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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

The effect of introducing animated computer instructional aid in the learning of fluid mechanics

Faleye, Sunday 02 1900 (has links)
This study was carried out to investigate the effect of introducing animated computer instructional aid (ACIA) in the learning of fluid mechanics. It was also intended as a means to evaluate the Constructionist Computer-Animated Instructional Model of Learning (CCAIML), which was developed and proposed for learning fluid mechanics. CCAIML includes the use of ACIA as a learning aid. Three theories underpins CCAIML learning model: the Constructionist learning theory, Media-Affects-learning hypothesis and Multiple representation principle. The study participants were the intact classes of first-time fluid mechanics’ students in Mechanical Engineering in four South African universities, who offer Bachelor of Engineering degrees in Mechanical Engineering. The study followed a mixed method approach: involving a static group design and a descriptive survey design. The control groups were the two consecutive, immediately preceding intact groups, who were taught fluid mechanics through the traditional lecturing method. The intervention groups were the non-randomized mechanical engineering students, who were taught by the same lecturer, who taught the control groups the same course material through a traditional approach, but taught the intervention group using the CCAIML learning approach. The findings of the study showed that: - ACIA facilitated the learning of the fluid mechanics module taught during the intervention, in CCAIML learning environment; - ACIA aroused the study participants’ interest in the learning of fluid mechanics module taught during the intervention; - The study participants understood the fluid mechanics module taught during the intervention better, in CCAIML learning environment, and were able to demonstrate this in the post intervention examination; - CCAIML learning approach encouraged classroom interaction, group and individual knowledge construction, practical demonstration of understanding of concepts and consequently improved classroom dynamics; - The majority of the study participants achieved higher scores in the fluid module taught during the intervention at the post intervention examination, by using CCAIML learning approach compared to the traditional approach; - No relationship was established between the level of study participants’ interest in the software used to aid learning ACIA and the study participants’ post-intervention achievement; and - Where the language medium of the instructional aid was different to that of the classroom medium of instruction, the learners’ achievement was affected. / Mathematical Sciences / Ph.D. (Mathematics, Science and Technology Education)

Engenheiro em formação : o sujeito da aprendizagem e a construção do conhecimento em engenharia elétrica

