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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Poklad v Novém zákoně / A tresury in The New Testament

Rampich-Hamariová, Juliana January 2015 (has links)
The thesis summarizes conclusions of exegetical studies of all fourteen texts containing a word "treasury" (thesauros) according to concordance of the Greek New Testament, and furthermore in three instances substitutes for treasury, using lingual and textual analysis and accessible Czech and foreign language commentaries. As far as other terms are concerned, a term "talent/mina" is used in the Gospel of Mathew and Luke in The parable of the talent/minas, where "talent/mina" fulfills all internal and external attributes for "treasury". In the Gospel of John, where we find no term "treasury", there is chosen "ointment" in the story of Anointing in Bethany for its symbolic meaning and relation to the Easter, where John's version is compared with description of the story in the synoptic gospels. Classifying of concluding interpretational frames of all seventeen texts, we get several fundamental models characterizing the role of "treasury" in the New Testament from the point of view of substance, allegory, symbolism or connotation. The treasury is the image of something precious, strange to the world, something we have a very small experience with, because we usually have not opportunity to be confronted with it. Therefore we need to be led by the values, we have accepted by feeling of Holy Spirit as ours. The...

« L’herboriste des Écritures » : l’écriture de l’exégèse dans le Commentaire sur Jean d’Origène / « The herbalist of Scripture » : the writing of exegesis in the Commentary on John of Origen

Aliau, Agnès 19 November 2011 (has links)
Le Commentaire sur Jean d’Origène (v. 185- v. 254) est une œuvre exégétique de grande envergure, peut-être le chef-d’œuvre de cet auteur prolifique de langue grecque, qui fit de la Bible la matière de son œuvre aussi bien par son travail d’exégèse que par ses recherches sur l’édition du texte. Il constitue aussi le premier commentaire sur l’Evangile de Jean que nous possédions. Pourtant, il a surtout fait l’objet d’études partielles, d’ordre thématique ou théologique. Le présent travail aborde cette œuvre dans son ensemble sous un angle littéraire, en adoptant un type de lecture particulier, au plus près du texte, afin de déterminer quels sont les moyens stylistiques et littéraires mis en œuvre par l’auteur dans la construction de l’exégèse. Pour cela, il analyse la manière dont l’exégète applique dans le détail le principe herméneutique ancien qui consiste à « expliquer l’Ecriture par l’Ecriture ». Ainsi, après avoir présenté les particularités de ce commentaire, il s’intéresse aux procédés d’écriture mis en œuvre avant de mener une réflexion sur la structure de l’exégèse. Il met alors en lumière la façon dont le commentaire s’efface paradoxalement devant le texte commenté. En effet, l’auteur s’efforce constamment d’imiter la forme et le langage de ce dernier et en outre, il conçoit moins son travail comme l’élaboration d’une œuvre à part entière que comme la « cueillette » et la mise en relation de différents éléments bibliques, à la manière d’un « herboriste des Ecritures ». La méthode d’exégèse rencontre ainsi un écho inattendu dans la méthode critique employée par l’auteur dans son édition du texte biblique. / The Commentary on John of Origen (c. 185-c. 254) is an important exegetical work, maybe the chef-d’œuvre of this prolific Greek-speaking author who regarded the Bible as the foundation of his works, both in his exegetical commentaries and in his critical edition of the text. This work is also the first commentary on the Gospel of John that has survived to this day. Yet, there are only partial studies about it whether thematic or theological. The present work deals with this commentary as a whole from a literary point of view. Reading the text closely and with a particular approach, it defines the stylistic and literary devices with which the author builds up his interpretation. In this perspective, it analyses how the exeget puts into practice the ancient hermeneutical principle that consists in “explaining Scripture by Scripture”.Thus after presenting the commentary itself and his features, it describes the different elements of the writing process, and then offers some comments about the structure of the exegesis. It highlights the fact that the commentary paradoxically gives way to the biblical text itself. Indeed, the author constantly tries to imit the form and the language of the text he comments, and his own task seems to consist less in building a new work than in “picking” and making the connection between different biblical elements, like a “herbalist of Scripture”. Surprisingly then, the author uses a similar method in commenting the Bible and in editing its text.

