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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Rus og industrisamfunn. : En oppgave om hvordan rus og kultur har påvirket hverandre i industrisamfunnet Odda / An assigment on how substance and culture have affected each other in the industrial society Odda

Mansåker, Mette, Mosdal, Magnar, Sperrevik, Ingvild January 2012 (has links)
Målet med studien er å få en bredere kunnskap om hvordan industrikulturen har påvirket forekomsten av rusmisbruk i industristedet Odda i et historisk perspektiv. Vi ønsker også å se på hvordan rusmiddelavhengige har det i Odda i dag, og hvordan de opplever tjenestene som blir gitt. Datainnsamlingen ble gjort gjennom intervjuer med akan kontakt/ tillitsvalgt ved bedriftene, samt en brukerundersøkelse i form av spørreskjema blant brukerne av tjenestetilbudet. I intervjusituasjonen hadde vi fokus på drikkekulturen i industribedriftene i et historisk perspektiv. Spørreundersøkelsen blant brukergruppen hadde fokus på barndom og oppvekst, samt hvilke tjenester de benytter i dag og hvordan de opplever disse. Hovedfunnet i studien er at industrisamfunnet Odda har hatt en svært liberal holdning til alkoholbruk, og at skiftarbeid har vært med på å skape en kultur som gjør at det i større grad er akseptabelt å nytte alkohol enten det var tradisjonell hverdag eller helg. Når det gjelder tjenestetilbudet i dag ser vi at brukerne i stor grad er fornøyd med tjenestetilbudet, men savner flere arbeidsaktivitetstilbud.

Evaluering av Secure Connection Manager : med fokus på användarvänlighet och effektivitet / An Evaluation of Secure Connection Manager : Focused on Usability and Efficiency

Mäkelä, Nina, Sas, Madalina January 2008 (has links)
<p>In today’s computerized society more and more companies choose to utilize new applications that can ease the way of handling the information. For many of us is imperative that the process as efficient as possible if one takes in consideration the size of savings that this new application can bring.</p><p>The developer of the evaluated system is SYSteam AB Huskvarna and they are the ones that gave us this assignment. The application that we evaluate is SCM (Secure Connection Manager). It is already used today by big companies such as Telia and Ericsson to search for errors in telephone servers placed all over the country. The reason why this application is used is to increase the efficiency of error searching without traveling to the location of the servers.</p><p>The issues that the report focuses on are the system’s usability and efficiency for the user. Since the application is already in use we must be aware that just small adjustments are going to be made afterward.</p><p>In order to evaluate an already developed system we interviewed users that are familiar with the application and were willing to be answering our questions.Those users’ opinions have been crucial to us and our evaluation.</p><p>The result is a gathering of tables and data which methodically describes every subject in our questionnaire. These subjects are the following: navigation, design, content and efficiency.  Our analyses results show a positive reaction to almost all the subjects treated in the questionnaires. Several opinions and comments during the interviews confirm this statement. </p><p>The theoretical methods used to form this opinion are the heuristics rules that we followed, but also some of the most useful principles from theory books about interaction design.</p><p>The conclusion is, as the results of our evaluation show, that the system that we evaluated (SCM) is both efficient and user-friendly.</p><p>We would like to thank all the users, which took part in our study, as well as our supervisors both at university and at SYSteam AB Huskvarna. Thank you!</p> / <p>Med dagens mer systematiserade tillvaro är det fler som väljer att införa applikationer i företag som kan underlätta informationshanteringen. För många är det viktigt att detta sker så effektivt som möjligt med tanke på de besparingar som det kan medföra.</p><p>De som har utvecklat den studerade applikationen och som också är våra uppdragsgivare är SYSteam AB i Huskvarna. Denna applikation som vi utvärderar heter Secure Connection Manager (SCM). Den används idag av bland annat företag som Telia och Ericsson för att göra felsökningar på telefonväxlar som finns utplacerade i landet. Anledningen till att denna applikation används är att det blir mer effektivt att med hjälp av fjärrstyrning kunna göra felsökningar utan att behöva åka till telestationerna som de tidigare har gjort.</p><p>Frågeställningarna som arbetet fokuserar på är om systemet är användarvänligt och effektivt för användaren. Eftersom systemet redan är i drift måste man ha i åtanke att det endast kan ske marginella justeringar i efterhand.</p><p>För att kunna evaluera ett färdigt system har vi haft hjälp av ett antal frekventa användare som villigt har ställt upp på att svara på frågor och intervjuer. Dessa testpersoner har varit av yttersta vikt för oss och för vår evaluering.</p><p>Resultatet blev en samling tabeller och data som metodiskt beskriver varje element var för sig. De element som frågeguiden är indelad i är navigation, design, innehåll och effektivitet. Analysen gav positiva resultat till de frågeställningar vi hade ställt, förutom elementet innehåll. Flera av de synpunkter och kommentarer som samlades in under intervjuerna förstärkte detta resultat.</p><p>De teoretiska metoder som hjälpte oss att bedöma detta var några av de heuristiska regler som finns att följa, men även några av de principer som finns att läsa om i böcker om interaktionsdesign.</p><p>Slutsatsen blev att av de resultat vi fick av vår utvärdering konstaterade vi att SCM är både effektivt och användarvänligt.</p><p>Vi vill gärna rikta ett tack till alla testpersoner som ställde upp och till våra handledare både på högskolan och på SYSteam AB i Huskvarna. Tack!</p>

