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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Éco-citoyenneté et démocratie environnementale / Éco-citizenship,participatory democracy, sustainable planning and development

Vieira, Julien 24 November 2017 (has links)
Suscitée par l’impact des activités humaines sur l’environnement et sans jamais être réellement une notion explicitement consacrée par le droit, l’éco-citoyenneté transparaît au travers de nombreuses normes juridiques. Ambivalente, cette notion suggère à la fois un ensemble de droits dont le public est créancier mais également une responsabilité de ce dernier à l’égard de l’environnement.Partant de cette dualité de valeurs complémentaires, le droit de l’homme à un environnement sain se concrétise par la reconnaissance d’un droit d’accès à l’information, à participation au processus décisionnel et d’accès à la justice. Ainsi le droit fait de plus en plus dépendre l’acceptation de décisions du concours actif des citoyens. Le développement de la démocratie participative dans le domaine de l’aménagement et du développement durables constitue l’indice d’une transformation paradigmatique. En effet, tout en préservant certaines modalités classiques de l’action publique, le droit développe de nouveaux concepts et schémas organisationnels accompagnant cette évolution non encore achevée.Qu’il soit influencé par des phénomènes sociaux ou qu’il se développe spontanément, le droit de l’environnement décline progressivement le rôle du citoyen sous la forme du recours au prétoire mais également par l’évolution de la procédure administrative non contentieuse. Basée centralement sur l’étude du droit français de l’environnement ainsi que sur plusieurs incursions comparatistes, cette thèse s’appuie également sur la sociologie, la philosophie ou encore les sciences politiques et administratives. Ces travaux se proposent d’aborder la manière dont le droit prend en compte l’impératif de la participation éco-citoyenne. / Generated by the impact of human activities on the environment and without ever really being a notion explicitly consecrated by the law, eco-citizenship appears in many legal norms. Ambivalent, this notion suggests both a set of rights of which the public is creditor and a responsibility of the latter with respect to the environment.Starting from this duality of complementary values, the human right to a healthy environment is materialized by the recognition of a right of access to information, of participation in decision-making and access to justice. Thus, the law increasingly provides that the acceptance of decisions depends on the active support of citizens. The development of participatory democracy in the field of planning and sustainable development is indicative of a paradigmatic transformation. In effect, while preserving certain classical modes of public action, the law develops new concepts and organizational schemes that accompany this evolution which has not yet been completed.Whether it is influenced by social phenomena or spontaneously developed, environmental law gradually reveals the role of the citizen in the form of recourse to the courtroom but also by the evolution of the non-contentious administrative procedure. Centrally founded on the study of French environmental law as well as on several comparative incursions, this thesis is also based on sociology, philosophy or political and administrative sciences. This academic work intends to address the way in which the law takes into account the imperative of eco-citizen participation.

County Demographic Influence on Toxic Chemical Activities of Chemical-Related Industry in Michigan

Perricane, Lisa Helen 01 January 2015 (has links)
There are a large number of chemical facilities that emit toxic chemicals in Michigan, and there is a concern regarding toxic chemical exposure to the residents of Michigan counties. However, it is uncertain whether chemical companies that emit toxic chemicals in Michigan are influenced by county demographic factors in deciding whether to engage in voluntary pollution prevention (P2) activities and whether this decision influences U.S. Environmental Protection Agency's (U.S. EPA) Risk-Screening Environmental Indicators (RSEI) scores. Using Bullard's theory of environmental justice, the purpose of this quantitative study was to determine if there was a correlation between chemical-related industry's voluntary P2 participation, U.S. EPA's RSEI scores for chemical-related facilities, and demographic factors in Michigan counties between 2007 through 2011. A cross-sectional design using hierarchical multiple regression analysis was used to study potential environmental inequality in 20 Michigan counties. Publically available data from the U.S. Census Bureau and the U.S. EPA included demographic data, voluntary P2 participation data, and RSEI scores for 20 counties in Michigan. A statistically insignificant correlation was found between voluntary P2 participation and median annual RSEI scores of Michigan industry; while a statistically significant, inverse correlation was found between median annual RSEI scores and educational attainment. The results from this study can be used by policy makers to promote more effective voluntary P2 policy and to create county-specific public education programs promoting toxic chemical awareness that will lead to positive social change in Michigan.