Loder, Liane Ludwig January 2009 (has links)
Esta tese trata da experiência de aprendizagem em um contexto escolar de engenharia elétrica. A partir das representações sociais de alunos e de professores, inseridos nesse contexto, e, também, de ex-alunos do Curso, campo das investigações, a Pesquisa objetiva conceituar a aprendizagem em engenharia elétrica na sua especificidade. Considerando que cada grupo de indivíduos e, em particular, cada indivíduo, tem um senso de realidade que é único, a Pesquisa, a partir das perspectivas desses diferentes sujeitos, constrói uma totalidade que representa esse contexto escolar, ambiente de ações intelectuais e sociais desses sujeitos e onde têm lugar muitas, das múltiplas, aprendizagens que concorrem para a formação do engenheiro. Assim, a aprendizagem e o ensino, em suas diferentes circunstâncias e na forma de ações epistemológicas, pedagógicas e sociais, vão sendo reveladas. Nesse processo de desvelamento da realidade sensível, o senso comum sobre diferentes aspectos do processo de ensino-aprendizagem vai sendo criticado sob a ótica da fundamentação teórica construtivista que norteia a investigação. Dessa forma, a Pesquisa procura responder às questões fundamentais: Como o aluno aprende? Como o aluno se forma engenheiro? Como o Professor ensina? Qual o impacto do ensino do Professor na aprendizagem do Aluno e na sua formação em engenharia? Quais as especificidades, do ponto de vista epistêmico e didático-pedagógico, de um curso de engenharia elétrica? Quais as ações pedagógicas mais adequadas para a consecução das metas de formar um engenheiro tecnicamente competente, empreendedor, criativo, autônomo, comunicativo, ético e socialmente responsável? A partir dessas respostas, a Pesquisa tem como meta subsidiar as ações das Instituições de Ensino formadoras de novos engenheiros e, em particular, trazer elementos para subsidiar as ações do professor ao repensar o seu papel como docente e ao executar sua tarefa cotidiana de planejar o seu ensino. / This dissertation is about the learning experiences within the academic context of an Electrical Engineering undergraduate course. Based on the social representations of students, professors and also alumni from the course under investigation, this research aimed at investigating the specifics of learning Electrical Engineering. Taking into consideration that each group of individuals (and even each individual in particular) has its unique sense of reality, the present study considers the varied perspectives of the individuals interviewed to provide a picture of such an academic context, where different intellectual and social stances are taken and multiple learning opportunities are available for engineering students. Thus, the different circumstances and epistemological, pedagogical and social perspectives on learning and teaching are revealed. As this unveiling process develops, the common sense ideas on the teaching-learning process are critically assessed based on the theoretical background of Constructivism. The fundamental research questions for the present Dissertation were: How does the student learn? How does the individual develop from student to engineer? How does the professor teach? What is the impact of the professor's teaching abilities on the student's learning process? What are the specific epistemic and pedagogical issues involved in an Electrical Engineering undergraduate course? Which pedagogical practices are more suitable for the education of a technically competent, creative, autonomous, communicative, ethically and socially responsible engineer? Based on the answers to these research questions, this study intended to support actions to be taken by higher education institutions and particularly to provide professors with insights into students' learning processes in order to help professors rethink their role as a teacher and perform their daily task of planning their classes. / Esa tesis trata de la experiencia de aprendizaje en un contexto escolar de ingeniería eléctrica. A partir de las representaciones sociales de alumnos y de profesores, insertados en ese contexto, y también de ex-alumnos del curso, campo de las investigaciones, la investigación tiene por objetivo conceptuar el aprendizaje en ingeniería eléctrica en su especificidad. Considerando que cada grupo de individuos y, en particular, cada individuo, tiene un sentido de realidad que es único, la investigación, a partir de las perspectivas de esos distintos sujetos, construye una totalidad que representa ese contexto escolar, ambiente de acciones intelectuales y sociales de esos sujetos y donde ocurren muchos de los múltiples aprendizajes que convergen a la formación del ingeniero. Así, el aprendizaje y la enseñanza, en sus distintas circunstancias y en la forma de acciones epistemológicas, pedagógicas y sociales, van siendo revelados. En ese proceso de desvelo de la realidad sensible, el sentido común sobre distintos aspectos del proceso de enseñanza-aprendizaje va siendo criticado bajo la óptica de la fundamentación teórica constructivista que guía la investigación. De ese modo, la investigación busca contestar a las cuestiones fundamentales:¿Cómo el alumno aprende?¿Cómo el alumno se forma ingeniero?¿Cómo el profesor enseña?¿Cuál es el impacto de la enseñanza del profesor en el aprendizaje del alumno y en su formación en ingeniería?¿Cuáles son las especificidades, desde la mirada epistémica y didácticopedagógica, de un curso de ingeniería eléctrica?¿Cuáles son las acciones pedagógicas más adecuadas para la consecución de las metas de formar a un ingeniero teóricamente competente, emprendedor, creativo, autónomo, comunicativo, ético y socialmente responsable? A partir de esas respuestas, la investigación tiene por meta subsidiar las acciones de las Instituciones de Enseñanza formadoras de nuevos ingenieros y, en particular, traer elementos para subsidiar las acciones del profesor al re-pensar su rol como docente y al ejecutar su tarea cotidiana de planificar su enseñanza.

