Spelling suggestions: "subject:"endocrinology"" "subject:"endocrinolog""
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CTRP3 Attenuates Diet-induced Hepatic Steatosis by Regulating Triglyceride MetabolismPeterson, Jonathan M., Seldin, Marcus M., Wei, Zhikui, Aja, Susan, Wong, G. William 01 August 2013 (has links)
CTRP3 is a secreted plasma protein of the C1q family that helps regulate hepatic gluconeogenesis and is downregulated in a diet-induced obese state. However, the role of CTRP3 in regulating lipid metabolism has not been established. Here, we used a transgenic mouse model to address the potential function of CTRP3 in ameliorating high-fat diet-induced metabolic stress. Both transgenic and wild-type mice fed a high-fat diet showed similar body weight gain, food intake, and energy expenditure. Despite similar adiposity to wild-type mice upon diet-induced obesity (DIO), CTRP3 transgenic mice were strikingly resistant to the development of hepatic steatosis, had reduced serum TNF-α levels, and demonstrated a modest improvement in systemic insulin sensitivity. Additionally, reduced hepatic triglyceride levels were due to decreased expression of enzymes (GPAT, AGPAT, and DGAT) involved in triglyceride synthesis. Importantly, short-term daily administration of recombinant CTRP3 to DIO mice for 5 days was sufficient to improve the fatty liver phenotype, evident as reduced hepatic triglyceride content and expression of triglyceride synthesis genes. Consistent with a direct effect on liver cells, recombinant CTRP3 treatment reduced fatty acid synthesis and neutral lipid accumulation in cultured rat H4IIE hepatocytes. Together, these results establish a novel role for CTRP3 hormone in regulating hepatic lipid metabolism and highlight its protective function and therapeutic potential in attenuating hepatic steatosis.
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Effect of Obesity and Exercise on the Expression of the Novel Myokines, Myonectin and Fibronectin Type III Domain Containing 5Peterson, Jonathan M., Mart, Ryan, Bond, Cherie E. 30 September 2014 (has links)
Metabolic dysfunction in skeletal muscle is a major contributor to the development of type 2 diabetes. Endurance exercise training has long been established as an effective means to directly restore skeletal muscle glucose and lipid uptake and metabolism. However, in addition to the direct effects of skeletal muscle on glucose and lipids, there is renewed interest in the ability of skeletal muscle to coordinate metabolic activity of other tissues, such as adipose tissue and liver. The purpose of this study was to examine the effects of endurance exercise on the expression level of two novel muscle-derived secreted factors, or myokines, Myonectin and Fibronectin type III domain containing 5 (FNDC5), the precursor for Irisin.
Methods. We performed immunoblot analysis and quantitative real-time PCR analysis of Myonectin and FNDC5 in the diaphragm muscles of obese Zucker rat (OZR) and lean Zucker rat (LZR) with 9 weeks of aerobic training on a motorized treadmill.
Results. We show that myonectin gene expression is increased in the OZR model of obesity and decreases with exercise in both lean and obese Zucker rats. Conversely, myonectin protein concentration was elevated with exercise. Similarly, FNDC5 mRNA levels are significantly higher in the OZR, however exercise training had no effect on the expression level of FNDC5 in either the LZR or OZR. We did not observe any difference in muscle protein content of Irisin with obesity or exercise.
Conclusion. Our data shows that exercise training does not increase either FNDC5 or myonectin gene expression, indicating that increased transcriptional regulation of these myokines is not induced by exercise. However, our data also indicates a yet to be explored disconnect between myonectin gene expression and protein content. Further, this report highlights the importance of verifying reference genes when completing gene expression analysis. We found that many commonly used reference genes varied significantly by obesity and/or exercise and would have skewed the results of this study if used to normalize gene expression data. The unstable reference genes include: beta-Actin, beta-2-microglobulin, Non-POU domain containing, octamer-binding, Peptidylprolyl isomerase H, 18S ribosomal RNA, TATA box binding protein and Transferrin receptor.
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National Trend in Hospitalization Cost for In-patient Single Vessel Percutaneous Coronary Intervention in Patients with and without Diabetes Mellitus in the United States: An Analysis from Nationwide Inpatient Sample from 2006-2011Panchal, Hemang B., Zheng, Shimin, Abusara, Ashraf, Mogusu, Eunice, Paul, Timir K. 29 October 2016 (has links)
No description available.
