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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

The relationship between work performance and sense of coherence

Moerane, Elias Mochabo 30 November 2005 (has links)
This dissertation investigates the relationship between work performance and the sense of coherence, using the salutogenesis approach and the influence of employees' biographical variables on work performance. The sense of coherence construct is discussed and conceptualised in terms of its comprehensibility, manageability and meaningfulness. Similarly, work performance is discussed and conceptualised in terms of its dimensions and dynamics. The integration of the literature study characteristics such as the cognitive, affective, conative and interpersonal characteristics were discussed. The research was conducted among 80 employees at a banking institution. The quality of life questionnaire and performance appraisal ratings were used. The relationship between biographical variables such as age, marital status, gender, qualifications, tenure, functional department and work performance were investigated. The results confirmed the empirical investigation that there was not a significant relationship between work performance and SOC. However, a significant relationship was found between job category and work performance, and between age and work performance. Finally, recommendations made for future research included using a bigger sample size in order to improve the generalisation of the findings to other organisational environments, and to further determine the relationship between other aspects of work performance (not just the KPAs) such as the human attributes of work performance and SOC. / Industrial and Organisational Psychology / M.A. (Industrial and Organisational Psychology)

Effect of role-play as a formative assessment technique on job performance

Munyai, Ndanduleni Norah 06 1900 (has links)
The objective of the research was to investigate an improvement in job performance when role-play is used as a training and assessment tool in a sales call centre environment. The research was conducted by means of a competence assessment used at different stages (Quality Assurance Performance Management Questionnaire). The final stage was two weeks after the learners who had qualified to be sales agents had entered a real working environment. At this final stage, calls were retrieved and rated against the Quality Assurance Performance Management Questionnaire (QAPMQ). A sample of 40 novice sales agents (learners) were selected and randomly divided into the control and experimental groups. The research findings indicated that if planned well, role-play can be an effective training and assessment tool. / Industrial and Organisational Psychology / M.Comm. (Industrial & Organisational Psychology)

Die invloed van werknemerbemagtiging op skofwerkers se werknemerdoeltreffendheid en hul persepsies van die gehalte van hul werklewe

Pieterse, Ferdinandus Lukas Johannes Bartholomeus, 1959- 11 1900 (has links)
Text in Afrikaans, abstract in Afrikaans and English / Die doel van hierdie navorsing was om te bepaal of betekenisvolle verskille bestaan tussen werknemerdoeltreffendheid en persepsies van gehalte van werklewe van bemagtigde en niebemagtigde skofwerkers in die Suid-Afrikaanse petrochemiese bedryf. Skofwerknavorsing het gedurende die afgelope dekade internasionaal toegeneem. Hiermee gepaardgaande het verskeie intervensies ontstaan om die doeltreffendheid van skofwerkers en hulle gehalte van werklewe te bevorder. Deur gebruik te maak van 'n gekombineerde vraelys ("Standard Shiftwork Index") en werklike data ten opsigte van afwesigheid en prestasiebeoordelings, is 'n steekproef van 102 gevalle geanaliseer. 'n 90 persent betroubaarheidinterval is gebruik om waardes ten opsigte van elke veranderlike te bepaal. Daar is bevind dat werknemerbemagtiging weinig invloed het op skofwerkers se werkbywoning. Daar is ook gevind dat werknemerbemagtiging nie lei tot 'n meer positiewe persepsie, by toesighouers, van skofwerkwerkers se algemene werkprestasie nie. Daar is egter bevind dat skofwerkers se persepsies van hulle gehalte van werklewe, ten opsigte van werkdissatisfaksie, chroniese vermoeidheid en tevredenheid met sosiale omstandighede, wel positiefbelnvloed word deur werknemerbemagtiging. Aanbevelings is gemaak ten opsigte van die aanwending van werknemerbemagtiging, as intervensie in skofwerkomgewings, asook vir verdere skofwerknavorsing in Suid-Afrika. / The purpose of this research was to determine if significant differences exist between employee effectiveness and perceptions of quality of working life of empowered and non-empowered shiftworkers in the South-African petrochemical industry. By using the Standard Shiftwork Index and real absenteeism and appraisal data, a sample of 102 cases was analysed. A 90 percent confidence interval was used to determine t-values for variables. It was found that empowerment has little influence on the work attendance of shiftworkers and that empowerment does not lead to more positive perceptions of general work performance of shiftworkers, among their supervisors. It was, however, found that shiftworkers' perceptions of their quality of working life are improved by empowerment in respect of work dissatisfaction, chronic fatigue and satisfaction with social circumstances. Suggestions were made concerning the use of empowerment, as an intervention, in shiftwork environments and for future shiftwork research in South-Africa. / Industrial and Organisational Psychology / M.Comm. (Bedryfsielkunde)

