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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Processus d’assemblage des communautés végétales dans les zones humides de Gironde : du diagnostic aux services écosystémiques / Assembly rules in wetlands plant communities : from diagnosis to ecosystemic services

Alfonsi, Elsa 06 December 2016 (has links)
Les zones humides sont des écosystèmes dynamiques en perpétuel changement, dans le temps et dans l'espace et demeurent parmi les plus menacés au monde. Ce travail de thèse est une contribution à la connaissance et la conservation des zones humides. Nous avons étudié la végétation de différents milieux, appartenant à un réseau de zones humides de Gironde, allant des landes humides aux prairies alluviales. Nous les avons choisies pour leur intérêt patrimonial et les enjeux de gestion qu'elles représentent dans le département. Nous avons utilisé plusieurs approches descriptives et expérimentales. La première partie vise à étudier l’organisation des communautés des deux grands systèmes, les landes humides et les prairies alluviales, le long de gradients environnementaux. Dans un deuxième temps, une approche combinant données anciennes et récentes, nous a permis de caractériser les changements de végétation à long terme selon différentes stratégies d’étude de la végétation. La troisième partie, par une approche expérimentale a été conduite sur une communauté végétale à fort enjeu patrimonial : les prairies à Molinie (code 6410 de la Directive Natura 2000). Cette troisième partie a permis de mettre en évidence la part respective des filtres stochastiques (dispersion de graines) et déterministes (compétition) dans une communauté soumise à de fortes contraintes environnementales (inondation). Enfin, dans une analyse prospective, nous avons considéré les enjeux de biodiversité ainsi que les services écosystémiques, cette fois, à l'échelle du département. Cette analyse envisage les outils à développer pour une approche multi-taxon et multi-services sur l'ensemble des zones humides de Gironde. L’ensemble de ce travail a permis de construire un dispositif de suivi de la biodiversité végétale au niveau départemental. Les résultats de ce travail contribuent aujourd’hui à considérer la gestion de ces communautés végétales de façon intégrée et proposent des outils d’aide à la décision pour la gestion de ces espaces. / Wetlands are dynamic ecosystems, constantly changing in time and space, and remaining among the most threatened ecosystems in the world. This thesis contribute to wetland knowledge and conservation. We studied the vegetation of different communities belonging to a network of wetlands in Gironde and ranging from wet heathlands to alluvial meadows. Wetlands were selected from the department council historical interest and management issues. We used several descriptive and experimental approaches. The first part aims to study the organization of the communities of the two major systems, heathlands and alluvial grasslands, along environmental gradients. Then, in a second time, an approach combining old and recent data allowed us to characterize long-term vegetation changes according to different strategies of vegetation study. The third part was conducted on a plant community with a strong conservation issue: Molinia caerulea wet meadow (Code 6410 of the Natura 2000 Directive) with an experimental approach. We highlight here the importance of stochastic filters (seed dispersion) and deterministic filters (competition) in a community controlled by environmental constraints (flooding). Finally, within a prospective analysis, we considered biodiversity issues and supply in ecosystems services at the departmental level. This analysis investigate tools to develop for a multi-taxon and multi-service approach in any Gironde wetlands. This work allowed us to create a monitoring device for plant biodiversity in the department. These results lead to consider nowadays the management of these plant communities in an integrated way and offer tools of decision support for the management of these communities.

Beta Diversity Provides Evidence of Niche Based Assembly in Temperate Forest Understory Assemblages of Mississippi

Mason, David Steven 14 December 2018 (has links)
Assembly is a process that shapes the abundance and identity of species in a community. Niche and neutral theory explain assembly processes with mechanisms driven by either species differences, or functional equivalence and stochastic dispersal. In 2017 I sampled vegetation and environmental variables at 59 sites in the Noxubee National Wildlife Refuge and Tombigbee National Forest of Mississippi to explore forest understory community assembly. I developed and assessed a framework of predictions concerning general patterns and underlying mechanism. Evidence of dispersal limitation and functional equivalence were expected under neutral theory. Local environmental characteristics, surrounding landscape variables, and fire were significant determinants of beta diversity. Dispersal was not a strong predictor of beta diversity. I found evidence of both niche complementarity and functional equivalence, as well as niche differences among common vines and an introduced vine (Lonicera japonica). Overall, the results were more congruent with predictions expected under niche theory.