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Elucidating novel aspects of hypothalamic releasing hormone receptor regulationDromey, Jasmin Rachel January 2008 (has links)
[Truncated abstract] G-protein coupled receptors (GPCRs) form one of the largest superfamilies of cell-surface receptors and respond to a vast range of stimuli including light, hormones and neurotransmitters. Although structurally similar, GPCRs are regulated by many diverse proteins, which allow the specific functions of each receptor to be carried out. This thesis focussed on two well-documented GPCRs, the thyrotropin releasing hormone receptor (TRHR) and gonadotrophin-releasing hormone receptor (GnRHR), which control the thyroid and reproductive endocrine pathways respectively. Although each of these anterior pituitary receptors is responsible for distinct physiological responses, both are integral to normal development and homeostasis. This thesis focused on three areas of GPCR regulation: ?-arrestin recruitment, transcription factor regulation and receptor up-regulation. The role of the cytoplasmic protein, ?-arrestin, has perhaps been previously underestimated in GPCR regulation, but it is now increasingly apparent that ?-arrestins not only inhibit further G-protein activation and assist in GPCR internalisation but also act as complex scaffolding platforms to mediate and amplify downstream signalling networks for hours after initial GPCR activation. It is therefore becoming increasingly important to be able to monitor such complexes in live cells over longer time-frames. ... Members of the E2F transcription family have been previously identified by this laboratory as potential GnRHR interacting proteins, via a yeast-2-hybrid screen and BRET. This thesis further investigated the role of E2F family members and demonstrates that a range of GPCRs are able to activate E2F transcriptional activity when stimulated by agonist. However, despite GnRHR displaying robust E2F transcriptional activation upon agonist stimulation, this did not result in any conclusive evidence for functional regulation, although it is possible E2F may modulate and assist in GnRHR trafficking. Furthermore it is apparent that E2F family members are highly redundant, as small effects in GnRHR binding and cell growth were only observed when protein levels of both E2F4 and E2F5 were altered. During the course of the investigation into the effect of E2F transcription on GPCR function, it was evident that long-term agonist stimulation of GnRHR had a profound effect on its expression. As this was explored further, it became clear that this agonist-induced up-regulation was both dose- and time-dependent. Furthermore, altering levels of intracellular calcium and receptor recycling/synthesis could modulate GnRHR up-regulation. In addition, an extremely sensitive CCD camera has been used for the first time to visualise the luciferase activity attributed to GnRHR up-regulation. Overall, this thesis demonstrates the complex nature of GPCR regulation. For the first time, long-term BRET analysis on ?-arrestin interactions with both classes of GPCRs has been examined in a variety of cellular formats. This has given valuable insights into the roles of phosphorylation and internalisation on ?-arrestin interaction. Additionally, this thesis has revealed that prolonged agonist exposure increases receptor expression levels, which has major implications for drug therapy regimes in the treatment of endocrine-related disorders and tumours.
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Genetic and nutritional studies to elucidate the role of adipose tissue in the pathogenesis of metabolic syndromeKalupahana, Nishan Sudheera 01 August 2011 (has links)
Obesity is a major health problem in the United States and worldwide. It increases the risk for type-2 diabetes and cardiovascular diseases. A chronic low-grade inflammation occurring in white adipose tissue (WAT) is causally linked to the development of insulin resistance (IR), metabolic syndrome and obesity-associated chronic diseases. The aim of this dissertation research was to elucidate the WAT function in metabolic syndrome using genetic (overexpression of an adipose pro-inflammatory hormone, angiotensinogen) and nutritional manipulations/approaches (caloric restriction and omega-3 fatty acids), with specific emphasis on the role of inflammation.
Previous research indicates that WAT renin-angiotensin system (RAS) is overactivated in obesity. However, its role in the pathogenesis of IR is hitherto unknown. Using mice overexpressing angiotensinogen (Agt), the only precursor for the hypertensive hormone angiotensin (Ang) II, in WAT, we showed that adipose-specific RAS overactivation leads to systemic IR. This is at least in part due to Ang II, NADPH oxidase and NF-kB-dependent increases in WAT inflammation.
Caloric restriction is the main dietary intervention to treat obesity-associated metabolic disorders. While most health agencies recommend a low-fat diet, energy-restricted high-fat diets (HFR) are also claimed to be effective in this regard. Here, we show that weight loss due to HFR is accompanied by improvements of IR but only partial resolution of WAT inflammation. Further, this diet negatively impacted the adipokine profile supporting the current recommendations for low-fat diets.
Dietary interventions targeted at reducing WAT inflammation have not been explored in detail. Eicosapentaenoic acid (EPA) is an omega-3 polyunsaturated fatty acid of marine origin with anti-inflammatory properties. We show that EPA is able to both prevent and reverse high-fat diet-induced IR and hepatic steatosis via modulation of WAT inflammation.
