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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Personers upplevelser av att leva med inflammatorisk tarmsjukdom : En kvalitativ litteraturstudie / People's experiences of living with inflammatory bowel disease : A qualitative literature review

Nilsson, Fredrik, Vejzovic, Denni January 2022 (has links)
Bakgrund: Inflammatorisk tarmsjukdom (IBD) är en term som innefattarsjukdomarna Ulcerös kolit och Crohns sjukdom samt ospecificerad kolit. För attkunna få en större förståelse av sjukdomen och dess påverkan på individer, är detviktigt att djupare undersöka personers upplevelser av att leva med IBD. Dennaförståelse ska användas för att kunna ge en bättre vård av drabbade personer.Syfte: Syftet med denna litteraturstudie är att beskriva personers upplevelser av attleva med IBD.Metod: Metoden som har använts är litteraturstudie och innefattar n=10 artiklardär urvalet fokuserar på personer med IBD över 18 år och som alla berättar omupplevelser om att leva med IBD. Analysen gjordes genom syntetisering avresultat vilket resulterade i tre huvudteman och sju subteman, dessa teman varMiljö, Mat och Social påverkan. Resultat: Temat Miljö speglar kampen förpersonen att anpassa sig till den nya miljön där sjukdomen och symtomen styr.Temat Mat speglar verkligheten att behöva ändra sin diet kring sjukdomen för attundvika onödigt obehag. Sociala påverkan speglar personens egen syn på sig självmen även vänner och familjens stöd och påverkan på personens självkänsla.Resultatet visar också hur personer med IBD har upplevt hanteringen avsjukdomens symtom och på vilket sätt de har valt att hantera de olika hindernasom sjukdomen har skapat. Slutsats: Upplevelserna som personer med IBD ställsinför är olika och i många fall obehagliga. Eftersom IBD är en kronisk sjukdom såär det viktigt för sjuksköterskor inom vården att få en inblick i hur personer medIBD upplever sin sjukdom och hur dem hanterar den när sjukdomen är som värstför att kunna ge bättre stöd och information kring sjukdomen. / Background: Inflammatory bowel disease (IBD) is a term that includes thediseases Ulcerative colitis and Crohn's disease as well as unspecified colitis. Inorder to gain a greater understanding of the disease and its impact on individuals,it is important to more deeply examine people's experiences of living with IBD.This understanding should be used to be able to provide better care for affectedpeople.Aim: The aim of this literature review is to describe people's experiences of livingwith IBD.Method: The method that has been used is a literature review and includes n=10articles where the focus of the sample is on people over the age of 18 and who alltell about experiences of living with IBD. The analysis was made usingsynthesizing results which resulted in three main themes and seven sub-themes,these themes were Environment, Food and Social impact.Results: The theme Environment reflects the struggle for the person to adapt tothe new environment where the disease and symptoms rule. The theme Foodreflects the reality of having to change your diet around the disease to avoidunnecessary discomfort. Social impact reflects the person's own view of himselfbut also friends and family's support and influence on the person's self-esteem.The results also show how people with IBD have experienced the management ofthe disease's symptoms and in what way they have chosen to deal with the variousobstacles that the disease has created.Conclusion: The experiences that people with IBD are faced with are differentand in many cases unpleasant. Since IBD is a chronic disease, it is important forhealthcare professionals to get an insight into how people with IBD experiencetheir disease and how they handle it when the disease is at its worst in order toprovide better support and information about the disease.

PeerRadio and PeerLight. Supporting elderly people in experiencing social moments from home

Tachtler, Franziska Maria January 2015 (has links)
Some elderly people with deteriorating abilities who receive home care service and do not use new technologies miss social content in their everyday lives. In my thesis, I research which role technology can play for these home care receivers in experiencing culture and how social interaction with peers from the same urban neighborhood can be embedded in this cultural experience. Based on my findings, I defined culture as little special moments in everyday life which change the perception of a day positively. Outgoing from fieldwork and literary research, I developed two scenario-based designs, PeerRadio and PeerLight, with the aim to create these moments at home in the elderly people’s everyday lives. PeerRadio is a radio program for home care receivers from the same neighborhood which sends contributions made by the elderly people themselves and gives them a reason to talk to each other. PeerLight is a connected lamp which makes the user’s activity visible at a peer’s home and vice versa and thereby supports caring for each other. Finally, my thesis clarifies how these concepts are answers to the named research questions and how they should be developed further in future works.