Perceptions of Problems, Policies, and Politics of a Controversial Pacific State Mosque

Sahakian, Frederick 01 January 2018 (has links)
Despite the existence of land use and environmental protection policies designed to provide guidance on land development, some projects can still be contentious. As the number of Muslims and mosques in the United States are increasing, little is known about the problematic conditions that Muslims may experience when attempting to site a new mosque, community center, or cemetery. The purpose of this study was to develop a deeper understanding about the experiences and perceptions of those involved in the failed siting of a controversial mosque, community center, and cemetery project in a U.S. West Coast state. The multiple streams framework was used to examine the problem, politics, and policy streams that occurred throughout the case. The research question addressed the key elements that led to community protests and the ensuing state lawsuit. A qualitative case study design was used to analyze literature, news reports, government reports, and the loosely-structured interviews of 15 purposefully-selected community stakeholders. The interview data were coded and categorized for thematic analysis. Results indicated that navigating the politics stream was especially difficult for the mosque applicants because they did not anticipate much resistance and were unaware of community members' concerns about water table contamination. Implications for positive social change include providing policy makers with insight into conflict that may arise in the siting of a mosque, community center, or cemetery and potentially reducing conflict between Muslims and non-Muslims.

Environmental Policy Assessment in the Ghanaian Gold Mining Industry: Insights from Stakeholders

Tuokuu, Francis Xavier Dery 11 March 2019 (has links)
No description available.

The Cartagena Protocol on Biosafety and the international trade of genetically modified organisms : a new element of the conflict between trade and the environment

Deumié, Florence. January 2000 (has links)
No description available.

The effects of the North American Free Trade Agreement on Mexican environmental laws and policies and their enforcement : evaluating six years of cooperation (1994-2000)

De Icaza Aneiros, Carlos. January 2000 (has links)
No description available.


ANA CAROLINA DE ALMEIDA CARDOSO 29 December 2020 (has links)
[pt] Considerando a insuficiência do direito internacional ambiental frente às crises da era do antropoceno, a presente pesquisa busca analisar as questões fundacionais das normas jurídicas internacionais. Para tanto, primeiramente, será observado o discurso presente nas três principais declarações gerais do direito internacional ambiental (Declaração de Estocolmo, Declaração do Rio e O Futuro que Queremos) de maneira crítica e reflexiva. Em seguida, será explorada a construção de significados que sustentam a visão de mundo legitimada por essas normas, como o ideal por desenvolvimento, a colonialidade e certa concepção sobre natureza, humanidade e a relação entre eles. Por fim, serão levantados questionamentos sobre as possibilidades de futuros alternativos que derivam dessas categorias, como o reconhecimento dos direitos da natureza, e os limites que as categorias existentes impõem a imaginários dissidentes. Com isso, observa-se que a forma com que o direito internacional ambiental é construído pressupõe a não problematização da exclusão constitutiva de outros do sistema internacional moderno. Portanto, é necessário questionar essas próprias categorias fundacionais, não só do direito internacional (geral e ambiental), como do sistema internacional e estatal como um todo, como um convite para uma especulação construtiva sobre quais futuros somos capazes de imaginar e construir. / [en] Considering the shortcoming of international environmental law in dealing with the crises of the era of the Anthropocene, this research seeks to analyze some foundational categories of international legal norms. With this in mind, firstly, the discourse of the three main general declarations of international environmental law (Stockholm Declaration, Rio92 and Rio +20) will be observed in a critical and reflective way, with the help of an enunciative discourse analysis. Then, some accounts will be traced about the construction of meanings that support the ontology legitimized by these norms, such as the ideal for development, coloniality and a certain conception about nature, humanity and the relationship between them. Finally, considering the roles of imaginaries and constructions of futures, questions will be raised about the possibilities of alternative futures that derive from these concepts, such as the recognition of the rights of nature and the limits that the existing categories impose on dissident imaginaries. Hence, it can be observed that the way in which international environmental law is constructed presupposes that the constitutive exclusion of others from the modern international system is not problematized. Therefore, it is crucial to question these very foundational categories, not only of international law (general and environmental), but of the international and state systems as a whole, as an invitation to face the end of the world through constructive speculation about which futures we are able to imagine and build.

