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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.


Yates, James William 10 1900 (has links)
International Telemetering Conference Proceedings / October 23-26, 2000 / Town & Country Hotel and Conference Center, San Diego, California / With today’s rapidly shifting technology in the areas of networking, the Web, platform-independent software, and component technology, a paradigm shift will allow us to treat our telemetry systems as enterprise-wide solutions in the future. These technologies will revolutionize how we support all phases of telemetry data acquisition, processing, archiving, distribution, and display. This paper will explain how these changes affect systems designers, operators, and users. Specific technical areas of discussion include: § Technology adoption cycles § Object-oriented environments and component technologies § Database interconnectivity § Web-enabling concepts and implementations § Application servers § Database replication § Data warehousing § Embedded Web servers

Žiniomis grindžiamas vartotojo reikalavimų specifikacijos generavimo metodas / Knowledge based user requirements specification generation method

Babianskas, Tadas 13 August 2010 (has links)
Žiniomis grindžiami vartotojo reikalavimų modelių generavimas tapo vienas iš pagrindinių informacinių sistemų plėtojimo procesų. Reikalavimų specifikavimas atlieka svarbiausią vaidmenį kuriant programinę įrangą. Darbe aptariama žiniomis grindžiamas vartotojo poreikių modelio generavimo metodas. Aptarta žiniomis grindžiama sistemos architektūra. Reikalavimų modelio generavimui naudojama veiklos modelis, laikomas kaip žinių šaltinis, integruotas su reikalavimų specifikavimo modeliu sukurtu remiantis Volere šablono pagrindu. Šio darbo tikslas išanalizuoti esamų vartotojo reikalavimų įrankių privalumus ir trūkumus, bei pasiūlyti technologinį sprendimą vartotojo reikalavimų specifikacijos generavimui. Šio darbo objektas yra vartotojo reikalavimų specifikacija Darbo problema – vartotojo reikalavimų specifikavimas šiuo metu nėra grindžiamas formalizuotais kriterijais. Jeigu nesiremsime šia ideologija, tai neturėsime informacijos pilnumo, todėl reikia taikyti pasirinkto modelio struktūrą informacijos surinkimui iš vartotojo, bei kuo labiau formalizuoti Sukurtas programinis prototipas integruojant pakeistą veiklos modelį su Volere šablonu. Šis įrankis leidžia specifikuoti vartotojo reikalavimus priimant tai, kad veiklos modelis jau yra užpildytas konkrečios dalykinės srities žiniomis. Atlikus reikalavimų specifikavimą, sugeneruojama vartotojo reikalavimų specifikacija. / Knowledge based user requirements models generation became one of the basis information systems development proceses. The specification of requirements make the essential role developing the software. This paper analises knowledge based user models generation method. Also discuss knowledge based system architekture. The enterprise model is used for requirements model generation and is reputed as the knowledge source which is integrated with requirements specification model made in conformity with Volere template basis. The aim of this work is to analyse the advantages and disadvantages of existing user requirements specification tools and suggest the best technological method for the generation of user reguirements specification model. The object of this work is user requirements specification. The problem of the work is that user requirements specification is not based on formalized criterion, so in such a way we lose the fullness of information. That’s why we have to choose the model to have a structure for the information collecting from the user. The programme prototype was developed using Volere tempalate basis integrated with changed enterprise model. This tool allows to specify user requirements considering that enterprise model is filled with knowledge about exact object domain. Report is generated after requirements specification.