Tecnologia social: fundamentações, desafios, urgência e legitimidade / Social technology: fundamentals, challenges, urgency and legitimacy

Cristiano Cordeiro Cruz 10 November 2017 (has links)
Este trabalho versa sobre a tecnologia, atendo-se de modo particular, mas não exclusivo, a isso que no Brasil se chama de tecnologia social (TS). A tese que se buscará defender aqui é múltipla. Em primeiro lugar, ontológica e politicamente, sustentar-se-á que a tecnologia social é uma implementação não apenas tecnicamente legítima e autêntica, como social e ambientalmente urgente. Contudo, para que tal tipo de solução seja passível de ser desenvolvida, é necessário, de uma parte, que se desenvolvam conhecimentos científicos e engenheiris apropriados. Com isso, o segundo argumento, epistemológico, é que esses conhecimentos são passíveis de ser produzidos e que os mecanismos que podem tornar tal coisa possível não subvertem o ethos próprio da ciência ou da engenharia. De outra parte, TS e engenharia popular demandam também um perfil profissional específico, o do engenheiro educador (ou engenheiro popular). Essa é a terceira dimensão da tese que defendemos. Por fim, ontológica e existencialmente, proporemos que o caminho para superar o desencantamento substantivo do mundo (Weber), a entificação do Ser (em seu desvelamento tecnológico no qual nos encontramos presos, via enquadramento Heidegger), a ditadura da racionalidade instrumental (Horkheimer & Adorno) ou a autoprodução e o automatismo do desenvolvimento tecnológico (que nos aprisiona ou agencia quase que inapelavelmente Ellul) pode emergir precisamente de algo como a tecnologia social, por meio da incorporação dos valores e saberes populares à construção da realidade sociotécnica que decidimos nos dar. Esse quarto aspecto, nesses termos, reforça o primeiro, trazendo novos elementos para subsidiar-se o entendimento acerca da urgência, em nossos dias, de uma solução técnica como a tecnologia social. / This work discusses technology, giving special attention to this that is called social technology (ST) in Brazil. The thesis that is substantiated here is multiple. First, ontologically and politically, it will be argued that social technology is not only technically legitimate and authentic, but also socially and environmentally urgent. However, in order to be implementable, ST demands, on the one hand, specific engineering and scientific knowledge to be advanced. Thus, the second dimension of our thesis, epistemological, sustains the understanding that such knowledge can be produced and the mechanisms required to make such production possible do not corrupt the scientific or engineering ethos. On the other hand, ST and popular engineering also demand a specific professional profile, the educator engineer (or popular engineer). This is the third dimension of the argument we defend here. Finally, ontologically and existentially, it will be suggested that a way to overcome the substantial disenchantment of the world (Weber), the entification of Being (in its technological unveiling in which we found ourselves trapped, via enframing Heidegger), the dictatorship of instrumental rationality (Horkheimer and Adorno) or the self-production and automatism of technological development (Ellul) may precisely emerge from something like social technology. This would be so by dint of the incorporation of popular values and knowledge to the construction of the sociotechnical reality we decide to build. This fourth aspect, then, strengthens the first one, offering new supporting elements to the urgency claim associated with the development of ST in our days.

Uma proposta de modelo de aprendizagem problematizadora no ensino de engenharia de produção com foco no desenvolvimento do pensamento crítico / A proposed of model of problem-learning in engineering production education focusing on the development of critical thinking

