Spelling suggestions: "subject:"evaluering"" "subject:"herevaluering""
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Neutrala verktyg för ovinklade fakta eller onda, partiska profitörer? En undersökning och jämförelse av tre webbsöktjänsters träfflistor. / Neutral tools for unbiased information or evil, greedy manipulators? An evaluation and comparison of search results by three web-based search engines.Göransson, Karl, Helge, Jon January 2006 (has links)
The purpose of this thesis is to evaluate three web-based search engines and compare the 10 first retrieved documents. We used the search engines Google, Yahoo! and Exalead. The evaluation is based upon 20 topics with strong polarized opinions and these have been derived from Swedish media and every day life. From these topics we have constructed the 20 queries used for searching. The 10 first documents are each placed in four different categories, For, Against, Neutral or Irrelevant. For and Against are opposed to each other regarding different opinions in the 20 topics. The purpose of this is to get a picture of the different topics, seen through the three search engines. Does one of the categories weigh more heavily than the other, represented in the 10 first documents? If this is the case, does the same category weigh more heavily in all three search engines, or how do they deviate from each other? The results showed that one of the categories, in most of the topics, weighs more heavily than the opposed category. The opposed category is in some cases not represented at all in the 10 first documents. In some of the topics, the same category weighs over in all three search engines, but in more than half of the topics the different search engines deviate from each other regarding the opposed categories. / Uppsatsnivå: D
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Google, Yahoo! och Live Search : en evaluering av tre webbsöktjänster / Google, Yahoo! and Live Search : an evaluation of three Web search enginesJogehed, Pernilla January 2007 (has links)
The purpose of this Master’s thesis is to evaluate three general query-based web search engines. The search engines chosen are Google, Yahoo! and Live Search. The topics, which where transformed into twenty queries, are based on real users’ information needs, taken from an ask-a-question service. For every search the first 10 hits in each of the three search engines were evaluated. The measures that have been used are precision and overlap. The queries were evaluated on a binary relevance scale with 0 or 1. Precision has been measured as average precision over 1-10 DCV levels for all 20 queries in the evaluation. It has also been measured as average precision in a query-by-query calculation over 10 DCV levels for each query and search engine. The number of duplicate links, dead links, mirror pages, relevant hits and irrelevant hits has also been recorded in the study for each search engine, for a comparison. Overlap was measured at two different DCVs, 1 and 5. Eventually the results show that Google had the best results regarding precision. It also had the highest number of relevant hits. Google and Yahoo! showed the highest overlap at DCV 1. At DCV 5 the greatest overlap was between Yahoo! and Live Search. / Uppsatsnivå: D
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Evaluering av återvinningseffektiviteten i Svensk Medicin och Google Scholar med medicinska frågor ur Fråga doktorn. / Evaluation of retrieval effectiveness in Svensk Medicin and Google Scholar with medical questions from Fråga doktorn.Teppo, Anne January 2008 (has links)
The purpose of this thesis is to evaluate and compare the retrieval effectiveness of two search engines on the Internet: Svensk Medicin and Google Scholar. Svensk Medicin is a medicine-specific search engine and Google Scholar specialises in indexing scholarly material. A set of 20 questions in four categories were used to conduct the searches with the search engines. Genuine medical information needs were selected from a question collection provided by the television program Fråga doktorn. The relevance of the first 10 retrieved documents was judged by using a binary scale and the measure used was precision. An analysis on average precision for all the search questions and an average measure was calculated (macro precision). Results for average precision over all the search questions and a mean average precision is also presented (micro precision and map). These measures shows which search engine performs best for single queries and how the relevant documents spread among the displayed results. The occurrence of duplicates and error pages was noted, because they also show how the search engine performs. Svensk Medicin is performing better than Google Scholar on the single queries and Svensk Medicin also retrieves the highest number of relevant documents. Methodology is discussed close since the experimental design affects the result. / Uppsatsnivå: D
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Forskningsevaluering av humaniora. En diskursanalys av den aktuella debatten i Skandinavien / Research Evaluation in the Humanities. A discourse analysis of the ongoing debate in ScandinaviaWästlund, Elin January 2010 (has links)
This master’s thesis aims to analyze the ongoing debate in Scandinavia on research evaluation of the humanities. This field of research uses bibliometrics, quantative analysis of bibliographical units as a research assessment tool. In recent years evaluative bibliometrics has been an increasingly used method. In Scandinavia, governments have introduced new funding models for research in higher educational institutions. The change consists of the way the research funding is distributed. The analysis has principally been based upon articles in periodicals connected to universities. Discourse analysis has been used to analyze the design of the debate, and to outline which discoursive formations that could be perceived. The discoursive formations have then been related to earlier research and citation theory. The result of the analysis is that bibliometrics for learning purposes represent a value of supporting researchers’ activity. Citation analysis is not yet possible to apply on research of the humanities because lack of data in this area. Publications are not always indexed and documented, hence the lack of data. In the new funding models, internationalization of the humanities is advocated despite that earlier research shows that it has negative consequences for the humanities.