Dalykinės srities kalbų kūrimo UML MagicDraw aplinkoje metodika ir šios metodikos pritaikymas, kuriant veiklos objektų modeliavimo kalbą / The methodology of DSL development using case tool UML MagicDraw and it‘s application in the development of business objects modeling language

Tamulis, Giedrius 04 March 2009 (has links)
Kuriant informacines sistemas (IS) susiduriama su viena svarbiausių problemų tai nesusikalbėjimo tarp IS ir dalykinės srities ekspertų. Dėl šio nesusikalbėjimo didėja IS kūrimo kaina bei ilgėja sistemos kūrimo laikas, nes reikalingas daugkartinis sistemos prototipų pristatymas, bei pakartotinis reikalavimų peržiūrėjimas. Vienas iš problemos sprendimo būdų yra dalykinės srities kalbų (DSK) kūrimas ir naudojimas įvairiose dalykinėse srityse. Bendros kalbos naudojimas palengvina bendravimą tarp DS ir IS ekspertų. Šiuo metu nėra dalykinių kalbų kūrimo metodikos MagicDraw UML aplinkoje. Šiame darbe pateikiama metodika DSK kūrimui MagicDraw aplinkoje ir sukuriama veiklos objektų modeliavimo kalba. Pasiūlyta kalba padarys klasių modelį suprantamesnį dalykinės srities ekspertams. / Within Information systems engineering process is a major problem – information systems and domain experts can‘t easily understand each other language. The reason is that the domain and IS expert’s uses the different terminology. Different terminology increases the information system development time, because there is a need to re-review the requirements and reassessment of the prototype. One of the ways of solving this problem is the Domain Specific Language development and use in various problem domains. Usage of common language facilitates the communication between IS and domain experts. There is no methodology of Domain Specific Language development by CASE tools. There-fore possible solution is proposition of this methodology. In this paper is described the solution of both problems (methodology of DSL development and proposed language of class model extension with enterprise model objects). Proposed language should optimize existing class model making it more understandable for domain experts.

Kolegijų studentų verslumo ugdymas taikant imitacinės verslo įmonės modelį / Education of College Students’ Entrepreneurship Skills with Application of Imitation Business Enterprise Model

Strazdienė, Gražina 28 August 2009 (has links)
Disertaciniame darbe nagrinėjama kolegijų studentų verslumo ugdymo(si) proceso veiksmingumas taikant imitacinės verslo įmonės modelį. Nustatyti kolegijų studentų verslumo gebėjimai ir savybės ugdomi imitacinėje verslo įmonėje, požymiai, demonstruojantys kolegijų studentų verslumo ugdymo(si) proceso veiksmingumą taikant imitacinės verslo įmonės modelį bei numatytos verslumo ugdymo(si) tobulinimo galimybės ir perspektyvos. Remiantis verslumo ugdymo(si) koncepcijomis ir teorijomis, filosofinėmis kryptimis, kilusiomis iš skirtingų filosofinių tradicijų ir fenomenologinėmis nuostatomis sukurta verslumo ugdymo(si) proceso tyrimo metodologija, leidžianti įvertinti verslumo ugdymo(si) veiksmingumą imitacinėje verslo įmonėje ir nustatyti iškylančias problemas. Atlikta edukacinė, vadybinė ir filosofinė literatūros analizė leido pagrįsti verslumo ugdymo(si) veiksmingumą šiuolaikinių edukacinių paradigmų kaitos kontekste apibūdinant: verslumo sampratą, verslumo ugdymo(si) programų, tikslų ir mokymo(si) metodų įvairovę, imitacinių modelių ir technologijų taikymo galimybes ir sąlygas. Empirinis tyrimas atliktas pasitelkus kiekybinius ir kokybinius tyrimo metodus. Taikyta anketinė apklausa, pusiau struktūrizuotas interviu, turinio (content) analizės ir statistinės (faktorinės) duomenų analizės metodai. / The dissertation analyses the efficiency of College students’ entrepreneurship education process by applying the model of Imitation Business Enterprise. Entrepreneurship skills and characteristics of College students educated in the Imitation Business Enterprise are identified, features demonstrating the efficiency of College students’ entrepreneurship education process by applying the model of Imitation Business Enterprise and business education development opportunities and perspectives are shown. On the basis of entrepreneurship education concepts and theories, philosophical trends arising from different philosophical traditions and the phenomenological rules, an entrepreneurship education process research methodology is created. It allows evaluating efficiency of entrepreneurship education in the Imitation Business Enterprise as well as allows determining the problems appearing. The performed educational, managerial and philosophical literature analysis helped to base the efficiency of entrepreneurship education in the context of contemporary educational paradigms by describing: the concept of entrepreneurship, variety of entrepreneurship education programs, objectives and education methods, opportunities and conditions for applying imitation models and technologies. Empirical research was performed by using the quantitative and qualitative research methods.