Harlotry and History / An Analysis of Ezekiel 16

McKenzie, Tracy 11 July 2018 (has links)
No description available.


[pt] Hiera Grammata: expressão grega, significa Sagradas Escrituras; está na perícope da Segunda Epístola Timóteo 3,1417. É uma locução única no Novo Testamento. Os objetivos desta dissertação são a análise lingüística- morfológica e semântica da expressão; identificar seus aspectos funcionais no ambiente vital da comunidade primitiva e sua colaboração para Igreja atual. Os sinônimos para Hiera Grammata na Bíblia são: Biblia ta Hágia - os Livros Santos (1Mc 12,9), Graphais Hagiais - Escrituras Santas (Rm 1,2); expressões semelhantes extra- bíblicas: Hieron Grammaton - Sagradas Escrituras em Filon de Alexandria e Flavio Josefo , e Hieras Graphas - Sagradas Escrituras nos escritos pós-apostólicos. Hiera Grammata expressa as escrituras hebraicas [Tanak] em sua versão grega Septuaginta [LXX - Setenta). No Sitz im Lebem da igreja de Éfeso a locução Hiera Grammata exercia uma diversidade de funções, entre elas a função apologética: defender a comunidade cristã primitiva dos falsos ensinamentos do gnosticismo que, em sua heresia, diminuía e/ou excluía o valor simbólico e sagrado da tradição de fé da Escritura inspirada por Deus [theopneustos] confundindo os cristãos; função kerigmática: as Hieras Grammata foram um instrumento útil [ophélimos] na evangelização dos judeus da diáspora e dos gentios, pois as Sagradas Escrituras tem o poder de dar sabedoria para salvação através da fé em Cristo Jesus (2Tm 3,15). A natureza e as funções das Hiera Grammata concedem-lhe carga semântica e sentido teológico cujos significados pedagógico, salvífico e transcendente estão a serviço da identidade e da missão dos discípulos e missionários de Cristo hoje. / [en] Hiera Grammata: A Greek expression which means the Sacred Scriptures. This is in the Second Epistle to Timothy 3,1417. It is a unique locution in the New Testament. The purpose of this dissertation are the linguistic- morfological and semantic analysis of the expression; identify its functional aspects in the vital envirornment of the primitive community; and its contribution to the current Church. The synonym to Hiera Grammata in the Bible are: Biblia ta Hagia - the Holy Books (1Mc 12,9), Graphais Hagiais - the Holy Scriptures (Rm 1,2); similar extra biblical expression are: Hieron Grammaton - Sacred Sacriptures in the post-apostolic writing. Hiera Grammata expresses the Hebraic Scriptures [Tanak] in its Greek version [LXX]. In the Sitz im Leben Ephesus`s Church the locution Hiera Grammata had a diversity of functions, among them the apologetic one: protect the primitive christian community from the fake gnosticism teaching, thatin its heresy, reduced and/or excluded the symbolic and sacred value of the faith tradition in the Scripture inspired by [theopneustos]; confusing the christians, kerygmatic function: the Hiera Grammata were a useful instrument [ophelimos] in the evangelization of the Diaspora`s Jews and pagans, because of that the Sacred Scripture are able to make thee wise unto salvation through faith which is in Christ Jesus (2Tm 3,15). The nature and the functions of the Hiera Grammata give them a semantic load and theological sense and its pedagogical, savior and transcendent meanings are at the service of identity and mission of Christ`s disciples and missionaries nowadays.