Význam remízků a jejich ekologických vlastností pro ptáky v intenzivně obhospodařované zemědělské krajině / The importance of woodlots and their ecological characteristics for birds in an intensively managed agricultural landscape

Rajmonová, Lenka January 2019 (has links)
Various types of woody vegetation are a key biodiversity refugee in intensively managed agricultural landscapes. However, the role of woodlots, representing an important type of such a vegetation, remains overlooked so far. Whereas the previous studies focused on the effect of their area, shape and isolation, consequences of variation in their habitat quality for biodiversity were not assessed up to now. This thesis is thus one of the first studies focusing on woodlots as a specific habitat for birds in agricultural landscape. My goals were: (I) to find out what is the bird community composition of woodlots in a Czech landscape, (II) to find out, what are the key habitat predictors of bird species richness and abundance in woodlots, (III) to describe differences in habitat preferences among various guilds and (IV) to formulate recommendations for conservational practice. I surveyed birds in 82 woodlots in an intensively managed landscape in Central Bohemia, Czechia, and measured variables describing woodlots' habitat quality together with woodlots' area, shape, isolation and types of surrounding land-use. I recorded numerous forest and non-forest bird species (57 in total), including some endangered farmland birds. The habitat variables showing significant relationships to bird community...

Zu den Auswirkungen experimenteller Waldneugründungs- und Waldumbaumaßnahmen auf die saprophage Invertebratenfauna an extrem immissionsgeschädigten Kammlagenstandorten des Osterzgebirges (Sachsen) / Oligochaeta: Enchytraeidae, Lumbricidae; Acari: Oribatida; Insecta: Collembola / Bodenzoologisch-ökologische Untersuchungen / Soil zoological-ecological study / Oligochaeta: Enchytraeidae, Lumbricidae; Acari: Oribatida; Insecta: Collembola / To the influence of experimental reafforestation measures on communities of saprophagous invertebrates at immission damaged Eastern Ore Mountain forest sites (Saxony, Germany)

