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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Aspekte van statutêre minderheidsbeskerming in die Suid-Afrikaanse maatskappyereg

Hurter, E. (Estelle), 1955- 07 1900 (has links)
Text in Afrikaans / Daar is 'n toenemende bewuswording van die noodsaaklikheid van effektiewe beskerming vir minderhede. Die rede vir hierdie toenemende erkenning aan die behoefte aan minderheidsbeskerming is waarskynlik toe te skryf aan die beset dat dit nie alleen die minderheidsaandeelhouers is wat skade ly in geval van benadelende optrede nie, maar ook die ekonomie. Maatskappye word ingevolge die beginsel van meerderheidsbewind bestuur, met die gevolg dat die minderheid onderworpe is aan die wil van die meerderheid. Die minderheid kan hulself hierdeur in 'n onbenydenswaardige posisie bevind, veral indien die meerderheid hul mag aanwend om hul eie belange te bevorder. Gemeenregtelik is die reel in Foss v Harbottle 'n struikelblok vir minderheidsaandeelhouers wat gedingvoering beoog. In 'n poging om die gebrekkige gemeenregtelike beskerming van minderhede te ondervang, is bepaalde statutere maatreels ingevoer. Die evaluasie van hierdie maatreels geskied aan die hand van 'n regsvergelykende ondersoek na verskeie buitelandse stelsels, waarvan die van Nieu-Seeland en Kanada uit staan vanwee die innoverende aard van hul statutere beskermingsmaatreels. Die gevolgtrekking is dat die beskerming wat die Suid-Afrikaanse statutere maatreels aan minderhede bied, onbevredigend is om verskeie redes. Eerstens is hierdie maatreels dikwels te eng bewoord wat daartoe lei dat die aanwendingsveld van die maatreels beperk is. Tweedens hou die maatreels nie tred met ontwikkelings elders in die wereld en veranderende omstandighede en behoeftes in die praktyk nie. Derdens ontbreek goed geformuleerde remedies wat aanvullend tot artikel 252 van die Wet sal wees. Daar is verder bevind dat ad hocwysigings van bestaande maatreels nie die gewenste resultaat gaan bereik nie en 'n algehele hervorming van die Suid-Afrikaanse maatskappyereg word aanbeveel. Ten slotte word konkrete voorstelle in die vorm van konsepwetgewing gemaak en word vergesel van verduidelikende notas. Hierdie wetgewing is hoofsaaklik aan die hand van die Nieu-Seelandse en Kanadese modelle geformuleer. / There is a growing awareness of the need for effective protection of minority shareholders. This can probably be ascribed to the acknowledgement of the fact that prejudicial conduct harms not only minority shareholders, but also the economy at large. Companies are governed by the principle of majority rule; consequently the minority is subjected to the will of the majority. This often places the minority in an invidious position, especially when the majority use their power to further their own interests. The rule in Foss v Harbottle presents a stumbling block to minority shareholder action. Certain statutory measures have been introduced in an effort to counter defective minority protection. These statutory measures are evaluated in the light of a comparative study of several foreign jurisdictions, the most prominent of which are New Zealand and Canada, because of the innovative nature of the measures which they employ. The conclusion arrived at is that, for various reasons, the protection afforded minorities by the South African statutory measures is unsatisfactory. Firstly, the wording of these measures is narrowly construed; this in turn results in a narrow field of application. Secondly, these measures are not in step with developments elsewhere in the world and with the changing circumstances and needs in practice. Thirdly, well-formulated remedies needed in order to supplement section 252 of the Act are non-existent. It has also been found that ad hoc amendments of existing measures will not achieve the required result, and consequently a complete reform of South African company law is recommended. Finally, specific recommendations in the form of draft legislation are made; these are accompanied by explanatory notes. This draft legislation was formulated primarily along the lines of the New Zealand and Canadian models. / Private Law / LL.D.