Die invloed van prestasiewaardes op organisasieverbintenis van werknemers in die motornywerheid

Diedericks, Phillippus Cornelius 11 1900 (has links)
Summaries in English and Afrikaans / Text in Afrikaans / Die doel van hierdie verkennende studie was om ondersoek in te stel na die prestasiewaardes onderliggend aan Affektiewe, Kontinulteits- en Normatiewe organisasieverbintenis van werknemers binne die motorywerheid in Suid-Afrika. 'n Steekproef van 113 werknemers is uit verskillende motorhandelaars geselekteer. Daarna is ondersoek ingestel na watter prestasiewaardes betekenisvolle voorspellers van organisasieverbintenis is. Daar is bevind dat die prestasiewaardes mededinging en materiele welvaart betekenisvolle voorspellers van affektiewe organisasieverbintenis is, en dat die prestasiewaardes materiele welvaart en strewe na uitmuntendheid betekenisvolle voorspellers van kontinuiteitsorganisasieverbintenis is, maar dat geeneen van die prestasiewaardes wat huidig wereldwyd erken word, betekenisvolle voorspellers van normatiewe organisasieverbintenis in die motomywerheid is nie. Dit het verreikende irnplikasies vir die Suid-Afrikaanse motorhandelaar. Hierbenewens is dit ook duidelik uit die navorsingsresultate dat die prestasiewaardes mededinging, materiele welvaart en strewe na uitmuntendheid hulself daartoe leen om op 'n geintegreerde wyse deur bestuur van motorhandelaars aangewend te word ten einde hul kumulatiewe invloed op organisasieverbintenis optimaal te kan benut. / The objective of this exploratory study was to investigate the performance values subjacent to affective, continuity and normative organisation commitment of employees in the motor industry in South Africa. A sample of 113 employees was selected from different dealerships. Thereafter an investigation was done to establish which performance values were meaningful predictors of organisation commitment. It was found that the performance values competition and material gain were meaningful predictors of affective organisation commitment, and the performance values material gain and excellence were meaningful predictors of continuity organisation commitment, but that none of the performance values which are contemporarily recognised world-wide were meaningful predictors of normative organisation commitment. This has far-reaching implications for South African motor dealers. It was also apparent from the results that the performance values competition, material gain and excellence can be utilized in an integrated way by management of motor dealers in order to ensure optimal utilization of their cumulative impact on organisation commitment. / Industrial psychology / M.Com. (Industrial Psychology)

Improving performance management and development systems in the Department of Health, Limpopo Province

Mathidza, Maano Simon 10 1900 (has links)
The proposed study intends to establish how procedural the reward systems are being implemented in the Limpopo Department of Health and whether claims of biases are founded. The study is aimed to determine the system’s influence on the organisation’s ability to track poor performance and to manage it. It also provides a refreshed view of the current pitfalls in the implementation of the programme, and subsequently provides indications of remedial action to recover the purpose of the performance management and development system. The study furthermore assesses the impact of performance management practices and explored the best implementable practices for effective performance management systems and best service delivery by the Limpopo Department of Health. A qualitative research approach that included interviews with HR and line managers was utilised and a quantitative research approach that included questionnaires from ordinary employees was followed. The findings are that the system cannot be linked to employee output, but an obvious benefit is employee rewards. The literature review shows that there is a general poor understanding of performance management and development system in the public service. It (Literature review. Chapter 2) further establishes that there are several challenges that hinder the effective implementation of performance management and development system in the public service. Other findings of the study include that there is a challenge of biased ratings (subjective assessment), and a setting of unrealistic performance targets which are unrealisable by employees. The main finding of the study is that lack of training poses a serious challenge in implementing performance management and development systems. Many respondents indicated that employees need to be brought to awareness about the implementation of the model so that both management and employees can work towards the Department’s vision. Some suggested that management should realise our needs and arrange training for capacity building. Another employee agitated that “I am not involved in any performance management because this is used for financial gains. This is another corrupt activity?” The above-mentioned statements clearly show concerns of employees in their overall performance. / Public Administration / M.P.A.