La France, Martin 03 February 2003 (has links) (PDF)
The effects of reafforestation with seedlings of spruce, birch, mountain-ash, beech and larch, partially in combination with liming and removal of the topsoil layer before planting, on the community of saprophagous invertebrates (lumbricids, enchytraeids, oribatids, collembolans) were examined. The study area was located on plateau sites of the eastern Ore Mountains (Saxonia, Germany). Investigations were carried out on study sites exposed to high sulphur dioxide immissions and reforested 3 respectively 10 years ago. Invertebrates were sampled by the extraction of soil cores and by the ?electro-octett-method? (lumbricids). Additionally, the ?minicontainer method? was used to investigate decomposition rates of different types of litter. On the control area, a diedback spruce stand, the decomposer community showed high adaptations to the acidic soil substrate and was dominated by few enchytraeid species. Long-termed loss of tree shelter, liming and topsoil removal before planting resulted in a severe decline of most saprophagous species. However, changes in invertebrate community pattern due to different plantations were not found. A comparison of leaf and needle litter decomposition rates resulted in the following order: birch (k = 0.50) > mountain-ash (0.40) > spruce (0.30) >> larch (0.12). Considering all investigated taxa, the metabolic decomposing capacity of the larch litter reached 39 %, that the spruce litter 54 % of the foliage litter results. / Anläßlich des kompletten Ausfalls der Fichte in den extrem immissionsbelasteten Kammlagen des Osterzgebirges (Sachsen) wurden im Rahmen eines interdisziplinären Verbundprojektes verschiedene Waldbaukonzepte hinsichtlich ihrer Einflüsse auf die saprophage Invertebratenfauna (Enchytraeidae, Lumbricidae, Oribatida, Collembola) untersucht. Zur Disposition standen Verfahren zur Waldneugründung (Kulturparzellen mit Reihenpflanzung von Birke, Eberesche oder Fichte; zusätzlich waldbaulich unbeeinflußte Sukzessionsparzellen) und zum Waldumbau (Kulturparzellen mit Reihenpflanzung von Buche oder Lärche nach Abtrieb und flächigem Oberbodenabschub). Ein absterbender Fichtenreinbestand in fortgeschrittener Auflösung diente als Referenz- bzw. Korrelationsmaßstab. Die Erfassung der Mesofauna erfolgte über die Extraktion von Stechrohrproben. Lumbriciden wurden mit der Elektrooktett-Methode aufgenommen. Neben der flächenbezogenen Datenerfassung wurden 1.200 mit Blattstreu von Birke, Eberesche, Fichte und Lärche befüllte Minicontainer über 19 Monate auf einer Sukzessionsparzelle exponiert, um substratspezifische Abbaugeschwindigkeiten zu ermitteln und faunistische Sukzessionsverläufe zu studieren. Die Referenzfläche zeichnete sich durch eine stark enchytraeendominierte Zersetzergemeinschaft aus, die deutliche Anzeichen einer kalkungsbedingten Überprägung erkennen ließ. Der Enchytraeenanteil an den potentiellen Umsatzleistungen der untersuchten Destruententaxa (berechnet über metabolische Äquivalenzwerte) lag bei über 90 %. Hiervon ausgehend zeigten die Zersetzergemeinschaften der Versuchsanlagen "Waldneugründung" und "Waldumbau" stark divergierende Entwicklungsrichtungen. Als ausschlaggebende Faktoren konnten Schirmverlust, Kalkung und Oberbodenbeseitigung wahrscheinlich gemacht werden. Dagegen waren Einflüsse der unterschiedlichen Kulturbaumarten kaum nachzuweisen. Die streuspezifischen Dekompositionsgeschwindigkeiten unterschieden sich wie folgt: Birke (k = 0,50) > Eberesche (0,40) > Fichte (0,30) >> Lärche (0,12). Diese vergleichsweise geringen Abbauraten stehen überwiegend mit dem rauhen Montanklima in Zusammenhang. Enchytraeen besiedelten alle Streutypen zügig, während Collembolen vor allem die Ebereschenstreu verzögert aufsuchten und mit geringster Dichte bevölkerten. Oribatiden zeigten die geringste Besiedlungsgeschwindigkeit und hatten wie die Enchytaeen in der Laubstreu signifikant höhere Wohndichten. Nur Steganacarus spinosus zeigte eine besondere Affinität für Nadelstreu. Das metabolische Leistungspotential des Destruentenbesatzes der Lärchenstreu erreichte 39 %, das der Fichtenstreu 54 % der Laubstreuresultate.

A simple net ecosystem productivity model for gap filling of tower-based fluxes

Zisheng, Xing January 2007 (has links)
In response to global climate change, many important earth-systems-oriented science programs have been established in the past. One such program, the Fluxnet program, studies the response of world forests and other natural ecosystems by measuring biospheric fluxes of carbon dioxide (CO2), water vapour, and energy with eddy-covariance (EC) techniques to assess the role of world ecosystems in offsetting increases in CO2 emissions and related impacts on global climate. The EC methodology has its limitations particularly when weather is inclement and during system stoppages. These limitations create non-trivial problems by creating data gaps in the monitored data stream, diminishing the integrity of the dataset and increasing uncertainty with data interpretation. This Thesis deals with the development of a parsimonious, semi-empirical approach for gap filling of net ecosystem productivity (NEP) data. The approach integrates the effects of environmental controls on diurnal NEP. The approach, because of its limited number of parameters, can be rapidly optimized when appropriate meteorological, site, and NEP target values are provided. The procedure is verified by applying it to several gap-filling case studies, including timeseries collected over balsam fir (Abies Balsamea (L.) Mill.) forests in New Brunswick (NB), Canada and several other forests along a north-south temperaturemoisture gradient from northern Europe to the Middle East. The evaluation showed that the model performed relatively well for most sites; i.e., r2 ranged from 0.68-0.83 and modelling efficiencies, from 0.89-0.97, demonstrating the possibility of applying the model to forests outside NB. Inferior model performance was associated with sites with less than complete input datasets.

