Spelling suggestions: "subject:"conergy system"" "subject:"coenergy system""
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Sustainable energy management for a small rural subdivision in New Zealand : a thesis presented in fulfilment of the requirements for the degree of Master of Technology in Energy Management, Massey University, Palmerston North, New ZealandArmstrong, Amanda S. January 2009 (has links)
An eight-lot residential subdivision in central Wairarapa is being developed to demonstrate the principles of sustainable resource management. Local energy sources for low and high grade use, including electricity sourced from proposed grid-integrated, on-site, distributed generation will supplement imported network electricity. A unique component is an internal loop grid for lot connection that interfaces with the local network through a single connection point. A decision model was designed as a decision-support tool for the development based on the annual supply-demand electrical energy balance, site infrastructure covenants and a range of economic and technology criteria. Solar and wind resources were assessed for potential supply of electricity to the community energy system. Three demand profiles were developed using supplied and estimated electrical demand data; and included assumptions on thermal performance of the houses, the use of low-grade heat, user behaviour, and appliance use. Supply and demand were analysed as daily average profiles by hour for each month of the year. The decision model outputs were designed to give a graphic view of the system options. The accompanying output datasets also enabled a number of scenarios for connection configurations, load management, and economic sensitivity to be explored for their impact on the communal approach to managing energy. The viability of the community energy system is significantly influenced by managing demand level in conjunction with system size, capital cost management, and tariffs for electricity import and export. Energy requirements could be best met in the short term by installing a site-wide mixed generation system of sized capacity between 5 and 11kW, supported by metering and information technology to deliver management data to the residents. Future research opportunities exist to continue monitoring technical, economic and social outcomes from this unique community development. Incentivising private investment in userfocussed energy innovations is an option for New Zealand to consider in the current climate of market-driven large scale electricity developments.
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Aptidão física, ações técnicas e respostas fisiológicas durante a luta de judô / Physical fitness, technical actions and physiological responses during judo matchUrsula Ferreira Julio 24 September 2015 (has links)
Considerando que a duração do combate de judô pode variar entre poucos segundos até um período superior a 5 min, a caracterização da demanda fisiológica do combate na sua duração regulamentar e fracionada, assim como a relação dessas respostas com o nível de aptidão aeróbia e anaeróbia dos atletas é relevante para o aperfeiçoamento dos métodos de treinamento. Assim, o objetivo do presente estudo foi analisar a aptidão física, ações técnicas e respostas fisiológicas durante a luta de judô com diferentes durações. Para tanto, 12 atletas de judô foram submetidos a 10 sessões de avaliação. Nas duas primeiras sessões foram realizados quatro testes físicos para caracterização da aptidão aeróbia e anaeróbia dos membros superiores e inferiores. Nas demais sessões, os atletas foram submetidos a 15 combates simulados de judô (3 condições x 5 durações - 1, 2, 3, 4 e 5 min) com o mesmo oponente, em ordem aleatória e vendados quanto à duração do combate. Em uma das condições, os atletas simularam um combate real. Na segunda condição, os atletas lutaram usando um analisador de gases para mensurar o consumo de oxigênio, para a estimativa da contribuição dos sistemas de transferência de energia. Nessa condição foram impostas algumas adaptações de movimento. Para verificar se o uso do analisador de gases modificou as respostas obtidas, na terceira condição, os atletas lutaram com as mesmas adaptações, porém não usaram o equipamento. Em cada sessão foram conduzidos dois combates, intercalados por 60 min de recuperação. Foram quantificadas as respostas fisiológicas, perceptivas, de desempenho, de estrutura temporal e ações técnicas em todos combates. A comparação das variáveis dependentes foi realizada com uma análise de modelos mistos para medidas repetidas, seguida do post hoc de Bonferroni. As