhaustion. Healthcare professionals are a high-risk group susceptible to compassion fatigue. It manifests as the objectification of the patient, with a focus on medical technology, leading to a loss of the caring relationship. Compassion is rooted in abilities such as empathy and sympathy, representing an ideal approach expected of nurses. Quality nursing is built on respect, interpersonal interaction, and effective communication, all falling within the responsibility of nurses to fulfill. Aim: The purpose was to highlight factors leading to compassion fatigue among nurses in hospital-based care. Method: The chosen method was a literature study involving the collection of qualitative research, with a total of 10 scientific articles. Results: The results are presented in three themes: personal factors, care-related factors, and workrelated factors. Seven subthemes were identified: meeting patients' needs, not accepting the uncontrollable, managing demands and attitudes of relatives, internal negative thoughts and feelings, the mutual impact of personal and professional life, the challenging work environment, and insufficient support from colleagues and management. Conclusion: The factors behind compassion fatigue encompass various dimensions of nurses' professional lives but also extend into their personal lives. To counteract compassion fatigue, more knowledge and research on the phenomenon are needed. / Denna litteraturstudie har undersökt empatitrötthet hos sjuksköterskor och mer specifikt om vilka de bakomliggande faktorerna var till att sjuksköterskor drabbas av empatitrötthet. Empatitrötthet är ett tillstånd när sjuksköterskor inte längre känner empati och medlidande för sina patienter. Syftet var att belysa faktorer som leder till empatitrötthet hos sjuksköterskor inom sjukhusbaserad omvårdnad. Denna studie har därför genom att läsa den vetenskap som idag existerar om empatitrötthet, kunnat sammanställa olika anledningar till vad som orsakar empatitrötthet. Studiens resultat består av tre teman samt sju subteman. Det första temat var vårdrelaterade faktorer med subteman att möta patienters behov, att inte acceptera det opåverkbara och att hantera anhörigas krav och attityder. Där framkom det bland annat att kommunikationen mellan sjuksköterskor, patienter och deras anhöriga, i vissa fall kunde kännas väldigt krävande. Det kunde leda till att sjuksköterskor började ta avstånd eller började tvivla på sig själva och deras egentliga kunskap. Nästa tema var personliga faktorer med subteman, inre negativa tankar och känslor, samt privatlivet och arbetslivets ömsesidiga påverkan.Framför allt handlade det om att sjuksköterskor i sitt yrke möter mycket lidande och genom deras medlidande kände de också ett eget lidande. Detta gjorde att sjuksköterskor till slut behövde ta avstånd för att klara av att fortsätta arbeta. Många sjuksköterskor vittnade om att det påverkade deras privatliv, de drömde mardrömmar och fick kroppsliga symptom som förhöjt blodtryck. Det tredje temat var arbetsrelaterade faktorer med subteman, det hårda arbetsklimatet, och att stödet brister från kollegor och ledning. Där lyftes arbetsbelastningen och arbetsmiljöns påverkan på sjuksköterskor. Arbetsbelastningen kunde ofta vara mycket hög och det utvecklade en stress hos sjuksköterskorna som mynnade till slut ut i en empatitrötthet.Slutligen kom forskningen fram till att de behövs mer kunskap om empatitrötthet.

Mötet mellan empati och digitalisering i socialt arbete : Möjligheter och utmaningar / The intersection of empathy and digitalization in social work : Possibilities and challenges

Henriksson Hansson, Johanna, Adolfsson Bergström, Isabelle January 2024 (has links)
The convergence of empathy and digitalization has become a focal point of exploration in society. As traditional modes of interaction evolve in the face of technological advancements, the interplay between human empathy and the digital world unfolds in intricate ways.  Empathy, which is considered a cornerstone of human connection and relationships in the aspect of social work, is now navigating the digital landscape. The fusion of empathy and digitalization as two forces introduces both opportunities and challenges, shaping the dynamics of relationships and societal structures.  The purpose of this study is to investigate the intersection of empathy and digitalization, examining how they interact and mutually influence each other in practical social work. Six semi-structured interviews were conducted with professionals, consisting of four practitioners and two researchers. The findings reveal both posibillities and challenges associated with digitalization in social work and its impact on the empathy of social workers. Respondents perceive favorable prospects for enhancing empathic abilities through digitalization, citing innovation and efficiency as potential benefits. Simultaneously, they underscore the importance of collaboration in implementing digital tools and the need to critically analyze the how, why, and when of digitalization to enhance, rather than diminish, empathic capabilities.