Camila Regiane Marques Pereira 26 July 2012 (has links)
A problematização é uma forma de explicitar, de propor as contradições presentes na realidade, e na Sociedade do Conhecimento que prima por habilidades e raciocínio crítico, ela é cada vez mais reforçada, pois trabalha questões complexas associadas aos problemas da realidade. Há pesquisas que apontam com diversas nomenclaturas a forma de conceber e adotar estratégias problematizadoras nos processos educacionais, contudo, poucas pesquisas voltadas para o ensino de Engenharia de Produção apresentam diretrizes aos professores a fim de que, baseando-se nelas, possam elaborar suas propostas pedagógicas possibilitando uma aprendizagem significativa e pensamento crítico. Nesse sentido, o objetivo desta pesquisa é apresentar um modelo de aprendizagem problematizadora, num contexto de aprendizagem presencial e virtual, oportunizando aprendizagem significativa, bem como avaliar o desenvolvimento do pensamento crítico dos alunos. O modelo tem por base uma revisão bibliográfica das teorias, conceitos e práticas da Metodologia da Problematização e do Ciclo de Aprendizagem Experiencial, e para sua aplicação segue com uma pesquisa-ação com alunos de uma disciplina do programa de pós-graduação em Engenharia da Produção de uma universidade pública do interior de São Paulo. Os indicadores de pensamento crítico identificados na literatura, e adaptados para a pesquisa, foram analisados mediante a realização de diversas atividades, trabalhos e discussões dos alunos propostos conforme o modelo de aprendizagem problematizadora. Os resultados revelam que problematizar situações conhecidas ou extraídas da realidade social dos alunos para a compreensão dos conteúdos acadêmicos transforma a aprendizagem em momento significativo, no qual o aluno passa a ser agente ativo no processo de construção do conhecimento e, por consequência, desenvolve em índices expressivamente positivos de pensamento crítico. / The problematization is a way of explicit, proposing the contradictions present in reality, and in the Knowledge Society that values for skills and critical thinking, it is increasingly enhanced, because it works complex issues associated with reality problems. There are research that pointing with various nomenclatures how to conceive and adopt problematizing strategies in the educational processes, however, few research in the area of Production Engineering instruction presents guidelines for teachers, based on them, can develop their pedagogical proposals allowing a significant learning and critical thinking. Accordingly, the objective of this research is to present a model of problematizing learning, in a context of presence and virtual learning, providing opportunities for significative learning, as well as evaluating the development of critical thinking of learners. The model is based on a bibliographic review of theories, concepts and practices of the Problematization Methodology and Experiential Learning Cycle, and its application follows with an action-research with students from a discipline of the graduate program in Production Engineering in a public university in the state of São Paulo. Indicators of critical thinking identified in the literature and adapted to the research, were analyzed by carrying out various activities, assignment and discussions of the proposed learners as the model of problematizing learning. The results show that problematizing known situations or extracted from the social reality of the students to understand the academic content turns learning into a meaningful moment in which the student becomes an active agent in the process of knowledge construction and, therefore, develops in indexes significantly positive of critical thinking.

Engenheiro em formação : o sujeito da aprendizagem e a construção do conhecimento em engenharia elétrica