associações entre a aptidão aeróbia e anaeróbia com as variáveis do combate foram verificadas por meio da correlação de Pearson. Para todas as comparações pareadas significantes foi calculado o tamanho do efeito (d de Cohen). Em todas as análises foi adotado 5% como nível de significância. Os principais resultados demonstraram aumento da contribuição aeróbia com concomitante redução da contribuição dos sistemas anaeróbios com o transcorrer do combate, sendo a contribuição aeróbia superior à contribuição dos sistemas anaeróbios a partir do primeiro min de combate. O sistema anaeróbio lático contribuiu com a menor proporção do custo energético do combate de judô. As taxas de incremento das respostas fisiológicas e perceptivas por min de combate foram reduzidas com o transcorrer do combate, sendo as principais modificações observadas no início do combate, sugerindo que os atletas podem apresentar estratégia para modular seus esforços. Com o transcorrer do combate observou-se manutenção do tempo médio de esforço e ações aplicadas, porém houve aumento do tempo médio dos períodos de pausa. Após a realização do combate observou-se declínio da resistência muscular dinâmica dos membros superiores, manutenção da força isométrica máxima de preensão manual e melhora da potência muscular dos membros inferiores. As variáveis de aptidão aeróbia e anaeróbia relacionaram-se com menor queda do desempenho, maior taxa de golpes de perna e maior tempo médio de combate. Assim, observou-se predominância do sistema aeróbio para suprir a energia necessária para a realização do combate de judô. Além disso, maiores níveis de aptidão aeróbia e anaeróbia estão associados positivamente com o desempenho durante a luta / Considering that judo combat can last from a few seconds to up to more than 5 minutes, characterization of the physiological demands of combat in different time frames, and the relationship of these responses to an athlete\'s level of aerobic and anaerobic fitness is relevant to improving training methods. Thus, the objective of the present study was to describe the physiological demands of judo combat. Twelve judo athletes performed 10 experimental sessions. In the first and second sessions, four physical tests to characterize the aerobic and anaerobic fitness of the upper and lower limbs were performed. In the other sessions, the athletes performed 15 judo combat (involving 3 conditions x 5 durations of time: 1, 2, 3, 4 and 5 minutes) randomly determined, against the same opponent, on different days and blinded for time duration. In one condition, the athletes simulated actual combat. In the second condition, the athletes fought while using a gas analyzer to measure oxygen consumption in order to estimate the contribution of the energy systems. In this condition some motion adjustments were imposed. To verify if the use of the gas analyzer modified the responses obtained, in the third condition the athletes fought with the same adjustments, but did not use the equipment. These combat periods were divided into 8 sessions with two different conditions, separated by an interval of 60 minutes. The physiological, perceptual, performance, time-motion, and technical action responses were quantified in all matches. The comparison of the dependent variables was performed with an analysis of mixed models for repeated measures, followed by a post hoc Bonferroni. The associations between aerobic and anaerobic fitness to combat variables were verified using Pearson\'s correlation. For all significant pairwise comparisons the effect size (d Cohen) was calculated. A 5% level of significance was adopted for all analyses. The main results showed an increase in aerobic contribution with a concomitant reduction of the anaerobic contribution in the course of combat, given that the aerobic contribution was greater than the anaerobic contribution from the first minute of combat. The lactic anaerobic system contributed to the smaller proportion of energy cost in judo combat. The increment in rate of the physiological and perceptual responses per minute of combat decreased throughout the course of the combat, with the highest changes occurring at the beginning of combat, which suggest that judo athletes seem to modulate their effort. In the course of combat, maintenance of the average time of effort and actions occurred, but there was an increase in the average time of pause. After the combat, a decline in the dynamic strength endurance of the upper limbs was observed, while maximal isometric handgrip strength was maintained, and improvement of muscle power in the lower limbs was noted. The aerobic and anaerobic fitness variables were associated with lower fall performance, higher rate of leg attacks and a higher average time of standing combat. Thus, a predominance of the aerobic system in supplying the energy needed for the realization of judo combat was observed. In addition, higher levels of aerobic and anaerobic fitness are positively associated with performance during the combat