A redução equitativa da indenização e as atividades de risco previstas no artigo 927, parágrafo único, do Código Civil : uma abordagem jurídico-econômica

Cascaes, Amanda Celli January 2018 (has links)
A presente dissertação visa a analisar a cláusula de redução equitativa da indenização, introduzida no ordenamento jurídico brasileiro por meio do artigo 944, parágrafo único, do Código Civil de 2002. A aplicação da referida norma suscita intensos debates na doutrina e jurisprudência brasileiras, em especial no que tange à possibilidade de aplicação aos casos de responsabilidade objetiva. Nesse sentido, poder-se-ia argumentar que a redução da indenização impactaria na finalidade da norma expressa no artigo 927, parágrafo único, do Código Civil, inclusive no que tange aos incentivos para prevenção de danos. A partir de uma análise do contexto, evolução jurídica do conceito e seus elementos e funções, é realizada uma avaliação da possibilidade de aplicação e respectivos requisitos para a utilização do instituto de forma sistêmica e em consonância com o ordenamento jurídico vigente. Considerando que a Law and Economics permite ao intérprete antever os impactos da aplicação da norma na conduta dos agentes econômicos, em especial na internalização dos custos de prevenção, que são consequência direta de uma análise de custo e beneficio entre a prevenção e o pagamento da indenização pela causação de um dano, consiste em importante ferramenta à disposição da comunidade jurídica para a análise do terna proposto. Deste modo, o terna será analisado à luz da doutrina da Law and Economics, que traz importantes contribuições para a discussão do tema, que afeta de forma direta o comportamento dos agentes de mercado que desenvolvem atividades consideradas de risco. / The present dissertations aims at analyzing the equitable reduction o f indemnification, introduced in Brazilian legal system tbrough article 944, sole paragraph, o f the Civil Code of 2002. The application o f such rule raises intense debates in the Brazilian doctrine and case law, especially with regard to the possibility of application to cases of strict liability. In this sense, it could be argued that the reduction of indemnification would affect the purpose of the rule foreseen in article 927, sole paragraph, o f the Civil Code, including with regard to incentives to the prevention of damage. From an analysis ofthe context, legal evolution ofthe concept and its elements and functions, an evaluation is conducted to assess the applicability and respective requirements for the use of the institute in a systemic way and in accordance with the current legal system. Given that Law and Economics allows the interpreter to foresee the impacts that the application of the rule will have on the conduct of economic agents, especially regarding the internalization of prevention costs, which are a direct consequence of a cost and benefit analysis between prevention and payment of compensation due to a damage caused, it is an important tool available to the legal co=unity for the analysis of the proposed theme. Therefore, the subject will be analyzed in light ofthe Law and Economics doctrine that brings important contributions to the discussion, which directly affects the behavior of market agents who carry out activities considered risky.

O direito à convivência comunitária: a criança e o adolescente no contexto urbano / The right to community life: children and adolescents in the urban

Benedicto de Vasconcellos Luna Gonçalves Patrão 23 August 2010 (has links)
A opção pelas gated communities fez desaparecer dos espaços de convivência comunitária considerados a primeira vítima colateral de uma cidade que perde a árdua luta enfrentada para resistir ao avanço do isolamento espacial dos moradores grande parte dos atrativos da vida citadina. Diante da importância do ambiente público na formação da criança e do adolescente, a questão envolvendo a tutela da convivência comunitária está inegavelmente baseada na necessidade da efetivação de políticas públicas voltadas para a revitalização e readequação dos espaços urbanos, a fim de resguardar a qualidade de vida daqueles que merecem especial proteção do Estado. Sob este prisma, portanto, que esta obra será desenvolvida. Pretende-se demonstrar que, em relação à criança e ao adolescente, hodiernamente entendidos como pessoas humanas que merecem especial atenção da família, sociedade e Estado, a tutela da convivência comunitária representa um Direito Fundamental, em paralelo ao direito à convivência familiar, em que ambos estão igualmente previstos na norma constitucional, através do artigo 227 da Constituição da República Federativa do Brasil de 1988, e infraconstitucional, por meio dos artigos 4 e 19 do Estatuto da Criança e do Adolescente. / Gated communities option by the end of community interaction spaces considered the first victim sibling of a city that loses the arduous struggle faced to withstand the advancement of spatial isolation of residents most of the attractions of the city life. Considering the importance of public education of children and adolescents, the issue involving the community coexistence is undeniably based on need effective public policies targeted to the revitalization and readjustment of urban spaces, seeking to safeguard the quality of life of those who deserve special protection by the State. He, therefore, that this work will be carried out. To demonstrate that, in relation to children and adolescents, hodiernamente understood as human beings that deserve special attention from the family, society and State, the Fellowship Community represents a fundamental right, in parallel to the right to family life, in which both are also provided for in the constitutional standard, through article 227 of the Constitution of the Federative Republic of Brazil 1988 and infraconstitucional, by means of article 4 and 19 of the Statute of the child and adolescent.

