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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Deep brain stimulation : effects on swallowing function in Parkinson's disease

Kulneff, Linda, Sundstedt, Stina, Olofsson, Katarina, van Doorn, Jan, Linder, Jan, Nordh, Erik, Blomstedt, Patric January 2013 (has links)
Objective: In patients with Parkinson’s disease (PD), deep brainstimulation of the subthalamic nucleus (STN DBS) is well recognizedin improving limb function, but the outcome on swallowing functionhas rarely been studied. The aim of this work was to evaluate theeffect of STN DBS on pharyngeal swallowing function in patientswith PD using self-estimation and fiberoptic endoscopic evaluation ofswallowing. Methods: Eleven patients (aged 41–72, median 61 years)were evaluated preoperatively and at 6 and 12 months after STN DBSsurgery. All patients were evaluated with self-estimation on a visualanalogue scale, and eight of them with a fiberoptic endoscopicexamination with a predefined swallowing protocol includingRosenbek’s Penetration-Aspiration Scale, Secretion Severity Scale,preswallow spillage, pharyngeal residue, and pharyngeal clearance. Results: The self-assessments of swallowing function revealed asubjective improvement with STN DBS stimulation, whereas the datafrom the swallowing protocol did not show any significant effect ofthe STN DBS treatment itself. The prevalence of aspiration was notaffected by the surgery. Conclusions: The results show thatswallowing function was not negatively affected by STN DBS and therisk of aspiration did not increase. Self-estimation of swallowingfunction showed a subjective improvement due to stimulation / Speech, voice and swallowing outcomes after deep brain stimulation (DBS)

The effect of topical antifibrinolytics and a novel chitosan gel on haemostasis and wound healing in endoscopic sinus surgery.

Athanasiadis, Theodore January 2009 (has links)
Introduction: Endoscopic sinus surgery (ESS) is at present the gold standard therapeutic modality for chronic rhinosinusitis (CRS) resistant to medical therapy. Whilst results from ESS for CRS are generally good, postoperative bleeding and impaired wound healing with adhesion formation remains a concern. Due to patient discomfort and the detrimental effects on wound healing caused by most packing materials, many surgeons no longer routinely use nasal packing. Surgeons have in the past sought agents which would provide post-operative haemostasis without detrimentally affecting wound healing. Antifibrinolytics have been available for many years, however, their topical application has only been explored in the last few years. Recently different forms of chitosan have separately shown significant promise as powerful haemostatic and anti-adhesion agents. The aim of this thesis was to explore the progressive understanding of the interaction between haemostasis and wound healing with possible development of a novel agent. Methods: The first step to scientifically assess bleeding after sinus surgery was to develop a standardised method of video endoscopy and grading the surgical field during ESS. This was done as a multinational collaborative trial. Once this assessment tool was validated a randomised controlled trial evaluating the effect of two antifibrinolytics (epsilon aminocaproic acid and tranexamic acid) was conducted. Further evaluation was then conducted on other possible hemostatic and antiadhesion substances. This included various combinations of a novel chitosan gel. These gels were trialled in vitro to determine their effect on human nasal fibroblasts derived from CRS patients. Fibroblast adhesion and proliferation as well as closure of standardised wounds were studied. The most promising of these gels was then used in an in vivo sheep model. Once effectiveness of the chitosan-dextran gel was shown in the laboratory, this was evaluated against a number of currently available hemostatic and anti-adhesion substances in a standardised model of wound healing in sheep with CRS. This model had been previously extensively validated in our department. Full thickness mucosal injuries were created on the lateral nasal wall and ethmoids of twenty sheep and recombinant tissue factor (rTF), SprayGel or Chitosan-Dextran derivative gel applied topically in a randomized fashion. Adhesion formation and severity as well as microscopic wound healing and ciliary function were analysed at day 28, 56, 84 and 112 post initial surgery. A further sheep study was conducted applying chitosan dextran gel to standardised mucosal injuries and comparing its effect on the control of bleeding to control. Bleeding time and grade were recorded and wound healing monitored via serial videoendoscopy over two weeks and objectively measured. Results: a) Assessment of the bleeding scales showed that inter and intra observer reliability for both scales tested were significantly improved by employing a standardized video-endoscopy technique. The Wormald scale proved to be more reliable and sensitive to changes in the most common surgical fields encountered in ESS. b) Tranexamic acid showed a modest but clinically significant improvement in the surgical field at 2, 4 and 6 minutes after application. Epsilon aminocaproic acid did not effectively improve the surgical field. c) Nasal fibroblast adhesion and proliferation were significantly impaired with dextran and chitosan. The most effective ratio that delayed but did not prevent wound closure were 5 % chitosan: 5 % dextran gel. d) In a standardised sheep model of mucosal wound healing the chitosan gel significantly decreased lateral nasal wall and ethmoidal adhesions at all time points. The chitosan group had a significantly greater percentage of re-epithelialisation and reciliation than control and rTF. In addition the mean cilial grade in the chitosan group was significantly better than control. e) The chitosan dextran gel was significantly more haemostatic at 2,4, and 6 minutes after injury with no significant difference noted in wound healing. Conclusions: Standardised methods of videoendoscopy and grading the surgical field in ESS are valuable tools for further research. Tranexamic acid significantly improved the surgical field to a moderate degree in ESS compared to control. Chitosan gel is a promising new powerful haemostatic bio-polymer which has a mild inhibitory effect on fibroblast attachment and proliferation. This may partially explain the significant improvement in microscopic wound healing and reduction in adhesion formation seen in a sheep model of chronic sinusitis. Future work evaluating this gel in the setting of a human trial is currently underway. / http://proxy.library.adelaide.edu.au/login?url= http://library.adelaide.edu.au/cgi-bin/Pwebrecon.cgi?BBID=1375402 / Thesis (Ph.D.) -- University of Adelaide, School of Medicine, 2009