DIONISIO OLIVEIRA SOARES 06 September 2006 (has links)
[pt] A análise da correspondência entre Hesíodo e Daniel revelou-se, surpreendentemente, profícua, especialmente no que diz respeito ao mito das cinco raças, em Os Trabalhos e os dias, do primeiro, e ao sonho da estátua compósita, no livro que leva o nome do segundo. A analogia revela que, guardadas as devidas proporções em termos de marco social, língua e cultura de uma forma geral, os pontos de contato se dão a partir das fontes comuns, repercutidas na estrutura e no gênero literário. O objetivo desta dissertação é averiguar em que medida Hesíodo teria influenciado o livro de Daniel, tendo em vista ser o poeta grego cerca de seis séculos anterior ao livro do redator judeu. Assim sendo, o trabalho começa com uma análise e tradução do mito grego, seguindo sempre as etapas do método histórico-crítico; em seguida, é feito um estudo acerca da origem e das características do gênero que os aproxima, o apocalíptico; posteriormente, a análise e tradução da perícope de Daniel para, por fim, sumariar a aproximação entre os dois, o que, de certa forma, já acontece ao longo do trabalho. / [en] The analysis of the correspondence between Hesiod and Daniel turn out to be, surprinsingly, proficient, specially with regard to the myth of ages, in the Works and days, belonging to the first, and the dream of compound statue, in the book that has the name of the second. The analogy shows that, retaining the proportions due to each one in terms of setting, language and culture on the whole, the contact points occur from the common sources, having repercutions on the framework and literary gender. The aim of this research is to verify in which measure Hesiod would have influenced the book of Daniel, having in mind that Greek poet lived at about six centuries before the Jewish editor´s book. In this way, the research begins analysing and translating the Greek myth, following always the stages of the historical-critical method. Next, is made a study about the origin and features of the apocalyptic gender that brings the two texts close to each other. Subsequently, the analysis and translation of the extract of Daniel to, finally, summarize the proximity between them, which, anyway, has already been occuring along the research.

L’ismaélisme en formation : traduction commentée du Kitāb al-Kašf (Livre du Dévoilement) attribué à Ǧaʿfar b. Manṣūr al-Yaman (m. 957) / The Formation of Ismailism : translation and commentary of the Kitāb al-Kašf (Book of Unveiling) attributed to Ǧaʿfar b. Manṣūr al-Yaman (m. 957)

Gillon, Fârès 06 December 2017 (has links)
Le Kitāb al-Kašf est un recueil de six traités ismaéliens qui témoigne d'une époque charnière de l'ismaélisme : celle qui vit la fondation du califat fâtimide au terme d'une mission de propagande clandestine de plusieurs décennies. L'ouvrage constitue donc un document rare sur l’ismaélisme des premières années du califat fâtimide, mais également sur celui des dernières années de la période pré-fâtimide. L’étude de ses doctrines et exégèses démontre qu’il est intellectuellement à la croisée de différents courants chiites. Il est à la fois tributaire du chiisme ancien au sens large, dont il conserve les codes et l’historiographie des débuts de l’islam. La position spirituelle et politique de ʿAlī ibn Abī Ṭālib est notamment étendue à l’Imâm fâtimide, tandis que les ennemis de ce dernier sont assimilés à ceux de ʿAlī. Le Kitāb al-Kašf provient également du chiisme « exagérateur » des ġulāt. Dans la mesure où ce dernier fut adopté par le nusayrisme, cela explique les parallèles que l’on peut établir entre la littérature nusayrite et le Kitāb al-Kašf. Surtout, le recueil illustre l’adaptation de données anciennes à un nouveau contexte politique : après la fondation du califat fâtimide, la doctrine ismaélienne eschatologique fut modifiée en vue de légitimer un pouvoir dynastique, ce qui entraîna une modération et un rejet des thèses caractéristiques du chiisme « extrémiste ». / The Kitāb al-Kašf is a collection of six ismaili treatises which testifies of a transitional period of Ismailism, one that witnessed the foundation of the Fatimid caliphate as a result of a several decades clandestine propaganda mission. The book is a rare document on the early Fatimid Ismailism, as well as the last years of the pre-Fatimid Ismailism. The study of its doctrines and exegesis demonstrates that it is intellectually at the crossroad of different shii branches. It builds on ancient shiism in the broad sense, of which it conserves the codes and the historiography of early Islam : particularly, ʿAlī ibn Abī Ṭālib’s spiritual and political position is extended to the Fatimid Imam’s, while the latter’s enemies are identified with ʿAlī’s. The Kitāb al-Kašf also derives from the “exaggerating” shiism of the ġulāt : as the latter was adopted by Nusayrism, this explains the parallels between the nusayri literature and the Kitāb al-Kašf. Most importantly, the collection illustrates the adjustment of ancient data to match the new political context : after the foundation of the Fatimid caliphate, the pre-Fatimid ismaili eschatological doctrine was altered in order to legitimate a dynastic power, which led to a moderation and rejection of the “extremist” shii features.

