Spelling suggestions: "subject:"encounters"" "subject:"ncounters""
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Set Design for Three Sisters: An Extraordinary Encounter with ChekhovVitrano, Tricia Duffy 15 December 2007 (has links)
The thesis An Extraordinary Encounter with Chekhov strives to examine the process and phases involved in the design of the set for Anton Chekhov's Three Sisters. This play was produced in the Spring of 2007, at the University of New Orleans. This production was chosen by the graduate committee, as the final work to complete my Master of Fine Arts degree in set design. I seek to examine the nature of the creative process for the set design through a series of encounters, from the initial encounter with the play to the various encounters with the director and other collaborators. These various encounters will include the, research and preparation to the final creation of the set design examined in detail. Copies of all the research, renderings, photos, draftings and any supporting materials that were relevant to the creative process will accompany the text of the thesis.
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Imagens de ébano em altares barrocos: as irmandades leigas de negros em São Paulo (séculos XVIII-XIX) / Ebony images in baroque altars: the lay black brotherhoods in São Paulo (XVIIIth-XIXth)Comar, Michelle 10 March 2009 (has links)
O estudo da religião e da religiosidade é fundamental para a compreensão da formação da cultura brasileira suas práticas e representações. No aprofundamento da análise sobre a questão da construção de novas identidades pelos africanos e seus descendentes forjadas no contexto da escravidão na colônia portuguesa na América , as irmandades leigas de negros podem ser tomadas como espaços de devoção e sociabilidade. Portanto, a presente pesquisa teve como objeto de estudo as irmandades leigas de negros na cidade de São Paulo, durante a segunda metade do século XVIII e o século XIX. Partindo de aportes teóricometodológicos oferecidos pela história cultural, o estudo teve como objetivo apreender o cotidiano no interior destas associações e, a partir dele, o encontro das culturas africanas e européias que ali ocorreram, bem como compreender as alianças forjadas e os laços de solidariedade criados na intercessão dessas diversas relações sociais e culturais. Acredito que a análise das fontes e da bibliografia selecionada possibilitou compreender um pouco mais o universo social e cultural dos africanos e seus descendentes na cidade de São Paulo, bem como os códigos culturais compartilhados entre as culturas africanas e a européia, no decorrer dos séculos XVIII e XIX. / The study of the religiosity is fundamental to the understanding of the Brazilian culture constitution - its practices and representations. To a deeper analysis about the construction of new identities by the Africans and theirs descendents forged in the context of slavery in the American Portuguese colony the lay brotherhoods of blacks can be taken as spaces of devotion and sociability. With that in mind,. this research had as object the Black lay brotherhoods in the city of Sao Paulo during the second half of the XVIIIth century and the XIXth century, and as a theoretical departure the principles of the cultural history. In that way, the study aim to apprehend the daily life of these associations, the encounter of African and European cultures present in it, and the partnerships and the links of solidarity created by t he intercession of the many cultural and social relations that happened there. l believe that the analysis of the documentation and of the selected bibliography took to a better understanding of the cultural and social world of Africans and their descendents living in the city of São Paulo, as well as the cultural codes shared by Brazilian and European cultures through XVIIth and XlXth centuries.