Närståendes upplevelse av tillvaron efter vårdtiden på en intensivvårdsavdelning : En empirisk studie med kvalitativ ansats

Ekqvist, Anna-Maria, Jansson, Linnéa January 2024 (has links)
Bakgrund: När en person i ens närhet blir sjuk leder det ofta till att någon intar en stödjande roll som närstående. Att vara närstående kan upplevas på många olika sätt och inom intensivvården har närstående en central roll för omvårdnaden av patienten. I takt med en äldre befolkning och högre överlevnad bland intensivvårdspatienter har ett större fokus riktats mot närståendes upplevelser efter intensivvårdstiden. Intensivvårdsmiljön kan av närstående upplevas som skrämmande och känslor som ångest, stress och osäkerhet kan försätta närstående i en krissituation.  Syfte: Syftet med studien var att beskriva hur närstående upplever sin tillvaro efter vårdtiden på en intensivvårdsavdelning. Metod: Studien har en deskriptiv design med kvalitativ ansats. Tio semistrukturerade intervjuer genomfördes med närstående till patienter som vårdats på en intensivvårdsavdelning. Dataanalysen genomfördes med kvalitativ innehållsanalys. Huvudresultat: Resultatet i studien beskrev närståendes upplevelse av tillvaron efter vårdtiden på en intensivvårdsavdelning. Resultatet sammanställdes i ett tema: Tillvaron förändras för närstående efter intensivvårdstiden. Sju kategorier till temat definierades; Att känna eller inte känna oro i sin tillvaro, Att få en förändrad relation, Att ha ett närståendeansvar, Att uppleva förändringar i välbefinnandet, Socialt stöd har betydelse, Att använda olika hanteringsstrategier och Att ha fått andra perspektiv.  Slutsats: Efter avslutad intensivvård kunde närstående uppleva en förändring i tillvaron och i välbefinnandet. Upplevelserna från intensivvårdstiden var betydande för tillvaron efteråt. Tillvaron kunde präglas av oro, förändrade relationer, ansvar och olika hanteringsstrategier. Intensivvårdstiden kunde också leda till ett annat perspektiv på livet och en insikt om det sociala stödets betydelse. / Background: When someone close falls ill, it often leads to someone taking on the supportive role of next of kin. The experience of being a next of kin can vary widely, and within intensive care environments, next of kin play a central role in patient care. With an aging population and improved survival rates among intensive care patients, there has been increased attention on the experiences of next of kin after the intensive care period. The intensive care environment can be daunting for next of kin, with emotions such as anxiety, stress, and uncertainty potentially leading them to crisis.  Aim: The aim of this study was to describe how next of kin perceive their lives after the period of care in an intensive care unit.  Method: The study used a descriptive design with a qualitative approach. Ten  semi-structured interviews were conducted with next of kin of patients who had been treated in an intensive care unit. Data analysis was performed with qualitative content analysis.  Main Result: The study's results described next of kin's experiences of life after the intensive care period. These results were summarized in a theme: “A Change in Everyday Life as Next of Kin to a Intensive Care Unit patient". Seven categories were delineated within this theme: Feeling of Concern or No Concern in Everyday Life, Perceived Altered Relationships, Bearing the Responsibility as Next of Kin, Noting Changes in Well-being, Understanding the Meaning of Social Support, Using Different Coping Strategies, and Gaining New Perspectives.  Conclusion: After completing intensive care, next of kin may undergo significant changes in their lives and well-being. Experiences from the intensive care period have profound consequences for life thereafter. Life after intensive care may be characterized by concerns, altered relationships, responsibilities as next of kin, and various coping strategies. The intensive care period can also lead to a change in perspective on life and an appreciation of the importance of social support.

