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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Vliv environmentální certifikace budov při oceňování s ohledem na životní cyklus stavby / Influence of Building Environmental Certification on Price Valuation with Respect to the Building Life-Cycle

Mrňová, Zuzana January 2020 (has links)
The aim of this diploma thesis is an analysis and evaluation of environmental certifications influence on rental rates and operating costs of administrative buildings. The analysis is conducted for administrative buildings because these are the most frequently certified buildings in the Czech Republic. To fulfil this defined goal, two office space offer price databases in Prague and Brno are compiled. The first database is consists of office space offer rentals which possess environmental certification. The second database is also compiled of building offer rentals but without environmental certification. Based on these two databases the effect of environmental certification on rental rates using paired t-test is examined. Simultaneously, effective operating costs of buildings located in Brno are analysed, and it is evaluated whether and if so, at what intensity their amount is affected by environmental certifications.

Miljöcertifiering - en självklarhet? : Hur hotell i Umeå arbetar med hållbarhet

Johnsson, Emma January 2021 (has links)
The general public has become increasingly aware of the environmental effects humanity has on the planet. They expect companies to take responsibility and to sell green products. At the same time tourism and the hospitality sector contributes to the economic growth of society. Are climate certifications the right way to go towards a more sustainable society? This study examines how hotels in Umeå work with sustainability issues and whether they have environmental certifications or not. The findings indicate that all of the participating hotels have certifications and use them in their marketing and on their websites. However, it appears as though the hotel representatives’ perception of why they should use certifications at all are quite limited.

Gröna Byggnader : En redogörelse av miljöcertifieringar och miljömärkningar för byggnader på den svenska bostadsmarknaden med fokus på byggaktörers lönsamhet / Green Buildings