Teaching Social-Emotional Learning to Children With Autism Using Animated Avatar Video Modeling

Davis, Emelie 12 December 2022 (has links)
People with a diagnosis of autism spectrum disorder (ASD) often have difficulties understanding or applying skills related to Social-Emotional Learning (SEL). An individual having a better understanding of SEL concepts is generally associated with more fulfilling connections with others and increased satisfaction in life. Since people with ASD tend to have greater success with learning in structured environments, we created a module to teach these skills using Nearpod. These modules were created with videos of a person embodying a cartoon dog face using Animoji for two reasons; because the animation was meant to appeal to children, and the creation was user-friendly enough for teachers to potentially create or replicate this model. Along with these videos, the modules also included multiple choice questions about content from the lessons and about scenarios portraying different emotions. Participants came to a research lab where they completed the modules at a computer while being supervised by researchers. Looking at the results from the intervention there was little to no trend between baseline and intervention sessions across four participants. While Nearpod is a tool that could be useful for parents or teachers to create and present video modeling lessons, participants had difficulty navigating the modules without support from the researchers due to length of the modules, getting easily distracted and difficulty with using the technology. Some directions for future research may include delivering similar content using animated avatars through shorter, more child-friendly delivery methods.


McKeown, Nicole, 0000-0002-4441-8586 January 2022 (has links)
Successful social and emotional learning (SEL) programs have established methods with teacher and peer support that improve prosocial behavior. Research has shown intervention programs that incorporate these skills reduce antisocial behaviors, but implementation in schools may vary and therefore affect outcomes. The purpose of this non-experimental program evaluation study was to understand the perceptions of implementation, impact, acceptability, and effects of Second Step within a suburban elementary classroom in the northeastern United States. The participants were teachers in a suburban elementary school near a large northeastern US city. A questionnaire, observations, interviews, a focus group, and school collected data (e.g., Pennsylvania System of School Assessment (PSSA) testing) were used to answer the research questions. Participants reported perceptions that Second Step had positive effects on academic performance. PSSA data showed that student academic performance appeared to be minimally affected or unaffected by Second Step. Results from the questionnaire, interviews, and focus group suggest teachers believed Second Step improved student behavior. However, the school did not collect behavioral data (e.g., suspensions, referrals, detentions, etc.) prior to or after Second Step adoption. Limited training and other factors may explain why reported fidelity to the curriculum appeared inconsistent with observational measures. Participant bias may have also influenced interview and focus group data. Despite limitations, schools that adopt Second Step should rely on evaluations to determine whether intended impacts are realized. Also, Second Step and other SEL curriculum researchers should consider providing guidance about implementation, assessment, and cost-benefit analysis. Researchers could investigate systematic changes to lesson content and delivery in ways that allow teachers to adapt or modify instruction without compromising curricular effects. / Special Education

Empathy and cultural involvement as pathways to resilience in the face of adverse childhood experiences among Native American Indians

Rodriguez, Joy 09 December 2022 (has links) (PDF)
The purpose of this research study was to examine two specific pathways to resilience for Native American Indians (NAIs) that have experienced at least one adverse childhood experience (ACE) and are seeking behavioral health services on the Choctaw Indian reservation: empathy and cultural involvement. The study is an examination of the effects of empathy and cultural involvement on the resilience of NAIs with one or more ACEs. The researcher also investigated the type of ACEs reported among adult NAIs seeking behavioral health services on the Mississippi Band of Choctaw Indian (MBCI) Reservation. Lastly, the association between ACEs and resilience was explored. The population for this study consisted of NAIs that identified as being members of the Mississippi Band of Choctaw Indians, ages 18 and older completing the intake process for services at a behavioral health facility located on the reservation. Results from this study did not yield significant results regarding the effects of empathy and cultural involvement on resilience, nor was the regression model between ACES and resilience statistically significant. This study did reveal household dysfunction and abuse were the most commonly reported types of ACEs. Implications for practice and future studies were explored in this study. Implications for practice include taking a family-systems approach when providing therapeutic services to promote family system changes. Also, utilizing strengths-based approaches could be helpful in practice when working with this population. For future studies, researching the role of adverse community experiences could provide insight into the role of community-level risk factors within this population. Also, further research examining the role of empathy as it relates to this population is needed. Overall, more research is needed to provide a better understanding of components that can be used to strengthen resilience within this population.

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