In conclusion, primary changes occurring in WAT, such as overexpression of Agt, can lead to WAT inflammation and systemic IR. Moreover, nutritional interventions targeting at reducing adiposity (caloric restriction) and inflammation (EPA) can both lead to improvements in systemic IR. Our findings support the current recommendation of low-fat diets for improvement in metabolic profile and show that dietary modulation of WAT function can be used to improve metabolic derangements in obesity.
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Impacto de un programa educativo para el paciente con síndrome de Cushing: Estudio MulticéntricoMartínez Momblán, Mª Antonia 04 March 2013 (has links)
INTRODUCCIÓN: El síndrome de Cushing (SC) representa una de esas enfermedades endocrinas raras, está caracterizada por una hipersecreción de cortisol; está causada por un tumor en la hipófisis (enfermedad de Cushing), o más raramente por un tumor adrenal o ectópico. La principal causa de morbilidad y mortalidad en el SC es la enfermedad cardiovascular, incluso si los pacientes han sido tratados de manera eficaz (es decir, se ha controlado el hipercortisolismo). A pesar de las múltiples complicaciones que pueden sufrir los pacientes con SC y de la presencia de numerosos factores de riesgo cardiovascular (obesidad central, diabetes, cardiopatía isquémica, hipertensión, dislipemia, etc.) potencialmente peligrosos, no existen en la actualidad programas educativos que den respuesta a este déficit formativo. Para el paciente con SC no existe hasta ahora una atención integral que permita afrontar la complejidad de esta enfermedad y conseguir una mejora de la Calidad de Vida, la disminución en la morbi-mortalidad, el aumento del confort, bienestar y autonomía en el autocuidado Dicho aspecto permite que enfermería se situé en primera línea de actuación frente a la educación en este grupo de pacientes, a través de la elaboración y el fomento de instrumentos educativos específicos que mejoren la Calidad de vida de estos pacientes. OBJETIVOS GENERALES: Evaluar la efectividad de las sesiones educativas para los pacientes con Síndrome de Cushing operados y con seguimiento ambulatorio en el HSCSP y Hospital Clínico de Barcelona, en términos de calidad de vida, indicadores de evaluación clínica, nivel de dolor y actividad física, patrones de descanso y consumo de recursos sanitarios (seguimiento realizado entre 2010 y 2011). DISEÑO,ÁMBITO Y SUJETOS DE ESTUDIO: Se realizo un ensayo clínico Multicentrico, prospectivo, con asignación aleatoria y estratificada por centros. El ámbito de estudio se desarrollo en dos centros de referencia de Cataluña donde atienden a pacientes afectados de Síndrome de Cushing (SC), uno es el Hospital de la Santa Creu i Sant Pau (HSCSP) y el Hospital Clínico de Barcelona. La muestra final fue de 61 pacientes RECOGIDA Y ANÁLISIS DATOS: La recogida de datos se realizo a través de la Historia Clínica del paciente y analizamos variables sociodemográficas, antropométricas, analíticas y clínicas y relacionadas con el SC a lo largo de todas las sesiones educativa. Así mismo se pasaran cuestionarios al inicio y al finalizar las sesiones educativas y fueron: Calidad CushingQoL, Cuestionario Internacional Physical Activity Questionnaire (IPAQ), Cuestionario Oviedo del sueño (COS), Fagerström Test for Nicotina Dependence (FTND), Cuestionario del dolor Español (CDE), Test Diagnóstico para la Disfunción Eréctil (IIDE 5), Cuestionario sobre la función sexual femenina (Spanish versión of FSFI) , Cuestionario breve perfil de la función sexual en la mujer (B-PFSF) y Cuestionario de hábitos de vida relacionados con el sobrepeso y obesidad. RESULTADOS: Se presentan mejorías significativas en el grupo intervención con respecto al grupo control en : nivel de dolor (p=0,0525), mejoría de la actividad física (p=0,0072) y hábitos de vida (p<0,0001). Así mismo se confirma asociaciones del CushingQoL con : CushingQoL basal-final (p=0,0085), mejoría del dolor (p=0,053), actividad física (p=0,0068) y nivel de descanso o sueño (p=0,0098).CONCLUSIONES: Las sesiones educativas interrumpen el deterioro de la calidad de vida, aumenta la actividad física moderada y vigoroso, favorece la adherencia al tratamiento analgésico provocando una disminución del dolor, mejora en los patrones de descanso y una disminución de los recursos consumidos en el grupo intervención. / INTRODUCTION: Cushing's syndrome (CS) is one of those rare endocrine diseases, is characterized by hypersecretion of cortisol, is caused by a pituitary tumor (Cushing's disease), or more rarely by an adrenal tumor or ectopic. The main cause of morbidity and mortality in the SC is cardiovascular disease, even if patients have been treated effectively (ie, has controlled the hypercortisolism). Despite the many complications that patients may suffer SC and the presence of several cardiovascular risk factors (central obesity, diabetes, ischemic heart disease, hypertension, dyslipidemia, etc.). Potentially dangerous, there are currently no educational programs respond to this educational deficit. For the patient with SC so far no comprehensive care that will address the complexity of this disease and achieve an improved quality of life, decreased morbidity and mortality, increased comfort, convenience and independence in self-care Said aspect allows nursing site frontline action against education in this group of patients, through the development and promotion of specific educational tools that improve the quality of life of these patients. OBJECTIVES: To assess the effectiveness of the educational sessions for patients with Cushing's syndrome and operated outpatient follow the HSCSP and Hospital Clinic of Barcelona, in terms of quality of life, clinical evaluation indicators, level of pain and physical activity, patterns of rest and use of health resources (monitoring conducted between 2010 and 2011). DESIGN, STUDY SCOPE AND SUBJECTS: We performed a multicenter, prospective, randomized, stratified by center. The field study was conducted in two reference centers in Catalonia where care for patients suffering from Cushing's syndrome (CS), one is the Hospital de la Santa Creu i Sant Pau (HSCSP) and the Hospital Clinic of Barcelona. The final sample of 61 patients DATA COLLECTION AND ANALYSIS: Data collection was performed through the patient's history and analyze sociodemographic, anthropometric, laboratory, and clinical and related SC over all educational sessions. So pass same questionnaires at the beginning and end of the educational sessions and were CushingQoL Quality, Questionnaire International Physical Activity Questionnaire (IPAQ), Oviedo Sleep Questionnaire (COS), Fagerström Test for Nicotine Dependence (FTND), Spanish Pain Questionnaire (CDE) Diagnostic Test for Erectile Dysfunction (IIEF 5), Questionnaire on female sexual function (Spanish version of FSFI) Questionnaire brief profile of female sexual function (B-PFSF) and lifestyle questionnaire related overweight and obesity. RESULTS: We present significant improvements in the intervention group compared to control group: pain level (p = 0.0525), improvement in physical activity (p = 0.0072) and lifestyle (p<0.0001). Also confirmed CushingQoL associations with: CushingQoL basal-end (p = 0.0085), improvement in pain (p = 0.053), physical activity (p = 0.0068) and level of rest or sleep (p = 0, 0098). CONCLUSIONS: The educational sessions disrupt the deteriorating quality of life, increasing moderate and vigorous physical activity, promotes adherence analgesic causing a decrease in pain, improved rest patterns and a decrease in the resources consumed in the intervention group.
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Regulation of elements of the thyroid hormone and corticosteroid systems by stress, hormone treatment, and atrazine during ontogeny of red drum (Sciaenops ocellatus)Applebaum, Scott Lee, 1974- 31 August 2012 (has links)
Survival of teleost larvae requires growth and development which depend upon endocrine processes. In this dissertation I have examined the ontogeny of elements of the thyroid hormone (TH) and corticosteroid (CS) systems in red drum (Sciaenops ocellatus). Basal cortisol production was first detected 3 days post-hatch (DPH) and a cortisol stress response was present from 6 DPH forward. Changes in steroidogenic enzyme mRNA (CYP11B and CYP21) levels did not correlate with these events. The time necessary to reach peak cortisol levels as well as return to basal levels declined as larvae developed. A second set of studies examined ontogenetic patterns in levels of mRNAs encoding thyroid (soTR[alpha] and soTR[beta]) and corticosteroid (soGR) hormone receptors and assessed the regulation of these mRNAs by exogenous triiodothyronine (T3) and cortisol. soTR[alpha], soTR[beta] and soGR were expressed in all stages of red drum examined. soTR[alpha] levels increased during the time when surging TH levels have been reported. soTR[beta] levels did not differ significantly during development. soGR levels were strongly correlated with those of soTR[alpha]. T3 