O papel da turbinectomia inferiorparcial endoscópica narinosseptoplastia : um ensaio clínico randomizado com avaliação de qualidade de vida

Moura, Bianca Hocevar de January 2017 (has links)
Objetivos: Avaliar o papel da turbinectomia inferior parcial endoscópica (TIPE) na rinosseptoplastia primária sobre os desfechos de qualidade de vida, complicações e tempo cirúrgico. Delineamento: Ensaio clínico pragmático, randomizado, duplo-cego em um centro único e de grupos paralelos. Métodos: Indivíduos maiores de 16 anos, com queixas estéticas e obstrução nasal, candidatos à rinosseptoplastia primária, avaliados entre março de 2014 e maio de 2015, em um Hospital Terciário Universitário no Brasil. Pacientes elegíveis foram randomizados para receberem ou não TIPE concomitantemente à cirurgia. Desfechos: Diferença absoluta dos escores pré e pós-operatórios em qualidade de vida específica, pela aplicação dos questionários Nasal Obstruction Symptom Evaluation Portuguese (NOSE-p) e Rhinoplasty Outcome Evaluation (ROE), e geral, através de aplicação do World Health Organization Quality of Life (WHOQOL)-breve. Os desfechos eram cegados e acessados somente três meses após a cirurgia. O protocolo foi registrado no ClinicalTrials.gov (NCT02231216). Resultados: 50 pacientes foram incluídos, maioria caucasiana com rinite alérgica com sintomas moderados a severos. A média de idade foi 36 (±14,5) anos. Os escores de qualidade de vida específicos e gerais melhoraram independentemente da intervenção TIPE (p < 0,001). ANCOVA foi aplicada para controlar potenciais fatores confundidores. Não houve divergência entre a diferença absoluta nos pacientes submetidos ou não a TIPE nos escores NOSE-p (-50,5 vs. -47,6; p=0,723); ROE (47 vs. 44,8; p= 0,742) e todos os domínios do WHOQOL-breve (p > 0,05). Não houve diferença entre os grupos sobre a presença de complicações. O tempo cirúrgico foi maior no grupo TIPE (212 minutos ± 7,8 vs. 159,1 ± 5,6; p ˂ 0,001). Conclusão: A redução das conchas inferiores através da TIPE durante a rinosseptoplastia primária não melhorou, em curto prazo, a qualidade de vida geral nem específica. O uso de TIPE aumenta o tempo cirúrgico consideravelmente, sem adicionar benefício aos escores avaliados. Não houve diferença na incidência de complicações no pós-operatório, sugerindo a segurança da técnica. / Objectives/Hypothesis: To evaluate the impact of endoscopic partial inferior turbinectomy (EPIT) associated with primary Rhinoseptoplasty on quality of life outcomes (QOL), complications, and surgical duration. Study Design: Randomized clinical trial. Methods: Individuals with nasal obstruction aged ≥ 16 years who were candidates for functional and aesthetics primary Rhinoseptoplasty were evaluated from March 2014 through May 2015 at a tertiary university hospital in Brazil. Eligible participants were randomly allocated to rhinoseptoplasty with or without EPIT. Outcomes: Absolute change (postoperative –preoperative) in the following QOL scores: Nasal Obstruction Symptom Evaluation-Portuguese (NOSE-p), Rhinoplasty Outcome Evaluation (ROE) and World Health Organization Quality of Life (WHOQOL)-bref (to measure general QOL). Outcomes were blindly assessed 3 months postoperatively. The protocol was registered at ClinicalTrials.gov (NCT02231216). Results: Fifty patients were studied. Most were Caucasian and had moderate/severe allergic rhinitis symptoms. Mean age was 36 (±14.5) years. Rhinoseptoplasty was associated with improvement in all QOL scores irrespective of turbinate intervention (P <0.001). ANCOVA was conducted to control for potential confounders. There was no difference between the groups in absolute score changes for NOSE-p (-50.5 vs. -47.6; P=0.723); ROE (47 vs. 44.8; P = 0,742), and all WHOQOL-bref score domains (P >0.05). There were no differences between the groups regarding presence of the complications. Surgical duration was higher in the EPIT group (212 minutes ± 7.8 vs. 159.1 ± 5.6; p ˂ 0.001). Conclusions: Turbinate reduction through EPIT during primary rhinoseptoplasty did not improve short-term general and specific QOL outcomes. The use of EPIT increases surgical time considerably without improving QOL scores. There was no difference in postoperative incidence of complications, suggesting that EPIT is a safe technique.