Tillstyrkan på vindstyrkan : En studie om det kommunala vetot vidvindkraftsetableringar i Sverige

Wiklund, Johanna January 2023 (has links)
I och med den hållbara omställningen kommer Sveriges elbehov fortsatt att öka, och vindkraften har konstaterats vara en ekologiskt hållbar källa till förnyelsebar energi - som kan användas för att möta detta behov. Men i etableringsprocessen för vindkraft finns många parametrar som ska vägassamman och kommunernas godkännande är en avgörande faktor.Miljöbalken säger nämligen att kommunen har rätt att nyttja ett veto i beslutsfattande gällande vindkraftsetableringar, som alltså ger dem möjligheten att säga nej till vindkraftsetableringar. Avsaknaden av detta godkännande, så kallat kommunala tillstyrkan, har under senaste åren vart den främsta orsaken till att vindkraft inte får tillstånd för etablering. I studien har kommunstyrelsens ordförande i 150 kommuner blivit tillfrågade att svara på om kommunen valt att inte tillstyrka vindkraft eller sagt direkt nej till etablering. Utifrån detta har de främsta anledningarna till varför kommunerna väljer att inte tillstyrka vindkraft kartlagts och många gånger är bedömningen av tillstyrkan baserad på lokal opinion eller frågor om naturvärden och friluftsområden – frågan är om det verkligen är frågor sombör ligga på kommunens bord att bedöma lämpligheten kring och vad kommunerna vinner på att faktiskt tillstyrka vindkraftsetableringar / Along with the sustainable transition, Sweden's need for electricity will continue to increase, and wind power has been found to be an ecologically sustainable source of renewable energy - which can be used to meet this need. But in the establishment process for wind power, there are many parameters that must be weighed together, and the municipalities' approval is a decisive factor. The Environmental law states that the municipality has the right to use a veto in decision-making regarding wind power installations, that gives them the right to stop wind power projects. The lack of this approval, so-called municipal approval, has in recent years been the main reason why wind power does not receive permission for establishment. In the study, the chairman of the municipal board in 150 municipalities was asked to answer whether the municipality chose not to endorse wind power or said outright no to establishment. Based on this, the main reasons why the municipalities choose not to endorse wind power have been mapped and many times the assessment of the support is based on local opinion or questions about natural values and outdoor areas - the question is whether is these are really questions that should be on the municipality's table to assess the suitability of and what the municipalities gain from actually supporting wind power installations. / <p>2023-06-02</p>


Gervais, Nicholas January 2023 (has links)
Climate change is the defining challenge of this generation, and transforming our energy systems is the largest part of solving this challenge. Nations have pledged goals in the distant future, but these are insufficient to keep the planet below 2℃ of warming. Citizens have taken legal action against states, and legal action between states seems soon to follow. Both have been studied substantially, though there has yet to be a comparison of different principles under international law and for the question to be contextualised within the energy transition. This gap will be addressed with the research question of this thesis which will seek to find how countries can be held legally responsible using the no-harm principle and human rights principle for not sufficiently undertaking a sustainable energy transition and, if possible, be forced to act more quickly. The question will be answered through a qualitative document analysis of relevant cases and legally binding treaties related to the No-harm principle and human rights approach. The findings demonstrate that the No-harm principle was the better option for pursuing such a case given its expansive authority through theResponsibility of States for Internationally Wrongful Acts (IWA) treaty, which codifies the No-harm principle into international law and has argued numerous environmental cases successfully. However, the No-harm principle and IWA can only be brought by states, which is challenging due to its implication for international relations. The human rights-based approach does not have this risk as citizens can bring cases forward, though there is a significant gap due to a lack of courts in some parts of the world. The results will suggest an ideal case based on these ideal characteristics: a Small Islands Developing Nation bringing a case against the G20 based on a violation of the No-harm principle and the IWA. Though this case was determined to be the most likely to succeed in inducing high emission countries to take action, the duration of such a case and its final process remains in question.

A Collection of Model Recycling Program Case Studies for the Ohio EPA

Zacharyasz, Kevin Scott 04 May 2015 (has links)
No description available.

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