up-regulated soTR[alpha] and soTR[beta] levels in 7 DPH, but not older larvae. Cross-regulation of receptor mRNAs by exogenous treatment with T3 or cortisol was not observed. Finally, I assessed the influence of a common herbicide, atrazine, on receptor mRNA, TH levels and growth of red drum. In two experiments, red drum exposed to environmentally relevant levels of atrazine did not alter hormone receptor mRNA levels, or TH content. However, atrazine did depress growth in some instances. In conclusion, the expression patterns of hormone receptor mRNA in embryos suggests receptor proteins could be activated by maternal hormones prior to the onset of endogenous hormone production. A correlation between soTR[alpha] and soGR mRNA levels suggests coordinated function of TH and CS systems, although regulatory interactions between these systems were not evident under the conditions in this study. Patterns in soTR[alpha] and soTR[beta] mRNA levels support an important role for TH in the larval to juvenile transformation of red drum larvae. The results also support growing evidence indicating atrazine exposure effects larval growth and may impact their survival in the wild. / text
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Costs of mate-guarding in wild male long-tailed macaques (Macaca fascicularis)Girard-Buttoz, Cédric 28 October 2013 (has links)
In vielen promisken Paarungssystemen konkurrieren die Männchen einer Gruppe um den Zugang zu fertilen Weibchen. Um es Rivalen zu erschweren, haben sie verschiedene Paarungstaktiken entwickelt. Eine von Vertebraten und Invertebraten oft genutzte Strategie ist das „mate-guarding“. Hier bewacht ein hochrangiges Männchen das fertile Weibchen indem es ständig in dessen Nähe bleibt, wodurch es den Zugang der anderen Männchen stark minimiert. Durch diese Monopolisierung des Weibchens erhöht ein Männchen seinen Reproduktionserfolg und damit zusätzlich die Wahrscheinlichkeit der Vaterschaft. Diese für das Männchen gewinnbringende Strategie birgt jedoch auch energetische Kosten. Solche negativen Verknüpfungen zwischen Kosten und Gewinn, sogenannte „trade-offs“, beeinflussen den Fortpflanzungserfolg ebenso wie die Körperkondition und die Überlebenschance eines Männchens. Haben solche Kosten beispielsweise eine Verschlechterung der körperlichen Verfassung zur Folge, kann sich das negativ auf die Fähigkeiten der Männchen, ein Weibchen zu monopolisieren, auswirken und damit den Vaterschaftserfolg der Männchen mindern. Die mit solch einer Paarungstaktik wie dem „mate-guarding“ einhergehenden Kosten könnten sich auch auf die Entstehung von Strategien zur Partnerwahl bei den Männchen auswirken: Männchen sollten ihre Energie vor allem auf die Reproduktion mit den fittesten Weibchen aufwenden. Um die grundlegenden Faktoren der Partnerwahl sowie die Verteilung des Reproduktionserfolges unter den Männchen („reproductive skew“) besser zu verstehen, müssen die bei der Monopolisierung des Weibchens entstehenden Kosten quantifiziert werden.
Primaten sind ein interessantes Taxa um diese Fragen zu untersuchen, da viele Arten in stabilen Mehr-Männchen-Gruppen leben und „mate-guarding“ eine vorteilhafte Taktik ist, die oft von hochrangigen Männchen angewandt wird. Allerdings haben sich bisherige Studien an Primaten auf die Quantifizierung der Futterkosten beschränkt und die Ergebnisse sind bisher sehr widersprüchlich. Unser Verständnis dieser Kosten wird weiterhin durch das Fehlen eines zuverlässigen, nicht-invasiven physiologischen Markers, der den energetischen Zustand von Nicht-Menschenaffen misst, beeinträchtigt.
Das Hauptziel dieser Arbeit war es daher, die Kosten des „mate-guarding“ in einer Primatenart, die in Mehr-Männchen-Gruppen lebt wie die Javaneraffen (Macaca fascicularis), zu quantifizieren. Bisherige Ergebnisse zeigen, dass die Alpha-Männchen dieser Primatenart ihre Weibchen weniger monopolisieren als das „Priority of Access-Model“ vorhersagt. Der Monopolisierungserfolg scheint demnach durch die Kosten, die den Männchen durch das „mate-guarding“ entstehen, limitiert zu sein. In Studie 1 der vorliegenden Arbeit habe ich die Eignung von Urin C-Peptiden (UCP, ein Nebenprodukt der Insulinproduktion), als Marker für den Energiestatus von Makakenmännchen, evaluiert. In Studie 2 und 3 quantifizierte ich die energetischen, physiologischen und physischen (z.B. Aggression) Kosten des „mate-guardings“. In der vierten Studie untersuchte ich den Einfluss der Qualität der Weibchen auf die Kosten der des „mate-guardings“ und die Investition der Männchen in dieses Verhalten.
