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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Intergroup relationships in Verreaux's sifakas (Propithecus verreauxi)

Koch de Vasconcellos, Flávia 20 November 2015 (has links)
Wie Tiere ein kollektives Handeln zur Revierverteidigung erreichen und wie sie Beziehungen zwischen benachbarten Gruppen aufbauen ist in letzter Zeit zu einem zentralen Thema in der Verhaltensforschung geworden. Die Stärke einer Gruppe kann von mehreren Faktoren beeinflusst werden, sowohl auf der Gruppen- als auch auf der Individuenebene. In dieser Dissertation untersuchte ich verschiedene Aspekte der Beziehungen zwischen acht Gruppen von Larvensifakas im Westen Madagaskars. Von 2012 bis 2014 wurden detaillierte Verhaltensdaten, ökologische und demographische Daten aufgenommen, um einerseits die Faktoren zu untersuchen, die die individuelle Teilnahme beeinflussen und anderseits die Prädiktoren zu identifizieren, die den positiven Ausgang einer Zwischengruppenbegegnung vorhersagen. Faktoren wie Geschlecht, Alter, Anwesenheit von Jungtieren, Fortpflanzungsstadien und zahlenmäßige Gewinnchancen wurden als mögliche Prädiktoren für die individuelle Teilnahme an Begegnungen zwischen Gruppen getestet. In der Untersuchung der Prädiktoren für den Ausgang bestimmte ich den Einfluss einer zahlenmäßigen Überlegenheit und des Ortes der Begegnung. Zusätzlich ermittelte ich die saisonalen Schwankungen in der Verfügbarkeit von Nahrung im Forschungsgebiet und wie sich diese Saisonalität auf die Nahrungszusammensetzung und die Energieaufnahme der männlichen und weiblichen Sifakas auswirkt. Meinen Ergebnissen zufolge beteiligen sich beide Geschlechter an der Verteidigung der Gruppe. Der bedeutendste Anreiz für die Teilnahme war die effektive Größe der gegnerischen Gruppe (Anzahl der Individuen, die sich an der Auseinandersetzung beteiligen). Trittbrettfahren war häufig: Während sich bei den Männchen vor allem Tiere mit niedrigem Rang weniger beteiligten, waren es bei den Weibchen vor allem diejenigen mit unselbstständigen Jungtieren. Der Ort der Begegnung war ein essentieller Prädiktor für die Chance einen Konflikt zu gewinnen, im Gegensatz zur zahlenmäßigen Überlegenheit. Die Saisonalität hatte einen signifikanten Einfluss auf die Ernährung beider Geschlechter. Interessanterweise war die Nahrung der Weibchen von höherer Qualität als die der Männchen, was wahrscheinlich mit den für die Weibchen höheren Kosten der Fortpflanzung zusammenhängt. Im Gegensatz zu den meisten Primatenweibchen sind weibliche Sifakas stark an der Gruppenverteidigung beteiligt. Soziale Dominanz, körperliche Kraft und die hohen Kosten der Fortpflanzung in einem Lebensraum mit extremen saisonalen Klimaschwankungen gehören zu den Faktoren, die mit der, in meiner Studie beobachteten hohen Beteiligung von Weibchen an Gruppenbegegnungen zusammenhängen. In dieser Studie waren die variablen Umstände einer Begegnung, wie deren Ort und die effektive Größe der gegnerischen Gruppe, die wichtigsten Prädiktoren für die Teilnahme an einer Gruppenbegegnung und für deren Ausgang. Diese Ergebnisse unterstützen die Hypothese, dass andere Faktoren als eine zahlenmäßige Überlegenheit entscheidend für die Teilnahme an einer Gruppenbegegnung und deren Ausgang sein können. Demzufolge müssen ökologische und individuelle Eigenschaften einbezogen werden, um ein besseres Verständnis der Beziehungen zwischen Gruppen zu erreichen.