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Penser nos futurs modes de vie dans les démarches de prospective énergétique : proposition d’une approche par la modélisation / Investigating long-term lifestyle changes into energy foresight studies : a modelling approachLe Gallic, Thomas 21 December 2017 (has links)
Le mode de vie des pays industrialisés, basé sur le consumérisme, est considéré comme l’un des principaux moteurs de l’usage de ressources et de la dégradation de l’environnement global. Sa substitution par d’autres modes de vie constitue l’une des clés pour bâtir un futur soutenable, d’autant qu’il tend à être imité dans les pays émergents et en développement. Pourtant, la question de la transition des modes de vie a été jusqu’à présent relativement peu investie par les politiques publiques, y compris par celles qui visent à répondre aux enjeux de la transition énergétique et de l’atténuation du changement climatique. C’est dans le but d’encourager les parties prenantes de ces enjeux à se saisir de cette question que nos recherches ont été initiées. Pour cela, nous avons choisi de nous concentrer sur la démarche prospective, qui est l’un des outils d’aide à la décision privilégiés pour éclairer les politiques de l’énergie et du changement climatique dont les enjeux portent sur les moyen et long termes. Nous avons constaté que la question était jusqu’à présent très partiellement abordée dans la plupart des exercices de prospective énergie-climat. Ce constat tient en partie au fait que, alors que la pratique actuelle accorde une place importante à la modélisation, le formalisme des modèles utilisés n’a bien souvent pas été pensé pour traiter de cette notion multidimensionnelle. Dans ce contexte, notre contribution porte sur les plans conceptuel et méthodologique. Nous avons dans un premier temps défini un cadre conceptuel pour aborder la notion de mode de vie et clarifier son rôle dans le système énergétique. Dans un second temps, nous avons proposé une approche par la modélisation destinée à simuler des scénarios d’évolution des modes de vie à l’échelle de la France. Cette approche formelle, dont le développement a constitué le cœur de nos recherches, permet de quantifier la demande en logements, la demande en mobilité et la demande en biens et services qui résultent de ces scénarios et définissent la structure des usages de l’énergie. La mise en œuvre de cette approche est illustrée dans ce manuscrit par la simulation de trois scénarios d’évolution des modes de vie. / Consumerist lifestyles in industrialized countries are considered one of the main drivers of global resource use and environment degradation. Changes in these lifestyles are therefore one of the keys to achieving a sustainable future, especially as these lifestyles also tend to be pursued by some economic classes in developing countries. Yet the lifestyles issue has only marginally been considered in public policies until now, including the ones that aimed to address the challenges of energy transition and climate change mitigation. Our research was initiated in order to encourage all parties engaging with these challenges to take into account our future lifestyles in this context. To this aim, we focused on the prospective approach. It is indeed one of the tools and processes that is most commonly used to support decision-makers on the long-term challenges raised by energy transition and tackling climate change. We found that most foresight studies did not go in depth while addressing the issue of lifestyles, especially the model-based studies. Indeed, the models generally used in these studies are not thought out to allow for proper consideration of this multidimensional issue. To answer for this, we propose a conceptual framework that allows proper understanding of the lifestyle concept and clarifies its role in the energy system. As a core contribution, we developed a modelling approach to simulate lifestyle-change scenarios for France. This formal approach allows us to quantify the demands for housing, mobility, goods and services that arises in these scenarios and defines the structure of energy uses. Three scenarios for lifestyle changes are considered in this manuscript to demonstrate implementations of the proposed approach.