Als erstes betrachtete ich den Zusammenhang zwischen den UCP Werten und Indikatoren für den Zustand der körperlichen Verfassung bei frei- und in Gefangenschaft lebender Makaken, um UCP als zuverlässigen Marker für Energiestatus (Studie 1) zu validieren. Die UCP Level waren positiv korreliert mit dem BMI (Body-Mass-Index) sowie mit dem Fettgehalt einer Hautfalte. In einem Experiment, bei dem die Futterzufuhr reduziert wurde, stellte sich heraus, dass UCP Level mit Änderungen des BMI und der geminderten Futterzufuhr kovariiert. Demzufolge ist UCP ein nützlicher Marker um nicht-invasiv intra- und interindividuelle Veränderungen der Körperkondition und des Ernährungszustandes zu ermitteln.
Für die weitere Fragestellung beobachtete ich drei freilebende Javaneraffengruppen während zwei Paarungsperioden, in Ketambe, Gunung Leuser National Park in Indonesien. Um ein möglichst umfassendes Bild der potentiellen Kosten des „mate-guarding“ bereitzustellen, kombinierte ich zum einen meine durchgeführten Verhaltensbeobachtungen der Männchen, den Aufenthalt der Männchen in den Bäumen und sexuelle Interaktionen der Männchen mit den Weibchen. Zum anderen ermittelte ich GPS-Daten der Wanderungsdistanz, non-invasive Indikatoren für physiologischen Stress (faecal glucocorticoid, fGC), den Energiestatus (UCP) und bewertete die Verfügbarkeit von Früchten. Insgesamt konnten 2088 Fokusstunden, 331 Urin- und 771 Kotproben gesammelt und analysiert werden. Zudem wurden jeden Monat 360 Fruchtbäume begutachtet.
In Studie 2 konnte ich zeigen, dass „mate-guarding“ die Parameter der Energieaufnahme und des Energieverbrauches reduziert. Dies hatte jedoch keine signifikanten Auswirkungen auf den gesamten Energiestatus (UCP Level) eines Männchens. Dieses Ergebnis weist auf ein ausbalanciertes Verhältnis von Energieaufnahme und Energieverbrauch der Männchen während des „mate-guardings“ hin.
In Studie 3 konnte ich nachweisen, dass die Männchen während des „mate-guardings“, höhere fGC Werte aufwiesen. Dieser Wert wurde jedoch durch die Zeit, die Männchen in Vigilanz investieren, moduliert. „Mate-guarding” erhöhte einerseits die Vigilanzzeit eines Männchens und andererseits auch die Aggressionsrate der Männchen. Alpha-Männchen waren das ganze Jahr über gestresster als andere Männchen, unabhängig von Paarungskonkurrenz. Dies suggeriert, dass erhöhte Glucocorticoidlevel während des „mate-guarding“ den Männchen helfen ihre energetische Homöostase aufrechtzuerhalten, jedoch könnte dies Langzeitkosten darstellen, die bei lang anhaltender Belastung zu chronischem Stress führen können. Die Kombination dieser physiologischer Kosten und dem Verletzungsrisiko, dass mit Aggressionen einhergeht, könnte die Möglichkeit eines Alphamännchens ein Weibchen zu monopolisieren minimieren und damit auch Einfluss auf die Verteilung des Reproduktionserfolges der Männchen in einer Gruppe haben.
In Studie 4 konnte ich zeigen, dass männliche Javaneraffen einige der Kosten des „mate-guarding“ reduzieren können indem sie gezielt Weibchen mit hohem reproduktiven Wert bewachen, da sie dann geringere fGC Werte haben. Darüber hinaus passten Männchen ihre Investition in „mate-guarding“ an, indem sie aufmerksamer und aggressiver waren wenn sie hochrangige Weibchen oder Weibchen mit denen sie starke Bindungen formten, bewachten. Diese Ergebnisse bestätigen, dass Männchen nicht nur hochwertige Weibchen auswählen, sondern diese auch länger und besser monopolisieren.
In meiner Arbeit konnte ich die Kosten, die „mate-guarding“ für die Männchen einer Primatenart mit sich bringt, aufzeigen und hervorheben wie diese Kosten die Verteilung des Reproduktionserfolges unter den Männchen in der Gruppe beeinflusst. Auf Grundlage meiner Ergebnisse schlage ich vor, dass männliche Javaneraffen eine „unvollständige Weibchenmonopolisierungs-Strategie“ entwickelt haben, bei der sie die Kosten des „mate-guarding“ reduzieren indem sie Weibchen selektiv nach deren Reproduktionsqualität wählen und Weibchen mit geringerer Qualität weniger gründlich monopolisieren. Diese unvollständige Weibchenmonopolisierung könnte eine entscheidende Komponente des Energiemanagements von Alphamännchen sein, die ihnen erlaubt ganzjährig adäquat auf versuchte Rangübernahmen zu reagieren und somit ihre Amtszeit zu verlängern und die damit einhergehenden Fitnessvorteile zu erhalten.