Sjuksköterskors erfarenheter av möten med patienter som har ett riskbruk eller missbruk av alkohol : En litteraturstudie / Nurses’ experiences of encounters with patients suffering a risk consumption of alcohol or alcohol abuse : A literature review

Jarlemark, Jonna, Örvell, Helena January 2018 (has links)
Bakgrund: I Sverige beräknas 20% av männen och 13% av kvinnorna ha ett riskbruk och 780 000 Svenskar tros ha ett missbruk av alkohol.  I första hand ges psykosocial behandling. Riskbruk och missbruk av alkohol kan orsaka både kortsiktiga, akuta samt långsiktiga skador och sjukdomar. Det är också en bidragande orsak till svåra sociala problem där även anhöriga till den risk- eller missbrukande personen riskerar att drabbas.   Syfte: syftet med studien var att beskriva sjuksköterskors erfarenheter av mötet med patienter som har ett riskbruk eller missbruk av alkohol. Metod: En litteraturbaserad studie där elva kvalitativa artiklar analyserats. Resultat: Ur analysen framkom två kategorier; våga ta upp det känsliga ämnet och kunskap skapar säkerhet med åtta underkategorier. Konklusion: Den egna förförståelsen och den kulturella kontexten kring sjuksköterskan påverkar denne i sin möjlighet att avgöra huruvida en patient har ett risk- eller missbruk av alkohol och är i behov av stöd. Det är viktigt att ha en god relation till patienter och lyssna och förstå när de berättar om sin alkoholkonsumtion för att stödja dem till ett liv utan risk- eller missbruk. / Backround: In Sweden 20% of the men and 13% of the women are estimated to suffer a risk consumption of alcohol and 780 000 Swedes have an alcohol abuse. The primary treatment is psychosocial care. Risk consumption and alcohol abuse may cause both short-term, acute and long-term diseases and injuries. It is also a contributing cause to severe social issues where relatives to the risk consumer or the alcohol abuser might be affected. Aim: The aim of the study was to describe the nurses’ experience of encounters with patients suffering a risk consumption of alcohol or alcohol abuse. Method: A literature based study in which eleven qualitative articles have been analyzed. Result: Two categories emerged during the analysis and these were dare to raise the sensitive topic and knowledge create security with eight subcategories. Conclusion: The understanding and the cultural context of the nurse affects their ability to determine whether a patient might suffer a risk consumption or alcohol abuse and is in need of help or support. It is important to have a good relationship to the patient to support them to a life with controlled alcohol habits.

Meeting Trees Halfway: Environmental Encounters in Theatre and Performance

January 2018 (has links)
abstract: How do trees (live and representational) participate in our theatrical and performed encounters with them? If trees are not inherently scenic, as their treatment in language and on stage might reinforce, how can they be retheorized as agents and participants in dramatic encounters? Using Diana Taylor’s theory of scenario to understand embodied encounters, I propose an alternative approach to understanding environmental beings (like trees) called “synercentrism,” which takes as its central tenet the active, if not 100 percent “willed,” participation of both human and non-human beings. I begin by mapping a continuum from objecthood to agenthood to trace the different ways that plants and trees are used, represented, and included in our encounters. The continuum provides a framework that more comprehensively unpacks human-plant relationships. My dissertation addresses the rich variety of representations and embodiments by focusing on three central chapter topics: the history of tree representation and inclusion in dramatic literature and performance; interactions with living trees in gardens, parks, and other dramatic arenas; and individual plays and plants that have a particularly strong grasp on cultural imaginaries. Each chapter is followed by one or more corresponding case studies (the first chapter is followed by case studies on plants in musical theatre; the second on performing plants and collaborative performance events; and the last on the dance drama Memory Rings and the Methuselah tree). I conclude with a discussion of how the framework of synercentrism can aid in the disruption of terministic screens and facilitate reciprocal relationships with trees and other environmental agents. / Dissertation/Thesis / Doctoral Dissertation Theatre 2018