Lindstrand, Jesper, Ålander, Astrid January 2019 (has links)
Detta examensarbete fokuserar på gröna byggnader på bostadsmarknaden, samt vad miljöcertifiering och miljömärkning av byggnader innebär. Hur stor är egentligen vetskapen om miljöcertifieringar och miljömärkningar hos kunder på marknaden för bostäder? Det är en intressant fråga som är återkommande i denna uppsats. Att konsumenter blir mer och mer miljömedvetna och strävar efter att göra mer hållbara val och välja rätt alternativ när det kommer till livsmedel och resor är inget som är främmande för någon. Men hur ser det ut när det kommer till bostadsmarknaden och när en konsument ställer sig inför att välja en bostad som finns i ett hus som omfattas av miljöcertifieringar? Examensarbetet behandlar tre huvudfrågor som berör efterfrågan på miljöcertifieringar på bostäder, vad detta har för koppling till byggaktörer lönsamhet samt vilken eller vilka miljöcertifieringar eller miljömärkningar som är att föredra på bostadsmarknaden.I examensarbetet har totalt sex intervjuer utförts under hösten 2019 där de deltagande representerar olika byggföretag i Sverige från antigen den kommersiella marknaden, bostadsmarknaden eller entreprenadföretag från byggskedet. De intervjuade är antingen hållbarhetschefer, VD eller på något sätt ansvariga för hållbarheten på företaget. Utöver dessa intervjuer skapades även en enkät som undersökte vilka tre variabler som hamnade högst när det kommer till att välja en ny bostad. Resultatet från empirin, i form av intervju och enkät, knöts samman med redogörelsen om miljöcertifieringar och miljömärkningar är i en avslutande analys. Examensarbetet mynnade ut i att efterfrågan på miljöcertifieringar och miljömärkningar på bostadsmarknaden inte är i paritet med efterfrågan på dessa på den kommersiella marknaden. Kunden har inte tillräckligt med information om vad dessa innebär och företagen behöver bli bättre på att nå ut till kunderna för att göra miljöcertifierade och miljömärkta bostäder mer attraktiva i kundens ögon. Miljöcertifierade byggnader genererar ett högre driftnetto då drift- och underhållskostnader för en miljöcertifierad byggnad blir lägre då den har högre krav på energianvändning och prestanda, i jämförelse med ett brunt hus. Detta, trots en låg efterfrågan hos kunderna, är en attraktiv aspekt för de byggaktörer som använder sig av miljöcertifieringarna. En miljömärkt byggnad är bra utifrån olika aspekter, liksom att den producerats av noga utvalda material. Däremot berör en inte miljömärkt byggnad den fortsatta förvaltningen, vilket en miljöcertifierad byggnad istället gör. Flertalet av de som intervjuats till detta examensarbete påpekar att Svanenmärkta hus kan vara ett bättre alternativ om företaget vill marknadsföra deras byggnader med ett mer igenkänt varumärke som Svanen. Däremot anser de att Miljöbyggnad är ett bättre alternativ då denna miljöcertifiering inte bara behandlar produktionsskedet utan även förvaltningen av byggnaden. / This bachelor’s thesis has its main focus on green buildings on the market for housing [in Sweden] and what is involved in the area of environmental certifications and ecolabelling of these buildings. How vast is one consumer’s knowledge about environmental certifications and markings on the housing market? This is an interesting question that is discussed continuously throughout this essay. The fact that consumers get more and more sustainable and aim towards making more sustainable choices for themselves when it comes to travel and consuming different goods, is not unfamiliar to anyone. But what does it look like when it comes to the housing market and when a consumer is presented with the choice of choosing a home which is in an apartment that is covered by environmental certifications? This bachelor’s thesis contains three main questions that revolve around how big the demand for apartments in an environmentally certified house is, what connection this has to the profitability of building actors and last but not least, which certification or ecolabel is the most preferable on the market for housing. A total of six people have been interviewed for this bachelor’s thesis, during the spring of 2019. The participants are all working for different building companies, either as contractors or on the market for commercial buildings or the market for housing. These people are either sustainability managers, CEOs or responsible for the sustainability of the company. Apart from these interviews a survey was filled by numerous people where the main question was to examine which three preferences were most popular when it comes selecting a new apartment. The result, from the six interviews and the survey, was entwined with the screening of the different environmental certifications and ecolabels in an analysis. The analysis argued that the demand for environmentally certified buildings on the commercial market is a lot higher than the demand for these on the market for housing. The customer is not briefed enough, and the companies need to step up their marketing and make environmentally certified buildings more attractive for the customer. Buildings that are environmentally certified generates a higher operations net since lower operations and maintenance costs tend to get lower if the building is certified, in comparison to a non-certified building. This, despite the low demand on environmental certifications, is an attractive aspect for building actors that use these certifications. When a building has an ecolabelling, it is effective in different aspects, such as when it comes to the appropriate selection of sustainable materials. A building that is equipped with an ecolabel only affects the production of the building. However, a building that is environmentally certified looks to the continued management of the facility. Most participants in the interviews suggest that the ecolabel Svanen is the best one for the housing market since it is most recognizable by customers. However, they point out that the certification Miljöbyggnad is a better choice if they are interested in, not only the production phase of the building but also the continued facility management.

Miljökravens påverkan inom projektering samt vägproduktion

Zhang, Shi Fu, Demirtas, Gürcan January 2015 (has links)
Den ökade miljöfrågan som dyker allt mer på senare tid har haft en stor betydelse näringslivets miljöarbete samt utvecklingen av metoder som används inom vägproduktion. Med rätta krav kan det uppnås en minimerad inverkan på miljön som leder till en hållbar utveckling. De nationella miljömålen samt miljöbalkens lagstiftningar är en viktig riktlinje för att uppnå den önskade miljöeffektiviseringen inom näringslivet.   Detta examensarbete undersöker grunden till miljökraven från Trafikverket samt hur detta resulterar i entreprenörernas miljöarbete inom produktion samt hur kraven speglar sig i deras egna miljöambitioner. / The increased environmental issue which appears more and more in recent times has a major impact on how we build our roads today. Today’s environment demands a controlling part of the working process as well as methods within the elections in the road production. Justifiably demands can achieve a minimized impact on the environment which leads to sustainable development. The national environmental targets are an important guideline to achieve the desired environmental efficiency within road production that all authorities follow.   This thesis explores the foundations of environmental requirements from the Swedish Transport Administration and how this results in entrepreneurs’ approach and its own environmental ambitions.