Beim Vergleich meiner Ergebnisse mit anderen Säugetier-Taxa, diskutiere ich in meiner Arbeit weiterhin die Beziehung zwischen den Kosten des „mate-guarding“ und der Verteilung des Reproduktionserfolges der Männchen in der Gruppe, die durch 1) reproduktive Saisonalität, 2) Energie-Management-Strategien der Männchen, 3) Errungenschaft eines hohen Ranges in der Gruppe und 4) der Sozialstruktur, moduliert sein kann. Zukünftige Studien, die die Kosten der Paarungstaktiken der Männchen untersuchen, sollten die Komplexität des Reproduktionsaufwandes, den Männchen investieren, bedenken. Diese Investitionen scheinen nicht ausschließlich auf die reproduktive Phase im Jahr beschränkt zu sein, sondern können sich über das ganze Jahr verteilen und spiegeln sich in Form der Konkurrenz zwischen Männchen in Bezug auf Rangstatus und sozialen Interaktionen wider.
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Hormones and dendritic cells influences on the initiation of the autoimmune disease experimental autoimmune encephalomyelitis /Papenfuss, Tracey L. January 2007 (has links)
Thesis (Ph. D.)--Ohio State University, 2007. / Full text release at OhioLINK's ETD Center delayed at author's request
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Avaliação do climatério nas mulheres com deficiência isolada do hormônio de crescimento em Itabaianinha-SEMenezes, Menilson 28 July 2006 (has links)
Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior / The impact of isolated growth hormone deficiency (IGHD) in physiology and clinical presentation of climateric it s not known. Climateric state in normal persons, presents hormonal profile alteration, principally increase in FSH and estradiol decrease, characterizing a hypergonadotrophic and hypoestrogenic state, due to the ovarian follicular decrease. IGHD limits linear growth, but overcoat to accented diminution of insuline like growth factor (IGF1) and consequently promote alteration in muscle, bone, fat, glucosis metabolism and corporal mass index. Our objectives are evaluating intensity of climateric symptoms, hormonal alterations, and metabolic alterations and identify morbidity on this period. It was realized transversal cut study in two groups. Goup 1 with 7 persons with isolated growth hormone deficiency in Itabaianinha-SE city , homozygots to growth hormone receptor s mutation. Group 2, with 13 persons with normal growth hormone. All persons with age between 40 and
65 years old and FSH above 20mUI/ml. It was utilized clinical card, Kupperman s menopause index, blood dosage of FSH, LH, prolactin, estradiol, total cholesterol, LDL, HDL,
triglycerides and glycemia. Oncotic colpocytology and image exams like pelvic ultra-sound, mammography and mammary ultra-sound. Statistical analyses were provided by hypotheses
comparation utilizing SPSS software, version 12. To comparate variables media, T-Student, Mann-Witney and frequency test x2 was utilized, with p<0.05. Results presented
antropometric data, like weight and high, IGHD (36.41kg ± 7.29 and 117cm ± 4.08) and control (62.26kg ± 11.42 and 154.12cm ± 6.38) with p<0.05. Kupperman s menopause index
in IGHD and control groups had small intensity (13.20 ± 9.30 and 16.00 ± 10.50). In climateric symptoms proportion of insomnia in IGHD and control groups (57% and 46%)
with p=0.053. Reproductive aspects in IGHD and control groups presented, in menarche age (17 and 13 years old, with p<0.05), first sexual relationship age (28 and 19 years old, with p=0.065), gestation number (2 and 5, with p<0.05). Hormonal profile characteristic for climateric, just prolactin in IGHD and control groups (3.90ng ± 1.90 and 6.60ng ± 3.26)
p<0.05. On metabolic profile, glycemia in IGHD and control groups (105.90mg/dl ± 13.40 and 91.43mg/dl ± 13.18) with p<0.05, showing IGHD group biologically being the group
probally disglycemic. Uterus volume in IGHD and control groups (42.30cm3 ± 9.78 and 88.68cm3 ± 63.13) were normal, but IGHD group presented this volume in minumum limit of normality. In IGHD and control groups, endometrial volume (0.64cm ± 0.14 and 0.67cm ± 0.30) and ovary volume (3.13cm3 ± 1.52 and 4.00cm3 ± 2.85) had not significance.