Die ontwikkeling van ʼn holistiese behuisingsevalueringsmodel vir laekostebehuising

Erasmus, Charlene Jennifer January 2007 (has links)
<p>Human ecologists agree with the government&rsquo / s view that a house encompasses more than a structure, and that its environment and location are equally important in meeting the needs and expectations of the occupants. This study was undertaken to establish whether the planning and building of housing units do indeed comply with government policy and adhere to the set standards for houses being &ldquo / more than just a structure&rdquo / . In evaluating the housing act, questions were raised about government&rsquo / s accountability regarding the enforcement of stipulations, with a view to offering guidelines that could be applied by housing practitioners. The aim of the study was to develop a holistic evaluation model for low-cost housing from the perspective of human ecology. The research aims were to obtain information about circumstances and conditions within a specific community (Objective 1). The study endeavoured to develop a holistic housing&nbsp / evaluation model (Objective 2) based on housing indicators for healthy housing. A questionnaire (objective 3), corresponding with the compound model, was designed to ascertain to which&nbsp / extent the needs of individuals in the Wesbank community (Objective 4) had been met in compliance with the indicators. A community profile (Objective 5) of Wesbank was then drawn up&nbsp / accordingly. Government legislation in respect of low-cost housing in Wesbank was evaluated according to the holistic housing evaluation model (HHEM) to determine to what extent the housing served the needs of families. Evaluation research was undertaken using multiple data collection techniques such as a documentary content analysis, a semantograph, focus groups and a survey conducted by means of a structured questionnaire. The HHEM was compiled by studying government policy and legislation, analysing the literature and identifying indicators as&nbsp / obtained from the focus groups, with the purpose of determining housing quality. By using the HHEM it became possible to identify community needs and other housing aspects, and to draw&nbsp / up a community profile. Meaningful conclusions about problematic areas in this particular environment were then presented visually by means of this model, which could readily be&nbsp / &nbsp / implemented by development practitioners. The HHEM served as a basis for the questionnaire used in a survey conducted in the Wesbank low-cost housing area, evaluating to what extent the&nbsp / project complied with the objective of providing houses that would be more than mere structures. From the findings of the study in Wesbank it appeared that aspects such as the quality of the physical structure, space and privacy, sufficient and sustainable provision of services and accessibility to facilities determine how the occupants of low-cost housing experience their structures.&nbsp / trong opinions have been voiced about a serious shortage of privacy and the poor quality of the housing structures, the latter resulting in conditions of ill health. The research found&nbsp / that housing development in Wesbank definitely did not contribute to improved health and the quality of life amongst the inhabitants. A community profile for Wesbank was then drawn up in&nbsp / response to the results of the survey. Based on the community profile that ensued from the study in Wesbank, it is recommended that educational housing programmes be made available to&nbsp / beneficiaries. Concomitantly, community facilities and physical development should be provided to advance all forms of socio-psychological, cultural and sports development. A study of&nbsp / alternative types of housing, building material and construction techniques needs to be launched to find a suitable product that would contribute to improved health and living conditions. A&nbsp / careful selection of contractors, close monitoring of the construction operations and the application of quality standards should be strictly enforced. Other recommendations are that developers&nbsp / hould first undertake a complete and thorough survey of the beneficiaries of proposed housing developments. The HHEM could be enforced in areas with different economic and&nbsp / income levels, and applied in further research, thereby creating comparative profiles of the respective communities. Participation by beneficiaries should be encouraged in any housing process, as this could possibly ensure the sustainability of their communities. With the HHEM the government and housing developers in new developments could ensure beforehand that the&nbsp / right type of housing will be built and developed for the right type of community. The HHEM can also be applied in existing areas for executing needs studies to serve as a guideline for&nbsp / development.&nbsp / </p>