Föräldrar och syskons erfarenheter av vardagslivet när ett barn i familjen vårdas för cancer : En litteraturstudie

Danielsson, Nicole, Hellberg, Ida January 2024 (has links)
Bakgrund: Varje år drabbas cirka 350 barn i Sverige av cancer, barnets vardag förändras till följd av sjukdom och behandling. Barnet kan vårdas på sjukhuset, i hemmet eller på hospice. I vårdandet av cancersjuka barn har sjuksköterskan en betydande uppgift genom att skapa trygghet och tillit. En familjecentrerad omvårdnad hjälper hela familjen att vara delaktig i vården. Syfte: Syftet med denna litteraturstudie var att beskriva föräldrar och syskons erfarenheter av vardagslivet när ett barn i familjen vårdas för cancer. Metod: Litteraturstudien baserades på tio kvalitativa empiriska studier. Data samlades in via PubMed och artiklarna analyserades med hjälp av Popenoe et al. (2021) dataanalysmetod. Huvudresultat: Resultatet visade att många föräldrar och syskon behövde stöd i vardagen. Information och stöd från sjuksköterskan gjorde vardagslivet hanterbart. Olika känslomässiga påfrestningar var en del av familjens vardagsliv. Oro, utanförskap, rädsla, sorg och maktlöshet var känslor som kunde uppkomma. Relationer och roller i vardagen förändrades under denna period och strategier för att hantera vardagen förekom. Syskonen tenderade att ta ett större ansvar i hemmet och över skolan medan föräldrarna belyste teamarbete som en viktig del av vardagen. Slutsats: Genom att ta del av föräldrar och syskons erfarenheter av vardagslivet när ett barn i familjen vårdas för cancer ökar förståelsen för deras känslor och stödets betydelse. Relationer, roller och rutiner i vardagslivet förändrades till följd av barnets cancerdiagnos. Sjuksköterskan bör vara lyhörd och ta hand om hela familjen med det sjuka barnet i fokus. / Background: In Sweden, approximately 350 children are diagnosed with cancer each year, which changes the child's daily life due to the disease and required treatments. The child in question may be cared for in a hospital, at home or in hospice care. When caring for children with cancer, nurses play a major role in building safety and confidence. Family-centered treatment helps the whole family participate in the treatment. Aim: The Aim of this literature review was to describe the daily life experiences of parents and siblings in the family's child's cancer treatment. Method: The literature study was based on ten qualitative empirical studies. Data were collected via PubMed, and the articles were analyzed using Popenoe et al. (2021) data analysis method. Main Result: The results showed that many parents and siblings needed support in their daily lives. Information and support from the nurse made daily life manageable. Various emotional stresses were part of the family's daily life. Worry, exclusion, fear, sorrow, and powerlessness were feelings that could arise. Relationships and roles in daily life changed during this period, and strategies for managing daily life occurred. Siblings tended to take greater responsibility at home and over school, while parents highlighted teamwork as an important part of daily life. Conclusion: By sharing the experiences of parents and siblings of everyday life when a child in the family is being treated for cancer, the understanding of their feelings and the significance of support is increased. Relationships, roles, and routines in daily life change as a result of the child's cancer diagnosis. The nurse should be attentive and take care of the entire family with the sick child in focus.

The Sociality of Gaming : A mixed methods approach to understanding digital gaming as a social leisure activity

Eklund, Lina January 2012 (has links)
This dissertation is an exploration of the practice of social digital gaming, using a mixed methods approach with complementary data and analytical methods. The main themes are the prevalence and meaning of gamers’ experiences of social gaming and the underlying structures limiting or assisting social gaming, both material and social. Applying an everyday perspective, focus is on gamers’ day-to-day practices and experiences. Studies I and II enquire into relational aspects of social gaming based on interviews and survey data. Study III investigates the relationship between game design and gamer agency and its importance for social interaction with strangers, using in-game participant observation. Lastly in Study IV, building on interviews, female gamers come to the fore as their gender construction in an online game is examined with the aim of understanding the connection between online and offline. The main result concerns how social gaming takes place in various social relations. How gaming comes to be―what it means―is dependent on the relations between gamers, be they family members, real life friends, Internet friends or strangers. In these interactions, gender and sexual identity are realized; in the relations between gamers, physical proximate or online. Finally, virtuality is shown to be a social accomplishment of the people engaging in games rather than a property of the games themselves. Focus on the relational unveils how gaming comes to be in the process of interaction, a process at the same time dependent on underlying structures, i.e. games as designed platforms with certain affordances for social behaviour. We are able, thus, to reconcile the social constructivist position that (social) gaming is created in the relations between gamers engaging in games with the more formalist approach that games are rule based structures. Games create a foundation for interaction that can further develop into the creation/maintenance of relationships and identity. / <p>At the time of the doctoral defense, the following papers were unpublished and had a status as follows: Paper 1: Manuscript. Paper 2: Manuscript. Paper 3: Manuscript.</p>