O lugar histórico do intérprete: Estudo sobre a história da interpretação de Êxodo 3 à luz das teorias hermenêuticas. / The historical locus of the interpreter: Study on the history of the interpretation of Exodus 3 in the light of hermeneutical theories.

Detienne, Claude Valentin René 11 October 2011 (has links)
Made available in DSpace on 2016-07-27T13:46:24Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 Claude Valentin Rene Detienne.pdf: 4514864 bytes, checksum: e39f016281cb94ecdccb782fb5742974 (MD5) Previous issue date: 2011-10-11 / The present thesis aims to study the relationship of the triad text-author-interpreter in the history of the exegesis of the third chapter of the book of Exodus, through the concepts of intentio auctoris, intentio operis and intentio lectoris as evidenced by Umberto Eco. The study of the commentaries of Midrash Rabbah, Cyril of Alexandria, Theodoret of Cyrrhus, Brevard Springs Childs and Jorge Pixley shows the difficulty of distinguishing the three intentiones evidenced by Umberto Eco, and defining criteria to distinguish the correct and wrong interpretations, both on theoretical level and in the hermeneutical practice of the exegetes. The thesis seeks to confirm that the absence of clear boundary between the three intentiones is due to the fact that the intentio lectoris always ends up dominating the other ones and sees in the consciousness of this fact an important tool for fighting dogmatism and the exclusivity claims that have always threatened biblical exegesis. / Esta tese tem por objetivo estudar a articulação da tríade autor-texto-intérprete na história da exegese do capitulo 3 do livro do Êxodo, através dos conceitos de intentio auctoris, intentio operis e intentio lectoris evidenciados por Umberto Eco. O estudo dos comentários do Midrash Rabbah, de Cirilo de Alexandria, de Teodoreto de Cirro, de Brevard Springs Childs e de Jorge Pixley evidencia a grande dificuldade de distinguir as três intentiones, assim como a definição de critérios para distinguir entre interpretação correta e interpretação errada, tanto no plano teórico, quanto na prática hermenêutica dos exegetas. A tese busca confirmar que a ausência de limite claro entre as três intentiones se deve ao fato de que a intentio lectoris sempre acaba se sobrepondo às outras e vê na consciência desse fato um instrumento importante na luta contra o dogmatismo e a pretensão à exclusividade que sempre ameaçaram a exegese bíblica.

De la vanité à la sagesse : introduction à la traduction du Commentaire sur l’Ecclésiaste de saint Bonaventure / From vanity to wisdom : introduction to the translation of saint Bonaventure’s Commentary on Ecclesiastes