Evaluering af en geriatrisk funktion på et mellemstort dansk hospital / An evaluation of a geriatric ward in a medium sized Danish hospital

Jensen, Marianne January 2007 (has links)
Introduktion: De nordiske hospitaler er i disse år præget af talrige organisationsændringer. Evalueringer heraf foregår traditionelt kvantitativt. Der er ikke tradition for at anvende kvalitative metoder. Patientperspektivet undersøges i Danmark kvantitativt gennem årlige patienttilfredsheds-undersøgelser, men resultaterne her af kan ikke ses i sammenhæng med en given aktivitet på et givent sengeafsnit. Medarbejderperspektivet medtages slet ikke i forbindelse med evalueringer af organisatoriske ændringer i sundhedsvæsenet. Formål: Formålet med denne evaluering er at undersøge sammenhænge mellem den konkrete målopfyldelse på udvalgte kvalitetsindikatorer, medarbejdernes oplevelser af og syn på at arbejde på det geriatriske sengeafsnit samt de pårørende og patienternes oplevelser under indlæggelsen.  Det er hensigten at tegne et så nuanceret billede som muligt af det geriatriske sengeafsnit og at få afdækket såvel hensigtsmæssige som uhensigtsmæssige forhold i medarbejdernes arbejdsliv og i patienternes oplevelse af indlæggelsen. Metode: Andel af opfyldte kvalitetsindikatorer måles ved auditgennemgang af 50 konsekutivt udvalgte patientjournaler fra indlæggelser på det geriatriske sengeafsnit. Patient- og pårørendeperspektivet belyses gennem 4 interviews i umiddelbar tilslutning til patienternes udskrivelse og Medarbejderperspektivet undersøges gennem to individuelle interviews med lederne af afsnittet og et fokusgruppeinterview med otte medarbejdere fra det geriatriske sengeafsnit. De kvantitative data fremstilles i tabelform og de kvalitative data indholdsanalyseres og fremstilles i citatform. De indbyrdes sammenhænge mellem de bearbejdede data undersøges og fremstilles. Resultater: Medarbejderne udtrykker frustration og mangel på ledelse. De har svært ved at se sammenhæng i hverdagens aktiviteter og oplever mangel på ro og meningsfuldhed i dagligdagen. De finder ikke de kliniske kvalitetsindikatorer relevante for deres arbejde. Der er lav andel af opfyldte kliniske kvalitetsindikatorer. Dette understøttes af patienterne og de pårørendes oplevelser under indlæggelsen og det forklares til en vis grad af medarbejdernes opfattelse af nødvendigheden af at opfylde de forventede krav og i særlig grad af medarbejdernes oplevelse af mangel på ledelse, sammenhæng og meningsfuldhed. Konklusion: Der findes konsistent sammenhæng mellem de tre perspektiver. Medarbejderperspektivet beskriver årsagsforklaringer til den lave andel af opfyldte kliniske kvalitetsindikatorer og patient- og pårørendeperspektivet peger på konsekvenserne af samme. Metodetrianguleringen til evaluering af en organisationsændring har dermed vist sig hensigtsmæssig til at forstå baggrund og sammenhænge i resultatet af en organisationsændring i højere grad end de traditionelle evalueringsmetoder. / Introduction:  The Nordic Hospitals have these years seem a lot of organizational changes. They are traditionally quantitatively evaluated. There is no tradition to use qualitative evaluation methods. The perspective of the patients is examined quantitatively by a patient satisfaction survey each year, but it is not possible to see the results of these surveys in coherence to a given activity in a given ward in the hospital. The perspective of the employees is not included in evaluations of organizational changes. Purpose: The purpose of this evaluation is to examine coherence between the indicators that have been fulfilled, and the employees’ experience of their daily work, together with the patients – and their relatives’ experience of the admittance at the ward.  It is the intention to show a picture as varied as possible of the geriatric ward and both reasonable and not reasonable conditions in the employees work life and in the patients’ experiences.  Method: The clinical indicators of quality are examined by an audit reading of 50 consecutively chosen patient files from the geriatric ward. The patients – and the relatives perspective is illuminated by four interviews with patients and relatives directly following their admittance to the ward and the perspective of the employees is illuminated by two interviews with the managers of the ward and a focus group interview with eight staff members of the ward. Results: The employees express frustration and lack of management. It is not easy for them to see coherence in the daily activities and they experience absence of peace and meaning in their daily work. In their opinion, the clinical indicators of quality are not relevant for their work. Only a low part of the indicators of clinical quality fulfil the expected goals. This find is in concordance with the experiences of the patients and the relatives and to some extent, can be explained, by the employees’ way of understanding the quality indicators. The most probable explanation to the low fulfilment of the goals is the employees’ experience of lack of management, coherence, and meaningfulness in their daily activities. Conclusion: There is a consistent connection between the three perspectives. The perspective of the employees describes possible causes to the low part of clinical indicators of quality, which fulfil the goals. The perspective of patients and relatives points at the consequences of this. The triangulation of the methods in an evaluation of organizational changes has shown a successful way, to understand conditions and coherence in the results of an organizational change, than the traditional method of evaluation. / <p>ISBN 978-91-85721-20-7</p>