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Utvärdering i skolan : Från ”way-off” till ”speaking terms”Nyström, Fredrik, Larsson, Therese January 2012 (has links)
Detta examensarbete handlar om utvärdering i skolan. I bästa fall kan utvärdering, enligt en av våra informanter, tala om vad som gått fel och leda läraren tillbaks på banan igen, eller från ”way-off” till ”speaking terms” som dessutom fått bli vår undertitel. Genom intervjuer undersöker vi fenomenet utvärdering samt vad det innebär för våra intervjuade lärare. Intervjuerna har bearbetats med fenomenologisk metod för att sedan kopplas till forskning kring utvärdering, professionsutveckling och kvalitet i skolan. Efter att ha upptäckt kopplingar mellan utsagorna och forskningen har dessa fått bli undersökningens återkommande tre teori- och resultatkapitel. En av våra slutsatser är att alla våra informanter ser nyttan med utvärdering samt de positiva följderna av det men att tidsbrist är ett hinder för kontinuerliga utvärderingar. Dessutom står det klart att det råder en begreppsförvirring kring begreppet utvärdering, dels omnämnt i forskningen kring utvärdering men även hos våra informanter som till stor del likställer utvärdering med reflektion.
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Design av användargränssnitt för en webbaserad projekt- och kommunikationsplattform / Design of user interface for a web based project and communication platformRosell, Martin January 2004 (has links)
<p>Syftet med detta examensarbete har varit att, genom att kombinera kunskaperna inom användbarhetsdesign med kunskaperna inom visuell kommunikation, ta fram ett designförslag på användargränssnitt för andra generationen av en webbaserad projekt- och kommunikationsplattform. </p><p>För att nå detta syfte har, med hjälp av teori och empiri, det aktuella systemets önskvärda brukskvaliteter tagits fram. Utgående från dessa har därefter nuvarande version av produkten evaluerats. Slutligen har, med hjälp av de empiriska resultaten samt teorier inom effektiv visuell kommunikation, ett designförslag för det nya användargränssnittet utformats. </p><p>Arbetet har resulterat i ett antal önskvärda brukskvaliteter för systemet där personligt anpassbart, överblickbart och en närhet till andra användare är de mest särskiljande. </p><p>Angående vilka metoder som är bäst lämpade för evaluering har inga säkra slutsatser kunnat dras. I närvaro av användbarhetsexperter kan dock, med rådande förutsättningar, heuristisk evaluering ge bra resultat. </p><p>Vidare pekar resultaten från arbetet på att den ovilja som finns inom användbarhetsdesign att utnyttja kunskaperna från grafisk design är helt obefogad. Särskilt viktigt att utnyttja i utformningen av användargränssnittet är användarnas tidigare erfarenheter från Microsoft-miljö. Utöver detta bör systemet ges ett professionellt utseende samt färgers kommunikativa egenskaper utnyttjas.</p>
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Definition av säkerhetsevaluering / Definition of security evaluationSvanemark, Carl-Henrik, de Jong, Joakim January 2009 (has links)
<p>Detta examensarbete har gjorts på uppdrag av Compare Testlab på Sätterstrand, Hammarö. Målet med arbetet var att definera en uppsättning frågor och punkter som ska vara med i ett lättviktstest med inriktning på säkerhet. Efter mycket studier av böcker och webbsidor kom vi fram till att det inte var så lätt som vi trodde att definera ett allmänt säkerhetstest för mjukvaror eller applikationer. Efter samtal med uppdragsgivaren bestämdes det att arbetet skulle begränsas till webbapplikationer.Internet används mer och mer för varje år som går och det dyker upp nya webbapplikationer i snabbare takt än gamla försvinner. Många företag är beroende av webbapplikationer för att kunna bedriva versamhet. Även andra företag och organisationer, som inte är helt beroende av webbapplikationer, har ofta nytta av dem. Denna rapport behandlar vissapunkter och aspekter som man bör tänka på vid ett sådant test. Dessa punkter inkluderar till exempel autentisering, säker kommunikation och attacker mot webbapplikationer.