Direito Internacional dos Investimentos e o Brasil: uma perspectiva a partir do padrão de tratamento justo e equitativo / International investment law and Brazil: perspective under the fair and equitable treatment standard

Ely Caetano Xavier Junior 26 June 2014 (has links)
Petróleo Brasileiro S.A. / O crescente fluxo global de investimentos estrangeiros coloca o tema da regulação dos investimentos estrangeiros no cerne das preocupações do Direito Internacional. Em uma estrutura formal com diversos níveis, o Direito Internacional dos Investimentos passa por constantes readaptações e reconstruções. Diversas alternativas teóricas têm sido propostas para responder aos muitos questionamentos relativos ao futuro do Direito Internacional dos Investimentos. Ao longo das décadas, o Brasil optou por manter-se isolado do regime internacional de regulação de investimentos estrangeiros, de maneira que a questão permaneceu regulada inteiramente por um mosaico normativo disperso entre normas constitucionais e infraconstitucionais. O crescente papel do Brasil como país exportador de capitais especialmente em virtude da expansão da indústria do petróleo e gás levou à recente revisão das diretrizes de política externa em matéria de investimentos estrangeiros. A decisão de negociar acordos internacionais de investimentos pode trazer diversas consequências para o ordenamento jurídico doméstico, dentre as quais se destaca a interferência do padrão de tratamento justo e equitativo no exercício do poder regulatório pelo Estado. A recorrente invocação do padrão de tratamento justo e equitativo contrasta com as incertezas sobre seu conteúdo. Ainda que possa existir uma compatibilidade teórica entre esse padrão de tratamento e o Direito brasileiro, a exposição às interpretações criativas dos tribunais arbitrais pode representar um risco para o Brasil, que deve cuidadosamente avaliar a pertinência de incluir uma cláusula do padrão de tratamento justo e equitativo nos acordos atualmente em negociação. / The increasing global flow of foreign capitals raises the issue of the regulation of foreign investments at the core of the concerns of International Law. With a multi-layered formal structure, International Investment Law undergoes continuous readjustment and reconstruction. Several theoretical alternatives have been proposed in order to answer many questions concerning the uncertain future of International Investment Law. Brazil has chosen to remain isolated from the international regime regulating foreign investment and this matter remained fully regulated by an untidy mosaic of constitutional and infra-constitutional rules. The growing role of Brazil as a capital-exporter country especially due to the development of the oil and gas industry has led to a recent revision of foreign policy guidelines regarding foreign investment. The decision of negotiating international investment agreements may have several consequences to the domestic legal system. Standing out as one of the key consequences is the interference of the fair and equitable treatment standard in the exercise of regulatory powers by the State. The recurrent allusion to the fair and equitable treatment standard contrasts with the uncertainty about its normative content. Although there may be a theoretical compatibility between the fair and equitable treatment standard and the Brazilian law, the exposure of state measures to creative interpretations of arbitral tribunals may pose a risk to the country, which must carefully evaluate the appropriateness of including a clause on fair and equitable treatment standard in the agreements currently under negotiation.

O direito à convivência comunitária: a criança e o adolescente no contexto urbano / The right to community life: children and adolescents in the urban

Benedicto de Vasconcellos Luna Gonçalves Patrão 23 August 2010 (has links)
A opção pelas gated communities fez desaparecer dos espaços de convivência comunitária considerados a primeira vítima colateral de uma cidade que perde a árdua luta enfrentada para resistir ao avanço do isolamento espacial dos moradores grande parte dos atrativos da vida citadina. Diante da importância do ambiente público na formação da criança e do adolescente, a questão envolvendo a tutela da convivência comunitária está inegavelmente baseada na necessidade da efetivação de políticas públicas voltadas para a revitalização e readequação dos espaços urbanos, a fim de resguardar a qualidade de vida daqueles que merecem especial proteção do Estado. Sob este prisma, portanto, que esta obra será desenvolvida. Pretende-se demonstrar que, em relação à criança e ao adolescente, hodiernamente entendidos como pessoas humanas que merecem especial atenção da família, sociedade e Estado, a tutela da convivência comunitária representa um Direito Fundamental, em paralelo ao direito à convivência familiar, em que ambos estão igualmente previstos na norma constitucional, através do artigo 227 da Constituição da República Federativa do Brasil de 1988, e infraconstitucional, por meio dos artigos 4 e 19 do Estatuto da Criança e do Adolescente. / Gated communities option by the end of community interaction spaces considered the first victim sibling of a city that loses the arduous struggle faced to withstand the advancement of spatial isolation of residents most of the attractions of the city life. Considering the importance of public education of children and adolescents, the issue involving the community coexistence is undeniably based on need effective public policies targeted to the revitalization and readjustment of urban spaces, seeking to safeguard the quality of life of those who deserve special protection by the State. He, therefore, that this work will be carried out. To demonstrate that, in relation to children and adolescents, hodiernamente understood as human beings that deserve special attention from the family, society and State, the Fellowship Community represents a fundamental right, in parallel to the right to family life, in which both are also provided for in the constitutional standard, through article 227 of the Constitution of the Federative Republic of Brazil 1988 and infraconstitucional, by means of article 4 and 19 of the Statute of the child and adolescent.