Dimensions of Religious Practice: The Ammatoans of Sulawesi, Indonesia

January 2012 (has links)
abstract: This thesis is an ethnographic account of the religious practices of the Ammatoa, a Konjo-speaking community of approximately 4600 people living in the southeast uplands of South Sulawesi, Indonesia. It examines aspects of Ammatoan rituals, cosmology, culture, economy, and politics that, from their point of view, are also considered religious. For the purpose of this dissertation, I understand religion to be ways of relationship between human beings and their fellow humans: the living and the dead, other beings, such as animals, plants, forests, mountains, rivers, and invisible entities such as gods and spirits. This conception of religion provides a better framework for understanding Ammatoan religion because for them religion includes many aspects of everyday life. The Ammatoans divide their land into an inner and an outer territory. The former is the constrained domains for their indigenous religion and the latter is more open to interaction with the outside world. The politics of territorial division has enabled Ammatoans to preserve their indigenous religion and navigate pressures from outside powers (i.e., Islam and modernity). The politics is, in part, a religious manifestation of Ammatoan oral tradition, the Pasang ri Kajang, which is the authoritative reference for all elements of everyday life. By following the tenets of the Pasang, Ammatoans seek to lead a life of kamase-masea, a life of simplicity. I explore how Ammatoans apply, challenge, and manipulate their understandings of the Pasang. Ammatoans demonstrate their religiosity and commitment to the Pasang through participation in rituals. This dissertation explores the diversity of Ammatoan rituals, and examines the connections between these rituals and the values of the Pasang through an extended analysis of one particular large-scale ritual, akkatterek (haircut). This ritual serves to incorporate a child into the wider Ammatoan cosmos. I also explore the encounters between Ammatoan indigenous religion, Islam, and modernity. I argue that the local manifestation of the concepts of Islam and modernity have both influenced and been influenced by Ammatoan indigenous religion. I conclude that despite their conversion to Islam and the intrusion of modernity, Ammatoan indigenous religion persists, albeit as an element of a hybrid cultural complex. / Dissertation/Thesis / Ph.D. Religious Studies 2012

Locating the creative class : diversity and urban change in London and Berlin

Juhnke, Sebastian January 2017 (has links)
This thesis explores how creative professionals, i.e. designers, artists and media workers, among others, experience and understand the multicultural and gentrifying neighbourhoods they live in. These neighbourhoods are Dalston in London and Reuterkiez in Berlin, two areas that have a significant immigrant population, experience gentrification and are well-known for their creative industries. Interviews with a total of 48 respondents in both locations, as well as ethnographic observations, reveal that the relationship these creatives have with diversity and gentrification are positive and critical on the surface but often ambivalent and selective underneath. This thesis argues that diversity and multiculture are understood as inspiring for creative work through material and sensory influences. However, not all forms of difference are valued equally. This thesis furthermore describes how gentrification has become a ubiquitous discourse in which respondents locate themselves between fellow gentrifiers and existing working class and/or minority ethnic residents; between wanting to belong and 'being part of a problem'. Lastly, this thesis argues that there are different understandings of multiculturalism in London and Berlin. Whereas multiculturalism in London describes ethnic minorities, in Berlin the term is increasingly used to refer to international, cosmopolitan and mainly white Western Europeans. This is problematic, it is argued, because it renders the defence that participants present of multiculturalism in opposition to its failure less meaningful. This thesis furthermore argues that because of the value of diversity within discourses of creativity and the lack of interaction with minority ethnic neighbours in private networks, many creative professionals have high expectations towards everyday encounters. They are therefore not 'indifferent to difference'. When these expectations are not met by minority ethnic shopkeepers, for example, this can lead to disappointing encounters and ascriptions of self-segregation and lacking openness. These findings are relevant for better understanding how urban multiculture in gentrifying neighbourhoods is experienced by members of the creative class, a demographic that is promoted by urban planning. When neighbourhoods like the two field sites of this study are celebrated for diversity and creativity, the latter is a more powerful discourse and can contribute to the displacement of poorer residents.

An Investigation of the Relationships Between Counselors' Physiological and Therapeutic Responses in a Low-Stress and High-Stress Counseling Encounter

Edwards, Martin R. 08 1900 (has links)
The problem with which this study is concerned is to examine whether relationships can be identified between a counselor's change in verbal and physiological responses when subjected to low-stress and high-stress producing counseling encounters. It was concluded that under high-stress as opposed to low-stress conditions 1) counselors' heart-rates increase and become more variable; 2) counselors' levels of verbal effectiveness are relatively uninfluenced; and 3) no consistent and predictable relationship can be identified between counselors' verbal and physiological functioning. Caution is strongly advised in generalizing to subjects separate from this study.

Barriers and Encounters of Navajo Female Administrators

January 2016 (has links)
abstract: ABSTRACT Past research has determined the glass ceiling is still unbroken and that few women hold top positions as administrators as opposed to men. Men continue to dominate women in occupations of superintendent and secondary principals of schools. Cultural beliefs and traditions set limitations for Navajo female administrators regarding the taboo of “women can’t lead” mentality. The research questions in this study addressed perceived obstacles and barriers facing Navajo female school administrators, the extent Navajo female administrators believe Navajo beliefs limit their career advancement, and if Navajo female administrators believe they encounter more obstacles than their male counterparts. Data were collected from 30 Navajo female administrators in public and bureau-operated schools in New Mexico. The survey consisted of 21 questions in a Likert-scale format with restricted responses, accessed on a Survey Monkey website. Results of the survey indicated that the respondents generally believed their career choice and opportunities were supported. However, approximately a quarter of the respondents believed support and opportunities were limited. And the overall data suggest there is room for improvement in all areas. In spite of the negative views, the respondents believe other women should be encouraged to go into school administration. / Dissertation/Thesis / Doctoral Dissertation Educational Administration and Supervision 2016