Influência da dupla tarefa na deglutição de pacientes portadores da doença de Parkinson

Ardenghi, Luciana Grolli January 2016 (has links)
Introdução: A disfagia está frequentemente assoaciada com a DP e pode levar a desidratação, perda de peso, pneumonia aspirativa, redução da qualidade de vida severa e até mesmo óbito. Apesar desses dados, os mecanismos subjacentes e a interferência de tarefas simultâneas na deglutição permanecem incertos, principalmente na população com DP que, conhecidamente, apresenta dificuldades em realizar movimentos simultâneos. Objetivo: O objetivo deste trabalho foi avaliar a interferência da dupla tarefa na biomecânica da deglutição na DP, avaliada por meio de videonasoendoscopia funcional da deglutição e videofluoroscopia da deglutição (VFD). Método: Este estudo foi dividido em dois experimentos. No primeiro experimento dez participantes com DP foram testados enquanto realizavam a deglutição e uma dupla tarefa manual por meio de VFD. Na condição de dupla tarefa, os participantes deglutiram 5ml de alimento pastoso durante oposição de polegares sequencial e não sequencial. Para o segundo estudo, avaliamos por meio de FEES, 19 pacientes pareados por sexo, idade e escolaridade com controles saudáveis (HC). A dupla tarefa empregada foi deglutir 3ml e 5ml de pastoso durante a performance de oposição de polegares não sequencial. Resultados: Os resultados mostraram efeitos funcionais significativos na segurança da deglutição entre o desempenho da tarefa isolada e na dupla tarefa por meio da VFD e FEES. Não houve correlação entre o desempenho nas testagens cognitivas e estágio da doença medido através de UPDRS (Unified Parkinson’s disease rating scale) para a MBSS e H&Y (Hoehn & Yahr) para FEES. Esses achados revelam que a avaliação e terapia necessitam de atenção e manejo considerando tarefas que podem ser competitivas para a deglutição e consequentemente comprometer a sua segurança. / Introduction: Dysphagia is often associated with PD and may lead to dehydration, weight loss, aspiration pneumonia, severely reduced quality of life and even death. Despite these data, the underlying mechanisms and the interference of simultaneous tasks on swallowing remain uncertain, especially in people with PD who known to be presents difficulties in performing simultaneous movements. Objective: The aim of this study was to evaluate the interference of the dual task in the biomechanics of swallowing in PD evaluated using Fiberoptic Endoscopic Evaluation of Swallowing (FEES) and modified barium swallowing study (MBSS). Methods: This study was divided in two protocols. In the first experiment ten participants with PD were tested while performing swallowing and a hand dual task under MBSS. In dual task condition, participants swallowed 5ml of pudding barium during the sequential and non-sequential finger tapping. For the second study, we evaluated under FEES, 19 PD patients matched for sex, age and education with healthy controls (HC). The duasl task employed was swallowing 3ml and 5 ml of pudding while performing non- sequential finger tapping. Results showed significant functional effects to swallowing safety between single and dual-task performance under MBSS and FEES. There was no correlation between performance on cognitive tests, and stage of the disease as measured by UPDRS (Unified Parkinson’s disease rating scale) for MBSS and H&Y (Hoehn & Yahr) to FEES and swallowing. These findings reveal that assessment and therapy need attention and management considering tasks that can be competitive for swallowing and therefore compromise their safety.