A mixed method evaluation of the subjective well–being of first–year tertiary students during orientation / Johannes Hendrikus de Kock

De Kock, Johannes Hendrikus January 2010 (has links)
The aim of orientation programs at tertiary academic institutions is to introduce newcomers to the attitudinal and behavioral standards of their new academic and social situation, and these programs usually have a formal and an informal component. Formal orientation is officially developed and monitored by the university. Informal orientation is associated with socially orientated initiation or hazing activities administered by senior students in the seclusion of hostels and are often not monitored by the university, resulting in human rights violations such as racial discrimination, physical abuse and psychological bullying. Because both components of orientation take place during the same time frame and in the same broader context, orientation programs as a whole have been receiving negative attention and criticism in the media. Research has, however, also uncovered many positive elements in orientation programs - in both the formal and informal components. Literature suggests that universities put in place a high quality formal and informal orientation program to ensure the well–being of first–year students. Well–being is regarded as the subjective appraisals that people make about the quality of their lives based on their experiences, relationships, feelings and overall functioning in life. Two approaches towards subjective well–being are identified: the first is the hedonic approach, focusing on emotional well–being (EWB) and is equated to positive feelings, subjective happiness and satisfaction with life; the second is the eudaimonic approach, focusing on psychological well–being (PWB) and social well–being (SWB) which not only conceptualizes well–being in terms of meaning and purpose, but also as positive functioning in life on personal and social levels. The aim of this study was to determine the shifts in well–being of first–year students during an orientation program (with both the formal and informal components included) at a tertiary institution and to explore the experiences associated with these shifts. A sequential mixed method research design was used where quantitative and qualitative research approaches were combined to provide an in–depth understanding of the phenomenon. A convenience sample of first–year hostel residing students (mean age=19 years) was used for the quantitative study. Students completed the Mental Health Continuum Short Form (MHC–SF) and the Satisfaction With Life Scale (SWLS) before (n=102), during (n=371) and after (n=358) the orientation program. Twenty–one demographically representative first–year hostel residing students (mean age=18.5 years) were purposive selected to participate in the qualitative study consisting of a focus group discussion and semi–structured in–depth individual interviews which took place after the programs’ completion. The quantitative results indicated that first–year students’ well–being remained unchanged before, during and after orientation in all facets except in SWB. First–year students’ SWB increased practically significantly over the course of the orientation program. The qualitative findings suggested that first–year students’ well–being fluctuated from high before the orientation program to low during the program’s initial phase to high again after the program’s completion. Experiences associated with SWB were perceived to be the central experience associated with an increase in well–being. Recommendations are made regarding the promotion of the social and personal well–being of first–year students during an orientation program. / Thesis (M.A. (Clinical Psychology))--North-West University, Potchefstroom Campus, 2011.