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Arqueologia andina no Vale de Lambayeque: um estudo dos contextos cerimoniais, variabilidade cerâmica e estilos arquitetônicos das ocupações do Período Tardio / Andean Archeology in the Lambayeque Valley: A Study of Ceremonial Contexts, Ceramic Variabilitty, and Architectural Styles of Late Period OccupationsFigueiredo, Marcio Luís Baúso de 24 January 2019 (has links)
Esta pesquisa propõe um estudo dos artefatos provenientes de contextos funerários e rituais relacionados ao período de hegemonia Chimú-Inca na costa norte peruana, nos Andes Centrais, especificamente da região de Lambayeque. Partindo de uma análise sistemática da iconografia de objetos de cerâmica ritual atribuída aos períodos Intermediário Tardio e Horizonte Tardio, este estudo tem por objetivo uma comparação de artefatos pertencentes a algumas coleções de museus, com exemplares e outros dados recuperados de escavações arqueológicas realizadas em contextos controlados nas últimas décadas. Busca diagnosticar e entender as variações estilísticas dos conjuntos cerâmicos em termos de sua morfologia e iconografia. Desta perspectiva, busca contribuir para a discussão sobre a cronologia relativa adotada para a região de Lambayeque. Além da cerâmica, incluímos em nosso estudo o contexto de remodelações arquitetônicas da região, buscando compreender o nível de interação expresso nos estilos da arquitetura cerimonial entre lambayeques, chimús e incas. De forma crítica, esta pretende relacionar os dados arqueológicos com as informações registradas nos documentos históricos do período colonial relativos a história política da área pesquisada. O conteúdo das narrativas sugere constante tensão entre as elites do poder da Costa Norte frente a ideologia estatal cusqueña, enfatizada no culto oficial da divindade solar. Assim, o estudo dos processos de produção, circulação e deposição de artefatos de utilidade ritual, discutidos a partir dos referencias teóricos dos encontros coloniais e das diversas conceitualizações de estilos em Arqueologia permitirá aprofundar o conhecimento sobre tais processos de interações sócioculturais entre as elites lambayecanas e cusqueñas, durante o apogeu incaico nos Andes Centrais. / This research proposes a study of the artifacts from funerary contexts and rituals related to the period of Chimú-Inca hegemony in the Peruvian north coast, in the central Andes, specifically the region of Lambayeque. Starting from systematic analysis of the iconography of ritual ceramic objects attributed to late intermediate and late horizon periods, this study aims to compare artifacts belonging to some museum collections, with copies and other data recovered from archaeological excavations carried out in controlled contexts in recent decades. It seeks to diagnose and understand the stylistic variations of ceramic clusters in terms of their morphology and iconography. From this perspective, it looks to contribute to the discussion about the relative chronology adopted for the Lambayeque region. In addition to ceramics, we have included in our study the context of architectural remodeling\'s of the region, with the objective to understand the level of interaction expressed in the ceremonial architecture between Lambayeques, Chimús and Incas. With criticism, it intends to relate the archaeological data with the information of the political history of the area recorded in the historical documents of the colonial period. The content of the narratives suggests constant tension between the elites of the power of the north coast against the state ideology Cusco, emphasized in the official cult of the solar deity. Therefore, the study of the production processes, circulation and deposition of ritual utility artifacts, discussed from the theoretical references of the colonial encounters and various conceptualizations of styles in archaeology, will allow to deepen the knowledge about such processes of socio-cultural interactions between the elites, lambayeques and cusqueñas, during the Incaic apogee in the central Andes.
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Vård på lika villkor? Ickeheterosexuella patienters upplevelser och erfarenheter av bemötande inom vårdenGrahnquist, Karin January 2008 (has links)
Ickeheterosexuella har en sämre hälsa än heterosexuella, framför allt en sämre psykisk hälsa. Rädsla för ett negativt bemötande kan leda till att dessa patienter undviker vård. Därmed påverkas också hälsan. När sjuksköterskan möter dessa patienter i sitt arbete är det därför viktigt att vårdrelationen utvecklas på ett så bra sätt som möjligt. En positiv vårdrelation är väsentlig för att patienten ska kunna uppnå hälsa. Syftet med studien är att beskriva ickeheterosexuella patienters upplevelser och erfarenheter av vårdpersonalens bemötande samt vårdpersonals/vårdstudenters attityder och känslor gentemot denna patientgrupp. Metoden är en litteraturöversikt med analys av både kvantitativ och kvalitativ forskning.Ickeheterosexuella patienter upplever att vårdpersonalen tar för givet att alla är heterosexuella vilket medför att patienterna känner sig utanför, annorlunda och att de inte passar in. De väljer om, när och hur de ska komma ut som ickeheterosexuella. Negativt bemötande förekommer men förväntningarna om ett negativt bemötande är större än ett faktiskt negativt bemötande. Vårdpersonalen har både positiva och negativa attityder/känslor gentemot ickeheterosexuella patienter. Dock skulle en tredjedel av vårdpersonalen avstå från att vårda en homosexuell om de hade möjlighet.Vården är heteronormativ vilket medför att ickeheterosexuella blir osynliggjorda och inte tagna på allvar. Sjuksköterskan måste verka för att bryta patienternas förväntningar om ett negativt bemötande. Ickeheterosexuella patienter skapar strategier för att garantera ett gott bemötande och tar därmed ett stort ansvar för att vårdrelationen ska bli positiv. Vårdpersonalens negativa inställning gentemot ickeheterosexuella kan bero på osäkerhet. Osäkerheten gör att de inte tar ansvar för vårdrelationen. Vårdpersonal behöver mer kunskap om ickeheterosexuella patienter för att kunna verka för en positiv vårdrelation och därmed underlätta för ickeheterosexuella patienter att uppnå hälsa. / <p>Program: Sjuksköterskeutbildning</p><p>Uppsatsnivå: C</p>