O papel da turbinectomia inferiorparcial endoscópica narinosseptoplastia : um ensaio clínico randomizado com avaliação de qualidade de vida

Moura, Bianca Hocevar de January 2017 (has links)
Objetivos: Avaliar o papel da turbinectomia inferior parcial endoscópica (TIPE) na rinosseptoplastia primária sobre os desfechos de qualidade de vida, complicações e tempo cirúrgico. Delineamento: Ensaio clínico pragmático, randomizado, duplo-cego em um centro único e de grupos paralelos. Métodos: Indivíduos maiores de 16 anos, com queixas estéticas e obstrução nasal, candidatos à rinosseptoplastia primária, avaliados entre março de 2014 e maio de 2015, em um Hospital Terciário Universitário no Brasil. Pacientes elegíveis foram randomizados para receberem ou não TIPE concomitantemente à cirurgia. Desfechos: Diferença absoluta dos escores pré e pós-operatórios em qualidade de vida específica, pela aplicação dos questionários Nasal Obstruction Symptom Evaluation Portuguese (NOSE-p) e Rhinoplasty Outcome Evaluation (ROE), e geral, através de aplicação do World Health Organization Quality of Life (WHOQOL)-breve. Os desfechos eram cegados e acessados somente três meses após a cirurgia. O protocolo foi registrado no ClinicalTrials.gov (NCT02231216). Resultados: 50 pacientes foram incluídos, maioria caucasiana com rinite alérgica com sintomas moderados a severos. A média de idade foi 36 (±14,5) anos. Os escores de qualidade de vida específicos e gerais melhoraram independentemente da intervenção TIPE (p < 0,001). ANCOVA foi aplicada para controlar potenciais fatores confundidores. Não houve divergência entre a diferença absoluta nos pacientes submetidos ou não a TIPE nos escores NOSE-p (-50,5 vs. -47,6; p=0,723); ROE (47 vs. 44,8; p= 0,742) e todos os domínios do WHOQOL-breve (p > 0,05). Não houve diferença entre os grupos sobre a presença de complicações. O tempo cirúrgico foi maior no grupo TIPE (212 minutos ± 7,8 vs. 159,1 ± 5,6; p ˂ 0,001). Conclusão: A redução das conchas inferiores através da TIPE durante a rinosseptoplastia primária não melhorou, em curto prazo, a qualidade de vida geral nem específica. O uso de TIPE aumenta o tempo cirúrgico consideravelmente, sem adicionar benefício aos escores avaliados. Não houve diferença na incidência de complicações no pós-operatório, sugerindo a segurança da técnica. / Objectives/Hypothesis: To evaluate the impact of endoscopic partial inferior turbinectomy (EPIT) associated with primary Rhinoseptoplasty on quality of life outcomes (QOL), complications, and surgical duration. Study Design: Randomized clinical trial. Methods: Individuals with nasal obstruction aged ≥ 16 years who were candidates for functional and aesthetics primary Rhinoseptoplasty were evaluated from March 2014 through May 2015 at a tertiary university hospital in Brazil. Eligible participants were randomly allocated to rhinoseptoplasty with or without EPIT. Outcomes: Absolute change (postoperative –preoperative) in the following QOL scores: Nasal Obstruction Symptom Evaluation-Portuguese (NOSE-p), Rhinoplasty Outcome Evaluation (ROE) and World Health Organization Quality of Life (WHOQOL)-bref (to measure general QOL). Outcomes were blindly assessed 3 months postoperatively. The protocol was registered at ClinicalTrials.gov (NCT02231216). Results: Fifty patients were studied. Most were Caucasian and had moderate/severe allergic rhinitis symptoms. Mean age was 36 (±14.5) years. Rhinoseptoplasty was associated with improvement in all QOL scores irrespective of turbinate intervention (P <0.001). ANCOVA was conducted to control for potential confounders. There was no difference between the groups in absolute score changes for NOSE-p (-50.5 vs. -47.6; P=0.723); ROE (47 vs. 44.8; P = 0,742), and all WHOQOL-bref score domains (P >0.05). There were no differences between the groups regarding presence of the complications. Surgical duration was higher in the EPIT group (212 minutes ± 7.8 vs. 159.1 ± 5.6; p ˂ 0.001). Conclusions: Turbinate reduction through EPIT during primary rhinoseptoplasty did not improve short-term general and specific QOL outcomes. The use of EPIT increases surgical time considerably without improving QOL scores. There was no difference in postoperative incidence of complications, suggesting that EPIT is a safe technique.

ATT LEVA UTAN ATT KUNNA ÄTA : Hur det kan upplevas att vara beroende av enteral nutrition