A mixed method evaluation of the subjective well–being of first–year tertiary students during orientation / Johannes Hendrikus de Kock

De Kock, Johannes Hendrikus January 2010 (has links)
The aim of orientation programs at tertiary academic institutions is to introduce newcomers to the attitudinal and behavioral standards of their new academic and social situation, and these programs usually have a formal and an informal component. Formal orientation is officially developed and monitored by the university. Informal orientation is associated with socially orientated initiation or hazing activities administered by senior students in the seclusion of hostels and are often not monitored by the university, resulting in human rights violations such as racial discrimination, physical abuse and psychological bullying. Because both components of orientation take place during the same time frame and in the same broader context, orientation programs as a whole have been receiving negative attention and criticism in the media. Research has, however, also uncovered many positive elements in orientation programs - in both the formal and informal components. Literature suggests that universities put in place a high quality formal and informal orientation program to ensure the well–being of first–year students. Well–being is regarded as the subjective appraisals that people make about the quality of their lives based on their experiences, relationships, feelings and overall functioning in life. Two approaches towards subjective well–being are identified: the first is the hedonic approach, focusing on emotional well–being (EWB) and is equated to positive feelings, subjective happiness and satisfaction with life; the second is the eudaimonic approach, focusing on psychological well–being (PWB) and social well–being (SWB) which not only conceptualizes well–being in terms of meaning and purpose, but also as positive functioning in life on personal and social levels. The aim of this study was to determine the shifts in well–being of first–year students during an orientation program (with both the formal and informal components included) at a tertiary institution and to explore the experiences associated with these shifts. A sequential mixed method research design was used where quantitative and qualitative research approaches were combined to provide an in–depth understanding of the phenomenon. A convenience sample of first–year hostel residing students (mean age=19 years) was used for the quantitative study. Students completed the Mental Health Continuum Short Form (MHC–SF) and the Satisfaction With Life Scale (SWLS) before (n=102), during (n=371) and after (n=358) the orientation program. Twenty–one demographically representative first–year hostel residing students (mean age=18.5 years) were purposive selected to participate in the qualitative study consisting of a focus group discussion and semi–structured in–depth individual interviews which took place after the programs’ completion. The quantitative results indicated that first–year students’ well–being remained unchanged before, during and after orientation in all facets except in SWB. First–year students’ SWB increased practically significantly over the course of the orientation program. The qualitative findings suggested that first–year students’ well–being fluctuated from high before the orientation program to low during the program’s initial phase to high again after the program’s completion. Experiences associated with SWB were perceived to be the central experience associated with an increase in well–being. Recommendations are made regarding the promotion of the social and personal well–being of first–year students during an orientation program. / Thesis (M.A. (Clinical Psychology))--North-West University, Potchefstroom Campus, 2011.

Die ontwikkeling van ʼn holistiese behuisingsevalueringsmodel vir laekostebehuising

Erasmus, Charlene Jennifer January 2007 (has links)
Philosophiae Doctor - PhD / Human ecologists agree with the government’s view that a house encompasses more than a structure, and that its environment and location are equally important in meeting the needs and expectations of the occupants. This study was undertaken to establish whether the planning and building of housing units do indeed comply with government policy and adhere to the set standards for houses being “more than just a structure”. In evaluating the housing act, questions were raised about government’s accountability regarding the enforcement of stipulations, with a view to offering guidelines that could be applied by housing practitioners. The aim of the study was to develop a holistic evaluation model for low-cost housing from the perspective of human ecology. The research aims were to obtain information about circumstances and conditions within a specific community (Objective 1). The study endeavoured to develop a holistic housing evaluation model (Objective 2) based on housing indicators for healthy housing. A questionnaire (objective 3), corresponding with the compound model, was designed to ascertain to which extent the needs of individuals in the Wesbank community (Objective 4) had been met in compliance with the indicators. A community profile (Objective 5) of Wesbank was then drawn up accordingly. Government legislation in respect of low-cost housing in Wesbank was evaluated according to the holistic housing evaluation model (HHEM) to determine to what extent the housing served the needs of families. Evaluation research was undertaken using multiple data collection techniques such as a documentary content analysis, a semantograph, focus groups and a survey conducted by means of a structured questionnaire. The HHEM was compiled by studying government policy and legislation, analysing the literature and identifying indicators as obtained from the focus groups, with the purpose of determining housing quality. By using the HHEM it became possible to identify community needs and other housing aspects, and to draw up a community profile. Meaningful conclusions about problematic areas in this particular environment were then presented visually by means of this model, which could readily be implemented by development practitioners. The HHEM served as a basis for the questionnaire used in a survey conducted in the Wesbank low-cost housing area, evaluating to what extent the project complied with the objective of providing houses that would be more than mere structures. From the findings of the study in Wesbank it appeared that aspects such as the quality of the physical structure, space and privacy, sufficient and sustainable provision of services and accessibility to facilities determine how the occupants of low-cost housing experience their structures. trong opinions have been voiced about a serious shortage of privacy and the poor quality of the housing structures, the latter resulting in conditions of ill health. The research found that housing development in Wesbank definitely did not contribute to improved health and the quality of life amongst the inhabitants. A community profile for Wesbank was then drawn up in response to the results of the survey. Based on the community profile that ensued from the study in Wesbank, it is recommended that educational housing programmes be made available to beneficiaries. Concomitantly, community facilities and physical development should be provided to advance all forms of socio-psychological, cultural and sports development. A study of alternative types of housing, building material and construction techniques needs to be launched to find a suitable product that would contribute to improved health and living conditions. A careful selection of contractors, close monitoring of the construction operations and the application of quality standards should be strictly enforced. Other recommendations are that developers hould first undertake a complete and thorough survey of the beneficiaries of proposed housing developments. The HHEM could be enforced in areas with different economic and income levels, and applied in further research, thereby creating comparative profiles of the respective communities. Participation by beneficiaries should be encouraged in any housing process, as this could possibly ensure the sustainability of their communities. With the HHEM the government and housing developers in new developments could ensure beforehand that the right type of housing will be built and developed for the right type of community. The HHEM can also be applied in existing areas for executing needs studies to serve as a guideline for development. / South Africa