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Skills and knowledge for service encounters in the leisure industry : implications for UK Higher EducationFirth, Miriam January 2018 (has links)
As a Higher Education (HE) lecturer in the United Kingdom (UK), I have taught Leisure students and supported their transition into placement work and graduate employment. This experience has made it clear to me that some students and graduates are not fully equipped to deal with the extensive customer demands placed on them in the workplace. The aim of this study is to analyse the skills and knowledge needed by graduates from Leisure courses to deal with real-world customer service encounters. A theoretical framework on skills, knowledge, education frameworks and employer requirements was used to identify what graduates might need in industry work and this was tests by gaining primary data from Leisure graduates. Critical incidents were gathered and interviews were conducted with five recent graduates and one current student from Leisure courses in Manchester. The data includes 57 critical incidents related to customer demands that the participants faced during service encounters in leisure roles; it also includes six semi-structured interviews on whether the participants felt their education prepared them to meet these demands. This study analyses the data using a theoretical framework of current publications and includes the theories of Soft Skills, Co-creation, Co-production, Emotional Labour, Aesthetic Labour, Sexualised Labour, Intercultural Sensitivity and Service Quality Theory. This study uses an innovative methodology to identify three key findings in support of the research questions. Staffs to staff dynamics and Intercultural Sensitivity are needed in Customer Service Encounter theory to use in Leisure UK Higher Education and fully prepare students for encounters in their graduate employment. These findings offer extensive contributions to current knowledge on theory and leisure education in UK HE to support development of all skills and knowledge needed for customer service encounters. Recommendations are raised to the Quality Assurance Agency (education governing body) and other leisure educators on how they might better educate and prepare their students for customer service encounters in graduate employment.
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Imagens de ébano em altares barrocos: as irmandades leigas de negros em São Paulo (séculos XVIII-XIX) / Ebony images in baroque altars: the lay black brotherhoods in São Paulo (XVIIIth-XIXth)Michelle Comar 10 March 2009 (has links)
O estudo da religião e da religiosidade é fundamental para a compreensão da formação da cultura brasileira suas práticas e representações. No aprofundamento da análise sobre a questão da construção de novas identidades pelos africanos e seus descendentes forjadas no contexto da escravidão na colônia portuguesa na América , as irmandades leigas de negros podem ser tomadas como espaços de devoção e sociabilidade. Portanto, a presente pesquisa teve como objeto de estudo as irmandades leigas de negros na cidade de São Paulo, durante a segunda metade do século XVIII e o século XIX. Partindo de aportes teóricometodológicos oferecidos pela história cultural, o estudo teve como objetivo apreender o cotidiano no interior destas associações e, a partir dele, o encontro das culturas africanas e européias que ali ocorreram, bem como compreender as alianças forjadas e os laços de solidariedade criados na intercessão dessas diversas relações sociais e culturais. Acredito que a análise das fontes e da bibliografia selecionada possibilitou compreender um pouco mais o universo social e cultural dos africanos e seus descendentes na cidade de São Paulo, bem como os códigos culturais compartilhados entre as culturas africanas e a européia, no decorrer dos séculos XVIII e XIX. / The study of the religiosity is fundamental to the understanding of the Brazilian culture constitution - its practices and representations. To a deeper analysis about the construction of new identities by the Africans and theirs descendents forged in the context of slavery in the American Portuguese colony the lay brotherhoods of blacks can be taken as spaces of devotion and sociability. With that in mind,. this research had as object the Black lay brotherhoods in the city of Sao Paulo during the second half of the XVIIIth century and the XIXth century, and as a theoretical departure the principles of the cultural history. In that way, the study aim to apprehend the daily life of these associations, the encounter of African and European cultures present in it, and the partnerships and the links of solidarity created by t he intercession of the many cultural and social relations that happened there. l believe that the analysis of the documentation and of the selected bibliography took to a better understanding of the cultural and social world of Africans and their descendents living in the city of São Paulo, as well as the cultural codes shared by Brazilian and European cultures through XVIIth and XlXth centuries.