UML klasių modelio interaktyvusis sukūrimas ir analizė remiantis veiklos modeliu / Enterprise Model based interactive UML class model development

Antipova, Olga 27 May 2005 (has links)
Learning complex systems is a challenging task. The learning curve often depends on what experience the learner has and how familiar he is with the system domain. Particularly beginner may face serious problems in understanding the details of complex systems like various software platforms, standard API’s or formats. The understandability of a complex system can be improved by graphical representations. A good candidate for the graphical description of software-related systems is the Unified Modeling Language (UML), which is a widely used standard design notation and thus assumingly familiar for most software engineers. Such a graphical description effaces unessential technical details like the intricacies of a particular textual syntax or implementations of methods, and shows the abstract relationships between the different parts of the system. The class models generation features of Case systems are described in this work. Reviews of object orientated software design tools are given. Reviewed tools hold UML notation and abilities to fully or partly generate programmer code. Tools comparison tables are presented. After evaluation of Enterprise meta model, Class meta model was improved. There is enough information in Knowledge basis to generate Class meta model. This work presents the algorithm of generation of activity of class model on the basis of enterprise model and its specification. Results of the step of the algorithm are illustrated graphically by UML notation... [to full text]

Veiklos žinių baze išplėstos modeliais grindžiamos architektūros taikymo informacijos sistemų inžinerijoje metodas / Enterprise model based MDA information systems engineering method

Ambraziūnas, Martas 11 November 2014 (has links)
Šiuolaikiniai IS inžinerijos metodai yra nuolat vystomi ir tobulinami, tačiau iš esmės jie yra grindžiami empiriniais procesais. Empiriškai išgautų žinių kokybė gali būti nepakankama sėkmingam projekto įgyvendinimui, nes netikslus vartotojo reikalavimų specifikavimas neigiamai įtakoja visus programinės įrangos kūrimo etapus, o tai didina projekto įgyvendinimo riziką. Disertacinis darbas skirtas sukurti IS inžinerijos metodą, kuris įgalintų empiriniais būdais surinktas dalykinės srities žinias patikrinti formalių kriterijų atžvilgiu. Metodui sukurti buvo apjungti žiniomis grindžiamos ir modeliais grindžiamos IS inžinerijos principai. Šiuo tikslu klasikinis MDA procesas buvo papildytas pagrindiniu žiniomis grindžiamos IS inžinerijos komponentu – veiklos modeliu. Darbo metu buvo sukurtas žiniomis grindžiamo MDA metodo dalykinės programos prototipas, kuris iš dalies automatizuoja siūlomo metodo procesą. Žiniomis grindžiamo MDA metodo efektyvumas buvo patikrintas jį taikant eksperimentinio tyrimo atlikimui, kurio metu buvo sukurta pašto siuntų stebėjimo programėlė. Tyrimo metu nustatyta, kad tikslinga taikyti žiniomis grindžiamą MDA metodą PĮ kūrime nes: 1) detaliau dokumentuojami vartotojo reikalavimai (tikrinami formalių kriterijų atžvilgiu); 2) sumažinama loginių trūkių atsiradimo galimybė (tarp programinės įrangos kūrimo dalyvių); 3) daugiaplatforminiuose sprendimuose sumažinamos projekto įgyvendinimo laiko sąnaudos (dėka automatinio kodo generavimo iš patikrintų modelių). / Although new methods of information systems engineering are being researched and developed, they are empirical in nature. The problem domain knowledge acquisition process relies heavily on the system analyst and user; therefore it is not clear whether the knowledge of the problem domain is comprehensive. This may lead to occurrence of logical gaps, misinterpretation of system requirements, thus causing issues for project. The research work is meant to develop new IS engineering method that will allow validation of the problem domain knowledge against formal criteria. In order to create such method basic principles of Knowledge Based ISE and Model Driven ISE were combined. By combining the two approaches Knowledge Based MDA method was created that extends traditional MDA with Enterprise Model. During the research Knowledge Based MDA tool’s prototype, that is capable of partly automating Knowledge Based MDA process, was created. The efficiency of Knowledge Based MDA method was validated by creating real life application for mobile devices. During the empirical research it was established that by using developed method software requirements quality is improved and comprehensive documentation is created (due to Enterprise Model based validation), occurrence of logical gaps between software development stakeholders is reduced, time consumption needed for creation of application for multiplatform systems is reduced (due to automated code generation and shorter testing stage).