Loder, Liane Ludwig January 2009 (has links)
Esta tese trata da experiência de aprendizagem em um contexto escolar de engenharia elétrica. A partir das representações sociais de alunos e de professores, inseridos nesse contexto, e, também, de ex-alunos do Curso, campo das investigações, a Pesquisa objetiva conceituar a aprendizagem em engenharia elétrica na sua especificidade. Considerando que cada grupo de indivíduos e, em particular, cada indivíduo, tem um senso de realidade que é único, a Pesquisa, a partir das perspectivas desses diferentes sujeitos, constrói uma totalidade que representa esse contexto escolar, ambiente de ações intelectuais e sociais desses sujeitos e onde têm lugar muitas, das múltiplas, aprendizagens que concorrem para a formação do engenheiro. Assim, a aprendizagem e o ensino, em suas diferentes circunstâncias e na forma de ações epistemológicas, pedagógicas e sociais, vão sendo reveladas. Nesse processo de desvelamento da realidade sensível, o senso comum sobre diferentes aspectos do processo de ensino-aprendizagem vai sendo criticado sob a ótica da fundamentação teórica construtivista que norteia a investigação. Dessa forma, a Pesquisa procura responder às questões fundamentais: Como o aluno aprende? Como o aluno se forma engenheiro? Como o Professor ensina? Qual o impacto do ensino do Professor na aprendizagem do Aluno e na sua formação em engenharia? Quais as especificidades, do ponto de vista epistêmico e didático-pedagógico, de um curso de engenharia elétrica? Quais as ações pedagógicas mais adequadas para a consecução das metas de formar um engenheiro tecnicamente competente, empreendedor, criativo, autônomo, comunicativo, ético e socialmente responsável? A partir dessas respostas, a Pesquisa tem como meta subsidiar as ações das Instituições de Ensino formadoras de novos engenheiros e, em particular, trazer elementos para subsidiar as ações do professor ao repensar o seu papel como docente e ao executar sua tarefa cotidiana de planejar o seu ensino. / This dissertation is about the learning experiences within the academic context of an Electrical Engineering undergraduate course. Based on the social representations of students, professors and also alumni from the course under investigation, this research aimed at investigating the specifics of learning Electrical Engineering. Taking into consideration that each group of individuals (and even each individual in particular) has its unique sense of reality, the present study considers the varied perspectives of the individuals interviewed to provide a picture of such an academic context, where different intellectual and social stances are taken and multiple learning opportunities are available for engineering students. Thus, the different circumstances and epistemological, pedagogical and social perspectives on learning and teaching are revealed. As this unveiling process develops, the common sense ideas on the teaching-learning process are critically assessed based on the theoretical background of Constructivism. The fundamental research questions for the present Dissertation were: How does the student learn? How does the individual develop from student to engineer? How does the professor teach? What is the impact of the professor's teaching abilities on the student's learning process? What are the specific epistemic and pedagogical issues involved in an Electrical Engineering undergraduate course? Which pedagogical practices are more suitable for the education of a technically competent, creative, autonomous, communicative, ethically and socially responsible engineer? Based on the answers to these research questions, this study intended to support actions to be taken by higher education institutions and particularly to provide professors with insights into students' learning processes in order to help professors rethink their role as a teacher and perform their daily task of planning their classes. / Esa tesis trata de la experiencia de aprendizaje en un contexto escolar de ingeniería eléctrica. A partir de las representaciones sociales de alumnos y de profesores, insertados en ese contexto, y también de ex-alumnos del curso, campo de las investigaciones, la investigación tiene por objetivo conceptuar el aprendizaje en ingeniería eléctrica en su especificidad. Considerando que cada grupo de individuos y, en particular, cada individuo, tiene un sentido de realidad que es único, la investigación, a partir de las perspectivas de esos distintos sujetos, construye una totalidad que representa ese contexto escolar, ambiente de acciones intelectuales y sociales de esos sujetos y donde ocurren muchos de los múltiples aprendizajes que convergen a la formación del ingeniero. Así, el aprendizaje y la enseñanza, en sus distintas circunstancias y en la forma de acciones epistemológicas, pedagógicas y sociales, van siendo revelados. En ese proceso de desvelo de la realidad sensible, el sentido común sobre distintos aspectos del proceso de enseñanza-aprendizaje va siendo criticado bajo la óptica de la fundamentación teórica constructivista que guía la investigación. De ese modo, la investigación busca contestar a las cuestiones fundamentales:¿Cómo el alumno aprende?¿Cómo el alumno se forma ingeniero?¿Cómo el profesor enseña?¿Cuál es el impacto de la enseñanza del profesor en el aprendizaje del alumno y en su formación en ingeniería?¿Cuáles son las especificidades, desde la mirada epistémica y didácticopedagógica, de un curso de ingeniería eléctrica?¿Cuáles son las acciones pedagógicas más adecuadas para la consecución de las metas de formar a un ingeniero teóricamente competente, emprendedor, creativo, autónomo, comunicativo, ético y socialmente responsable? A partir de esas respuestas, la investigación tiene por meta subsidiar las acciones de las Instituciones de Enseñanza formadoras de nuevos ingenieros y, en particular, traer elementos para subsidiar las acciones del profesor al re-pensar su rol como docente y al ejecutar su tarea cotidiana de planificar su enseñanza.

Learning Computing at University: Participation and Identity : A Longitudinal Study

Peters, Anne-Kathrin January 2017 (has links)
Computing education has struggled with student engagement and diversity in the student population for a long time. Research in science, technology, engineering, and mathematics (STEM) education suggests that taking a social, long-term perspective on learning is a fruitful approach to resolving some of these persistent challenges. A longitudinal study has been conducted, following students from two computing study programmes (CS/IT) over a three-year period. The students reflected on their experiences with CS/IT in a series of interviews. Drawing on social identity theory, the analysis has focused on describing participation in CS/IT, doing, thinking, feeling in relation to CS/IT, as negotiated among different people. Phenomenographic analysis yields an outcome space that describes increasingly broad ways in which the students experience participation in CS/IT over the years. Two further outcome spaces provide nuanced insights into experiences that are of increasing relevance as the students advance in their studies; participation as problem solving and problem solving for others. Problem solving defined as solving difficult (technical) problems seems predominate in the learning environment. Problem solving for others brings the user into perspective, but first in the human computer interaction (HCI) course in year three. Students react with scepticism to HCI, excluding HCI from computing, some are students who commenced their studies with broader interests in computing. Demonstrating (technical) problem solving competence is the most vital indicator competence in the two study programmes and the students adapt their reflections on who they are as computing students and professionals accordingly. People showing broader interests in computing risk being marginalised. I identify a gap between conceptions of computing as interdisciplinary and important for society and constructions of computing as technical. Closing the gap could improve retention and diversity, and result in graduates that are better prepared to contribute to societal development.

