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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Förhindra långvariga trafikstopp i spårväxlar med rörlig korsning

Svenningsson, Johan January 2017 (has links)
Purpose:The purpose of this study as a part of Trafikverkets continues improvement work is to create ahigher society value with less delayed train traffic. This study will analyze if it’stechnical/administrative possible to eliminate or reduce the delays which accrue when switcheswith swing nose crossing is not in control. The issue has been segmented in three sub issues:1. How does a switch with swing nose crossing work and which factors leads to a stop intraffic?2. What knowledge does train engineer have and how do they work today?3. Is it possible to change the current regulation without decrease the safety?Methodology:Literature study, interview and observation has been performed to see which issues switcheshas and what underlying effects that causes them. A workshop has been held with teacher andstudents in a school for train engineer. Collected data has been analyzed for compilation of thestudies result.Findings:As the regulation is written today it creates a complete stop in traffic when a switch with swingnose crossing goes in control. The studies result shows that train engineers has anunderstanding of the how switches with swing nose crossing works and therefore could it bepossible to alter the regulation. A change in this regulation could mean less delayed traintraffic. But also a greater risk for more collision between train and switches which could lead tothat more switches have to be repaired. A standardized approach in how to control a switchcould decrease this risk.Implications:The purpose of this study through the problem definition is deemed answered. Theunderstanding on the train engineer awareness of switches with swing nose crossing and theirdemands has been a great significance for the development work. More interviews andworkshops would have enhanced the scientific result.Recommendation:I advocate for a change in the regulation so that train engineer are allowed to pass a switch with swingnose crossing even if it’s not in control. There is also of great weight to study the back laying reasonsfor why train engineer misjudge switches position and why the switches doesn’t go in control.
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Svenska körvanors påverkan på elnätet vid en elektrifiering av Sveriges fordonsflotta / A case study of the impact on the Swedish electricity grid, based on the full implementation of electric vehicles and our driving habits in consideration

Macklin, Christoffer January 2020 (has links)
Detta examensarbete har till uppgift att ta reda på hur det svenska elnätet påverkas av svenska körvanor vid en komplett omställning till eldrivna fordon. Genom att använda ett tidigare skapat simuleringsprogram byggt för att simulera elektriska parametrar i ett svenskt bostadsområde, är uppgiften i detta examensarbete att ta reda på ifall det nuvarande elnätet är robust nog att förse en fullt utvecklad el-baserad fordonsflotta med tillräcklig elektricitet. Elnätet som simuleras i detta examensarbete bygger på verkliga data från ett bostadsområde som tillhandahållits av Tekniska verken, där data består av effektuttag per timme över en period som täcker ett helt år.  Simuleringsstudien är genomförd baserad på elkonsumtionsdata från hushållen i ett bostadsområde, effektkonsumtion från ett flertal elbilsmodeller och fabrikat, fordonsfördelning baserat på hushållens köpkraft och statistik om svenska körvanor. Simuleringsstudien använder det tidigare skapta simuleringsmiljön för att simulera de effekter som uppstår vid elbilsladdning från multipla hushåll och varierande arbetstider.  I denna studie undersöks hur körvanor kommer påverka spänningsnivåerna i det lokala elnätet där ett antal fall undersökts. Dessa fall är: Varierande dagliga körsträckor, olika huvudsäkringar på hushållen och varierande arbetstider. Baserat på resultaten av de gjorda simuleringarna kan man dra slutsatsen att det nuvarande elnätet inte är robust nog att hantera en total utbyggnad av en el-baserad fordonsflotta. Det borde vara i elnätsägarnas intresse att studera detta betydligt noggrannare för att undvika problem i framtiden.
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Návrh podvozku pro elektrický minibus / Design of chassis for an electric minibus

Strnadel, Bronislav January 2019 (has links)
The theoretical part of the master thesis is devoted to electric vehicles from their history through sources of electric energy and a swapping battery system to electric buses and autonomous driving. In the practical part the concept of autonomous electric minibus with the calculation of battery capacity are described. Furthermore, the attachment of battery to chassis and the idea of automatic swap are designed. In the last chapter the design of chassis itself can be found together with the FEM analysis.