Machacny, Jessica, Uutela, Ina January 2018 (has links)
Background: Enteral nutrition is artificial nutrition, which is delivered via a tube to the gastrointestinal tract when the ability to eat is reduced. Previous research shows that both relatives and nurses think that enteral nutrition can enable continued life, but they also emphasize that it can limit everyday life. According to nurses, good knowledge about enteral nutrition and how it should be administered is needed to provide adequate care to patients. Relatives can get bad conscience if they go to social events by themselves when the family member refrain because the events often include meals. Enteral nutrition can take up the relatives everyday life and it can lead to that their previous lifestyle change and less time for themselves and their own hobbies. Aim: To describe women's experiences of being dependent on enteral nutrition. Method: A qualitative, manifest content analysis with an inductive approach. Result: It was found that well-being could be experienced and that support and good relationships were important in everyday life. The women´s relationship to food could change and they could experience limitations in everyday life and suffering. Conclusion: It was found that a joy of life could be experienced, simultaneously it was a challenge to live with enteral nutrition. / Bakgrund: Enteral nutrition är konstgjord näring som tillförs via en sond till mag-tarmkanalen när förmågan att äta blivit nedsatt. Tidigare forskning visar att både anhöriga och sjuksköterskor anser att enteral nutrition kan möjliggöra fortsatt liv, dock framhäver de att den kan begränsa vardagen. Enligt sjuksköterskor kan det behövas goda kunskaper om enteral nutrition och hur den ska administreras för att kunna ge patienter adekvat vård. Anhöriga kan få dåligt samvete om de går själva till sociala evenemang när familjemedlemmen avstår på grund av att de ofta innefattar måltider. De anhörigas tidigare livsstil kan förändras och det kan leda till mindre tid till sig själva och sina fritidsintressen, då dagarna planeras utefter enterala nutritionen. Syfte: Att beskriva kvinnors erfarenheter av att vara beroende av enteral nutrition. Metod: En kvalitativ manifest innehållsanalys. Resultat: Det framkom i resultatet att ett välbefinnande kunde upplevas och att stöd och goda relationer var viktiga i vardagen för kvinnorna. Kvinnorna fick en förändrad relation till mat och de kunde uppleva begränsningar i vardagen och ett lidande. Slutsats: Det konstaterades att livsglädje kunde upplevas, samtidigt som det var en prövning att leva med enteral nutrition.

Influência da dupla tarefa na deglutição de pacientes portadores da doença de Parkinson

Ardenghi, Luciana Grolli January 2016 (has links)
Introdução: A disfagia está frequentemente assoaciada com a DP e pode levar a desidratação, perda de peso, pneumonia aspirativa, redução da qualidade de vida severa e até mesmo óbito. Apesar desses dados, os mecanismos subjacentes e a interferência de tarefas simultâneas na deglutição permanecem incertos, principalmente na população com DP que, conhecidamente, apresenta dificuldades em realizar movimentos simultâneos. Objetivo: O objetivo deste trabalho foi avaliar a interferência da dupla tarefa na biomecânica da deglutição na DP, avaliada por meio de videonasoendoscopia funcional da deglutição e videofluoroscopia da deglutição (VFD). Método: Este estudo foi dividido em dois experimentos. No primeiro experimento dez participantes com DP foram testados enquanto realizavam a deglutição e uma dupla tarefa manual por meio de VFD. Na condição de dupla tarefa, os participantes deglutiram 5ml de alimento pastoso durante oposição de polegares sequencial e não sequencial. Para o segundo estudo, avaliamos por meio de FEES, 19 pacientes pareados por sexo, idade e escolaridade com controles saudáveis (HC). A dupla tarefa empregada foi deglutir 3ml e 5ml de pastoso durante a performance de oposição de polegares não sequencial. Resultados: Os resultados mostraram efeitos funcionais significativos na segurança da deglutição entre o desempenho da tarefa isolada e na dupla tarefa por meio da VFD e FEES. Não houve correlação entre o desempenho nas testagens cognitivas e estágio da doença medido através de UPDRS (Unified Parkinson’s disease rating scale) para a MBSS e H&Y (Hoehn & Yahr) para FEES. Esses achados revelam que a avaliação e terapia necessitam de atenção e manejo considerando tarefas que podem ser competitivas para a deglutição e consequentemente comprometer a sua segurança. / Introduction: Dysphagia is often associated with PD and may lead to dehydration, weight loss, aspiration pneumonia, severely reduced quality of life and even death. Despite these data, the underlying mechanisms and the interference of simultaneous tasks on swallowing remain uncertain, especially in people with PD who known to be presents difficulties in performing simultaneous movements. Objective: The aim of this study was to evaluate the interference of the dual task in the biomechanics of swallowing in PD evaluated using Fiberoptic Endoscopic Evaluation of Swallowing (FEES) and modified barium swallowing study (MBSS). Methods: This study was divided in two protocols. In the first experiment ten participants with PD were tested while performing swallowing and a hand dual task under MBSS. In dual task condition, participants swallowed 5ml of pudding barium during the sequential and non-sequential finger tapping. For the second study, we evaluated under FEES, 19 PD patients matched for sex, age and education with healthy controls (HC). The duasl task employed was swallowing 3ml and 5 ml of pudding while performing non- sequential finger tapping. Results showed significant functional effects to swallowing safety between single and dual-task performance under MBSS and FEES. There was no correlation between performance on cognitive tests, and stage of the disease as measured by UPDRS (Unified Parkinson’s disease rating scale) for MBSS and H&Y (Hoehn & Yahr) to FEES and swallowing. These findings reveal that assessment and therapy need attention and management considering tasks that can be competitive for swallowing and therefore compromise their safety.

