Spelling suggestions: "subject:"etika"" "subject:"atika""
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Komparace ekonomicko-teoretických přístupů k ochraně přírodních zdrojů ve vazbě na přírodní zdroj voda / The Comparison of Theoretical Approaches to the Environmental Protection and Their Application on the Problem of Water AllocationSlavíková, Lenka January 2008 (has links)
Práce se soustředí na komparaci východisek neoklasické environmentální ekonomie, ekologické institucionální ekonomie a tržních přístupů k ochraně životního prostředí. Uvedené tři ekonomicko-teoretické směry v současné době představují hlavní paradigmata v rámci ekonomie životního prostředí a soupeří o míru vlivu na ekologickou politiku jednotlivých států či nadnárodních organizací. Jelikož tyto směry dochází k diametrálně odlišným doporučením ohledně preferovaných režimů správy přírodních zdrojů (státní, komunitní či soukromé vlastnictví), je cílem komparace nalézt prvky pro možný společný postup či naopak identifikovat příčiny hlavních odlišností. Ucelené srovnání všech tří ekonomicko-teoretických směrů nebylo doposud provedeno, což vede k izolovanému vývoji všech tří sledovaných paradigmat.
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Etikos mokymo priemonės Lietuvos profilinėje mokykloje: interpretacijos metodo tendencija / Moral education in Lithuania: tendencies of interpretationKurakinaitė-Valainienė, Livija 20 June 2006 (has links)
Moral education is conditionally new discipline in Lithuania. Pupils may choose lessons of moral education from two alternative disciplines- ethics or religion. Moral education has already been taught for fourteen years, but, despite it, is object of endless discussions.
Main problem- there is small variety of ethics teaching methodology and matter for elder classes, there are no alternatives of ethics teaching methodology selection for a teacher. Now dominates aspect of ethics didactics, which has been created by single author. Therefore there is decision to examine present situation, to overlook critique about present measurements of teaching and to question teachers.
Aim of work- to analyse what sort of teaching measurements, designed to work by method of interpretation, are being used in ethics lessons. To clear up it‘s efficiency, tune with common programs and requirement of ethics teaching.
It is being overlooking connections between common programs and teaching measurements. It is being analyzing teaching measurements and methodology, which are used in ethics lessons. The teachers are being questioning about teaching measurements they use, and it is being analyzing critique, written for teaching measurements.
The research was acomplished by questioning 33 ethics teachers.Research was accomplished in profile classes of Lithuanian schools. This research revealed, what teaching measurements are being used now by teachers in philosophical ethics lessons, what value have... [to full text]
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Teisinė kultūra posovietinėje Lietuvos visuomenėje: būtinosios ginties sociokultūrinė analizė / Legal culture in post- soviet Lithuanian society: socio – cultural analysis of self - defenceNazarovienė, Daiva 28 July 2005 (has links)
The research objective is to analyze the legal culture of post – soviet Lithuanian society referring to the theoretical model of three dimensions and to reveal its specific features.
