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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Vliv těžby břidlicového plynu v USA na průběh místní debaty mezi enviromentální a ekonomickou bezpečností / The impact of US shale gas extraction on local dynamics between environmental- and economic- security frames

Burda, Ondřej January 2015 (has links)
This work focuses on situations where two different sectors of human security - economic and environmental - clash. It uses the currently popular topic of shale gas in the United States in order to determine what happens when such conflict occurs. It also tries to find out which sector potentially dominates in this conflict. The first part of the work defines the research questions, states my preliminary working thesis and discusses sources used. The theoretical background of the whole work is then outlined in the second part. Special attention is given to the concept of human security and the Copenhagen school, i.e. to elements that widened the traditional perception of security. The second part, however, is also engaged in the definition of the theoretical framework of given security sectors in the context of US shale gas. The third part is the core of the work's research. Here, various mini case studies within the United States and their economic and environmental variables are discussed. The aim is to find out what happened in specific cases when the clash of the two sectors occurred. The fourth part aims to outline the possible factors not mentioned in the third part, which, however, could still play a role in the shaping of the results. In the fifth section, there is a preliminary analysis of...

水,河川與國際安全之研究 / Research on water, international rivers and international security

呂欣憓, Lu,Hsin-hui Unknown Date (has links)
在後冷戰時期,由於國際氛圍的改變以及全球化的影響,國家間互動密切,國際關係學者與政策制定者關心的議題逐漸從軍事層面慢慢轉向非軍事的面,因此所謂的非傳統安全也逐漸受到重視。國家開始注意到其他許多問題,諸如環保、移民、國際走私等問題,也發現這些問題影響的範圍及層面其實相當的廣泛,這些問題使得國內局面動盪不安,也跟著影響了國家安全,而一些跨國界的問題,例如環保問題,由於人類對環境的過度使用及破壞,一方面使得國家社會經濟層面受到影響,一方面國家之間為了爭奪這些珍貴資源,將無可避免地發生衝突。 本研究探討了非傳統安全中一個分類議題---環境安全,而資源安全也包括在其中。關於環境問題是否為安全議題的一環,引起了無數爭論,不過目前對於環境問題是安全的一環,學界已有一個大致上的共識。水資源安全是環境安全概念下引申出來的分支,對於水資源的爭奪,是衝突的潛在引爆點。 水是人類生存的必需品,在二十一世紀,水更是一切發展的關鍵,關係著國民的健康,國民健康關係著國力,水也和工業、農業發展息息相關。因此水不只是一個環境問題或是經濟問題,水更和國家安全緊密相連。且新鮮水資源沒有替代品,由於人口成長和氣候變遷的影響,未來新鮮水資源將會更難取得。 在世界上的許多地區都把獲得水源視為國家安全的一部份,不惜為水一戰,特別是對於國際河川之爭奪,對乾旱地區的國家來說,水資源問題是會影響到國家生存和發展的戰略問題,特別是那些用水特別緊張的地區,為水而起的衝突一觸即發。本研究以非洲尼羅河流域為例,檢視水資源問題是否為國家安全的一部分,以及爭奪水資源是否會成為戰爭的引爆點。 由於沒有一個國家可以獨占水資源,國家間在水的議題上必須共同合作,探討出一個大家共同接受的管理模式,各國在水資源使用上才能達到最大的效益。

Analýza propojení adaptačních opatření s omezováním rizika katastrof v kontextu environmentální bezpečnosti / Analysis of the interconnection between adaptation measures and disaster risk reduction in the context of environmental security

Sebőková, Angelika January 2016 (has links)
The main objective of this thesis is to present a detailed analysis of the currently achieved level of common interconnection between adaptation measures to climate change and disaster risk reduction approach in selected documents. The analysis was based on a group of predetermined keywords. The theoretical basis for this research is the concept o environmental security. According to the selected theoretical concepts the thesis identifies current obstacles of the synergy of both types of measures, and offers suggestions and solutions to overcome them. Results of the analysis showed an insufficient level of interconnection between measures, especially in the internationally binding agreements. They define only the widest context of their implementation and, moreover, do not work with the aspect of building and sustaining environmental security at all. Nationally binding documents on the contrary show a detailed mutual interconnection of the both types of measures. They are sector-oriented and complement each other in the terms of more effective implementation of measures. They are as well the only documents referring directly to the need of building environmental security, as one of the basic preconditions for maintaining the overall security of natural and socioeconomic systems. Key words:...

Sekuritizace jaderné energetiky: Analýza řečových aktů vztahujících se k možné výstavbě nového reaktoru v areálu stávající elektrárny Dukovany / Securitising Nuclear Energy: Analysis of speech acts related to the possible construction of a new reactor at the existing Dukovany Nuclear Power Station

Dytrych, Simon January 2021 (has links)
This Master's thesis dealt with securitization attempts related to the planned construction of a new reactor at the Dukovany NPP. Therefore, its aim was to find, analyse and explain securitization speech acts associated with the planned reactor, in the period from summer 2015 to December 2020 using the critical discourse analysis approach. The results show that securitization speech acts of this kind do appear in the Czech public sphere and are articulated mainly by four groups of actors: representatives of Austria, Czech environmental NGOs, Czech governmental representatives, and Czech political opposition. These actors have different goals: to stop the construction of the reactor, to implement the construction of the reactor, or to influence the way in which the construction will be implemented. One case of successful securitization was found in the outcome: The Czech government was able to enforce extraordinary measures that deviated from standard democratic processes using security-based arguments. Their goal was to implement the construction of the reactor. It remains to add that the research also revealed three important functional actors who co-created the discourse: the BIS secret service, the SÚJB nuclear safety office and the company ČEZ.