Poissons des rivières françaises et changement climatique : impacts sur la distribution des espèces et incertitudes des projections / Potential impacts of climate change on the distribution of freshwater fishes in French streams and uncertainty of projections

Buisson, Laetitia 01 October 2009 (has links)
Les changements climatiques et leurs impacts sur la biodiversité font aujourd'hui l'objet d'une attention croissante de la part de la communauté scientifique et des gestionnaires des écosystèmes naturels. En effet, le climat influence la biologie et l'écologie des espèces animales et végétales, depuis leur physiologie jusqu'à leur répartition. Les modifications climatiques pourraient donc avoir des répercussions importantes sur les espèces et les assemblages. Au sein des écosystèmes aquatiques continentaux, les poissons de rivière sont des organismes incapables de réguler leur température corporelle et soumis à une variabilité hydrologique importante ainsi qu'à de fortes pressions anthropiques. Leur réponse aux modifications du climat actuelles et à venir a pourtant été encore peu abordée. L'objectif de ce travail de thèse est donc d'évaluer les impacts potentiels du changement climatique sur les poissons des rivières françaises, et plus particulièrement sur la distribution des espèces et la structure des assemblages. Des données fournies par l'Office National de l'Eau et des Milieux Aquatiques ainsi qu'une approche de modélisation basée sur les niches écologiques des espèces (i.e., modèles de distribution) ont été utilisées. Différentes sources d'incertitude ont également été testées dans une approche d'ensembles afin de prendre en compte la variabilité entre les impacts projetés et fournir ainsi une évaluation robuste de ces impacts. La première partie de ce travail a consisté en l'identification des principaux déterminants environnementaux qui structurent la répartition spatiale des espèces de poisson au sein des réseaux hydrographiques. Globalement, il apparaît qu'une combinaison de facteurs climatiques et de variables décrivant l'habitat local et la position des habitats au sein des réseaux hydrographiques est importante pour expliquer la distribution actuelle des espèces. De plus, les espèces ont toutes des réponses différentes aux facteurs de l'environnement. Dans un second temps, nous avons mis en évidence que le choix de la méthode statistique de modélisation de la niche écologique est crucial, les patrons actuels et futurs de distribution prédits étant fortement contrastés selon la méthode de modélisation considérée. Cette dernière s'avère même être la principale source d'incertitude dans les projections futures, bien plus encore que les modèles climatiques de circulation générale et les scénarios d'émission de gaz à effet de serre. La variabilité entre les prédictions issues de plusieurs techniques de modélisation peut être prise en compte par une approche de consensus. Un modèle consensuel basé sur la valeur moyenne de l'ensemble de prédictions est capable de prédire correctement la distribution actuelle des espèces et la composition des assemblages. Nous avons donc choisi de retenir cette approche pour évaluer au mieux les impacts potentiels du changement climatique sur les poissons des rivières françaises à la fin du 21ème siècle. Nous avons montré que la majorité des espèces de poisson pourrait être affectée par les futures modifications du climat. Seules quelques espèces d'eau froide (e.g. truite fario, chabot) pourraient restreindre leur distribution aux parties les plus apicales des réseaux hydrographiques. Au contraire, les espèces tolérant des températures plus élevées pourraient coloniser de nouveaux habitats et étendre ainsi leur répartition. Ces modifications de la distribution des espèces pourraient conduire à un réarrangement des assemblages au niveau taxonomique et fonctionnel. Une augmentation de la diversité locale et de la similarité régionale (i.e., homogénéisation) sont ainsi prédites simultanément. L'ensemble de ces résultats apporte donc des éléments sur la compréhension de la distribution des poissons