Contribuição da drenagem ecoguiada à paliação endoscópica da obstrução biliar maligna / Contribution of echoguided drainage in the endoscopic palliation of malignant biliary obstruction

Jonas Takada 27 September 2012 (has links)
Introdução: a maioria dos pacientes com neoplasia maligna da via biliar são diagnosticados em fase avançada. A drenagem biliar ecoguiada é uma alternativa às técnicas de drenagem percutânea trans-hepática e cirúrgicas na ocasião de falha do acesso convencional por colangiografia retrógrada endoscópica (CPRE). Objetivo: avaliar a eficácia e segurança da drenagem biliar ecoguiada em pacientes com obstrução biliar maligna e falha da CPRE. Analisar as complicações e qualidade de vida. Métodos: no período de abril de 2010 a setembro de 2011, 32 pacientes portadores de neoplasia maligna avançada da via biliar foram tratados no Serviço de Endoscopia Gastrointestinal do Hospital das Clínicas da Faculdade de Medicina da Universidade de São Paulo. Todos os pacientes apresentavam quadro clínico de icterícia obstrutiva e falha na drenagem da via biliar pela CPRE. O tratamento preconizado foi a drenagem da via biliar pela técnica ecoguiada, sob controle radiológico. Dos 32 pacientes, três foram excluídos devido à falha do procedimento ecoguiado. Vinte e nove (90,62%) pacientes foram submetidos a drenagem biliar ecoguiada, avaliações clínica, laboratorial e de qualidade de vida. Na avaliação clínica foram observados a evolução dos sinais e sintomas, e complicações relacionadas ao procedimento. Na avaliação laboratorial, foram analisados os níveis de bilirrubina total, gama-glutamil-transferase, fosfatase alcalina e número de leucócitos. A qualidade de vida foi avaliada pelo questionário SF-36. Resultados: dos 32 pacientes,3 (9,4%) foram excluídos devido a falha técnica. O sucesso técnico foi de 90.6% (29/32) e o clínico de 100% (29/29). Em relação aos dados gerais endossonográficos, verificou-se metástase à distância em 6 (18,75%) e invasão do eixo mesentero-portal em 26 (81,25%) pacientes. O diâmetro da via biliar extra-hepática apresentou mediana de 23,45 mm (20 - 30 mm) e da intra-hepática foi de 17,54 mm (10 - 24 mm). A invasão duodenal ocorreu em 10 (31,25%) pacientes e prótese metálica foi posicionada em 7 (21,85%) casos. A coledocoduodenostomia ecoguiada foi o procedimento mais frequente (58,62%). Complicações ocorreram em 6 (18,75%) casos. Verificou-se uma queda significativa dos níveis de bilirubina (p <0,001) e os pacientes obtiveram melhora significativa da qualidade de vida após o procedimento (p<0,05). A sobrevida média foi de 90 dias. Conclusão: a drenagem biliar ecoguiada foi um procedimento eficaz e seguro, com taxa de complicações aceitável, proporcionando melhora significativa na qualidade de vida dos pacientes / Introduction: most of patients with malignant neoplasia of the biliary tract are diagnosed at an advanced stage. Echoguided biliary drainage is an alternative to percutaneous transhepatic and surgical drainage techniques at the time of failure of conventional access by endoscopic retrograde cholangiography (ERCP). Objective: to evaluate the efficacy and safety of echoguided biliary drainage in patients with malignant biliary obstruction and failure of ERCP. To evaluate the complications and quality of life. Methods: from April 2010 to September 2011, 32 patients with advanced malignant biliary tract disease were treated at the Gastrointestinal Endoscopy Service, Clinics Hospital, Faculty of Medicine, University of Sao Paulo. All patients had a clinical picture of obstructive jaundice and failure in the drainage of the biliary tract by ERCP. Treatment was based on echoguided biliary drainage technique under radiological control. Of the 32 patients, three were excluded due to failure of the echoguided procedure. Twenty-nine (90.62%) patients underwent echoguided biliary drainage, clinical, laboratory and quality of life evaluation. In the clinical evaluation were assessed the evolution of signs and symptoms, and procedure-related complications. In laboratory tests, we assessed the levels of total bilirubin, gamma glutamyl transferase, alkaline phosphatase and number of leukocytes. The quality of life was assessed by SF-36 questionary. Results: of 32 patients, three (9.4%) were excluded due to technical failure. Technical success was 90.6% (29/32) and clinical 100% (29/29). In relation to the general endosonographic data, there was distant metastasis in 6 (18.75%) and invasion of the mesenteric-portal axis in 26 (81.25%) patients. The diameter of extrahepatic biliary tree was 23.45 mm (20 - 30mm) and intrahepatic was 17.54mm(10 - 24mm). The duodenal invasion occurred in 10 (31.25%) and metallic prosthesis was positioned in 7 (21.85) cases. Echoguided choledochoduodenostomy was the most common procedure (58.62%). Complications occurred in 6 (18.75%) cases. There was a significant decrease in bilirubin levels (p <0.001) and patients had significant improvement in quality of life after the procedure (p < 0.05). The median survival was 90 days. Conclusion: echoguided biliary drainage was effective and safe procedure with acceptable complication rates, providing significant improvement in quality of life of patients