Säkerheten om Nord Stream 2 : En kvalitativ fallstudie med påverkan av Navalnyj-fallet, ett liberalistiskt och realistiskt perspektiv.

Placha, Paul January 2021 (has links)
The purpose of this study is to analyze security risks regarding the Navalny-case for acquiring a broader understanding concerning the sanctions and the security development regarding Nord Stream 2. Furthermore, upholding an perception concerning definition of security and the impact of a finalized Nord Stream 2-project. Consequently, comprehend the understanding with a liberal and realistic perspective interpreting of the case and the controversial infrastructure project. For a comprehensive apprehension of security, military-, environmental-, energy- and economy security is given. To investigate the scientific problem, a qualitative case study with content analysis is utilized. I will argue of using the criteria contained in the theory that my questions to be answered. All safety dimensions have been considered to be affected, some more than others. At the same time, insecurity is being expressed regarding the military security surrounding increased military activity in the Baltic Sea which could lead to a NATO membership. Higher water temperature and contamination of the seawater is reflected in the environmental security. The effect on energy security is considered to be higher on the agenda after the impact of the Navalny-case, regarding for a reliable trade partner. At the same time, financial security is affected on the basis regarding job insecurity.

L’étude des questions environnementales pour la consolidation de la paix : une approche intégrative et participative de la sécurité.

Marion, Damien 03 1900 (has links)
Comment concevoir la sécurité et le conflit violent d’aujourd’hui ? Cette étude traite de la pertinence de l’étude des questions environnementales au champ de la gouvernance de la sécurité dans le cadre de la consolidation de la paix. Ainsi, nous cherchons à décrire les liens entre les enjeux environnementaux, la sécurité et le conflit violent, à étudier le potentiel des projets environnementaux pour la gouvernance de la sécurité, de présenter les recommandations pour améliorer la durabilité de ces interventions, tout en considérant la question des écophilosophies. Nous avons opté pour des données de type qualitatif, soit sept entrevues semi-directives réalisées avec des professionnels du domaine des opérations de paix, quatre webémissions et neuf documents écrits. Toutes ont été traitées selon les directives de la théorie ancrée. Notre analyse démontre une interdépendance entre la détérioration environnementale, la sécurité et la dynamique des conflits armés. À l’instar de cette interaction, la « coopération environnementale » et la gestion des ressources naturelles serviraient à établir un dialogue entre les belligérants dans un objectif de bâtir la confiance, mais aussi à promouvoir le développement durable. La participation citoyenne constituerait un facteur incontournable pour développer la résilience des populations et des institutions face aux changements environnementaux et sociaux rapides et par conséquent favoriserait une sécurité humaine plus stable. Or, les réformes de gouvernance de la sécurité demandent une plus grande intégration de la population. Pour conclure, nous avons produit un modèle d’intégration des questions environnementales dans le but d’améliorer la gouvernance de la sécurité dans le cadre de consolidation de la paix en milieux postconflits. Sous forme de six énoncés pratiques, nous expliquons l’importance d’imbriquer les concepts de sécurité humaine et environnementale, d’exploiter les opportunités que présentent les situations d’interdépendances, de considérer davantage les interventions locales, d’adopter une approche participative, d’utiliser la coopération environnementale et de privilégier les approches stratégiques amenant à des solutions gagnantes pour tous. / How to perceive security and violent conflict of today? This study analyses the relevance of environmental issues for security governance in a peacebuilding framework. We attempted to describe the link between environmental issues, security and violent conflict, to study the potential of environmental based projects for security governance purposes, to draw recommendations to improve the sustainability of those initiatives, and to analyse the eco-philosophies. Using Grounded Theory approach, our data collection comprised qualitative data; i.e. seven interviews conducted with professionals having experiences in environment and peacebuilding, as well as four webcasts and nine written documents. Our results indicate a reciprocal influence between environmental deterioration, security and armed conflict dynamics. Moreover, environmental cooperation and natural resource management are used primarily to establish dialogues between belligerents for confidence building, but also to improve sustainable development. Furthermore, building resilience for communities and institutions using public participation approach to deal with rapid environmental and social changes would help to improve sustainable human security. Therefore, security and governance reforms should engage in greater civic integration. In conclusion, we attempted to produce a model for integrating environmental issues in order to improve governance of security for postconflict peacebuilding purposes. In the form of six practical statements, we explain the importance of integrating the concepts of human and environmental security, to take advantage of the opportunities around interdependent situations, to consider more local interventions, to adopt participatory approaches and the usefulness of environmental cooperation and, finally, to favor strategic approaches in order to establish win-win solutions.