Miljöcertifieringar för kontorsbyggnader  och LEED : En jämförelse mellan Miljöbyggnad, BREEAM-SE / Environmental Certifications for Office Buildings : A Comparison between Miljöbyggnad, BREEAM-SE and LEED

Lindqvist, Alva January 2022 (has links)
I Sveriges klimatmål står att senast år 2045 ska Sverige ha noll nettoutsläpp av växthusgaser. Det är ett klimatmål som innebär att alla sektorer behöver bidra för att målet ska vara möjligt att uppnå. Detta gäller även bygg- och fastighetssektorn som står för cirka 21 procent av Sveriges totala utsläpp av växthusgaser ur ett livscykelperspektiv. Då byggnader har stor miljöpåverkan både i produktion och vid användning har olika certifieringssystem tagits fram i syfte att bygga mer hållbart. Med hjälp av en miljöcertifiering med ett tydligt ramverk blir det enklare att arbeta för en miljömässigt hållbar byggnad. Det finns flera olika miljöcertifieringar på den svenska marknaden och några av de som används mest frekvent är Miljöbyggnad, BREEAM-SE och LEED. De olika certifieringarna berör flera olika områden, exempelvis energianvändning, inomhusmiljö bland annat. Certifieringarna innefattar olika indikatorer. Det finns ännu ingen tydlig guide som visar vilket certifieringssystem som passar vilken typ av byggnad eller om alla certifieringar är allmänt applicerbara, utan att skilja sig åt. Av den anledningen är det intressant att undersöka ifall något system är mer lämpligt för kontorsbyggnader. Syftet med studien är att jämföra de olika miljöcertifieringssystemen Miljöbyggnad, BREEAM-SE och LEED utifrån uppbyggnad, genomförande och betygssystem med utgångspunkt i kontorsbyggnader. Studien är avgränsad till att beröra nybyggnation av kontorsbyggnader på den svenska marknaden. Resultatet i studien visar på betydande skillnader i uppbyggnad och genomförande, likaså i betygssystemens utformning. BREEAM-SE har den mest omfattande certifieringsprocessen och är även det dyraste av alternativen, däremot är systemet nationellt anpassningsbart och flexibelt. LEED är det system som ligger längst ifrån svenska förhållanden men är däremot globalt välkänt och kan vara av intresse för internationella investerare, det är även ett omfattande system som beaktar hela byggnaden samt omgivning. Miljöbyggnad är det billigaste och mest användarvänliga systemet men omfattar endast byggnaden i sig. Systemet är anpassat till svenska förhållanden och är inget internationellt system, därför är det av mindre intresse för internationella investerare. / Sweden's climate goal states that by 2045, Sweden must have zero net emissions of greenhouse gases. This climate goal means that all sectors need to contribute in order to achieve the goal. This also applies to the construction and real estate sector, which accounts for approximately 21 percent of Sweden's total greenhouse gas emissions from a life cycle perspective. As buildings have a major environmental impact both in production and in use, various certification systems have been developed with the aim of building more sustainable. With the help of an environmental certification, it will be easier to work for an environmentally sustainable building. There are several different environmental certifications on the Swedish market and some of the most frequently used are Miljöbyggnad, BREEAM-SE and LEED. The different certifications cover several different areas, such as energy use and the indoor environment, and include different indicators. There is still no clear guide that shows which certification system is suitable for which type of building or if all certifications are generally applicable, without differing. For that reason, it is interesting to investigate if any system is more suitable for office buildings. The purpose of the studies is to compare the various environmental certification systems Miljöbyggnad, BREEAM-SE and LEED based on contexture, implementation and rating systems for office buildings. The study is limited to new construction of office buildings on the Swedish market. The results in the study show differences in structure and implementation, as well as in the design of the rating systems. BREEAM-SE has the most comprehensive certification process and is also the most expensive of the alternatives, however, the system is nationally adaptable and flexible. LEED is the system that is furthest from Swedish conditions but is globally well known and may be of interest to international investors, it is also a comprehensive system for the entire building and surroundings. Miljöbyggnad is the cheapest and most user-friendly system but only covers the building itself. The system is adapted to Swedish conditions and is not an international system, therefore it is of less interest to international investors. / <p>Examensarbetet är utfört vid Institutionen för teknik och naturvetenskap (ITN) vid Tekniska fakulteten, Linköpings universitet</p>