</p> / <p>This work has been done on behalf of Compare Testlab that is located on Sätterstrand, Hammarö. The purpose of the work was to define a set of questions to be considered in a light-weight test with a focus on security. After a study of literature found in different books and at web pages we came to the conclusion that it is not as easy to define a general security test for software or applications as we thought from the beginning. Hence, after talking to the employer it was decided that the work should be limited to web applications.Internet is used more and more for every passing year and new web applications appear faster than old applications disappear. Many companies are dependant of web applications to be able to conduct business. Also, other companies or organisations that are not totally dependant of web applications often have good use of them. This report investigates some points and aspects to be considered in such a test. These points include for example authentication, secure communication and attacks on web applications.</p>
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Variationsrik matematikundervisning?Gidlund, Martin January 2005 (has links)
<p>Examensarbetets syfte är att undersöka i vilken utsträckning Umeås gymnasielärare i matematik kompletterar läroboken, hur man arbetar när man frångår läroboken samt hur man evaluerar elevernas kunskaper i matematik. Studien bygger på framför allt en kvantitativ enkätundersökning som kompletterats med en intervjustudie. Enkätresultatet visar på en stor differentiering när det gäller i vilken grad matematiklärarna i Umeås gymnasieskolor väljer att komplettera läroboken. Det finns även skillnader i hur ofta man väljer att komplettera de olika matematikkurserna. Laborativ matematik förekommer i hög grad i geometrimomenten. Även gruppuppgifter i form av diskussioner utgör ett vanligt kompletterande arbetssätt. Skriftliga prov är det i särklass vanligaste evalueringsverktyget, men även enskilda inlämningsuppgifter och diskussioner förekommer relativt ofta. Studien visar också att lärarna inte tar tillvara på alla tillfällen som ges till bedömning av elevernas matematikkunskaper.</p>
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Variationsrik matematikundervisning?Gidlund, Martin January 2005 (has links)
Examensarbetets syfte är att undersöka i vilken utsträckning Umeås gymnasielärare i matematik kompletterar läroboken, hur man arbetar när man frångår läroboken samt hur man evaluerar elevernas kunskaper i matematik. Studien bygger på framför allt en kvantitativ enkätundersökning som kompletterats med en intervjustudie. Enkätresultatet visar på en stor differentiering när det gäller i vilken grad matematiklärarna i Umeås gymnasieskolor väljer att komplettera läroboken. Det finns även skillnader i hur ofta man väljer att komplettera de olika matematikkurserna. Laborativ matematik förekommer i hög grad i geometrimomenten. Även gruppuppgifter i form av diskussioner utgör ett vanligt kompletterande arbetssätt. Skriftliga prov är det i särklass vanligaste evalueringsverktyget, men även enskilda inlämningsuppgifter och diskussioner förekommer relativt ofta. Studien visar också att lärarna inte tar tillvara på alla tillfällen som ges till bedömning av elevernas matematikkunskaper.