A pura imanência: uma ética deleuziana / Pure immanence: a deleuzian ethic

Nunes, Leandro 11 August 2016 (has links)
Submitted by Marilene Donadel (marilene.donadel@unioeste.br) on 2017-11-06T16:12:59Z No. of bitstreams: 1 Leandro_Nunes_2016.pdf: 2025584 bytes, checksum: 9ec9af22482c8d1aab050983fb9722b0 (MD5) / Made available in DSpace on 2017-11-06T16:12:59Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 Leandro_Nunes_2016.pdf: 2025584 bytes, checksum: 9ec9af22482c8d1aab050983fb9722b0 (MD5) Previous issue date: 2016-08-11 / Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior - CAPES / This work aims to discuss, from the philosophy of Gilles Deleuze, what we call as a vitalist ethic that unfolds in pure absolute immanence. Ethics that aims to create affirmative ways of life that maximize the power of thinking and acting within the established meetings without being consumed others. Ethics that rejects any transcendent principle and conceived as a "typology of immanent modes of existence" (Deleuze, 2002, p. 29). From small texts of Deleuze, such as The Immanence: A Life ... (2002b), Immanence Beach (1995) and The Three Ethic (1997), and excerpts from his lectures and books on Spinoza, as well, their joint production with Felix Guattari, particularly in What is Philosophy? (1992) and A Thousand Plateaus: Capitalism and Schizophrenia (1997a), we emphasize notions that bring into play the relationship between immanence and transcendence. Showing that it is a philosophy of fighting against the transcendentalist tradition that says a universe staircase, which acts by emanations and ranks the men in steep ascents and descents; which ultimately condition the life according to reason, a principle that supposedly transcends life itself. Along the way, we used questions as: how Deleuze articulates what he defines as absolute pure immanence? How can we think an immanence to avoid transcendence? What is the need to think an immanence in and for itself? Why transcendence does not fit for Deleuze? How important is the immanence plan to experiment with affirmative ways of life? What is vitalism stated by Deleuze? How important is the creation of affirmative ways of life? How is composed ethics developed from Deleuze's philosophy? Issues that inevitably relate to our hypothesis: only in the pure and absolute immanence is possible can think and build ways of affirming life, a sovereign life. / A presente dissertação tem por objetivo problematizar, a partir da filosofia de Gilles Deleuze, o que denominamos como uma ética vitalista que se desdobra na pura imanência absoluta. Ética que objetiva a criação de modos de vida afirmativos que maximizem a potência de pensar e de agir nos encontros estabelecidos sem que se consuma os outros. Ética que rejeita qualquer princípio transcendente e concebida como uma “tipologia dos modos de existência imanentes” (DELEUZE, 2002, p. 29). A partir de pequenos textos de Deleuze, tais como A Imanência: Uma Vida... (2002b), Praias de Imanência (1995) e As Três Éticas (1997), e excertos de suas aulas e obras sobre Spinoza, bem como, de sua produção conjunta com Félix Guattari, principalmente em O que é a Filosofia? (1992) e Mil Platôs: Capitalismo e Esquizofrenia (1997a), destacamos noções que põem em jogo as relações entre imanência e transcendência. Evidenciando que trata-se de uma filosofia de combate contra a tradição transcendentalista que afirma um universo em escada, que age por emanações e hierarquiza os homens em degraus ascendentes ou descendentes; o que acaba por condicionar a vida segundo uma razão, um princípio que pretensamente transcende a própria vida. Nesse percurso, lançamos mão de questões como: de que maneira Deleuze articula o que ele define como pura imanência absoluta? Como podemos pensar uma imanência que evite a transcendência? Qual a necessidade de pensar uma imanência em si e para si? Por que a transcendência não serve para Deleuze? Qual a importância do plano de imanência para a experimentação de modos de vida afirmativos? Em que consiste o vitalismo afirmado por Deleuze? Qual a importância da criação de modos de vida afirmativos? Como se compõe a ética desenvolvida a partir da filosofia deleuziana? Questões que reportam inevitavelmente para a nossa hipótese: somente na pura imanência absoluta é que se pode pensar e construir modos de vida afirmativos, uma vida soberana.