Evaluating an information literacy intervention for first year engineering students at the Cape Peninsula University of Technology

Davids, Marion January 2009 (has links)
Magister Bibliothecologiae - MBibl / The aim of the research project is to investigate the effectiveness of an information literacy intervention for first year engineering students at the Cape Peninsula University of Technology. Information literacy has been identified as a necessary outcome of tertiary education. It refers to the life-long learning competencies of finding and using information in order to solve problems, to make decisions and to create new knowledge. Information literacy education has evolved from earlier forms of library user education, such as bibliographic instruction, and is central to the mission of academic libraries. However, librarians responsible for information literacy programmes seldom evaluate the effectiveness of their interventions. In today's climate of accountability and outcomes-based education, it is necessary to provide evidence of the benefits of the user education that libraries provide. The researcher uses the American College and Research Library (ACRL) Information Literacy Competency Standards for Higher Education, which are internationally recognized and widely used by South African academic librarians, as a benchmark to evaluate an intervention for a group of first year students enrolled for a mechanical engineering course. The intervention consists of two workshops which aim to teach the students to find information relevant to their essays via the university's OPAC, various engineering databases and to teach them how to reference and cite their sources in their essays. The research methodology assessed students' information literacy before and after the two workshops with the use of a questionnaire consisting of a set of questions based on some of the ACRL standards. The questionnaire also gathered data on students' prior experience of libraries, reading and computers, which might impact on their information literacy. / South Africa

Development of Hardware in the Loop Real-Time Control Techniques for Hybrid Power Systems Involving Distributed Demands and Sustainable Energy Sources

Mazloomzadeh, Ali 07 November 2014 (has links)
The future power grid will effectively utilize renewable energy resources and distributed generation to respond to energy demand while incorporating information technology and communication infrastructure for their optimum operation. This dissertation contributes to the development of real-time techniques, for wide-area monitoring and secure real-time control and operation of hybrid power systems. To handle the increased level of real-time data exchange, this dissertation develops a supervisory control and data acquisition (SCADA) system that is equipped with a state estimation scheme from the real-time data. This system is verified on a specially developed laboratory-based test bed facility, as a hardware and software platform, to emulate the actual scenarios of a real hybrid power system with the highest level of similarities and capabilities to practical utility systems. It includes phasor measurements at hundreds of measurement points on the system. These measurements were obtained from especially developed laboratory based Phasor Measurement Unit (PMU) that is utilized in addition to existing commercially based PMU’s. The developed PMU was used in conjunction with the interconnected system along with the commercial PMU’s. The tested studies included a new technique for detecting the partially islanded micro grids in addition to several real-time techniques for synchronization and parameter identifications of hybrid systems. Moreover, due to numerous integration of renewable energy resources through DC microgrids, this dissertation performs several practical cases for improvement of interoperability of such systems. Moreover, increased number of small and dispersed generating stations and their need to connect fast and properly into the AC grids, urged this work to explore the challenges that arise in synchronization of generators to the grid and through introduction of a Dynamic Brake system to improve the process of connecting distributed generators to the power grid. Real time operation and control requires data communication security. A research effort in this dissertation was developed based on Trusted Sensing Base (TSB) process for data communication security. The innovative TSB approach improves the security aspect of the power grid as a cyber-physical system. It is based on available GPS synchronization technology and provides protection against confidentiality attacks in critical power system infrastructures.