La ballade de Gilbert ; suivi de Le quotidien dans Molloy de Samuel Beckett

Côté-Fournier, Alexandre 09 1900 (has links)
Le roman La ballade de Gilbert raconte l’histoire d’un homme dont la tranquille normalité du quotidien est perturbée lorsqu’il découvre qu’un de ses collègues de longue date fréquente des prostituées. Afin de retrouver son confort, il incite clandestinement ce collègue à se chercher une conjointe, mais cette quête devient peu à peu une profonde obsession qui bouleverse encore plus l’équilibre de sa vie routinière. À travers ce récit s’articule une réflexion sur le quotidien, sur les limites entre l’ordinaire et l’extraordinaire, le familier et l’étrange. L’essai Le quotidien dans Molloy de Samuel Beckett reprend le thème du quotidien afin d’analyser le dialogue entre le familier et l’étrangeté dans ce roman. Molloy présente de nombreux scénarios communs (Eco), qui correspondent très sensiblement d’un point de vue cognitif aux habitudes qui façonnent le quotidien d’un individu. Cet essai explique comment Beckett subvertit ces scénarios pour laisser place à une étrangeté derrière laquelle le familier demeure reconnaissable. / The novel La ballade de Gilbert tells the story of a man whose quiet and ordinary life is troubled when he realises that one of his long time colleagues is seeing prostitutes. To re-establish his comfort, he secretly tries to encourage this colleague to find a mate, but this quest becomes a relentless obsession that overturns even more the order of his life. A reflection about everyday life and the limits between the ordinary and the extraordinary, the familiar and the uncanny, is proposed through this narrative. The essay Le quotidien dans Molloy de Samuel Beckett also touches everyday life by the analysis of the dialogue between familiarity and strangeness. Molloy shows numerous examples of common scenarios (Eco), which correspond very closely, from the cognitive point of view, to the habits that shape an individual’s everyday life. This essay explains how Beckett subverts these scenarios to show a strangeness behind which familiarity remains visible.

Everyday Life in a Philippine Sex Tourism Town

Ekoluoma, Mari-Elina January 2017 (has links)
Sabang used to be a small, marginalized Philippine fishing village that in the span of three decades became a well-known international sex tourism site. This thesis deals with the implications of tourism (including sex tourism) and how it has become embedded in the daily life in today’s Sabang. The thesis highlights the local populations’ diverse reactions to the various changes associated with tourism growth, in particular how various symbolic, moral, and spatial boundaries are constructed and maintained. The ethnographic material examined in this thesis builds on several periods of fieldwork, in total 18 months, that were carried out between 2003 and 2015. Analytical tools found in tourism anthropology and in particular the branch of postcolonial tourism studies has guided the discussion and analysis of the socio-cultural effects of becoming a tourism town. This thesis argues that complex networks of boundaries are significant in maintaining a sense of order and social cohesion in times of change. Notions of cultural differences are expressed through the narratives and behaviors of the various inhabitants, and contribute to the maintaining of boundaries within and between groups. From the beginning of tourism growth commercial sex has been central and has become a significant factor in the tourism economy. While residents acknowledge their dependency on the go-go bars, the business of the night is framed so as not to defeat the inhabitants’ struggles to maintain local community’s sense of morality, or at least to set up boundaries between the outsiders’ immorality and insiders’ morality. Tourism has also offered opportunities to challenge conventional social hierarchies and local seats of power, and there are also recurrent discussions about who has the right to control resources and who can claim entitlement to a place now shared by people from all over the world.