"Djur vårdas bättre än hemlösa människor" : En litteraturstudie om hur hemlösa upplever sig bli bemötta av vårdpersonal

Nilsson, Frida, Pontén, Sarah January 2018 (has links)
Bakgrund: Hemlösa personer har i större utsträckning sämre hälsa än den övriga befolkningen i ett land, vilket gör att de har ett stort eller större behov av hälso- och sjukvård. För ett gott bemötande krävs att vårdpersonal kan identifiera patientens grundläggande behov utifrån den enskilda individen med respekt för värdighet, integritet och autonomi. Dessvärre har få studier undersökt hur mötet mellan vårdpersonal och hemlösa personer har upplevts ur patientens synvinkel. Syfte: Syftet är att genom granskning av vetenskapliga artiklar undersöka hur hemlösa personer upplever bemötandet från vårdpersonal. Metod: Denna studie är en systematisk litteraturstudie. Sökningen gjordes i databaserna CINAHL och PubMed, totalt valdes tio kvalitativa originalartiklar ut för granskning. Artiklarnas kvalité bedömdes med hjälp av en kvalitetsmall med poängsystem. Återkommande kategorier identifierades och sammanställdes under lämpliga rubriker. Resultat: Resultatet i denna litteraturstudie visar samstämmigt på att hemlösa patienter upplever ett negativt bemötande inom hälso- och sjukvården. I de flesta artiklarna upplevdes bemötandet från vårdpersonal vara empati- och respektlöst samt diskriminerande. I ett fåtal av artiklarna redogjorde deltagarna för positiva upplevelser av bemötande. Resultaten från de olika studierna inordnades i följande kategorier; avsaknad av medkänsla, brist på respekt, diskriminering och att känna sig välkommen. Slutsats: Majoriteten av de hemlösa patienterna var missnöjda över hur de upplevde sig bli bemötta av vårdpersonal. Mer forskning behövs för att öka kunskapen om hur hemlösa upplever bemötandet inom vården.

Transpersoners erfarenheter och upplevelser inom olika vårdsammanhang : En litteraturöversikt

Högberg, Anton January 2017 (has links)
Bakgrund: Transpersoner är personer som har en könsidentitet som skiljer sig från det medfödda könet. De har hög sjukdomsprevalens inom flera områden och utsätts för stigma, diskriminering och våld inom och utanför vården. Stigma, diskriminering och våld är kopplade till en ökad risk för ohälsa och ett behov finns att ta del av transpersoners upplevelser, för att förbättra deras vård, hälsa och livskvalitet. Syfte: Att beskriva transpersoners erfarenheter och upplevelser inom olika vårdsammanhang. Metod: En litteraturstudie omfattande tretton artiklar. Sju teman har identifierats: undervisa vårdpersonal, erkännande av könsidentitet, nekad vård, grindvaktning, specifika vårdbehov relaterat till medfött kön, diskriminering och positiva erfarenheter. Resultat: Många negativa upplevelser har identifierats. Det var vanligt att transpersoner behövde undervisa personal och upplevelsen av diskriminering varierade mellan 23,6% - 66,8% i studierna. Resultaten visade på bristande respekt av transpersonernas namn och pronomen. Slutsats: Transpersoner har många negativa erfarenheter och har upplevt negativt bemötande från personal, vilka kan påverka deras hälsa negativt. / Background: Transgender people have a gender identity that differs from their innate sex. They have a high prevalence of disease in several areas and are subjected to stigma, discrimination and violence within and outside of health care. Stigma, discrimination and violence are linked to increased risks of illness. A need to take part in their experiences in order to improve health care and quality of life for transgender people therefore exists. Aim : To describe transgender people´s experiences of encounters with health care staff within various health care settings. Method: A litterature review based on thirteen studies were conducted. Seven themes were identified: educating health care staff, acknowledgement of gender identity, denial of care, gatekeeping, difficulties accessing care related to innate sex, discrimination and positive experiences. Results: A range of negative experiences are reported. The need to educate staff was frequent and experiences of discrimination ranged between 23,6% - 66,8% in the articles. A lack of respect regarding transgender people’s names and pronouns was found. Conclusion: Transgender people are subjected to a range of negative experiences within health care settings that may result in risks of illness.

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