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Entre a inova??o e a tradi??o: interculturalidade e t?cnica de produ??o/cultivo de alimentos na comunidade ind?gena de Umaria?u II, Tabatinga-AM / Between innovation and tradition: interculturality and food production / cultivation technique in the indigenous community of Umaria?u II, Tabatinga-AMBRAND?O, Eliel Guimar?es 20 December 2016 (has links)
Submitted by Jorge Silva (jorgelmsilva@ufrrj.br) on 2018-02-09T16:19:53Z
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2016 - Eliel Guimar?es Brand?o.pdf: 1573488 bytes, checksum: 91595715d575c0989c4ef215a1ffdab1 (MD5) / Made available in DSpace on 2018-02-09T16:19:53Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1
2016 - Eliel Guimar?es Brand?o.pdf: 1573488 bytes, checksum: 91595715d575c0989c4ef215a1ffdab1 (MD5)
Previous issue date: 2016-12-20 / The contribution of indigenous peoples to the country?s historical process, extends from the arrival of the first settlers to these lands. Although there was an exchange of knowledge between these indigenous and non-indigenous peoples, what prevailed were the concepts and practices implemented by the 'white men', which directly influenced the history of local agriculture. Thus, the present work aimed at accompanying an experience based on the proposal to promote the development of crops planted by local indigenous people. The present research was carried out in the indigenous community of Umaria?u II, located in Tabatinga-AM municipality. This work was aimed at observing and monitoring indigenous family farmers and / or indigenous collectors residing in the community of Umaria?u II, who were invited to participate in a demonstration unit in S?tio Homem Imitador. Based on the activities carried out in the demonstrative unit, contact points that were analyzed by this study were selected, as well as an iconographic section of the intercultural scenes lived there. The follow-up of this unit has continued throughout its implementation, from clearing the land, preparing the soil, planting and follow-up visits, as well as harvesting, socializing, returning the area to local farmers and the status of the unit after contributors. Thus, one can get to know the cultural encounters generated throughout the process, as well as the relationship built with the indigenous community, where scientific values and thoughts were communicated, seeking dialogue among cultures. / A contribui??o dos povos ind?genas, para o processo hist?rico do pa?s, se estende desde a chegada dos primeiros colonizadores ? essas terras. Embora tenha ocorrido uma troca de saberes entre essas ind?genas e n?o-ind?genas, o que prevaleceu foram os conceitos e pr?ticas implementados pelos ?homens brancos?, que influenciaram diretamente a hist?ria da agricultura local. Assim, o presente trabalho objetivou acompanha uma experi?ncia fundamentada na proposta de promover o desenvolvimento dos cultivos plantados pelos ind?genas locais. A presente pesquisa foi realizada na comunidade ind?gena de Umaria?u II, localizada no munic?pio Tabatinga-AM. Este trabalho destinou-se a observar e acompanhar agricultores familiares ind?genas e/ou coletores ind?genas, residentes na comunidade de Umaria?u II, que foram convidados a participar de uma unidade demonstrativa no S?tio Homem Imitador. Com base nas atividades realizadas na unidade demonstrativa, elegeu-se pontos de contato que foram analisados por esse estudo, al?m de realizar uma se??o iconogr?fica das cenas interculturais vividas ali. O acompanhamento dessa unidade prolongou-se por toda sua implanta??o, desde a limpeza do terreno, preparo do solo, plantio e visitas de acompanhamento, bem como a colheita, socializa??es, a devolu??o da ?rea para os agricultores locais e o estado da unidade ap?s repassada aos colaboradores. Assim, pode-se conhecer os encontros culturais gerados ao longo do processo, bem como o relacionamento constru?do com a comunidade ind?gena, onde foram comunicados ali valores e pensamentos cient?ficos, buscando o di?logo entre as culturas.
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Erotic Spaces, Close Encounters and Isolation: Advice to Domestic Servants from Defoe, Haywood and SwiftSlagle, Judith Bailey 05 January 2019 (has links)
No description available.