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Développement de méthodes intelligentes pour la gestion énergétique des bâtiments, utilisant des capteurs sans fils / Development of the wireless microsensors for building energy management systemsNguyen, Nhat Hai 11 July 2011 (has links)
L’utilisation des charges de manière active et intelligente et leur gestion optimale sont parmiles préoccupations majeures des gestionnaires, des fournisseurs, des commercialisateurs et desconsommateurs d’énergie, et constitue l’un de axes privilégies du projet smart-grid.L’objectif de cette thèse est de développer et réaliser un système de pilotage des charges desbâtiments résidentiels ou tertiaires en temps réel en utilisant des réseaux de capteurs sans fil. Lesméthodes de gestion de charge ont été développées afin de minimiser les pics de consommation,maintenir le confort thermique et minimiser le coût global de consommation. Une conception dusystème de gestion des charges en temps réel sans fil a été proposée avec la communicationstandardisée ZigBee. Des démonstrateurs basés sur la régulation adaptative des chauffages et desclimatisations d’une part et sur une méthode de délestage doux pour des cuisinières d’autre part ontété développés. Le prototype du système proposé a été réalisé et testé lors de campagnes demesures sur un appartement expérimental afin de montrer l’intérêt et les performances des méthodesproposées. Le système développé permet d’éviter l’utilisation des modèles prédictifs qui sont trèsdifficiles à identifier et à reconfigurer en cas d’ajout de nouveaux appareils électriques dans lesbâtiments contrôlés. / Load management in an active and intelligent way is one of the major concerns of distributionsystems operators, suppliers and consumers of energy, particularly in the context of the smart-gridproject.The aim of this thesis is to develop and implement a real-time energy management systembased on wireless sensor networks in buildings (residential and tertiary sector). The methods of loadmanagement have been developed to minimize peak demand, maintain thermal comfort, andminimize the cost of consumption. A concept of real-time load management using a wireless sensornetwork has been proposed, based on the ZigBee communication standard. Demonstrators ofadaptive control of heating and air conditioning and of intelligent load shedding for electrical cookershave been developed. The prototypes of the proposed systems have been built and tested on anexperimental apartment to demonstrate the usefulness and effectiveness of these methods. Thedeveloped system allows to avoid the use of predictive models that are very difficult to identify andself-reconfigure when new electrical devices are added in a building.
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Formação do cidadão e o sistema energético brasileiro. / The Education of the Citizen and The Brazilian Energy System.Silvia Helena Paes de Almeida de Saito 19 June 2015 (has links)
O conceito de cidadania tem evoluído ao longo dos anos, fonte e guardiã de direitos e deveres iguais para todos. Mas a atual educação básica, que poderia proporcionar o desenvolvimento de espírito crítico, não prepara o cidadão para decisões presentes no cotidiano. Nesse sentido, o presente trabalho se propõe a ressaltar a importância da aprendizagem sobre questões energéticas, em particular relacionadas à Eletricidade, em atenção ao desafio de conciliação de desenvolvimento humano à preservação ambiental, assim como a reunir informações e considerações que ampliem e qualifiquem a presença dessas questões na educação básica e na preparação de seus professores. Pressupostos educacionais humanistas conduzem uma análise de textos, projetos e recursos didáticos, seguida de um panorama dos problemas socioambientais, econômicos e do desenvolvimento do sistema energético brasileiro ao longo do tempo. A apresentação da atual e necessária interação interdisciplinar entre educação e preservação do meio ambiente fornece elementos para a elaboração de sugestões, no sentido de que recursos para educação básica e seus professores, especialmente do Ensino Médio, efetivamente equipem o jovem estudante em elementos para exercer sua cidadania. Levando em consideração essas preocupações, a análise dos recursos didáticos e o histórico da política energética orientam proposições e sugestões para a pretendida qualificação visando maior compreensão e participação do estudante e cidadão a respeito desse tema. / The citizenship concept evolved along the years, source and guardian of rights and duties equal for all. But the current basic school education, which could provide the social inclusion and the development of critical spirit, does not prepare the citizen for present decisions on a daily basis. On this sense, the current Paper proposes itself to emphasize the importance of the learning about energetic questions, in particular related to the Electricity, in attention to the challenge of conciliation of economic growth to the environmental preservation, as well as to collect information and considerations that broaden and qualify the presence of those questions in the basic school education and in the preparation of its professors. Presumed educational and humanists considerations lead to an analysis of texts, projects and learning resources, followed by an overview of the social-environmental issues, economical issues and of the development of the Brazilian energy system along the times. The presentation of the current and necessary interdisciplinary interaction between education and environmental preservation give elements for the elaboration of suggestions, in the sense of which resources for basic education and its professors, especially of the medium education, effectively equip the young student with elements to exercise his citizenship. Taking into consideration those concerns, the analysis of the learning resources and the historical ones of Energy Policy lead to propositions and suggestions for the desired qualification aiming a deeper understanding and a increased participation of the student and citizen about this topic.