Design golfového vozíku / Design of golf cart

Wenglorz, Marek January 2008 (has links)
In this diploma project I´m designing golf cart for transportation two persons . At the side of design I wanted to achieve an innovate feature and diferentiate from today´s production. Through my conception I want to offer a wider possibility of usage and increase use value of golf cart. Herewith I mean for example an integration to the traffic after urgent modification. I dont want to design the golf cart like a vision to the future, but I endeavour for complying with current trends at the producing.

Modifikace letounu EV-55 pro přistání na vodní hladině / EV-55 aircraft modification for water level landing

Šponer, Jan January 2014 (has links)
Diplomová práce se zabývá modifikací stávající pozemní verze letounu EV-55 pro možnost přistání na vodní hladině. Snahou je najít takovou variantu, která nepovede k výrazným konstrukčním zásahům do draku letounu a bude vyhovovat stavebnímu předpisu CS 23, zejména požadavkům týkající se plovatelnosti a stability na vodě. Je proveden hmotový rozbor modifikované verze a s tím související omezení hmotové obálky a rozsahu centráží. Zatížení od vody je spočítáno v souladu s CS 23. Pro toto zatížení je následně navrhnuto konstrukční řešení uchycení plováků k trupu a provedena pevnostní kontrola jednotlivých prvků a spojovacích uzlů. Tyto hodnoty jsou dále porovnány s pozemními případy zatížení a stanoveny součinitele rezerv. V závěru jsou spočítány letové výkony: maximální horizontální rychlost, stoupavost, dolet a vytrvalost.

Incentives for promoting Battery Electric Vehicle (BEV) adoption in Norway

Bjerkan, Kristin Ystmark, Nørbech, Tom E., Nordtømme, Marianne Elvsaas 21 December 2020 (has links)
Norway has become a global forerunner in the field of electromobility and the BEV market share is far higher than in any other country. One likely reason for this is strong incentives for promoting purchase and ownership of BEVs. The purpose of this study is to describe the role of incentives for promoting BEVs, and to determine what incentives are critical for deciding to buy a BEV and what groups of buyers respond to different types of incentives. The questions are answered with data from a survey among nearly 3400 BEV owners in Norway. Exemptions from purchase tax and VAT are critical incentives for more than 80% of the respondents. This is very much in line with previous research, which suggests that up-front price reduction is the most powerful incentive in promoting EV adoption. To a substantial number of BEV owners, however, exemption from road tolling or bus lane access is the only decisive factor. Analyses show that there are clear delineations between incentive groups, both in terms of age, gender, and education. Income is a less prominent predictor, which probably results from the competitive price of BEVs in the Norwegian market. Perhaps most interesting is the assumed relation between incentives and character of transport systems the respondents engage in.
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The Future of Public Fast Charging : A forecasting of battery supported public fast charging based on a business model perspective