L’étude des questions environnementales pour la consolidation de la paix : une approche intégrative et participative de la sécurité

Marion, Damien 03 1900 (has links)
No description available.

Les conflits verts, vers une nouvelle typologie des conflits liée aux ressources naturelles / Green conflicts, towards a new typology of conflicts linked to natural resources

François, Maxime 11 December 2014 (has links)
Le continent africain est aujourd’hui le théâtre de nombreux conflits caractérisés par une distribution inégale des « ressources naturelles ». Il est aujourd’hui avéré que les risques environnementaux tels que la pollution, les changements climatiques, ou la désertification font peser une menace supplémentaire sur les populations et les écosystèmes afférents. Le débat sur la « sécurité environnementale » a connu une expansion fulgurante en l'espace d'une vingtaine d'années, d'où tout notre intérêt de comprendre ses origines, ses fondements et les différents discours s’étant construits autour de cette notion. Pour autant le concept de « conflits verts » n’a jamais été analysé en profondeur en tenant compte des nombreux exemples touchant le continent africain, et ceci à la lumière de la constitution d’une nouvelle typologie afin de capturer ces nouveaux conflits contemporains d’une manière davantage efficiente.Notre recherche se donne ainsi pour objectif de comprendre en quoi et comment l’ « environnement » et les « ressources naturelles » comme nouveaux facteurs de puissance ont influé les conflits africains aux cours des dernières décennies. Nous aurons à cœur de mettre en lumière l’évolution du concept traditionnel de « sécurité » sur la base des discours changeants parmi les milieux politiques du XXe siècle. Enfin ceci impliquera par essence des discussions tenant à une amélioration de l’efficacité des mécanismes de prévention et de résolution tels qu’appréhendés aujourd’hui par la Communauté internationale, la création des « casques verts » et la notion de « crime environnemental » démontrant les limites en la matière. / Today the African continent is the heart of many conflicts characterized by an uneven distribution of “natural resources”. It is proven that the associated environmental risks such as pollution, climate change, and desertification pose an additional threat to the affected populations and ecosystems. The debate on “environmental security” has expanded tremendously in the space of twenty years, and our interest is thus to try to understand its origins, foundations and the various discourses built around this concept. The notion of “green conflicts” has never been thoroughly analyzed taking into account the many examples affecting the African continent, nor has this been done in the light of the construction of a new typology aimed at capturing these new contemporary conflicts in a more efficient manner. Thus our research aims to give an understanding of how “environment” and “natural resources” have become new factors of power that have influenced African armed conflicts in the recent decades. We wish to highlight the evolution of the traditional concept of security to one of “environmental security” based on the changing discourse among politicians of the 20th century. We will then naturally turn to discussions concerning the improvement of prevention effectiveness methods and the resolution of these new conflicts as faced by the international community, as well the creation of a “green helmets” force and the notion of “environmental crime”, both demonstrating the limitations we are still confronted to on this topic.

EU Actorness with and within Southeast Asia in light of Non-traditional Security Challenges

Maier-Knapp, Naila January 2013 (has links)
Nearly four decades of the Association of Southeast Asian Nations (ASEAN)-European Union (EU) relationship have witnessed the importance of ideas and identity alongside the economic interests in shaping the behaviour of the two sides. The study takes interest in understanding the EU’s actorness and the EU as a normative actor with and within Southeast Asia through a reflectivist lens. The thesis is an attempt to provide a new perspective on a relationship commonly assessed from an economic angle. It outlines the opportunity of non-traditional security (NTS) challenges to enhance EU actorness and normative influence in Southeast Asia. Against this backdrop, the study explores the dialogue and cooperative initiatives of two regions, which attach relatively little salience to each other. The study employs a NTS lens and draws upon the case of the Asian Financial Crisis of 1997-98, the haze in relation to forest governance, the Bali bombings of 2002 and the political conflict in Aceh. The study assumes that these NTS issues can stimulate processes of threat convergence as well as threat ‘othering’. It argues that these processes enhance European engagement in Southeast Asia and contribute to shaping regional stability in Southeast Asia. Furthermore, NTS crises present situations, where norms can become unstable, contested and substituted. This allows us to better examine the EU as a normative actor. To establish an understanding of the EU’s actorness and the EU as a normative actor, the empirical evidence will focus on the threat perceptions, motivations of action and activities of the EU and its member states. For the purpose of differentiating the EU as a normative actor, the study will also include the discussion of the normative objectives and behaviours of the EU and its member states and apply a reflectivist theoretical framework. Hypothetically, NTS crises trigger external assistance and normative influence and thus, they offer an opportunity to establish a more nuanced picture of the EU in the region. At the same time, the study acknowledges that there are a variety of constraints and variables that complicate the EU’s actorness. The thesis seeks to identify and discuss these. So far, scholarly publications have failed to apply the NTS perspective systematically. This thesis provides the first monograph-length treatment of the EU in Southeast Asia through a NTS and reflectivist lens.

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