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Electricity, Heat, and Gas Sector Data for Modeling the German SystemKunz, Friedrich, Kendziorski, Mario, Schill, Wolf-Peter, Weibezahn, Jens, Zepter, Jan, von Hirschhausen, Christian, Hauser, Philipp, Zech, Matthias, Möst, Dominik, Heidari, Sina, Felten, Björn, Weber, Christoph 28 February 2018 (has links) (PDF)
Diese Dokumentation beschreibt Daten zum deutschen Strom- Wärme- und Gassektor und ermöglicht eine modellgestützte Abbildung dieser Energiesysteme. Die Aufbereitung der Daten erfolgte im Rahmen des vom BMWi geförderten Forschungsprojekts LKD-EU (Langfristige Planung und kurzfristige Optimierung des Elektrizitätssystems in Deutschland im europäischen Kontext, FKZ 03ET4028C). In Zusammenarbeit mit dem Deutschen Institut für Wirtschaftsforschung (DIW), der Arbeitsgruppe Wirtschafts- und Infrastrukturpolitik (WIP) der Technischen Universität Berlin (TUB), dem Lehrstuhl für Energiewirtschaft (EE2), der Technischen Universität Dresden (TUD) und dem House of Energy Markets & Finance der Universität Duisburg-Essen (UDE). Ziel des Dokumentes ist es, Referenzdaten zur Verfügung zu stellen, die den aktuellen Zustand des deutschen Energiesystems repräsentieren. Das Bezugsjahr ist 2015. Diese Dokumentation trägt dazu bei, die Transparenz in der Verfügbarkeit von Daten zum deutschen Energiesystem zu erhöhen. / This data documentation describes a data set of the German electricity, heat, and natural gas sectors compiled within the research project ‘LKD-EU’ (Long-term planning and short-term optimization of the German electricity system within the European framework: Further development of methods and models to analyze the electricity system including the heat and gas sector). The project is a joined effort by the German Institute for Economic Research (DIW Berlin), the Workgroup for Infrastructure Policy (WIP) at Technische Universität Berlin (TUB), the Chair of Energy Economics (EE2) at Technische Universität Dresden (TUD), and the House of Energy Markets & Finance at University of Duisburg-Essen. The project was funded by the German Federal Ministry for Economic Affairs and Energy through the grant ‘LKD-EU’, FKZ 03ET4028A. The objective of this paper is to document a reference data set representing the status quo of the German energy sector. We also update and extend parts of the previous DIW Data Documentation 75 (Egerer et al. 2014). While the focus is on the electricity sector, the heat and natural gas sectors are covered as well. With this reference data set, we aim to increase the transparency of energy infrastructure data in Germany. On the one hand, this documentation presents sources of original data and information used for the data set. On the other hand, it elaborates on the methodologies which have been applied to derive the data from respective sources in order to make it useful for modeling purposes and to promote a discussion about the underlying assumptions. Furthermore, we briefly discuss the underlying regulations with regard to data transparency in the energy sector. Where not otherwise stated, the data included in this report is given with reference to the year 2015 for Germany.