Módulo fotônico para terapia fotodinâmica (PDT) em cápsulas endoscópicas / Photonic module for photodynamic therapy (PDT) in endoscopic capsules

Rodrigo Henrique Gounella 28 June 2018 (has links)
A cápsula endoscópica é um instrumento revolucionário, que permite a realização de um exame livre de desconfortos para o paciente e possibilitou a técnica de endoscopia chegar a partes do sistema gastrointestinal que antes não era possível, como grande parte do intestino delgado. Este trabalho apresenta um módulo fotônico para realizar Terapia Fotodinâmica (PDT, Photodynamic Therapy) em cápsulas endoscópicas. A PDT é uma forma de tratamento para lesões que envolve a administração prévia de um medicamento fotossensível (PS, Photosensitizer) e posterior ativação com irradiação de luz em um comprimento de onda (&#955;) específico. Geralmente para a ativação do PS utiliza-se &#955; na região vermelha do espectro visível, pois a penetração nos tecidos é elevada. Células de adenocarcinoma gástrico humano (AGS, Adenocarcinoma Gastric of Stomach) foram preparadas com ácido 5-aminolevulínico (5-ALA) que é um Pró-fármaco precursor do agente fotossensível Protoporfirina IX (PpIX) com máximo de absorção nos 635 nm. Para realizar a irradiação com luz vermelha nas células, 16 LEDs do modelo LRQ396-P1Q2-1 da Osram Opto Semiconductors com dimensões muito reduzidas foram selecionados, caracterizados, montados em uma PCB (Printed Circuit Board) e alimentados por um Arduino Mega 2560. Este sistema de iluminação foi eficaz em seu propósito e causou morte celular nas células submetidas ao tratamento com o ALA em uma concentração de 2 milimol por litro e dose de luz em 5 Joules por centímetro quadrado que resulta em uma exposição de 49 minutos. Com o objetivo de se construir um módulo para controle de iluminação em cápsulas endoscópicas, foi desenvolvido em tecnologia CMOS 0.7 &#956;m da ON Semiconductor um dispositivo capaz de controlar a intensidade dos LEDs utilizando PWM (Pulse Width Modulation). Unindo este componente com os LEDs selecionados é perfeitamente possível construir o módulo e inseri-lo CEs para realizar PDT em locais do trato gastrointestinal (GI) não acessíveis pela endoscopia convencional. / The endoscopic capsule is a revolutionary instrument that gives a free examination of discomforts for patient and allows the endoscopic technique to reach parts of the gastrointestinal system that were previously not possible, such as a large part of the small intestine. This work presents a photonic module to perform Photodynamic Therapy (PDT) in endoscopic capsules. PDT is a form of treatment for injuries involving prior administration of a photosensitive drug (PS, Photosensitizer) and subsequent activation with light irradiation at a specific wavelength (&#955;). Usually for PS activation, &#955; is used in the red region of the visible spectrum, because the tissue penetration is high. Human gastric adenocarcinoma cells (AGS) were prepared with 5-aminolevulinic Acid (5-ALA) which is a Pro-drug precursor of the photosensitive agent Protoporphyrin IX (PpIX) with maximum absorption at 635 nm. To perform red light irradiation on the cells, 16 LEDs, model LRQ396-P1Q2-1 of the Osram Opto Semiconductors with very small dimensions were selected, characterized, mounted on a PCB (Printed Circuit Board) and powered by an Arduino Mega 2560. This system was effective in its purpose and caused cell death in cells treated with ALA at a concentration of 2 mMol/L and dose of light at 5 J/cm² resulting in a 49 minutes exposure. With the objective of build a module for control of lighting in endoscopic capsules, a device able to controlling the intensity of the LEDs using PWM (Pulse Width Modulation) was developed in CMOS technology 0.7 &#956;m of the ON Semiconductor. Combining this component with the selected LEDs, it is perfectly possible to construct the module and insert in CEs to perform PDT at sites of the gastrointestinal tract (GI) not accessible by conventional endoscopy.