Jeppsson, Måns, Wester, Ivar January 2022 (has links)
With the ever-pressing threat of a climate crisis, the EU has decided to become the first climate-neutral continent by 2050. This in turn will require the road transportation sector to make a transition from fossil dependent to fossil-free vehicles. Sweden has the objective to become net positive in GHG emissions by 2045. To be on track to reach this goal, the GHG emissions of the domestic transport sector must be reduced by 70% by 2030 compared to 2017’s levels. Electric vehicles (EVs) are leading the way in the transition to fossil-free vehicles. To further springboard the diffusion of EVs, the development of a fully functional EV charging network is required. In order to assist the transition to electric vehicles, this report aims to analyse the development of the public fast charging infrastructure in Norrland and Svealand from now to 2030. Additionally, identify geographical areas where an expansion of the public EV fast charging network is needed to cover the future demand of electrified passenger cars. However, there are two major hurdles in building a fast charging network with full coverage. The first is the high monthly costs of providing fast charging which needs a certain utilisation rate to cover the expenses. The second hurdle is the difficulty to receive a grid connection, in certain areas, at the required power output to be able to provide EV fast charging. Therefore, a semi-mobile battery solution used for EV charging is analysed through a business model perspective. The semi-mobile battery solution requires a lower grid connection hence it could be possible to implement public EV fast charging at a lower monthly cost and to develop the public EV fast charging network in otherwise technical difficult areas. A mixed-method approach including both quantitative and qualitative elements was utilised. Primarily, a study of 10 interviews with respondents from a range of different fields connected to EV charging and batteries was performed in combination with a literature review and document analysis. In addition, existing traffic flow data and data of fast-charging infrastructure, were converged via ArcGIS Pro to illustrate the coverage of the fast charging network. Furthermore, projections of the development of the EV fleet were used in order to forecast the flow of EVs in Norrland and Svealand by 2030. Based on these forecasts the future demand of public EV fast charging was analysed. Resulting in a map showing areas of interest, where there will arise a need to expand the charging infrastructure. These areas are Umeå to Piteå, Lycksele with proximity, Bollnäs to Ljusdal and Leksand to Älvdalen. Additionally, the exiting public fast charging infrastructure was identified to require expansion of existing charging stations due to the increased traffic flow of EVs by 2030. The upgrade of existing stations was further assessed to be required to meet both a permanent and seasonal demand, hence making semi-mobile battery supported charging an attractive solution. Furthermore, the design of a semi-mobile battery supporting public EV fast charging was identified to be influenced by situational aspects and that the location-specific conditions were vital in determining profitability for a specific case. For example, the power output in the EV chargers should be adapted to the specifications of the geographical location and the customer segment identified. The energy storage capacity of the battery should also be designed based on the conditions of the location. A connection to the electricity grid exceeding 0.1 MW was also important since it enables the semi-mobile battery to provide additional services to the electricity grid and hence increase revenue streams. Furthermore, FCR-D Up was determined to be the most suitable complementary service to integrate into the system. One major challenge for the semi-mobile battery, based on a business model perspective, is the high costs for semi-mobile batteries and EV fast charging station hardware. However, these costs are projected to continue to decrease and consequently, improve the opportunities for semi-mobile lithium-ion batteries.
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Investigation of Transparent Photovoltaic Vehicle Integration

Zachary Craig Schreiber (11142147) 20 July 2021 (has links)
The pursuit to combat climate change continues, identifying new methods and technologies for sustainable energy management. Automakers continue developing battery electric vehicles while researchers identify new applications and materials for solar photovoltaics. The continued advancement of technology creates new holes within literature, requiring investigation to understand the unknown. Photovoltaic vehicle integration gained popularity during the 1970s but did not commercialize due to technology, economics, and other factors. By 2021 the idea resurfaced, showcasing commercial and concept vehicles utilizing photovoltaics. The emergence of new transparent photovoltaics presents additional options for vehicle integration but lacks literature analyzing the energy output and economics. The theoretical analysis investigated transparent photovoltaic replacing a vehicle’s windows. The investigation found that transparent photovoltaic vehicle integration generates energy and financial savings. However, due to high system costs and location, the system does not provide a financial payback period like other photovoltaic arrays. Improving cost, location, and other financial parameters create more favorable circumstances for the photovoltaic system. Furthermore, transparent photovoltaics provide energy saving benefits and some return on investment compared to regular glass windows.
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Grönt är skönt för planeten, men är det lönt för värderingen? : En studie om sambanden mellan företagens hållbarhetsarbete och deras värdering på den svenska aktiemarknaden. / Green is good for the planet, but is it good for the valuation? : A study about the relationship between ESG ratings and valuation on the Swedish stock market.