Enterprise model based MDA information systems engineering method / Veiklos žinių baze išplėstos modeliais grindžiamos architektūros taikymo informacijos sistemų inžinerijoje metodas

Ambraziūnas, Martas 11 November 2014 (has links)
Although new methods of information systems engineering are being researched and developed, they are empirical in nature. The problem domain knowledge acquisition process relies heavily on the system analyst and user; therefore it is not clear whether the knowledge of the problem domain is comprehensive. This may lead to occurrence of logical gaps, misinterpretation of system requirements, thus causing issues for project. The research work is meant to develop new IS engineering method that will allow validation of the problem domain knowledge against formal criteria. In order to create such method basic principles of Knowledge Based ISE and Model Driven ISE were combined. By combining the two approaches Knowledge Based MDA method was created that extends traditional MDA with Enterprise Model. During the research Knowledge Based MDA tool’s prototype, that is capable of partly automating Knowledge Based MDA process, was created. The efficiency of Knowledge Based MDA method was validated by creating real life application for mobile devices. During the empirical research it was established that by using developed method software requirements quality is improved and comprehensive documentation is created (due to Enterprise Model based validation), occurrence of logical gaps between software development stakeholders is reduced, time consumption needed for creation of application for multiplatform systems is reduced (due to automated code generation and shorter testing stage). / Šiuolaikiniai IS inžinerijos metodai yra nuolat vystomi ir tobulinami, tačiau iš esmės jie yra grindžiami empiriniais procesais. Empiriškai išgautų žinių kokybė gali būti nepakankama sėkmingam projekto įgyvendinimui, nes netikslus vartotojo reikalavimų specifikavimas neigiamai įtakoja visus programinės įrangos kūrimo etapus, o tai didina projekto įgyvendinimo riziką. Disertacinis darbas skirtas sukurti IS inžinerijos metodą, kuris įgalintų empiriniais būdais surinktas dalykinės srities žinias patikrinti formalių kriterijų atžvilgiu. Metodui sukurti buvo apjungti žiniomis grindžiamos ir modeliais grindžiamos IS inžinerijos principai. Šiuo tikslu klasikinis MDA procesas buvo papildytas pagrindiniu žiniomis grindžiamos IS inžinerijos komponentu – veiklos modeliu. Darbo metu buvo sukurtas žiniomis grindžiamo MDA metodo dalykinės programos prototipas, kuris iš dalies automatizuoja siūlomo metodo procesą. Žiniomis grindžiamo MDA metodo efektyvumas buvo patikrintas jį taikant eksperimentinio tyrimo atlikimui, kurio metu buvo sukurta pašto siuntų stebėjimo programėlė. Tyrimo metu nustatyta, kad tikslinga taikyti žiniomis grindžiamą MDA metodą PĮ kūrime nes: 1) detaliau dokumentuojami vartotojo reikalavimai (tikrinami formalių kriterijų atžvilgiu); 2) sumažinama loginių trūkių atsiradimo galimybė (tarp programinės įrangos kūrimo dalyvių); 3) daugiaplatforminiuose sprendimuose sumažinamos projekto įgyvendinimo laiko sąnaudos (dėka automatinio kodo generavimo iš patikrintų modelių).