A redução equitativa da indenização e as atividades de risco previstas no artigo 927, parágrafo único, do Código Civil : uma abordagem jurídico-econômica

Cascaes, Amanda Celli January 2018 (has links)
A presente dissertação visa a analisar a cláusula de redução equitativa da indenização, introduzida no ordenamento jurídico brasileiro por meio do artigo 944, parágrafo único, do Código Civil de 2002. A aplicação da referida norma suscita intensos debates na doutrina e jurisprudência brasileiras, em especial no que tange à possibilidade de aplicação aos casos de responsabilidade objetiva. Nesse sentido, poder-se-ia argumentar que a redução da indenização impactaria na finalidade da norma expressa no artigo 927, parágrafo único, do Código Civil, inclusive no que tange aos incentivos para prevenção de danos. A partir de uma análise do contexto, evolução jurídica do conceito e seus elementos e funções, é realizada uma avaliação da possibilidade de aplicação e respectivos requisitos para a utilização do instituto de forma sistêmica e em consonância com o ordenamento jurídico vigente. Considerando que a Law and Economics permite ao intérprete antever os impactos da aplicação da norma na conduta dos agentes econômicos, em especial na internalização dos custos de prevenção, que são consequência direta de uma análise de custo e beneficio entre a prevenção e o pagamento da indenização pela causação de um dano, consiste em importante ferramenta à disposição da comunidade jurídica para a análise do terna proposto. Deste modo, o terna será analisado à luz da doutrina da Law and Economics, que traz importantes contribuições para a discussão do tema, que afeta de forma direta o comportamento dos agentes de mercado que desenvolvem atividades consideradas de risco. / The present dissertations aims at analyzing the equitable reduction o f indemnification, introduced in Brazilian legal system tbrough article 944, sole paragraph, o f the Civil Code of 2002. The application o f such rule raises intense debates in the Brazilian doctrine and case law, especially with regard to the possibility of application to cases of strict liability. In this sense, it could be argued that the reduction of indemnification would affect the purpose of the rule foreseen in article 927, sole paragraph, o f the Civil Code, including with regard to incentives to the prevention of damage. From an analysis ofthe context, legal evolution ofthe concept and its elements and functions, an evaluation is conducted to assess the applicability and respective requirements for the use of the institute in a systemic way and in accordance with the current legal system. Given that Law and Economics allows the interpreter to foresee the impacts that the application of the rule will have on the conduct of economic agents, especially regarding the internalization of prevention costs, which are a direct consequence of a cost and benefit analysis between prevention and payment of compensation due to a damage caused, it is an important tool available to the legal co=unity for the analysis of the proposed theme. Therefore, the subject will be analyzed in light ofthe Law and Economics doctrine that brings important contributions to the discussion, which directly affects the behavior of market agents who carry out activities considered risky.

Negócios da companhia com ações de sua emissão / Transactions by the company in its own shares