Information Architecture and Cognitive User Experience in Distributed, Asynchronous Learning: A Case Design of a Modularized Online Systems Engineering Learning Environment

Cassandra M McCormack (11173440) 23 July 2021 (has links)
<p>Systems engineering (SE) is an increasingly relevant domain in an increasingly interconnected world, but the demand for SE education is impeded by the challenges of effectively teaching interdisciplinary material that emphasizes the development of a mentality over specific skills. A modularized, asynchronous, distributed course configuration may provide an advantageous alternative to more traditional hybrid course designs. Online courses have been a topic in the educational field since the establishment of the internet. However, the widespread disruptions to higher education due to the COVID-19 pandemic highlighted the demand for and difficulty of developing deliberate and robust learning environments designs that consider a variety of traditional and non-traditional students. This thesis presents a case design of a learning environment for an interdisciplinary-focused, introductory graduate-level systems course that has previously been designed for, and taught in, a hybrid environment. The case design will emphasize the information architecture (IA) and user experience (UX) prototype design of the learning environment as informed by user-centric principles, cognitive theories and analyses, the IA literature, and existing course content. This focus on learner knowledge development (“beyond-the-screen”) factors rather than the direct user interface (“at-the-screen”) provides design recommendations and insights that are robust to changing user interface trends and preferences. A distribution of learners with varying backgrounds, learning needs, and goals associated with the material will be identified. These individual differences can dramatically impact the effectiveness of potential interventions, particularly when different types of learners have directly conflicting needs. Thus, the online learning environment will utilize adaptable interfaces to move away from a “one-size-fits-all” design approach. Content modularization and non-sequential, tag-based navigation were utilized to address the challenges of teaching highly interdisciplinary material. This thesis emphasizes a learning environment design that aims to teach highly interdisciplinary systems subject matter to a variety of learners with a variety of characteristics in an asynchronous, online format while making use of existing course material. </p>

Une approche basée sur les processus et dirigée par les compétences pour l'éducation en ingenierie des systèmes / A Process-Centered and Competency-Driven Approach for Systems Engineering Education

Bougaa, Mohammed 29 September 2017 (has links)
Au cours de cette thèse, nous avons examinée les pratiques actuelles en matière d'éducation en IS. Nous avons proposé une approche centrée sur l'utilisation des processus normalisés en IS, tout en faisant en sorte que le scénario d'apprentissage soit très adaptable et qu'il puisse être piloté par les compétences d'IS acquises ou à acquérir. Ensuite, une plateforme Web a été développée pour soutenir cette nouvelle approche d'apprentissage. En utilisant cette approche, les étudiants ne seront pas seulement en mesure de bien concevoir le système demandé de manière distante et collaborative, mais ils seront aussi capables de l'élaborer de manière appropriée. Cela leur permettra d'apprendre les principes et processus fondamentaux de l'IS, à mieux communiquer dans un environement de travail, la gestion d'équipe, la collaboration et les compétences techniques connexes. Les formateurs d'un autre côté pourront mieux gérer leur parcours d'apprentissage, les ressources pédagogiques, et les résultats escomptés. En utilisant cette solution, les organisations de ces formateurs et étudiants, c'est-à-dire les universités et collèges, pourront gérer et normaliser les compétences acquises par leurs futurs ingénieurs systèmes à tous les niveaux. / This thesis surveys the current practices and advancements in SE education. We ended up proposing a novel solution for SE education (an approach with its supporting web-based platform). The proposed approach is based on the recommendations of academic and industrial communities. It is centered around the use of SE standardized processes and at the same time very adaptive, with learning scenarios that can be driven by the acquired or to-be-taught SE competencies. The proposed solution is a web based platform that has been developed to support this novel approach within a distant Project Based Learning (PBL) environment. The solution aims to ease the learning at the same time of fundamental principles and processes of systems engineering, along with communication, team management, collaboration, and related soft skills. On the other hand, educators will be able to better manage their learning scenarios, training resources, and the expected outcomes. Last, educators and students' organizations using this solution will be able to manage and normalize the competencies to be acquired by their future systems engineers at every level.

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