d'eau douce et sur les conséquences du changement climatique qui peuvent être envisagées. Ce travail fournit ainsi une base aux acteurs de la gestion de la biodiversité afin d'initier des mesures de conservation concrètes. De plus, les considérations méthodologiques développées dans cette thèse sont une contribution importante à l'amélioration des projections issues de modèles statistiques de distribution et à la quantification de leur incertitude. / Climate change and its impact on biodiversity are receiving increasing attention from scientists and people managing natural ecosystems. Indeed, climate has a major influence on the biology and ecology of fauna and flora, from physiology to distribution. Climate change may thus have major consequences on species and assemblages. Among freshwater ecosystems, stream fish have no physiological ability to regulate their body temperature and they have to cope with streams' hydrological variability and strong anthropogenic pressures. Yet their response to current and future climate change has been poorly studied. The aim of this PhD thesis is to assess the potential impact of climate change on fish in French streams, mainly on species distribution and assemblages' structure. Data provided by the Office National de l'Eau et des Milieux Aquatiques combined with a modelling approach based on species' ecological niche (i.e., distribution models) have been used. Several sources of uncertainty have also been considered in an ensemble modeling framework in order to account for the variability between projected impacts and to provide reliable estimates of such impact. First, we have identified the main environmental factors that determine the spatial distribution of fish species within river networks. Overall, it appears that a combination of both climatic variables and variables describing the local habitat and its position within the river network is important to explain the current species distribution. Moreover, each fish species responded differently to the environmental factors. Second, we have highlighted that the choice of the statistical method used to model the fish ecological niche is crucial given that the current and future patterns of distribution predicted by different statistical methods vary significantly. The statistical method appears to be the main source of uncertainty, resulting in more variability in projections than the global circulation models and greenhouse gas emission scenarios. The variability between predictions from several statistical methods can be taken into account by a consensus approach. Consensual predictions based on the computation of the average of the whole predictions ensemble have achieved accurate predictions of the current species distribution and assemblages' composition. We have therefore selected this approach to assess the potential impacts of climate change on fish in French streams at the end of the 21st century with the highest degree of confidence. We have found that most fish species could be sensitive to the future climate modifications. Only a few cold-water species (i.e., brown trout, bullhead) could restrict their distribution to the most upstream parts of river networks. On the contrary, cool- and warm-water fish species could colonize many newly suitable habitats and expand strongly their distribution. These changes of species distribution could lead to a rearrangement of fish assemblages both at the taxonomic and functional levels. An increase in local diversity together with an increase in regional similarity (i.e., homogenization) are therefore expected. All these results bring new insights for the understanding of stream fish species distribution and expected consequences of climate change. This work thus provides biodiversity managers and conservationists with a basis to take efficient preservation measures. In addition, methodological developments considered in this PhD thesis are an important contribution to the improvements of projections by statistical models of species distribution and to the quantification of their uncertainty.