Experiences, networks and uncertainty : parenting a child who uses a cochlear implant

Adams Lyngbäck, Liz January 2016 (has links)
The aim of this dissertation project is to describe the ways people experience parenting a deaf child who uses a cochlear implant. Within a framework of social science studies of disability this is done by combining approaches using ethnographic and netnographic methods of participant observation with an interview study. Interpretations are based on the first-person perspective of 19 parents against the background of their related networks of social encounters of everyday life. The netnographic study is presented in composite conversations building on exchanges in 10 social media groups, which investigates the parents’ meaning-making in interaction with other parents with similar living conditions. Ideas about language, technology, deafness, disability, and activism are explored. Lived parenting refers to the analysis of accounts of orientation and what 'gets done' in respect to these ideas in situations where people utilize the senses differently. In the results, dilemmas surrounding language, communication and cochlear implantation are identified and explored. The dilemmas extend from if and when to implant, to decisions about communication modes, intervention approaches, and schools. An important finding concerns the parents’ orientations within the dilemmas, where most parents come up against antagonistic conflicts. There are also examples found of a development process in parenting based on lived, in-depth experiences of disability and uncertainty which enables parents to transcend the conflictive atmosphere. This process is analyzed in terms of a social literacy of dis/ability.

Förortens vardagsverkligheter : En kvalitativ studie om Spoken Word som mikropolitisk motståndsform

Yrjänä, Hanna January 2016 (has links)
Syftet med denna studie är att analysera spoken word texter för att undersöka vardagsproblem i dagens svenska förorter och vetenskapliggöra de sociala kontexterna till de olika vardagsverkligheterna som beskrivs i texterna. Vidare syfte är även att se vilken betydelse poesi och spoken word kan ha för människor i utsatta områden, samt på vilket sätt kan spoken word öka dessa människors känslor av delaktighet och erkännande. För att uppnå syfte har det genomförts narrativ metod för tolkandet av sju spoken word texter. Vid tolkning av texterna har det använts en intersektionell analys. Även en intervju har genomförts för att få djupare förståelse för studiens bakgrund. Analysen av empirin kommer att ha sin teoretiska utgångspunkt i begreppet vardagsverklighet och de olika strukturerna som formar ramarna till de olika vardagsverkligheterna. Mikropolitiska aktiviteter kommer även att analyseras som ett sätt att göra motstånd i det vardagliga livet, och för att förstå motstånd i relation till makt så har denna studie utgått ifrån Foucaults maktperspektiv. Resultatet visar att poeternas vardagsverkligheter präglas av postkoloniala samhällsstrukturer och att de jämnt bemöter fördomar från det övriga samhället. Intersektionell analys på maktstrukturer blir användbar då det visar sig att tjejerna inte känner sig hörda och sedda i förort som för killar symboliserar trygghet. Spoken word ökar inte bara självreflektion och känslan av empowerment men kan även bli ett sätt att göra motstånd mot dessa strukturer och visa en motbild till den bilden av förorter som resten av samhället har.

Hrdelní soudnictví, kriminalita a každodenní život na panství Náchod a v královském městě Nymburce v letech 1513-1620 / Capital jurisdiction, criminality and everyday life on domain of Náchod and in king's town Nymburk between the years 1513-1618

Šmíd, Petr January 2011 (has links)
Capital jurisdiction, criminality and everyday life on domain of Náchod and in king's town Nymburk between the years 1513-1618 In this diploma paper I dealt with criminality and everyday life on the early modern domain of Náchod and in the king's town Nymburk between the years 1513-1620. Firstly I tried to describe how the town councils worked and with which central regulations they operated. Secondly I did the statistic quatification of all criminal delicts which are mentioned in "pitch" or "black" books of Náchod and Nymburk and other materials of court provenance. Then I compared court causes from other "pitch"/ "black" books which were published in the past with material from Náchod's and Nymburk's archive. I managed to use modern historical methods such as microhistory and historical anthropology to show which postures took early modern society to different types of criminal delicts or problematic phenomenona like sexual life before marriage, suicide, rape or witchcraft. In connection with this I tried to clear up why were criminal delicts like infanticide or witchcraft punished with such a brutal death penalty. As well as this I attempted to describe in details the fact that punishment was not irreversible. The town council was very open to requests of mercy especially if a priest or a clerk of local...

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