Gröna Premium: Utvärdering av Miljöcertifieringars Påverkan på den Svenska Bostadsmarknaden / Green Premium: Evaluating the Impact of Environmental Certifications on the Swedish Housing Market

Nilsson, Viggo January 2024 (has links)
Detta examensarbete syftar till att undersöka och analysera miljöcertifieringarnas påverkan på den svenska bostadsmarknaden. Fokus ligger på tre huvudsakliga miljöcertifieringssystem: BREEAM, LEED och Miljöbyggnad. Studien avser att identifiera om och hur dessa certifieringar kan skapa ett ekonomiskt mervärde för fastigheter, med särskild uppmärksamhet på hur dessa värden uppfattas och värderas av fastighetsägare. Examensarbetet har som mål att analysera hur miljöcertifieringar påverkar fastighetsvärden på den svenska bostadsmarknaden och undersöka om certifieringarna leder till mervärde eller eventuella konkurrensfördelar på bostadsmarknaden. En kvalitativ metod används, där semi-strukturerade intervjuer med nyckelpersoner inom fastighetsbranschen utgör den primära datainsamlingen. Urvalet av respondenter baseras på deras erfarenheter och insikter i utvecklingen och förvaltningen av hållbara bostäder. Den teoretiska ramen inkluderar värdeteori och en detaljerad genomgång av de valda miljöcertifieringssystemen. Studien visar att miljöcertifieringar kan erbjuda flera konkurrensfördelar för fastighetsutvecklare och förvaltare. Miljöcertifierade byggnader tenderar att ha högre hyres- och försäljningspriser samt lägre driftkostnader tack vare minskad energiförbrukning och vattenanvändning. Resultaten indikerar dock att värdet av miljöcertifieringar varierar beroende på marknadssegment och kundernas miljömedvetenhet. Utmaningar inkluderar höga kostnader för certifieringsprocessen och osäkerheter kring de ekonomiska fördelarna, vilket kräver noggrann avvägning från fastighetsägarnas sida. Studien bidrar till en fördjupad förståelse av hur miljöcertifieringar kan påverka bostadsmarknaden och ger värdefulla insikter för fastighetsutvecklare och förvaltare i deras framtida beslut om hållbarhetsinvesteringar. / This thesis aims to investigate and analyze the impact of environmental certifications on the Swedish housing market. The focus is on three main environmental certification systems: BREEAM, LEED, and Miljöbyggnad. The study seeks to identify whether and how these certifications can create economic value for properties, with particular attention to how these values are perceived and evaluated by property owners. The aim of this thesis is to analyze how environmental certifications affect property values in the Swedish housing market and to investigate whether the certifications lead to added value or potential competitive advantages in the housing market. A qualitative method is employed, with semi-structured interviews with key stakeholders in the real estate industry serving as the primary data collection method. Respondents were selected based on their experiences and insights into the development and management of sustainable housing. The theoretical framework includes value theory and a detailed review of the selected environmental certification systems. The study shows that environmental certifications can offer several competitive advantages for real estate developers and managers. Certified buildings tend to have higher rental and sales prices and lower operating costs due to reduced energy and water consumption. However, the results indicate that the value of environmental certifications varies depending on market segment and customer environmental awareness. Challenges include high certification process costs and uncertainties about economic benefits, requiring careful consideration by property owners. The study contributes to a deeper understanding of how environmental certifications can impact the housing market and provides valuable insights for real estate developers and managers in their future sustainability investment decisions.