Histoire biogéographique et système de reproduction de Rhododendron ferrugineum dans les Pyrénées / Biogeographic history and mating system of Rhodendron ferrugineum in the French Pyrenees

Charrier, Olivia 03 October 2014 (has links)
Les changements globaux récents affectent la physiologie, la distribution et la phénologie des espèces, ainsi que la dynamique des populations et les interactions entre espèces. Les interactions plantes-pollinisateurs sont particulièrement menacées par les changements globaux et la perturbation de ces interactions peut avoir des conséquences importantes sur le système de reproduction des espèces végétales. Dans ce contexte des changements globaux, nous avons déterminé les cortèges de visiteurs de Rhododendron ferrugineum le long de gradients environnementaux et étudié comment la variabilité de leur efficacité affectait le système de reproduction de cette espèce. Nous nous sommes également intéressés à l’histoire biogéographique de cette espèce et comment elle a répondu à des changements passés tels que les dernières glaciations. Nous avons mis en évidence que R. ferrugineum est visité par une large diversité d’espèces d’insectes. L’efficacité des cortèges de visiteurs varie le long de gradients environnementaux mais ne semble pas avoir un impact sur le système de R. ferrugineum. Cette espèce présente un système mixte de reproduction, avec une capacité à l’autofécondation mais les taux élevés de dépression de consanguinité limitent le développement des individus issus d’autofécondation. Cette forte dépression de consanguinité a permis un maintien relativement élevé de la diversité génétique dans les Pyrénées. Un tel niveau de dépression de consanguinité ne permet pas l’évolution de l’autofécondation et maintient ainsi le système mixte de reproduction chez R. ferrugineum. La capacité d’autofécondation de R. ferrugineum pourrait lui permettre de coloniser de nouveaux milieux ou de survivre aux changements globaux. Durant les dernières glaciations, R. ferrugineum a survécu dans de grands refuges de basse altitude ainsi que dans des nunataks (refuges de haute altitude). Quelques populations marginales présentent un taux significatifs de consanguinité (FIS> 0) et des niveaux de diversité génétique particulièrement faibles. Ce patron génétique est consistant avec des évènements de fondation accompagnés de perte de diversité génétique et d’hétérozygotie durant les périodes d’expansion de l’aire de répartition de l’espèce. Ces données suggèrent que la dépression de consanguinité dans ces populations devait être faible et que l’assurance reproductive a joué un rôle fondamental dans l’établissement de ces populations. / Recent global changes affect the physiology, distribution and phenology of species, also they impact population dynamic and interactions among species. Plantpollinators interactions are particularly threated by global changes and perturbations of these interactions may lead to important changes in plant mating system. In this context of globalchanges, we determined the pollinator assemblages of Rhododendron ferrugineum and howthe variability of their efficiencies affects the mating system. We also studied thebiogeographic history of R. ferrugineum and how it responds to past climatic changes.We have shown that R. ferrugineum is visited by a large variety of insects. Visitorassemblages efficiency varied along environmental gradients but did not seem to impact themating system of R. ferrugineum. This species presents a mixed mating system, indeed it isable to self-fecundate but high levels of inbreeding depression are limiting the development of self-fecundate descendants. High levels of inbreeding depression maintain high genetic diversity in the Pyrenees. Also, it did not allow the evolution of selfing and maintain a mixed mating system. The ability to self-fecundate may favor the colonization of new habitats.During the last glaciation, R. ferrugineum survived in large lowland refugia and in nunataks at high altitude. Some marginal populations present a high level of selfing (FIS> 0) and low genetic diversity. This genetic pattern is consistent with foundation events and loss of genetic diversity and heterozygosity along colonization rods. Our data suggest that inbreeding depression in these populations should have been low and the reproductive assurance played akey role in the establishment of these populations.

Zu den Auswirkungen experimenteller Waldneugründungs- und Waldumbaumaßnahmen auf die saprophage Invertebratenfauna an extrem immissionsgeschädigten Kammlagenstandorten des Osterzgebirges (Sachsen): Oligochaeta: Enchytraeidae, Lumbricidae; Acari: Oribatida; Insecta: Collembola: Bodenzoologisch-ökologische Untersuchungen