Bruno di Dotto 07 April 2014 (has links)
Depois de mais de 30 anos da edição da Lei 6.404, de 15 de dezembro de 1976 e da publicação da Instrução CVM 10, de 14 de fevereiro de 1980, volta novamente o regulador brasileiro a sua atenção para os benefícios e perigos dos negócios da companhia com ações de sua emissão. Tal se torna evidente pela publicação, em outubro de 2013, do Edital de Audiência Pública SDM 11/13, por meio do qual a Comissão de Valores Mobiliários pretende substituir a antiga regra aplicável às companhias abertas por uma nova, de conteúdo mais moderno e aderente à nova realidade. Desenvolveu-se durante o século XX e XXI o estudo dos negócios da companhia com as suas ações, admitindo-se cada vez mais numerosas exceções ao inicialmente duro e absoluto preceito proibitivo positivado originalmente pela Aktienrechtsnovelle alemã de 1870. O estudo das finanças sociais e o aprimoramento dos mecanismos de salvaguarda dos interesses protegidos no decorrer do século XX e XXI forçaram (e ainda forçam) a redefinição dos seus contornos jurídicos. No que diz respeito a estes negócios, ressaltam como interesses escudados aqueles dos credores, dos acionistas e do mercado de capitais (e os investidores que nele atuam) os grupos de referência (Bezugsgruppen) do direito societário. É na proteção de seus interesses que se fundamentam as normas que os regem: a utilização de saldo de lucros tutela os credores, o princípio do tratamento equitativo protege os acionistas e as regras de prevenção a atos manipulativos e de repressão ao insider trading salvaguardam o mercado e seus investidores. É, portanto, no confronto com tais interesses que se deve avaliar a legalidade ou ilegalidade de cada um desses negócios, e não na simples (in)existência de uma exceção legal expressa ao conceito proibitivo geral. O art. 30 da Lei das S.A. estipula condições de validade dos negócios com ações próprias, e não meramente um rol de exceções taxativas. / Thirty years after the enactment of Law 6.404, of December 15, 1976 and CVM Instruction 10, of February 14, 1980, once again have the transactions of the company in its own shares gained the attention of the Brazilian regulatory authority, especially in consideration of the benefits and perils arising from them. This is evidenced by the publication, in October 2013, by the Comissão de Valores Mobiliários of Public Hearing SDM 11/13, the purpose of which is to replace the old rule applicable to public companies by a new one, containing a more modern approach on the subject and a more reality-driven concept. The studies about the transactions a company is allowed to perform in its own shares have had a great academic and empiric development during the XX and XXI centuries, the result of which has been the gradual acceptance of an ever-increasing list of possible exceptions to the inititally absolute prohibition originally stated by the german Aktienrechtsnovelle of 1870. The study of financial economics and the improvement of the legal protective measures designed over the last century have forced (and continue to force) a broad redefinition of these transactions legal boundaries. In respect to these transactions, the interests of creditors, shareholders and the capital market itself (including the investors which act in it) arise in the center of the legal protective framework they have been denominated as the reference groups of Corporate Law. Safeguarding their interests is the main purpose of the rules revolving around them: the use of profits and profit reserves safeguards creditors, adherence to the principle of equitable treatment adresses shareholder interests and the rules preventing manipulative acts and insider trading practices sponsor the interests of the capital market and its investors. Therefore, it is mandatory that any interpretation on the legality or ilegality of any given transaction by the company in its own shares be preceded by the examination of these concrete interests; this legal analysis cannot be limited to the verification of an express exception to the general rule. Article 30 of Law 6.404/76 must therefore be read as containing a general validity framework, and not merely an exaustive list of exceptions.

The challenge of cooperative government and its implications for the financial and fiscal management systems in South Africa

Ngoy, Ntanda N'shii Tshambe January 2009 (has links)
Masters in Public Administration - MPA / Can a country function without a legislative framework able to inform decisionmaking processes taken at different spheres of government? To what extent would actions conducted at various spheres of government be efficiently coordinated and informed by appropriate channels of constitutional provisions and legislative amendments to consolidate financial and intergovernmental fiscal relations policy-making tools for the realization of an efficient local developmental state? Answers to the above mentioned two questions refer to normative fiscal policy principles and prescriptive instruments of intergovernmental fiscal transfer design, whose orientation suggests better ways of framing sound and coherent programs and interventions that strengthen cooperative synergy and transfer knowledge of experience gained in empirical investigations and various South African environments of higher academic learning. Growing evidence acknowledges South Africa as one of the young democratic countries that has been going through a period of transition over the past three years as it changes its system of public finance from a structure suited to the old apartheid system to one consistent with the new South African Constitutional dispensation. While the former system was highly centralized, the newconstitution makes a clear commitment to municipal governments as important providers of government services, with greater tax and spending powers. Even as local autonomy has been substantially increased, there remains uncertainty as to the most appropriate design of a system of intergovernmental fiscal grants to metropolitan areas and townships. This study analyses this situation and further develops a generic design for intergovernmental transfers and its suitability to the realities of South African municipalities on the ground within the framework of Cooperative Government. This study concludes that fiscal management, as a cross-cutting discipline, is a powerful instrument for government’s revenue sources at the national, provincial and local government levels. Financial management should be regarded as a co-coordinating mechanism managing government’s expenditure and catalyzing sound financial relationship for an efficient management in the country, thus allowing government to budget effectively for the delivery of goods and services in order to attain the constitutional mandate of a developmental state. / South Africa