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Sjuksköterskors och barnmorskors upplevelser av vårdmöten med endometriosdrabbade kvinnor : En enkätstudie / Nurses’ and midwives’ experiences of healthcare encounters with endometriosis-affected women : A surveyAustvik, Alicia, Blomé, Karin January 2019 (has links)
Bakgrund: Endometrios är en sjukdom där livmoderslemhinnan växer på annan plats än i livmodern. Endometrios kan orsaka stark smärta och ett stort lidande för den drabbade kvinnan. Forskning visar att endometriosdrabbde kvinnor upplever bristande bemötande och en okunskap från sjukvården. Syfte: Syftet var att undersöka sjuksköterskors och barnmorskors upplevelser av vårdmöten med endometriosdrabbade kvinnor. Metod: Kvantitativ metod med kvalitativa inslag och deskriptiv ansats via en empirisk studie. Resultat: De flesta studiedeltagarna upplever brister i sin kunskap om endometrios och önskar mer kunskap för att kunna bemöta och hjälpa endometriosdrabbade kvinnor. Några av studiedeltagarna upplever inte brister i lika stor utsträckning men önskar ändå mer kunskap om den gynekologiska sjukdomen endometrios. Det förekommer faktorer som kan påverka kommunikationen i vårdmöten. Endometriosdrabbade kvinnor upplevs vara svåra att bemöta och hjälpa. Slutsats: Kunskapen och medvetenheten om endometrios behöver fördjupas hos alla sjuksköterskor i studien. Fördjupad kunskap kan medföra att sjuksköterskor känner sig tryggare i vårdmötet vilket kan resultera i en bättre omvårdnad för endometriosdrabbade kvinnor. / Background: Endometriosis is a disease in which the uterine mucosa grows elsewhere than in the uterus. Endometriosis can cause severe pain and great suffering for the affected woman. Research shows that endometriosis-afflicted women experience inadequate care and a lack of knowledge from the health care system. Purpose: The purpose was to investigate nurses’ and midwives’ experiences of the healthcare encounters with endometriosis-affected women. Method: Quantitative method with a qualitative elements and a descriptive approach via an empirical study. Results: Most study participants experience shortcomings in their knowledge of endometriosis and want more knowledge to be able to respond to and help endometriosis-affected women. Some of the study participants do not experience deficiencies to the same extent, but still want more knowledge about the gynecological disease endometriosis. There are factors that affect communication in healthcare encounters. Endometriosis-affected women are perceived to be difficult to respond to and help. Conclusion: The knowledge and awareness of endometriosis needs to be deepened in all the nurses in the study. In-depth knowledge can mean that nurses feel more secure in healthcare encounters, which can result in better nursing care for endometriosis-affected women.
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Face to Face: English Uses and Understanding of the Beard in Early Virginian ContactsBarber, Jacqueline Colleen 15 July 2008 (has links)
Many historians agree that categories of human division underwent a drastic change due to European New World encounters. The shift from religious divisions to ones based on ethnicity and skin color gradually developed in early modern Europe. Hence, before natives became "red," and Europeans "white" a period existed where the differences between these cultures were utilized in a variety of means to prove similarity and difference.
One element signifying difference during the early contact period was that of the beard. Hair as an identifier has a long history: through the middle ages, wildness was conveyed by hair and at times non-Christians were legally required to grow beards. Early in the sixteenth century the beard became a popular fad for white, Christian-European men, a change which some scholars have traced to European contact with beardless Amerindians. Within Europe, the beard came to represent more than otherness. A thick beard conveyed images of health, particularly sexual health; the beard came to represent virility and the beard helped to separate men from women and boys.
In this paper I argue that the beard assumed a special significance within early English contacts in the Carolinas and Virginia. I examine the changing meanings of the beard and the English adoption of these meanings. I first examine the European background which helped provide the context for their first permanent colonial settlements in the New World. I next delve into travel accounts, ethnographies and artistic portrayals of the Natives in these colonies to examine how and when both sides evoked facial hair as a signifier of difference. This examination will help reveal English views of Natives during a time when their views regarding the Natives' character could affect the success of English colonial ventures. Finally, I examine why the beard failed as a sign of difference between the region's Amerindians and the English. This failure led to the adoption of other means of distinction specifically that of skin color. Hence the beard served as a first stepping stone towards what would become a fully conceptualized racial theory.
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