La France, Martin 29 November 2002 (has links)
The effects of reafforestation with seedlings of spruce, birch, mountain-ash, beech and larch, partially in combination with liming and removal of the topsoil layer before planting, on the community of saprophagous invertebrates (lumbricids, enchytraeids, oribatids, collembolans) were examined. The study area was located on plateau sites of the eastern Ore Mountains (Saxonia, Germany). Investigations were carried out on study sites exposed to high sulphur dioxide immissions and reforested 3 respectively 10 years ago. Invertebrates were sampled by the extraction of soil cores and by the ?electro-octett-method? (lumbricids). Additionally, the ?minicontainer method? was used to investigate decomposition rates of different types of litter. On the control area, a diedback spruce stand, the decomposer community showed high adaptations to the acidic soil substrate and was dominated by few enchytraeid species. Long-termed loss of tree shelter, liming and topsoil removal before planting resulted in a severe decline of most saprophagous species. However, changes in invertebrate community pattern due to different plantations were not found. A comparison of leaf and needle litter decomposition rates resulted in the following order: birch (k = 0.50) > mountain-ash (0.40) > spruce (0.30) >> larch (0.12). Considering all investigated taxa, the metabolic decomposing capacity of the larch litter reached 39 %, that the spruce litter 54 % of the foliage litter results. / Anläßlich des kompletten Ausfalls der Fichte in den extrem immissionsbelasteten Kammlagen des Osterzgebirges (Sachsen) wurden im Rahmen eines interdisziplinären Verbundprojektes verschiedene Waldbaukonzepte hinsichtlich ihrer Einflüsse auf die saprophage Invertebratenfauna (Enchytraeidae, Lumbricidae, Oribatida, Collembola) untersucht. Zur Disposition standen Verfahren zur Waldneugründung (Kulturparzellen mit Reihenpflanzung von Birke, Eberesche oder Fichte; zusätzlich waldbaulich unbeeinflußte Sukzessionsparzellen) und zum Waldumbau (Kulturparzellen mit Reihenpflanzung von Buche oder Lärche nach Abtrieb und flächigem Oberbodenabschub). Ein absterbender Fichtenreinbestand in fortgeschrittener Auflösung diente als Referenz- bzw. Korrelationsmaßstab. Die Erfassung der Mesofauna erfolgte über die Extraktion von Stechrohrproben. Lumbriciden wurden mit der Elektrooktett-Methode aufgenommen. Neben der flächenbezogenen Datenerfassung wurden 1.200 mit Blattstreu von Birke, Eberesche, Fichte und Lärche befüllte Minicontainer über 19 Monate auf einer Sukzessionsparzelle exponiert, um substratspezifische Abbaugeschwindigkeiten zu ermitteln und faunistische Sukzessionsverläufe zu studieren. Die Referenzfläche zeichnete sich durch eine stark enchytraeendominierte Zersetzergemeinschaft aus, die deutliche Anzeichen einer kalkungsbedingten Überprägung erkennen ließ. Der Enchytraeenanteil an den potentiellen Umsatzleistungen der untersuchten Destruententaxa (berechnet über metabolische Äquivalenzwerte) lag bei über 90 %. Hiervon ausgehend zeigten die Zersetzergemeinschaften der Versuchsanlagen "Waldneugründung" und "Waldumbau" stark divergierende Entwicklungsrichtungen. Als ausschlaggebende Faktoren konnten Schirmverlust, Kalkung und Oberbodenbeseitigung wahrscheinlich gemacht werden. Dagegen waren Einflüsse der unterschiedlichen Kulturbaumarten kaum nachzuweisen. Die streuspezifischen Dekompositionsgeschwindigkeiten unterschieden sich wie folgt: Birke (k = 0,50) > Eberesche (0,40) > Fichte (0,30) >> Lärche (0,12). Diese vergleichsweise geringen Abbauraten stehen überwiegend mit dem rauhen Montanklima in Zusammenhang. Enchytraeen besiedelten alle Streutypen zügig, während Collembolen vor allem die Ebereschenstreu verzögert aufsuchten und mit geringster Dichte bevölkerten. Oribatiden zeigten die geringste Besiedlungsgeschwindigkeit und hatten wie die Enchytaeen in der Laubstreu signifikant höhere Wohndichten. Nur Steganacarus spinosus zeigte eine besondere Affinität für Nadelstreu. Das metabolische Leistungspotential des Destruentenbesatzes der Lärchenstreu erreichte 39 %, das der Fichtenstreu 54 % der Laubstreuresultate.

Einfluss von Klima und Topographie auf Struktur, Zusammensetzung und Dynamik eines tropischen Wolkenwaldes in Monteverde, Costa Rica / The Effect of Climate and Topography on Structure, Composition and Dynamics of a Tropical Cloud Forest in Monteverde, Costa Rica

Häger, Achim 27 April 2006 (has links)
No description available.