Effectiveness of the Eastern Cape provincial department of local government and traditional affairs to monitor and evaluate the performance of municipalities: a case study of Cacadu District Municipality

Gopane, Ogomoditse Mabel January 2012 (has links)
Thesis submitted in fulfilment of the requirements for the degree Master of Technology in Public Management in the Faculty of business at the Cape Peninsula University of Technology, 2012 / South Africa has been experiencing poor service delivery protests. The Eastern Cape in particular, is characterised by rural areas owing to segregation that was created by the past apartheid government. Ineffective operations of municipalities are usually found to be the root cause of ineffective service delivery. However, the Republic of South Africa‟s Constitution,1996 and other forms of legislation provide for monitoring and support of municipalities by national and provincial government, although most monitoring and support responsibilities are borne with the provincial government. Provincial governments provide an oversight role towards municipalities and assist them when they cannot and do not fulfil their obligations. This study focuses on the Eastern Cape with the Cacadu District Municipality as the identified case-study. The district is one of the largest in the Eastern Cape and is marked by high levels of poverty and unemployment. The study investigates the effectiveness of the Eastern Cape Department of Local Government and Traditional Affairs (ECDLGTA) to monitor and evaluate municipalities, with reference to the Cacadu District Municipality. Monitoring and evaluation are effective tools, which are utilised by developed countries to achieve good governance and effective service delivery. South Africa has also followed a culture of M&E and established the Government Wide Monitoring and Evaluation System. It is important that monitoring and evaluation systems are effective. Because with effective systems, government can detect early warning signs of corruption or any other forms of ineffectiveness. The purpose of this research study is to explore current systems that the ECDLGTA has established to monitor municipalities and to assess whether those systems are effective or not. Furthermore, the research intends to explore the reasons for ineffectiveness, as well as the relationship between the municipalities and the provincial government. In order to reach conclusions to these questions, an empirical study was conducted by using qualitative research methodology. Interviews were conducted and are described in chapter five. Chapter Six and Seven present the results that were achieved from the interviews and analysis of those results, whilst Chapter eight presents concluding remarks and recommendations based on the findings.

Teacher's and principal's perceptions of the integrated quality management system (IQMS) in three Butterworth District schools

Ntshewula, Nombulelo January 2012 (has links)
The researcher’s interest in this study is in teachers’ perceptions and principals of the Integrated Quality Management System (IQMS). This study examines teachers’ understandings of this quality management and performance appraisal system, how teachers perceive the instrument used to manage and monitor their performance and the performance of their schools, and what lessons may be learnt regarding the implementation process of the IQMS. The investigation was carried out in three Butterworth District schools in the Eastern Cape. The researcher made use of qualitative methodology to obtain data from a sample of 3 principals, 9 teachers and 1 district official. Data were collected from these respondents by means of in-depth, semi-structured interviews and through document analysis. The study found that some of the teachers and principals felt that they did not understand the IQMS, and they complained that the system is fraught with many obstacles that need to be addressed in order to promote the effectiveness of teaching and learning. The participants also spoke of multiple factors that contribute negatively to this phenomenon, which include the fact that the teachers’ workload is increased by the IQMS, time constraints, inadequate training, vague and unfamiliar language, the financial incentive that is attached to the instrument, and the many structures in the implementation process. In addition, the system seems to encourage a bureaucratic style of management. Teachers and principals also suggested ways in which the IQMS could be structured by the Department of Education for greater efficiency in education.

Personality and the performance of sales staff in a call centre environment

Denton, Cecilia 10 1900 (has links)
The objective of the study was to determine whether any relationships exist between personality and the performance of sales staff in a call centre environment. Personality type (measured by the Jung Type Indicator [JTI]) and sales personality type (measured by the Sales Preference Indicator [SPI]) were correlated with sales staff performance in an insurance call centre environment. A quantitative survey was conducted using a sample of N = 146. Correlational and inferential statistical analyses revealed statistically significant positive, although weak, relationships between personality type and the performance of call centre sales staff while statistically significant positive and negative correlations, although weak, were found between sales personality type and the performance of call centre sales staff. More female and black sales staff members were found in the higher performing clusters than in the average and poorer performing clusters. The best subset of personality scales from the JTI that predicted univariate measures of performance were the extroversion-introversion scale and the judging-perceiving scale while the best subset of predictors from the SPI personality scale were the consistent-adaptive scale and the cooperative-competitive scale. Call centre performance criteria are based mainly on quantitative performance criteria. It emerged from the literature review that the call centre sales position is synonymous with emotional labour and it is, thus, recommended that future research should emphasise the importance of emotionally intensive labour and its measurement combined with quantitative performance measures. / Industrial and Organisational Psychology / M.A. (Industrial and Organisational Psychology)

The improvement of performance management system at the University of South Africa