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Die ontwikkeling van Å holistiese behuisingsevalueringsmodel vir laekostebehuisingErasmus, Charlene Jennifer January 2007 (has links)
<p>Human ecologists agree with the government&rsquo / s view that a house encompasses more than a structure, and that its environment and location are equally important in meeting the needs and expectations of the occupants. This study was undertaken to establish whether the planning and building of housing units do indeed comply with government policy and adhere to the set standards for houses being &ldquo / more than just a structure&rdquo / . In evaluating the housing act, questions were raised about government&rsquo / s accountability regarding the enforcement of stipulations, with a view to offering guidelines that could be applied by housing practitioners. The aim of the study was to develop a holistic evaluation model for low-cost housing from the perspective of human ecology. The research aims were to obtain information about circumstances and conditions within a specific community (Objective 1). The study endeavoured to develop a holistic housing  / evaluation model (Objective 2) based on housing indicators for healthy housing. A questionnaire (objective 3), corresponding with the compound model, was designed to ascertain to which  / extent the needs of individuals in the Wesbank community (Objective 4) had been met in compliance with the indicators. A community profile (Objective 5) of Wesbank was then drawn up  / accordingly. Government legislation in respect of low-cost housing in Wesbank was evaluated according to the holistic housing evaluation model (HHEM) to determine to what extent the housing served the needs of families. Evaluation research was undertaken using multiple data collection techniques such as a documentary content analysis, a semantograph, focus groups and a survey conducted by means of a structured questionnaire. The HHEM was compiled by studying government policy and legislation, analysing the literature and identifying indicators as  / obtained from the focus groups, with the purpose of determining housing quality. By using the HHEM it became possible to identify community needs and other housing aspects, and to draw  / up a community profile. Meaningful conclusions about problematic areas in this particular environment were then presented visually by means of this model, which could readily be  /   / implemented by development practitioners. The HHEM served as a basis for the questionnaire used in a survey conducted in the Wesbank low-cost housing area, evaluating to what extent the  / project complied with the objective of providing houses that would be more than mere structures. From the findings of the study in Wesbank it appeared that aspects such as the quality of the physical structure, space and privacy, sufficient and sustainable provision of services and accessibility to facilities determine how the occupants of low-cost housing experience their structures.  / trong opinions have been voiced about a serious shortage of privacy and the poor quality of the housing structures, the latter resulting in conditions of ill health. The research found  / that housing development in Wesbank definitely did not contribute to improved health and the quality of life amongst the inhabitants. A community profile for Wesbank was then drawn up in  / response to the results of the survey. Based on the community profile that ensued from the study in Wesbank, it is recommended that educational housing programmes be made available to  / beneficiaries. Concomitantly, community facilities and physical development should be provided to advance all forms of socio-psychological, cultural and sports development. A study of  / alternative types of housing, building material and construction techniques needs to be launched to find a suitable product that would contribute to improved health and living conditions. A  / careful selection of contractors, close monitoring of the construction operations and the application of quality standards should be strictly enforced. Other recommendations are that developers  / hould first undertake a complete and thorough survey of the beneficiaries of proposed housing developments. The HHEM could be enforced in areas with different economic and  / income levels, and applied in further research, thereby creating comparative profiles of the respective communities. Participation by beneficiaries should be encouraged in any housing process, as this could possibly ensure the sustainability of their communities. With the HHEM the government and housing developers in new developments could ensure beforehand that the  / right type of housing will be built and developed for the right type of community. The HHEM can also be applied in existing areas for executing needs studies to serve as a guideline for  / development.  / </p>
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