Análise de sistema de certificação ambiental de prédio ao longo do tempo a partir dos conceitos eco-eficiência e eco-eficácia

Canazaro, Camila Copello 18 January 2018 (has links)
Submitted by JOSIANE SANTOS DE OLIVEIRA (josianeso) on 2018-04-03T16:44:15Z No. of bitstreams: 1 Camila Copello Canazaro_.pdf: 1264806 bytes, checksum: f87f45421f57d933c65e9c84547ad633 (MD5) / Made available in DSpace on 2018-04-03T16:44:15Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 Camila Copello Canazaro_.pdf: 1264806 bytes, checksum: f87f45421f57d933c65e9c84547ad633 (MD5) Previous issue date: 2018-01-18 / Nenhuma / O uso racional de materiais na construção civil e a responsabilidade deste setor com o meio ambiente têm sido objetos de pesquisa no meio acadêmico. As certificações ambientais surgiram neste cenário para orientar os envolvidos no processo afim de reduzir os impactos ambientais causados pelo setor. Neste contexto, a eco-eficiência e a eco-eficácia apresentam diferentes abordagens a este tema e fundamentam as análises da certificação LEED realizada neste trabalho. O trabalho tem como objetivo geral analisar a atualização dos critérios ao longo das versões de um programa de certificação ambiental de prédios (LEED) a partir dos conceitos de eco-eficiência e eco-eficácia. Como objetivos específicos, esta pesquisa analisa: (i) a atualização dos critérios do programa de certificação para as fases de projeto e de uso ao longo do tempo; (ii) a pontuação de um prédio certificado, considerando os critérios na versão atual da certificação; (iii) o prédio certificado a partir dos conceitos de eco-eficiência e eco-eficácia. Para avaliar a atualização dos critérios da certificação ao longo do tempo foram realizadas análises de cada requisito das certificações de projeto e operação das versões v3 (2009) e v4 (2016). Esta etapa resultou em macro alterações na certificação, como o surgimento de novas tipologias, do Processo de Projeto Integrado e a criação de uma categoria exclusiva para Localização e Transportes. A avaliação do prédio na versão mais atual da certificação v4 (2016), foi realizada através de visitas à edificação e entrevistas com os operadores da mesma. Esta etapa resultou no decréscimo da pontuação da edificação para a certificação de projeto na v4 (2016). Porém, a certificação de operação atingiu classificação máxima (Platina), com 82 pontos, pelo fato de os operadores já praticarem diversas ações que a certificação exige, independente da certificação de projeto. Por fim, foram avaliados como a certificação e o prédio certificado atendem aos conceitos de eco-eficiência e eco-eficácia, afim de verificar se produzem impactos positivos no meio ambiente ou apenas os reduzem. O estudo revelou que a certificação está em busca da produção de impactos positivos no meio ambiente e de inovações tecnológicas, apesar de ainda estarem presentes em um pequeno número de créditos. / The rational use of materials in the construction industry and the responsibility this sector has towards the environment has been object of research in the academia over the past few decades. In this context, the environmental certifications have arisen to guide the involved in the processes, seeking to reduce the environmental impacts caused by this sector. The analysis conducted in this study is based on the different approaches the concepts of eco-efficiency and eco-effectiveness brought on the subject. The main goal of this essay is to analyze, at the light of eco-efficiency and eco-effectiveness, the criteria evolution of an environmental certification program designed for buildings (LEED) over the course of time. As specific objectives, this study evaluates: (i) the updates of the certification program criteria for the design stage and operations and maintenance stage from version v3 (2009) to version v4 (2016); (ii) the comparison between the score achieved by a certificated building, taking in consideration the criteria of the certification program’s current version and its previous version; (iii) the aspects of eco-efficiency and eco-effectiveness of the certificated building. Each of the conditions of versions v3 (2009) and v4 (2016) of both the design certification and operations and maintenance certification has been analyzed in order to evaluate the updates over the course of time. This analysis showed significant changes in the certification, with the inclusion of new typologies and important concerns, such as the Integrative Process and the establishment of a new category exclusively for Location and Transportation. The evaluation of the building under the conditions of the latest version of the program was performed through visits and interviews with its operators. A comparison between the building scores obtained in versions v3 (2009) and v4 (2016) showed a decrease in the latter. The building achieved a total of 82 points on the operations and maintenance certification, reaching the Platinum category, despite the lower score on the design certification, due to the practices required by the program already being performed by its operators. Finally, the certification and certified building were evaluated against the aspects of eco-efficiency and eco-effectiveness in order to verify if the generation of good impacts on the environment are taken into consideration or if they rely solely on the reduction of bad impacts. The study revealed that the certification analyzed is seeking the generation of good impacts and technology innovation, although these concepts are still verified in a just few credits.