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Moralinių vertybių ir laisvės santykis J. Girniaus filosofijoje / The relation between moral values and freedom in J. Girnius philosophyZdanevičius, Linas 13 August 2012 (has links)
Darbo tikslas - atskleisti moralinių vertybių ir laisvės santykį J. Girniaus filosofijoje. Darbe taikyti šie metodai: mokslinės literatūros analizė, empirinis tyrimas-kiekybinis, tyrimui atlikti sudaryta anketa. Darbo intelektualinį pagrindą ir jo probleminį turinį sudaro lietuvių filosofo Juozo Girniaus (1915-1994) pažiūros į moralinių vertybių ir laisvės santykį, plačiai ir visapusiškai atskleistos šio filosofo svarbiausiuose veikaluose. Tyrimu nustatyta, jog šiuolaikinio jaunuolio gyvenime moralė yra svarbus dalykas. Tačiau patriotizmas, dora, politika ir religija, priešingai nei J. Girniui nėra svarbūs. Daugumai jų svarbiausia yra šeima. Didžiausiu dorinių vertybių pagrindu jaunimas laiko šeimą, meilę, atsakomybę ir laisvę. Tyrimo hipotezė- šiuolaikinis jaunimas atsakingai vertina laisvę ir moralines vertybes pasitvirtino, tačiau tik iš dalie sutapo su J. Girniaus nuostatomis moralinių vertybių ir laisvės santykio prasme. Lietuvoje iki šiol nėra atliktų didesnės apimties darbų, skirtų moralinių vertybių ir laisvės santykiui nustatyti ir apibrėžti, todėl šis darbas gali pasitarnauti atliekant tokio pobūdžio tyrimus. / The aim of work is to reveal the relation between the moral values and freedom in J. Girnius philosophy. The following methods have been applied in work: analysis of scientific literature, empirical research-quantitative, questionnaire made for research performance. The intellectual basis of work and its problematic content consists of the views of Lithuanian philosopher Juozas Girnius (1915-1994) on the relation of moral values and freedom, which are widely revealed in his main works. The research determines that morality in the life of modern youth is an important thing. However, patriotism, honour, politics and religion, contrary to J. Girnius, are not important. For most of them the most important thing is the family. The biggest basis for moral values for the young people are family, responsibility, love and freedom. The reserch hypothesis-the modern youth responsibly value freedom and moral values has been confirmed, however, it coincided only partly with J. Girnius attitudes concerning the relation of moral values and freedom. There are no such works of bigger amount performed in Lithuania yet which determined or defined the relation between moral values and freedom, therefore this work may serve to make this kind of research.
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Elektroninės korespondencijos etika. Taupymo strategija / Ethics of e-correspondence: the strategy of preservationGedvilaitė, Džiuginta 23 June 2014 (has links)
Šiame darbe analizuojami e-korespondencijos ypatumai, jos paplitimas, pagrindinis dėmesys skiriamas etiniam jos aspektui ir ieškoma svarbiausių e-korespondencijos etikos gairių. Elektroninės korespondencijos apimtims didžiausią įtaką daro elektroninės komercijos vystymasis bei interneto paplitimas. Elektroninė korespondencija esmingai pakeitė asmeninio susirašinėjimo apimtis ir formas, sparčiai skverbiasi į viešojo administravimo sritį, įgalino naujas bendravimo formas, tokias kaip naujienų grupės, ypač dideli pokyčiai pastebimi reklamos srityje. Svarbiausi elektroninio pašto pranašumai yra tokie: jis efektyviai pristato žinutes, yra greitas, yra prieinamas visą parą, leidžia greitai pristatyti didelius informacijos kiekius ir vienu metu pasiekti daugelį adresatų. Tačiau dažnai naujomis technologijomis pradedama piktnaudžiauti. Tai paskatino virtualiąją bendruomenę kelti etinius klausimus ir netgi formuluoti vadinamąjį netiketą – taisykles nustatančias, kaip elgtis elektroninėje erdvėje. Tam tikros netiketo taisyklės yra nustatytos rašant elektroninį laišką, pokalbių kambariuose bei diskusijų forumuose. Nors tinklo netiketas nėra sukurtas konkrečios institucijos ir nėra privalomas vykdyti, tačiau interneto vartotojai, bendraudami internete turėtų būti susipažinę su šiomis taisyklėmis. Bendraujant internetu geros manieros yra tokios pat svarbios, kaip ir kalbant telefonu ar dalyvaujant asmeniniame pokalbyje. Viena didžiausių e-korespondencijos piktžaizdžių tapo spamas –... [toliau žr. visą tekstą] / The Thesis presents an analysis of the pecularities and spread of an electronic correspondence, and purports to offer the strategic guidelines for the ethics of electronic correspondence. The rapid growth of e-correspondence is mostly determined by the development of electronic commerce and the internet. Digitalization of correspondence substantially changed the quality and the quantity of personal mail communication, enabled the new forms of communication (such as the newsgroups); it rapidly penetrates the field of public administration and made a significant impact on contemporary forms of marketing. Electronics messages are effectively delivered, e-mail is quick and available day and night, it enables the transfere of a huge quantity of information in a due time – these are the most important advantages of electronic mail. However, often the internet users abuse the new technologies. That prompted the virtual community to raise ethical questions and to give an outline a so called nethiquette – rules, regulating human behaviour in a cyberspace. Nethiquette covers rules for personal correspondence, chats and discussion forums. Although there is no particular institution monitoring nettiquette, every internet user is expected to learn and follow those rules. Good manners are of the same value in the cyberspace as in the more conservative channels of communication. One of the most disgraceful evils in e-correspondence is spam – unsolicitated e-messages, flooding the Internet... [to full text]