Mammography in IGHD group 85,2% BI-RADS 1 normal breast and 61.5% in control group. Oncotic colpocytology in IGHD group presented inflammatory process 42.9% and in control
group 61.5%. Conclusion: Climateric in IGHD patients had not presented differences in clinical aspects and hormonal profile. However, morbidity in IGHD group was benign with breast cysts, vaginal inflammation, tendency to a small hypertension and disglycemia. / O impacto da deficiência isolada do hormônio de crescimento na fisiologia e na apresentação clínica do climatério não é conhecido. O climatério em indivíduos normais apresenta alteração do perfil hormonal, principalmente elevação do FSH e diminuição do estradiol, caracterizando um estado hipergonadotrófico e hipoestrogênico, decorrência da diminuição folicular ovariana. A deficiência isolada do hormônio de crescimento tem como pressuposto a limitação do crescimento linear, mas, sobretudo leva diminuição acentuada do fator de crescimento semelhantes à insulina (IGFI) e como conseqüência promove alteração no metabolismo muscular, ósseo, da gordura, do hidrato de carbono e do índice de massa
corpórea. O nosso objetivo é avaliar a intensidade da sintomatologia do climatério, as alterações hormonais, metabólicas e identificar morbidade própria deste período. Foi
realizado um estudo de corte transversal em dois grupos. O grupo 1 com 7 indivíduos com deficiência isolada do hormônio de crescimento da cidade de Itabaianinha-SE, homozigotos
para mutação do receptor do hormônio de crescimento (GHRH-R) e o grupo 2 com 13 indivíduos com GH normal. Todos com idade dos 40 aos 65 anos e FSH acima de 20mUI/ml.
Foram utilizados ficha clínica, índice de menopausa de Kupperman, dosagem sérica de FSH, LH, Prolactina, estradiol, colesterol total, LDL, HDL, triglicerídeos e glicemia.
Colpocitologia oncótica e exames de imagem como ultra-sonografia pélvica, mamografia e ultra-som mamário. Análise estatística através de teste de comparação de hipóteses utilizando programa estatístico SPSS versão 12. Para comparação das medias das variáveis, T-Student,
Mann-Whitney e teste de freqüência x2. O valor do p<0,05 foi estatisticamente significante. Os resultados apresentaram os dados antropométricos, como peso e altura, DIGH (36,41 kg
±7,29 e 117 cm ± 4,08) e controle (62,26kg ± 11,42 e 154,12 cm ± 6,38) com p<0,05 e a pressão sistólica foi discretamente elevada no DIGH e controle (131,43 ± 19,52 e 129,23 ± 12,56) embora não significante. Índice de Kupperman no grupo DIGH e controle (13,20 ± 9,30 e 16,00 ± 10,50) intensidade leve. Nos sintomas climatéricos a proporção insônia nos grupos DIGH e controle (57% e 46%) com p = 0,053. Os aspectos reprodutivos no grupo
DIGH e controle apresentaram a idade da menarca (17 anos e 13 anos com p < 0,05), a idade da primeira relação sexual (28 anos e 19 anos com p = 0,065), número de gestação (2 e 5
gestações com p<0,05), número de parto (2 e 5 partos com p<0,05). O perfil hormonal típico do climatério, apenas a prolactina nos grupos DIGH e controle (3,90 ng ± 1,90 e 6,60 ng ± 3,26) p<0,05 foi significante. No perfil metabólico a glicemia nos grupos DIGH e controle (105,90mg/dl ± 13,40 e 91,43mg/dl ± 13,18) com p<0,05, sendo o grupo DIGH parcialmente disglicêmico. O volume do útero no grupo DIGH e controle (42,30 cm³± 9,78 e 88,68 cm³± 63,13) embora volume normais, o grupo DIGH apresentou volume no limite inferior de normalidade com p<0.05. No grupo DIGH e controle o volume endometrial (0,64 cm ± 014 e 0,67cm ± 0,30) e o volume dos ovários (3,13 cm³± 1,52 e 4,00 cm³± 2,85) não foram significativos. A mamografia no grupo DIGH 85,2% BI-RADS 1 mamas normais e no grupo controle foi de 69,24%. A colpocitologia oncótica no grupo DIGH apresentou processo
inflamatório 42,9% e no grupo controle 61,5%. Conclusão: o climatério de portadoras de DIGH não apresentou diferenças nos aspectos clínicos e no perfil hormonal. Entretanto, a
morbidade no grupo DIGH foi de caráter benigno como cisto mamário, vaginite, tendência à hipertensão leve e disglicemia.
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