Efficiency indicators for Enterprise Modelling Methods and Enterprise Models

Kaidalova, Iuliia January 2011 (has links)
At the present time, when enterprises have tendency for constant improvements, different tools are used to analyze current state of the business and to introduce organizational changes. Enterprise Modeling is one of these tools. Enterprise modeling can be used for different purposes: to restructure or standardize business processes, to develop business strategy, to capture best practices, etc. Evidently, enterprise models creation is resource-consuming job, since it requires variety of resources, for example labor, time and others. However, resources utilization is always aimed at result achievement, which originates the question of efficiency. There is a need to evaluate efficiency in the area of EM, which starts from defining a set of indicators to be checked. This work presents checklists of efficiency indicators for processes that EM can involve. For this purpose it identifies processes (so-called application areas of EMMs and enterprise models) that EM can involve. All of them are characterized with the help of two concepts: required resources and expected results. Formulated efficiency indicators can be used to analyze efficiency in the area of EM, particularly in application areas of EMMs and enterprise models.

Development of a Framework for Enterprise Modeling

Venugopalan, Thiyagarajan 13 December 2003 (has links)
Enterprises are growing in complexity due to numerous interactions within and outside the enterprise. Enterprise modeling addresses this issue of complexity by helping to structure it. A review of the literature indicates several issues in the field of enterprise modeling need to be addressed. First, the terms related to enterprise modeling have numerous definitions, each one focusing on different aspects. These definitions are analyzed and a comprehensive definition is provided. Next, enterprise modeling methodologies and enterprise modeling frameworks in the literature focus on different views when modeling an enterprise, thus making it difficult for an enterprise to choose the framework that best fits their needs. In order to resolve this, an enterprise modeling framework is designed that attempts to incorporate all of the views of an enterprise. This framework is then extended, by taking into account various models and functionalities provided in enterprise modeling software packages.

Transformação de um modelo de empresa em um modelo de casos de uso seguindo os conceitos de engenharia dirigida por modelos. / Transforming an enterprise model into a use case model using model-driven engineering concepts.

Siqueira, Fábio Levy 08 December 2011 (has links)
Uma das principais responsabilidades da área de Engenharia de Requisitos é refinar requisitos em especificações. Em sistemas empresariais esse refinamento deve considerar o contexto empresarial no qual o sistema fará parte. Apesar de existirem algumas abordagens para refinar requisitos algumas delas até mesmo considerando o contexto empresarial essa tarefa é realizada manualmente. Baseado em conceitos de Engenharia Dirigida por Modelos, este trabalho propõe uma transformação semiautomática usando um modelo da empresa como modelo dos requisitos e um modelo de casos de uso como modelo das especificações. Para isso, considera-se que ao usar um modelo de empresa como origem dessa transformação é possível representar tanto os requisitos quanto os conhecimentos de domínio necessários para obter especificações através de uma transformação. Com isso, este trabalho apresenta os metamodelos de origem e de destino, um conjunto de regras de transformação e uma ferramenta que permite executar a transformação. Por fim, este trabalho também discute um experimento que foi executado para analisar alguns aspectos desta proposta. / One of the key responsibilities of Requirements Engineering is to refine requirements into specifications. For enterprise systems, this refinement must consider the enterprise context where the system will be deployed. Although there are some approaches for requirements refinement, some of them even considering the enterprise context, this task is executed manually. Based on Model-Driven Engineering concepts, this study proposes a semi-automatic transformation using an enterprise model as a requirements model and a use case model as a specifications model. For that, this work considers that using an enterprise model as a source it is possible to represent both the requirements and the domain knowledge that are necessary to obtain specifications through a transformation. Therefore, this study presents the source and target meta-models, a set of transformation rules, and a tool to support the transformation. Finally, this study also discusses an experiment executed to analyze some aspects of this proposal.

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