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Odmítání očkování a jeho etické souvislosti / Vaccination refusing and its ethical coherenceBISCHOFOVÁ, Jana January 2015 (has links)
This thesis is named: Vaccination refusing and its ethical coherence. The work consists of several parts. The first part is formed by theoretical possibilities. In this part we focus on the question of ethics. The basic question of this issue is a matter of imaginary dispute which also the ethics describes in its basic principles and which is the principle of nonmaleficence (not to inflict harm intentionally) and principle of beneficence (act for the benefit of others); and also the principle of autonomy and justice. This part further contains overview of compulsory and voluntary vaccination, a short description of each disease, side effects, division of the vaccines, principles of correct immunization and storage of vaccines, and an overview of reasons why the parents refuse vaccination given by the literature. The second chapter is the methodology. We set as a target of our work to identity and analyze ethical problems connected with refusing vaccination and to find out and describe the main reasons of the parents for refusing vaccination of their children. To reach these targets we interviewed twelve mothers and five pediatricians. The third chapter comprises of case studies, which shortly introduce the families, where the parents refuse vaccination for their children and briefly explain the problem in accepting children without vaccination by the pediatricians and society. There are twelve of these case studies. The fourth chapter includes results of the research, which were divided into three parts. The first part consists of reasons why the parents refuse vaccination for their children. There we analyzed five the most given reasons (side effects, different approach to life, composition of the vaccines, no occurrence of the diseases + small risk of infection, low age for vaccination). The second part is created by ethical problems connected with refusing vaccination from the perspective of the parents. During the interview we analyzed seven problems (truthfulness of the information, preventing from collective incorporation, denial of free choice, authority of the state, collective immunity, vaccination as a business, testing of vaccinations). In the third part there are the results of interviews with the doctors. After that follows the discussion. In the discussion there is a confrontation of the perspective of the parents, doctors, other specialists, and my own of the given problematic. In the conclusion I present an overview of the issue and proposals to think about and to the possible solutions.
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Etika a etický kodex ve veřejné správě / Etics and Code of Ethics in public administrationPavlíčková, Romana January 2016 (has links)
This thesis is called: Etics and Code of Ethics in public administration. It contains theoretical and practical parts. There is a clarification of basic definitions and terms involving public administration, ethics, corruption and code of ethics, in the theoretical part. The thesis is based on study of relevant literature. The practical part involves
an investigation using quantitative methods (questionaire). The primary target of this thesis is to assess the evaluation and application of Code of Ethics of officials and public administration employees in the Hradec Králové region. A secondary target is the formulation of new proposals and recommendations that serve to improve the Code of Ethics.
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Právní úprava a samoregulace reklamyMichková, Lenka January 2013 (has links)
No description available.
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Podnikatelská etika v makléřských společnostechDočekalová, Petra January 2014 (has links)
DOČEKALOVÁ, P. Business Ethics in Brokerage Companies. Diploma thesis. Brno: Mendel University in Brno, 2014. This diploma thesis tries to capture current state of business ethics in selected brokerage companies that are providers of financial services. Literature review contains theoretical knowledge from the field of insurance agents, insurance brokers and business ethics. Realization of the goal is focused on determining a level of business ethics in two brokerage companies. Based on gathered information, recommendations have been suggested in the conclusion of the thesis. Recommendations should lead to improving current situation and thereby improving quality of business ethics realization of financial services providers.
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Etika zaměstnaneckých vztahůCílková, Jana January 2005 (has links)
No description available.
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