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With the transport sector switching to electric energy to reduce greenhouse gas emission, the supply and demand in the energy system are impacted by this transition. Meanwhile, there are not a lot of studies focus on the electrification of the vehicle fleet in Sweden. To fill up the knowledge gap, the paper aims to identify the total required electrical energy and power for the electrification of the vehicle fleet in Sweden. This includes switching passenger vehicles, light and heavy trucks, and buses to battery electric vehicles. An Electric Vehicle Power Demand Model is designed to answer the research question. It is a simplified model that can calculate energy consumption and power demand from an electric vehicle fleet. To simulate the charging schedule, four scenarios are created with differences in charge speed and the use of smart or unregulated charging. Based on the model, the electric vehicle fleet consumes 20.4 TWh of electricity per year, accounting for 14.7% of total demand in Sweden. Combing the vehicle fleet with other energy services, an average hourly peak load of 16.2 GW in summer and 24.3 in winter can be seen, while the available capacity in Sweden is around 27.1. The result indicates that the current Swedish energy system is capable of handling demand from charging the electric vehicle fleet in terms of power capacity for most times. However, undersupply may happen in some extreme condition during the winter due to higher consumption from other energy services. Furthermore, with the increasing share of renewable power in the system, the availability of these power plants can have a direct impact on the supply. This requires smart charging to shift the charging events to prevent peak hours, which can potentially decrease the peak loads up to 2 GW in EV charging demand during peak hours. However, the actual effect of it still requires more study. Lastly, the model created for the research can be used as a research or decision-making tool to estimate the impact of a group of electric vehicles in the future, therefore, contribute to the development of the sustainable energy transition.
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Contribution à l'analyse des contraintes métaboliques chez le skieur alpin / Contribution to the analysis of metabolic constraints in the competing alpine skierBottollier, Valentin 30 September 2019 (has links)
Ce travail de thèse avait pour objectif (i) de quantifier les contraintes métaboliques en slalom (SL), en slalom géant (GS) pour des durées d’efforts courtes et longues, représentatives des temps extrêmes de compétitions contemporaines ; (ii) de comparer les demandes métaboliques entre le ski alpin in situ (SL et GS) et différentes motricités (bonds latéraux sur box, slide, course à pied, cyclisme, bonds latéraux sur trampoline). Quelle que soit la durée de GS en compétition, le métabolisme aérobie est prédominant dans la fourniture d’énergie. En revanche, les contributions respectives des métabolismes aérobie et glycolytique à la fourniture d’énergie ne sont pas significativement différentes en SL. Par ailleurs, la course à pied et le cyclisme sont les motricités investiguées les moins spécifiques de SL et GS. En revanche, la motricité des bonds latéraux sur box et celle des bonds latéraux sur trampoline représentent des similarités physiologiques intéressantes par rapport au SL et GS. A fortiori, la motricité du slide est la plus spécifique de SL et GS au regard de la spécificité de ses paramètres physiologiques (part d’implication des métabolismes aérobie et glycolytique, débits énergétiques total, glycolytique et aérobie, valeurs de [La]pic et de Δ[La]). Subséquemment, l’objectif de l’étude n°3 était de déterminer la reproductibilité d’un test physique de 80s utilisant la motricité du slide. Le 80s-slide-test est un test physique spécifique du ski alpin et reproductible. En effet, le nombre total d’appuis, V̇ O2pic, V̇ O2moy et FCmoy sont reproductibles. Ainsi, le 80s-slide-test constitue une alternative pertinente aux tests physiques non spécifiques du ski alpin menés en laboratoire. Enfin, l’objectif de l’étude de cas n°4 était de décrire la stratégie d’allure du skieur alpin au cours d’une manche longue de GS. Le skieur alpin adopterait une stratégie d’allure au cours d’une manche longue de GS en diminuant l’intensité de ski de manière anticipée dès la section 1 (premières 52s) puis durant la section 2 (dernière 29s) lors d’un GS long (81s). / The objective of this thesis was (i) to assess metabolic constraints in slalom (SL) and giant slalom (GS) during short and long effort according to extrem contemporary races duration ; (ii) to clarify motor skills (box bouncing, sliding, running, cycling, trampoline lateral bouncing) energetically specificity to alpine ski racing. Regardless of GS length the aerobic system was the primary energy system involved. Aerobic and glycolytic energy system contribution were not different in SL. Furthermore running and cycling were most unspecific motor skills investigated regarding SL and GS. On the other hand box bouncing and trampoline lateral bouncing presented interesting physiological specificities. Moreover no significant difference in aerobic and glycolytic energy system contribution, total energy output, glycolytic energy output, aerobic energy output, phosphagen energy output, [La]peak, Δ[La] were observed between sliding and both GS and SL. Subsequently the aim of the third study was to determine the test-retest reliability of a 80s test involving sliding motror skills. The 80s-slide-test is a specific and reliable test. Indeed the 80s-slide-test showed large reliability for total push-offs number, V̇ O2peak, V̇ O2moy, FCpeak and FCmoy. Hence 80s-slide-test is a relevant alternative to lab unspecific test for alpine ski racers. Finally the aim of the fourth study was to analyse pacing strategy in long GS. Alpine ski racer may run pacing strategy skiing decreasing intensity during section 1 (first 52s) and during section 2 (last 29s) in long GS (81s).