Harding, Richard Cornelius 04 1900 (has links)
This study explored the improvement of individual performance outcomes within the administrative units of UNISA. The study aimed, in particular, to explore, analyse and interpret individual performance management practices. It should be noted that this study did not attempt to cover all the areas of effective and efficient performance management. The focus was to investigate the processes and approaches for continuously managing the improvement of individual performance outcomes, which could lead towards improved institutional performance. The main aim of the study was to investigate how the performance management system at the University of South Africa can be approved. The study adopted qualitative and quantitative research paradigms, thus a combination of inductive and deductive approaches, sampling and analyses, data collection and interpretations were used. However, the research design and methodology in this study primarily focused on a case study design and a mixedmethod approach to reach valid and reliable conclusions. The first part of the thesis focused on the analysis of literature and empirical documents relating to performance management approaches and the research design and methodology applied. The second part focused on the performance management practices at UNISA, the implementation of surveys/questionnaires, interviews and group-discussions. Lastly, ideas and themes were identified from the collected data that should answer the research questions. The study found that performance management should focus on the identification of an individual’s strengths and weaknesses in order to enable improved individual performance outcomes. Therefore, if managers want to manage individuals effectively and improve individual performance, all related factors, which include motivation, coaching and monitoring, as well as influencing positive behaviours by individuals, should form part of the effective performance management system. Far too often, managers neglect objectively analysing performance appraisals’ outcomes, and compromise by allocating undeserved percentage ratings, mainly to avoid possible conflict situations. The study’s findings provided valuable insights that could improve the performance management system at Unisa. - v - Some of the recommendations include: that effective performance management entails co-analysis, co-decision, co-design and co-evaluation, which could lead to the clear objective setting of targets for implementation by individuals; the implementation of quarterly appraisals; the implementation of ‘crowdsourcing’ or 360° evaluations; continuous self-development and training. This study’s outcomes could make a significant contribution to the body of existing literature in the discipline of Public Administration. More specifically, in respect of the survey/questionnaires within three prominent constructs, the triangulation and mixed-methods approach used for this study; and the case study model applied in the research of the University of South Africa, as an institution of higher education. / Public Administration and Management / D. Phil. (Public Administration)

Analysis of the relationship between Governance of Enterprise Information Technology (IT) and strategic business-IT alignment using COBIT 5 in the case of the Commercial Bank of Ethiopia

Fiseha, Martha Sileshi 06 1900 (has links)
Effective Governance of Enterprise Information Technology (GEIT) is very important for an enterprise that has a huge investment in IT infrastructure. Implementing effective GEIT helps an enterprise to meet stakeholder needs by creating business value through strategic business-IT alignment. This study focuses on the analysis of GEIT implementation related to strategic business-IT alignment using Control Objectives for Information and Related Technology (COBIT 5), using the Commercial Bank of Ethiopia (CBE) as a case study. Strategic alignment is found to be the main concern of GEIT and strong alignment between business objectives and IT capabilities as a means of creating an effective foundation for business execution. There are various internationally accepted GEIT good practices and standards. In this study, COBIT 5 is selected for its strong aspects of control objectives for strategic business-IT alignment that help enterprises’ security, risk and compliance guidance and serves as a tool for leveraging GEIT. COBIT 5 is the leading business framework for the GEIT by making clear that there is a separation between governance and management of IT. This is a single integrated framework that covers the enterprise holistically and integrates with other important frameworks and standards at an advanced level. In addition to this, the use of COBIT 5 Balanced Score Card (BSC) for performance measurement tool (goals cascade), Process Reference Model (PRM), Process Assessment Model (PAM), principles and enablers and Capability Maturity Model (CMM) tool also utilise IT investments more effectively and accurately and measure performance with lower costs through stronger governance. This study analysed how enterprises effectively implement GEIT practices using COBIT 5 to achieve strong strategic business-IT alignment. The target groups of the study were the top management and IT management of CBE. The researcher used explanatory sequential mixed methods (both quantitative and qualitative) data collection techniques and analysis procedures. In the quantitative data collection, data were collected and analysed using GEIT practices maturity assessment tool, Luftman Strategic Alignment Maturity Model (LAMM) tool and the data analysed using Statistical Package for the Social Science (SPSS). In the qualitative phase of the study, evidence was collected and examined from observation and participation, document review, focus group, formal and informal discussions with selected managements of CBE and gap assessment using COBIT 5. Finally, the researcher integrated results to combine the quantitative and qualitative methods. The finidngs of the quantitative analysis indicate that the maturity level of GEIT practices implementation was 1.77, around level 2 maturity level (repeatable but intuitive), whereas the business-IT alignment maturity level of 53.13% agrees that strategic alignment business-IT was good level 3 (established, focused processes) in the case of CBE. GEIT practices implementation regarding strategic business-IT alignment is found to be positive. The data qualitative analysis indicates that the achievement of the capability level of GEIT processes is not defined and deployed based on international best practices and also confirms that the GEIT BSC is not yet implemented. The achievement capability level of GEIT processes implementation using COBIT 5 is under level 2. In this study, the gap between the existing GEIT practices processes and desirable level 4 (managed and measurable) using COBIT 5 was identified and a method to fill the gap was proposed. / School of Computing / M. Sc. (Computing)

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