Bipacksedeln, till vilken nytta?

Gashi, Florina January 2014 (has links)
Etthundratrettio miljoner läkemedelsförpackningar säljs årligen i Sverige. Varje förpackning inkluderar en bipacksedel om det specifika läkemedlet. Bipacksedeln är utformad utifrån EU-direktivet 92/27EEC. Cirka trettio procent av alla läkemedelsanvändare läser bipacksedeln. Anledningen till varför patienterna inte läser den, beror på att bipacksedelns text är svår läsa och förstå. Ungefär femtio procent av alla patienter förstår medicinska instruktioner. Det beror på individens utbildningsnivå, lägre utbildning gör det svårare att förstå kontexten i en text. Syftet med studien var att konstatera bipacksedelns värde och om denna främjar god läkemedelsanvändning. Metoden som användes var att söka efter vetenskapliga artiklar som objektivt svarade på syftet. Resultatet konstaterade att nyttan av en bipacksedel uppnås genom att folk läser den. Studier har visat att bipacksedeln blir mer läsvänlig om den innehåller ett mer lättförståeligt språk, färgade avsnitt, text med större bokstäver och symboler. Det kostar 100 till 130 miljoner kronor att producera bipacksedlar. En studie har visat att följsamheten av läkemedelsbehandling inte påverkas av bipacksedeln. Det har även konstaterats att bipacksedlar ibland kan minska följsamheten för behandlingar, eftersom de kan avskräcka patienter från att ta läkemedlet. Muntlig läkemedelsrådgivning har visat sig ge bättre följsamhet för patienter än enbart skriftlig information. Kombinationen av muntlig och skriftlig information har visat sig ge bäst informationsförståelse. De 130 miljoner kronorna bör därför möjligen investeras i att ge bättre muntlig information till patienter. För vidare studier bör en mer detaljerad information kring läkemedlens effekt lyftas fram tydligare i bipacksedlarna.

Evaluering av Secure Connection Manager : med fokus på användarvänlighet och effektivitet / An Evaluation of Secure Connection Manager : Focused on Usability and Efficiency