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Oskarshamn - A Smart Energy Island AssessmentRamaswamy, Vivek January 2015 (has links)
Mitigating climate change lies to a large part within the Energy System. In order to make it sustainable and efficient, policies have to be framed accordingly. This study focuses on formulation of policies based on future projections of the energy demand in Oskarshamn municipality of Sweden. Oskarshamn is a former industrial municipality, whose economic activity is in decline and it requires policies that accelerates its growth. It is also stereo-typical of much of Europe, as industrial activities are transferred elsewhere and regions are left to re-invent themselves. Questions such as “how to make the existing system more efficient” and “what is the best energy saving alternative”, have to be answered. For which, Long range Energy Alternatives Planning (LEAP) tool is used to create scenarios based on different pathways and to project the energy demand in the future. The business as usual scenario is compared with mitigation scenario considering various energy efficiency measures. The measures mainly focus on Demand Side Management and improving energy lifestyle interactions. Examples include the impact of electric vehicles (EV) in the transport sector and effects of better insulation in residential buildings, etc. Nuclear is currently the main source and would possibly be phased out in the horizon and thus creating a need for alternative and sustainable sources of energy. The renewable energy scenario focuses on proposals for mixing renewable fuels in the energy supply side. These are not without costs and opportunities which are discussed in the study. The outcomes work a clear delineation of Greenhouse gas mitigation options, which in collaboration with the municipality would form the basis for a policy action plan.
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Evaluation of bus depot’s environmental impact and recommendations for improvements by material optimisation and improved energy efficiencyChen, Guojing, Paulsson, Jill January 2015 (has links)
The public transportation in Stockholm is expanding and in order to meet the new demand the amount of buses and depots will have to increase within the city. As a result, it is getting more important to evaluate and analyse the performance of bus depots in order to reduce its environmental impact. The aim of this work is to study the production and operational phase during a bus depot’s life cycle and introduce saving measures that can reduce the emission of carbon dioxide equivalents (CO2eq). This study is conducted in collaboration with Skanska and the depot chosen for this study is currently under construction and located in Charlottendal, Värmdö. A base model is created for the whole bus depot area and the environmental impact is evaluated regarding the activities and usage of materials during production and the energy usage during operation of the depot. The evaluation of the model is performed by using the calculation tools IDA ICE, Anavitor, SPIK and Excel, and the environmental impact is expressed in terms of emission of CO2eq during the lifetime of the depot, which is assumed to be 50 years. In order to investigate how bus depots can be built to be more climate neutral and energy efficient, several saving measures are evaluated in four cases. The first two cases are focusing on optimising the usage of materials in the building process, by reducing the material groups with the highest environmental impact and considering green construction solutions. The other two cases are aiming towards enhancing the energy performance of the depot, by reducing the usage of energy according to BBR and deliberating an indoor parking place for the buses. The total emission of CO2eq from the base model is determined to be approximately 16 000 tonnes during the lifetime of the depot. About 42 percent of the environmental impact is instigated during the production phase and the rest of the emission is caused by the use of electricity and heat during