Diretrizes para áreas de interesse cultural em certificações ambientais: Análise do 4º Distrito de Porto Alegre

Zenato, Caroline 13 April 2018 (has links)
Submitted by JOSIANE SANTOS DE OLIVEIRA (josianeso) on 2018-08-07T12:54:40Z No. of bitstreams: 1 Caroline Zenato_.pdf: 8786050 bytes, checksum: f875d3995e1e76f91adbfb21fc45158a (MD5) / Made available in DSpace on 2018-08-07T12:54:40Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 Caroline Zenato_.pdf: 8786050 bytes, checksum: f875d3995e1e76f91adbfb21fc45158a (MD5) Previous issue date: 2018-04-13 / Nenhuma / A presente pesquisa tem a finalidade de estudar diretrizes para áreas de interesse cultural, especificamente para o patrimônio cultural arquitetônico e urbanístico, em certificações ambientais voltadas à avaliação de áreas urbanas, valorizando a importância da manutenção desses aspectos para a qualidade do ambiente urbano. O método utilizado dividiu a pesquisa em dois momentos. A primeira etapa foi constituída pela seleção das certificações ambientais a serem estudadas e pela identificação e análise das suas diretrizes voltadas às áreas de interesse cultural. A segunda etapa abrangeu um estudo de caso no 4º Distrito de Porto Alegre, onde foi verificada a presença das diretrizes encontradas na etapa anterior, por meio de pesquisa bibliográfica e de entrevistas qualitativas semiestruturadas com arquitetos e urbanistas que possuem envolvimento com a região. O estudo das diretrizes das certificações ambientais voltadas aos espaços urbanos resultou em um quadro com nove diretrizes para áreas de interesse cultural, hierarquizadas e distribuídas em categorias que dizem respeito à preservação de edificações e das infraestruturas existentes, aos aspectos urbanísticos e paisagísticos e à participação social no planejamento urbano. Em relação ao 4º Distrito, constatou-se que apenas cinco diretrizes identificadas para áreas de interesse cultural conseguem ser completamente atendidas. Observou-se que, embora as diretrizes das certificações ambientais estudadas não demonstrem, de maneira geral, consenso entre si em termos de incidência, pontuação e grau de importância, valorizam, em algum nível, as questões pertinentes à manutenção de aspectos da identidade local e da memória coletiva no ambiente urbano, sendo predominante o interesse pelos fatores urbanísticos e paisagísticos, em detrimento das edificações e das infraestruturas isoladas e, especificamente, do patrimônio arquitetônico e urbanístico. Diante disso, sugere-se que os selos ambientais para áreas urbanas atentem para a revisão e a qualificação de seus escopos de diretrizes, possibilitando torná-los mais amplos e equilibrados, contribuindo, deste modo, para a manutenção da diversidade cultural das cidades. / The presente research proposes to study guidelines for áreas of cultural interest, specifically for the architectural and urbanistic cultural heritage, in environmental certifications destined to the evaluation of urban areas, valuing the importance of maintaining these aspects for the quality of the urban environment. The method used divided the research into two moments. The first part was constituted by the selection of the environmental certifications to be studied and the identification and analysis of its guidelines focused on areas of cultural interest. The second part covered a case study in the 4th District of Porto Alegre, where it was verified the presence of the guidelines found in the previous stage, through bibliographical research and semi-structured qualitative interviews with architects and urban planners who are involved with the region. The study of the environmental certification guidelines for the urban spaces resulted in a list with nine guidelines for areas of cultural interest, which are hierarchical and distributed in categories that involve the preservation of existing buildings and infrastructures, urban and landscape aspects, and social participation in urban planning. In relation to the 4th District, it was found that only five guidelines identified for areas of cultural interest can be completely attended. It was observed that, although the guidelines of the environmental certifications studied do not show, in general, consensus among themselves in terms of incidence, punctuation and degree of importance, they value, at some level, the issues related to the maintenance of aspects of local identity and collective memory in the urban environment, being predominant the interest for the urban and landscape factors, to the detriment of buildings and isolated infrastructures and, specifically, of architectural and urbanistic heritage. Therefore, it is suggested that environmental seals for urban áreas attempt to the review and qualification of its guidelines scopes, allowing to make them broader and more balanced, contributing, in this way, to maintain the cultural diversity of cities.