Galanis, Marlo, Gjana, Trim January 2021 (has links)
Bakgrund: För att relativvärderingar inte skall bli missvisande sätts krav på att de jämförda bolagen faktiskt är tillräckligt lika för att tillåta en jämförelse. I praktiken väljs generellt bolag inom samma bransch, medan teorin förespråkar för att skillnader i finansiella variabler som bland annat tillväxt och risk måste kontrolleras för. Tidigare forskning har oftast endast studerat hur de finansiella variablerna påverkar multipelvärdet. Relativvärdering påverkas dock även av pågående marknadstrender, förutsatt att dessa trender influerar börsvärdet. Andra variabler än branschtillhörighet och finansiella sådana kan således påverka värdet och därmed även behöva kontrolleras för, innan en relativvärdering utförs. Hållbarhetsarbete är en sådan trend som vuxit sig väldigt stark på senare tid. Hållbarhetsarbete i allmänhet och ESG-betyg i synnerhet är områden som ännu inte är helt kartlagda, speciellt vad gäller deras påverkan på ett företags värdering. Syfte: Studiens syfte är att analysera om det föreligger några samband mellan ESG-betyg och multipelvärden samt hur dessa samband i så fall ser ut och varför, för svenska stora och medelstora bolag listade på Nasdaq Stockholm Large och Mid Cap. Metod: Studien har utförts med en kvantitativ strategi, där samband mellan ESG-betyg och multipelvärden undersökts för årsskiftet 2020/2021, genom multipla regressionsanalyser. Totalt 151 svenska bolag med erhållna ESG-betyg har analyserats genom att deras multipelvärden för fyra olika multiplar använts som beroende variabler, samt där ESG-betyg och ett antal finansiella kontrollvariabler utgjort oberoende variabler i regressionerna. Underlaget till studien har utgjorts av data från databasen Refinitiv samt årsredovisningar. Slutsats: Resultatet visar att ett statistiskt signifikant negativt samband föreligger mellan ESG-betyg och multipelvärden. Att lägre betyg går hand i hand med högre värdering och vice versa, är fallet genomgående för såväl Mid Cap som Large Cap. / Background: In order for relative valuation not to be misleading, it is required that the companies compared are in fact sufficiently equal to allow a comparison. In practice, these companies are generally chosen within the same industry, while theory advocates that differences in financial variables such as growth and risk are more important and must be controlled for. Previous research has mostly only studied how these financial variables affect the value of multiples. However, relative valuation is also affected by ongoing market trends, provided that these trends influence market value. Variables other than financial ones and industry affiliation may thus affect the value and have to be controlled for, before a relative valuation using multiples is performed. Sustainability is one such trend that has grown tremendously strong in recent times. Sustainability work in general and ESG scores in particular are areas that have not yet been fully mapped, especially in terms of their impact on a company’s valuation. Purpose: The purpose of this study is to analyze potential relationships between ESG scores and values of multiples, how these relationships look and why, for large and medium-large Swedish companies listed on the Nasdaq Stockholm Large and Mid Cap lists. Methodology: A quantitative approach was used for the study, where the relationship between ESG scores and values of multiples was examined for the turn of the year 2020/2021, through multiple regression analyzes. A total of 151 Swedish companies, with published ESG scores, were analyzed using their multiples’ values for four different multiples as dependent variables in the regressions. ESG scores and a number of financial control variables constituted the independent variables in said regressions. The basis for the study has consisted of data from the Refinitiv database and annual reports. Conclusions: The results show that there is a statistically significant negative relationship between ESG scores and the values of multiples. The fact that lower ESG scores go hand in hand with higher valuations and vice versa, is the case throughout for both Mid Cap as well as Large Cap.
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Development of small extracellular vesicle-based therapeutics based on the elucidation and regulation of pharmacokinetic properties / 細胞外小胞の体内動態特性の解明とその制御に基づく疾患治療法の開発に関する研究

Matsumoto, Akihiro 23 March 2020 (has links)
付記する学位プログラム名: 充実した健康長寿社会を築く総合医療開発リーダー育成プログラム / 京都大学 / 0048 / 新制・課程博士 / 博士(薬科学) / 甲第22396号 / 薬科博第118号 / 新制||薬科||13(附属図書館) / 京都大学大学院薬学研究科薬科学専攻 / (主査)教授 髙倉 喜信, 教授 山下 富義, 教授 小野 正博 / 学位規則第4条第1項該当 / Doctor of Pharmaceutical Sciences / Kyoto University / DFAM

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