operation. By considering the implemented measures it can be concluded that the largest reduction in emission can be obtained by optimising the usage of materials on the site, which is achieved by reducing two of the largest materials groups consisting of concrete and asphalt. By reducing the usage of these materials the total emission from the production phase can be reduced by approximately 9 percent and the total emissions can be reduced by up to 4 percent. To verify the obtained results a sensitivity analysis is performed where three important parameters are investigated. The chosen parameters are; the assumption of the emission factors for the electricity and district heating mixes and the required heating demand for the buses. According to the sensitivity analysis the final results are highly related to the considered parameters. For instance, if the delivered district heating is assumed to be supplied by Fortum, which is the main distributor within Stockholm, it can be concluded that an indoor parking place for the buses is the most beneficial solution to reduce the total emissions. By building a new base hall the emissions instigated from the total heating demand can be reduced by 55 percent and the total emissions can be reduced by 25 percent. / Kollektivtrafiken i Stockholm genomgår i dagsläget en utbyggnation och för att möta det ökade behovet på transportmedel så måste antalet bussar och bussdepåer att öka i området. På grund av detta blir det mer och mer viktigt att utvärdera och analysera bussdepåernas prestanda för att kunna minska miljöpåverkan från dessa verksamheter. Syftet med detta arbete är att studera produktion- och driftfasen under en bussdepås livscykel samt presentera åtgärder som kan leda till en minskning i utsläppen av koldioxidekvivalenter (CO2ekv). Detta arbete utförs i sammarbete med Skanska och den studerade bussdepån, som ligger i Charlottendal på Värmdö, är för tillfället under konstruktion. För att kunna utvärdera den valda depån skapas en basmodell där klimatpåverkan utvärderas utifrån de aktiviteter och material som används i produktionsfasen och den energi som används under driften av depån. De beräkningsverktyg som har används i utvärderingen av depån består av IDA ICE, Anavitor, SPIK och Excel, och klimatpåverkan från depån uttrycks i ton CO2ekv under dess livslängd, vilken har antagits till 50 år. För att undersöka hur depåer kan konstrueras för att vara mer klimatneutrala och energieffektiva så utvärderas olika besparingsåtgärder i fyra fall. Fokus för de två första fallen ligger på att optimera materialanvändningen i byggprocessen, vilket inkluderar en minskning av de material som genererar i de största utsläppen samt en analys av mer miljövänliga konstruktionslösningar. De andra två fallen riktas istället mot att förbättra energiprestandan av depån genom att minska energianvändningen enligt BBR och överväga en inomhusparkering för bussarna. De totala utsläppen från basmodellen utgör cirka 16 000 ton, där 42 procent orsakas under produktionsfasen och de resterande utsläppen kommer från driften av depån. Utifrån analysen kan man dra slutsatsen att den största minskningen av utsläpp kan åstadkommas genom att dra ner på mängden betong och asfalt i produktionsfasen. Genom att minska på dessa material kan utsläppen från produktionsfasen minskas med ungefär 9 procent och de totala utsläppen kan minskas med 4 procent. I känslighetsanalysen undersöks tre huvudsakliga parametrar som har en stor inverkan på det slutliga resultatet av beräkningarna. Dessa parametrar består av de valda energimixerna för elektricitet och fjärrvärme samt värmebehovet för bussarna. Enligt resultatet i känslighetsanalysen så är en inomhusparkering den förbättringsåtgärd som leder till den största minskningen av utsläpp. Detta resultat fås då fjärrvärmen antas levereras av Fortum, som är den största leverantören i Stockholmsområdet. Genom att investera i en ny busshall kan det totala värmebehovet för bussdepån minskas med 55 procent och det totala utsläppet med 25 procent.
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