Índice de Avaliação do Desempenho Hídrico - IADH: contribuição ao desenvolvimento de cidades sustentáveis

Greef, Roseméri Carine 24 August 2018 (has links)
Submitted by JOSIANE SANTOS DE OLIVEIRA (josianeso) on 2018-11-06T15:57:50Z No. of bitstreams: 1 Roseméri Carine Greef_.pdf: 75721889 bytes, checksum: f18ac3933f09d42ce5115741913fc467 (MD5) / Made available in DSpace on 2018-11-06T15:57:50Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 Roseméri Carine Greef_.pdf: 75721889 bytes, checksum: f18ac3933f09d42ce5115741913fc467 (MD5) Previous issue date: 2018-08-24 / Nenhuma / Gerenciar as águas urbanas de modo sustentável tem sido um desafio para urbanistas do mundo todo. A busca por alternativas que permitam a boa interação entre as cidades, população e cursos hídricos é emergente. Na tentativa de avaliar esta sistemática, algumas das Certificações Ambientais mais difundidas mundialmente vem desenvolvendo certificados de sustentabilidade próprios para o contexto urbano. Apesar disso, estas certificações não abordam as questões hídricas de modo específico, uma vez que avaliam a sustentabilidade urbana em seus mais variados aspectos. Com o objetivo de elaborar o Índice de Avaliação do Desempenho Hídrico - IADH, baseado nos critérios de avaliação presentes nas Certificações Ambientais, visando o desenvolvimento de Cidades Sustentáveis, esta pesquisa justifica-se pela carência das Certificações Ambientais existentes quanto à avaliação do desempenho hídrico urbano. Além disso, a gestão sustentável dos recursos hídricos é uma necessidade emergente nas cidades brasileiras. Para tanto, realizou-se um estudo de caso em alguns setores da zona urbana do município de Sapiranga/RS, cujos resultados atenderam às premissas da análise. Entretanto, alguns dos critérios de avaliação não foram apurados, pois os mesmos não faziam parte do contexto urbano analisado, apontando para uma realidade inconsistente com os preceitos do Desenvolvimento Sustentável. / Managing urban waters in a sustainable way has been a challenge for urban planners all over the world. The search of alternatives that allow good interaction between cities, population and water courses is emergent. In an attempt to evaluate this systematics, some of the most widespread Environmental Certifications worldwide have been developing sustainability certificates that are appropriate to the urban context. However, these certifications do not address water issues in a specific way, as they assess urban sustainability in it´s most varied aspects. With the objective of elaborating the Water Performance Index - IADH, based on the evaluation criteria present in the Environmental Certifications, aiming the development of Sustainable Cities, this research is justified by the lack of existing Environmental Certifications regarding the evaluation of the urban water performance. In addition, the sustainable management of water resources is an emergent need in Brazilian cities. For this, a study case was carried out in some sectors of the urban area in the city of Sapiranga / RS, whose results met the assumptions of the analysis. However, some of the evaluation criteria were not verified, as they were not part of the analyzed urban context, pointing to a reality that is inconsistent with the context of Sustainable Development.