Bossennec-Meaudre, Anne-Clotilde 08 February 2019 (has links)
Le Commentaire sur l’Ecclésiaste de saint Bonaventure se révèle être une œuvre importante dans la compréhension de la réflexion qui porte au XIII° siècle sur l’articulation entre philosophie et théologie. En effet, alors que le Commentaire reçoit une forme, la lectio, et s’apparente par sa méthode à la disputatio et à la praedicatio – toutes caractéristiques de la période scolastique –, il met en évidence l’apport de la philosophie à l’exégèse d’une part : l’importance du nombre des 89 questions au sein du Commentaire et le recours à la philosophie aristotélicienne et à la philosophie platonicienne permettent à saint Bonaventure en premier lieu de décrire et comprendre le monde, et en particulier sa mutabilité. Mais c’est aussi de la mutabilité des choses dans l’esprit de l’être humain qu’il s’agit. Quant à l’éthique, la philosophie donne des outils pour étudier la vertu. Enfin, la philosophie platonicienne fonde la distinction entre monde sensible et monde intelligible. Il met en évidence l’apport de l’exégèse à la philosophie d’autre part. Dans l’histoire de la curiosité comme concupiscence des yeux qui fait intervenir les notions centrales uti et frui. Dans l’histoire de l’anthropologie, en donnant une place très particulière à l’homme, comme union d’un corps mortel et d’une âme immortelle. Dans l’histoire de la notion d’ordre, que ce soit l’ordre de la sagesse régi par le nombre ou l’ordre de la bonté régi par le poids. Dans l’histoire de la connaissance de soi, quand l’âme se connaît comme miroir du monde et de Dieu. Toutes ces caractéristiques comptent parmi celles qui ont consacré comme un chef-d’œuvre le Commentaire de saint Bonaventure. / Saint Bonaventure’s Commentary on Ecclesiastes reveals itself as an important work to understand the reflection in the thirteenth century about the connection between philosophy and theology. Indeed, when the Commentary receives a form, the lectio, and is related by its method to the disputatio and to the praedicatio – all features of the scolastic period –, it makes obvious the contribution of philosophy to exegesis on the one hand. The importance of the number of the 89 questions within the Commentary, and the recourse to the aristotelician philosophy and to the platonician philosophy allow saint Bonaventure in the first place to describe and to understand the world, and particularly its mutability. But it is about mutability of things in the mind of human being too. As for ethic, philosophy gives tools to study virtue. At last, platonician philosophy founds the distinction between sensible world and intelligible world. It makes obvious the contribution of exegesis to philosophy on the other hand. In the history of curiosity as concupiscence of the eyes, which makes intervene the essential notions of uti and frui. In the history of anthropology, which gives a very special place to man, as union of a mortal body to an immortal soul. In the history of the notion of order, whether the order of wisdom, governed by number, or the order of goodness, governed by weight. In the history of knowledge of oneself, when the soul knows itself as mirror of the world and of God. All these characteristics are among those which have sanctioned as a masterpiece the Commentary of saint Bonaventure.

Olympiodoros the Deacon on Baruch : Introduction, Text, Translation and Commentary

Smensgård, Miriem January 2019 (has links)
No description available.

A celebração da liberdade: um estudo exegético dos cantos de Moisés e Míriam (Ex 15,1-21)

Santos, Maria Jilvaneide dos 28 October 2011 (has links)
Made available in DSpace on 2016-04-29T14:27:20Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 Maria Jilvaneide dos Santos.pdf: 810439 bytes, checksum: cf4d45023b8ccddb9ff658710fa0325a (MD5) Previous issue date: 2011-10-28 / Freedom is part of the very essence of God. Thus, due to this attribute, He is interested in everybody s freedom. This study aims to show how the people who were previously oppressed, once freed, they want to celebrate freedom with singing and dancing, in recognition of the greatness of their God who was the only hero in the fight against of the oppressive power. This study also highlights the importance of the female figure in the update of the saving action of God as expressed in the celebrative dimension of these songs. Therefore, it is an exegetical analysis that used the synchronic method but did not neglect the diachronic contribution of renowned scholars of the Exodus. The research process emphasized the beauty of literature as a means of facilitating the understanding of historical and theological dimensions of the text. The commentary style was used, verse by verse / A liberdade faz parte da essência de Deus e, por causa disso, Ele se interessa pela liberdade de todos. Esta dissertação quer mostrar como o povo dos anteriormente oprimidos, uma vez libertados, quer celebrar esta liberdade com canto e dança, no reconhecimento da magnificência do Seu Deus, o qual foi o único herói na luta contra o poder opressor. O estudo destaca também a relevância da figura feminina na atualização da ação salvífica de Deus expressa na dimensão celebrativa destes cantos. Portanto, trata-se de uma análise exegética que se utilizou do método sincrônico, mas que não negligenciou a contribuição diacrônica de renomados estudiosos do Êxodo. Tal processo de pesquisa valorizou a beleza literária como uma forma de facilitar a compreensão das dimensões histórico-teológicas do texto. Adotou-se o estilo comentário, versículo por versículo

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