Mäkelä, Nina, Sas, Madalina January 2008 (has links)
In today’s computerized society more and more companies choose to utilize new applications that can ease the way of handling the information. For many of us is imperative that the process as efficient as possible if one takes in consideration the size of savings that this new application can bring. The developer of the evaluated system is SYSteam AB Huskvarna and they are the ones that gave us this assignment. The application that we evaluate is SCM (Secure Connection Manager). It is already used today by big companies such as Telia and Ericsson to search for errors in telephone servers placed all over the country. The reason why this application is used is to increase the efficiency of error searching without traveling to the location of the servers. The issues that the report focuses on are the system’s usability and efficiency for the user. Since the application is already in use we must be aware that just small adjustments are going to be made afterward. In order to evaluate an already developed system we interviewed users that are familiar with the application and were willing to be answering our questions.Those users’ opinions have been crucial to us and our evaluation. The result is a gathering of tables and data which methodically describes every subject in our questionnaire. These subjects are the following: navigation, design, content and efficiency.  Our analyses results show a positive reaction to almost all the subjects treated in the questionnaires. Several opinions and comments during the interviews confirm this statement.  The theoretical methods used to form this opinion are the heuristics rules that we followed, but also some of the most useful principles from theory books about interaction design. The conclusion is, as the results of our evaluation show, that the system that we evaluated (SCM) is both efficient and user-friendly. We would like to thank all the users, which took part in our study, as well as our supervisors both at university and at SYSteam AB Huskvarna. Thank you! / Med dagens mer systematiserade tillvaro är det fler som väljer att införa applikationer i företag som kan underlätta informationshanteringen. För många är det viktigt att detta sker så effektivt som möjligt med tanke på de besparingar som det kan medföra. De som har utvecklat den studerade applikationen och som också är våra uppdragsgivare är SYSteam AB i Huskvarna. Denna applikation som vi utvärderar heter Secure Connection Manager (SCM). Den används idag av bland annat företag som Telia och Ericsson för att göra felsökningar på telefonväxlar som finns utplacerade i landet. Anledningen till att denna applikation används är att det blir mer effektivt att med hjälp av fjärrstyrning kunna göra felsökningar utan att behöva åka till telestationerna som de tidigare har gjort. Frågeställningarna som arbetet fokuserar på är om systemet är användarvänligt och effektivt för användaren. Eftersom systemet redan är i drift måste man ha i åtanke att det endast kan ske marginella justeringar i efterhand. För att kunna evaluera ett färdigt system har vi haft hjälp av ett antal frekventa användare som villigt har ställt upp på att svara på frågor och intervjuer. Dessa testpersoner har varit av yttersta vikt för oss och för vår evaluering. Resultatet blev en samling tabeller och data som metodiskt beskriver varje element var för sig. De element som frågeguiden är indelad i är navigation, design, innehåll och effektivitet. Analysen gav positiva resultat till de frågeställningar vi hade ställt, förutom elementet innehåll. Flera av de synpunkter och kommentarer som samlades in under intervjuerna förstärkte detta resultat. De teoretiska metoder som hjälpte oss att bedöma detta var några av de heuristiska regler som finns att följa, men även några av de principer som finns att läsa om i böcker om interaktionsdesign. Slutsatsen blev att av de resultat vi fick av vår utvärdering konstaterade vi att SCM är både effektivt och användarvänligt. Vi vill gärna rikta ett tack till alla testpersoner som ställde upp och till våra handledare både på högskolan och på SYSteam AB i Huskvarna. Tack!

Design av användargränssnitt för en webbaserad projekt- och kommunikationsplattform / Design of user interface for a web based project and communication platform

Rosell, Martin January 2004 (has links)
Syftet med detta examensarbete har varit att, genom att kombinera kunskaperna inom användbarhetsdesign med kunskaperna inom visuell kommunikation, ta fram ett designförslag på användargränssnitt för andra generationen av en webbaserad projekt- och kommunikationsplattform. För att nå detta syfte har, med hjälp av teori och empiri, det aktuella systemets önskvärda brukskvaliteter tagits fram. Utgående från dessa har därefter nuvarande version av produkten evaluerats. Slutligen har, med hjälp av de empiriska resultaten samt teorier inom effektiv visuell kommunikation, ett designförslag för det nya användargränssnittet utformats. Arbetet har resulterat i ett antal önskvärda brukskvaliteter för systemet där personligt anpassbart, överblickbart och en närhet till andra användare är de mest särskiljande. Angående vilka metoder som är bäst lämpade för evaluering har inga säkra slutsatser kunnat dras. I närvaro av användbarhetsexperter kan dock, med rådande förutsättningar, heuristisk evaluering ge bra resultat. Vidare pekar resultaten från arbetet på att den ovilja som finns inom användbarhetsdesign att utnyttja kunskaperna från grafisk design är helt obefogad. Särskilt viktigt att utnyttja i utformningen av användargränssnittet är användarnas tidigare erfarenheter från Microsoft-miljö. Utöver detta bör systemet ges ett professionellt utseende samt färgers kommunikativa egenskaper utnyttjas.

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