A redução equitativa da indenização e as atividades de risco previstas no artigo 927, parágrafo único, do Código Civil : uma abordagem jurídico-econômica

Cascaes, Amanda Celli January 2018 (has links)
A presente dissertação visa a analisar a cláusula de redução equitativa da indenização, introduzida no ordenamento jurídico brasileiro por meio do artigo 944, parágrafo único, do Código Civil de 2002. A aplicação da referida norma suscita intensos debates na doutrina e jurisprudência brasileiras, em especial no que tange à possibilidade de aplicação aos casos de responsabilidade objetiva. Nesse sentido, poder-se-ia argumentar que a redução da indenização impactaria na finalidade da norma expressa no artigo 927, parágrafo único, do Código Civil, inclusive no que tange aos incentivos para prevenção de danos. A partir de uma análise do contexto, evolução jurídica do conceito e seus elementos e funções, é realizada uma avaliação da possibilidade de aplicação e respectivos requisitos para a utilização do instituto de forma sistêmica e em consonância com o ordenamento jurídico vigente. Considerando que a Law and Economics permite ao intérprete antever os impactos da aplicação da norma na conduta dos agentes econômicos, em especial na internalização dos custos de prevenção, que são consequência direta de uma análise de custo e beneficio entre a prevenção e o pagamento da indenização pela causação de um dano, consiste em importante ferramenta à disposição da comunidade jurídica para a análise do terna proposto. Deste modo, o terna será analisado à luz da doutrina da Law and Economics, que traz importantes contribuições para a discussão do tema, que afeta de forma direta o comportamento dos agentes de mercado que desenvolvem atividades consideradas de risco. / The present dissertations aims at analyzing the equitable reduction o f indemnification, introduced in Brazilian legal system tbrough article 944, sole paragraph, o f the Civil Code of 2002. The application o f such rule raises intense debates in the Brazilian doctrine and case law, especially with regard to the possibility of application to cases of strict liability. In this sense, it could be argued that the reduction of indemnification would affect the purpose of the rule foreseen in article 927, sole paragraph, o f the Civil Code, including with regard to incentives to the prevention of damage. From an analysis ofthe context, legal evolution ofthe concept and its elements and functions, an evaluation is conducted to assess the applicability and respective requirements for the use of the institute in a systemic way and in accordance with the current legal system. Given that Law and Economics allows the interpreter to foresee the impacts that the application of the rule will have on the conduct of economic agents, especially regarding the internalization of prevention costs, which are a direct consequence of a cost and benefit analysis between prevention and payment of compensation due to a damage caused, it is an important tool available to the legal co=unity for the analysis of the proposed theme. Therefore, the subject will be analyzed in light ofthe Law and Economics doctrine that brings important contributions to the discussion, which directly affects the behavior of market agents who carry out activities considered risky.

Eigenvalues of Matrices and Graphs

Thüne, Mario 27 February 2013 (has links)
The interplay between spectrum and structure of graphs is the recurring theme of the three more or less independent chapters of this thesis. The first chapter provides a method to relate the eigensolutions of two matrices, one being the principal submatrix of the other, via an arbitrary annihilating polynomial. This is extended to lambda-matrices and to matrices the entries of which are rational functions in one variable. The extension may be interpreted as a possible generalization of other known techniques which aim at reducing the size of a matrix while preserving the spectral information. Several aspects of an application in order to reduce the computational costs of ordinary eigenvalue problems are discussed. The second chapter considers the straightforward extension of the well known concept of equitable partitions to weighted graphs, i.e. complex matrices. It provides a method to divide the eigenproblem into smaller parts corresponding to the front divisor and its complementary factor in an easy and stable way with complexity which is only quadratic in matrix size. The exploitation of several equitable partitions ordered by refinement is discussed and a suggestion is made that preserves hermiticity if present. Some generalizations of equitable partitions are considered and a basic procedure for finding an equitable partition of complex matrices is given. The third chapter deals with isospectral and unitary equivalent graphs. It introduces a construction for unitary equivalent graphs which contains the well known GM-switching as a special case. It also considers an algebra of graph matrices generated by the adjacency matrix that corresponds to the 1-dimensional Weisfeiler-Lehman stabilizer in a way that mimics the correspondence of the coherent closure and the 2-dimensional Weisfeiler-Lehman stabilizer. The algebra contains the degree matrix, the (combinatorial, signless and normalized) Laplacian and the Seidel matrix. An easy construction produces graph pairs that are simultaneously unitary equivalent w.r.t. that algebra.

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