Mixed-conifer forests of central Oregon : structure, composition, history of establishment, and growth

Merschel, Andrew G. 14 December 2012 (has links)
The structure and composition of mixed-conifer forest (MCF) in central Oregon has been altered by fire exclusion and logging. The resulting increased density, spatial contagion, and loss of fire resistant trees decrease the resiliency of this ecosystem to fire, drought, and insects. The historical and current composition and structure of MCF are characterized by steep environmental gradients and a complex mixed-severity fire regime. This inherent variation makes it difficult to determine the magnitude of anthropogenic effects and set objectives for restoration and management. As a result, there is a lack of consensus regarding how MCF should be managed and restored across the landscape. My primary research objectives were to: (1) Characterize the current structure and composition of MCF and how these vary with environmental setting; and (2) Characterize establishment and tree growth patterns in MCF in different environmental settings. To address these objectives, I collected field data on structure and composition and increment cores across a range of environmental conditions in MCF of the eastern Cascades and Ochoco Mountains. I used cluster analysis to identify four stand types based on structure and composition in the eastern Cascades study area and four analogous types in the Ochoco Mountains study area. Variation in understory composition and the presence of large diameter shade tolerant species distinguish each type. Stand types occupied distinct environmental settings along a climatic gradient of increasing precipitation and elevation. At relatively dry PIPO sites understories were dominated by ponderosa pine. At wetter PIPO/PSME and PIPO ABGC sites understories were dominated by shade tolerant species, but ponderosa pine was dominant in the overstory. At the coolest and wettest PIPO/PSME/ABGC sites understories were dominated by grand fir and shade tolerant species were common in the overstory. In the eastern Cascades current density of all live trees and snags was 432, 461, 570, 372 trees per hectare (TPH) for the four stand types identified. Stand types in the drier Ochoco Mountains were currently less dense at 279, 304, 212, and 307 TPH. Current MCF densities in both areas are 2-3 times higher than densities estimated for the late 19th and early 20th centuries from other studies in those two areas. Reconstruction of cuts in each stand type indicates that the density of large diameter ponderosa pine has been reduced by approximately 50% in all stand types in both study regions. Age histograms demonstrate that current density and composition of MCF stand types is a product of abrupt increases in tree establishment following fire exclusion in the late 19th century. The number of trees established increased after 1900 in all stand types, but the timing and composition of changes in establishment varied with climate. At dry PIPO sites increases in establishment were delayed until the 1920s and 1930s and were composed of ponderosa pine. At PIPO/PSME and PIPO/ABGC sites with intermediate precipitation, establishment was dominated by ponderosa pine prior to 1900, but after 1900 establishment was dominated by a large pulse of Douglas-fir and grand fir. At the wettest PIPO/PSME/ABGC there was less evidence of changes in structure and composition over time. My results indicate that compared to dry pine and dry-mixed conifer sites, relatively productive moist mixed-conifer sites were characterized by large changes in structure and composition. Such sites could be considered more ecologically altered by lack of fire than drier forest types that had high fire frequencies but slower rates of stand development and less plant community change. Radial growth patterns of cored ponderosa pines differed between the eastern Cascades and Ochoco Mountains. In the eastern Cascades mean growth rates and variance decreased during favorable climatic periods after 1900. This is likely related to increased competition, and provides evidence that current stand density lacks a temporal analog in the 18th and 19th centuries. Sensitivity of growth to climate and harvest suggest competition for water in the denser forest of the eastern Cascades, and indicates thinning will increase the diameter growth rate of large old pines. In the Ochoco Mountains, ponderosa pine tree growth was less responsive to climate prior to fire exclusion in the late 1800s, and growth did not respond to fire events. This suggests competition among trees was historically low in this region. After fire exclusion growth became more responsive to wet and dry climatic cycles, which may indicate that increased density and competition made trees more responsive to climate variability. Patterns of slow and fast growth appeared to differ between study regions and likely differ at the sub-regional scale. Further analysis of the relationship between growth and climate in different environmental settings is needed to distinguish where stand development has been modified by disruption of fire regimes. / Graduation date: 2013

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