Avaliação do risco de metástases linfonodais no adenocarcinoma gástrico precoce que integra critérios expandidos de ressecção endoscópica em pacientes submetidos a gastrectomia / Risk assessment of lymph node metastases in early gastric adenocarcinoma fullfilling expanded endoscopic resection criteria in patients undergoing gastrectomy

Fernanda Cristina Simões Pessorrusso 18 June 2018 (has links)
INTRODUÇÃO: O adenocarcinoma gástrico precoce (AGP) atinge até a camada submucosa em profundidade, independentemente da presença de metástases linfonodais (MLF). Tumores mucosos, bem diferenciados, menores que 20 mm e sem ulceração são candidatos à ressecção endoscópica (RE) por mucosectomia com taxas de MLF praticamente nulas. Com o advento da técnica de dissecção endoscópica da submucosa (ESD) e após observar ausência de MLF em grande série de pacientes no Japão, foi sugerido que os critérios clássicos pudessem ser expandidos, evitando a gastrectomia em alguns pacientes. Em países ocidentais autores e sociedades têm visto com restrição a ESD para critérios expandidos devido à observação de MLF em alguns subgrupos. A análise crítica e validação dos critérios expandidos de RE para tratamento do AGP em coorte brasileira poderá indicar os pacientes com menor risco de metástases linfonodais nesta população, de modo a individualizar o tratamento com excelência e qualidade de vida. OBJETIVO: Avaliar a presença MLF em produtos de gastrectomia com linfadenectomia de pacientes elegíveis à ressecção endoscópica seguindo os critérios clássicos e expandidos. MÉTODO: Inclusão de pacientes com AGP submetidos a tratamento cirúrgico com dissecção linfonodal. Estadiamento linfonodal e avaliação de características clínicas, macroscópicas e histopatológicas segundo critérios de RE. RESULTADOS: Foram incluídos 389 espécimens cirúrgicos de gastrectomia, dentre os quais 135 cumpriam critérios para ressecção endoscópica. Nenhum dos 31 pacientes com critérios clássicos apresentou MLF (N = 31; 0% IC95% 0 - 13,4%). Dos 104 com critérios expandidos, 3 apresentaram MLF (N = 104; 2,9% IC95% 0,7 - 8,6%), todos pertencentes ao grupo de tumores indiferenciados sem ulceração e menores que 20 mm. Dos pacientes com indicação de tratamento cirúrgico houve 50 MLF positivos (N = 254; 19,7% IC95% 15,3 - 25,1%). CONCLUSÃO: Existe risco mínimo de metástases linfonodais quando adotados os critérios expandidos de RE. Este risco é praticamente nulo para os critérios clássicos e quando se exclui o tumor indiferenciado do critério expandido / INTRODUCTION: Early gastric cancer (EGC) is known to present low rate of lymph nodal metastasis (LNM). Gastrectomy with D2 lymphadenectomy is usually curative for EGC. Endoscopic submucosal dissection (ESD) is a well-accepted treatment modality for lesions that meet the classic criteria, a well-differentiated adenocarcinoma measuring less than 20 mm size and without ulceration. Expanded criteria for ESD have been recently proposed, based on null LNM rate from large gastrectomies series coming from Japan. The expanded criteria for ESD are as follows: intramucosal non-ulcerative well-differentiated tumor > 20 mm, intramucosal ulc mo <= 30 mm, intramucosal non-ulcera mo <= 20 mm, or superficially submucosal ( m1) mo <= 30 mm. There is some resistance to adoption of the expanded criteria, since patients with positive LNM have already been reported in western centers. OBJECTIVE: Evaluate LNM staging in patients who met the expanded endoscopic treatment criteria for ESD. METHOD: Evaluation of gastrectomy specimens including LNM staging of patients submitted to gastrectomy for EGC in a 39-year retrospective cohort. A senior pathologist reviewed the histology slides. RESULTS: A total of 389 surgical specimens were included, of whose 135 met criteria for endoscopic resection. None of the 31 patients with classic criteria had LNM. Of the 104 patients with expanded criteria, 3 had LNM (n = 104, 2.9% CI 95% 0.7 - 8.6%), all of them with undifferentiated tumors without ulceration and less than 20 mm. In the patients with surgical criteria there were 50 LNM positive (n = 254; 19.7% CI 95% 15.3 - 25.1%). CONCLUSION: There is minimal risk of LNM in EGC when expanded criteria for ESD are met. This risk is practically nil for the classic criteria and when the undifferentiated tumor is excluded of the expanded criteria. Refinement of the expanded criteria for the risk of LNM may be desirable. Meanwhile the decision to complement the endoscopic treatment with LNM dissection or D2 gastrectomy will have to take into consideration the individual risk of perioperative morbidity and mortality

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