Ricchetti, Patrícia 20 October 2010 (has links)
This paper presents a comparative analysis of hierarchical variables indicators of socioenvironmental certification from the scene. The indicators take values handled in the business to the environment. For such understanding, we begin with assumptions that each society conceives the nature of the built environment and social relations. From this perspective, it is understood that the relationship that societies construct themselves and together with the building with the building with nature, materialize in space. Hence, when we speak of production space we are considering that this is the product of the inseparability of social and natural, like a hybrid of historical processes that have developed as forms of social organization and uses of nature. Since the construction of the environmental scene take the concept of public sphere as a locus of realization spaces of argument, which echoes and integrates the policy as a whole interrelated. In both speeches that no originals of the formal resolutions (that support micro) as institutionalized make incursions into the public sphere, moving public opinion and pressure various sectors such as government and civil organizations, intent on (re) introduce the man as the subject of actions in the political scene, and environmental discourse. The methodology was qualitative, based on analysis of questionnaires between the groups: researchers associated with the National Association of Graduate Studies and Research in Environment and Society-ANPPAS, professionals working in environmental, nongovernmental organizations related to environmental issues , state environmental agencies, state sanitation companies (respondents to the questionnaire 1) and state sanitation company certified by ISO 14001 (questionnaire respondent 2). What was found was that the indicators incorporate social and environmental variables in a psychosphere originating in non-institutionalized social spheres. These variables are operationalized in the strategies and actions to generate competitive advantage, market access, and to generate confidence among the various stakeholders. Where the certificates are presented as network variables tailoring sectors, constitute and embody the company's relations with its parts. / Este trabalho apresenta a análise comparativa hierarquizada de variáveis dos indicadores das certificações da cena socioambiental. Os indicadores são tomados como valores agenciados na relação empresa- meio ambiente. Para tal entendimento, partimos de pressupostos que cada sociedade concebe natureza o ambiente construído pelas e para as relações sociais. Nessa perspectiva, compreende-se que a relação que as sociedades constroem em si e, juntamente, com a que constroem com a natureza, materializam-se no espaço. Daí que, ao falarmos de produção de espaço estamos considerando que esse é produto da indissociabilidade do social e do natural, como um híbrido de processos históricos que se desenvolveram como formas de organização social e dos usos da natureza. Sendo que na construção da cena ambiental tomamos o conceito de esfera pública como lócus de realização dos espaços de argumentação, que repercute e integra a política como um todo interrelacionada. Em que tanto os discursos não originais dos espaços formais de deliberação (que dão suporte à micropolítica) como os institucionalizados fazem incursões pela esfera pública, movimentando a opinião pública e pressionando diversos setores tais como governo, organizações e civis, na intenção de (re)introduzir o homem como sujeito das ações na cena política-discursivaambiental. A metodologia aplicada foi qualitativa, baseada em análise de questionários aplicados entre os grupos: pesquisadores associados à Associação Nacional de Pós-Graduação e Pesquisa em Ambiente e Sociedade- ANPPAS, profissionais liberais que trabalham na área ambiental, organizações não-governamentais ligadas à temática ambiental, órgãos ambientais estatais, empresas estaduais de saneamento (respondentes do questionário 1) e empresa estadual de saneamento certificada pela ISO 14001 ( respondente do questionário 2). O que se constatou foi que os indicadores incorporam as variáveis socioambientais de uma psicosfera originária de esferas sociais não institucionalizadas. Estas variáveis são operacionalizadas nas estratégias e ações para geração de vantagem competitiva, acesso a mercados, e para a geração de confiança entre os diversos públicos de interesse. Em que as certificações se apresentam como uma rede de variáveis que costuram setores, constituem e materializam as relações da empresa com suas partes.

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